Dorsey N»wi Hj Mrs. Harold Miss Dekires Wells entertained ter pupils with a Oinstmas party awl gift exchange at the Carson school on Friday Mr and Mrs Howard Graham and Leslie took Miss Marlyn to Norfolk Sunday so ste could be in the concert which was giv en by the students of the college on Sunday afternoon Mrs Lester Derickson and children called at the Harold Dshom home Saturday Mrs IL V. Hosenkrans left Wednesday f o r Minnesota to get acquainted with the new grand son Mr and Mrs Lyle Wells were O'Neill shoppers Thursday. Mrs Gordon llarta took care of David William for the Wells while they were shopping and Susan Wells visited the Carson school. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford vi sited at the Gordon liarta home Thursday. The new dial telephones have been connected in this community and everyone seems to be en joying them. Mr and Mrs Gordon Rarta and Evelyn were Norfolk business cal lers Monday, Itec. 21. Marvin Ruzicka was out in this community early Monday morning on the cream mute . Mr. and Mrs John Derickson spent Sunday at the Ijester Derick a«>n home. Miss Jo Ann Aim accompanied her grandmother, Mrs. Felix Hen dricks to O'Neill Sunday evening after the Christmas program. The young people's youth group1 at 1ha Dorsey church with the aid of some other youngsters gave a very nice Christmas program a! the fJorsey church Sunday even ing Treats at candy were given to the children after the program Mr and Mrs Willis Butterfield and David were visitors at the R I. Hughes home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Howard Graham and Leslie and Mrs. T J. Gra ham visited at the Mrs Mary Dubnchousky home in Veniigre Friday evening Clayton Bennett cabled hay Fri day for Thomas Hiscocka and Pat (Jsbom. Several from the community at tended the concert given by the students at the Lynch school on Wednesday evening. They had a 1 full house and everyone enjoyed | it The mothers of the seniors of the home scenomies class and their teacher, Mrs. NeUie Ne were entertained at a six o'clock dinner Thursday evening in the home economic room by their daughters who prepared and serv ed the meal. There was also a gift exchange among the girls and a gift was presented to Mrs. Nel son The room was decorated in red and green and a beautiful little tree added gaiety to the party. Naper News By Jslti Scbonebaimi Mr and Mrs. Martin Vogt and son of Herrick, S. D-, were Tues day evening, Dec. 15 visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett G«een and sons. 1 Mr and Mrs Carl Vogt and Mrs Wenger of Jamison went to Mobndge S. I) , on Friday and attended the concert at the Lul theran Academy on Fnday even ing They returned home on Saturday bringing Wayne Vogt and Steven Wenger home for a vacation. Mr ami Mrs. Henry Holmgren and Nola Ann and Philip Holm gren went to O Neill on Wednes day and were visitors and dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Re inhold Seiwert and Hulda Seiwert. Mrs. William Ullrich left by bus on Monday to spend the Christ mas holidays with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Ullrich and family in Chula Vista, Calif. Mrs. Harry Fuhrer and son ! were brought home on Friday from the Lynch hospital, i A large crowd enjoyed the pro gram on Thursday evening in the community hall. {Hit on by the grade pupils and some of the high school students for the bene fit of purchasing books for the library. A total of J107 was taken. It was sponsored by all the teach ers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ludemann and family of Newport were Sun day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Fuhrer and Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Green. Evening visi tors who came to help Mrs. Mar lin Green celebrate her birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Schocke niaier and family of Bonesteel, I’- ami Mrs. Albert Njealous and family