The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 05, 1959, Image 4
CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Statoamer 15, 1959 CALL. FOR SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O' NQLL. NEBRASKA: Yaa anil each of you arc here by autified that a special meet at the Mayor and Council of the Qty of O'Neill. Nebraska, will be Md at the Qty Council Room oa Me 15th day of September, 199R at 7:30 o'clock P.M for the f—|-of approving plans and ^ecMasalions as prepared by {■fan, Michael & Assuciates —a to direct the Clerk to advvr tor far bids for the anprove nab u Sewer District Number ad to act upon any other cutkn that may properly com* fiiliai the Mayor and Council of «l Qty D. C. Schaffer Mayor ©. D. French City Clerk <vSEAU Me. the undersigned, hereby a.Mamriedgp service of the fare ;<ctoc notice and call and amttxat ta Mr meeting of the Mayur and Ojanot. of said City to be held at eta fane and place therein speci fied. Itad this 14th day of Septem ber. 1309. Wm McIntosh E. M. Gleesor A V. Carroll A A. Hiatt Moore Fred O Heermann Goa. Janousek Iieigh Keynoklsor Tta Mayur and City Council of the Qty of O'Neill, in the County of Hta m the State at Nebraska. i«a at die Qty Council Room or tta day of September, 1959, at IJD o’clock P.M. in special MMa. the following being pre sent Mayor D. C. Schaffer, Qty Clnt. G D. French, Councilmen Gftnemn, Reynoldson, Carroll ITjiitl Janousek, McIntosh, and flu imam i The following were al> sent Moure. A quorum being present, the fallowing proceedings were had and done: Councilman Gleeson offered the following Ri 'solution and moved its addition **BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF OTfKIIJ.. NEBRASKA: 111 That the plans and speci ficauuns as prepared by Kirk tiam. Michael & Associates for the construction of a storm sewer in Sewer District Num ber 1 arc hereby approved, and CJ) That the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for the construction of said storm sewer in the Frontier, a news paper published and of general circulation in the City of O’ Neifl in the manner and form as provided by law, said notice to ta in substantially the fol lowing farm: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals endorsed with tta tiHe of the work and the bid der"* name will be receved n the affine of the City Clerk at the Qty at CFNeill. Nebraska, until 7:00 P M . an the 9th day of October, 1939. far the furnishing of all fahor. materials, use of contrac tor's equipment and plant and for all eta necessary to properly (instruct an oi tne impruvemena | i.thin Sewer District No. 1 of the : City of O' Neill, Nebraska. At which hour, or as soon as possible thereafter, the Mayor and the City Council of O'NeiU, Ne braska, will proceed to open in the presence of all other bidders and consider the bids received for the furnishing of said labor, ma terials, and equipment necessary for the proper construction of the aforesaid improvements. The Engineer's estimate of the cost of construction is $20,125.00. All work called for in the plans and specifications shall be fur nished in strict accordance with the plans and specifications pre pared by Kirkham, Michael & As sociates, Special Enginers of Omaha, Nebraska, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk of O'Neill, Nebraska, Bids will be received only upon the proposal forms furnished by the City, through its Special En gineers, Kirkham, Michael & As sociates, of Omaha, Nebraska. Each bid must hie accompanied by a Synopsis of Experience Record illustrating experience in construction of work of this type or of a similar nature. Each bid must be accompained by a certified check on a bank whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor poration in the amount of (5%) five percent of the total bid price and must be payable without coo dition to the Treasurer of the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, as evi dence of good faith of the bidder, anti as agreed liquidated dam ages to the City of O’Neill, Ne braska, in case the bidder whose proposal is accepted by the Mayoi and City Council fails to enter in to contract within ten (10) days from the Notice of the Award an<l furnish acceptable bond tc complete the work and pay for all labor and materials used, said bond to be in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total hid price. Each contractor bidding upon the work described in this Notice, at the same time as the filing ol the bid shall file with the Mayor and City Council of the City ol O'Neill, Nebraska, a statement that he is complying with and will continue to comply with fair labor standards as defined in Section 73-104 R S., Nebraska, 1943, In the pursuit of his business and the execution of the contract on which he is bidding, and there shall be written into the contract for the construction of the work referred to herein a provision that in the evecution of such contract fair labor standards as so defined shall be maintained. Plans and specifications and contract documents may be ex amined at the office of the City Clerk in the City of O’NeiU, Ne braska. and may be procured from the .office of the Engineers, Kirkham, Michael & Associates of 508 South 19th Street, Omaha 2, Nebraska, upon the payment of Five Dollars ($5.00) which amount will not be refunded. The City of O'Neill, Nebraska, reserves the right to waive in I Memorial Baptist Church, Chambers ) ' 8-Pay Missions Panorama | with Chuck Horslrr from Nigeria, West Africa , g Thursday through Thursday, November 5-12 ' " Thursday 2:00 p.m.