The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 17, 1959, Image 8

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    Rock Falls News
By Mr*. Floyd Johnooa
I almost didn't get back be
fore Christmas, did I? 1 thought
I had succeeded in dodging that
flu bug, but no such luck Per
haps I zigged when I should have
ragged or something. And how is
everyone at your house? It seems
everyone has ta-en caught up in
the usual whirl of excitement that
is pievalant at this time of year.
Hasn't this been a lovely month
up to now, which Lsn t more than
right after the rough weather last
month A nice time for folks who
have teenagers m high school to
go out and watch the basketball
games, also to attend the Christ
mas programs put on by child*
ren in rural districts. They work
hard at these so show your ap
preciation by attending and giving
them a hand.
Mr and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and
Mr and Mrs. Sam Derickson
motored to Norfolk last Tuesday.
Little Mark Derickson spent the
day with Mrs Don Hynes and
Shelley and Russell Derickson
came home from school with Linda
Hynes Janice and Tommy Ve
quist were after school and su[>
I»er guests of their grandparents,
Mr and Mrs. Henry Vequist.
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Juracek
and girls were evening guests at
the Lion Hynes home on Decem
ber 1L.
Mrs. Ethel Brown of Atkinson
visited the Lou Brown family
from December 6 to 9
Francis Stems and Floyd John
son were evening visitors at the
I,«Kn hnmn iin T
7. They passed the time with a
few games of cards.
Mrs. Ethel Brown spent the eve
ning of December 8 with the
John Schultz family. Mrs. Inu
Brown, Terry and Cindy called
for her later.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson vi
sited at the James Curran home
»in the evening of December 10.
December 6 supper and even
ing guests of the Floyd Johnson
family wen' Gwenda, Trudy, Deb
bie and Scott Schultz, Mr. and Mrs
Gale Taylor and Lester Water
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultd at
tended the annual turkey supper
and dance of the O'Neill Rodeo As
sociation at the I-egion hall in
O'Neill on December 6 evening.
Mrs Kathryn Yantzi accom
panied by Mrs Louis Goekie spent
the weekend in Chadron with their
son anti daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Yantzi and children They all
planned on going to Omaha for a
day or two, also.
Mr. and Mrs James Curran
and Ardell visited Mrs Delia Ernst
and called at the Waldman and
Peterson homes in Amelia on Sun
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson
and Ixrys visited at the John
Schultz home on Friday evening.
John Richardson was an even
ing guest of the James Curran
family on December 8. They had
a lively game of two of cards.
Mr and Mrs. George Calkins
spent Sunday at the home of
their daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Hynes.
Floyd and Linda Johnson, John
Schultz and Dan Rakes attended
the trial of Mrs. Sadie Dickerson
in Butte on Monday, who with
her son is held in connection with
the murder of another son last
summer as you have seen else
where in your paper
Mr and Mrs Floyd Johnson
spent an afternoon and evening at
the James Curran home recently.
I luring the time while chatting.
Floyd worked on their telephone
which hadn't been ringing in very
well. It is feported that It can lie
heard as far as town now At
least we don’t have any trouble
I calling there anymore.
Other afternoon callers that day
were Mrs. Lela Ernst of Wichita,
Kan., anti her sister, Mrs Ruth
Alstadt of Salina, Kan., also Mrs.
Delia Ernst of Amelia where they
had been overnight guests,
T>eeember 5 weekend guests at
, the Albeit Stems home were Mr.
and Mrs. Neil Davis and Mr. and
Mrs Floyd Barnes Mrs. Davis and
Mr. Bamesarc sister and brother
of Mrs. Stems.
Naper News
By .Mrs. John Schonebaum
Sunday dinner guests in the
John Camin home to help Mr
Camin observe his 74th birthday
were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sehocke
maier ami family of Bone steel and
Mrs. John Bohnet and Wilmer.
Afternoon guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Camin and son of
Butte and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Camin of Anoka.
Mrs. Edward Peppel accom
panied her parents, Mr. and Mrs
J. E. Dvorak of Bones tee 1 to Sioux
Falls, S. D., on Friday where they
spent until Sunday at the home of
her grandmother and uncle, Mrs.
W J Steimer and Leo. They were
Friday dinner guests at the C.
C. Stepanek home at Talior. S D.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stahlecker
„ Me 'Owl M PC I !1 111.
rente Ahlers on Thursday morning
to Denver, Colo., where they
spent till Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Seih and family.
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs.
i Mary Nicalous and Mr. and Mrs.
Cliff Lund were Mr. and Mrs.
Jake Zimbelman, Mr and Mrs.
Roy McCoski and family and Mrs.
Raul, Mr and Mrs. John Nicalous
and Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Nicalous and son of Butte,
Henry Zimbelman, all of St.
