The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 05, 1959, Image 5

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    \#enus News
By Mr*. Ralph Rrookhuitner
Ted Kinnson took his son, Don
ald to Sioux City, Oct. 36 where
the latter received medical at
tention. Donald sustained a seri
ous injury to his right arm
several weeks ago in an ensilage
cutter and was hospitalized at
Sioux City (or a week,
Mrs. Mervin Strope Jr., was
hostess to a group of ladle on
Thursday at in. . Oct.
Mrs. R.dwj EnFun f Ta
coma. Was!*., was chosen execu
tive to open a new Albertson I
store ut Seattle, VVa.h., this
week. Mrs. EiiEan has been with
the urm for ... past 2l? years
She is the former Anita Brook
houser daughte*r of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Brookhouser.
Mr. and Mi s. Paul Baker,
Schuyler, have named their baby
daughter, Barbara Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Pitcher and
family of Norflok visited with
Mrs. Pitcher's parents, Mr. and!
Mrs. Bryan Finch. They planned
to spend the remaining part of the
week with the Val Pitcher family
at Grand Island and Harlon
Spath’s at Lincoln. The ladies are
Mrs. J. W. Finch motored to
Scottsbluff to get acquainted with
their first grandchild, Mark Allen,
son of Mr and Mrs arry Taylor.
Mr, and Mrs. George Hegge
meyer and Edward were Sunday,
Oct. 25 dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sukup.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Caskey
and family visited at the Kenneth
Caskey home Wednesday evening,
Oct. 28.
Paul Shelhamer and LaVem
Caskey of O Neill were visitors at
the Ora Caskey home Oct. 25 fore
Mr and Mrs. Ora Caskey,
Larry and Gary were dinner
guests at the home of the later’s
sister, Mr and Mrs Verlyn Gibbs
and sons of Clearwater.
Mr. and M:s LaVem Held, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Caskey- and Mr.
md Mrs. Howard Tyler attended
he smorgasbord at the Lutheran
.hurch on Tuesday. Oct. 27.
Mr and Mrs Ralph Brook
vRiser were Norfolk visitors Sat
Jrday, Oct 24 . ^
Wednesday evening visitors at
he Many Caskey home were Mr
and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser.
Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber was
palled home Oct. 24 from Schuyler
;lut* to the serious illness of her
mother, Mrs. Mary Zastrow of
D’Neill. Mrs Faulhaber was stay
,ng at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Paul Baker of Schuyler while Mrs.
Baker was in the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey
motored to Norfolk Monday Oct
26 taking Mr. and Mrs. Roberts of
California there to meet the bus
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts spent the
weekend with relatives at Verdi
gre and with Mr. and Mrs Archie
Moser and Mr. and Mrs Caskey.
Mrs. Roberts is a former resident
of this community. It has been 9
years since she last visited here.
Chambers News
By Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
The Chambers community wel
comed a two inch rain which fell
Thursday and Friday. Though j
snow was reported in some areas, j
Chambers received only a trace.
Edgar DeHart was the victim of j
a painful accident Wednesday, j
Oct 28 when his hand was caught
in the compicker partially sever-1
ing the thumb. .
Mrs. William Lehman was a j
patient at St Anthony's hospital
several days last week.
The smorgasbord at the Beth
any Presbyterian church Thurs
day evening, Oct 29 was well at
tended in spite of the rain and
muddy side roads.
Bobby Gartner received a con
cussion in the football game with
Clearwater last Wednesday even
ing. He was taken to Omaha to a
hosnital but was released the fol
lowing day.
A week of prayer ar.d self de
nial close I Thursday, Oct 29 for
nut Hi iiiEiiihimiiMW i mil n
nemberi of the Woman's Society1
of Christian Service with a special t
service at the Methodist church in t
the afternoon. The Spiritual Life i
leader, Mrs. E. R. Carpenter was \
in charge of the meeting assisted 1
by several of the members, who
told of the needs in Africa and <
various home Mission fields. An l
offering for these missions was
given. 1
Mrs. Art Miller returned home I <
Tuesday, Oct. 27 from Omaha
where she had spent 30 days
taking medical treatments
Mrs. Qarence Young of Meri
dan, Idaho spent Thursday night
and Friday with her daughter,
Mrs. LaVem Hoerle and family
after having visited since Monday,
Oct. 26 with her mother at Belden.
