The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 12, 1959, Image 9

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Holt County Supervisors
Motion by Landreth, seconded
by Flood, that the following
Claims be allowed and Warrants
ordered drawn on the Road Fund
in payment of same. Motion car
Gene Adams, salary .. . 289 96
Ray Allaway, machine
hire . . 1290 50
L. E Bergstrom, labor .. 393 75
Shed . 14 80
Bemts Auto Service, sup
plies .. 9.70
Frank J. Brady, equip
ment ... . 100.00
Burge Farm Supply, sup
plies . 46.69
John P. Cleary, gravel ... 46.40
Allied Oil and Supply.
Inc , supplies . 10.31
Delbert Anson, labor .... 343.99
Karl Bernt, labor . 250.00
Bilstein Store, gas . 18.36
Ed Brandt, labor .t. 315.00
Chambers Independent
Telephone Co., tele-phone
service for County
Shed 1480
Wm. Conard, labor 37.00
Construction Service Eqpt.,
parts 100.31
Continental Oil Co., sup
plies 450.39
D. A. Lubricant Co., sup
plies 70.73
Dankert Service, supplies 129.09
Lois IX>nohoe, gravel 25.20
Fehrs Tractor and Eqpt.,
Co., parts 36.65
Fehrs Tractor and Eqpt
Co parts .56
Fehrs Tractor and Eqpt.
Co., parts and repairing
eqpt. 269.37
First National Bank, ma
chinery payment . 361.25
Galyen Motor Co. supplies
and parts 192.49
Gill Motor Co., truck 2750.00
Harley Hardware, sup
plier 13.01
Hiway Station, supplies 95.76
Holt County Weed District,
spraying weeds 12.50
Island Supply Welding
Co., parts 5.65
Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas
Cb., gas service for
County sheds 4.20
Leo Kramer, repairs and
and repairing eqpt. 2015
Lamason Garage, repairs
and repairing services 73 80
Miller Service, supplies 69.31
Lyle McKim, labor 124.50
Nebr, Tractor and Eqpt.
Co., parts .. . 85.01
Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt.
Co., parts 2.44
Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt.
Co., parts 147.92
Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt.
Cb., parts 233.67
Niobrara Valley Electric
Memliership Corporation,
electric service 1.50
Norwood Repair Shop, re
pairs and repairing
equipment 20.85
Pollock Sand and Gravel,
gravel and hauling
gravel 585.05
Calvin Seger, labor _ 353.12
E. J Shane, Machine hire 345 00
Shaw Oil Co . supplies 11920
Shelhamer Oil Co., sup
plies 44 48
Harry R. Smith Impl.,
parts 2 50
Frank Tracy, labor . 331.81
Ivan L. Wayman, labor 319.37
West Lumber and Coal Co.,
supplies 3.05
Wilsons Texaco, supplies 65 44
Construction Service Eqpt.,
parts 32356
Consumers Public Power
District, electric service
for County shed 2.43
D. A Lubricant Cb., sup
plies 117.70
Davis Oil Co., supplies 59.22
Earley Oil Co., supplies 232.86
Fehrs Tractor and Eqpt.
Co., parts 56.84
Fehrs Tractor and Eqpt.
Co., parts and repairing
eqpt. 382 19
Fehrs Tractor and Eqpt.
Co., parts 130.90
First National Bank, ma
chinery payment 430.52
Ronald Haake. labor 316.31
Hargadon Eqpt. Co.,
parts 10.30
Al Holbrook, labor 310.00
Howards Blacksmith Shop.
repairing eqpt. 10.50
Island Supply Welding Co.,
equipment 245.00
Wm. E. Kelley, labor 326.25
D. A. Kersenbroek, diesel
fuel 143.70
Wm. Krotter Co., supplies 12.16
Mattson Repair, repairs
and repairing equip
ment 40.36
Tony Mudloff, labor 333.75
Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt.
Co. eqpt. 1850.00
Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt.
Co., rental on ma
chinery 293.11
Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt.
