The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 03, 1959, Image 4

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    Page News
By Mrs. B* n \*h«r
Mr and Mrs Richard Heiss and
boys, Mr and Mrs J C King and
family of Columbus. George and
Grace Zellers of Chambers had
Thanksgiving dinner at the Roy
Zellers home
Mr and Mrs Many Harper had
supper Thursday night with Mr.
Biiii Mrs Marvin Stauffer.
Thanksgiving dinner guests at
the 1. F. Knudsen home were L
G Bemholt* and Bon.ue, Mr ami
Mrs L S. Silver ami family of
Kearney, Mr and Mrs. Hal Farns
worth and Rehard Sc hrura of
Mr, and Mrs J M Kennedy of
Ainsworth entertaned on Thartks
gi\ ing the follow ing Mr and Mrs.
Duane Kennedy and family. Mr.
and Mrs Bruce Kennedy and
family, all of Ainsworth, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave toy of O'Neill and Mr
and Mrs William Sorensen and
family of Rage.
Thursday evening supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs Al Anthony of In
man were Mr. and Mrs Otto M *t
schullat, Mr. and Mrs Dale M.*t
schullat. all of Rage and Mr. and
Mrs Wayne Matschullat and fami
ly of Chicago, 111.
Friday supper guests of the
Richard Reisses were Mr, and
Mrs Itoy Zellers and Mr and Mrs.
J. C. King of Columbus.
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Rapp anti
family of Denton. Grace and
George Zellers of Chambers anil
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and
sons were Sunday dinner guests
fit the Roy Zellers
Mr and Mrs Wayne Matschul
lat and family of Chicago, IU,,
had supper on Friday rught with
Mi and Mrs Dale Matsehullat
The Otto Matsehullats were even
m ; v isitors Wayne and family left
oh Saturday for Inman where they
had lunch with the A1 Anthony s
and then went on to Des Moines.
£&., where they were overnight
guests of Mr and Mrs. William
Pierce enroute home to Chicago,
Mr. and Mrs Delbert Anson and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Sukup were Thursday night supper
gutests of Mr and Mrs Edward
Sukup. On Friday Ed Sukup took
Mrs. Sukup to Sioux City, la.,
where she took the bus to Iowa
Falls, la., where Mr and Mrs.
Locus Sukup m t h r and they con
tinued on to Sheffield. Ia., where
Mrs. Sukup will stay w'ltli her
parents, the George Buerkleys.
live Buerkleys celebrated their
.i3nd wedding anniversary’ un
Mr. and Mrs Arnold Tikalsky
and boys had dinner on Thursday
with Mr. anil Mrs. Adolph Kruse
of Verdigre.
Mr. ami Mrs. Gerald Laniason
had dinn r on Thursday with the
Harold Kellys.
Mr and Mrs. Eddie Walker of
Cairo arrived here Wednesday
night and stayed until Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weycr and
fainilv of Plainview, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Gray of Bluehill. Mr and
Mrs. Ed Walker of Cairo. Mr.
and Mrs Duane Gray and family
of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Conies
Walker and family, Mrs. Evelyn
Gray of Page and Loren Baber of
WED.. DEC. 9
15 2-year-old Horned Hereford Bulls
3 Yearling Horned Hereford Bulls
3 Yearling Polled Hereford Bulls
4 Horned Hereford Bulls, 4 and 5-years-old
10 Coming Yearling Horned Hereford Heifers
Consigned by Nelson's L X Ranch, James
Svoboda, V. M. Bodyfield, James Houtz and
Otto Oberg.
All Cattle will be Tested Sale Starts 1:00
For further information contact
L. J. Walthers, Auct. O. J. Walthers, Mgr.
Wayne were all Thanksgiving
guests of Mr and Mrs. Gene
Baber of Plainvlew
Mr and Mrs Ed Stewart en
tertained Mr and Mrs Glenn
Stewart. Mrs. Carrie Sterner and
Mr and Mrs Paul Krugman and
Keith of O'Neill on Thursday for
dinner Mr ;utd Mrs. H O. Hill
»nd family of Orchard were sup
per guests.
Mr. ami Mrs. Anton Nissen,
Otto Wahlity and Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Finlay were dinner guests on
Thanksgiving of the Don Nissens.
