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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1959)
Jean Moeller, Stuart, and Andrew Reiman, liutte, were married •Vovemlter It! at St. Ilouifaee ('atimlie Church in Stuart. She Is the daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Andrew Moeller and he Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Reiman. Jean Moeller Wed To Gerald Reiman In Stuart Ceremony Miss .1 e i n La; ee Moeller, daughter i . Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moeller, .uart, was married November 16 to Gerald F. Rei man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Law-; rence Reinman, Butte. Rev A, J. Base hang said tlie 10 a m nuptial mass at St. ! B mifuce Cathode church in Stuart. The altar u ;s decorated with white pom,x:n flowers and Sister Vera accompanied Maxine and Carol Pacha singing "Ave Maria,” and ”0:1 This Day ’ Etc u'led to the altar by iter j father the bride wore a flixtr length gown of chantflly lace ;ind beauty bride taffeta, featuring a lace bodice with sequin embroi dery. The skirt back was fa s h i o n e d with wide rows of gathers below a bit bow that opened into a chapel train. A crown of pearls and sequins 'i 1 I the silk illusion veil. She arned a bouquet of red roses and wilke net and wore pearl ear rings a gift from the bridegroom. Joan Moeller was her sister's maid of honor and Carol and Di anne, also sisters of the bride, were hndesmaides. All wore identical gowns of sapphire blue ve'veteen and silk net headpieces. | They carric 1 cascade bouquets of white fiiiji mums and tvvilite net. Flower girl was Shir.vy Reiman, Anoka, wearing a white lace dress. Tommy Vrooman was ring bearer. Raymond Meusch, Stuart, was best man. Jerome Reiman. Butte, and Matthew Reiser, Lincoln were stfc- -» rwrsEv.-u-. M I'llTrf—1 groomsmen Ushers were Joseph Deermer, Omaha, and Leonard Master. Butte, The mother of the bride wore a dress of coffee brown textured crepe with beige accessories while the bridegrooms mother chose a two piece dress of black and white wool with rose accessories. Both wore gardenia corsages A dinner given by the bride s parents followed the ceremony at the Stuart Auditorium for 129 guests, A reception was held later that day, Mrs Reiman is a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Atkinson and Mr. Reiman a graduate of Butte High School. Smith-Yarges Nuptials November 21 at Stuart S T u A R T— Miss Marguerite Smith, daughter of the late Mr. and Mis. Walter Smith was united in marriage to Ora Yarges on Saturday. November 21 at the Stuart manse The Kev Herbert C. Young officiated at the 11 o’clock ceremony. Mr and Mrs. Frank Wilson were the attendants. Following the ceremony the bridal parly and Rev and Mrs. Young were entertained at a din ner in Atkinson. Gilg Wins County Government Contest John Gilg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilg. Atkinson, won the county government essay contest and a $25 savings twnd Roma Fundus, Atkinson, and Douglas Schroder, Ewing, placed second and third respectively. Gilg’s essay is printed as fol lows : Evaluation of County Gov't Day By John Gilg. Atkinson As a junior of Holt County I had the experience through the co-operation of the American Ixv gion and the Auxiliary to see out county go% ernment in action. I had the opportunity of holding an office. It was a valuable experi ence to me because I learned how "ur government operates and met many of our county officials. 1 learned what our government, through its various offices does for me, the average citizen. Our government not only protects the rights of every citizen but ins property as well. Each office has its own special duty to perform from the treas urer to whom we pay our taxes to the sheriff who protects every citizen by arresting the law breakers who are a menace to society. Even though each of us was as signed to a special office we were taken for a tour of all the offices and learned the duties of each of ficial. I saw how each office fits into the unique pattern which forms our government and pro tects our way of life. I learned more about county government in one day than I had in ail my school days. I learned how records are kept, how laws are enforced and how each of ficial. in fulfilling his duties, brings to me, the average citizen, the privilege of living under our democratic form of government. . ' R! U'^'70 Discount Night 10% SHOP LEE'S AND SAVED 7-9 p.m. - THURSDAY,DEC.3-7,i’m You will receive a 10o/o Discount on all purchases | between 7 and 9 p.m. Thursday/ Dec. 3. This is your chance to save 10% on your entire Christ mas gift list. HEY KIDS!! Santa will make his first official stop in O'Neill Thursday night, (tonight) at