Co., parti
Nelson Brayton. supplies 178 90
Northwestern Bell Tele
phone Co., telephone ser
ve tea
Blake Ott. supplies 50 57
Page Oil Co., supplies 80.85
Fred Roberts, lalmr 317.50
Rotherham Service, sup
plies 42.75
Servall Towel and Linen
Supply Co., towel service
for County Sheds 3.00
Shaw Texaco Service, sup
plies 43.37
Sidles Co., parts 11.32
South Side "66", supplies 80.97
C. W. Trobaugh, labor 270.60
WT e s c o Steel Co., eqpt.
and parts 107.68
W’hites Service, supplies 128.72
C. E. Wintermote, parts
and repairing services 26.60
12:00 Noon: On motion the Board
adjourned until 1:0O P.M.
O'Neill. Nebr
Sept. 16, 1959
1:00 P.M.
Holt County Board of Supervi
sors met as per adjournment. All
members present.
Moton by Ernst, seconded by
Flood, that the following Claims be
allowed and Warrants ordered
drawn on the Mail Route Fund in
payment of same. Motion carried.
Ray A 1 1 o w a y, machine
hire 2427.00
Nick Bonenberger. clay 174.40
Elden Butterfield, hauling
gravel_ 752-50
Frank Determan. labor 48.00
Edwin H. Hubbard, gravel
and hauling gravel .... 125.70
Wm K rotter ana Co.,
gravel and hauling
gravel 819.52
Herman Orsbom. hauling
gravel 759.50
Pollack Sand and Gravel
Co., gravel and hauling
gravel _ 1237.20
Erven VanCleave, hauling
gravel 763.00
John Bonenberger hauling
gravel 763.00
Nick Bonenberger, clay 426 40
Eldon Butterfield, hauling
gravel 329 00
Floyd P Gettert, labor 458.80
Tom King, hauling gravel 738.50
W. S. Kirkland, clay . . 81.95
Max L. Kunz, labor 138.60
Asa Norton, hauling
gravel 759.50
Herman Orsbom, hauling
gravel 329.00
Frank J. Schaaf. hauling
gravel 721.00
Frank Skrdla, clay 129.80
Motion By McConnell, seconded
by Dierking, that the following
Claims be allowed and Warrants
ordered drawn on the Fair Fund
in payment of same. Motion car
Holt County Agricultural
Society ... 2900.00
Motion by Landreth, seconded
l't- 1 r that fRn fnllnii'infr
Claims ho allowed and Warrants
ordered drawn on the Road Bridge
Fund in payment of same. Motion
Construction Service and
Eqpt. Co., parts _ 60.10
Floyd P. Gettert, labor 19.25
Leo Kramer, repairing
equipment 5.0C
Lohaus Motor Co., parts 3.03
Shelhamer Eqpt. Co.,
parts 2.24
Earley Oil Co., supplies 4.35
Howards Blacksmith Shop,
repairing services 64.00
Lyle McKim, labor 63.00
Ronald Watson, machine
hire 4000.0C
Motion by Flood, seconded by
Ernst, that the following Claims
be allowed and Warrants ordered
drawn on the Soldiers and Sailors
Relief Fund in payment of same.
Motion carried.
Alvin H. Heese, Veterans
Service Officer 500.00
Motion by McConnel, seconded
by Smith, that the following
Claims he allowed and Warrants
ordered drawn on the Bridge Fund
in payment of same. Motion car
Joseph Burda, labor 267.30
Earley Oil Co., supplies .88
Galyen Motor Co„ supplies
and parts 131.60
Frank Johnson, labor 332.80
Wm. Krotter Co., parts .91
John Osborne, labor 234.30
Wheeler Lumber Bridge
and Supply Co., lumber 1950.75
Chicago and Northw’estem
The sign of products you
trust, service you remember
to power sp* re p-obesV 1
As the U. S. probes planets, rochets 1
from earth will carry instruments into \
orbit around the sun's satellites. These
space probes—which someday may tell
us whether life exists on other planets—
will use vehicles powered by high-per
formance fuels like boron.
what BORON
will do in your c.''-...
Now DX Sunray harness* a t..~' i
power of boron for your car. I
DX Boron gasoline — one of the M
century's greatest fuel discoveries r
— brings you a new world of
smoothness, power, and increased
mileage. It keeps your spark plugs
and carburetor clean. It gives
you upper-cylinder lubrication free.
It will not knock. Guaranteed to
be better than any other gasoline
or your money back.
