The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 17, 1959, Image 7

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    Page News
By Mn. Ben Asher
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cbobdge
of Amelia ami Terry ami Stevie
Cuohdge, sons of Calvin Cbobdge
of O Neil] were Friday guests of
Mr and Mrs William Ragland,
Neighborhood club met for a
Christmas party dinner with Mrs
J- W- Finch Mrs Roy Hanson and
Mrs Floyd Heiik helped Mrs.
Finch with the dinner. Games were
played as the afternoon entertain
ment. January hostess wUl be
Mrs J. W* Finch.
Mr. and Mrs L. F. Knudsen,
Mrs. Evelyn Gray and Mrs
George Wettlaufer attended East
em Star Thursday night at O’Neill
Kathy and Debbie Heiss cele
brated their birthdays on Wednes
day. They are the children oi
Darrell Heiss. In the evening Ken
noth lleiss’s children, Janice
Barry, Mickle, Rodney and Shar
helped the little Heiss girls cele
brate by having ice cream am
cake with them.
Mr. Soren Sorensen, jr., am
Kathy and Mrs. N. D. Ickes wen
to Norfolk on Thursday to brinj
Neven Ickes home. He had beei
a patient in the hospital there foi
a few weeks.
Bid or Bye Bridge club met oi
Wednesday with Mrs. Harold Kelly
Miss Bonnie Bernholtz and Mrs
Carl Max were guests There wai
a gift exchange. Mrs. Geralc
Lamason won high. Mrs. Harok
Asher will be the January 13 hos
Ft. N. A. Kensington met with
Mrs. I^eila Snell, on Wednesday
Thera was a Christmas gift ex
change and the afternoon was
spent in playing cards.
Wednesday night Mesdame:
Hester Edmlnsten, Frieda Asher
Alta Finch, Fhhel Waring and
Evelyn Gray spent the evening
playing cards at Mrs. Leila Snell’i
Get Together club met or
Thursday night at the I region clut
with 11 families present. Th»
children drew names earjier anc
hud their gift exchange. The)
played with their gifts while theii
parents played cards. There wai
a grab hag for Ixith the men and
women. High score prize for wo
men went to Mrs. Norman Saltz
and instead of giving low prizes
they gave it to second high which
went to Mrs. Vernon Beckwith
High for men, Harry Tegler am:
second high was won by Earl
Parks. Miss I/>is Saltz won travel
ing. Lunch which consisted oi
cake, jello and coffee was served
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zeller?
were Friday afternoon callers or
the N. D. Ickes.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy en
tertained a group of friends on
Thursday night. They were Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Hoiss, Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Crunk, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Trowbridge, Mr. and
Mrs. Darrell Heiss and Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Heiss. Homemade
ice cream, cake and coffee was
served to the group.
Mr. and Mrs Lee Fink and sons,
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and fami
ly, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader
and family and Mrs. Kitty Fry, all
Af <Af aM
at Ewing had Sunday dinner with
Mr. and Mrs Bert Fink The oc
casion was the Bert links 48th
wedding anniversary.
Mr and Mrs. Richard Heiss
and family and Mr and Mrs. Nor
fan Trowbridge and family were
Tuesday evening guests of the
Jerry Ashers.
Mr ami Mrs Bob Prill and Mr
and Mrs Bob Bee le art were
Wednesday night supper guests of
the Frank Beelearts
Band Mothers met on Monday
with only three present. It was
decided not to have a January
meeting unless somthtng impor
| tant occurs. Next meeting will be
1 held on the 1st of February.
The annual Christmas program
| at Page Public school will be an
operetta '‘Christmas Fun in
| '91. ” The program will be held at
'8:00 p.m. on Tliursday ttoday)
December 17. The school band
will play an overture before the
operetta begins.
The annual winter band concert
at Page Public school is planned
for the night of Monday January
The monthly teachers meeting
: at Page school 'was held at 3:45
; p.m., Thursday. Among the topics
i discussed was planning to improve
' the school's library facilities.
