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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1959)
Venut News By Mrs. Ralph HruokSoiuw* r Mr and Mrs. Delbert Boelter of Creighton and Mr and Mrs Elmer Alder and family of Em mett were Sunday. December 6 visitors at the home of Edna Boehar. Mrs Boelter was a patient at the Neligh hospital from Monday till Friday. Mr and Mrs Delbert Boelter operated the Walnut tele phone swt tih board during this time, Mr and Mrs. F. E Pierce at tended the board of directors meeting of the Nebraska School Improvement association at Lincoln Monday Mr and Mrs David Darr and family of Lincoln were last week end guests at the home of the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs H. J. LeMasters Mr. and Mr3. Ora Caskey and twins were Saturday evening visi tors at the Harry Caskey home. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Caskey and daughter returned Saturday from Spirit I-akc, la., where they visited the later's sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs Al-1 vin Strope. Wendell Strope shelled corn at the Harry Caskey and Ralph Brookhouser farms Monday. Mr and Mrs Ora Caskey and twins were Sunday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Edwin Porter. Shirleen Kay, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mr* Larry Pilar. Center wa* baptized Sunday at the Venu* St Paul* Lutheran church by Rev Walter Seefeldt of Orchard Sponsor* were Mr and Mr* Richard Cook, aunt and uncle of die little miss. TTu* pilars were guests of Mr and Mrs Cook that day. Sunday Mr and Mrs Rena Boelter and family of Lynch and Mr and Mrs Floyd Butterfield erf Atkinson visited at the later's sister and brother-in-law s home Mr. and Mrs. James Pod any and Clayton and Richard Mr and Mrs Kenneth Caskey % isited Monday evening at the of her mother. Mrs Mabel Bennett and Ned Bennett, who will leave this week for camp after spending a furlough with his mother and relatives. Mr and Mrs Harry Caskey were Verdigre visitors Tuesday afternoon Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Butterfi Id visited at the hom<* of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Caskey Sunday and Mr and Mrs. Ralph Bmokhouser were Tuesday visitors Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch were Monday evening, December 7 vi sitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch. The Perry Adams, jr., farm home which has been vacant for the last couple of years since Mr and Mrs. Adams moved to the sr. Adam’s farm home was purchased and moved by W W Strop*' and sons recently to the farm where Mr and Mrs Wayne Strop* will live. Mr and Mrs James Podany cal led at the H J I ^Masters and Max LeMaster, Ralph Brookhouser and Fred Uhlir homes Tuesday. Word was received here of the death of Mrs Harold Pospeshils mother on Thursday, December 3 She resided at Sioux City, Mrs Lavada hrnest accom panied Mrs Ralph Brookhouser to Creighton Saturday. December 5 Mrs Otto Mitties. Mrs Clarence Finch and Mrs Ralph Brook houser were among those that at tended. the Qmstmas party at the home of Mrs Paul Wegner. Creighton Mrs. Frank Zila of Creighton, mother of Mrs Mervin Strope jr., 1 is recovering from a stroke she suffered recently She is a patient at an Omaha hospital. holt County Board Proceedings O'Neill. Nebr. Oct. 30, 1959 10:00 A M Holt County Board of Supervi sors met as per adjournment. All members present Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The Finance Committee reported that the fees of the various County