The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 17, 1959, Section Two, Image 13

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    Amelia News
By Mis» Horfy Iio<l**y
Mrs. Tressa Wagner of Mackey.
Idaho is visiting her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Eamie
Johnston for an extended visit.
Mr. and Mrs Johnston went to
Holdrege Saturday to get her
Mr and Mrs James Curran and
ArdeU visited Mrs Delia Ernst
Sunday. They also visited with Art
Mrs Lyle Fix underwent sur
gery for gall stones Monday at
the Atkinson hospital
Mrs, Edith Andersen, Mrs. Lind
sey and Florence called on Mrs.
Kalph Rees Sunday evening
Mrs Effie Withers and daugh
ter. Mrs Blossom Butler, plan to
leave Sunday morning from Grand
Island to go to Boulder. Golo. to
spend Christmas with her son,
James Chapman and wife.
Mrs, Joe Stoecker wall be leav
ing December 21. to arrive at the
home of her son and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Neal Stoecker at Oakland.
Calif. Neal is in the Navy and
presently stationed there but ex
pects to go to sea soon The Mrs
Stoeckers will then return to Ne
Pfc. Hale Kennedy has received
his discharge from the armed
service and is at home with his
parents. Mr and Mrs. M B Ken
nedy. He had been stationed at
Ft. Sill. Okia. Pfc. Dale Doolittle,
son of Mr and Mrs. Art Doolittle,
also of Ft, Sill, will also receive
his discharge in a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs Darol Baker of
O'Neill were dinner guests Sun
day at Arthur Hiatt’s. The occa
sion was in honor of Mr. Baker’s
Mrs. Art Doolittle, Mrs. Edgar
Peterson, Mrs. Delia Ernst and
Bemie Kennedy attended the fun
eral of Chet MeClenahan at Cham
tors Wednesday
Mr and Mrs Arthur Hiatt Paul
and Gene visited at ta*vi Clemens
Sunday evening
Miss Beth Watson and friend
Bill Chihal of Omaha spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs Asa Watson.
Mrs R. W Waldo called on Mrs
Stella Sparks at Chambers Tues
Ralph Rees. Dunk Peterson and
Edgar Peterson were pheasant
hunting near Sargent Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. Clyde Widman
were Lincoln business callers Tues
day and Wednesday of last week.
Mr ami Mrs Frank Peter ami
son. George of O'Neill, Mrs. Gertie
Adair and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Adair. Jerry and Diane were
guests Thursday evening, Dec. 10
at the Ralph Adair home at a
supper in honor of the first birth
day anniversary of their little son,
Dickie Adair
Mr and Mrs. Harlan Dierking
and Cynthia were in Omaha from
Wednesday until the latter part of
the week. Harlan was attending a
supervisors meeting.
Art Waldman, who was confin
ed to the Atkinson hospital since
Sunday. Dec 6, was able to return
to his home in Amelia Saturday,
Dec. 12
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barnett
and Connie of Greeley, Colo, came
Friday and visited until Tuesday
wiki Mrs Barnett’s parents, Mr
and Mrs Ned Aidersen and other
relatives in the Amilia community.
Lawrence’s parents, Mr and Mrs
S C. Barnett of Amelia returned
to Greeley with them and will visit
until after Christmas.
Mrs, Vern Sageser was called
to Council Bluffs Thursday by the
serious illness of her mother, Mrs.
M inter.
Sam Gilman left Tuesday for
Portland, Ore. where he will visit
friends and relatives for stout six
week*. His niece, Mrs Tommie
Doolittle took him to the bus near
Chambers, going from there tc
Grand Island, and continuing his
trip by train.