James Nissen who is going to
school in Omaha was home for a
few days.
The Eastern Star past matrons
met on Friday with Mrs. Anton
Nissen. Those attending were: Mes
dames Keith Biddle come, Frank
Schmidt, William Connor, Henry
Fleming and Hattie Welke, all of
Ewing, Mrs. Anna Spence of O'
Neill and Carrie Townsend of
Page. Lunch was served by' the
lUSt ss.
Thanksgiving dinner was held
at the A M Beeleart home of
Orchard. Attending were Mr and
Mrs. Joe Beeleart and family, Mr
and Mrs. Frank Beeleart and
Becky, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bee
i leant. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill,
all of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bohn of Ewing, Dr and Mm- Fred
Prellwitz and family of Kearney,
: Mrs. D. D. Courtwright of Los
Angeles, Calif., and Gus Beeleart
of Bremerton, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Fusselman
' and girls were Thursday guests of
1 tne Pete Matters of Genoa..
Mr and Mrs. Edd Stewart and
Mickie and Mrs. Faye Taylor
spent Friday in Norfolk where
Mrs. Stewart consulted a doctor.
Mr. and Mrs Calvin Harvey and
I mil} Mi and Mrs. Robert
Harvey of Page. Mr and Mrs.
W iliam Green of Ft. Laramie,
Wyo., Mrs. Dorothy Lawhead of
Guernsey, Wyo.. Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Ames and family of Norfolk.
Mr, anil Mrs. Darrell Ames and
family of Neligh, Mrs. Ardith
Maw and daughter of Van Couver,
Wish., Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Warden ol Neligh, Mr. and Mrs.
Gregor of Elgin, and Mrs. Rinda
Langston of Eugene. Ore., were
Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr
| and Mrs. Jay Ames of Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freemeyer
and Susan and Mr. and Mrs. P.
E. Nissen were Thursday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
Luebbers of Osmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nissen and
family were Thursday dinnei
guests of the Laurence Haynes’
of O’Neill. Dixie Nissen who is in
nurse's training at Lincoln arrived
home on Tuesday and stayed till
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Crumly, Mr
and Mrs. Raymond Walters ol
Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Devall of O’Neill were Thursday
evening supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Preston Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wettlau
fer of O'Neill and Mr and Mrs
George Wettlaufer and family were
1 hursday dinner guests at the
Kenneth Wettlaufer home.
Mr and Mrs. Arnold Stewart
were Thursday dinner guests Of
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Miller of
Miss Janice Crumiy. who is em
ployed m Omaha was home over
tne Ttuuik.-gu ing weekend. She
went back on Sunday with Bob
N. D. Ickes returned to the
hospital on Sunday night. Nov. 22
and underwent major surgery on
Get together club met on Fri
day with Mrs. Earl Parks There
were ten members present Plans
were made for their Christmas
party to be held at the Legion
club on Dec. 10th Mrs. Anna
l Kuther won the door prize.
Guests of the Howard Millers
of Ewing on Thanksgix ing day
were Mr. and Mrs. Norman and
Dick Trowbridge and their fami
lies, Mrs. A O. Weber, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge, all of
Page, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Woods
oP Elf Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Loo
Miller and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter and Danny, all ot
Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cop
pie of Norfolk, Mrs. Anna Smith
and Ernest Trowbridge, both of
1 Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nissan and
I family of Columbus had dinner
! and supper on Saturday wth the
! Anton Nissens.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Spann of
Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Gil- i
bert Lampshire of Polk had
Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs.
Stella Russell.
Guests of the Frank Cronks on
Thanksgiving day were Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Eretrow of O'Neill, Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Heiss and Mrs.
Bessie Wanser.
Mrs. Lloyd Cork and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Huhl
beck and family of Ewing had
Thursday dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Hah 1 beck of Ewing.
Mr. Cork joined the group in the
Mrs. Elsie Frerichs and family,
Marlen Frahm of Page, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Jurarek and Gerald
Fernau. all of O’Neill had Thurs
day dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Frerichs of O'Neill.
Thanksgiving dinner and supper
guests of the Jerry Ashers were
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and
Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Asher and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Asher and family and Mrs.
Frieda Asher, all of Page and Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Switzer of O'Neill.
