The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 05, 1959, Image 7
'Old Fox' Gets A Coon; Forgets About Master By Bur k Fail* C<>rrf*p«MHii Sunday. Nov 1 had beer, a m'd. thawing day and the sun sank in a cloudless sky. There was no wand that evening to muffle the sniffling approach of the clever hounds, so what better time for the wary masked bandits so be on the prowl. By the same token Old Fox. veteran coon hound belonging to Floyd Johnson must have had the same idea, for sometime Airing the twilight hour, he dug a con venient exit under his pen, provid ing the freedom for himself and tus mate, and ushering a rollick ing coon chase. About 7:30 their master happen ed outside and to his surprise drift mg in on the evening air was "the sweetest music” a coon hunt er hopes to hear None other than Old Fox and Queen barking “treed . which in coon hound s language means “here he is — come and get him ■ They didn’t have long to call, for Floyd, after alerting his son in-law John Schultz and accom panied by Dan Rakes soon had donned hunting garb and were off , Harold Mlinar and daughters Judy and Nancy, who were visit ing the Schultz family that day alone with the Schultz sisters. Gwf pda. Trudy and Debbie went along About three-quarters erf a mile away was the scene erf excitement Mr Gxm. who had gone out on what he thought <was an ideal nigh? was high up in a tree with those experts of the trial below’ giving forth their victory song With the aid of a flash light and the crack of a rifle the revelry ended GORDON TO HAVE HR'T EEEXTRH HEATED S<THX>L Whai is believed to t* the first multiple-room school in Nebraska to be heated electrically will open next September at Gamkm ac cording to Bob Forwood, Consum ers Public Power man here There will be no need for a boil er or furnace room in the all modem building to be construct ed of bnc.k and glass The space formerly needed for such a room is being utilized as an extra class room and a shower and dressing room lor boys and girls. In addition, other advantages of the electric heat are: Even flow of heat with less than two degrees difference between the ceiling and floor in each room No fuel storage problem; no valves pumps, piping or heating system maintenance problems and consequently no hidden or addi tional costs Elimination of smoke, dusty films and no "hot spots ' with an even flow of beat provided by the electric heating olant The type of electric unit in stalled was the base board design. Electric coils in the ceiling will heat the locker rooms All units | will be individually controlled. Forwood stated that this is first | of its land to be heated electric allv on CPPD's statewide system. Hi' also said that we have 1 home heated electrically here in the OTv'eill area. HollirvLorenz Vows Exchanged at Seattle The Emmanuel Tat* mack- in Seattle. Wash . was the setting fa- the 8pm ceremony Septem ber 19. uniting in marriage Miss Pearl Holten,"Washington D. C. and Bernard Lorenz Arlington, Va The Rev Lloyd Peterson, Seat tle. erfficiated. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holten, Seattle, Wash and Mr and Mrs Otto Lorenz, O'Neill The bride, given in marriage by her father, appeared in a gown of white lace witfi ice blue satin underneath The scalloped neck- j Lne was edged with lace, and the sleeves were elbow- length The full gathered skirt was ballerina lei^th She carried a cascade iouquet of three orchids and small four petaied flowers around it The maid-of-honor, was Miss Carolyn Peterson, Seattle Brides maids were the Misses Yvonne and Karen Holten. Seattle, sisters erf the bride Junior bridesmaid was Carolyn Hart, niece of ihe bride. They wore ballerina length! gowns of yellow with three j quarter length sleeves They car-1 ried bouquets erf yellow , white and pink Thee wore headbands to match the flowers in their bouquets. Lorene Johnson, niece erf the bride, was flower girl Chris Hol-i tea,*" nephew erf the bnde, was j the ring bearer. The flower girl | wore a blue dress and the ring bearer was dressed n an ice blue tuxedo AH of *he attendants dresses, in cluding the bride s gown and her going away outfit were made by the bride's mother Landa Loren/ Seattle, cousin of the bridegroom and Gordon Bjorg, cousin of the bride were the eandiehghters She wore a pink dress and a wristlet corsage and he wore an ice blue tuxedo Gordon Lortm. O'Neill, brother of the bridegroom was best man Ushers were Chester Holten and Bob Fox. Junior usher w as Terry Holten They all wore ice blue tuxedos with white boutonnieres The bride's mother wore a dress of «qua and the bride groom's mother wore a navy dress They both wore orchid corsages. The fathers erf the couple wore ice blue tuxedos, and white bout onnieres Following the ceremony, a re ception for 300 guests was given j by the bn do'? parents.^ ‘Hie cake was made in the shape iaf a cross There were white candles on each side of the cake Mrs Shirley Johnson, sister erf the bride cut the rake, and the pourers were Mr? Elmer Loren/ Seattle, aunt of the bridegroom and Mr?- Fred Ludtke Seattle, aunt of the bride. The bride attended school at Seattle. Wash., and before her marriage was employed by the National Bank erf Washington, D. C in the department of loans The bridegroom is in the U. S. Army Third Infantry and is serv ing as Honor Guard at the tomb of the unknown soldiers For traveling the bride wore a two piece baby blue suit with black acceFsories The couple are now at home at 606 N Edgewood, Arlington Va AT THE COURTHOUSE OOI NTY (OITST— State vs. David P Pennington. Ainsworth. Nebr speeding night, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer E M Hastreiter, Oct. 29. State vs. Wilbur Koenig, driver j for Harold Timberling. Norfolk j Nebr.. improper registration cer tifieate, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer—Clifford L. Kizzire. Oct 29 State vs Edward G. Winkler, driver for Ejnmet Hay Co , Em met, Nebr., overload cm axle, fined $60 and $4 costs, officer Donald F Richardson Oct 30 State vs Robert F Troshynski. Atkinson. Nebr , driving while under the influence of alcohol fined $100 and '$4 costs, license suspended for 6 months; officer Donald J Fiala. Oct. 30. State vs. Dale H. Fordyce. Hickorv Hills. Dl.. overweight cm axle, fined $60 and $4 costs; of- , ficer- Clifford Kizzire Oct. 31 Stab vs. Wallace Buss driver for An Pape. Cascade, la 1 over . interior gross 2. no reciprocity, ; fined 1. $50. 