Offices have been remitted to the County Treasurer, as required by IflW I Motion by Dierking, seconded by Smith, that due to a clerical error, the levy of School District No 3 be changed from 1.14 to 11 4 for tax purposes for 1959. Motion car ried. Motion by Ernst, seconded by Landreth, that the following War-, rants be cancelled Motion car ried. Buis Memorial Home Old Age Assistance Fund $100.00 L u E 1 1 a Titterington Old Age Assistance Fund $ 70.00 Motion bv McConnell, seconded by Hood, that the County Clerk be given permission to exchange U. S. Treasury Bond No. 11429 of the First National Bank, O'Neill, Nebr. Motion carried. 11:00 A M. On motion the Board adjourned up'1' 1 00 PM. O'Neill, Nebr. Oct 30. 1959 1:00 P.M. Holt County Board of Supervi sors met as per adjournment. All memhers present, adjourned unti1 Nov. 16; 1959 at aadjoumed until Nov. 16, 1959 at 10:00 A M. Motion carried. Frank Cronk CHAIRMAN Kenneth Waring COUNTY CLERK O'Neill, Nebr. Nov. 16, 1959 10:00 A M. Holt County Board of Supervi sors met as per adjournment. All mem'ers present. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Motion by Smith, seconded by McConnell, that the following Claims be a’lowed and Warrants Western Republican Valley Herefords -Will Sell 55 BULLS 55 Horned Herefords THEDFORD, NEBRASKA Livestock Sales Company MONDAY. DEC. 21 Size Breeding Gainability Conformation Light Color From These Herds Marvin Mills Gilbert Ochsner St. Francis, Kans. St. Francis, Kans. Keller Herefords Chris Ferguson St. Francis, Kans. St. Francis, Kans. Harry Schlepp Thad J. Douthit St. Francis, Kans. St. Francis. Kans. E. J. Keller FJS Herefords St. Francis, Kans. Haigler, Nebr. - - ■ ■ vm «■> wr » lin gwi Ktrmn New DX BORON Ultra Special Motor Oil Ultimate in all-weather protection. Gives up to 18% foster starting. Reduces oil consump tion up to 20%. Steps up gasoline octane performance. Increases milecge up to 4 miles per gallon. Reduces deposits, prevents pre-ignition. Plus miracle cleansing action. New DX BORON Extra Heavy Duty Motor OH Recommended for all driving conditions, particularly stop-and-gn driving. Improves gasoline mileage. Steps up gasoline octane performance. Drastically reduces deposits and sludge. Retords pre-ignition. Cuts oil consumption. Plut miracle cleansing action Illustration by Mol Hunter, America's foremost illustrator of missiles* rockets. New DX Boron Motor Oils ... with miracle cleansing action ... give you the cleanest engine irt the world! From the multimillion-dollar research lab oratories of DX Sunray comes the greatest motor oil advancement in years. DX scientists have again harnessed the century s wonder element, boron, for use in automobiles. Now they have perfected new DX Boron Motor Oita—the motor oils of the Space Age. These history making motor oils bring you miracle cleansing action. They give you the cleanest engine in the world. They conquer , sludge. They unleash hidden engine power and greatly improve gasoline mileage. DX Boron Motor Oils are new from start to finish. Try them. They’re guaranteed in writ * ing to be America’s finest motor oils! t I t ‘ Tine More New DX Motor Oils: DX Heovy Duty, populor-prlced * detergent oil. DX Diamond, pre I mium non-detergent oil. DX Pow* g/ of prot/uc(f i. «r. non-detergent economy oiL yQu ytnjg( ,ervict you remember. DX SUNRAY Oil COMPANY • Subsidiary ol Sunray Mid-Contlnant Oil Cc-npany • Tulsa, Oklahoma • © 1959 DX Products are distributed in this Territory by I ! LINDBERG PETROLEUM COMPANY % ordered drawn on the General Fund m payment of same. Motion carried. Rob Bottorff. blood test for for alcohol content ..