The Hoerles took her to Grand
Island Friday evening from where
she left for home.
Mrs. T. E. Newhouse departed
Monday. Oct 26 for Wichita, Kan.,
to assist with the care of her
grandchildren while their mother
is caring for her mother, who was
stricken with a heart attack.
Mrs Esther Wood returned
Saturday irom Omaha where she
had spent the week with her son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs Fred Christianson and fami
ly. The week before Mrs. Wood
was in Lincoln with her other son
in-law and daughter, Mr and
Mrs Leo Hanna and family.
Mrs. C. E. Tibbets and Mrs.
Geneviene Bell drove to Winner,
S. D., Sunday to visit their
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs
Harry Cooper.
Riverside News
By Mrs. Lionel Gunter
Keith Biddlecome of Chicago,
111., is home for a few days va
Jackie and Bruce Morrow of
O'Neill visited Thursday through
Sunday at the Wilbur Bennett
h^m °
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Biddlecome'
visited Saturdaj evening at the |
Clarence Schmier home.
Milton Biddlecome went to
Lincoln Saturday to the football
game between Oklahoma and Ne
Tni1 it;.hard Napier family and;
Mr. and Mrs. Z H. Fry visited
Wednesday evening at the Duane;
Jensen home in Newman Grove. ;
Rita Napier stayed to visit with
Anna Marie and Janice Jensen.
Paul Gunter did chores for
Jack Prudens the past two weeks.
We had about two inches of
rain Thursday and Friday.
Irene Aiders of Seward spent
Oct. 24-25 weekend with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Aiders.
The Billy Lofquist family
visited Friday evening at the
Charles Rotherham home. Mary
Jo was an overnight guest.
Dennis Napier spent Saturday
night with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Hood.
The Happy Hollow 4-H club had
a Halloween party at the United
Presbyterian annex, Saturday
Leo Miller is sick with the flu.
Mrs. Emily Johnston and Mr.
and Mrs. Will Shrader, Eddy and
Alice were dinner guests Sunday,
Oct. 25 at the Archie Johnston
i home. The dinner was in honor
I of Alice's birthday. i
My name’s Tom. I drive this truck,
and I live in your neighborhood.
There are a lot of us who drive
trucks for a living. We try to be good
citizens. Most of us are family men.
We go to church. We pay taxes and
we vote. Our families take part in local
activities, such as the P.T.A., Boy
Scouts, and Community Chest
Usually, on my day off, I go hunt
My buddies and I think we are per
forming a useful service driving truck*,
bringing you the things you need and
I’ll see you around.
Om W a far4a* ol ~ararff»amami Prepend by
This Space Paid For By
JOHN TURNER Daily Service 0/Neill>Omaha PHONE 578
Mrs. Lowell Jensen of Neligh M
iccompamed Mrs. Wilmer Mosel E
o Wayne Wednesday Nora Mosel m
etumed home with them as there F
cere no classes on Thursday or bi
"nday. 1s<
Joe Miller of Omaha was a pi
linner guest Monday, Oct. 2ti at,
he John Miller home. 1 at
Glenda Napier was a guest h<
jaturday afternoon and overnight tc
>f Julie and Jody Fry- vv
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ahers were st
'{eligh visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. Archie Johnston and Bar
tara visited Friday evening at g
he Wayne Shrader homo. _
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anson
isited Friday evening at the,
Wayne Fry home.
Mrs. Ava Ruby and her pupils
n school district 173 gave a c
lalloween and 4-H Weed Achieve- C
■nent program to parents and d
matrons of the district on Friday g
evening. a
The Alfred Napier family e
/isited Thursday evening at the
jeorge Keller home. ''
Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton I
ind Mrs. Raymond Schmidt and a
Dwen were O’Neill visitors on Ti
Friday. „ ,
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Allen and
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Allen and ti
family of Stuart visited at the
Billy Lofquist home last Sunday, c
Mrs Bob Hobbs took her hus- C
band to Grand Island early Fn- I
Jay and he left for Fort Lewis in v
Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom- t
pry were Creighton visitors a
Wednesday afternoon. ,v
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink visited h
last weekend at the Russell I ink ?<
iome in Fremont. , *
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritter of V
rilden were guests last Sunday at ti
the Rudy Ahlers home.
