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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1959)
. i ▼ M«-»l**yan Mfthwll*! Venus Dale Homback. Pastor Sunday Sunday school, 10 a m, • Vernon Strope, Supt., morning worship 11 a m. Lyle Strope, stu dent at Miltonvalc college, speaker. Building fund offering will be taken. Christmas program, 7:30 pan. Wednesday M id-week and Bible study, 8 p m , at the Ernest Hall home. laiiian >lrth<Hll<it Church Cecil B. Green, Pastor Sunday Church school 8:45 a m ; worship service, 9:45 a m., sermon topic Make Boom in Your Heart”; annual Christmas pro . gram, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evening MYF _and choir rehearsal each week, 7:30 p.m. Sunday Dee. 27 Methodist stu dent day. Sunday, Jan. 3- Communion service. Jan. 4 Jan. 23 Completing ceil ing and walls of Maxcy Memorial Addition. Sunday, Jan. 24 Fellowship din ner and church business meeting. It will lx- necessary to raise ap proximately |270 by cash contri bution to enable the congregation to pay cash for the improvements on the Maxcy Memorial Addition Announcements lor presentation from the pulpit ipul for the news pa|M>rs should be given to Harvey A. Thompkins, church lay leader, each week before 9:30 on Sunday morning. Christ Lutheran Church Seventh and Clay Streets The Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, Pastor Thursday Finance committee meeting, 8 p.m. Saturday Confirmation classes, 1 p.m.; Sunday sch<x>l Oinstmas service rehearsal, 2 p.m. Sunday Divine worship, 9 a m., Sunday schixil and Bible classes, 10:15 n.m., W. Fricke, Supt. Monday P a s 10 r’s class fur adults, 7 p m. — . • / _.L I i ijhhm'hi Atkinson The Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, Pastor Friday Lutheran Women's Mis slanary League Christmas meeting, 8 p.m. Sunday Sunday school, 9;4a a m S. H. Urauer, Supt.; Divine wor ship, 11 a.m. Tuesday Sunday school child ren’s Christmas service, 7:30 p.m.. First Presbyterian Church O'Neill Rev. John 11 ait, Pastor Thursday Circle I. 2:30 p.m Mrs. C. E. Lundgren, hostess; Circle 11, 2 350 p.m. Mrs. Alfred Drayton, hostess; Circle 111. 8 p.m. Mrs. Ted Kyster, hostess; Christmas youth choir, 7. Friday Open h o u s e at the manse, 7 to 10 p.m. * Saturday Christmas program rehearsal, 10:30 a.m. W e dnesday-Cliristmas pro gram by the church school. Wesleyan Methodist Church O'Neill Rev. Don V. Olmsted, Pastor Sunday Sunday School, 10 a.m., morning worship, 11 a.m; annual Christmas program will be pre sented in the church by the Sun day school, 7:30 p.m. Monday Wesleyan youth at the parsonage, 8 p.m. Wednesday Midweek prayer hour, 8 p.m. Jehovah’s Witnesses 127 S 4th Street O’Neill Friday Theocratic Ministry school, 7:30 pin.; service meeting Sunday Watchtower study, 0 j p.m. . . _ Tuesday Bible book study, o p.m. —• Bethany Presbyterian Ewing Friday Open house at the manse, 7 to 10 p.m. Sunday Morning worship, 9:30 a.m.; Church school, 10:30; Church school Christmas pro gram, 7:30 p.m. MolnouiHt vnurcnes O'Neill Emmet Rev, Glen Kennicott, Pastor O'NEILL Thursday Prayer circle at Claude Bates home, 10 a.m. Dorcas, 2:00 p.m. Sunday Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; morning worship, 11:00 a.m.; Sunday school Christmas pro gram, 7:30 p m. Mond a y Intermediate MYF, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday—C h o i r practice; Sbnior MYF Thursday Christmas Eve com munion service, 9:00 p.m. MILLER THEATER ATKINSON One Show Nightly 8 o'clock Frl.