— 7 J6 Bancroft Whitney Co., of fice suppll— 1-37*, Bob Bottroff, blood test for alcohol content -- ' ^ Dolores Boyle, salary- 210 00 Bncker Business Eqpt. Go., office supplies 4 City of O'Neill, Water De^ part merit . 18 ®, Consumers Public Power District, electric ser vice _ —-—- 144.92 A B, Dick Products Co , ! office supplies_ 5-41 Harlan A lherking, mile age _ 40 80 Clarence Ernst, salary 137 50 Walter Pick, mileage for attending redistricting > meetings —.- 13.321 Alice L. French, salary 383.331 Alice L. French, mileage 56 48 L. G. Gillespie, bond fees 330.00 Grahams ,-66" Service, supplies for courthouse 1 40 Oscar Grunke & Herman _ ! Grunke, right of way __ 75 00 j J. Ed Hancock, salary 383 33 j J Ed Hancock, Co. Treas., postage 17.001 Esther Harris, postage 6 25 | Alvin H. Heese. Vet. Ser- i vice Officer, mileage 8 96 Helen Ann Johnson, salary 210.00 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co,, gas service for court houie 122.65 M. V. Landreth, salary 137.50 Joanne Lansworth, salary 235.00 Howard D. Manson, salary 366 66 Moore Noble Lumlier Co., f^mairs: fnr rmirthnilSP 7.14 Moore Noble Lumber Co., Auto Gates for Right of Way for Road 270.00 James Mullen, mileage 32 70 Nora Mullen, salary 235.00 Eli McConnell, salary 137.50 Eli McCbnnell, mileage 47 12 Norfolk Office Eqpt., of fice supplies 19.58 Northwestern Bell Tele phone Office, telephone services . 250 03 Ponton Agency, Insurance premium 60.00 Louis W. Reimer, Co. Judge, postage 8.00 J. P. Riley, tearing out fence on Right of Way 28.00 Ophelia Sessions, salary 235 00 Sheridan County Treasurer, Quarterly County Funds to meet expenses of Dis trict Probation Office 12.40 St. Anthony's Hospital, blood test for alcohol con tent 2.00 Leo S. Tomjack, salary 308.33 Leo S. Tomjack. mileage 123.12 Leo S. Tomjack, jailor fee 46.50 Leo S. Tomjack, prisioner board 168.00 Mrs. Leo S. Tomjrck, ma tron fee 62.00 Joyce Waller, salary 108 00 Kenneth Waring, salary 383.33 Wm. F. Wefso, salary 383.33 Wm. F. Wefso, Co. Asses sor, mileage & expenses to Convention 82.20 West Publishing Co., of i fice supplies _ 30.00 John L. Blair, salary 191.54 Bob Bottorff. blood tests for alcohol content . 15.00 Bricksr Business Eqpt. Co., office supplies _ 14.95 Cobbs Mfg. Co., office sup plies 35.00 Frank Cronk, salary 137.50 Frank Cronk. mileage 58.54 Harlan A. Dierking, salary 137.50 Dudleys, cleaning services 15.84 Clarence Ernst, mileage 26.40 Edw N Flood, salary 137.50 J. R. Freeman Chemical Uo., supplies ror coun house ---- 228.61 Alice L. French, postage 15.83 Norman Gonderinger. ser vices as Special County Attorney 20.00 William W. Griffin, salary 283.33 Hammond & Stephens Co., office supplies 75.00 Esther Harris, salary 260.00 Alvin H. Heese, salary 333 33 Holt County Extension Ser vice 280.55 Holt County Independent, subscription fee for paper for Welfare Office 2.50 Clara Kirkland, salary 210.00 Klopp Printing Co., of fice supplies 52.79 M. V. Landreth. mileage 20.56 Ludi Printing Co., tax re ceipts , 79503 Howard D. Manson, Clerk of District Court, court costs 90.15 Moore Noble Lumber Co., coal for annex 464.90 Virginia Morrow, salary 235 00 James Mullen, salary 260.00 Frank C. McClanahan, M.D., blood test . 6.00 National Rehabilitation As sociation, membership dues for one year _ 5.00 for annex . 