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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1959)
UNOHER4. MmORlAl, t'rrightua SAGE Mr and Mrs Laurence Sage of Bloomfield, daughter, 9 bounds. December 2. ST. ANTHONY’S KIRKPATRICK Mr and Mrs Morris Kirkpatrick of O’Neill, daughter, Terri Lynn. 7 pounds 10 3/4 ounces, Nevember 24. BEAN Mr. and Mrs. lioberi Bean of O'Neill, daughter, Robir Lynn, 8 pounds 15 ounces, Novem ber 25 SHELHAMER Mr. and Mrs Ramon W Shelhamer of O’Neill son David Joseph, 5 pounds 7V« ounces, November 25. LYONS^ Mr. and Mrs. LeRoj Lyons of O'Neill, daughter, Leist Rae, 6 pounds 7'« ounces, Novem ber 26. GLEESON—Dr. and Mrs. Ed ward Gleeson of O’Neill, son, t pounds 3 3/4 ounces, Novembei 28. ALLSHOUSE Mr and Mrs. Har vey Allshouse of Stuart, son Jimmy Ray, 8 pounds 2 ounces November 24. HOFFMAN—Mr. and Mrs. A1 ton B. Hoffman of Stuart, daugh ter, Marietta Sue, 8 pounds 11 ounces, Novem tier 24 DAVIDSON Mr. and Mrs. Ower E. Davidson of O'Neill, daughter Mary Jeanette, 9 pounds 0 ounces . November 25. OHDE Mr and Mrs. Charles G. Ohde of Atkinson, si>n Stever Craig, 5 pounds 13 ounces, Novem ber 25 OLBERDLNG M r. and Mrs Arthur Oltierding of Stuart, son Earl Anthony, 9 pounds 10 ounces November 26. WILCOX Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond A. Wilcox of Newport, son, David Ross, 8 pounds 1 ounce, Novem tier 28. (X)MMI NITY MEMORIAL Burwell WIETZKI Mr. und Mrs. Charles W'ietzki of Ord, daughter. Laura Lee, 7 pounds 11 ounces, Novem ber 28. HELD Mr. and Mrs. Keith Held of Ericson, a baby, Novem ber 30. EI-SEWHERE HARTIGAN Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan of Lexington, daugh ter, Jane Lynn, 6 pounds 9 ounces, November 28 'Hie Hartigans have two other children. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry are the maternal grandparents and Mrs. Mary Hartigan is the paternal grand mother. BAUM Mr. and Mrs William Baum of Lincoln, daughter, De bra Ann, Nobember 28, St. Eliza beth's hospital in Lincoln. Mrs Baum is the former Elaine Clasey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Clasey of Page. DUFEK Mr. and Mrs Leonard Dufek of Verdigre, daughter, Julie Ann, 7 pounds, November 18, Antelope Memoral hospital at Neligh. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Minarik of Verdel and Mr. and Mrs. George Dufek of Verdigre. Mrs. Christina Hrbek is the great-grandmother. This is the couples first child. PURVIANCE Mr. and Mrs. Le roy Purviance, jr., of Denver, Colo., son 7 pounds 13 ounces, November 22. Mrs. Purviance is the former Kathryn Mulhair. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Purviance, sr., and Mrs. Phyllis Mulhair of Lynch. MCCLEIJ-AN -M r. and Mrs. Ronald McClellan of Omaha, daugh ter, 8 pounds 4 ounces, Novem ber 29. Mrs. Ida O'Conner is the maternal grandmother and Mr. and Mrs. Donald McClellan are the paternal grandparents. Thursday, Dec. S Presbyteran Women's Assoca ton MNO Christmas Party, 7 pm. Friday, I>ec. 4 Women's Club, Methodist church parlors Rebekah Tuesday, Dec. 8 Elkhorn Project MILLER THEATER ATKINSON One Show Nightly 8 o'clock Frt. • Sat. Dec. 4 • 5 DOUBLE FEATURE m count AWO CINEMASCOPE a •8 r . I u«. iju.,44^ Friendly Neighbors Christmas Party O'Monde — Wednesday. Dee. I Golden Rod Extension Grattan Farmerettes Country Club Bridge, 1 30 p.m., Golden Hotel Thurxlay, Deo. 10 Lutheran Ladies Aid What Not Extension WSCS Club Notes O'Monde O Monde club met November 24 with Mrs. G. R. Cook as hostess A guest was Mrs. Mike Smith. Winners were Mrs. Don Becker, Mrs. Louis Reimers Jr., and Mrs Smith. The meeting Tuesday evening will be with Mrs. Jim Early. Friendly Neighbors ExtMMtOB Mrs. Durvin Kipple was hostess to Friendly Neighbors Extension club last Tuesday with five mem bers and four guests. Mrs Harold Mlinar presented the lesson on "Christmas Ideas." Mrs Carol McKay served. The Christ mas party will be Tuesday, Dec. 8, with a gift exchange and din ner. MNO MNO extension club met Tues day, November 24, at the Leonard Davis home with 18 