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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1959)
Chambers News By Mr*. E. R, Carpenter Mary Ellen Gillette, 4 college student at Greeley, G>k>, ex pect <1 to lie here Thursday. Nov. i 26 In spend about a month with her parents. Mr and Mrs Darrel Gillette Mrs. Ned Frady of Concord, Calif , and her son ami daughter in-law, WO and Mrs. Qrarles 1 Frady and son ix' Ft. Knox Ky., _ in tii w l> . THANK YOU! I wish to take this opportunity to thank all the farm and ranch people in Shamrock and Inman precincts for their fine cooperation dur ing the recent agriculture census. HARVEY A. TOMPKINS Census Enumerator Inman, Nebraska Remager home the past two weeks Mr. anti Mrs, Steve Shavlik and Pam. Mrs. Edwin Hubbard and Rsckt \ oi Oiambers and Pvt and Mrs. Myron Shavlik of Denver. Cb.o., vis.ted relatives at Plam . w Sunday Nov 22 Thanksgiving day dinner guests in toe G H. Grimes home were Mr. and Mrs Clarence Grimes anti family, Roger Hoppe and Anna Gibson of Milford; Edith Grimes 1 Lincoln; Ruth Kelly of Inman, i Mrs- Glen Grimes. Ber , narl and Richard. Janette Ur ban. Mr. and Mrs James Grimes. Mr ami Mrs Kenneth Adams Kieth Halsey and Shelia Hertel of Chambers. Mr anti Mrs Gene Halsey were afternoon callers. Mr and Mrs Willard Thomson and Lloyd Waldo went to Grand Island Friday on business. Ruth Ann Damme, student nurse at Lincoln General hospital of Lincoln spent-the Thanksgiving holiday with her parents Mr and Mrs Clarence Damme The Dam me famdv were all guests of the Paul Fishers at Amelia for Thanksgiving dinner Rodney Elkins anti Gene Adams were home from college at Wayne for the,Thanksgiving weekend. Mr. and Mrs Duane K. Miller md children and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gartner and sons drov'e to Laurel Thursday where they en joyed Thanksgiving dinner with their brother-in law and sister, Mr and Mrs. Lyle Vietor and family Gary and Gail Holcomb, stu d nts at the University of Nebras ka spent their Thanksgiving va cation with th<*ir parents, Mf. i™ Mrs LeRoy Holcomb Mrs Anna Carson of Lynch spent Saturday N<n ember with her son and daughter-in-law. M and Mrs. Puane Carson Mr and Mrs John Harley of Grand Island visited from Friday. Novemier 27 until Saturday evcn ig with her brother in-law and ,5ter Mr. and Mrs. IHiane Car son. Mi and Mrs Mike KUn-k. Mr and Mrs. Henry Fleek and f»nu‘> and Mr and Mrs Raymond -Shoe maker had Thanksgiving dinner with the Lyle Wnght family Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lubken and son. Michael of Lincoln came Wednesday Nov 25 ani until Thursday afternoon with hei parents Mr and Mrs Raymond Ved and Judy. Other guests on Thanksgiving day were ,heif n-law and daughter. Mr and Dennis Kaup and ctaldrenof Stuart and Mr. and Mr^ltoward teed and daughter of 9? "I*™! Mr and Mrs. Robert Heed and family drove to Seward Wednes day to spend Thanksgtv mg with her grandparents, Mr and Mi's Lari Coppoc. They returned Thursday evening Mr and Mrs. Charles Cuoiidge and Kenneth had as their guests , on Thanksgiving, his parents, Mr ami Mrs. Elmer Cooluige of Amelia, his brother and wife, Mr ml Mrs. Cahui Cooluige and family of O’Neill and his brother .n-i tw and sister, Mr, and Mrs William Ray land and or ' r'age. i nankngtvmg day guests in the ! E. R. Carpenter home were their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and i Mrs. Dean Stevens, Cherilyn and I Terry of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs Kieth Newhouse and family of Lincoln spent Thanks-gtving with his parents. Mr and Mrs T L Newhouse. Mr. and Mrs Karl Thies and son | at Ames, la.. and Mr and Mrs Gene Van (Terpen of Fremont visited the ladies parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar DeHart on Thanks giving day Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osborne of Wisner and Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Osborne and family of Burwell were Thanksgiving day