So watch for the red Boron
rocket. It points to the start of a
powerful friendship with DX
Boron and your DX Dealer.
A million motorists
can't be wrong!
Change to DX Boron/
missile-power your car with
OX SUNRAY OIL COMPANY• Subsidiary of Sunny Mid-Continent Oil Company • Tulsa, Oklahoma 01959
DX Products are distributed in this Territory by
Railway Co. freight on
carload of lumber __ 767.8f
Daniel Hurley, labor_ 2T0.6C
Keating Implement Co,
Nelson and Brayton, sup
plies . 230.«
Wm. Siebert, labor _ 267.30
Motion by Smith, seconded b>
Dierking. that the following Claims
be allowed and Warrants ordered
drawn on the Unemployment Re
lief Fund in payment of same
Motion carried.
Administrative Fund _ 117.47
Lee Stores ..._ 24.If
Miller Grocery _ 14.00
Louis Reimer 7.5C
Mrs. Roy Thurlow _ . 25.00
Consumers Public Power
Miller Grocery _ 35.00
The New Outlaw .... 14.64
Louis Reimer 7.50
Thad E. Saunders 17.4C
Motion by McConnell, seconded
by Landreth, that the following
Claims be allowed and Warrants
ordered on the Medical Fund in
payment of same. Motion car
Aid to Disabled Fund 64.76
Biglins 10.OC
Dr. George Carstens ... 900
Dr. W. G. Fletcher 5-00
Marjorie Gibson 23,00
Hoffmeister Nursing Home 75.00
Link Drug 3.85
; Mrs. Charles McMillan 22.50
O'Neill Drug 8.60
Dr. James E. Ramsay 29.50
St. Anthonys Hospital 10.00
Mrs. Mary Wetzler , 850
Wilson Drug 55.72
Dr. Robert C. Anderson 2.0C
Blind Assistance Fund 81.24
DeVay Drug Store _ 5.50
Dr. D. L. Fletcher _ 15 00
Hallocks Pharmacy 9.00
tJones Funeral Home 17.50
I Nora Maroney 9.0C
Old Age Assistance Fund 1147.Of
O Neill Drug 8.4 '
Schultz Drug 56.]:
St. Anthonys Hospital 51.8S:
Drs. Wilson and Waters 107.0C
5:00 P.M. On motion the Board
adjourned until Sept. 30, 1959 al
10:00 A M.
Frank Cronk
Kenneth Waring
O'Neill, Nebr
Sept. 30, 195f
10:00 A.M.
Holt County Board of Supervi
sors met as per adjournment. All
members present. Meeting called
to order by the Chairman. Minutes
of the previous meeting were read
and approved as read.
The Finance Committee reported
that the fees of the various County
Offices have been remitted to the
County Treasurer, as required by
Motion by Landreth, seconded
by McConnell, that the following
Bonds be approved. Motion car
ried .
George A. Wettlaufer, member
of County Service Committee
County of Holt.
Clyde Widman, Treasurer of
Chambers Rural Fire District,
County of Holt.
Motion by Smith, seconded by
j Ernst, that the following War
rants be cancelled. Motion car
Florence I. Spence Old Age
Assistance Fund 67.80
Florence I. Spence Old Age
Assistance Fund 67.80
George Peehles Old Age
Assistance Fund 70.00
Felix R. Sullivan Old Age
Assistance Fund 70.00
Hoffmeister Nursing Home
Old Age Assistance
Fund 90.00
Mildred Wright Aid to De
pendent Children Fund 100.00
Maude A. Kilcoin Aid to
Dependent Children
Fund 100.00
John A. Latzel Aid to De
pendent Children Fund 32.60
Dr. F. C. McClanahan, Jr.