members pre sent. Roll call was answered w'ith Christmas ideas. Mrs. Ivan Hurley and Mrs. Philip Haverkamp were guests. I The lesson was given by Mrs. Ben Hanlon and Mrs. Richard McLain. Other members brought Christmas ideas they had made. 1 The Christmas party will be to night (Thursday) at 7 p.m. Mrs Ben Hanlon, Mrs. Leonard Davis and Mrs. Matt Beha were co-hostesses. WC7TU Mrs. Dave Loy was hostess Tuesday afternoon to WCTU mem bers. Following the regular busi ness meeting, Mrs. Hazel Boat man reviewed a chapter from the book, ‘‘Really Living,’’ pub lished by the Narcotics Education T_ _ Bridge Club Mrs. Rex Wilson entertained members of bridge club Tuesday with Mrs. J. B. Grady as a guest. Winners were Mrs. Dick Nelson and Mrs. Virgil Laursen. The Dec. 15 meeting will be a Qiristmas party with Mrs. Earl Hunt. ChezA-Mari Mrs. W D. Melena was hostess November 26 to Chez-A-Mari , bridge club. Mrs. Milton Baack and Mrs Robert Clements were guests. Following dinner, Mrs. Joe Stutz, Mrs. John McCarville and Mrs. Marvin Miller were bridge winners. --- ■ — CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Philip Gildersleeve celebrated his sixth birthday on November | 24 with seven little guests. Games were played and prizes given. Birthday cake, punch and ice cream were served. Philip is the son of Dr. and Mrs. H D. Gildersleeve. NEIGHBORS PICK CORN EWING—A group of friends and relatives gathered Friday at the Johnny Knieval home souh of Ewing with necessary equipment and picked 100 acres of com. Mr. Knieval is hospitalized in the Antelope Memorial hospital at Neligh with a back aliment. AT THE COURT )USE COUNTY COCRT— State vs. Melvn D. Freeman, O’Neill, night speeding, fined $10 ...I _T fill HP I Ilint •*»« - - — Nov. 25. State vs. Charles E. Langseth, South Sioux City, night speeding. I fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— R. L. Gude, Nov. 25. State vs. Leland David Hobbs, Sioux City, la., no reciprocity, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— Clifford L. Kizzire. Nov. 25. State vs. Roger Lee Kellbaum, Anthon, la., no reciprocity, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—Clifford L. Kizzire, Nov. 25. State vs. Kenneth Metz, Auburn dale, Fla., operating a motor vehicle without driver’s license, fined $1 and $4 costs; officer— Chris McGinn, Nov. 25. State vs. Audney Sexton, Clinton, Tenn., overload on axle, fnied $50 and $4 costs; officer—Donald F. Richardson, Nov. 30. State vs. Eric L. Garwood. Ame lia, operating on a learner’s per mit without adult aceompamng, fined $5 and $4 costs; officer- R. L. Gude, Nov. 30. . State vs. Stanley Johnston, Ree Heights, S. D., overweight on axle, fintxl $80 and $4 costs; officer— Donald F. Rchardson, Nov 30. State vs. Max D. Kipple, In man. no registration certificate, fined $10 anti $4 costs; officei E. M. Hastreiter, Nov. 30. State vs. Donald A. Dcmman kowski. Dearborn. Mich., night slice ding fined $10 and $4 costs, .officer- E. M. Hastreiter, Dec. 1 MAUKlAtiG LICENSES— 1 x>n*M Raymond Schneider of O Neill and',. Delores Frances j Boviti of O'Neill. November 27. Dan O. Farrington. 22. of Al lipnce and Judy Ann Liddy, 20, of j O’Neill. November 28. . i • :• '17-- ~ j: Oorsev News By Mrs. fliiroltl Osborn Mr. ftnd Mrs. Jim Vavak of VYrdigce spent- Thanksgiving day at the home of their daughter, thfc ; Tom AMorv t:>. < Mrs. Grace Alder is spending a few daw at -the- Elmer Alder home ; Tn WtinW. •, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn had Thanksgiving supper at the George Barta home in Lynch. Later they attended the firemen's ball. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn and Ruth spent Thanksgiving day at the T J. and Howard Graham home. I Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mrs Myrtle Pickering *ere her daughter. Vera and fam ily and son*. Claude and Oral and their families. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Brady spent Thanksgiving evening at the Mar kin Richter home. Mr and Mrs Harold Osborn *ere callers Friday at the Lyle Wells home. Marvin Drobny was a business caller at the Osborn home Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs Gordon Bart a and Evelyn and Mr and Mrs. Harold Osborn attended the program and social at the school Mrs Gerald Risor teaches. Miss Beverly Carson from Lin coln spent Thanksgiving vacation at her parental home, the Edward Carsons. The Carson sisters and the Ed ward Carsons enjoyed Thanks giving day together. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slack were Thanksgiving day guests of their daughter, Joy, near Page. Mr. and Mrs Fora Knight and Mr and Mrs Louis Bartos and family of O'Neill were coffee guests at the Osborn home after giving the coons in that commun ity a chase They were fortunate to get two that evening. Tom Alder is picking com at i the Osborn farm this week. Marlyn Graham came from Norfolk college to spend her vaca tion at home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Derickson and family spent Thanksgiving day at the John Derickson home, j Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson were Lynch shoppers Wednesday evening. Hal Rosenkrans has been help-! ing at the Roger Rosenkrans farm the past week. They have been busy harvesting com. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka were Spencer visitors Saturday Mrs Joe Hrbek and children were O'Neill shoppers Saturday, Mrs. H. H. Miles and Linda were guests at the A W. Aim home during Thanksgiving vacation O'Neill Locals Guests at the Joe Sivesind home for Thanksgiving were Mr and Mrs. John Schleusener and fami ly. Mr and Mrs. Curt Schleuse ner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Schleusener and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Schleusener and family, all of Orchard, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sivesind, O’ Neill. Oscar and Mike Spitzenberger returned Monday from a weekend trip to Denber, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry, Em met, were Monday evenng guests at the Dale Perry home. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Reynold son visited Mrs. Reynoldson s mother, Mrs. George Burrows, Platte Center, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Blakkolb, Santa Anna, Calif., visited last week at the Oscar Spitzenberger home. They are former residents of Bonesteel. S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Reynoldson. Albion, Sunday. Larry Frisch and George Fuller were home from the University of. South Dakota for the Thanksgiving holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Loy and family, Kearney, were guests last week at the Dave Loy home. Mrs. Don Loy’s father, Clay Johnson, sr., returned with them to Kearney for a visit* L. G. Gillespie accompanied his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon R. Wood to Alham mmmm m bra, Calif , for an indefinite visit Leo Havelk, son of Mr and Mrs John Havelka. was home for the weekend from Wayne State Teach ers College Mr. and Mrs Bud Tibbts and family were Thanksgiving guests of Mrs, Tibbits parents. Mr ami Mrs A. C Watson. Amelia. Guests at the George Van Every home for Thanksgiving were Mr and Mrs Marvin Van Every ami daughter. Norfolk. Mr and Mrs Carl Miller and boys. Norfolk, Mr and Mrs Eugene Van Every and boys, Perry’. I»>. and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fuller and son Mr. and Mrs. Manon Wichman and family were in Omaha Wednesday. Mrs. Art Tibbits and Mrs Larry Tibbits were in Omaha Monday where Larry Tibbits received a medical check-up. Thanksgiving guests at the Fred Wells home were her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Burr Faust. Lucas, her fother and sister, Mrs. Lidia Wetzler and Lela. Herrick, S. D., and her brother. Mr. and Mrs Harold Wetzler. Herrck. S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Wichman were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bouska. Stuart. Also a guest was Ed Bouska. At kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Younie were Thanksgiving week ghests at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Musefeldt. and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Younie of Manning and Manila, la Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth and their son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Worth and family. Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs Adolph Wetzler, Verdigre were Thanksgiving guests iiome of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth and family, Wichita, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser were Thanksgiving day guests of their son-in-law and daughter, i Mr. arid Mrs Sylvester Venteieher and family at Norfolk. Mr and Mrs M L Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Vorce ami Sheryl, Jim Johnson of Manhattan, Kan , J and Miss Sharlene Shoemaker of Atchison, Kan., helped Victor Johnson celebrate his birthday at his home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser, Mr and Mrs Henry Kliment and Family of Wausa, Mr. and Mrs Leon Thompson of Bloomfield. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Soucek of Ver digre, Mrs. James Dobias of At kinson, Mr. and Mrs Lands Lli ment and family of Atkinson, Ivan Kliment of Atkinson, Ivan Kaiser of Wayne State Teachers college, and Mr and Mrs Warren Seger and son, Mark of Neigh were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kliment, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kellner of Valentine and Mrs Anna Pollock of Ewing visited at the Donald Kellner home on Thanksgiving Guests at the K. L. Van Voor his home for Thanksgiving were Mr and Mrs. Robert Van Voor his and Kip, Albion, and Mr. and Mrs R B. Van Voorhis. Edge mont, S. D Guests at the Dale Perry home for Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Les Perry and family. Bird City, Kan.. Mr and Mrs. Dean Perry and family. Emmet, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Calkins, O' Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Reynoldson were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson. Weekend vuests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sehmeichel were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Schmiechel, Johnstown. Milton Loeb was also a guest. The T. J. Knoell family spent a Thanksgn ing day in Burwe 11 with Mr and Mrs Louis Storjo ha nn and family Mr and Mrs. T J. Knoell. Tom mie and Betty visited Sunday at the Tom Papke home Stuart News By Mrs. Herb Skaia Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Addison were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tielke Afternoon callers were Mr and Mrs. Bob Tielke. Gary Addison of Wayne State Teachers college spent the Thanksgiving vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Itelbert Addison. He returned to school on Monday. Thanksgiving day guests of Mr and Mrs. Bob Tielke of Atkinson were Mrs. A. J. Tielke. Bud Tielke. Mr and Mrs. Jack Tielke and Guy. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Addison anil family and Mr and Mrs. Irvin Parsons of Atkinson Thanksgiving day guests of Mr and Mrs. Charles Ankney were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neibauer of Atkinson and Mr and Mrs Freddy Neibauer Mike Batenhorst of Wayne spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. ami Mrs Bob Batenhorst. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaup of Bil lings, Mont., and Bob Eby of Omaha were Monday afternoon visitors in the Boh Batenhorst home. Carol Sue and Marcia Jo Giig of Bassett were visitors in the home of their grandparents, Mr. and I Mrs. Karl Bemt from Thursday till Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright were Thanksgiving afternoon cal lers of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hovey. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Albert Holbrook were Mi and Mrs Keith King and family, Sp hugene Holbrook of Fort Riley, Kan . Carolyn Holbrook and lx»n Schleis, both of Omaha. Sp. Eugene Holbrook of Fort Riley, Kan, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs Albert Holbrook. Carolyn Hol brook and IX»n Schleis of Omaha were also weekend guests of Mr and Mrs. Albert Holbrook Mr and Mrs, Tony Kaup and family had Thanksgiving dinner in O'Neill with Mr and Mrs liar old M-jiar. Thanksgiving supper guests of Mr. and Mrs Fritz Kohle and family were Mrs. Hubert Kohle. Mr. and Mrs, Hob Kohle and fami ly, Mr. and Mrs Hill Kohle and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Kohle and lamuy, M. ami Mrs Bud Kunz and family and Mr and Mrs. Laurence Nagel of Naper l>mny Hoffman spent Friday and Saturday with Carolyn and Dorothy Hoffman. OHS Releases List Of Honor Students C'Neill Public high school an nounced the second six-week honor roll students Tuesday. Two fresh men, four sophomores, one junior and eight seniors were listed. Freshmen- Ann Johnson, A AAA; Keith Reynoldson, AABB Sopho mores, Mike Hand. AAAB; Joan Pease. AAABB; Kay Lee Rees, AAAA and Melvin Sanders, AAAB. Juniors Marion Rosenkrans, AAAAA. Seniors Richard Ernst, AAAB; Carol Harmon, A AAAB; Janet Krug man, AAA AH; Bonne y Lawrence, AAAB, Barbara Mil ler. AABB; Paula Reed, AAAAB; Barbara VVayman, BAA; Nancy IVray, AAAAA. -. — — i You Enjoy TRIPLE SAVINGS When you shop JACK & JILL 1. Low, Low Prices 2. One Stop Shopping 3. You Receive S & H Green Stamps with every purchase Clip and Use These Coupons at Your Favorite JACK & JILL STORE I I This Coupon Good for ■ WORTH (50 STAMPS) EXTRA iW GREEN STAMPS | When you buy Vi box | MICHIGAN 1 Winesap Apples GOOD OMIT AT TOO! 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Don't toko ■ cbauco on disappointing yonr family at moaltimol Walk or drlvo tin nitra distance to whom yon know you'll bo satisfied . . . ~1 SHOP THIS WEEKEND AT JACK ft JUJL I I I (V Jtewfy-MbMr WALNUTS or \ lw<y ft Vm MIXED NUTS 1 Lb. Pkg. 4QC y -- 1 NAPKINS ahmM.2. (fn 27c , j waxtex r’S'/ .:ta23 #iBnp| nrr WOOL-O-LENE.79‘ Wf=T<H 1II ! NU SOFT RINSE.* «< <■!■■■■ SWEETHEART S4S» J BUIWHITErr-SJIfl‘~27‘^CTg352B3! TREND — -2’£59< rMftl&l j TREND-2»»39‘ *HCT«k J BEADS ’0 BLEACH ..RICE KR,SI>IES 3I* i • PLEAS MOB WHITE, rHESH P0REX^ ....~—55c MARSHMALLOWS 2-35' L ifetty Save today andbesurel wNh Jw Mr—m Haiwi yMRi To ftuWtt 10 y« j ——y wN»— yaa wx> m Pm N» OrtNiwM Clip and Uso Thoso Coupons at Your Favorito JACK & JILL STORE I"".”-1 This Coupon Good for | WORTH J (80 STAMPS) | EXTRA I St*C GREEN | STAMPS I When Yob Bay 3 8-Ox. I SWANSON MEAT PIES ' CHICKEN-TURKEY-BEEF OOOD OMIT AT TOOT TAVOUTE |ACE 4 IOX COUTOM OOOD THROUGH DtC. I. Ill* | This Coupon Good for WORTH • (SO STAMPS) I EXTRA | • St»t GREEN I STAMPS I Whoa Yoa Bay 4-Roll Pbg. | Charmin BATH ROOM TISSUE \ I OOOD OMIT AT TOUT rAVOUTR 1A£1 A DLL 1 COUTOM GOOD THAOUGG DSC. ». Ilk* I This Coupon Good for | WORTH j (SO STAMPS) | RXTIA | Zr*C GREEN I ! Wbaa Yaa Pay 10-Lb. Bag I DEWY-FRESH POTATOES ! OOOD ONLT AT TOOT TATOAITC |AC* 4 mi I coaroa oood Taaooaa dec. x mm This Coupon Good for * WORTH I (SO STAMPS) I EXTRA I SM GREEN J STAMPS j Wbaa Yoa Bay 28-Lb. or SO-Lb. Bag ROSIN HOOD FLOUR ! OOOD OMIT «I TOOT TAVOAITE I ACE 4 MIX I coutom oood nuouoa dec; x mt This Coupon Good for 1 WORTH I (80 STAMPS) ■ | &C GREEN ' STAMPS { Wbaa Yaa Bay 3 Ton TUm 1 MORTON HOUSE CHILI ! WITH BEANS | OOOD OMIT 4T TOOT rA VO SITE IAC1 4 (OX | COUTOM OOOD through dec. I. Ill* FRESH PORK SHOILDKK — LEAJi MEATY Cl'OAKY’S ARMOURS STAR i PICNICS.Per lb. 2 7« MINCED HAM.Per lb. 3@c SLICED BACON . . . Per lb. 49< EVERYDAY KYERYDAY <1 l»A«IVJK REX SKINLESS CRACKERS ......2*lb. box 47c HONEY GRAHAMS 2-lb. box WIENERS.pkg. 89e I ( OFNTRY FRESH (.R \I)|- A FOREMOST PROFILE < I l» MIY S KI^X MEDIUM EGGS ..... Doz. gl|< COTTAGE CHEESE 12-oz. ctn. Me LARD 2‘,b- Pk9- 3SC ... .*** .... ■ i ■ —■ .. ■ .... ! —. ■ J...,, . . .■ ■■ ■■ ■ "■■■■ - — — -*■< *' +.h GOLDEN VALLEY PORK & BEANS ) Mix'em or Match'em SOMERDALE FROZEN PEAS OR CORN 5 10-oz. pkgs. 89c GOLDEN VALLEY SPAGHETTI ) ■ A€%r SNO CPOP SLICED FROZEN STRAWBERRIES 2 10-oz. pkgs. 45c GOLDEN VALLEY RED BEANS ) 5# SNO CROP FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 2 6-oz. cans 45c