the Lee Store. Treats for everyone under 7. . . . Let the Kids spend the evening with Santa while you Shop and Save!! ftiv«rsid« N«ws By Mrs. iiosrl Gunter Lavem Shrader had two fingers on his right hand hurt in a com picker Friday morning while pick ing corn at home He was taken to the Antelope Memorial hospital for observation Paul Gunter vi sited Lavem Friday evening in the hospital. Marilyn and Barbara Johnston visited Friday and Saturday at the Will Shrader home The Grant Mott family were guests Thanksgiving day at the Ernst Mott home at Orchani. Julie Fry went home with the ! Duane Jensen family of Newman Grov e on Thursday for the week end. Anna Marie Jensen stayed with Nancy Napier. Allha Lou Miller of Aurora, Colo . ami Donald Bosell of Seattle, Wash., came Friday evening to the Howard Miller home for th> weekend. Alfha Ixhi will return to ! Aurora on Monday. Mr. and Mrs Gerald Wetlauffei and Gary of O'Neill, the Archil Johnston family and Mr and Mrs. Will Shrader, Eddie and Alice were dinner guests Thursday at the Willie Shrader home Mr, and Mrs. Bert Fink helped pick com at the Lee Fink home 'he past week The Billy Lofquist family visited Friday evening at the Merlyn Meyer home in Ewing. Anna Smith and Ernst 1 row bridge of Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge, the Dick Trow bridge and Norman Trowbridge families. Mrs. Weber and Mr. and 1 Mrs. Earl jftevens of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Woods and fami ly of Elm Crock, Mr. aim .ws Louis Corkle and children of Nor folk, and Mrs. Leo Miller and) i children and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and Danny were dinner guests Thursday at the Howard Miller home. The Wayne Fry' family, Mr. ( and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen and family, j Mr. and Mrs, William Rickert o! Neligh. Mrs. Jessie Angus, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and family and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke ot ; Inman were dinner guests Thurs dav at the Z. H. Fry home. Mrs. Kitty Fry was an evening visitor. The Edward Walter family of Chambers and the Alfred Napier ,uid Kenneth Hill families visited Friday evening at the John Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto R tke of Inman visited most ! the pest ! week at the Z. H Fry home. The Rodney Pollock family of Omaha and Earl Phillips were 1 guests over Thanksgiving at the Dave Pollock home. Mrs. Dale Napier, Mrs. Z. H. 1 Fry, Mrs. Otto Retke, Mrs. Rich ard Napier, Reta and Susan were Neilgh visitors Friday morning. Patricia Nagal of Missouri anr Irene Ahlers were Thanksgiving weekend guests at the Rudy Ahlers home. Both girls attend college at Seward. They accompanied Mr. end Mrs. Rudy Ahlers and Rosella to Tilden Thursday and were din- j nor guests at the Frederick Ritter j home. Patricia Ritter came home with them for the weekend re turning home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritter on Sunday I afternoon. The John Napier family visited . *1. T’J nvim 1 hers Tuesday evening, Nov. 24. j Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Napier, ! and the John Napier family were , Sunday dinner guests at the Glen ; Harpster home in honor of Glen'r j birthdav. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry, Jody Janice and Kevin were guests , Friday evening to on oyster sup per at the Richard Napier home. [ Beta Napier was an overnight | guest Friday of Jody Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelson and Jimmy of Plainview. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton, Mrs. Bob Hobbs and Mrs. R. A. Herd. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier, Le roy, Glenda and Dennis were guests Thanksgiving day at the Lionel Gunter home. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Napier of Sterling, Kan., were Thanksgiving day guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ix>fquist and children and Mrs. Edna Lofquist were guests Thursday at the Ro bert Lofquist home in Fremont. The Leo Miller family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller Altha Lou and David Bosell were guests Friday evening at the Walter Miller home. Mrs. I^eo Miller entertained seven small girls Monday after noon, Nov. 23 in honor of Ellen's fourlh birthday. The Ernst Schollmeyer family of Crofton and the Phillip Connolly family of Hartington were dinner guests Sunday, Nov. 22 at the John Miller home. Mr and Mrs Walter Miller and Danny. Dave Basell. Mr ami Mrs Howard Miller and Altha Lou were dinner guests on Sunday at the Leo Miller home Mr and Mrs Earl Pierson and the Marcus Pierson family at tended funeral services for John Cleveland at the United Brethren church in