- Ladies Missionary Society at the home of | a Mrs. C. E. Wintermote. “Inside the Missionary’s Home" | Oak)red slides ( Thursday. 8:00 p.m.-Rani Boy’s Home - Slides ) m Saturday all day-With the high school and college-age young | ™ people. Morning-recreation. Afternoon-debate and discussion. " A SM) p.m. “Catching An African Bride” - Slides, informal talk, k . IFor high school and college-age only) " Sunk; 10:00 a.m. Trinkets from Africa; 11:00 Missions chal- P f lenge - message; 7:00 p.m. City work in Africa - slides; | 1D0 Leprosy work - slides. \ Tuesday 8:00 p.m. -Bush work - slides. P m Thursday 8:00 p.m. -Lives of African Christians - slides. a » _ I formalities and to reject any or all bids. Da.ed this 15th day of Septem ber. 1959. THE CITY OF O’NEILL, NEBRASKA Dale French, City Clerk (SEAL* Date First Publication: Septem ber 17, 1959 Date Second Publication: Septem ber 24, 1959 Date Third Publication: October 1, 1959 Councilman Reynoldson second de the motion for adoption of the foregoing Resolution and after consideration the roll was called and the following voted AYE on the passage and adoption of said Resolution: Gleeson, Reynoldson, Carroll, Hiatt, Janousek, McIn tosh and Heermann. The follow ing voted NAY: None. The pas sage of the Resolution having been concurred in by more than a majority of the members elected to the City Council was by the Mayor declared adopted. D. C. Schaffer Mayor O. D. French City Clerk (SEAL) STATE OF NEBRASKA) COUNTY OF HOLT ) SS CITY OF O’NEILL ) I, O D. French, the duly elect ed qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of O'Neill, in the county of Holt, in the State of Ne braska, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of all proceedings had to date in connection with Sewer District Number 1 of the City of O’Neill. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and the seal of my office this 15th day of September, 1959 O. D. French City Clerk / C f A T i Affidavit of publication filed in my office the 2nd day of October, 1959. O. D. French, City Clerk. Upon motion by Carroll, seconded by Hiatt, Meeting adjourned Motion carried. September 22nd, 1959 CAIL FOR SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA: You and each of you are here by notified that a special meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, will be held at the City Council Room on the 22nd day of September, 1959, at 7:30 o’clock P.M., for the pur pose of resolving problems that have arisen on Paving District No. 18, District consisting of Adams Street from the west line of First Street to the east line of Fourth Street, and which are pertinent and necessary to pave ment in this District, and to act upon any other matters that may properly come before the Mayor and Council of said City. D. C. Schaffer Mayor O. D. French City Clerk (SEAL) We, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge service of the fore going notice and call and con sent to the meeting of the Mayor and Council of said City to be held at the time and place there in specified. Dated this 21st day of Septem ber 1959. Wm. McIntosh E. M. Gleeson A. W. Carroll A. A. Hiatt R. E. Moore Fred O. Heermann Geo. Janousek Leigh Reynoldson The Mayor and City Council of the City of O'Neill in the County of Holt in the State of Nebraska, met at the City Council Room on the 22nd day of September, 1959 at 7:30 o’clock P.M., in Special session, the following being pre sent: Mayor D. C. Schaffer, City Clerk, O. D. French, Councilmen: Janousek, Reynoldson, Hiatt Car roll, Gleeson, Heermann, Moore, McIntosh. The following were ab sent: None. A quorum being present, the following proceedings were had and done: It was moved by Councilman Gleeson and Seconded by Council man Moore that the Council ap prove a change itv Paving District DONT MISS IT !! *'*• - — '-"-'-*?** ** • H O'NEILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Pre-Holiday SALE Thursday - Friday - SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12 13 14 Bargains Galore In O'Neill Stores Organized By O'Neill CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | Number 18. said change to be 1 ‘rom the East end of retaining Wall to the West end of retaining will North of St. Anthony's Hospi tal. That the City pave from said; Wall north to South Curb of pro | posed 27 foot paving Upon roll call the following ! vot d AYE: Reynoldson, Mcln i'v.h, Ifeermann. Janousek, Glee on. Carroll, Moore and Hiatt. I j The following voted NAY: None. Motion by Gleeson and Seconded by Carroll to enter into | a contract with the Missouri Val | ley Construction Company for paving of curb the full length of property owned by the Christ ! Lutheran Church, the construc j tion to be on Seventh Street in * paving district No. 28. Also, to enter into a contract with the Mis ! souri Valley Construction Com j pany for paving of the full length | of property owned by Assembly of I God Church, the construction to be the entire parking lot on the West side of the church on Seventh