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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1959)
Am«ii« News By Mima Flonarf 1 Jndaey Mr and Mr*. Tommie Doolittle and family entertained Thanks giving day for the following guests: T. S. Doolittle and daughter, Mrs, Hetman Medlin, Clinton Doolittle, Mr and Mrs M. B. Kennedy and Harold, Mr and Mrs. Art Doo little, Mr. and Mrs Harold Fuller ton and family, Mr. and Mrs Bob Adair and family, Mrs Gertie Adair, Mrs Stella Sparks and laxuue, Mr and Mrs Dick Doo little and boys. Mr and Mrs Lee Gilman spent Thanksgiving day at the Lee Hy lands horn* near Stuart. Mr ami Mrs. Chuck Everetts and Harley Lee were Thanksgiving day guests of Mrs. Beatrice Everetts at Atkinson. Mrs Elmer Fix, and Mr, and Mrs Gale Fix, Sheila, Gaylen. Larry, Rodger and Dannie o! Scottabluff, were Thanksgiving day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slaymaker, Donnie and Kicky at their home in Atkinson Mr. and Mrs Bob Adair en tertained at an oyster supper Sunday evening Guests were Mr. and Mrs Art Doolittle, Mr and Mrs. Gus Robertson and Mr. and Mrs Edgar Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair and boys were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Du sat ho at Emmett. Mrs. Herman Medln of Plainview has been staying with her father, T- E. Doolittle and her brother, Clinton, While Mrs. Doolittle has been hospitalized in the Atkinson hospital. Mr. and Mrs Louie Burgett en tertained at a party Monday eve ning, Nov. 23, in honor of their son, Wayne's 16th birthday an niversary Those present were Mr. and Mrs Clyde Purge, Robert, Joyce and Bruce; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Burge; Mr. and Mrs Glen White and Venita; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher and Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson; Mr. and Mrs M. E. Madsen and Neal; Mr. anti Mrs. Bud Clemens; Mrs Uz •zie Dexter and Edward Coolidge; Mr and Mrs. Wade Davis and Larry; Mrs. Art Kaiser, Tommie, Jerry and Mary; Mr. and Mrs Jerry Cuddy and son; Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Carr and Debra; Gene Carr; Dean Smith; Denny Wal ters; Norman Harley and Lonnie Sparks. TTie evening was spent with visiting and ping-pong. Sand wiches, cake anti coffee were served for lunch. Tom Baker has been suffering with infection on his face caused by an injury while he was repair ing a windmill. Don Peterson returned to school at Casper, Wyo., Sunday after spending the Thanksgiving vaca tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Dunk Peterson Mrs. Herman Medlin spent Wednesday visiting her sister, Mrs. M. B. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs Lew Backhaus en tertained relatives at Thanksgiving dinner. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Backhaus, Mr. and Mrs Ed Boahart and son. Lester of O’Neil) and Mr* Cecilia Back haus and Ted erf Atkinson. The program and box social at the Amelia school November 24 evening was well attended and enjoyed by everyone About $50 was realized from the sale of the boxes and lunches Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott; Mrs. Gloria Landrum and Sally; Mr, and Mrs Bill Sammons, Mark and Tommie Lee; Mrs Marjorie Sam mons; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Robak and family of Sioux City, la., and Mr and Mrs. Arthur Tibbetts and family of O'Neill were Thanks giving day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson, Joyce and Sharon. Mr and Mrs. Charles Bligh drove up from Omaha Wednesday night to spend Thanksgiving and visited over Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton drove to Omaha Thursday and spent the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Spath. They were accompanied as far as Fre mont by Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson and son, Don, who vi sited their daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston and family. The Johnston's child ren, Mark and Kay returned home with their grandparents for a visit. Mr and Mrs Roy Andersen, Lloyd, Leslie, IziVem and Linda of Central City visited his mother, Mrs. Edith Andersen over the Thanksgiving vacation. Roy serves on the police force at Central Cty, Mrs. Andersen entertained at a turkey supper on Friday evening Those present besides her son, Roy and family were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry, Mr. and Mrs Eamie Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Backhaus of Ainsworth, Mr and Mrs