Marilyn Johnston attended a c
Halloween party Friday evening t
at the Max Wanser home, given u
by Kitty Wanser for the seventh h
and eighth grades. .. ®
Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier left \
Friday afternoon to spend the s
weekend with Mr. and Mis. Rus- a
sel Napier in Sterling, Kan.
Mr and Mrs. Wayne t ry anc. 1
family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard v
Napier and girls and Mr. and r
Mrs Dale Napier were dinner
guests Oct. 2b at the Z H 1
Fry homo The Duane Jenson (
family and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar s
Jensen of Newman Grove we-it i
afternoon and evening quests j ;
Ladies of the Free Methodist ;
church had a cleanup day at the l
cnurtrii uu iulciuuj —— - I*
Sharon Schmidt came horn*,
over the weekend, from Atkinson, j (
Mr and Mrs. George Montgom-1 ;
cry visited Thursday evening at ; i
the John Miller home. '
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock
were dinner guests Sunday at the ,
Art Busshardt home in Nelign. ,
Last Week’s News
Emmet News
By Mrs. G. P. Menkens
Last Friday Mrs. Gilbert Fox •
and girls went to Rapid City, h. <
D with her uncle. Bill Tomlin- I
son of Grand Island to visit her 1
sister, Mr. and Mrs. B. W ■
Stevens and family. Mr. 1<>jn'ir> t
son went on the Bradshaw, Mont., <
deer hunting. He got his deer. H c \
eroup returned home. i
Roy Tliomas and Melvin Ruben ,
of Emmet spent a few days deer ,
hunting in the Big Horn Mountains
of northwest Wyoming. Mrv
Robert Fox sr„ accompanied ,
^ Linda Bates was an overnight ,
guest of Barbara I ox. i
Grandma Newton visited Mis. ,
Menkens one day last week.
Mr and Mrs. Dean Klinetobc
and family of Clearwater spent
Saturday evening at the home of .
his parents, Mr. and Mis. Bill ,
KMrs°lRyle H. Johnson of Verdel
under went major surgery _ at ,
Lincoln recently. Mrs. Paul Men- ,
kens went to Verdel to care for
,he 4 children. 3 being
Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Menkens
are sisters.
Mrs. Bud Cole went to Omaha
Oct 24th to attend the Matinee ot
••My Fair Lady,” with some
friends from Wisner. That even
in’ Mr. Cole met her in Wisner '
where they were overnight guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGinnis.
They returned home Sunday
David, Kent. Candy and Christy
Cole, children of Mr. and Mrs.
Bud Cole, spent Saturday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Men
kens and family while their
mother spent the day in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cole and Mr.
and Mrs. Don Becker of O’Neill
attended the Nebraska-Indiana
football game in Lincoln on Oct.
17. They were overnight guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker of
Omaha and returned home on
Kennie Shade of St. Edward
and Connie Menkens went to
Ainsworth to get t^eo Anaerson
from the magazine crew.
A birthday supper was held
Friday, Oct 23, for William Kline
tobe, who was 70 years old, at
their farm home Guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Klinetobe of
O'Neill, Miss Carolyn Backhaus of
Atkinson, Mrs. Lonnie Klinetobe 1
of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Fri.-Sat. Nov. 6-7
Big Double Bill
Victor Mature, Anne Aubrey and
Anthony Newley
Cinemascope - Technicolor
Starring Spanky MacFarland,
Darla Hood. Alfalfa, Buckwheat
and other little rascals.
Adm: Adults 65c; Children 15c.
r All children unless in arms must
have tickets. Matinee Sat., 2:30.
Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Nov. 8-9-10
Leslie Caron and Henry Fonda
i Color by Deluxe—Cinemascope
Stereophonic Sound
Adm: Adults 65c; Children 15c.
.All children unless in arms must
have tickets. Matinee Sun., 2:90.
