The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 05, 1959, Image 6

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    . r 4 ff jAmtrr- ‘ ,xa4fcnMT i • * * '<3>r*f S
E. Women ’s
llhe Social\
Nov. s
»B*a Dek. Mrs C. J Gatz
®wtftjrteiian Women’s Associa
Concert Boy’s
STMs! Women’s Club
Ome Double C* A’s
*a*g. Nov. la
Wernsji', no host dinner
Club, Mrs. John Stuif
SSHtam Project
JOaMen Rod
Oaten Farmerettes
■BES. '
CaMRru Star
iMfcvau f-idies Aid
Wte Niot Extension
Cfarb Notes
Mm William Mattem was hos
tess Oct. 28 to NTTF' club A
guest was Mrs. Bob Clements.
Wiiarrs were Mrs. Bob Forwood
and Mrs Clements. A dessert
iundawn was served.
Ml riOij v
Mernmyx bridge club met
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. H.
S. Moses as hostess. Guests were
Mr L F. Beckenhauer and Mrs.
Arte Hiatt
Warners were Mrs. Beckenhauer
-Bad Mrs Moses. The chib will
■wet Tuesday for their no-host
Mm Max Golden was hostess
Tmasday evening at ■Martez.
Guest* were Mrs. C. J. Gatz, Mrs.
£d Gallagher and Mrs. Guy Cole.
Mrs Gatz, Mrs. Golden and
Mrs. H. J. Birmingham were
Bride*' clut*
bridge club met Oct. 27 with
Mrs. Verne Reynoldson. Mrs Win
ate Barger and Mrs. Leigh Rey
aokbmi were winners. Next meet
rig will bo Tuesday with Mrs.
John Stuifbergen.
Aw* High
Mrs. Ed Paulson was hostess
Tuesday evening to Aces High
Arkfee club. Winners were Mrs.
Rudy Morrow and Mrs. E. M.
Hast re iter. The December meet
ing win he with Mrs. A1 Tooker.
Snort Boosters
The O’Neill Band Boosters met
Tuesday evening at the public
♦chocs' to elect officers for the
conung year and for a regular
Uuuassa meeting.
New officers are Mrs Leo
Gate. president, Mrs. Ben Gil
lespie. vice president, Mrs. Floyd
Wibwn, secretary, and Mrs. Joe
Bartus. treasurer.
Doanc Miller, hand director,
spake- to the group. A lunch was
served following the meeting.
Y»r dub is made up of any
persons interested in promoting
the O’Neill hands which consist of
72 members from the O’Neill
schools The hands recently parti
cipated in Band Day activities at
Ij nonin.
T-M Meets
PT1 met Monday evening at
Me {ugh school and it was repori
«d that receipts from the carnival
wen. MOO and suggestions were
asked as to what project the mowy
♦honk! he applied.
K. C Patterson of Stuart spoke.
Slat ribject was ‘‘Trends" — How
war sense of values are unbalanc
ed aad how we should strive to
rnafcr gpod Americans of our chit
f isrti was served by the 3rd
pah mothers. Next meeting will
le January 4, I960.
• _____ _ !
McCarthy, Brady
Get 4-H Awards
Tmm O'Neill girls have been de
m■Sid the top dairy foods team
m the state in 4-H work it was
amaanced Wednesday by the Unt
audti of Nebraska.
Lynn McCarthy and Kathy
■ta% both received gold wrist
riUri for their awards as die
top foods demonstratkn team
They will now compete for sec
tional and national awards.
The topic of their demonstra
tion was "The Ice Cream
Scheme’. They showed mixing,
citiw: and serving ice cream.
Kath> is the daughter of Mr.
ok! Mrs Lee Brady, jr. She is
u fyNeiU high school senior.
Was Brady has also won awards
m the past for her public speak
Mrg McCarthy is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Mc
Carthy- She is a sophomore at St.
Mary's Academy. Lynn has been
• pwpic ribbon winner at the
nounty fair and holds blue awards
is fair competition.
TV girls are members at the
ITUfitK Workers club of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Puckett,
Atkinson, announce tile engage
ment ot their daughter, Lois
Eileen, to Douglas Wilson, son
of Mrs. Naomi J. Wilson, Lin
coln. lioth are graduates of Ne
braska Wesleyan where Miss
Puckett was affiliated with Phi
Mu sorority and Mr. Wilson with
Phi Kappa Tau and Htue Key,
honorary. Miss Puckett Ls touch
ing in the (Thadron high school
and Mr. Wilson teaches in the
Albion high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Llddy of
O’Neill announce the engage
nieiit of their daughter, Judy
Ann to Dan Farrington, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Owen P. Farring
ton of Alliance. A winter wed
ding is planned.
Holt County Court
Fines Total $1,598
A total of $1,598 in fines was
collected by the Holt County Court
during October, Judge Louis Rei
mcr reported. The fines include
$897 in regular fines and $701 in
scale fines.
Oscar Steinhausen
Dies Friday at Lynch
Funeral services for Oscar F.
Steinhausen, were held Tuesday at
Hold Cross Catholic Church in
Mr. Steinhausen, 66, died Fri
day evening at the Sacred Heart
hospital in Lynch. He had been
visiting his son. Father Robert
Steinhausen in Spencer when sud
denly taken ill about 4:30 Friday
He was taken by ambulance to
the Sacred Heart hospital in
Lynch where he died about 7
Survivors include his widow
and son. Father Steinhausen.
Farm Census
Takers Begin
Task Wednesday
Census takers for the local area
in the 1959 census of agriculture
have been appointed and they at
tended an intensive training course
October 28, 29 and 30 at Bartlett
preparing for the start of the can
vass which started yesterday.