Mr and Mrs Cordes Walker
i and Larry and Mr. and Mis.
. Jerry Lamason were Thursday
night supper guests of Mr. and
i Mrs. R. L Copes. The occasion
I was the birthdays of Mrs. Copes
1 and Mr Walker.
■ i A program at the school for the
benefit of the March of Dimes
i fund is wing planned ror me
night of Tuesday, December 29.
■ The main attraction will be a
basketball game between the
Page high school varsity team and
, an alumni team. Any basketball
playing grads who would be wiil
j ing to play or referee the game are
i asked to contact Coach Park.
; j Arrangements are also being
I attempted to have a grade school
; basketball game with another
11 school Mrs. C. E. Walker is chair
1! man of the Page March of Dimes
' committee this year.
Members of the Rebekah Lodge
met last Tuesday evening at the
; IOOF hall in regular session.
Plans were made for a Christ
| mas party at the December 22
meeting. Each member will fon
tribute 50c towards a cash dona
tion to the Oild Fellows Home at
York A covered dish lunch will
be served. Hostesses were Mrs.
C. P. Leach and Mrs. Carl Max.
Mesdames Alton Braddock. Cur
tiss Roberts and Vivian Steinberg
were guests when the Page Im
provement club members met at
the Club Rooms for their annual
Christmas party. A 6:30 supper
was served, followed by a short
business meeting. Final plans
were made for IX'cember 19 when
Santa will visit Page and leave
treats for the children.
Mrs. Leo Neuhauer was hostess
to thirteen ladies last Monday af
ternoon Contest games were
played and a showing of tupper
ware followed. Mrs. Vivian Stein
berg won the door prize.
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Anthony and
family of Inman and Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Matschullat and family were
Sunday night supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Matschullat. Even
ing visitors were Mr and Mrs
Tony Pruss and Mr and Mrs Jay
Treese. all of Orchard. Mr. and
Mrs Otto Matschullat plan to
leave Thursday (today- for a
couple of months in California vi
siting relatives.
Bo*» Sorensen who is going to
school at Omaha was home over
the weekend visiting his family,
Mr and Mrs Soren Sorensen, sr
Mr and Mrs. Jerry Asher and
family were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr and Mrs. Uoyd Fusselman
Mr and Mrs. Richard Trow
bridge. Mr and Mrs Owen Parks
of Page and Mr. and Mrs Walter
Kick of I^man. all attended the
wedding of Vernon Boelter of
Venus to Miss Carolyn Beaudette
of Wasua at the Lutheran churfh
at Wrausa. It was held at T 30
on Saturday night. Miss Kathy
Kick of Inman was in charge of
the guest book. The groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boel
ter of Venus.
Mr and Mrs. Soren Sorensen,
sr., Mr and Mrs Soren Sorensen,
jr., and girls of O'Neill, Mr and
Mrs. William Sorensen and family
of Page, Mr and Mrs. Clarence
Johnson of Idaho and John Soren
sen, jr., also of Idaho were Satur
day night supf>er guests of the
Bob Nissens.
Mr. John Sorensen', jr., of Idaho
was a Saturday overnight guest
of the Soren Sorensons, jr , of
O'Neill. He was a Sunday dinner
guest of the Sorensens along with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen
and girls of Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs Robert Nissen and
familv of Pace. Mrs. Rav Siders
of Inman, Mr. and Mi’s. Clarence
Juraeek of Orchard and Mr and
Mrs Clarence Johnson of Idaho
were all Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder.
Stevie and Leah Hill of Orchard
were Sunday overnight guests of
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Edd Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and
Ronnie were Sunday night guests
of the Harry Applebys of Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy
left Saturday to spend a few days
with the Cliff Robbins and fami
ly of Rushviiie.
Susan Ingelsen arrived here Fri
day to spend the weekend with
Dale Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ole
Ingelsen came here Sunday from
Oakdale to take Susan home with
them. They were dinner guests of
the Gailen Millers.