Medical Fund 3.00
Motion by Cronk, seconded by
Dierking, to adopt the following
Resolution. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the County of Holt
and State of Nebraska, has a
lien against the right, title and
interest of Robert R. Grubb and
Annie L Grubb, in and to the
real estate hereinafter des
scribed, for Old Age Assistance
grants received from the State
of Nebraska and County of Holt,
WHEREAS, said real estate
has been sold for the sum of
$1,000.00, and the owners thereof
have agreed to pay the County
of Holt, the Whole ot tne pur
chase price thereof, as a com
promise settlement, in full
payment of said liens, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Su
pervisors of Holt County, Ne
braska have made a thorough
investigation in the premises,
and have obtained appraisals of
said property, and considering
the sum of $1,000.00 to be the
fair and reasonable market
value of said property, and all
that could be obtained in com
promise and settlement of said
Treasurer of Holt County. Ne
baska, is hereby directed and
authorized to release of record,
the Old Age Assistance liens
in favor of the State of Nebras
ka and the County of Holt, and
against Robert R. Grubb, re
corded in Book 38 of Miscellan
eous Records at Page 694 in the
office of the Register of Deeds
of Holt County, Nebraska, and
against Annie L. Grubb, re
corded in Book 38 of Miscellan
eous Records at Page 697 of the
records in the office of the Re
gister of Deeds of Holt County,
Nebraska, and covering the real
estate described as:
A Part of the North Half of the
Northwest Quarter of Section 29,
in Township 26 North Range 12,
West of the 6th P M. in Holt
County. Nebraska, described as
beginning at a point 1115 feet
East of the Southeast Comer
of Block ‘‘A1’ in Fluckey's Addi
tion to the Village of Chambers,
thence East 74 l/3rd feet, thence
North 293 feet, thence West 74
l/3rd feet, thence South 293 feet
to the place of beginning upon
receipt of the payment of
After discussion a roll call vote
was taken on the passage of such
resolution, which resulted as fol
lows :AYES: Eli McConnel, M.
V. Landreth, Clarence Ernst,
Walter A. Smith, Frank Cronk
and Harlan Dierking. NAYS:
WHEREUPON the Chairman of
the Board declared such motion
and resolution duly passed and
11.00 A. M The Board adjourned
until 1:00 P.M.
O’Neill, Nebr.
Sept. 30, 1959
1:00 P.M.
Holt County Board of Supervi
sors met as per adjournment. All
members present except Cronk.
Supervisor Flood was appointed by
Cronk to act as Chairman, in the
absence of regular Chairman.
Petitions were filed for division
ot Green Valley Precinct. Petitions
were also filed objecting to the di
vision. After discussion by the
Board, motion was made by Land
re th, seconded by Dierking that
petitions be tabled until Nov. 30,
1959. Motion carried.
Motion by Landreth, seconded by
McConnell, that the Holt County
Independent and the Atkinson
Graphic lie designated to print the
delinquent Real Estate Tax List.
Motion carried.
5:00 P.M. On motion the Board
adjourned until October 16. 1959
at 10:00 A M.
Frank Cronk
Kenneth Waring
Naper News
Iti loin Selionebauni
Last Week’s News
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stolten
crg received a telephone call on
1 Sunday evening from their son,
Larry of Spokane, Wash., telling
i v.f the arrival of a nine pound
13 oz. son on Nov. 1, and they
named him Larry Dean jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sobc
zak and sons, Mark and Keith of
i c♦ u t*TS
Friday and spent till Saturday in
ie home of Rev. and Mrs. Ken
neth Strack and daughter.
Mi. and Mrs. Harvey Davis
left on Friday for Sioux City
where they were overnight guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eller. On
Saturday they left to go on to
Nevada, la., to spend several
days in the home of their son,
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lebsack
and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Reid
of Lincoln, came on Friday morn
ing to attend the funeral of the
ladies uncle, Henry Ludemann on
Friday afternoon. They visited
with relatives for several days
returning to their home on Sun
day morning.
I^ennis Schonefeld, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Schonefeld en
tered the Lynch hospital on Fri
day and had his tonsils removed.
He was brought home on Satur
Mrs. Louise Pflueger of Wayne,
and daughter, Aletha of Lincoln
spent from Friday till Sunday
noon in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Mitchell
and sons of Chambers, came
Saturday evening and spent till
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Orlin Higgins and
daughter were last Thursday
over-night guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Kramer and John Kramer.