64.95 for annnex 64.95 Ixtuis W. Reimer, salary 416.66 Charles Richter, salary _ 285.00 Neil Ryan, right of Way 465.00 Servall Towel and Linen Supply Co., towel service for courthouse 10.85 Walter A. Smith, salary 137.50 Walter A. Smith, mileage 44.72 Spelts Ray Lumber Co., sander & edger rent 6.00 Stephenson School Supply Co., office supplies 120.82 Leo S. Tomjack, Costs of Advertising on Sales not confirmed on Old Age As sistance Forclosure 53 01 i University Publishing Co., office supplies ..._ 6.61 , Kenneth Waring, County Clerk, postage 11.31 Western Typewriter Co., of 1 fice on rent machine 10.00 • Ailene Wilkinson, salary 235.00 Motion by Flood, seconded by R Dierking, that the following claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Road Fund in Pay ment of same. Motion earned. Delbert Anson, labor 301 25 Bernts Auto Service, parts 15-10 * John Bonenherger, hauling n clay 301.00 Ed Brandt, labor 297.50 b Central Supply Go , parts . 28 00 b Coast to Coast Store sup- d plies 19.97 r Atkinson Sand & Gravel 1 gravel 525 00 t Karl Bernt, labor 260.00 John Bonenherger, hauling gravel 124 23 1 Elden • Butterfield, hauling caly 329.00 Chambers Independent 1 Telephone Go., telephone 8.85 \ Norris W. Coats, supplies 7-27 \ Consumers Public Power District, electric service for County Shed — 2.00 J Davis Oil Co., supplies 52 42 C Durre Service Station, supplies 308 65 ( Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. I Co., parts 54.17 1 First National Bank, ma chinery payment . - - 361.25 J Galyen Motor Co., supplies repairs & repairing eqpt. 120.99 ' Grahams ''66' Service, sup plies 58 M Hargadon Eqpt. Co., parts 10.58 Edwin Hoerle, supplies — 7.85 1 A1 Holbrook, labor 260 00 I Island Supply Welding Co., i parts 12.85 i Island Supply Welding Co., r * 01(1 1 jjcu i 1 Keating Implement Co., < parts 33.41; Wm. E. Kelley, labor 312.50 H Tom King, hauling clay 281.75 Max Kunz, labor 53 90 Mattson Repair, repairs and repairing eqpt. — 19.30 Miller Service, supplies 155 03 Moore Noble Lumber Co., supplies 6.90 Lyle McKim, labor 152.00 Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt. Co., machinery rental 293.11 Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Corp., electric service for County Shed — 2.66 Asa Norton, hauling clay 316.75 j Page Oil Co., supplies 157.10 j V K. Peterson, repairing eqpt. 4.13 Rays Service, supplies 54.62 Fred Roberts, labor 232 25 Frank J. Schaaf, hauling gravel 85.75 S e r v a 11 Towell & Linen Supply Co., towel service for County Shed 3.20 Spelts Ray Lumber Co., lath 3.50 Frank Tracy, labor 329.33 Frank Tracy, parts 4.50 Erven Van Cleave, hauling clay 327.25 Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co., supplies 19350 Construction Service Eqpt. Co., parts 89.55 j Continental Oil Co., sup plies 479.03 I Dankert Service, supplies 102.71 i Frank Peterman, labor _ 65.00, Earley Oil Co., supplies .. 302.67 j Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. Co., parts 34.49 TTircf National nlr m;i chinery payment 430.52 Force Tire & Supply Co., tire 92.14 Floyd P. Gettert. labor 209 00 Gillette and Son, supplies 33.29 Ronald Haake, labor 314.40 Hilco, Inc., parts 72.50 j Donald Hoffman, tractor hire 16.00 Holt County Noxious Weed District, brush weed kil ler 77.90 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co., gas service for County Shed 16.55 ! D. A. Kersenbrock, diesel fuel 36.98 Wm. Krotter & Co., sup plies 5.61 ! I/ihaus Motor Co., repairs & repairing services 15.66 j A. Marcel lus Chev. Co., parts 7.35 Missouri Valley Machinery Co., parts 47 Tony Mudloff, labor 352.30 Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt. Co., parts 47.50 Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt. Co., parts 91.33 Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt. Co., parts 24.57 Northwest Electric, repair ing services 19-95 Northwestern Bell Tele phone Co., telephone ser vices 33.25 Herman Orsbom, hauling clay 329.00 V. K. Peterson, repairing eqpt. . 