Metha Beck of Winner, S. D., Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Nicalous and son,
Mr and Mrs. Everett Green and
sons and Mr. and Mrs Lester
Nuemiller and family. Afternoon
visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Nicalous and family.
Julius Serr ami grandson,
Stevie Sparks went to Ewing on
Friday and visited in the home
! of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mlnarik and
were overnight guests. Saturday
morning they left for Norfolk
where Steve took a navy test. They
came as far as Clearwater and
spent Saturday night with his
brother, Fred.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maertin
and Jacob Blum were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Ludemann and daughter of St.
Charles, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene King and
Mrs. Katie Berg of Norfolk and
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brockemaier
anil family were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent !
Small and family.
Albert Faatz was admitted to
Burke hospital on Thursday, where
he is still a patient.
Mr and Mrs Albert Stahlecker
of Yakima, Wash , came Satur
day afternoon from Burwell where
they had been visiting with their
children and will spend several
days visiting with relatives and
fnends here, before going back
to Burwell.
Mr. and Mrs Marlin Green and
Dennis and Dale Schonefeld were
Tuesday evening, Dec. 8 guests in
the Everett Green home to help
Dennis Green celebrate his 17th
Mr and Mrs Con Sattler were
Sunday evening visitors in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold
Mrs. Marlin Green was taken to
the Lynch hospital on Thursday
morning for medical care. She was
brought home on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. I ton Vogt and son
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Boem and
Mr and Mrs Albert Nicalous
and family of Fairfax were
Wednesday evening visitors in the
Reinhold Fuhrer home.
Chambers News
By .Mr*. E. R. Carpenter
Keller club met Wednesday, Dec.
h in the home of Mrs. Louis Neilson ,
with Mrs. G. H. Grimes co-host
ess. Roll call was answered by
telling of the gift most difficult
to choose. The president reminded
all to take their Butter-Nut coffee
key strips to the store before De
cember 15. It was voted to give i
the usual $5.00 to the Nebraska
Childrens’ home.
When the matter of election of
officers came up it was unani
mously decided that all present
officers would serve another year.
Mrs George Cameron, a guest ac
cepted an invitation to join the
club. A brief program and social
tim<» wn<: pn ioved followed bv
Mr. and Mrs. James Butts and
children of Ijexington came Fri
day. Dec. 11. Saturday they drove
to Sioux City, la. to visit her fa
ther, Robert Gartner, patient at
St. Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Gart
ner, who had been writh her hus
band since has injury, accompa
nied them back to Chambers for
a few days. She reports that the
doctors still are hopeful of sav
ing the injured leg, though it is
still too soon to be sure.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Gillette,
Mary Ellen and Darrel Lee drove
to Grand Island Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Shoemaker
of Lincoln were weekend guests of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Shoemaker.
Mrs. Paul Roth and daughter,
Mrs. Elwyn Robertson and chil
dren spent the weekend with rela
tives at Columbus.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McAllister,
sr. and daughter, Jo Anne of Te
kamah, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale
McAllister and sons of Creighton
were Friday and Saturday guests
of Mrs. Jack McAllister’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilbert.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmidt,
Wayne Hoffman, Glen Taylor and
Erwin Carpenter called on Ed
Coday at the Veterans hospital in
Grand Island recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz are
the owners of a new car.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gilbert and
daughters of Stuart were supper
guests Friday of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs Andrew Gilbert.
Mr and Mrs Edgar DeHart at
tended a dinner given for the Pio
neer Seed Co dealers and their
wives at Norfolk Thursday, Dec
Mr and Mrs Lawrence Barnett
and daughter, Cbnnie. of Greeley,
Colo, arrived Saturday for a few
days visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs T E. Alderson and other
relatives and friends. They left
Tuesday for home accompanied by
his parents, Mr and Mirs S. B
Barnett of Amelia, who will visit
until after Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
were in Grand Island Thursday.
Dec. 10 on business.
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cox took
their daughter, Mrs Dale Finney
and Cheryl Ann to Sioux City, la
Friday where they took the train
to their home at Prairie du Oiien,
Wis. The Cox' returned home Sat
Art Walter came home Satur
day from St. Anthony's hospital
after having surgery Sunday, Dec.
Mrs. Ed Codav and son, Danny,
drove to Grand Island Saturday
and spent until Sunday afternoon
with her husband at the Veterans
Mrs Fred Tucker went to Wayne
Sunday to visit relatives. She re
turned Monday.
Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell visited
in the Clarence Knox home Sun
Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell
were Sunday afternoon guests in
the Elwin Rubeck home.
The Chambers township is erect
ing a hollow tile building in the
west part of town to house the
maintainor and other township
Sunday evening guests in the
Seymore Harkins home were Mr
and Mrs. George Cameron, Mr
and Mrs. Elmer Lenz. Mr. and
Mrs. John Honeywell, and Mrs
Elsie Otter.