Wed.-Thurs. Nov. 11-12
Family Night
In big screen color
Family »1.00
emkens. Lynn and Bruce of
mmet, Delhart Zigenbien. Ken- a
e Shade, and Jerry Menkens of R
illertdn and Connie Menkens A F
rthday cake and ice cream were !\
rved. Miss Backhaus played the a
ano and songs were sung. a
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle H. Johnson V
id Craig of Verdel visited at the
>me of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kline- C
be on Friday. Mrs. Johnson, 1\
ho had surgery recently, con- d
ilted a doctor in O'Neill. a
- ! a
1 \<
wing News
By Mrs. Harold Harris
A Holt County Home Extension f
ub less-on and demonstration1 a
hrtsimas lesson was held Thurs
ay at the annex in O’Neill, he- t
nning at 10:00 a m and ending v
t 3:30 p.m. A covered dish lunch- a
in was served at noon. v
Representing the Ewing center t
ere: Mrs. J. L. Pruden, Mrs.
11a Zeims, Mrs. H. R. Harris 1
ad daughter, Mrs Ewald Spahn, £
[rs. Ralph Tomjack, Mrs Merlin f
leyers and Mi’s. rt. S. Bnon.
Mrs. Brion gave a demonstra- t
on on gift wrapping. 1
Mrs. Dewitt Gunter ac- 1
impanied Mrs. Lionel Gunter to
Neill on Monday. Mr and Mrs s
d Hoag visited with Mr. Gunter i
hile she was gone. t
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen at
?nded the funeral of his cousin 1
t Lynch on Wednesday. They .
•ere accompanied to Ewing by l
is brother and wife, Mr. and I
[rs. Harry Larsen and also his 1
ster, Mrs. Ida Kemmitz, all of t
,'ood, S. D., who were guests at i
leir home until Friday. s
Mrs. Louis Sojka, sr., ac- 1
impanied by Walter Sojka re- 1
jrned home Saturday from a
•eek’s stay in Chicago where they £
ad gone to attend the funeral of c
relative. Dr. Louis Sojka, jr., i
rought them from Omaha on 1
aturday and remained overnight f
t the parental home in Ewing. ;
'*r and Mrs. Sis Ehhengaarri *
ft Oct. 23 for their Florida homi
/here they will spend the winter 1
ninths. i
A recent overnight guest at the j
ome 01 ;\ir. ana i>na. **uun.w*
)’son was his nephew, Harold Wil- |
on of Rapid City. S D.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson had i
s their guests on Sunday, Mr.
nd Mrs. Merwin Olson and fami
y of Clearwater and Mr. and
,Irs. Greer Clark of Stanton. i
Mrs. Robert Bartak and son. ,
lary Lee came Saturday from St.
vnthony's hospital at O'Neill and
s a guest at the home of her
nother, Mrs. Laura Spittler.
Mrs. Ralph Eacker, who has
teen helping at the home of her
laughter and husband, Mr. and
.Irs. Jerome Fuller at Grand
sland and making the aquaint
ince of a new grandson, returned
tome on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rankins
)f Martin. S. D., and Mr. and
VIrs. H. R. Harris and Bertha
vere Sunday guests at the home
>f Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler The
tank ins are former residents of
he Frenchtown community.
An attendance contest between
he Church of Christ at Ewing and
)rchard came to a close Sunday
nth the Ewing church. The win
lers were entertained at a fellow
hip dinner at Orchard. There
vas a large attendance for the
a-casion. „ ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawk de
lated forty-eight hens to the Ne
iraska Christian college at Nor
olk. They were dressed by Mrs.
C. Hahlbeck, who also do
lated a part of her time for the
vork. last week
Mr and Mrs. Richard William
;on and daughter of Omaha were
veekend guests at the home of
lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
.Villiamson and Delbert Carl.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Shaw
>f O'Neill were guests on Thurs
iay at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
_eonard Knapp to visit with Mr.
tnd Mrs. Grover Shaw and daugh
ter who made their home here
vhile their residence is being re
n ode led ,
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw had
is their guests on Wednesday,
dr. and Mrs. Walter Donohue of
The Let's Play Bridge club met
rhursdav evening at the home ol
VIr and Mrs. Victor Cram. Pre
sent were Mr. and Mrs. Gene
iimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. L. M.
barter and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
?exine. Mrs. Zimmerman won
ligh score and Mr. Carter second
ligh. Refreshments were served
w the hosts. , ,
R G. Rockey, who has made
lis home at West Palm Beach,
r]a. for about three years, re
timed to Ewing on Friday and
ilans to make his home here.