Mrs. Gertie Adair plans to leave
soon after Christmas to visit her
daughter. Mrs. George Fogle and
family at Ft Lewis, Wash. Col
George Fogle expects to be lti
Alaska during that three months
and upon his return to the states
he and the family will go to Tur
key, where Col Fogle will he sta
tioned for five years. Mrs. Fogle
is the former Modena Adair. They
have three children. Geoge, jr.,
BUI. and a daughter, Kimberly
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Baum as ter ol
West Point, were overnight visitors
Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Ber
nard Blackmore
Several Amelia folks are driving
new cars Among those are Bus
Gilmans, Glenn Whites and Edgai
Jungmans. Bernie Kennedy has a
new pickup.
Martin and Sharon Collier art
visiting their grandparents, Mr
and Mrs Tonus Madsen and theii
uncle, Neal.
The Helping Hand club mei
Thursday. Dec. 10 at the home ol
Mrs Vem Sageser. All members
with the exception of two. wh<
were ill, were present. A dinnei
was enjoyed by all. This was tht
Christmas party and an exchange
of gifts. Mystery sisters were re
One new member. Mrs Ear]
David, joined the club. Election ol
officers was held. The officers
were re-elected Mrs. Della Peter
son is the president; Mrs. Willian
David, vice president; Mrs. Lev
Backhaus. secretary; Mrs. Ralpl
Rees, news reporter; Mrs Lini
Sageser and Mrs. Bernard Black
more, music leaders, and Mrs
Karnie Johnston, treasurer.
Phone Your News To
The Frontier—
Dorsey News
By Mr*. Hamid OMmn
Mr and Mrs. Lorelle Pickerinv
visited at the Claude Piekerinj
home Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Glen Bare of Ly
man were dinner guests at th<
Harold Osborn home Saturday re
turning to Lynch in the aftemooj
to visit other relatives and Mr
Bare s mother. Mrs Bertha Bare
Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Tuch anc
Marvin Tuch of Verdel were call
ers at the Osborn home Saturday
Mrs Tuch stayed with the Os
horns while the men were on busi
ness at the R. L. Hughes home.
Mr and Mrs. Bud Scranton ant
family, Mr and Mrs. Marvii
Scranton and family, Mr. and Mrs
Don Jenkenson and family, all ol
Plainview, and Mr. and Mrs Johi
Derickson were dinner guests a
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lestei
Derickson and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mitchell wer«
dinner guests at the Gordon Barti
home Sunday. Other callers wen
Mrs Harold Osborn and Ruth
Clayton Bennett and Mr. and Mrs
Anton Kalkowski.
The Scottville extension club an<
the Lucky Clover 4-H club helc
their Christmas dinner and parti
at the Scottville hall Sunday.
Mrs. Howard Graham and Mrs
Mary Dobrichovsky motored h
i Norfolk Friday afternoon for Mis
Marlyn Graham so she could spem
the weekend at home.
Mr and Mrs. Gordon Rnrta wen
O’Neill shoppers Monday.
Claude Pickering and Monti
shelled com at the Harold Osbon
i farm Saturday.
Hal Rosenkrans and Wilme
Crawford were cleaning up tree
and brush Friday that had heel
cut for the new telephone line.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zach an<
family^ were supper guests at thi
i ^
At the place located one mile East and four South and Va East of Chambers . . . OR . . . four
miles West, four miles South and 14 East of Durre's Station
Wednesday Dec. 30th
Commencing at 12 noon on personal property Land and Lease Sale to be at one o'clock p.m.
Lunch at sale
800-Acres Real Estate 800
The Real Estate being offered: All of Section No. 16 is School lease land all pasture and hay, fenc
ed and cross fenced. Has three wells and mills. Also has the improvements, 5 room dwelling; barn
with stanchions; other small buildings; good cement cave. Deeded land legally described as the
NW/4 of section No. 15, all in Township 25, Range 12 West, in Holt County Nebraska.
This is being offered as one unit and also separate as to School lease land and Deeded, School lease
land will be subject to assignment of lease. Deeded land will have abstract of title and warranty
s Deed. Possession will be granted when settlement of purchase has been paid.