The Junior Audibon club met on
Wednesday, Nov. 25th at District
23. The meeting was called to
order by the president, Linda
Thompson. Roll call was answered
by naming a tree. Audibon club
books were given out The next
meeting will be held on Dec 24th.
Four of the members will give re
ports on trees. They are: Patty
Myers on Maple, Roberta Asher
on Oak, James Crumly on pine
and Bobby Myers on apple. Roll
call will be answered by naming
and describing a bird.
Mrs. Juliana Kamphaus and
j sons of O’Neill had dinner Thurs
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stew
I art.
Mr and Mrs. R. L. Jones and
family of Kearney, Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Copes and Nancy of Ains
worth and Mr. and Mrs Dale
Woods and family of Lincoln were
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Woods and
family of Lincoln came on Thurs
day to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. D.
Copes and left Sunday. On Friday
Mr. and Mrs R. D. Copes ac
companied them to Ainsworth
where they were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Copes.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mudloff and
family had dinner on Thursday
with the Elmer Juraceks of O’
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French,
sr., were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Frels
1 r - 1 _ C T nil ltfr nrwl
dliu lainuj vi • -
Mrs. Merle Brouse of Lincoln, Miss
Marie Heiss of Hastings, Mr. and
Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., and
family and Miss Alice French of
O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tay
lor and baby of Scottsbluff were
evening callers.
On Friday night Mr. and Mrs.
Merwyn French, sr., entertained
the following guests at a waffle
supper: Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Brouse of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Frels and family of Hershey.
Miss Marie Heiss of Hastings, Mr.
and Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., and
family, Miss Alice French, Mr.
1 and Mrs. Alton Braddock, Buster
: Neubauer and Miss Viola Haynes
1 of Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods of
Lincoln were Saturday night sup
per guests of the Kenneth Ashers.
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach were
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cronk and
family, Leon Parks and Tom
Bruce of Bonesteel, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cronk had
a birthday dinner for their daugh
ter, Sally who was two. Those who
help* : Sally to celebrate were Mr
ana Mr* Melvin Roach and Larry.
Mr and Mrs. Tony Riohstatter
and son. Miss Catharmg Gnusse
Rhone, Mrs. Elizabeth Grosso
Rhode of Osmond
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor and
Mrs Nina Taylor arrived early
Thusday moning from Oklahoma
City, Okla,, to spend Thanksgiving
weekend in the Curtiss Robeits
home On Saturday morning Mr
and Mrs Clifford Bailey and Chtf
of Huron, S. LX, spent the day in
the Roberts home.
Sunday dinner guests of the
Lyndley Crumlys were Lura and j
Ronald Grass and Mr. and Mrs
Eddie Walker of Cairo.
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and
Miekie and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Wettlaufer and family were Sun
day night supper guests of the Ben
Ashers. After supper Kerlmuh and
lien took their wives to the movies
in O Neill to help celebrate the
ladies' birthdays.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss re
turned on Saturday from spending
a few days with their daughter
and her family. Mr. anil Mrs. Ko$s
Kink of Lafayette, Colo. On
Thanksgiving day another daugh
ter an*l family. Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Asher of Powell, Wyo., joined
them there to spend a few days
visiting. Rick Asher returned
here with his grandparents and
will remain until Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Murphy of
Canon City. Colo.. Mrs, Russell
Sorensen and children of Creigh
ton and Mr. and Mi*. Merle Bruuse
ot Lincoln had Saturday dinner
with Merwyn French, sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and
Miekie and Mr. and Mrs Lloyd
Fusselman visited in the William
Simmons home Saturday night.
Walter Nissen of Osmond and
Mr. and Mrs. L»uie Nissen of,
Plainview visited in the Anton
Nissen and the P. E. Nissen homes
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lene Muaion ana j
boys and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mud
U>tf and Brenda helped Mrs. Cat-1
herin Mudloff celebrate her 82ud
birthday on Wednesday, lee cream,
cake and coffee were seised.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Letterman of Orchard home after
church Sunday and stayed for din
The American Legion Auxiliary
will hold their annual Christmas
party on Monday, Dec. 14 with a
covered dish supper and a gift
exchange. Supper will lie at
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and
Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Asher and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Woods of Lincoln had
Sunday dinner with the Calvin
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen of
Norfolk were Mr. and Mrs. Soren
Sorensen, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Soren
Sorensen, jr., and grls of O’Neill,
Boh Sorensen of Omaha, Miss
Hina Burival of O'Neill and Mrs.