guests of the latter’s son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Grimes and Patsy. Mr. ami Mrs. Erwin Carpenter visited in the Ralph Larson home at Page Sunday afternoon, Nov 29 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kilt/ were I Unner guests lhanksgiving at me I T. E. Alderson home. Mrs. Ernest Durre. sr., and daughter, Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Whiting ami family of Ewing ami Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson of Chambers were Thanks giving guests of Mr and Mrs Ernest Durre. jr., and family. Mrs. Mary Niemand returned to | her home recently after spending a month with her grandson and 1 wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nnemand. Thanksgiv ing day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Werner were Cecil Rogue of Atkinson. Harry Werner and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huston of Emmet. Mr ami Mrs. R. W ■ Waldo and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and chililn n ;if Chambers also Connie Werner if Lincoln and Dennis Werner of { Omaha. Gail Shoemaker of Lincoln came Saturday, Nov. 29. He and his 1 father, Raymond Shoemaker made a trip to Torrington, Wyo., Satur i day returning Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. Dale Gilbert and family of Stuart spent Thanks ; giving with his parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. Andrew Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harley re turned Thursday from a visit with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harley and fami ly and other relatives in Oregon. Lynch News By Veldeen Plnkerman Mrs. Irene Carsten of Rone steel, S. D., was a house guest of Mrs. Faye Pinkerman last week Leo Farran from O'Neill and his grandson, Doug Farran from Stan ..... KViriav visitors in the Herman Heiser home. Mrs. Virgil Crowford and son have been spending a few days with Thirza Crowford. Misses Janice McGill from Oma ha and Joyce McGill from Wayne spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Sifter and family Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schindier and A1 Lee Brady were Friday business callers in Creigh ton. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Wike spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their daughter and husband in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stewart and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stewart spent Thanksgiving day in the Wayne Blair home at Spencer. Miss Gaylene Kaasa, who attends school at Sheldon, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kaasa. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Courtney spent Thanksgivng day in the Ed ward May home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Courtney and family of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. I Charlie Courtney and Sharon, I Mrs. Hannah Streit, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Kolund and famly were | Saturday dinner guests in the Bob i ' Courtney home. , Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crooks and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bub ' Carsten were Thanksgiving day I guests in the Orville Gallop home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stewart and ! boys were business callers in 0 - ! Neill Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarlie Darnell were business callers in Verdigre Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson 1 went to Rushville to spend the i Thanksgiving weekend with her I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Evans. | Mrs. Faye Pinkerman and Mrs. ! Anna Carson accomapnied them as far as Gordon to spend from itiursday nil Sunday visiting Lad iO) relatives. .ur amt Mis Roy Mulhair and Jean w. re business callers in Civtghion Friday Ike M l Vina ai and Kenny Stew art irom California are spending ir the Thanksgiving hokiiays with }r: »rtends and relatives, Mr. and Mrs N