I Terms of land and school lease: 25% advance payment date of sale. Possession will be given on
or before March 1, 1960.
Auction of land and school lease at 1 o'clock
60 - HEAD OF CATTLE - 60
The Dairy cattle are mostly from Wisconsin, having purchased them from H. P. Shores Shadow
Lawn Farm, Neligh, Nebr.
15 Head Holstein and Guernsey milk cows, most of these will freshen in January and February
I 17 Head Angus and Hereford stock cows, mated to Angus Bull
18 Head last spring Hereford and Angus Calves
9 Head last spring Holstein calves, heifers ard steers
1 Purebred, 4-year-o!d Angus bull
1 IHC 1949 C tractor 2 IHC hay rakes 1 Wagon gear & rack on rubber
1 IHC 1947 B tractor 1 Mnline corn planter 1 Steel wagon gear and box
1 1952 Ford tractor 1 7-ct. IHC, V21 power mower 1 Winch for tractor
Sweep head for Ford tractor 1 2-row tractor cultivator 1 6-in. hammermill
] 1 Cable rack with 8-in. H beams 1 Single row corn picker 2 8-ft. water tanks
and Cable ' A hay stacker with good cage
| 1 2-bot. tractor plow for Ford Some shop tools Bm;ru
2-rake hitch Several piles of old iron 1 ' '
| Terms of personal property cash, none to be moved until settled for
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Green, Owners
Sale conducted by Ed Thorin Auction Service, O'Neill, Nebr.
i Ed Thorin, auctioneer, O'Neill, real estate broker Roy Kirwan, Butte, auctioneer personal property
Harold Osborn home Friday eve
Mr and Mrs U'man Huber were
Sunday supper guests at the Os
bom home.
Robert Zach was an early mom
: mg caller Satuniay at the Os
bom home bring mg Ted Zach and
Dale EUer to help with com shell-:
■1 ing
The junior class of Lynch pre-1
i sented a play to a full house Wed
nesday and several from this com-1
munity attended
Guy Keller was out in this com
munity Saturday delivering fuel
and gas to the farmers
Mrs Grace Alder is home now
after spendtng several days with
her son and family in Emmet.
Atkinson News
Mr. and Mrs Alfred Martens
• entertained their friends at an
open house Monday evening. Dec.
■ 14 at their home in Atkinson, in
i honor of their 25th wedding anni
■ versary.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Martens
were married Decenilier 14 in
Reno, Nev Their attendants were j
1 Col. John Duncan of the Nevada
I National Guard and the secretary ;
■ to the governor of Nevada.
Mr. and Mrs. Martens greeted
their friends in the wedding attire
, which they wore married in twon
j ty five years ago. Mr. Martens in
I a dress suit and Mrs. Martens in
a lovely deep purple velvet dress
in keeping with the style of then
and today. Tommy and Shelly
Martens, the two youngest children
of Mr. and Mrs. Martens, helped
1 with the serving.
The Martens have six children
and own and operate a ranch,
5 Mrs. Martens has been very’ active
’ in all of the flower clubs and has
been an accredited judge of Flow
' er Shows for several years. She
' was recently elected to the office
I of president of the Atkinson Civ »c
I Improvement Garden club. The
Martens were presented with a
cili'or- tv from some of the At
kinson Civic Improvement Garden
club members.
Mrs. Fred Rerckhemer of Ains
worth was a Monday and Tuesday
guest at the home of Mrs. Opal
Keating. She came to attend the
Martens' twenty-fifth wedding an
niversary which was celebrated
with an open bouse Monday after
noon and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith of At
kinson went to Alda Saturday,
where they were weekend guests
of their son and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Smith, jr. They return
ed to their home Sunday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Arp and
; family were Sunday evening call
ers at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Manual Kreiger in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kazda
I spent Sunday with her mother,
| Mrs. Rose Hull near Johnstown.