-Sat. Dec. 18-19 * Sun.-.Mon.-Tiles. Dec. 20-21-22 Wed. Thum. Dec. 23:14-2526 Bing Crabby ^ Debbie Reynolds Robert Wagner r*j|l l |-i j k w uljj CinqmaScopC cocow EMMET Thursday WSCS, 2:00 pm. at Gilbert Fox home. Sunday Children's Sunday school and morning worship. 9:30 am.; Sunday school Christmas program practice, 2:30 pm. Monday Sunday school Christ mas program. 7:30 p.m. Methodist Church Chambers and Amelia Charles F. Cox, Pastor CHAMBERS Sunday Sunday school 10:00 a. m ; morning worship 11:00 a.m.; family night. 7:3Q p.m. Monday—Junior choir rehearsal. 7:30 p.m ; Junior M. Y. F. 8:00 p.m.; Adult choir rehearsal 8:00 p.m. Thursday Dec. 24 Annual Christmas program, 7:30 p.m. AMELIA Sunday Morning worship, 9:30 a m,; Sunday school, 10:00 am : annual Christmas program, 7:30 pm Thursday Dec 24 Choir rehear sal, 7:30 p m M. Y.F., 8:00 p m Presbyterian Ewing Wm R Ross; Pastor Sunday Worship service. 11a m Sermon "The Virgin Birth”; eve ning service, 8 p.m. Reverend Ross will show slide's of Pakistan. Phone Your News To The Frontier— AT THE COURTHOUSE tXJt'NTY OOI'KT— State vs. Vincent C. Havorka, sr., Randolph, drunken driving, fined $100 and $4 costs and driver's license suspended for six months; officer E. M Hastreiter, Nov. 27. State vs. Garold Peterson, Ew ing, intoxication. $4 costs and five days in jail; officer- Chris Mc Ginn, Dec. 12. State vs Norbert J. Henn. driv er for Joe Pelster, Petersburg, No. 1 over interior group of axles, • No. 2 overweight on capacity plate, fined No. 1 $70 and No. 2 $10 anti $4 costa; officer- Donald Richardson, l>c. 14. State vs. Alphonse G. Pritchett, O Neill, operating motor vehicle without brakes, fined $5 and $4 costs; officer R. L. Gude, Dec. 14. State vs. Stephen Strand. Bas sett. night speeding, fined $15 and $4 coats; officer- E. M. Hastreiter, l>ec. 15. O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. Art Paulson and family, Tildon, were Sunday af ternoon and evening guests at the Edwin Paulson home. Rita Hoehne, daughter of Mr. ami Mr*. A J O'Donnell, mill ar i rive home Friday for the holiday v acation from St. Mary's CbUegc in Omaha, I Saturday guests at the Joe Ol lendick home were Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Me vers, Ewing, and Mr. .md Mrs Ijester McKay, Clear water. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker, Mrs. j Les Walton and family, and Uirrv 1 amt Jerry Oetter were Sunday 1 ilumer guests at the home of Mrs Julia Oetter. Mr and Mrs. Fred Perry, Pier re, S. D., arrived Saturday at the Hill Perry home. On Monday they all attended a funeral in Ilarlmg ton. I V I——— FRESH PORK PICNICS n 6 to 8 lb. average I Per lb. >* -—__ I PORK LIVER 3 Lbs* t — ORIOLE \ MINCED HAM I 3 Lb. pkg. 99® We will have a fine selec ff Sf tion of Turkeys on hand for « your Holiday Dinner rang •J ing in weights from 4 lbs. t on up. Check our price be fore you buy. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! I. x _ -—————————1— $5.00 EXTRA in S&H Green Stamps when purchasing JACK & JILL ICE CREAM Vanilla - Chocolate - Strawl>erry , 2’/2-gal. $ | 39 j ctns. “ f f I)EL MONTE TOMATO JUICE f j 346 oz*cns 89c ,0 __ GOLDEN VALLEY PORK & BEANS j 2 No. 2'2 tins 59c J OUR FAMILY ; PUMPKIN f \ O No. 2V4 cns *2Qc m..m ^JF %*S __ SOMERDALE FROZEN \ PEAS or CORN ? 510oz- pks- 89c WHITE BLOCK ! SALT_Ea. 79c ____ — hMBIILiilJKmMiJmiBC——MEW if if - ^ TASTY TREATS MM' HEINZ KETCHUP ,S?.3c .3 -49c S . . 'salad DRESSING.":'"'.,39c Popular — First Quality Brands \ THERE'S REAL HOLIDAY KELAXIN* WITH A FULLY COOKED HEM ANPtF! FflflH 13* 'tZRSgf ■ :>OH JACK & I!LL _ ITS ALREADY TO HEAT. EAT AND EhlOY - HflOLL I UUU Or Fc*,ly. ■ h« ' * J "ESS* IT'S HAM AT ITS BEST EBON JACK A PU. fRUIT CAKE MIX . !£ 4S' IPt FULL SHANK FULL BUTT _ po.^°H . RAISINS ieediess.Plin. j J 10/ c DATES .. *» 59c b f § A DIPI/I CC Premium T2-Oi. QCf If ^ ^ llOMCO Sweet, Whole.Jor a. J I / [ASH'S COFFEE..'ii69c V Center Cuts _ u. 79* I SMOKED PICNICS 6 to 8 lb. avg. Lb. 33c \ J\ I ,T^ 1 / SWISS STEAK Choice Beef.Lb. 69* ^ 'ifr IJlW / DflPtf PflRKIKU RflACTPRQ YoU"9 AQC SOLVE TOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT PROUEM - GIVE JACK * JILL I nUlm oUnmon nUMo I tno ch;ck.« Lb. 4U 01FT obdib _ VABim OF DENOm.nat.ons at I SLICED BACON Good quality .. Lb, pkg. 29o check stand — good at Jack r jiu stores anywhere. I ... PARK RdflST _ STALKS ^ JPpr ▼ AHC1 1,01 BEDEMEEBOR LUX IS?... 2s'S23c 2«£31e LUX FLAKES K£,£J35c LUX LIQUID tHHm.“JST3C ALL W«h«r* ....... Bo* ^ LIFEBUOY USiwV 2'“':35e SURF JSvS!S?SVK*...?!SBO' WISK JSSUt....ot.75' BABOc......2.^ 33'2%’49c PRAISE{£*'.'•2 Zff 31e 243c BREEZE S%,“.*&'85c HANDY ANDY KJSL5*??*! 73c WAXED PAPER Charm 2 Roll* 33C DOVE ir* 2£t 39c 2S249‘ R1NS0 BLUE IL~.»“,83c ALL FLUFFY 83c CHARMIN SS.‘ 23c ■iiiimi >iii ■■ 111 i nil m lii'i ii ■mi * IliKSil KOASTKD PEANUTS j Per lb- 2SC MIXED NUTS | 2 Mb. pkgs. 70c j ' A PEANUT BRITTLE i 2 Lbs-for 59c I I FIM.K1) Peanuts .12-oz. 39c SI KI.ACK WALNUT 1 Chips_12-oz. 39c | CHOCOLATE Drops.Lb. 39c * Al.l. Ac Candy Bars . .6 25c $ Peco Flake .. Lb. 45c $ j1**** amavsn 2 I $5.00 EXTRA I in S&H Green Stamps | when purchasing ?; dt EVERYDAY A CRACKERS jj O 2-lb. $ | 00 l boxes ™ - r——■ ■„ 2 DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE \ 46-oz. cns 00c g ———————————— g OUR FAMILY PEACHES 3 No. 2 4 cns 00c 2 - M GOLDEN VALLEY * APRICOTS 3 No. 2*4 cns 0Jc | . A OUR FAMILY PEAS or CORN A ^ No. 303 cns ^0c 3 --— 1 CRUSHED ROCK SALT lOOIbs.0gc | M ■ .. Reach for "ROBERTS" Finer Grade 'A' -DAIRY PRODUCTS -- Make Yours Roberts "Bonus Pak" Milk Cotta9e ROBERTS HALF & HALF..Pt. 30c Jch,e*sk® ROBERTS SKIM or VADA.Qt. 19c ROBERTS WHIPPING CREAM ...Vi Pt. 40c ROBERTS BUTTERMILK .Qt. 22cc^^5? ROBERTS CHOCOLATE MILK.Qt. 25c'-if > ! COIXTRY FRESH \ GRADE 'A' MEDIUM EGGS.Doz. 33c ^ - T'iiC'C'S'.ClifCX’.C-C'srcK**!*'*!*!*!*!*!**!?'** XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "SNOWBALLS" TREATS with % Flaming Ice Cream Desert LO CALORIE 3 Very attracUve u| BDOTBIM ! {fa xx. ■“ mm Makes a wonderful ■ “ I ft I E I l a *^f,Os€El¥»OST Holiday Desert ■ Ice Cream rolled in coconut — with ► candle on top | j Box of 6 79c | ery Appropriate — FOBEMOSTS rn ^ Spumoni or Peppermint Ice Cream IT F MILK * Decorated Slices Available on Order - £