Gwendolyn Cronk, Page, was in
charge of the session. She has
been designated crew leader.
Census takers for the area are
C. A. Krebs, Scotia, Mrs. Leo
Klein, Scotia, Kenneth Studley,
Wolbach, Richard Brown. Spald
ing, Mrs. Richard Foster, Eric
son, Mrs. Conrad Doseke Ericson,
Mrs. Gerald Titterington, Bartlett,
Mrs. Charles Imm, Eieson, Mrs.
H. W Hubbard, Chambers. Lyle
Irmmer, Atkinson, Harvey Tomp
kins, Inman, Mrs. Frank Bee
laert. Page and Mrs. Norman
Saltz, Page.
Bristow Man Dies;
Burial Is At Monowi
BRISTOW — Funeral services for
O. E. “Bud” Sinclair, age 55 were
held at 2 p.m. Tuesday from the
Trinity Lutheran church vvith
Rev. Benard Nelson officiating.
Burial was in the Alford ceme
tery at Monowi with the Jones
funeral home in charge
Oral Earl Sinclair was bom
April 16. 1904 at Gross. On August
10. 1930 he was united in marri
age to Anna Talbert at Lake
Andes, S. D. They became the
parents of six children
Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair have
loperated the cafe in Bristow for
the past 10 or 12 years.
Survivors are; Widow, Anna;
sons - Gary of Omaha and Jack
of Bristow; daughters Judy of
Omaha, Rose and Cheryl Mae,
both of Bristow; mother Mrs.
Sadie Sinclair of Denver, Colo.;
three brothers and eight sisters.
Pallbearers were Clifton Nelson,
Algol Sandberg, Harry’ Johnson.
Thomas Bowers. Ronald Roush
and Clyde Beckner.
Bible Conference Set
Dr Charles Kraft. Professor of
Old Testament at the Garrett Bi
blical Institute in Evanston, 111
will be the guest speaker at the
Bible Conference at the' O'Neill
Methodist Church November 8. 9,
and 10.
Several lecture and discussion
periods are scheduled during the
three days for churches of the
O’Neill sub-district. The noted
lecturer will also deliver the ser
mon for the Sunday worship ser
Examinations Close
Civil service examinations for
the position of substitute clerk
carrier at the O'Neill post office
will close November 9. O’Neill
Postmaster Ira Moss said that
anyone interested in the position
should contact him before that
Frontier Want-Ads Pay Dividends
Being just a few suggestions to the man who feels he
needs no sales help;
When man becomes so perfectly a creature of habit
that he will certainly buy this year exactly what . . . and exactly
where ... he bought last year . . .
When spunkier firms than yours stop taking away
"your customers" through good advertising . . .
When population ceases to increase and when new
folks are no longer attracted to O'Neill . . .
When you have thoroughly convinced everyone in
your entire trade area that you give better buys and better
service . . .
When business principles reverse themselves and the
non-advertiser does as much business as the consistent
advertiser . . .
When your competitors stop making huge strides
ahead through planned advertising . . .
When you are so successful that you can ignore the
advice of wise merchants the world over who know that
advertising pays and pays . . .
• 4 • • * ' ' i . **., ■ , « •*' t
When you would rather have your own way even
if you fail, than follow friendly advice and win . . .
k ’ " ' '" \ } A y,' if ■ (y.
* #
When you're tired of making money and don't want
1 to be bothered with customers . . .
I ■ „ >.•
» , » •
That'll be the time to stop advertising.
Until then, the surest way to stay in business pro
fitably is to advertise regularly in your best home town
advertising medium . . .
i 0* :
i , » .mm m_i
AH of Mr. and Mrs. Hull’s children were present for their 60tli
wedding anniversary. Pictured, from left hi right, are Mrs. Mary
Kllen Boelter, Doyle, Harold, tilen, Guy and C. F. Hull. Mr. Hull’s
mother, Sara, is shown between Mr. and Mrs. Hull. Lynch Herald
photo—The Frontier engraving
I-Legal Notices— |
(First pub. October 22, 1959)
Julius D. Cronin, attorney
Estate No. 4356
OCTOBER 15, 1959.
CREDITORS- of said estate are
hereby notified that the time limit
ed for presenting claims against
said estate is February- 12th I960,
and for the payment of debts is
October 15th, 1960. and that on
November 12th, 1959. and on Febr
uary 15th. 1960, at 10 o'clock
A M., each day, I will be at the
County Court Room tn said County
to receive, examine, hear, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
(County Court Seal!
Louis W. Reimer,
Cbunty Judge
__ 26-28o
(First jHib. Oct. 29. 1959)
In accordance with the School
Laws of Nebraska, Sec. 79-402, we
are required to make the follow
ing described change in school
district boundaries:
To dissolve Dist. No. 8, Wheeler
County, Nebraska for elemen
tary’ grade school purposes only,
and attach the territory therein
to School Dist. No. 115, Holt
County, Nebraska. School Dist.
No. 8, Wheeler County, Nebras
ka consists of the following des
cribed territory: Sec. 1, 2, 3,
S»* 4. 9, 10, 11, 12. 13, 14, 15,
16, SVj, 17, 18, T. 24, N. R., 11, all
in Wheeler County, Nebraska
A hearing of said matter will be
held by the joint Committee for
the Reorganization of School Dist
ricts of Holt and .Wheeler Coun
ties on Monday, November 9, 1959
voters in attendance.
Mrs Ain-# gmid See. Wheeler
tinuny Heervnni/ation Q>mtn.
/Mice L. ijVcncU, Sec.. Holt
County Reorganization Comm
r mm - • A