The Chambers post office has
recently undergone a complete re
modeling with all new boxes and
other fixtures, paint, venitian
blinds, etc., making it a very at
tractive place and much more
convenient for the postal workers.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dankert and
family were Sunday dinner guests
in the Wayne Peterson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blair at
tended the funeral of his brother
at Spencer Monday.
Ruth Ann Damme, student nurse
spent the weekend with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs Clarence
Damme and family. Miss Damme
has spent the past three months in
Denver, Colo, where she took ped
iatric training. She will be in the
hospital for further training.
Ruben Miller of Lincoln was also
a weekend guest of the Dammes.
Mr. and Mrs. William Turner
drove to Battle Creek Sunday to
visit his brother-in-law and sister.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Nolte and his
mother, Mrs. Ina Turner.
Deloit News
By Mrs. II. Rcimcr
The H. E. O. club met Thurs
day at the Glenn Harpster home
for a covered dish dinner and
Christmas party. All members but
one were present. Candy recipes
were exchanged and also samples
of the candy. A donation was made
to the Opportunity Center in Nor
Mr and Mrs Maynard Steam*
spent W ednesday in Sioux City . j.
They spent the evening visiting
friends there.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner of
Ewing visited Mrs. Mary Steams
on Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Ralph Toni jack went to
Omaha Wednesday by bus to j
visit her daughter, Mis. Gene Ray
and family.
The bridge at Deloit has been
out this week and is being re-j
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tomjack!
visited her mother, Mrs. Myrtle
Jewell in Dallas, S. D., on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer
spent Sunday at the Mike Bom
home in Plainview.
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Sisson will
leave Washington where he is in
service on December 22. They 1
will spend his 10 day leave w ith i
relatives here.
Irvan Chrision is believ ed suf-.
feruig with lukemia and is in the
Veterans hospital in Omaha.
Mr. and Mi's. Carl Christon of
Denver, Colo., are expected to ar
rive December 17.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer called
on Mrs. Mary Steams Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson |
are leav ing Anchorage, Alaska by
plane December 18 and will arrive
in Lrnfoln December 19 for Christ
mas. They will spend the winter
in the South.
The Deloit Pinochle club had a
party at the Lambert Bartak home
Wednesday evening. Mrs. H.
Werkmeister and Bud Bartak won
ViIitR Vlr nil Mrc JtVlinlf
Miller low and Carl Thiele travel
ing award. Mrs. Ijouis IMfahl and
Mrs. Charles McDonald were as
sisting hostesses.
The Christian Mothers of the
St. John's church held their an
nual Christmas party on Sunday.
A large crowd attended.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Saltonstall and
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Saltonstall of
Norfolk were Sunday dinner guests
at the Bill Gibbs home.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McDon
ald and family were Sunday din
ner guests at the Watson McDon
ald home. Their two month old
daughter, Christina Rae was
christened at the Lutheran church
in Clearwater on Sunday. Virginia
McDonald spent the wt“ekend at
Venus News
By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser
VENUS Rev. Dale Homback,
pastor of the Venus Wesleyan
Methodist church is in the Neligh
hospital with a broken pelvis bone
resulting from a fall.
—-j j|
- — : *
Dr. Donald E. David
Eyes Examined
Glasses Fitted
Phon© 2101 Spencer £
■■■■■■ ■ ■' v
] Santa is coming to|0'NeiII
| Saturday, Pec. 19th
THE JOLLY OL' FELLOW, busy as he is, wants to greet all the
I* small fry in the O'Neill area at the O'Neill Public School at 2 p.m. ' f"
j‘ HE'LL BE LADEN with treats for the kiddies . . . he'll want to ’ \
J' spend a few moments with all the youngsters — learning their J
J. wants. J
^; ATTENTION KIDS: Better be able to report to Santa that you've ' *
* ‘ been good boys and girls and can qualify for gifts you're going : j*.
*i to ask for. . 'f
jjj Santa's Visit Is Under the Auspices of the — ^
| O'Neill Chamber of Commerce |
• Economical Operation
• Dries All Fabrics
• Drying Temperature Control
• Installed Anywhere
• Safe ... No Flame
• Easy Food Preparation
• Vitamins Stay in Cooked Foods
• Safe . . . Clean . . . Automatic
• Healthful . . . Leaves oxygen in air
• Modern Styles . . . Various Sizes
Ranges • Refrigerators • Freezers • Food Waste Disposers
• Dishwashers • Washers • Dryers • Water Heaters j
See Your Favorite Electrical Appliance Dealer or
i i
■ a _ *3
V jg
s I
5 i
O'Neill, Nebraska
M ' A
w 4
6 4
V «