2. $10 and costs $4; , officer-Donald F Richardson. Oct 31 State vs Janet R. Seger. O - Neill Nebr night speeding, fined $15 and $4 costs, officer- E M Hastreiter. Nov. 2 State vs Flovd P. Chart, Ne leigh, Nebr., driving under th* influence of alcohol, fined $100 and $4 costs, and operator's licens.: suspended for 6 months, officer _E M. Hastreiter. Nov. 2. State vs Ronald V Wolff, Nor-j folk Nebr . night speeding, fined $15 and $4 costs; officer -E. M Hastreiter, Nov. 3. State vs. Robert H Clifford. At kinson. Nebr.. overload on axle, fined $60 and $4 costs, officer— Clifford L Kizzire. Nov. 3. State vs Harold Partes. Ewing. Nebr . overweight on capacity plates, fined $10 and $4 costs: of ficer Clifford Kizzire. Nov. 3. State vs Ivan G Wright. Ewing - Nebr.. overweight on capacity plates fined $10 and $4 costs; of ficer-Clifford Kizzire, Nov. 3. MARRIAGE LICENSE— John Nickolas Wenner. jr., 26, j Atkinson and Marilyn Laura Ray mer. 21. Atkinson, Nov. 4. O'Neill Locals * w SMITHS t.STHER TO FJTEi MOTHER ON BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. John C. Smith and son. Joe, Mr. and Mrs Virgil J. Sm.'+i aad son Denrus snd1^ dassttr:. Cwrsie and Jerry lias ait of A'irce. la.. Mr and Mh. O L. iJsrbftrJt cf S cant Qty Mr a i M-s Wr! £~vth and d j*jh ter. Judy and Harry fi Smitfi ifclfxc! their roodier Mrs E J. i Smith celebrate her birthday when they gathered at her home an Sunday Mr and Mrs Frank FYoeBch v«M*ed their daughter and family. Mr and Mrs. B e Waaser, Flo h Sf*- nes. la. last wlc. Iw H J B,rnungh;un and Mrs Ec Cainp.jeJ Omaha i^-iradav Mr. and Mr.. Rync.d C.mfei -1 M Sunday v .j t>. >g Mr C m fei s e. . Jid Itm ,y Mr arrd « Mrs Lambert Karel. Howells M. and Mrs WsUsaos Clausser. lr snd Mrs John Grutsch and M"5 G.sdj-s Cunmnehaae ali at tended the ftth wedding amber ss.rv teehration of th» Elmar **-•’ ? Sur^av at Lynch * bx- tv ' - — — - - ^ ■ A guest last VWnetfcay ■ al the G. C De Backer hone «t; %'attv. r Torn i*. Backer. Omaha H ' Mvt vetir m&x Mr and Mrs Alfred Drayton M naa\ > » i— —_ - — to Sioux City. Weekend jfuests at the G C De Baoker hoaae were Mr and Mrs Dan J> Barker and family w.'l; rftNi* I DINNER & DANCE I I American Legion Auditorium I I WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 I ■ Dinner 5:30 to 7:30 — Dance Following | I Admission. $1.25 ■ ■ Everyone Invited I PH «•£ * 4 * ' ■ ».- ■*>-' %>*r»' •*' ***** '1 '• ' *'’*'•»■»* I^B This Price Is Right ^B A Top Grade ^B Bacon At This ^B Ridiculously ^B Low Price!! |B No Extra Charge We will slice ^B it for you if you prefer HORMELL — ALL MEAT r « s , ** WII>ON S WIENERS £ 12 oz* Pk9s- 89c OYSTERS. SUMMER SAUSAGE WHOLE OR CUT UP - FRESH FRVERS 29 5PHV - Giant Size RED DOT — Strawberry or Boysenberry ■ PRESERVES . 1 Giant 4-lb. jar 79c I BAKER'S % CARAMEL CHIPS I 6-oz. pkg. only 19ei DAVID HARUM ■ FLOUR I 50-lb. bag S329 | BON AIR — vanilla Chocolate Strawberry I ~ ICE CREAM I one-half gallon .... 59C I ISTARKIST ^ 1 — tuna FISH I 6-oz. can 29c 1 — jmr***r*» •• “ >- »■ -.-• ^*■ *- • r §t b '■ . - .- *,««*-*-* i CHASE AND SANBORN COFFEE CrOOD LICK OlEO .Lb. 28c IMPERIAL OLEO .Lb. 39c CHOC. - STRAW. - WHITE LUCKY WHIP .Giant can 49c BAKER'S COCOA .Mb. can 65c CHARMIN' TISSUE .8 roll pack 59c EMERALD WALNUTS .10-oz. pkg. 79c DEL MONTE PEAS .2 303 cans 35c BT TTEK KERNEL — WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM STYLE CORN . "HEDD’S PEANUT BUTTER . K M AY DILL PICKLES.Quart jar 29c «rOOD BRAND GREEN BEANS.3 303 cans 39c BAKER’S COCONUT .14-oz. pkg. 65c SACRAMENTO FREESTONE PEACHES .*...2 303 cans 39c VERMONT MAID SYRUP .24-oz. jar 59c yj WILSONS Wae'U give you, a stamp sat BIF .12-OZ. can 49c You'll Jill it soon and than BI STER Top Valua Stamps add CASHEW TIDBITS.Lb. 69c u,p *° . You'll start right us again!