On Thursday afternoon Mrs.
Stella Russell met her daughter,
Mrs. Elmer Spann of Atkinson in
Inman and continued home with
her and was an overnight guest in
her daughter’s home. Mrs. Russell
on Friday morning accompanied
her daughter hack to Inman where
Mrs. Spann teaches school. She
visited with Mrs. Ernest Brunck
horst in Inman before reurning
here to Page. On Friday night Mrs.
Spann spent the night with Mrs.
Russell so she could attend the
Inman-Page basket ball game.
Mr. and Mrs. Beeleart and Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Beeleart visited in
the Frank Bohn home to see Mrs.
Mrs Marie Beeleart, who is re
cuperating from an illness there.
Mrs. Warren Cronk attended the
National Catholic Rural Life con
ference which was held at the
Town House on Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Cronk is the chairman for
the Ewing and Page area.__
I mu- -hH
8 Thrifty Buys! Choice of Two Assortments!
8 VALUE ASSORTMENT—Box of 25 slim-style
8 cards and evelopes. 1 8colorful designs! J7C
* CHRISTMAS ASSORTMENT—Box of 50 French- 1
H fold cards in 18 designs! With envelopes I . vw
25c 8
Ginat pack of ^
110 tags,, seals, JJ
cards and folders ^
- A
feS E
Assortment of 80 togs 1 «
seals, enclosure cards I UC
10-In. Package, 1 A X
2 designs — -- I vC 8
20 in. pkg., 4 designs I UC *
i ■ i m mmmtuH mif 1) • m* «
J? Wrapping paper,
it gay designs!
3 20x30-in. 4P.
^ 2 sheets 13*
if —
Fancy gift boxes
in assorted sizes.
I 15c up
Box of 4 rolls
gravure wrapping
STL 1.00
Colorful Christ
mas sprays. 6
on a card
Fine white tissue
paper. 20x30-in.
25 sheets
White tissue pa
per as above.
20x30-in. 4 A
10 sheets IU(
Laminated rayon ribbon on ^
cellophane. 4 big spools in ft
solid colors, stripes.
Curling R
Bright green and ^
red Crinkle Tie.
90-Ft. nr R
Spool _R
Satin Glo ribbon in 4Q#
3-Roll dispenser ^
\ Patton's O'Neill, Nebr. I
8 1
Mr and Mrs Arthur Miller of
Chambers had Sunday dinner with
the Harley Kennedys.
Mr and Mrs. Charles Sorensen
and girls of Norfolk, Mr and Mrs.
Russell Sorensen and family of
Creighton, Mr. and Mrs Soren
Sorensen, jr., and family of O
Neill, Mr and Mrs John Sorensen,
jr , and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Johnson, both of Idaho, Mr and
Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr., and Mr
and Mrs. Bob Nissen and family
were all Sunday night guests of
the William Sorensens
Mrs Louise Heese had Sunday
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Heese of Orchard.
I >on Kramer of Atkinson visi
i ted in the George Wettlaufer home
! on Sunday.
Young Adults met Sunday night
i for their Christmas party. There
were seven families there. Mr
and Mrs. Dale Stauffer had the
devotions and Mrs. Darrell Heiss
and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge
were in charge of the recreation.
There was a short business meet
ing and a gift exchange for the
children. Lunch which everyone
helped furnish was then served.
Mrs. Frieda Asher, Mrs Hester
Edminsten and Mr. and Mrs. Cal
vin Harvey and family were Sun
day dinner guests of the Kenneth
laist Tuesday night supper guests
of the Ray Harmons were Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Kennedy and Mr.
and Mrs. Duane Sukup and fami
* Word was received here of the
death of Will Hawkins of Lusk,
Wyo. The Hawkins were formerly
of Page and lived on the Van
Conant place where the Harold
Ashers now live Mr Hawkins died
on Dec. 2nd at the age of 80. He
is survived by his wife the former
Iola Van Conant, two sons anti
two daughters. Mrs. Hawkins is
the aunt of Mrs. Marietta \\ iseumn
I and Lavem Van Conant of Page.