Clyde Widman and Marcia and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sageser. Dr. and Mrs. Bower Sageser and Sandra of Manhaton, Kan., spent Thanksgiving with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs Link Sageser. Other Thanksgiving, day dinner guests at the Sagesers were Mr. anti Mrs. D. L. Fancher, Virgil and Eunicl. Craig ami Joellyn Beckwith of Page visited their grandparents, more while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beckwith and the other children went to Cheyenne, Wyo., to visit Mrs Beckwith's brother. Bob Blackmore and fami ly over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Hiene Frahm and family, Mrs. Maude Forbes and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs and family spent Thanksgiving at the Ray Forbes home near Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle and sons. Randy and Ricky spent Thanksgiving day at Stuart with Marvin's mother, Mrs. Elsie Doo little and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Svatos and David and Orville Svatos spent Thanksgiving with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos. Tom Murry and daughters. Cleta and Demaris of O'Neill spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs Floyd Adams and Don. Mr and Mrs Elmer Cooltdge were among Thanksgiving day guests at E. E. Youngs near ' Chambers. Mr and Mrs Gale Fix and fami ly of Scottsbluff were Thanksgiving day guests at the parental. Elmer Fix and Mrs Alice Prewitt, homes. Mr and Mrs Arthur Hiatt. Paul and Gene were Thanksgiving day guests at the home of their cousin, Mr and Mrs Amos Eckley near Neligh. Mrs 1-nd.sey and Florence, Mrs Delia Ernst and Leo Carney were Thanksgiving day guests of Mrs. Blossom Butler and Mrs Effie Withers. Mr. and Mrs Louis Burgett and Wayne spent Thanksgiving near Bassett at the home of Mrs Bur gett's brothers, Elmer and Otis Harlan. Miss Myrtle White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen White, who is a senior at Greenfield college, Greenfield. Ill , spent Thanksgiv ing vacation in Michigan. She visited overnight at the Bible college of Owasso, Mich. From there she ac companied three of the teachers to the Strait of Mackinaw, Mich. Mrs. Bessie Burge, Harold and June; Mr and Mrs. Glen Burge and family of Chambers and Mr and Mrs. Casey Jones of Lincoln were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs Clyde Burge. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Burge visited at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Delman Peck at Tilden Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher and Dorothy entertained the following guests on Thanksgiving day: Mr and Mrs Lester Damme, Shirley ) Bonnie and John of Clearwater,; Mr and Mrs Clarence Damme,i Larry, Cheryl, and Marvin of Chambers; the Misses Ruth Ann Damme, and Ruth Kruger of Den ver, Colo., and Tiny Wagner of Lincoln. Miss Dorothy Fisher and Robert Burge went to McPherson. Kan , | Friday and visited over the week end with friends Mr and Mrs Darrel Carr and Debra were Thanksgiving day guests at the parental, Hugh Carr, j home in O Neill. Mr and Mrs. Paul Fisher, Mr and Mrs. Clyde Burge, Joyce and Bruce, Mr and Mrs. Clayton Burge, and Mrs Lindsey and Flor- i ence were Sund^ dinner guests at the Glen W'hites. Baptismal services were con ducted Sunday at the Amelia Methodist church. Six little folks were baptized by Rev. Cox They were Pamela Thompson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley .Thompson; Harley Lee Everett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everett; Reky Doolttle. son of Mr and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle and Vicki. Sue. and Barbara Doolittle, daughters of Mr and Mrs. Tom mie Doolittle. Mr and Mrs. S. C. Barnett vi sited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees Sunday afternoon Mrs. Charles Blgh (Lewine Pierce) of Omaha and Mrs. Blake Ott observed their birthday anni versaries Nov. 29 and 27 re spectively. A party in their honor was given at the home of Lewine's parents Sunday evening Present besides the honored guests were Mrs B W Waldo, Mrs. Gertie Adair Mrs. Stella Sparks, Mrs Delia Ernst, Mrs Blossom Butler Mrs Ralph Rees Mrs Lindsey and Florence Mrs Bligh said she was “surprised " O'Neill Ucals Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Gries j spent Thanksgiving in Brunswick. They spent the weekend in the home of their son at Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schommer spent Thanksgiving with his par ents at Spencer. Mr and Mrs Dan Roemgk of Morganville, Kans. were Thanks giving weekend guests in the home of her daughter. Rev. and Mrs John Hart Sadie Harte recently left for Denver to spend the winter. She j has visited for several months with Mrs H. J. Harte. C E Cronin and family of Grand Island spent Thanksgiving with Mrs P, B Harty. Miss Genevieve Biglin and Miss Nora McAuliffe of Sioux City brought Mrs. F. N. Cronin home Tuesday, November 24. Mrs W H Harty returned home Monday from Chicago where she has been visiting her son. Jack and family. She also visited her daughter, Sister Mary Brian at Council Bluffs before she return ed home. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Brown left Monday to spend the winter in Phoenix, Ariz. Maiy Lou, Tom and Jeanne Head of Omaha spent Thanksgiv ing with their parents. Mr and Mrs George Head. John Joe and Mary Lou Uhl of Omaha spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr anil Mrs. Norb Uhl. Mrs Mabel McKenna returned Sunday from Omaha where she has been visiting with her son. Hugh McKenna and family. Mrs Nora Quilty anti daughters. Grace of Omaha brought Miss Elizabeth O'Malley home Miss O'Malley has been visiting with them. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spangler and family were Mr and Mrs Melvin Johnson and family of Bristow. Mr. and Mrs James Smith and daughter of Sioux City, Mrs D. R Widtfeldt and Mr. and Mrs. j John Binkerd and family Mr and Mrs. Ted Schirmer of Lincoln visited during the Thanks giving weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs John McClellan. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bastian and family and 0. C. Egge. all of Sioux1 Falls. S. D. spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bunkers. Mr. and Mrs Howard Miller of North Platte and Mr. and Mrs. M. L Crandall of Lincoln spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich. jr. and baby and Jim Froelich, all of Wichita, Kans arrived Wednes day to spend Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W J. Froelich, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bid Wanser ofi Holly Springs la. spent Thanks giving with Mrs W anger s par ents, Mr and Mrs Frank FTxie lich Mr and Mrs. James Cavanaugh, Gene and Bob of Dubuque, la. and D. A. Flynn and sons, John and Jim of Council Bluffs were Thanks giving weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs Joe Cavanaugh. Mr and Mrs Carl Krom amt Dorothy, ami Mr. and Mrs Melvin1 Forsling, Glen and Steve, all of Sioux City and Miss Anna Liemke of Paullina, la spent from Wed nesday until Friday with Rev and Mrs, A S. Gedwlllo. Mr and Mrs Jim Adamson of Omaha were Thanksgiving week end guests of her parents. Mr and Mrs. Emmett Crabb. Mr ami Mrs laxmard Davis and family were Thanksgiving dinner | guests of her sister, Mr. and Mrs Francis Steinhauser of Stuart. Perry Dawes, who is attending Wesleyan L'niversity. spent from Monday until Wednesday with his parents. Mr and Mrs Neil Dawes Konrad Smith and John Homer, who also are attending Wesleyan, came with Perry' Robert Allen of Omaha arrived Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs Mary IXi satko and other relatives. Mr and Mrs. Jerome Allen and Rick of Page. Janelle Allen of Sioux City and Mr and Mrs John Allen and family of Grand Island were Thanksgiving dinner guests >f Mrs Mary Ikisatko Mr and Mrs. Wayne Roelle and family spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roelle and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Retnforth. all at Litchfield They also went to Lincoln Saturday where they visited Mr and Mrs, IVan Roelle. Alien Re> noldson. s*w of Mr. and Mrs Verne Reynoldson. was home from Wayne State Teachers College for the Thanksgiving vaca tion Mr and Mrs Roy J. Shelhamer. Richard anti Linda, and Mr and Mrs. Paul Shelhamer attended tlx’ wedding last Wednesday of Miss Janice Shelhamer in Sioux City. Paul Shelhamers then went on to Cedar Falls. Ia . to spend the rest of the week. Miss shelhamer is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. MeW vin Shelhamer. Roy and Melvin are brothers. Mr. and Mrs Orville Sindelar wen' Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Milton Sindelar, Norfolk Mr and Mrs. Roy Shelhamer were Thursday guests of Mr and Mrs Melvin Shelhamer. Sioux City Mrs Ida Shell hammer n' tumed to O'Neill with them. Mr and Mrs Keith Shelhase nnd family. Atkinson, were Thursday guests at tire C. G. Shelhase home Try The Frontier Went Ad* — It Pay* ! Alice’s Beauty Shop Kk». S doors west of Tanm ISA Bast Douglas Phone 2«S — O’Neill | I SAVE ON A POWERTOO^^n | : GET A $12.95 WATCH Mfr I REVERSIBLE V4" DRILL BUI1T-IN ■IVIMIN SWITCH! Ruaged 6 0 amp. W* drill with ovtr Vj h p. Dynamically balanced armature tor vibra tion free perform- ’ m once. Low weiaht-to | power ratio. Geared ^ ^ _ _ J S chuck and key, re- 1 v movable pipe handle. « J HA 1993. W * J I nr CAUf WITH NEW * JIG SAW JIO_llTE 4 If CUTS 7 i 4'.. V rnrscT ci« cits, srvtis TO 45* ... 