N. D. Ickes and Denny. Some of
the guests visited with N. D. Ickes
who is a patient in the Lady of
Lourdes hospital recovering from
major surgery.
Mrs. W. E. Wanser, Beverly j
Wanser and children of Holly
Springs, la., were dinner guests j
on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Max
Wanser of Ewing. Mrs. Beverly
Wanser was visiting her folks,
Mr and Mrs. Frank Fnoelich of
On Wednesday night Hugh Tro
shynski and Loren Parks visited in
the Melvin Roach home to visit :
with Larry Roach who is home on '
leave from the navy. In the ab
sence of Mrs. Roach, Mr. Roach
proceeded to make supper for the
three young men and himself, j
Steak was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bowen and
Bruce and Gary Bowen of Lincoln
were Thursday dinner guests of
the Dave Bowens. On Monday,
Mrs. Roger Bowen took Gary back
to Lincoln where he is a student.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Kramer of
Stuart were Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Troshynski of Page, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Givens and famly, Mr. and
Mrs. Art Givens and family, all
of Stuart and Mr. and Mrs. George
Pongratz of O’Neill. The oc
casion was the Troshynski’s wed
ding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Kennedy
went to Lincoln Tuesday and
brought Becky Kennedy and Dixie
Nissen here. On Thanksgiving the
Kennedys entertained the follow
ing for dinner: Mr. and Mrs. j
Wayne Henderson of Orchard,
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Henderson
and Eldon, Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Clyde of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Schneider of Plainview and
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy.
Becky returned to Lincoln on Fri
Mr. and Mrs. George Clasey,
Roy Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Al
ton Braddock left for Lincoln
Thursday morning where the
Braddocks visited in the Bob
Stevison home and the Claseys and
Mr. Wilson in the William Baum
home. Thanksgiving dinner was
held in the Baum home even though
Mrs Baum went to the hospital
that morning Mr and Mrs.
Man in Smkule and Cindy of
Lincoln anil Mr. and Mrs William
Plautz and Susan of Denton were
also guests in the Baum home
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mrs Ethel Waring were Mr, and
Mrs Kenneth Heiss and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring of
O'Neill, Mr. Glen Waring and
family of Orchard Mr anil Mrs
J W Pinch of Page, Mr. and Mr*.
Holiert Pease and family of Nio
brara, Mr. and Mrs i Waring
and family, Fairburv Mr*. Alta
Finch. Mr. and Mrs. J. rr> Waring
of Page and Mr. anti Mrs. l»trr\
Taylo and son of Sco'ttshluff were
afternoon and evening visitors.
The Fellowship Sunday school
class had their 31st annual supper
on Tuesday night. There were '24
present. Election of offices was
held. Mrs. Jesse Kelly was elected
president. Mrs. Melvin Smith,
vice-president, and Mrs. Harold
Heiss, secretory ami Mr. Har
old Heiss Treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvn Smith :uul
Linda spent Thursday and Friday
in the Ban Stewart home of
Lee Taylor and airs Hester
Edminsten left on Wednesday for
North Platte, where Mr. Taylor
visited in the Terry Taylor home
ami Mrs. Edminsten in the C J
Gerkin home They returned home
on Monday.
District 23 had a Thanksgiving
brogram on Tuesday night for
their parents. After the program
lunch was served.
Mrs. Dan Troshynski had a
jewelry party on Tuesday with 5
guests present. Mrs. Frank Belmar
of Ewing and Mrs. Stella Russell
plan a party. Mrs. Belmar won
the door prize.
Hugh Troshynski. a student at
Wayne came home on Wednesday,
Donna Cnimly, Ruth Kelly, Kath
leen Walker and Judy Simmons
accompanied him here. They left
on Monday,
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mrs. Anna Thompson were Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Nelson of Almeria,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nelson of i
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Jes-e Kelly,
Mr ami Mrs Art Grass ami fami
ly ami Mr and Mrs Arthur Pel
letier of Ewing. Mr. ami Mi's
Ernmitt Thompson and family
we it afternoon callers and stayed
for lunch
Mr and Mrs. Ray Harmon and
family left on Wednesday for a
tew days with Mi's Finn l-amireth
of Creston. la.