Mrs. Robert INissen ana xwu
bie, Mr. John Sorensen, jr., and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson of
Idaho were Monday dinner guests
of the John Sorensens.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brandt and
family of Atkinson were Sunday
visitors in the B. H. Stevens
Mrs. Louis Johnson of Brunswick
was an all day visitor last Wednes
day of Mrs. Ralph Prill. In the
evening Miss Kathleen Montgom
ery of Creighton was a caller.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Prill, Mrs.
Bertha Prill and Mr. and Mrs.
RolH'it Van Horn and Allan were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Fischer of Wake
Jodene Gage of Stanton and
Lois Moser of Clearwater were
weekend house guests of Ruth
Kelly. They are all students at
Wayne and accompanied Warren
Hill as far as Orchard where Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Kelly met them
and brought them here.
Sunday dinner guests of the
Jesse Kellys were Linda, Carol
and Evereitt Thompson, Mr. and
Mrs. Art Grass and family, Mrs.
Anna Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
Cyril Hanson and family of Car
roll, Jodene Gage of Stanton, Lois
Moser of Clearwater and Ruth
'Hie American Iogion Auxiliary
had their annual Christmas party
on Monday night with 31 mem
bers and one guesl, Karen Heese of
O'Neill, present. A covered dish
supper was held. Each member
brought a gift and binga was
played. Each winner selected his
gift. Christmas carols were sung.
Saturday morning a group of
ladies surprised Mrs. Vivian
Steinberg at a housewarming break
fast. They were Mesdames Jesse
Cronk, Lyman Park, Alton Brad
dock, George Clasey, R. F. Park
Otto Matschullat, L. G. Smith and
Anna Thompson.
Inman News
By Mrs. James McMahan
Mrs. James Coventry accom
panied Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vitt of
O'Neill to Omaha Wednesday
where she visited in the home of
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. William McElvain and
Mrs. T. D. Hutton entertained
the Y. M. club at her home on
Tuesday. Dinner was served at
I .1 i- .. , «r«nnt
I HUM I 0.11U IIIV- ouvwiwi* ”-I
Mrs. John Ruther returned
from the University hospital in
Omaha on Wednesday.
Miss Brenda Colman and room
mate, Miss Dee Etta Comford
who are employed in Omaha
spent the weekend visiting Brenda’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George L.
Colman. ->
Miss Mary Morsbach spent the
weekend bisiting in the home of’
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
M. M. Crosser at Neligh.
Clark Gaughenbaugli, Dick
Coventry, Ned Kelley and Harold
Sobotka, who attends college at
Norfolk, spent the weekend visiting
their parents.
Ronnie Coventry of Norfolk
spent the weekend visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Robert Ruther. jr., who attends
college in Wayne, spent the week
end visiting his parents, Mr and
Mrs. Robert Ruther, sr.
Mrs. Woodrow Gaughentaugh
spent Friday in Norfolk.
Joe Peters, who is employed at
Norfolk, spent a couple of days
last week with his family.
Mrs. Mary Tomlinson and Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Watson were
Saturday evening guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
Tomlinson in O'Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Vem Wrede and
Becky of O’Neill were Liman visi
tors Friday.
Mrs. James Coventry and son.
Bill spent Saturday morning in
Spencer on business.
Mrs. Dana Lines has returned
from Omaha where she went for i
a medical check-up.
Dick Appleby, who is employed
at Creighton, spent the weekend
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Appleby.
