Amelia News By Miv* Florence IJadaey Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson Prove to Grand Island Tuesday to meet their daughter, Mrs Art (Shtrk-y i DeWolf of Kimball who has been visiting them the past week. Mr. DeWolf was employed to Denver, Colo., during that time. Mr. and Mrs 15. W. Waldo and Mr. awl Mrs. Lloyd Waldo, Roger Darla Debra, Bruce and Larry wen* supper guests Tuesday even ly Nov. 9 at the Ken Werner aomc in Chambers The occasion was in honor of IT. W. Waldo s birthday anniversary. Dale Kenny carried the mail on pu- Atkinson Amelia route a few days last week while his father, Dwight Kennv visited in Omaha. Mr ad Mr Blake Ott were business callers in O Neill Tues day. Nov. 9 Harry Ott took care af the station for them It was his first day out to Amelia from O’ Neill for quite sometime due to ffiness . . The Women’s Society of Dins fan Service served the lunch at tote Roy Fullerton sale on Monday, Hov. 9* It was a very nice day, a Mce crowd and the ladies netted afeout $50.00. The Fullertons moved on Wednesday to their new home at Neligh. Mrs. Vern Sageser and Mrs. $ ,intr Sageser attended the Garden elub at the home of Mrs. Donald Hoffman Tuesday evening, Nov. 9. Mrs Delia Ernst, who accom panied her brother, James and ||rj Curran to Sioux City, la., where Mr. Curran submitted to major surgery, returned to O'Neill fast week Mr. Curran is reported ■repressing nicely. ? Ernst has mt yet returned to her home in Amelia due to weather and roads. She has been visiting in the Blake Bensrai home. Mr and Mrs. Hienie Frahm and Pete Frahm went to O’Neill and Atkinson Friday. They helped Mrs. Frahm s sister, Mrs. Paul Briggs and hoys to get that far enroute to their home near Bassett. Mr. Briggs had been a patient in the Atkinson hospital and was dismis sed that day. He accompanied JMrs. Briggs and hoys to the home at his parents near Basett. Severe cold weather and a young blizzard visited our vicinity , Wednesday and Thursday of last week, the remainder of the week , was cold reaching a low of 18 degrees below zero Saturday morning. We received about tw*o inches of moisture. More snow is forecast. i TTie Women’s Missionary Society of the Free Methodist church met Wednesday, Nov 11 with Mrs Tenus Madsen. There were eight members present. Mrs. Glen White presented the lesson oh Africa The remainder of the afternoon was spent with quilting. Mrs. Madsen serve* ^ a lunch. The Helping Hand club met Thursday, Nov. 12 with Mrs. Blake Ott. Then were 12 mem tiers and j three visitors present Mrs Asa Watson. Mrs, Gertie Adair and Mrs Stella Sparks were the visi* ! tors. After u delicious dinner, the business meeting was called to order by Mrs. Link Sageser, act ing president, in place of the presi-: dent, Mrs. Della Peterson absent | due to bad roads and weather. * Gift ideas anti patterns were ex- j changed. The Christmas party will l)o with Mrs. Vem Sageser. Miss Charlotte Berry was honored at a pro-nuptial shower on Wednesday evening at the chureh annex. The evening pro gram consisted of a short skit which portrayed how Charlotte met her future husband. Mrs. Mar vin Doolittle took the part of a customer at the cafe where Char lotte (Mrs. l^Vorn Classen i was employed. A song title guessing contest and relay race made up the rest of the entertainment. Mrs. Vernon Berry was in charge. Clues to hidden gifts concealed in inflated balloons were revealed as the guest of honor busted the bal loons. She received many nice gifts. Mrs. Earnie Johnston, Mrs. Edith Anderson and Mrs. Lew Baekhaus sponsored the shower. The bride-to-be's chosen colors of gold and white were carried out in the luncheon consisting of ice cream and cake. Everyone was invited to her wedding in the Catholic church at Butte on Nov. 26. and to the wedding dance that evening in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Dary Carr and Mr j end Mrs. Izxwiard Svatos attended a wedding dance in Atkinson Satur lay evening. Little Debra Carr ind David Svatos stayed with Mr ind Mrs. Anton Svatos. Glen White upset his car while >nroute to O'Neill Friday He was lot hurt, but the car was damaged ■onsidcrably. The accident was ..lust'd by the ice coated highway. Mr. and Mrs Clyde Widman ind Marcia, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer HooUdge, and Mrs. Edith Ander ,on were dinner guests Sunday at Sarnie Johnstons. Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie ind Mrs. Gertie Adair were din ner guests Sunday at B W. Wal lo’s. Mr. and Mrs. Glen White and Zenit a and Grandpa White were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S C. Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Keefe, ; K nnis. Sherry, Sherril and T< m me of Ansley visited at Gene Han ens Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton ntertained Mr and Mrs. Oscar Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Dick LKx> little and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gil man at cards Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Waldo en tertained his bowling team and their wives at supper Sunday even ing and spent the evening at cards Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Doolittle md family spent Saturday even ing at Harold Fullertons helping Mrs. Fullerton celebrate her birth day annivesary. Howard Bieck and Glen Bill of Giltner came to George Fuller tons to get some club calves they dad purchased from George. The men are cousins of Mrs. L uller lon. Stuart News By Mrs. Herb Skala Mr. and Mrs. Ed -Coufal visited their daughter, Sisiter Carmela at St. Francis, S. D., Sunday, Nov. 3. She teaches the 4th grade there. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Weber and Ricky of Rapid City, S. D., were Friday overnight guests of Mrs. Roger Johnson. Mr. and Mrs Terry Johnson and daughter of Grants, N. M., were Sunday supper guests of Mrs Roger Johnson and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weber, Denny, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Weber and Ricky were Sunday dinner guests >f Mrs. R iger Johnson and child ren. Mr. and '"s, Mike Cr.dwallader i rtainei. .re Pitch party Fri Nov. IB • ith three tables of '/err. I-/ Herb Skala and ,i‘, c__ulader received high . Mrs. Keith King and Glen Cadwallader received low. Mrs. Bob Cadwallader took the travelers award. , Next party will be with Mr. and Mrs Joe Colson in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Menuey and Beverely of Hot Springs, S. D., left for their home Sunday morn ing after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwal lader. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bernt en lertained the Pitch club Sunday evening, Nov. 15. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jenser will be the next hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Addisor were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. C. L. Robertson soutf of Bassett. Sunday supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Joe Colson and Joyce were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Skala and fan Engier and family. Francis Kramer, and Mrs. Mary | Lai tie Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oiberdmg anu family of Atkinson were Sun I day callers of Mr.. Clem Oltu | ding. Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Gill and family i weie Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weber and Denny, Mr und Mrs. Bob Friedel, and family, Mr. anu Mrs. Jerry Weber, Mis. Roger Johnson and family, Mr. anu Mrs. Bob Weber and Ricky ol Rapid City. S. D Mr. and Mrs Al Hamik and family of O Neill were Sunday af ternoon and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamik. Other evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hamik and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olberding and family were Sunday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tony*Kaup and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Blair were 1 hosts to the Pinochle party Sun j day evening, Nov. 15. Those pre ! sent were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pax ■ ton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stoepart. ! 'Vifv. on/) Yfve ripccpn Keller. Mr. ! and Mrs. Charles Tompson and | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoatson. ' Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller of j Sutherland were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs Dwaine Lock 1 mon. „ „ , . Mrs. Ralph Piersons of \akt ma, Wash., arrived Tuesday even ing to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marcellus and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Marcellus of Bassett sjient Sunday afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marcel lus. Unit VI of N.H.C.A. met at Ainsworth last week. Dinner was served at the Midwest cafe. The business meeting