Miss Lodema Wefso plans to
come Friday from I'tenver to spend
her vacation with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. William Wefso in At
kinson and with her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J
W Carlson and Scott in Crofton.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and
Dennis were Saturday evening din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Wefso. The occasion being
Emil’s birthday.
William Wefso and Lee Mathre,
Boyd County assessor attended an
assessor's meeting in Ord Monday.
Sixteen counties were represented.
George Brede of Ainsworth was
elected president of the North Cen
tral District and Jack Nowak of
Greeley was elected secretary.
Forrest Johnson, the new Tax
Commissioner, was present for
the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson
entertained at a birthday dinner
Sundav in honor of their daughter,
Mrs. Harvey Steinhauser, Stuart,
whose birthday was Sunday and
also in honor of Carl Schenzel of
O'Neill, whose birthday was Mon
Those present were Mr. and
; Mrs Harvey Steinhauser and Tom
j my Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel
of* O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. John
I Steinhauser of Stuart and Jim
Johnson. The afternoon was spent
plaving cards.
Mrs. Lulu Dunn entertained at
a party Friday afternoon for a
group of ladies who had been host
esses to Stanley parties since last
June. About twenty ladies were
present. Games were played dur
ing the afternoon and the hostess
served lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Puckett
drove to Omaha Friday returning
Lynch New*
By Veldeen Pinkerman
j Arthur Wilson of Verdel and
Mrs. Laura Wertz of Lynch were
married December 3rd at Spen
j cer. Idiey left immediately follow
I ing the ceremony for an extended
j stay in Hollywood, Calif.
Kim Lueken, Hill Rosicky, Mrs
i Mel Lueken and Jean went to
; O'Neill Thursday on business.
Mrs. Pearl Schindler and Mary
Lllen went to Omaha Friday.
Glena Courtney accompanied them
there on business.
Mrs. Pete Mulhair was a Thurs
!day evening caller in the Wallace
Moffett home.
Misses Ruth Osborn and Janie'
Crowford accompanied Katie Mc
Donald to the hat ketball game ir
Verdigre Friday night.
The Scottiville Community club
ind the 4-H club held a joint
Christmas party at the hall Sun
j :ay. They had a pot luck dinr.ei
at r. tin and gam .> and gift ex
I -hange in the afternoon.
| j A two ear accident occurred
|K ist of Monowi .a a country4 roac
I s a t u r d a y e- ening w hen cars
i- Riven by Art Mas ion and Leonard
S? 1 iielsen met head o.i at the crcsl
G t. a hill. Ho til men wore ho pi
■ talized.
i Lynch Lions club held a supper
E it the Spelts Cafe Thursday eve
I mng.
| Miss Margene Birmeier was ar
I overnight guest of Marline Streit
it the Hannah Streit home Thurs
day night.
Mr. a. 1 Mrs. Pete Mulhair were
h i mess callers in Creighton Fri
Mrs. Eldon Nolan entertained
the Extension club in her home
Thursday afternoon. Nineteen
members were present. Mrs.
j Kenneth Johnson was co-hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman
were Friday evening guests in the
George Calkins home.
| j Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aim and
Joan were Friday evening guests
m the Guy Pudterman home.
Mrs Harry Jiginson entertained
the Dorsey Indies aid in her home
on Wednesday ivc thh.
Mrs Delbert Haxelhorst and
children went to Omaha Wedne*
day night to join Liell'ert who was
to be then' on a scheduled (light
inti had a few day s to spend there
and at Sioux City before returning
to his base.