Miss Carol Cadwallader was
honored at a miscellaneous
shower Saturday evening at the
M. E. church annex. Miss Cad
wallader received many lovely
gifts. Lunch was served by the
Neighborhood club, who were the
Clifford Anthony of Billings,
Mont., spent Saturday evening
and Sunday visiting in the home
ff his brother, Albert Anthony
and family
Mr and Mrs Casper Prilbil
left Monday for National City,
Calif., where they will visit in
die home of Mr Pnlbil's son-in
law and daughter. Mr and Mrs
Gifford Kivett and family and
with other relatives and friends
Mrs Fred Moore spent the
weekend in Gregory, S D., visit
ing friends and relatives
Mr and Mrs Albert Anthony anil
family and Mr and Mrs Ikile
Matschullat and family of Page
were Sunday evening dinner guests
in the homo of Mr. and Mrs
Otto Matschullat at Page.
Tommy and Kathy Hanuk of
O Neill spent Wednesday and
Thursday in the home of their
grandparents, Mr and Mrs. John
Gallagher and their aunt, Mi's
Frances May ami family.
Mrs. Ray Siders spent Sunday
in the home of Mr and Mi's,
I Gerald Snyder and girls of O
j Neill. A dinner was served at
mion honoring Junior Sorenson and
Mr. and Mi's. Clarence Johnson
of Sand Point, Idaho. Mrs, John
son ami Mrs. Sorenson art' niece
and nephew of Mrs, Siders
Mrs. Clarence Johnson of Sand
Point. Idaho, Mrs. Robert Ntssen
of Page and Mrs, Gerald Snyder
of O'Neill spent Monday afternoon
visiting in the home of Mrs Ray
Mrs. Lulu Quig of O'Neill was a
Friday afternoon caller in the
homes of Mrs. James McMahan
and Mr. and Mi's. R. B. South
Arbutus Rehekah Lodge met
Wednesday evening at the I OOF
hall. Miss Mildred Keyes, vice
grand was in charge of the meet
ing. Mrs Ada Clark and Mrs.
Faye Smith were in charge of the
Christmas party and gift exchange
A covered dish luncheon followed
the party.
Mrs. James McMahan attended
a stated meeting, election of of
ficers and initiation of Symphony
TLi lfiwLi f m'oniniT
in O'Neill. Mrs. McMahan was an
overnight guest of Mrs. Gladys
Mrs. Walter Ubben and Mrs.
Karl Keyes sjient Thursday after
noon in Norfolk.
Fay Brittell of Atkinson was an
Inman visitor Monday evening.
Tlie W. S.C.S. entertained at a
Christmas tea Thursday after
noon at the Church annex. Mrs.
Eleanor Gaughenbaugh was in
charge of the Christmas program.
Mrs. Floyd Keyes and Mrs. Anna
Smith poured at the tea which
followed the program.
Mrs. Ed Boles left Monday for
her home in Chadwick, Mo., after
being a guest in the James Banks
home for the past week also visit
ing her father, John Schrunk, who
is making his home with the
Banks’. Mrs. Boles and Mrs, Banks
are sistprs.
Callers in the James Banks
home the past week were Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Schrunk and two
sons and Mr. and Mrs. Roland
Schrunk and daughter of Ewing,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schrunk and
son of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs.
Gaines Rzeszotarski find Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Rzeszotarski and
Roxanne of Emmet, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Ries and Debbie and Mrs.
Vera Paddock and Clierie of At
kinson. Dinner guests during the
week were Mrs. Roy Ries of At
kinson find Mr. find Mrs. O. V.
Moore of Petersburg.
The following attended church
services Sunday at the R. L. D. S.
church in Clearwater, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Pruss and daughters,
Mr. find Mrs. David Morsbach anti
Mary, Mrs. Donald Keyes, Mrs.
James Banks and son, Rodger,
Mrs. Ed Boles, Mrs. Harry Me- j
Graw and Mi's. Lee Conger.
Ewing News
By Mm. Harold Harris
Mr and Mrs Earl Van Ostrand
and family were Sunday guests
at the home of their daughter ami
husband. Mr. and Mrs Harold
Schwager and family at Orchard
Tuesday evening guests at the
home of Mr and Mrs Earl Van
Ostrand were their daughter and
son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Don
Klein of Neligh.