Thursday dinner guests of
the R. V Crumlys were Mr. and
Mrs A T CrumK and family Mr
and Mrs Lyndiey Crumly and
family and Ronald and 1-ura
Receive 3® yr. lias
A mass for eorporate com
munion of the members of thi
Father Kroupa Council of Boyd
County Knights of Cblumhus was
celebrated at S. S Peter and
Paul Catholic church at Butte on
November Reverend Francis ut
Marts Mission w as the cek’hrant
and delivered tin* sermon
Following the mass a breakfast
was served and a program was
held at the Butte legion hall Rev
Robert Stelnhausen of Spencer was
the toastmaster. Rev Kdvvard B
(.1 ill of Butte asked the blessing and
gave thanks, and Revernd Francis
of Marty was the main speaker
Rev. Charles Kamber also was
Peter Coupler atui Vav Jedlieka
were honoied for fifty years mem
bership and M P. Monger for
forty years All art' from l.vmh
Mr and Nil’s Frank Nemec ot
Spencer played musical selections
for entertainment
* %
I (As High As 25% on Some Items)
Open 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.
Take Advantage of This Furniture Savings!
Phone 526 Top Value Stamps We Deliver
A Small Deposit Holds Any Item Till Christmas West O'Neill
Thiele's Dairy Cattle Auction
200 Holstein dairy cattle will sell at Auction Wednesday, Dec.
9. 12:30 p.m. at the Arnold Thiele farm 2Vi miles S W. of Clear
water, Nebr.
In the offering will be 120 fresh or heavy springers. (Mostly
first calf heifers!. 1 very good black Angus bull. All are T.B. and
Bangs tested. 49 mixed breed of bull and heifer calves around
4 months old and the balance will be baby calves.
This is our first sale,for this season and we are offering you
the same good quality of cattle as we have in our previous sales.
We are not describing them in detail but believe anyone inter
ested in production and quality can fill their needs here Dec. 9.
Clearwater, Nebr. Hunter 5-3200
1000 - 1200 Cattle Today
llog sale starts promptly at tl a.m. 1000 to 1200 cattle today
Some of consignments include 28 head of fancy shorthorn steers,
35 head of 700 lb. yearling steers, .80 head of plain yearling steers,
200 head of HOO lb. yearling* from .Mill Prude* at Kwlng, these
will be half heifers and half stts-rs. v ery good quality tuul strict
Iv green. 90 head of 100 lb. Hereford calves, good to choice qual
ity, HO head of lightweight Hereford calves from Kwlng. <10 head
of lightweight black Angus calves, choice quality, 25 head of
black Angus fall calves from Lew Brown, good quality, 80 fancy
calves from Rodblrd weighing around .300 lbs. 50 head White
fact- calves from Inman. — Sunday, Dec. tl there will 1m> a quarter
horse salt- and consignors are asked to join Iht- sale.
Vern A l-elgh Keynoldson
Associate Store '
_ (Cl333
Ric-O-Shoy Gun
J * Holster Set
4- 2 pistols & cow
13540 ^Ai - *■ hide holsters.
_ ■■ r OO 4. Adjustable belt
P ftfE* 4" Monopoly i S“
-rr-Tis r_rr.:-?i ; 9“
*W ' 30-Key Concert
EC173C Spinet Pi6no
2 Vi octaves. Proven*
cial amber finish.
20 " Vinyl ] 9^9 Full JOVi* Coaffir Hors*
Bride Doll Great big plastic Palo
Beautifully ■ mi no. Non • mar lucito
gowned. • ( tll.., . . . I casters. Boys and girls
High-heels ( High gj love it! _
‘n^feVr‘n*5- “at£hl"9 I plete chemistry lab. 1 , .
R^uSe? H I Steel carry case. l’'n£h
l!!!1- „ fC30'3 I *******1 HSThSS?
— ■ --; 1
'Neill Turkey Days!Fri.&Sat. De mb r 11&12
f »