was with Mrs Fern Davison. Nine members were present. , .. The next meeting will be the first Monday of December at Bassett. Cid Little will be the host sse. Mr. and Mrs. Don Shald and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shald Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield. Cub scouts Den 1 met with Den Mother, Mrs. Jane* Cobb on November 10. Dues were collected and roll call was answered with scrambled words made into sentences. The flag pledge and cub scout promise and law were ’’ecited Frankie Kohle held the flag. Eight members were pre sent and Bobby Campbell was a visitor. We sang “Old McDonald has a farm.” We all worked on our achievements. T i e i n g square knots, hanking ropes and throwing a loup. The boys aU passed the test of the broad jump and chin I ning themselves. _ From the lesson on" The Stone Age Lingers on," taken from Boys Life magazine we learned the best native wood that the Indians used for bows was the osage orange wood. We were shown how to make a clove apple. Cub scout prayer was said and Frankie Kohle ser ved lunch. Winners of the free turkeys on Turkey day Saturday were: Terry Silvers, Llsie Doolittle. Barbara Skala. Karen Ulrich, Frank Wil son, Sharon Westerman. Shirley Schaal. Tom McTaggert, Pat Kra mer, lienrj Waechtcr, Mi.. Aloys ivaup, sr., Doe Newman, Bob (Jreenfeld, Jessie Dean, Frank Kramer, Victor Kaup, Alberta King. Robert Campbell, Lugem Wedige, Mrs. Claude Hamilton. Randy Kaup and Rodney Kaup Rock Falls News By Mrs. t loyil Johnson No news from tiiis corner last wevK. Weil, it wasn't exactly tor want of excitement and happen ings, but your reporter, with out-ol state ana town weekend guests and baby sitting got caught up in a five nay flurry of eager deer hunters, many of whom were out to get their first trophy. Tne weather man was very co operative until the last day, when he let go with a cold blast from the northwest. Elsewnere in your paper jou 1 will see the list of the five-day | hunt with names. Several of the | younger group who proudly dis played that first $10,00 license were successful in this neighbor hood. Linda Johnson, anxious to try out that new rifle dropped her ■ piErht nointer with a single shot the fir t morning, but went along ! with the others of the party till they got theirs. The results I find, in cooking for the e fo.ks, is that their appetites though sharpened by cool, crisp air and plenty of exercise, are very easy to please Between meals, anytime day or night, cake, rolls, sandwiches, hot chilli or what have you with plenty of hot coffee. i>ut for a regular meal, usually evening if they can come down to earth long enough, I like to serve ,vhat I call “ Hunters Special.” Easy to prepare and can wait an hour or so with no ill effects. For those who might lie in terested, here is what we dish out to them: Tomato Cocktail Stew Consisting of meat and five vegetables Tangy Cole slaw Bowl of cranberries (canned last wipter) , Hot homemade biscuits Raisin pie a-la mode Coffee (Recipes upon request) And so till this time next year, the stories of each hunter’s ex perience will live on until replaced py another. Yours truly has al ready memorized a few. Mr and Mrs. Arlen Brown and children and Mrs. Ethel Brown of Atkinson were visitors at the Lou Brown home on November 8. Mrs. Lou Brown, Terry and Cindy and Mrs. Floyd Johnson stient the evening of November 11 with Mr;-. John Schultz and child ren. . ., La t weekend guests at the Al bert Sterns home were their daughter, Mrs. William Pride, husband, son, Donald and new baby, Bill of Omaha. . Also accom panying them was Miss Evelyn i diA«nn tirhn hnH hf'On With tli m since August 1. , . Miss Shirley Stems and Gloua Dobrovolny of Atkinson were Thursday overnight guests at the Don Sterns home. They went along to Omaha with Mr. and Mrs. Pride on Friday. Last weekend guests at the Flovd Johnson home were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sea:. o ough of New Plymouth, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Weber of St. Paul. Mrs Lyle Vequist was busy on Sunday and Monday helping her sister and families in the process of moving. Mr. and Mrs Harry Lansworth moved to O Neill on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty moved into the place va cated by the Lansworth family. The zero weather made it a rather unpleasant task. Tommy Vequist spent Saturday afternoon with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist, I while his folks were in town. Janice and Tommy Vequist were Sunday afternoon guests at the home of their grandparents. While enroute to O'Neill and school about 8:00 Monday. Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt and daughter, Norma, suddenly found them selves permanently lodged in a snow drift at the gateway to the Brown home. Being pressed for time, they couldn't get help to free their car, so Mrs. Brown came to the rescue and took them! to town After delivering the anxious Norma at O’Neill high school the two ladies took time out for a cup of coffee and a few minutes relaxation with Mrs. Doris Hynes. Mrs. Widtfeldt and Dan Rakes came with tractor in the afternoon and freed the car from the snow drift. Mr. and Mrs. William Claussen were afternoon callers at the Al bert Widtfeldt home on November 10._ Star Community News By Mrs. Ewalt Miller Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Johnsor and family were Sunday visitor: at the Bruce Johnson home in O' Neill. Mr. and Mrs, Lyslo Johnson at* family spent Saturday aitemoot the Soren Sorenson home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson, Wyi and Larry had Sunday dinnei with Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Millet and Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald’ Warms and Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Millet visited with the Lyle Johnsor t .mily Sunday, November 8. Mrs, Ben Miller was hostess t< a surprise belated birthday an niversary dinner in honor of Mr Miller on Monday evening, Nov U 'i hose present were Mr. ant Mrs. Nels Linquist and Vicki, Mr and Mrs, I ‘ Naper News By Mrs. John Schonebauni ! Dr. J. V. Huerter and Doc Stejskal of Omaha came last Fri . day evening and were weekend j guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ■ Martin and Douglas. They also i went deer hunting while here and each got their deer. They re > turned to Omaha on Sunday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and , Mrs. Alvin Schonefeld and sons ; for Mrs Schonefeld’s birthday were ; Mr. and Mrs. Claus Seih, Mrs I Henry Stahlecker and Laura, Mr. ; and Mrs. Lawrence Ahlers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne > Schonefeld and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stoltenberg. Mr and Mrs. Max Brown left . for Omaha on Sunday where Mr. . Brown will have a medical check up. LeRoy Erickson came for his wife and family who had been visiting with relatives and friends the past several weeks, they re turned to Denver, Colo., on Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Engelhart ' made a trip to Sioux Falls, S. D., ' on Sunday where Mr. Engelhart will consult a doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schmitz 1 and family were Tuesday morning > visitors in the home of Mr. and ' Mrs. Arthur Martin and Douglas. Mrs. Harold Seih and son, ■ Charles of Herrick were Monday : afternoon visitors in the home of ' Mr. and Mrs. Claus Seih. . O'Neill Locals Charlie Moosman of Valentine was Thursday evening caller at ‘ the home of Mrs. Charles Beilin. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Heyer of Idaho spent Saturday at the home of Mrs. Carrie Borg. They re ’ turned to their home Sunday, 1 stopping at Grand Island enroute. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boyle visited from Tuesday until Satur day witty his sister, Mr. and Mrs. ________. Bernard Janting of Wichata, Kan, Sharlene Mahony, student nurse at St. Catherines hospital in Oma ha spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mahony. Jim Cronk of Kelso, Wash . and suns of Idaho visited at the Elden Butterfield home Saturday night and Monday noon Mr. and Mrs. Emil Adamson v isited her parents. Mr. and Mrs A. J. Koenig at Ewiag Sundav Mr. and Sirs 1> A. Baku , who had been visiting in Wyoming the past week, returned Sundav even mg A birthdaj supper for l> with was hold at the Rex i>« ek with home Sunday. Those presi nt were: Mr. and Mrs. Vermin Km ;iev of Norfolk, Mr. and Mi's Ralph’ Beckwith of O'Neill. Mr ■ i Mrs Don Beckwith of O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Harley of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harley and e h i l d r e n, Stev en. Sheryl and Kathleen, of Atkin on Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith of Emmet and Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Buggies and