7 mwi in ana. All deluxe features in cluding Jig • life, chip blower, bevel ! matoViv*"'* "ZO°°l ; 34 PC ; V4m KIT S cOMPirrf workshop ... F xr include# 2 A amp. IV' mirror £ #*nl w finished drill with goo red #*| ^ KKI 5 chuck and key plus attach- JLm I u mints for many viet. § r HA1959L. § I*' ■ II ■ l ■■ -Wjjg —— f TWIST-LOCK | POWER TOOL ATTACHMENTS « Vi" DRILL-POWER SOURCE FOR WHOLE WORKSHOP! Super power 2.0 amp. mirror fleilhed drill with | geared chuck. Giro* full direct power to all £ twill-lock attachment*. NOTH Ml" power tource £ and choice of any attachment (S20.M complete) £ entitle* purchaser to fro* watch. MAI9J0A. £ £ >)*« I rTr&^ 3 Vi" T JIG SAW... i l«ilv cut. 2 x 4'*, saw ... I bivilt to 43V . „ _ . . 4 * Adaptor Includod. * *4 «v«i»i« caoa- § J HA 19550 dty. Adaptor included. A I “ $995 I OSCILLATING 1™“^™" f > SANDER... 1 r25 tq in. sand- | ing turfoco, pat- X ontod lock* A ina rollort. X Adaptor in* X dudid, I MA193SA. £ I I 1 I I 5 K 1 I i Dale and Jo Wilson 8 *vviivvvl. i x j ^ a ^ ^ ut||_ i|t J CAROUSEL1 Luggage Set Sturdy Vinyl and Fiberglas" cover 13" train case, 20” overnite case, and ^ Df CCT choice of 24" pullman or jumbo 26" pull- ^ r %»• at I man. Repells scratches and st’ains, wipes clean with damp cloth. Lined with soft, luxurious rayon. “ BRACK’S CHOCOLATE IS YOUR GUARANTEE OF l&g TASTE ENJOYMENT Choose from these five delicious taste treats: • Chocolate peanut clusters • Chocolate covered peanuts • Chocolate stars • Chocolate bridge mix • Chocolate miniatures 3 BOXES $1 Every piece of Brach's chocolate candies is made with finest REAL Chocolate for a smooth fine flavor. Generous window boxes. Bulky Knit Sweater For your Christmas Belle! White - Red - Black $ Bulky Orion"' cardigan with cable stitch down front and sleeves. Sizes 34 - 40. King Size Tray Table Sturdy brass legs Buy now! 2 for Kin*; size TV trny is lG'VxZJVfc” in several choices of handsome patterns. For the Hostess . . Chip 'N Dip Set Budget priced $ Ceramic bowl for chips is topped by a smaller dip bowl, held by brass stand. Boxed Tie Bar and Cuff Links Special purchase $ Fine tooled sets in snap top steel box. Jeweled, inlaid, and stone styles. For a Man on the Go . . . Travel Kit Special purchase Plastic simulated leather with waterproof lining, toothbrush compartment. Light-footed Corduroy Slippers Women's 4-9 Skimmer pump style in colorful corduroy, warm lining. Padded soles. New Gift Boxed COSTUME JEWELRY by CORO" Gift Boxed Nylons A lovely selection of for Every "Her" beads, necklaces, pins, Special . . . 2 prs. $ bracelets, earrings. Dress sheer 60 gauge, 15 denier nylons ... a “must” in every woman’s wardrobe. ■ CERAMIC GIFT ITEMS • Cup and Saucer Set • Cookie Jars • Ash Tray Sets • Super Coffee Cup • Candy Dishes • Animal Figurines $ J each Men's Gift Men's Men's New Bouffant Boxed Socks Handkerchiefs Blazer Jacket Petticoat 2 pairs $1 pkg of 4 S-M-L $5 Girls' $2 Donfield argyles Continental style Nylon net skirt, ... long wearing, Flne quality lawn wash-wear jacket nylon tricot torso, colorful. 10-13. handkerchiefs. of Bedford Cord. 6 to 14. I ■ I I Sophie Mae Luncheon Biscuit Christmas Peanut Brittle Place Mats Basket Set Candle Holders 3 Boxes $1 Set of 4 $] Just $] Each set $] Crunchy good ... Casually elegant Hand woven basket Festive ceramic 14 ounces in foil Basswood mats, holds two checked candle holders wrapped box. 12” x 18” size. kitchen towels. spell out "Noel”. Women's Nylon Panty Sizes 5-7 $] Elastic leg brief style, lace and sheer Nylon trim. Novel "Bend Me" Dolls Each just $] Flexible dolls. Wee teen-ager and nursery charact ers. Toaster Cover Only $1 Gayly printed terry wfth cheek gingham trim. MORE GIFT IDEAS Men's genuine leather billfolds, boxed ....$2 Floral or novel printed pillow cases ....$1 pr. i Women's 1 size nylon stretch slipper sox ..$1 Women's nylon and cotton stretch gloves ..$1 Plaid kitchen towels in plastic napkin holder .$1 Nylon trimmed Rayon guest towels 2 in box .$1