Orchard Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs George Montgo mery visited Sunday afternoon at the Robert Montgomery home and Sunday evening at the Henry Wehenkel home at Orchard Kitty Fry was a dinner guest Thursday at the Lynn Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier. Mr and Mrs. Russell Napier, the Lorraine Montgomery. John Napier and Glen Harpster families were dinner guests Thanksgiving trf Web Napiers The dinner was held at the church annex. Mr. and Mrs George Montgom ery were Wednesday evening, Nov. 25 callers at R. A Hord home Mr. and Mi's. Floyd Napier were Sunday dinner guests at the Lynn Fry home. Mrs. Dewitt Hoke ami Mrs. Boh Hobbs were Neligh visitors Fri day. Mrs. Kitty Fry was an over night guest Saturday at the Lynn Fry home. The Lorraine Montgomery fami ly visited Thursday evening at the George Montgomery home. Mrs Alfred Napier and Leroy were O’Neill visitors Saturday. Sheila Fry has the chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Napier re turned to their home at Sterling. Kan., Friday morning. Jacqueline and Bruce Morrow of O'Neill spent the Thanksgiving weekend with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, Inman News B> Mrs. James McMahan (Last weeks News) Mrs. John Buhlmann and son of Bartlett are spending a few days in the home of Mrs. Buhlmann's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Banks. Thursday evening guests in tin homo of Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry were Mr. and Mrs. l>mis Vitt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sullivan and Frank Sullivan of O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. James Vidlak and family of Omaha spent the week end visiting in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes and family. Mrs. Pauline Anderl left Thurs day for Omaha to spend a few days visiting. k Ralph Sholes, who is employed at Ainsworth, spent the weekend here. t\ family dinner was held Sun day at the Methodist church an nex honoring Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgstrum and family of Napo lean, Ohio. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathni and family of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. James Vidlak and family of Omaha, Mrs. Blanch Rouse and Marvin of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keyes, Miss Mildred Keyes and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen and family. Miss Linelle Tompkins, who at tend- Wesleyan University, came Monday evening to spend the Thanksgiving holiday in the home of her parents* Mr and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and sons. Tlie following surprised Mr. and Mrs. James Sobotka at a house warming Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A!t>ert Anthony and fami ly, Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Kivett, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ubben and Chris tie, Mr. and Mrs. Haney Tomp kins and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Merle1 DeLong and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kopecky and Dickie of Inman and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson and Billy of O'Neill. Cards furnished the entertainment and a gift was given the Sobotkas. Lunch was served at the close of the evening by the self invited guests. In basketball at Inman Friday evening the Inman first team de feated St. Ludgers of Creighton by the score of 63-61. Keith Kivett and Roger Tofpkins were high point men for Inman with 23 and 24 points. A. Closter was high for Creighton with 27. M-s. Kenneth Coventry was hos tess to the Inman Workers Pro jeet club on Wednesday afternoor Nov. 18 at her country home. There were sixteen members pre sent. Mrs. Albert Reynolds presided at the business session and Mrs. Clifford Sobotka gave the lesson on Christmas ideas. She showed some unusual Christmas gifts and and also showed how’ to tie and decorate packages. JEEPS PARTS SALES SERVICE If we can be of help to you on your Jeep vehicle, please fill in this coupon and return. SHAFFER-PONTIAC, INC. ( ) Salesman should call on me ( ) Salesman should not call on me I Now Own . Interested in . Name . Address . Shaffer - Pontiac, Inc. 707 Norfolk Ave., Norfolk, Nebr. Telephone FR1-4621 _ Mrs. Covemtrv served a lunch it the close of the meeting Mr and Mrs Ira L. Watson ac •ompamed by John Watson and two laughters of O'Neill drove to Weils, Minn , on Saturday morning where all were in attendance at [he 40th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs L, A Preston of Wells Mr and Mrs. Preaeton are the parents of Mrs John C Watson She had gone to Wells earlier in the week All returned home Sun day night £wing News By Mrs. Harold Harris iCrowded