Street in paving District No. 28 Payment of said construi tion and improvements to be as sessed to property owners men tioned above. Upon roll call the following Voted AYE: Reynoldson, McIn tosh, Heermarin, Janousek, Glee son, Carroll, Moore and Hiatt. The following voted NAY: None. Motion by Carroll. Seconded by Reynoldson that Council change paving District No. 19 between Second third Streets and to pave a parking slab from the North edge of Original paving slab to the Curb on the North side of the street and for the full length of the said street. That the sisters of St. Francis who operate St Anthony's Hospital in the city of O’Neill, Nebraska, would acknow ledge liability for the expense of said extra paving slab, that said assessments to be placed on a 10 year amortized basis reserving unto themselves the right, privi lege and option of paying all ex pense and assessments in a lump sum if they so wish. Upon roll call the following voted AYE: Reynoldon, Heer mann, Moore, McIntosh, Gleeson, Hiatt, Carroll and Janousek. Motion by Moore, seconded by McIntosh that the City enter into a contract with the Missouri Val ley Consruction Company to re place expansion joint in intersec tions of existing paving. Upon roll call the following voted AYE: Reynoldson, Heer mann, Moore, McIntosh, Gleeson, Hiatt, Carroll and Janousek. Motion by Gleeson and Seconded by Moore that council authorize the purchase of inter locking manhole covers. Upon roll call the following voted AYE: Reynoldson, Heer mann, Moore, McIntosh, Gleeson, Hiatt Carroll and Janousek. Motion by Janousek and seconded by Reynoldson that Council Adioum. Motion carried. |-Legal Notices— | (First pub. Oct. 22, 1959) Julius D. Cronin, attorney No. 4360 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Estate of Genevieve Hanley, Deceased. ORDER FIXING DAY FOR HEARING ON PETITION FOR PROBATE OF WIIX State of Nebraska ) : ss. Holt County ) Now, on this 20th day of Octo ber, A. D., 1959, Henry J. Hukill filed a petition in this court and presented to this court an authen ticated copy of the Last Will and Testament of Genevieve Hanley, Deceased, late of Powell County, State of Montana, the prayer of said petition being that a date be fixed by this Court for the pur pose of approving and allowing said Last Will and Testament and causing the same to be filed for record in this court. IT IS, THEREFORE, HEREBY ORDERED That said petition come on for hearing before this court on the 12th day of November, A. D. 1959, at ten o’clock a m. when all persons interested in said estate may appear and show cause why the prayer of said pe tition should not be granted; that notice of the pendency and filing of said petition, and of the day and place fixed for hearing there on, be given all persons interest ed in said estate by publishing a copy of this Order in “The Fron tier” a weekly newspaper print ed, published, and of general cir culation in Holt County, Nebras ka, for three weeks prior to said date of hearing. (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County Judge SEAL) 26-28c (First pub. October 22, 1959) Julius D. Cronin, attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 43R6 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 15, 1959. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL F. O’ DONNELL. DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limit ed for presenting claims against said estate is February 12th, 1960, and for the payment of debts is October 15th. 1960, and that on November 12th, 1959, and on Febr uary 15th, 1960, at 10 o’clock A M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (County Court Seal) Louis W. Reimer, County Judge 26-28c (First pub. Oct. 29, 1959) LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, Sec. 79-402, we are required to make the follow ing described change in school district boundaries: To dissolve Dist. No. 8, Wheeler County, Nebraska for elemen tary grade school purposes only, and attach the territory therein I to School Dist. No. 115, Holt County, Nebraska. School Dist. No. 8, Wheeler County, Nebras ka consists of the following des cribed territory: Sec. 1, 2, 3, S>4 4, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, SMt 17, 18, T. 24, N. R., 11, all in Wheeler County, Nebraska. A hearing of said matter will be held by the joint Committee for the Reorganization of School Dist ricts of Holt and Wheeler Coun ties on Monday, November 9. 1959 at 8 p.m. in the Court Room of the Court House at Bartlett, Nebraska. The purpose of the meeting is to present the recommendations of the state committee to the legal voters in attendance. Mrs. Alice Zalud, Sec. Wheeler Couny Reorganization Comm. Alice L. French, Sec., Holt County Reorganization Comm 27-28 ORDINANCE NO »»» A An Ordinance of the City of O' Neill, Nebraska, to effectuate the provisions of Legislative Bill 719, enacted by the Sixty-ninth Session of the Legislature of Nebraska, with the emergency clause and thereafter approved by the Gover nor of the State so as to permit the conducting of the game of “BINGO" within the purview of such enactment, within its corpo rate limits; providing that an as sociation or entity designated in Section 3, of such enactment, and licensed to conduct the game of “BINGO" by the State within the