Vlrs Rockey plans to join him the
irst of the coming year. Mr.
inritpv is a guest at the home of
ais daughter and son-in-law, ivu.
and Mrs. Gene Zimmerman.
Mrs Lena Sorenson of Torns
River, N. J., was a caller at_ the
aome of Mrs. Wilma Eppenbach
and other friends in Ewing last
veek. She also visited at the
Renry Dr^ton home in Orchard
and friends at Neligh.
Mrs Sorenson accompanied b>
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drayton of
Orchard, also visited an old
school mate, Mrs. Rena Coppoc
aear Chambers.
Mrs. Sorenson was enroute to
aer home in New Jersey after
spending some time on the west
' Dr and Mrs. Leo Spittler and
amiiy of Norfolk were Saturday
evening guests at the home of his
nother, Mrs. Laura Spittler^
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hahl
aeck has purchased the residence
af Mrs. Nellie Komer, recently
.acated by Mr. and Mrs. Dwight
Schroeder and family. They
noved their household goods
there during the weekend.
Weekend guests at the home of
Mrs. Laura Spittler were her
sister and husband. Dr. and Mrs.
iV. H Melchor of Omaha. They
also called at the home of Mrs.
Nellie Komer. Mrs. Melchor is a
sister of Mrs. Komer and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hill en
tertained at a family party din
ner on Sunday in honor of the
birthday anniversary of their
little son, Jimmy, who was one
year old. Guests were Mrs
Martha Hill of Ewing and Mr.
and Mrs Nels Linquist and fami
ly of O’Neill. I
Mrs Edna Lofquest, her son j
id daughter-in law, Mr and Mrs -
obert Lofquest and family of
remont. Mr, and Mrs. Merlin |
[eyers and family were dinner -
nd evening guests on Saturday
t the home of Mr and Mrs. I
'illiam Lofquest
Mr and Mrs Alfred Doud, Mrs
larence Latzel and children, anti *
Irs Edna Lofquest prepared ‘
inner on Sunday, October 25th ’
nd took it to the home of their l'
unt, Mrs. Lillie Meyers at Clear
■ater. TTie occasion was her 87th '
irthday anniversary.
Saturday afternoon guests at 0
to home of Mrs. Edna Lofquest a
•ere her daughter, Mrs. Reuben s
feyers and daughter, Beverly of
[eligh and Mrs. Penny Hamilton *'
nd daughter, Jolene of Omaha.
Guests on Sunday, October 25 at '
ie home of Mrs. Doris Sanders
ere her brother and wife, Mr. *
nd Mrs. William Lyons of Clear- •
ater and Mr. and Mrs. Sylves
?r Bahm of Ewing
John Schiffbauer of Norfolk and 1
is son and daughter-in-law, Mr. '
nd Mrs. William Schiffbauer and I
iimily from Kentucky were j I
uests at the home of his daugh- |
er and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. (
Villiam Hobbs and family on , 1
'nesdav. October 27.
Mrs. Wilma Eppenbach. who •.
pent about three weeks visiting j
elatives <jn the west coast, has .
etumod to her home in Ewing ‘
Callers on Sunday on Mr. and [
flrs. Grober Shaw and daughter,
ulie Ellen were Mrs. Clarence ,
Jonohue, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
’ribil and family, Mrs M. P. Sul
ivan, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gilg 1
f O'Neill, Mrs. Leo Hintz. Mrs. 1
irthur Kropp, Mrs. Josephine El- 1
ton and granddaughter, Mrs.
tichard Williamson, and Mary
Caren Funk of Ewing.
Mrs. Martha Hill is hack home
fter spending about three weeks
n vacation, visiting at the home
f her daughter and son-in-law,
■fr. and Mrs. William Price and
amily at West Point. Kentucky,
i sister in Jackson, Miss., and
rinryls at Ormacd Reach, Fla
Mr. and y Doty of O'-!
■Jeill were guests on Monday • at |
he home of Mrs. Fthoda Conner, :
n east Ewir.g.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Magwire and
amily of Grand Island were
;uests Saturday and Sunday at
he home of her parents, Mr and
dr.-. Victor Cram.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and
darie were Sunday dinner guests
>f her mother, Mrs. Louise Beal
it Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoag and
;on, Brian of Omaha were week
end guests at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoag
ind her father, Perry Saiser.