ekton Ptnkormah were Wednesday evening visitors 1 w :th Mrs Hannah Streii 111 i. o r'arran called at the Leslie ( Stewart home on Friday. ®; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Moffet and sons spent Thanksgiving day •* with their daughier and family. .vlr, and Mrs. Harold Brown at iTanduiph. Muss Lviruthy Mulhair from Lincoln sp«nt irom Wednesday till .sunday with her mother, Mrs. ittylis Mulhait Frank Matejcek. Lee Barnes, and Herman iwiser attended the Verdigre sale on Monday. Mr and Mrs Veldon Pmkerman and Veldeen wore supper guests on Thanksgiving In die Pete Nlui hair home Mrs. Marvin Schindler and Mary Ellen spent Friday in the Herman Hr iso r home. Mr. aixi Mrs. Ronald Crow foul ;md daughter spent the Thanks g»\ mg holidays with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Birmeiei and Mrs. Thir/a Crow lord Airs. Gladys Gallop spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs Ted Crooks and family. She ac companied Mr. and Mrs. John .* ike to Norfolk \Vednesday and returned to her job in Render Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Olierle from v'iou\ b alls spent the Thanksgiving Holidays w ith Ins parents, Mr. ana Airs. Howard Olierle. Mr. and Mis. Herman Heiser and family, Mrs. Esther Duvey from Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. lJoyd Levi and family from Lindy and nil's. Jonn Levi spent Thanksgiving day at the Leo Jorgerson home. Mrs. U'onard Havranek siient Friday afternoon with Mrs. Pete uluihair. * Mr. aixi Mrs. Ernie Sixta left Wednesday morning for Indianapo lis, lnd., to spend a few days with oie.r daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Max Brockmeir and son. Alary Etta Wells, who attends scikxii" at i’latte Valley Acad emy at Sheldon, armed here last Thursday to spend a few days with her lather, Lee Wells and family. Miss Veldeen Pinkerman ac companied Hal he Carsten to Lyneh Friuay night. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard llavramk and tannly were Thanksgiving day dinner guests in the Kenneth Kisn home. , Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hull and Jerry, Mrs. Roy Lowry and Will Caywood were Thanksgiving day guests in the Bill Spencor home Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kalkowski and Kevin, Mr. ami Mrs. Corky Kalkowski and family were Thanksgiving day dinner guests in tht* George Kalkowski home. Mrs. Esther Davey from Norfolk spent the Thanksgiving holidays at the Herman Heiser home. Her mother, Mrs. John Levi, returned ii/ith hor to snend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Vcldon Pinkerman were business callers in Creigh ton and Verdigre on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Pinkerman and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinker man and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Cal vin Christensen and family and Eddie Krugman were Thanksgiving day dinner guests in the Vigo Christensen home. Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins spent Sunday in the Don Hynes home. Mrs. Pete Mulhair called at the Frank Weeder home Tuesday, Nov. 24. Dee Barnes called on Mike Pick lap at Monowi Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Havranek and family spent Thursday even ing in the Dayton Sieler home playing cards. Mr. and Mrs. Art Zobrist and family are spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. George Court ney. jr. The Lynch juniors will present their class play “The Perfect Irot" on the 8th and 9th of Decem ber in the I.O.O.F. hall at 8 p m. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Darnell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wil son and family, Mr and Mrs. Garry Wilson and Sonja and Mrs. Wlla Schollmeyer and sons were Thanksgiving days guests in the Ray Wilson home. Mrs. Marvin Schindler and Mary Ellen were Friday night overnight guests in the Albert Schindler home. Electric Motors Rewinding — Rebuilding Call MI W — U hr. Bervtee Nert+iweet Electric O'Neill 0 Neill Locals Thanksgiving dav liinncr guests the home of Mrs Softo Nekuda Omaha were Mi and Mrs. Juraeek 0 Net'' Ml Hi Mrs. vl its in Juraeek, Satl .1 Gay' n ku n it Kcm, all Orchard, Mr, and Mi's Arthur iracek, idmdall ami Raynclda 1 of Ca.umbus and Mr. and Mrs can Ami, i on of lancoln. Mrs inleis n is the form, r Judy iracek Mr and Mrs Derm H Krington s;<ent Thanksgiving n Harwell Mr Ji*hn K latte M Ainsworth w is a Sunday evening st.ppet guest of Mr and Mrs On mot Krlngton Mr. and Mrs l,toyd t.ixhl sjvnt 1 uinksgiv.iig with Mr and Mrs Bud Gt*tel at Orchard Mr and Mrs Ixiam Gray were thanksgiving guests of Mr and Mrs Gene Haber ami t unny ot Pl um tew Supt. and Mrs. Ralph Gray id .Blue HiU ami his mother. Kvelyn Gray of Page Vis .ted Mr ami Mrs lXiane Gray Suturd y after t mxm. SAVE AT BEN FRANKLIN! * ." < - RED STEEL ] WAGON 20-inch See these and dozens of other exciting gift buys at 059 cn Franklin—every one a ™ line value at lowest cost! Radio Tot Push, pull ride i f . size! Double disc rubber " tired wheels. __ SEWING MACHINE BASKETBALL GOAL SET Hand crank 4x6Vfcx6ttx6tt 3-piece Sews Official-size rubber ball with striped seams, net ““'“'————— an(j steel goal. TIC TOY CLOCK tm i i i ■ A take-apart toy. 9 Actually runs! 9 Spring wind, I Plastic! 1 LEATHER-LIKE I JEWEL BOXES I 98c to 698 I! Rich gold tooled cover with 1 satin lining! Swing tray, I musical, case styles for wo 1 men, men. I FLOWERED I 4-CUP TEAPOT 8 Quality porcelain with gold 8 trim and flowered orni I ments. I ---- IGIRL S FLANNEL I PAJAMA SET EJ Metal, runs on batteries, not included ■ • • l .. . Ik FRICTION AUTOS Sporty convertibles, station wagon, etc, ea. Authentic, fires play shells. 29 ^4 in. long Realistic Plastic Stove and Sink m\ M Separate storage, oven compartments with pots, pans, dishes, drainer! NEW HI-WAY BUILDER SET 9-PIECE I Earth mover - bulldozer, ! roadscraper, crane, dump \ truck, 4 workmen, Un I breakable vinyl. j COMPLETE | BOWLING GAME I 12-PIECE j Ten plastic 11-inch pins, S two 5-inch balls with j holes and spotter. In j handy carrying case. TEEN TIMER j GUITAR ! NEW! I .„%* •>.? ! Six strings, shoulder cord, j felt pick and song book, j Nearly 3-ft. long, gay I "teen-age" design. A® fy A wonderful gift item with - — HaiO I matching dress-up doll in ' plastic bag. In gay pastel TREE ORNAMENTS GIFT WRAP 100 colors. Many colors, shapes Big 135x20-in. roll | PETAL LIGHT SETS AOfi FOIL ICICLES OKC vivid colors M L’5-in. long strands rl TODDLER DRINKING DOLL DOLL 2” 2” j Stands, sits, turns ™ j arms, head and Drinks, wets, I legs. Full ward- cries real tears, i robe. 16-in. all vinyl. Weather- SHAVING - ^ cct 25-INCH STUFFED Boy's Shirt Set om r DOLL ANIMALS ‘198 1’8 I00 JJ98 ^ 98 French cuff broadcloth Shows precise 5-oz. aerosol Drinks, wets, Cuddly Honey " dress shirt with bow temperature and shave cream, 4- turns arms and Bear, Panda. t tie and cuff links. Sizes moisture. Adjust- oz. lotion. Gift legs. All vinyl Pert vinyl nose * 4 t0 jo. able. boxed. body. and mouth. 15-in. B PATTON'S O’NEILL ■ IHliWITlUHHiM 'S. A Wanted Gift! LACE TABLECLOTH Spun Rayon and Cotton blend, stain resistant, in color Ivory 72x90-4.98 54x72- 349 8 CHENILLE-TRIM GIFT TERRIES! 298 3-piece boxed set Out-of-tht'-ordinary gift, l>ecause these luxury towels have fluffy embroidered flowers! White, yellow, pink, blue, green, grounds. Bath towel, hand towel und washcloth. GIFT-PRETTY PILLOW CASES! J98 boxed set of 2 You’ll want a batch for holiday, anniversary, shower gifts! Fine 80 square cotton, prettier with colored borders, hemstitching, •mbroidery! Ready to give! GIFT CLOTH—IT'S EASY-CARE, TOO! J98 52 by 52 inches Extra thoughtful gift idea for busy homemakers! Little-or-no iron cotton — charming prints in gay colors! 52 by 70 inches_... 2.98 SOFT AND LOVELY! PLAID BLANKETS! 500 72 by 90 inches Prettiest plaids! They’re fine, warm rayon and Orion1*', with acetate binding. Wonderful gift buys in red, brown, green or peacock.