64.78 Pollack Sand & Gravel, gravel 696.70 Fred Roberts, labor 82.50 j Frank J. Schaaf, hauling clay 329.00 Calvin Seger, labor 359.30 Richard Shain, lat>or 323.75 Shaw Oil Co., supplies 164.85 Stuart Light Plant, water & electric service for County shed 3.25 , C. W. Trobaugh, labor 203.50 J Ivan L. Wayman, labor 306.88 -- INCOME TAX SERVICE For assistance in making out your 1959 Income Tax Return, see— FLORENCE PONTON Golden Hotel Corner Phone 106 - O'Neill Please Make Appointments I i I ay Withe rw ax, hauling day 329.00 O’Neill, Nebr Nov. 16, 1959 1:00 PM. Holt County Board of Super* i irs met as per adjournment. All iemt>ers present. Motion by McConnell, seconded y Ernst, that the following Claims a allowed ami Warrants ordered rawn on the Bridge Fund in pay lent of same Motion carried Id Brandt, labor 12 50 entral Supply & Eqpt Co., bridge supplies & sign posts 752 85 [amik Standard Service, supplies & repairing eqpt. 562 leating Implement Co., parts 52 05 I’m. Siebort, labor 195 80 i'heeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co., bridge re pairs 75 85 oe Burda, labor 184.80 lontinental Oil Co., sup plies _. 139.15 ’.alyen Motor Co., gas 133 16 >an Hurley, labor 210 10 "rank Johnson, labor 258 70 ohn Osborne, labor 124.30 Ipelts Ray I .umber Co, bridge lumber 4022.10 Vheeler Lumlier Bridge & Supply Co., bridge lumber 1368.00 Motion by Smith, seconded by Hood, that the following Claims >o allowed and Warrants ordered lrawn on the Road Bridge Fund n payment of same. Motion car ted. larrison Bridge, supplies 4 40 Clark Bros, Transfer, freight charges 2.00 Continental Oil Co., sup plies 53.70 Eehrs Tractor & Eqpt. Co., parts 1 Eloyd P. Gettert, labor 24.50 \’m Krotter & Co., sup plies 7.19 C,yle McKim. labor 34.00 Northwest Electric, repair ing services 6 00 Central Supply & Eqpt. Co., signs _ - 92.50 Morris Coats, supplies 6.44 Earley Oil Co., supplies 4 51 Eehrs Tractor & Eqpt Co., parts 33.22 Chas. Jensen, work on ele grader _ 700 A Marcellus Ches Go., re pairs and repairing eqpt, 23.48 Motion by McConnell, seconded by Dterking that the following Claims he allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Mail Route Fund in payment of same. Mo tion carried. Elden Butterfield, hauling gravel 11 80 Floyd P. Gettert. labor 12100 Tom King, hauling gravel 112.00 Asa Norton, hauling gravel 112 00 1 Pollack Sand & Gravel, gravel A hauling gra\el 1285 20 Ray Witherwax, hauling gravel - 112 00 John Ronenherger, hauling gravel 10150 Hill Sand & Gravel, gravel 420 00 Wm. Krotter A Son. gravel 1082 12 Herman Or*born, hauling gravel 11200 Frank Schaaf, hauling gravel _._112 00 Erven Van Cleave, haul ing gravel 112 00 j Motion by Ernst, seconded by Flood, that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Medical Fund in payment of same. Motion car ried Dr. L. E. Alkire 6 00 Aid to the Disabled 51 75 Blind Assistance Fund 70 19 DeVoy Rexall Drug 70 17 Grant Nursing Home 46 76 Hoffmeister Nursing Home 75.00 Johnson Drug 25.30 Link Ding Store ... 