Mrs. Etta Bennett spent from
^Friday afternoon till Monday
visiting in St. Charles in the Lvil
Bodine and John Hermasen
Sunday afternoon guests in the
Wayne Ahler’s home to help
their daughter, Marion celebrate
her 3rd birthday were Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Ahlers and family of
Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Ahlers and family and Mr. and
Mrs. August Alders.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Stahlcc
ker and Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel
\ieman left on Tuesday, Oct. 27
for parts of Calif., to visit with
relatives. The Niemans were re
turning to their home after visit
ing with relatives here.
Orlin Higgins and John Kramer
made a business trip to Omaha
on Friday. They took down some
of their household items.
Mr. and Mrs. Marian Green ar
rived here on Saturday from Ari
zona, whee he was stationed and
was discharged from the service.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allpress
ind sons and Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Davis were Thursday sup
per guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Max Higgins and daughters
in honor of the 8th wedding an
niversarv of Mr. and Mrs. All
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Parlet and
family of Winner, S. D., were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Pete Kramer. In the after
noon the Parlet family visited in
the Bill Hermasen home in St.
| Charles.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thibault
and their daughter, Kimberly and
son, Michael of Hollywood, Calif.,
and Mrs. Cecil Thibault of Dan
Cinnamon Crispies
For Holiday Baking
Include these delicate pastries
in any of your holiday cooky
baking, says Owen Parkinson,
local salesman for the Meadow
Gold Dairy. They are flaky
crusted and filled with a spicy nut
mixture, just the thing for those
who don’t want a sweet cooky.
They are delightful served
warm with plenty of butter, too,
points out their creator, Beatrice
Cooke, director of the company’s
Chicago tests kitchens.
Cinnamon Crescents
2 cups sifted flour
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon salt
V\ cup butter
3/4 cup buttermilk
3 tablespoons melted butter
1 /3 cup brown sugar, firmly
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup chopped pecans
Cut butter into sifted dry in
gredients until mixture resem
bles coarse crumbs. Add butter
milk; stir until dry ingredients
are just moistened. Turn out on
lightly floured surface; knead
dough several times. Roll into a
12-inch circle. Brush with melted
butter. Combine brown sugar,
cinnamon and nuts; sprinkle over
dough. Cut dough into 12 pie
shaped pieces. Roll up lightly, be
ginning at wide end. Fasten points
securely. Bake on greased cooky
sheet at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.
nebrog, Nebr., were Sunday even
ing and Monday morning visitors
of Mrs. Hael Helenbelt.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kramer and
son of Piatte, S. D., and Mr. and
Mrs. George Kramer of Lake
Anues, S. D., were Sunday visitors
in me home ot Mr and Mrs. Pete
Mr. and Mrs. Claus Seih at
tenueu mission Festival services
ui aamison on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Orlin Higgins and
daughters moved on Sunday to
Umana, where Orlm will attend
oaroenng school.
Mrs. Larry Brown and son of
Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Lawrence
Ahlers were Monday dinner guests
of Mrs. Claus Seih. Terry Ruther
iord of Denv er, Colo , was a caller
»n tne Seih home. In the afternoon
the ladies visited in the Alvin
oCoOiuu Id home.
Approximately 275 people were
served a delicious turkey supper
on Sunday evening in the town
.mil by the Pep club girls and then
mothers for the benefit of the
Athletic fund. A live turkey do
nated by the Lions club as a door
prize was won by Carolyn Schultz,
wno in turn gave it back to have
it auctioned off and the money
jddtu to the Pep club fund. Gene
Putnam was the autcioneer. He also
auctioned off two dressed turkeys
and numerous pies and othei
things that were left over. People
attended the dinner besides our
a o m e community came from
Butte, Spencer, Bonesteel, and
Fairfax to help make it a giant
Mr. and Mrs. George Ah
lers were Monday callers in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kra
Mi and Mrs. Reinhold Fuhrer
;ir»H Mr and Mrs Marian Greon
were Monday visitors in the
Henry Ludemann home in New
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stolten
berg and Mr. and Mrs. Don Bentz
and family were Sunday evening
visitors in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Stoltenberg, to wish
Mrs. Paul Stoltenberg a happy
Saturday evening visitors in the
home of Mr. and Mrs Reinie
Fuhrer were. Mrs. Anna Gosch
and Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Schultz and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Beauchamp of Herrick, Mr.
and Mrs. George Lebsack and
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Reid of
Lincoln. They' visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Marian Green, who had ar
rived home that afternoon from
Monday evening guests in the
Paul Stoltenberg home to help
Mrs. Stoltenberg celebrate her
birthday anniversary were Mr.
and Mrs. Jake Hoy and sons of
Herrick, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Stoltenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan
Reber, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Bendig and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Bendig of Bonesteel.