Mr. and Mrs Waldo Davis en
:ertained the following guests at
linner on Wednesday at their
home: Mrs. Louise Beal, Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Barton of Orchard
and Mrs. Noel Lautenschlager of
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Mr and Mrs. Max Angus and
son of Lincoln were weekend
guest, of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Loyd Angus.
rtman News
By Mrs. Jmmw McMahan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton
nd family of Omaha came
hursday to spend the weekend in
le home of Mr Hutton's par
nts, Mr and Mrs. T. D. Hutton
Miss Mary’ Morsback left
hursday for Neligh where she
f>ent the remainder of the week
nd visiting in the home of Mr j
nd Mrs. M. M. Grosser and 1
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Watson i
^turned Wednesday evening
urn Omaha where they visited j
teir son William and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke and
■eonard Halstead spent Friday in
lorfolk on business.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartifan
nd family of Lexington CJ me
Yiday evening to spend a ve ek^
acation in the homes of Mr uni
frs. James Coventry and B'.ll and
Irs Mary Hartigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley of
)hiowa si>ent the weekend visiting
n the W. E. Kelley home.
Mr. ami Mrs. Levi Morsback of
Jeiigh spent Thursday afternoon
n the home of Mrs. Elizabeth
Jorsback. They were ac
ompanied home Thursday even
ag by Mrs Morsback who spent
he remainder of the week in
Mr. and Mi’s Louis Vitt of O'
Jeill were guests Thursday even
ng in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
antes Coventry.
Mrs. Blanche Mossman and
Paul Bittner spent Sunday
in the home of Mrs. M
son. Max and family at
Dress Up Vegetables
With Butter Sauce
Advises Bill Perry
Avoid sameness in your bet wt
etahles by dressing them u*> »*tt
a special butter sauce, aftwan
Bill Perry, local supervisor of Use
Meadow Gold Dairy who end* ok
one of his favorite recipe*.
This piquant water datW
sauce was developed by iteatrtoe
Cooke, director of the nnivuy’i
Chicago test kitchens, BY fjaai
served on green beans, n»-a*. tmt
lima beans, as well ns trtan* as
paragus or broccoli.
Piquant Water Chestnut Ssm*
(About 3 cups)
'* cup butter
5 tablespoons flour
2 teaspoons salt
Vi teaspoon pepper
2Vi cups milk
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons crumbled btac
1 5-ounce can water < hestnrtb,
drained and sliced
Melt butter in sauce pan. SSr Ir
flour and seasoning* - imrt—tfr
add milk and lemon June, Gank
over low heat until slightly Ibrk
ened. Stir in blue cheese and water
chestnuts. Serve hot over jtht
^v\ \ fry
! We’re proud to join Frlgidaire deal- -Frlgidaire. Shop these Frigito*
! ers ail over America in the biggest Laundry values. Compare the
Frlgidaire Laundry Value event of tures. Check the quality. Thee rm
the year! We're out to prove it know you’ll agree, ’The Price *
mti do nore to own the finest Right!" Now’s the time t» bw#
Wife* Bill CuIIm Ml ■’THE PRICE IS RtCHT"* Monday «uou|ti Erlday fjMCjy
•mPrtoa la RI«M la • 600DS0NT0DMAH PRODUCTION M Aaaoclation •**
We Service
researcn, wiu use powerful, mgn-perjorm
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what BORON
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Now DX Sunray harnesses the
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**rv/c* r,m9mb*r DX Boron gasoline - one of the
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brings you a new world of smoothness,
power, and increased mileage. It keeps
your spark plugs and carburetor clean.
It gives you upper-cylinder lubrication
free. It will not knock. Guaranteed
to be better than any other gasoline
or your money back.
So watch for the red Boron rocket
It points to the start of a powerful
friendship with DX Boron and your «
DX Dealer. £
A million motorists can’t be wrong/
Change to DX Boron / %
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OX SUNRAY OIL COMPANY* Subsidiary of Sun ray Mid-Continent Oil Company'Tulsa, Oklahoma 01999
DX Products are distributed in this Territory by