S Sgt Robert 1‘hlir <»f lancoln
was a overnight guest in the
Wayne Christensen h»«me Monday,
t>ec. 7,
Mr ami Mrs Guy Pmkerman
were Thursday evening guests in
the George Calkins home
Mrs. Pete Mulhair was a Sun
day evening subper gut'st of Mrs
Phylis Mulhair Mr and Mrs
Frank Mulhair were evening cal
Mr, ami Mrs Clarence Moody
left by plane Wednesday night
from Sioux Falls, S. D., for
Phoenix, Aru., where they will
visit their daughter and son-in
law Mr and Mi-s Frank Fuhrer
and family
Veldeen Pmkerman was sv
overnight guest Finlay in the
home «.tf her grandmother. Mi's
Faye Pmkerman
Miss Marjean Weeder was a
Friday tui^r guest at the home
of Mrs Hannah Stivit
Mr. and Mrs Dean Johnson ami
family were guests ui the Cecil
Witherwax home Friday evening
Mr and Mi's Herman Heiser
drove to Norfolk W ednesday and
m :v ov ermgtit guests of Mrs
Fstlier I'avej t >n Thursday they
visited ui the IJoyd 1 -ev l home
at Ijmly emxuite home Mrs John
Levi, who had teen visituvg Ht
| Lindy, returntxi !x>mo with them
Mrs Annan Carson v tsited in the
I Robert Wilson home at Veniel a
few days this week
Mr and Mix J»>e Madura called
at tlie Kind Ifrbek home Thurs
Sir ami Mix W M Havranek,
Mr and Mix Kenneth Fish and
family were Wednesday evening
supper guests ot Mr and Mrs.
Leonard Hav ranek
Mrs. Rav Umg called on her
daughter. Mix \\ Hard Luidholm
land the mvv tialv at the Lynv'h
l hospital Friday attorn *>n.
... • . amt: . t.-.v r : , liMiBtigk.
Mr and Mis Ixxwvird Havranek
and family were Sunday evening
guests m the Gay Hull home.
Mr and Mrs Kay Witherwax
were Sunday guests m tin* Cecil
Witherwax home.
Mr and Mrs \ eldon Ihnker
rnan ami Mrs Kaye Finkermnn
called mi Karo Wilson at the
Burke s D hospital Monday.
They also \ ,si!txi Mr ami Mi'S.
Jake Knit tie and Mr and Mrs.
Hob krysl ami iXiane Wilson at
Mr ;uid Mrs Kay \\ llsmv Mr.
ami Mrs. Jurm>r Wilson and faml
, ly. and Mis WlUa SclH»llmcyer
ami sons wire Sunday dinner
guests in the Jack Darnell home.
K us sell Moffett went to Oma
ha Frtdav to got his father, Wal
lace Moffett, who has Uh'H in
the Isvspitiil there
Mr and Mrs Cap llazethorst
went to Sioux City Friday to see
their son. Delbert who was to lx'
there over tin* weekend They also
\ isited tiieir daughter and son-in
law. Mr and Mrs Bert Mixxly and
family who live in Momingside, a
‘ suburb of Sioux City
g They’re twice as good! If
one thread snags, the other
i» remains intact to check
§ runs. Beautiful 400-needle
g sheers in neutrals or fash
ion tints. Sizes 8Va to 11.
liook real! Full blooms! 1
Long stems! Bouquets of <
one color or assortments of i
pink, mi, talisman, flame,
yellow. Washable, f/ide-re
sist, stay-fresh.
|i ll MW
give her our own
She’ll love Penney’4 ,
own Feather Trifle!
So light yet opaque,
smooth and fitting!
Clings smoothly at the hip, i
swings widely at the hern
Excitingly executed in white ,
with nylon in combinations 1
of bright tones. Small, med- <
ium or large.
The blanket you homemakers
want, incredibly thrift-priced! h ma
Warm, soft rayon and Orion1"’,
life-of-blanket binding. Pink,
peacock, blue, maize, beige, 72 by 90 Inches
2 Hj flame, green. ==
V * v,v-W »'<• ■>
20 by 26 inches
Twenty full ounces of fluffy
non-allergenic Dacron cov
ered in dainty nylon! A big
buy at Penney’s iow price!
Pink, white, blue, maize
: '«<«•< X «C < 'C £