and Mrs. Anna Gosch and iMkkMhliMMiMlMMIlMIlkl Alliert Mr and Mrs Pete Knuner and John Kramer went to Platte, S D., on Thursday and were dinner guests m the home of Mr and Mrs Paul Kramer They also visi ted in the George and Frank Kramer $ homes in Lake Andes. S. D.. before returning home. The choir of St Paul s Iutheran church went caroling Sunday eve ning to different homes, including Mrs. Susie Spahn, Frank Brocke maier, Lydia Ahlers. t>ave Fisc hers, Mary Nicalous, Barbara | Vogt and Mrs. Anna Herrmann i Then returning to Rev, Strack s home for a lunch and gift ex change, Albert Faatz was brought home on Thursday from the Burke hospi tal. Mrs Carl Cunningham received a phone call on Sunday from her son, Ray of Omaha telling her that Pat Vance, formerly erf Na per is ill with bleeding ulcers for the past two weeks. He Is at home now at 2103*4, Chicago St., Omaha Fred Ott of Bonesteel visited in the Albert Faatz home on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Green and sons were Friday evening visi tors in the Reinhold Fuhrer home to help Mrs. Marlin Green cele brate her birthday anniversary. Mrs, Jerome Bahm and daugh ter Robhin spent Friday after noon with Mrs. Bahm s grand parents, Mr and Mrs. J. D. Boucher in Butte. Um4*m GW4 ft Mm «»4 lata a< auta Maka aon tka Mm I M piia aa4 tka auta aaa •kmii .. aaH yau raa aama It altar •m!" Laak tarSaata ClauaTaSMtodaJL tkata'a patM a aa tka aaitoal / F * » ■ f 2 | -III I ^ ; (M iolicJa^ | v:reetincjs j C^t’s hail and hi ho! Santa* on „ hi* way! Now » the *ea*on 2 f ir fun and well-witningi *o, 2 happy holiday to alll * (Helen's Flower and Gift Shop O'Neill, Nebraska !| | May the joyous tidings of mm 1 : the first Christmas re-echo in your ! heart today and lift your spirit with that glorious promise of peace and good will for ail. Dr. It. G. Cook O'Neill, Nebraska PRE TAX SALE \ y | Buy any of the items listed below before * y December 31st and save. 2 y X New and Used Cars |j | I960 Pontiac Catalina 2-dr. Sedan iHydramatic, Radio, Heater, Back-up Lamps, I Foam Cushions, Oil Filter, Air Cleaner, Tinted | Glass, 2-speed Wipers, Deluxe Wheel Discs, | Deluxe Steering Wheel, Wildow Rails, Wind- J shield Washer, Permanent Anti-Freeze. Fac- 2 tory Delivered Price $3,358.40 Sale Price Save jf | 1958 Ford 6-passenger Station Wagon * 1956 Pontiac 6-passenger Station Wagon jjj 1954 Pontiac 4-dr. Chieftain 8 Deluxe Sedan | 1957 Ford 2-dr. 8 Fairlane j* 2 M - - V New and Used Machinery - New Idea No. 300 2-row Pull-type Picker 5 New Idea 95-bu. No. 17 Pull-type Manure Spreader * New Idea 95-bu. No. 200 PTO Manure Spreader %■ Used Model E MM Corn Shelter (Completely reconditioned) 5 Used Model D MM Corn Shelter (Completely »j !* reconditioned) Used Duncan Loader w /brackets for John Deere * Used New Idea Horn Loader w / brackets for « \ IHC H or M i New Horn Loader to fit any tractor « I t Appliances 1 ■ New Maytag Washers, Dryers and Deep Freezer * (15' Chest Type) I New Admiral Refrigerators and Deep Freezer £ ; (2T Upright) [ New Admiral Electric Range, 30" | I ; DeLaval Milkers and Separators | » See us before the 1st of the year and SAVE— ? SAVE-SAVE! % I i " M i WM. KROTTER CO. * O'Neill Phone 531 | | “SERVING NORTH-CENTRAL NEBRASKA SINCE 1891” ! ^|j? Our wishes ring out 1 ’ for a season filled with joy , ...with lovt...vJU*» T '"-' t ! I Northwest Electric 4 Motor Service O'Neill, Nebraska / J That Keeps On Giving the frontier nSl Times ft Year ftl\ The News • • • COUPON The Frontier Circulation Dept. Box 330, O’Neill, Nebr. Please enter our order for _ Gift Subscriptions. I understand that a colorful Gift Card will be forwarded to the person or persons for whom the subscriptions are intended. I a Enclosed is (cash) (check) (money order). (Your iignature) Name ___ Rural Route, Street or Box ___ City-State__ Nam* __ oral Route, Street or Box j City _ Name Rural Route, Street or Bex - - aty ' ■ -