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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1959)
N*p«r News By Mrs. John V honrt«uin Mr* Henry Ludemann and fami ly of Newport were Sunday after noon visitors and supper guests ol Mr and Mrs Reuue Fuhrer Even ing visitors were Fred Ott and son I-airy of Bone steel 1-es Misner was a Thanksgn ing dinner guest of Mr and Mrs Hap (ientele and Karen, afternoon vi si tors were Mr and Mrs Johr Stahiecker and family Thanksgiving dinner guests ol Mrs Mary Nicalous and Mr and Mrs. Cliff Lund were Mr and Mrs John Nicalous of Butte, Metha Beck and a friend of Winner, S D-, Mr and Mrs AJ Nicalous and famly of Fairfax, S. D. Mr and Mrs Ed Nicalous and I>ale and Mr and Mrs Harley Nicalous anc family Afternoon visitors were Mrs John Blakkolb of Bonestee an<l Mr and Mrs A1 Blakkolb ol California. Mr and Mr* Fritz Oarstens and daughter of Battle Creek, Mr and Mr* Earl Seth and family. Mrs Re mho Id Mayer and Clarence and Mr and Mrs Bill Broekemai er and family were Thanksgiving Seats of Mr and Mrs Marlin mens and family. Mr and Mrs Marvin Stahlecker and family. Mr and Mrs Ray Honke and family, Mr and Mrs Jerald Schmitz and family and Mr and Mrs. Ray Fuhrer and son were Thanksgiving guests of Mr and Mrs Jimmy Cemy and sons Mr and Mrs Wayne Ahlers and family were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. John Schemebaum and DanieL Thursday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Joe Schmitz and son were Jake Blum. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin. Mr and Mrs. Leo Blum and Joyce Mr and Mfs August Ellers and family of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs Andy Blum and family. Mrs Gerald Blum and Bennetta Schmitz of Bonestee! Sup SPECIAL HORSE SALE SUNDAY. DEC. 6 1:00 p.m. 32 Quarter Horses Colts and Saddle Horses Consigned by H. W. Johnson, Spencer, Nebr. There will also be several Shetland ponies and Shetland pony colts at the sale. Consignors are invited to join in this sale by contacting the O'Neill Livestock Market. O'NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET Vern and Leigh Reynoldson per guest* were Mr and Mrs Melvin Blum. Mr and Mr* Leo nard Schmitz and family, Mr and Mrs Jim Blum and family and Mr and Mrs Donald Schmitz and family Misses Joyce Blakkolb of Bas sett and Jams Blakkolb of Lincoln were Thursday dinner guests of their parents Mr and Mrs Wil liam Blakkolb. Afternoon visitors were Mrs Mary Blakkolb and Mr and Mrs A! Blakkolb Thursday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Glenn Ailpress and sons were Mr and Mrs. Haney Davis. Mr and Mrs. Max Higgins and daughters and Howard, Lloyd and Albert Allpress Mr and Mrs Johnnie Mitchell and sons of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stahlecker and fami ly of Gregory, Mr and Mrs. Henry Stahlecker and Laura, Mr and Mrs. Albert Bevhtold and Shirley and Mr. and Mrs Walter Sthlecker and family were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. William Ulrich. Mr and Mrs Donald Schmitz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Schmitz and sons were Sun day dinner and luncheon guests of Mr and Mrs, Joe Schmitz. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs John Higgins were Mr and Mrs. Howard Stahlecker and fami ly of Gregory, Mr and Mrs. Robert Peppel of Herrick, S. !>., Mr and Mrs Mervin Higgins and family and Mr and Mi's. Max Higgins and daughters. Mr and Mrs Oliver Whitley, Mr. and Mrs Elmer Ticknor. Larry and Dean of Burke. S. D., left on Saturday evening for Sacra mento. Calif., where they will at tend the funeral of Junior Ticknor. Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whitley and family were Mr. and Mrs. Bud McClurg of Stuart. Mr and Mrs Elmer Ticknor of Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Whitley and family. Mr and Mrs. Dean Brockemaier and family. Alfred Whitley and Lucy Whitley. Mr. and Mrs. John Comin were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Henry’ Schockemaier and family of Bonesteel. Matt Schmitz suffered a slight stroke on November 24 evening and was taken to the Lynch hospi tal by Ray Kuhrer’s where he is still a patient. Relatives who attended a dinner last Sunday in the Paul Stoltenberg home to help Mr. Stoltenberg cele brate his 71st birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stoltenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoltenberg, Mr and Mrs. Frank Stoltenberg and fami ly. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bendig and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bendig and daughter, of Bonesteel, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stoltenberg and family, Mr. and Mrs Ken Stolten berg. Ms. and Mrs. Jake Hoy and family of Herrick, S. D., Mr and Mrs. Bert Barnhart and Annie Thompson of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Reber and Garry of 10% / Discount on any item in our store! Clothing -- Hard lines - Furniture. SAVE ON ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS! i | % | Stuart and Mr and Mrs Donald Bentz and family of Fairfax. Reinhokl Fuhrer was admitted to die Lynch hospital on Monday. Nov. 23rd with bleeding ulcers He was brought home on Sunday afternoon feeling some better Mr and Mrs August Ahlers and Mr and Mrs Walter Ahlers and family of Spencer left on Wednes day for Minneapolis. Minn., to spend Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs Roger Luderbrog and fami ly. On their return home they stopped at Gibbon. Minn., to visit with the Albert Ahlers jr., Seih families and Mrs Behrems They returned home on Sunday ev ening A dinner was served last Sun day to a number of relatives and friends for the 48th wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs Gust Weickum in their home. Present j were Mr and Mrs George Seih j and Mike, Ted Wentz, Mr ami j Mrs Harry Fuhrer and Jane. Mr and Mrs. Rudolph Weickum, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Martin and Doug las, Mrs. Mary Martn and Mrs Emma Quest. Eddie Schmitz of Igloo, S. D.. came on Sunday to visit his father, Matt Schmitz in the Lynch hospital. Eddie was an overnight guest in the Jerald Schmitz home, returning to Igloo Monday mom mg. Marjorie Kortmeyer, Karen Re ber, Lou Ann Stahlecker and Jean Cline were Friday evening guests in the Herman Gentele home to help Karen Gentele celebrate her 18th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Carstens and family went to Meadow Grove on Saturday and spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Carstens. They also were sponsors for the baptism of Kelly Gene Carstens on Sunday. A number of relatives and friends went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ullrich on Sun day evening to help them celebrate their 32nd wedding anniversary Albert Stoltenberg was brought i home on Wednesday from the Lynch hospital where he had been a patient for several days. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allpress and sons went to the home of Mr and Mrs. Max Higgins and daughters on Sunday ev ening to help them I celebrate their 6th wedding anni versary. Mrs. Carl Cunningham went to ! Omaha last Sunday to visit in the I home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cun ningham and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Whitley and family of Rapid City, S. D.. came on Saturday ebening to spend Thanksgiving vacation in the Lucy WTiitley home. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Seih went to Herrick, S. D., on Monday and visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seih and family. Atkinson News James Mellor spent the Thanks giving weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mellor. James is a student at Kansas State Uni versity at Manhattan, Kan. He ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Ixx>n Hendricks who came to spend a few days w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks. Jon Mack, student at Casper Junior College at Casper. Wyo., spent his Thanksgiving vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mack. Milo Hupp, who has spent the t>ast several weeks in the hospi tal in Omaha, returned home on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Dunn spent ther Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mohr, sr., and other rela tives. „ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brady and Elwood returned Sunday from Denver, Colo., where they spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Brady's sister and brotner-in-iav\, jvu . aim Mrs. Harvey Creaver. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Miller and Dr. and Mrs. N. P. McKee re turned home Sunday afternoon after spending the Thanksgiving weekend in Denver, Colo., with relatives. Ray White of Beaver Crossing was a Saturday night and Sunday dinner guest in the William Wefso home. He left for his home Sun day afternoon. He accompanied Mrs. Calvin McClurg, Calvin Al lyn and Charles Sweet who were rett*Tung to Lincoln after spend ing a few days with relatives and friends during the Thanksgiving weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and Denton attended the funeral of Layton Sattler at the Congrega tional church in Gregory, S. D., j Tuesday. He was a nephew of j Mrs. Colfack. He was injured in a car accident Thanksgiving night and died in in a Burke hospital i early Saturday morning. He was a senior in high school. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth, Don aid and Doretta were Thanks giving day dinner guests of Mrs. Elsie Doolittle of Stuart. Mr. and j Mrs. Ivan Roth and family of Valentine were also dinner guests. Miss Edith Pokomy of Lincoln is spending a few days visiting her mother, Mrs. Helen Pokomy. Mrs. Ladd Sladek was in O’Neill on business Saturday. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD-Neal B. Ryan, et al to County of Holt-no date-5465-6.2 acres along NVfe NWy* 19-29-12. WD-Harmon M. Grunke, et al to County of Holt 11-24-59 575-Part of NMtNEV4 19-29-12- Strip 33 ft. wide. WD-Archie R. Bright to Robert M. Forweod and wf 12-8-57 512,500 -Lot 12 Blk 24- O’Neill. Sheriffs Deed-Leo S. Tom jack, Sheriff to J. H. and Mabel Gibson 10-20-59 51000- Part of SEV4 19 26-12 - 93 ft. x 132 ft. WD-Daniel Rakes, et al to Audry Bowden 11-24-59- 53500-Lots 5 and 6 Blk 8- O’Neill. WD-Libby B. Miinar to Francis E. Brandt and wf 11-23-59 54500 | Lots 1 and 8 Blk 22- Bitneys Add i Atkinson. O'NEILL NEBRASKA PRESENTS AT WHOLESALE PRICES * I 1 X I 1 x X X X X I X A x X X A A A I X X X 1 X I X 1 x X X 1 1 1 X X ■ 1 A 1 I A A A A I A 1 8 1 — 1 and Mrs. Farmer and Rancher: 8 You are cordially invited to visit one of Northeast Nebraska's finest toy and small appliance displays at S & S Farm Supply, O'Neill, Nebraska. Make your Christ ? mas Dollars stretch and buy wholesale at S & S Farm Supply. 2 j I y » Westinghouse Appliance* ! Electric Automatic Toasters I Steam Irons Radios Mixers West Bend Appliances Electric Skillets Electric French Fryers Electric Com Poppers Electric Auto. Percolators | Electric Griddles j Electric Waterless Cooker J Canister Sets ' J Range Sets | Stainless Steel Bowls | Stainless Steel Sauce Pans ! Baking Pans f Many Other Items l Ingraham Wrist Watches t Ingraham Kitchen Clocks t Ingraham Alarm Clocks Games Farm Sets Steam Shovels Tractors Bowling Sets Holster Sets Guns Train Sets Accordions Guitars Missile Rockets Airplanes (with real engines) Boats Tinkertoys Erector Sets Chemistry Sets Trucks Basketball Set Ingraham Wrist Watches Piano 2 Speed Phonograph Dolls *■ Games * ^ Accordions Guitars Doll Play Sets Luggage Kitchen Sets Cooking Sets Typewriters Chairs Nurse Bags Doll Cribs Ranch Doll House Electric Iron Washer - Dryer Ingraham Wrist Watches $ j Electric Drills Electric Saws Special Drive Tool Set Electric Norelco Razor Tractor Cabs j Tractor Seat Cushions ] Air Compressors j Chain Saws ^ Golden Rod Fence Stretcher J | Gloves i Tools of all kinds Grease I Punch and Chisel Sets Ingraham Wrist Watches Ingraham Pocket Watches Ingraham Alarm Clocks | We have Hundreds of other items for all members of the family 2 v 2 « 1 2 2 * 5 3 2 * I 1 9 2 » 2 t««<««tc««<«t«!«t«(C'<'e'<«c's>9<ci«tra£'«’«tctc'c*c«K«<«!«te<«’«<«'c<ctctc4c<«««'3'«ic<«<«'«tctc'«<«'C'C'«<««,£«'C'C*c«cic«ct«<e«c<c*ctc<c,«>«:'«!C'«'eic>s*c<*'«tctc'«t«!ct«t<!C'«tCi((Ct«^ Shop In O'Neill Thursday Night W I ALL ^Ri?*OPEN’TFLL%iob'L^m^ EVERY* DECEMBER ^THURSDAY - 3rd, 10th, 17th