ixit last week) Mrs. Lizzie Grim had as her Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs Herman Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. L. J Rotherham from Colorado City, Colo , are spending the week with his par ents, Mr and Mrs. Roy Rother ham and other relatives. Mrs. Sam Regan and iamily ac companied by her mother, Mrs 1 .aura Spittler were dinner and evening guests on Friday at tl—, home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak and family. Mrs. Blanche Sission left Novem tier 23 to return to her home at Wichita, Kan., having been called to Ewing due to the death of hei mother. Mrs. Hannah Tuttle. Guests expected at the home of Mr anti Mrs. Gene Zimmerman for Thanksgiving dinner are her father, R. G. Rockey and Joe and Esther Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Finley and son went to Clearwater on Sunday where they joined other members of the family at the Lutheran church to celebrate the 75th birthday anniversary of her mother, Mrs. Ellen Filsinger. Mrs. Kittie Fry spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and family near Page. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Butterfield if Inman were November 23 guests at the home of their daugh ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and family. Guests at the Alex Thramer iome on Friday and Saturday were per sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beckman of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. L. A Hobbs went j lo O'Neill on Sunday to call on heir daughler-in-law, Mrs. Wil- ‘ iam Hobbs and son. James Michael at St. Anthony's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Btitler at ended the golden wedding anniver sary of her aunt and uncle, Mr ind Mrs. Jay Ames at Neligh. A iamily dinner was held at the Ame: iome for members of the family md immediate relatives. Open was field at the First Con gregational church. Mrs. Grace Schmit of L>s Aitos, 2alif was a dinner and evening guest of her brother and sister-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle. Monday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Leo Spittler and family of Norfolk were dinner and evening guests at the home of his . M.’# “ ' ' » mother. Mrs. Laura Spittler tat Saturday Mrs. Oscar Wilson of Elgin was a guest Saturday at (he homo oI her parents. Mr and Mrs Andrew Olson Mr. and Mrs Julian So.ika and "Butch" plan to spend Thanks giving day at the home of her parents, Mr anti Mrs Anton Shat lik of Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother ham went to Seottsbluffs on Tues day, Not J.< fheir daught*i An accompanied them home for th holiday weekend Other expected guests at the Rotherham home arc Miss Rowena Rotherham am some friends and Larry Rother ham. all of Omaha Mr anti Mrs Roy Rotherham and Eddie ami Mr. and Mrs Rotherham anti family planned tv s|h'!h! Thanksgiving da\ at th« home of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rotherham at Niobrara Guests on Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs Dewitt Gunter wei his nephew and wife. Mr. nml Mr Louis Heckman and fain ly ol Platte, S. IV, and Mi and Mr: Ami re w Olson of Ew ing. Expected guests at the Elmer Grim home for Thanksgiving din ner are their son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Telford Gr m an family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mastal lar, of Verdigre ami Mrs Li/z Grim of Ewing. Committees Ap|Hiintetl The Happy Helpers 4-H club me at tiie courthouse annex on Ntn 18. /\nn Johnson, club president, -elected the following committees Games Francis Eppepbarh, chair man, land a Coats and Nancy Ml- j nar; yearbook Judy M linn r. chairman, Connie Johnson, Mariet ta Perry, Ann Johnson, Kathy Perry, Margaret Coway, Pat .'\ ! McKay and Kathy Farrier; songs Linda Hunt, chairman, Patsy Philbrick and Celia Pettrson; scrapbook -Sturlyn Rohin-’on chairman, Patty Hand, Debbie Peterson; piano player Marietta Perry. Here are the leaders of the i lub: Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr.. Mrs Guy L. Johnson, Mrs. Dwayne Phil-1 Mick. Mi' l Height Philbrick, Mrs. [i-»!c Pcn*y. Mrs Harry Spall, Mrs Frank Eppenbaeh ami Mrs Hamid MUmu*. The next meting, on peccmher .?> will tie a Christmas party ami :'ach memtier will bring a ten rent gift. Special Insurance Offer! "65 days of the year Example Annual Premium $10,000 Ins. House $28 00 $2,000 Ins Household Hoods 5.80 Yearly Payment $33.80 Full coverage on dwelling and household goods. TV antenna snored up to $100.00 without charge. See - A! Gaskill R. E. Gaskill Ins. Agency O’Neill, Nebr. Phone tJO Why pay more? « 1 PHONE 80 FOR IC-DAY HC .J TRIAL CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DICTHiCT