son, Bonnie of Em met. Mr. and Mrs, Dale Beilin were Sunday supper guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purr i of Chambers. visited Mr. and Mrs. Ottie Mettles of Walnut who were eelehrating their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday. Joe Cavanaugh went to the Vet erans' hospital at Grand Island Wednesday to have his hand re operated on . Mr. and Mrs. Advert Hoseler and daughter, Mrs. John Wolny, all of Boulder, Colo., came Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs, Rose ler’s mother, Mrs. Matt Cleary They returned to their home on Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cleary of Elgin came on Thursday to at tend the funeral and went home Friday afternoon. The Roselers were guests ot mr. anu mis. r.u Dumpert and the Ciearys were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs Clarence Sauser. Mr. and Mrs. Dermot Erington spent Thursday through Saturday in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Dermot Erington took his mother, Mrs. Sam Jef frcys, to her home in Burwell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fetrow called on A1 Stoffer Sunday while they werq in Omaha attending a (general Electric meeting. Jim Cronk of Kelso, Wash , and sons of Idaho have been staying at the Dale Fetrow home as Jim’s mother, Mrs. Gina Cronk. is in the hospital here in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. George Bosn and children were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox. Mr. and Mrs. I^arry Vox of At kinson visited at the Charles Fox home Sunday evening. Mrs. Patrick J. Donohue of Bonsteel, S. D., has been visiting the past week with her daughter, Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Gleeson. Mr and Mrs. John Laska visi ted at the A. L. Eymann home Friday evening. _____ DANCE to RYTHM AIRES Summerland - Ewing THANKSGIVING November 26 ATTENTION Massey-Fergeson and Massey-Harris Owners We have just received the Massey-Fergeson Contract for Holt and Boyd Counties. In an effort to order an initial parts stock to service Massey-Fergeson machinery now in use in this tem fciry. we are asking the cooperation of you owners and users. Please stop in or drop us a card before January 1 indicating what Massey-Fergeson machinery you now own and will be re quiring parts service for. We will base our initial parts order entirely on the information we receive. It is to the benefit of all of us. to have a good inventory of fast moving parts. This can , only be accomplished with your help. Any help you can give us will be appreciated. Wm. KROTTER CO. 305 West Douglas - O'Neill, Nebraska I - \ Yule Window Unveiling and Unrelated Item Contest FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 7:30 until 9:30 p.m. i Under sponsorship of the Retail Trade Committee O'Neill Chamber of Commerce Cash Prizes Totaling $50.00 First Prize — $20.00 Third Prize — $10.00 Second Prize — $15.00 Fourth Prize — $5.00 a A . . Ilf* . Contest Windows will contain one unrelated item ot the merchants cnoice. v-omesi win dow will be posted^ Persons competing must be 16-years-old or older. Pick up entry blanks at either The Frontier or the Holt County Independent office starting at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 20. View the Contest Windows, pick the unrelated items, return contest blanks to either news paper office between prescribed hours. Entries will be judged on correctness and time of return. Winners will be announced in next week's newspapers. * FOR SALE Strong's Repair Shop Consists of two lots with four room mod- I ern house. Three car garage, complete line of | shop equipment. Stack of new and used parts. I •4 T kn c r\ w ac mm r\ !oto i inlf Located at 426 North 7th St. Priced to sell Vernon and Ann Strong, owners ! I ■BOR NOTICE r*»» # In order for our employees to spend the holidays at home with their families there will be no milk delivered to the houses on Nov. 26, Dec. 25 or Jan. 1. Milk normally delivered on these days will be delivered the day before. Thank You GILLETTE DAIRY I Phone 498 O'Neill, Nebr. _ 'o • 'A °* n’ " «** •”•**,* * * * 7 * o • “in ' ...r : :h? boot, three styles! • © e 0 (p «a • » # • u , • “ ... cr co !ght... so warm ... .** „ 1 to and cuddly! THREE -IN-ONE , SNO-BOOTS WITH SNAPS 1 For campus, shopping. 1 alter skiing and skating. I all-around wear 8 Cozy 100% deep CJZTJZ $8.95 *T*U t—cushion crepe solo A&M SHOE STORE