Mrs. Katie Berg returned to
Norfolk on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Putman, after
. spending the past week in the
| home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean
i Brockemaier and family.
Mrs. Barbara Vogt called on
Mrs. Paul Stoltenberg on Mon -
day afternoon to wish her a happy
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs
Delbert Brockemaier was baptized
Michael Lynn in Sunday morning
services at St. Paul’s Lutheran
church. His sponsors were Mr.
and Mrs. Russel Whitley. A din
ner was served at noon in the
Brockemaier home for the follow
ing guests, Rev. and Mrs. Ken
neth Strack and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. R.ussel Whitley and
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Putman and Mrs. Katie Berg of
Norfolk. _
Funeral services were con
ducted in the town hall on Friday
afternoon, Oct. 30 at 1:30 p m.
for uncle Henry Ludemann. with
Rev Baylor of Fairfax conducting
the services. The choir of tiu
Congi-egational church sang
Pallbearers were Arthur Wentz.
Ernest Juracek. Wm. Vogt. Con
Sattler, Otto Ahlers and Alvin
The Blain and Seger funeral
home of Atkinson were in charge
of arrangements, and burial was
in the Knoll Cre t Cemetery.
Uncle Henry Ludemann was bom
January 30. 1877 and died in the
Atkinson hospital on October 26.
19^9 at the age of 82 years. 8
months and 27 days.
He was tx>rn in Germany and
I came to the Unites States in 1903
and farmed with his brother, Fred
near Naper until 1946. when he
made his home with a nephew,
Henry Ludemann
His parents anil four brothers
and a sister preceded him in
Survivors are nieces and neph
1*M Domino Kth
Free Lunch
at the Ranch located lJ/2 miles east of Gregory.
Sale to be held in New Heated Pavilion.
Selling — 30 coming 2-year-old Bulls, 10
bred Heifers, 10 Heifer Calves — All by our
Great Herd Sire, PM Domino 8th, 2,200 lbs. in
working clothes.
Our type cattle are known for their performance, for it is
only natural that this entire offering should be large and rugged
as they are all by PM Domino Sth.
Henrecy's Hereford
XwX You will be completely satisfied with your new elec- W&S
(ffig trie dryer after 30 days or you will get your money jgU
Yaw back. This unique guaiantce applies to any new elrc- ^ SmJ
/)»[ trie dryer purchased from a Nebraska-towa Elec- Q
U»a trical Council dealer between October 19 and No- *L.
/MfiV vember 30, 1959, and installed on Consumers
Only electric dryers carry this sort of guarantee.
You don’t have to prove anything to us—just return
your electric dryer to the dealer from whom you
bought it and the full purchase price will be re
funded. We know you’lljbe delighted with your elec
tric dryer because . . . an electric dryer is fast—and
it’s clean and safe as electric light!
Leave all the drudgery of laundry lugging and clothes pinning be
hind. An electric dryer is such a convenience—in any weather—at
any hour—you can have soft fresh clothes —ready to fold and put
away or damp dry for ironing. And you’ll enjoy years of trouble-free
service with an electric dryer because of its simple construction and
minimum number of parts.
It costs an average of only $1.08 a month to dry clothes the modem
electric way. You actually operate your dryer for two to four years—
on the money you save on the purchase price alone.
A combination electric washer-dryer
take* up little space and costs leu than
two separate appliances Saves work,
too. Just load it, set a dial—and take
out clothing ready to iron or put away.
Ask your dealer to show you one of these
eew combination units.
Choose your electric d-yer from Dmm
dependable national brands
Blackitona — Coronado — taay
Frigidaira — Genaral Elactric — HatpcW
Imperial — Kalvlnafor — Kaaaaof
Maytag — Norga — PhWco-Bandla
RCA Whirlpool — Spaad Quae*
Weitlnghouaa — Wliard
Buy your guaranteed electric Dryer from your favorite electric appliance dealer