5 25 Mrs. Charles McMillan 22.50 Drs Ramsay & Pisar 114.65 Schultz Drug Store 49.10 Daisy Taylor 58.63 LuElla Titterington 15 50 Dr C D. Williams 3.00 Drs. Wilson and Waters 86.00 Dr Robert Anderson 3.00 Mabel Iloies 51.99 i Dr. George Carstens 12 00 Dr D L Fletcher 26.00 Christine Hoffmeister 25.48 Jensen Drug 31 68 Drs. Keown A Muffl 4 00 Maude Martin 16.57 Old Age Assistance Fund 532.00 Thad E. Saunders 70.00 St. Anthony's Hospital 10.06 Mrs. Doris Tenborg 17.50 Mary WeUler . 8 50 YUson Drug store 169 85 Motion by McConnell, seconded >y Landreth that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants irdered dravtn on the Unemploy ment Relief Fund in payment of same Motion earned. Administration Fund 425 t9 James Newman 25.00 Mrs Roy Thurlow 25 DO Moore Noble l-umlier A Coal Co .'4 50 Newport Lumber Company 3.02 Motion by Ijindreth, seconded by McConnell, that the following Lpase Agreement 1h> adopted. Mil lion canned RESOLVED, that Holt County enter into a County Lease Agree ment with Missouri Valley Ma chinery Company, of 401 North 12th Street. Omaha. Nebraska, for a period commencing on the 10th day of November. 1959 and ending on ti e 30th day of June 1960, upon the terms and conditions contained in a proposed draft suhmitte 1 and considered by the members at said Meeting, and I further certify tbnt tiie within County 1 .ease Agree ment was executed by the County Board at the County Court House of Holt County, and that the same was signed by a majority of tiie members of said County Board 1 hereby further certify that the budget adopted by the County foi the current year contains an ap propriation for payment of the rentals due under and pursuant to the within County I .ease Agree ment and that the following: Kdw. N Flood M V Landreth. Clarence Ernst, Frank Cronk, Harlan A Dierking, Walter A Smith and Fli McConnell, are the duly elected members of the County Hoard of said County and that a copy of the foregoing I .ease was filed with me this 16th day of Novemlier at I 00 o’clock at i’.M, and duly re corded in the Official Records of this County, as provided by law. Kenneth Waring, County Clerk 4:00 P.M. On motion (lie Hoard adjourned until Nov. 30, 1959 at II :<X) A.M. Frank Cronk CHAIRMAN Kenneth Waring COUNTY CLERK Public Sale I'm Overstocked !!! Attend This Auction For Real Bargains! Friday, December Sale Starts At 1:00 p.m. Westinghouse conventional washer Westinghouse Automatic Washer Maytag Automatic Washer 3 Gas kitchen stoves Croquet set Rock-Ola Juke box 4 Electric refrigerators Gas refrigerator Mangle, automatic 4 Chrome dinette sets !3 Wood dinette sets 3 Dining room sets 2 Dining room tables i writing desk 3 Kitchen cabinets 2 buffets 5 Occasional chairs 16 Odd chairs Hide-A-Bed 6 rocking chairs Studio couch 2 Wall mirrors Electric grill 2 Floor lamps 6 Complete beds 2 Electric irons Bird Cage Clothes closet __ 2 Bed frames ^ Kitchen stools % Maytag Deep-freeze § Roll-away bed I* 4 Kerosene stoves | Coal and wood stove, large | 3 5' x 10' Snooker tables, complete | 2 Baby strollers > 17" Television, new tube Portable wood clothes dryer | Baby crib, mattress and spring | Treadle sewing machine 18" Ventilating fan with Va motor cement oiock making machine 2 55 Gal oil drums with spigots Battery charger Small gas heating stove 3 Complete overstuffed cafe booths 3-Speed phonograph 2 Electric kitchen stoves * 2 Apartment size Gas kitchen stoves ? 3 Drop leaf kitchen tables 2 Matching settees Battery type radio Double hot plate , 2 Storage type kitchen tables i 4 Bedroom dressers with mirrors 5 Plaastic covered sleeper • f Terms Cash Pete’s Furniture I O'Neill' Nebraska | IV2 Blocks South Of The Stop Light on West Side Of Slreet. | Col. Wally O'Connell, Auctioneer Ec! Murphy, Clerk I *