Sheriffs Deed-Leo S. Tomjaok,
Sheriff to Rnnaki Haake 10-23 59
$400- South 75 ft. of lots 1 & 2
lUk S- C\x>ks Add- Chambers.
\V1> Ceoolm F Rtes to Rav
Kertuok U-29-59 $150-AIKS Lot 21
in A V W AiKi- Atkinson except
the North 250 feet
WMImbj F Heiser to Alvin
Heiser L2-7-39 $l-\V4E4 iuui K4
SK4 22-32-14 Grantor reserves a
life estate therein
WIVHenrv F Heiser to Edward
Heiser 12-7-59 $1-E4$V4 ami W 4
SW4 22-32-14 Grantors reserves a
tkM«»tM'SlMkMi)i: **a«* x*«*t *»>>».
life estate therein.
WlMleoryiana McGinnis to Paul
Newton A wf 9-.'-58 $1- Lots 10 A
11 Rlk A- Lyons Add- Emmet.
Wiv Isabelle ljetvr to Ij»w
rence R Malm A wf .'-25-57 JI
N'W l« 1*6-29-9
WD-Aliee flw, et al to Claude
Penn A wf 7-13-59 SIMM- Part of
NWM 33-30-14 eontauunit 1 aere
more or less.
WD-Orvllk* Thorson to Ray W.
Crams A wf 4 28-59 $4800- Outlets
15 A lt*-Wi\sons iXttlots A Part of
M\', 33-30-14 _
Z 5
s !
S 5
* 5
y 2
g 5
8 1
g 5
I Pre-Chirstmas
l i
fi 1
X ' i
5 Ib'Kular j
| G. E. Automatic Sauce Pan, 4 qt.26.95 £088 j
G. E. Automatic Sauce Pan, 2 qt.24.95 £ /188 ;
* ■
v G. E. Coffee Maker.19.95 14“ 1
l G. E. Automatic Fry Pan' .21.95 14“ =
l CORONADO Coffee Maker.17.95 J C88 ‘
k 8
West Bend Coffee Maker .13.50 1 1 88 %
l Black Fury Spring Horse . 9.99 ^88 i
l Bowling and Shuffleboard Set .6.99 ^499 .
■ I
“ Cuddly Dogs. 4.99 099 2
^ jor
1 I
s 3
W 2
# Many More Gift Items and Toys Reduced for this J
Pre-Christmas Special Sale. J
* t
Joe McLeish, Manager
it S
M *
u *
g *
K #
Discount SALE
v *
■ A
m M
Take advantage of these big discounts and values to fill your %
j Christmas shopping needs.
w A
■ -
: 3-pc. Bedroom Suite . .8800
Double Dresser, Bookcase Bed and Chest
In Walnut
20% OFF
on all Occasional Tables
_ ... ^
Bunk Beds .... .68°°
v Maple Finish with Cotton Mattresses
20% OFF
on all Pull-up Lamps
l 39-in. Hollywood Bed . ...4900
» •
Table Lamp with each
Platform Rocker
3-pc. Sectional . . .17700
Foam Rubber Cushion — Green or Beige
. — ... ■■■■■■ I' i ■'
20% OFF
on all Table Lamps
54-in. Box Spring and
I_ 4
Innerspring Mattress . •■••3800'
20% OFF S
1 I ;
on all Pin-up Lamps
■■■— ■ " ■* ■ ■ . j
7-pc. Dinette .... .8800 i
36 x 54, Extends to 72 in.
3-pc. Table Set with each i
Living Room Suite
2 End Tables —■ 1 Cocktail Table
1 19
__- y
■fil ftT T £53 -I -fiTA J -« *9 - I I W V " i .TTH -T-jEI S
- 1 ii*>l «,U "f ■ 1 | 11 m Jg - 1 ■fiP^ f , f u I ,1 1 -ft- J! .*