corporate limits of the City shall obtain a permit from the governing body of the City for that purpose before commencing operation; designating the permit fee; providing that the associa tion conducting the game of “BINGO" within the City shall pay a tax of ten per cent of the gross receipts from such game, payable quarterly to the City Treasurer, on or before the 10th day of the immediately, succeed ing calendar quarter, and when collected, such official shall forth with remit to the Director of the Department of Agriculture and In spection of the State of Nebras ka, one half of the same and credit the balance to the General Fund of the City; providing for a written quarterly report by the association or entity conducting the bame of “BINGO” within the City to the City Clerk, containing a detail financial statement of each separate Session of “BINGO” conducted under said permit for the period of the report; enact ing by reference as a part of the ordinance, all provisions of the statutes of Nebraska applicable to conducting the game of “BINGO” within the City, and providing that a violation of such portion of the ordinance shall constitute a criminal offense against the City as well as the State of Nebraska. I for which the violator may be pro I secuted and punished upon con viction, in a separate prosecution by the City; providing penalties for its violation; repealing all or dinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith; and providing when the ordinance shall become effective anti declaring an emer gency. WHEREAS, at the regular state election held on November 4. 1958. the Electors of the State of Ne braska through the initiative process, enacted an amendment to the Nebraska Constitution authorizing the conducting of the game "BINGO" within the State by certain designated entities, but which amendment was not self-executing and required State legislation to effectuate; and WHEREAS, the Sixty-ninth Ses sion of the Legislature of Nebras ka, has enacted legislative Bill 719, with the emergency clause and the same has been approved by the Governor of the State and is now in full force and effect, which effectuates said constitu tional amendment: NOW THERE FORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY (X1UN C1L OF THE CITY OF O’NEILL, NEBRASKA: “"Section 1, The word "associa tion" as used in this ordinance shall mean any board, society, corporation, church, or other en tity that has been duly licensed by the State of Nebraska to con duct the hame of "BINGO” with in the State. Section 2. An association duly licensed by the State of Nebras ka to conduct the game of bingo within the corporate limits of the City shall obtain a written permit therefor from the Mayor and City ! Council before commencing opera tion of the same Application for such a permit shall lx1 in writing and filed with the City Clerk on such form as he shall prescribe, who shall issue such permit when directed by the governing Ixxly of the City to do so. Such permit shall expire on March 31 follow ing its issuance or renewal. The fee for such a permit, or each renewal thereof, shall be the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) which the applicant shall pay to the City Treasurer, prior to filing its ap plication for such permit: or re newal thereof, and a receipt for payment of the same shall be fill'd with the application When a permit is issued, the City Treas urer shall credit such fee to the General Fund of the City. The permit shall at all times, he dis olaysd conspicuously at the place where the game of "BINGO" is conducted. Section 3. No permit for con ducting the game of "BINGO" shall thereafter be issued by the City should a majority of the qualified electors of the City voting thereon at the election at which the proposition was submit ted determine that the game of "BINGO" should not he con ducted within the City, until the same quota of the qualified elect ors of the City again authorize the operation of the same. Section 4. Games of "BINGO" shall he conducted within the City strictly in accordance with all ordinances of the City, not incon sistent with the Statutes of the State. Section 5 Any permit issued under the provisions hereof may be revoked or suspended by the Mayor and City Council for cause, when the state license of the as sociation has been revoked or suspended, hut such revocaton or suspension order shall l>e identic al in substance with that issued by the State of Nebraska. Section 6. A tax of ten per-cent of the gross receipts of each li cense association from the con ducting of the game of "BINGO" within the City, is hereby imposed and levied against each such as sociation. payable on or l>efore the 10th of the immediately suc ceeding calendar quarter, to the City Treasurer, when collected, one half of such tax shall forth with be paid by the City Treas urer, to the Director of the I>c partment of Agriculture and In spection of the State of Nebraska and the remaining one-half there of shall be credited by the City Treasurer to the General Fund of the City. Section 7. Each association con ducting the garni' of “BINGO” within the City shall submit a written quarterly report to the City Clerk covering the preceding calendar quarter on or before the 10th day of the immediately sue ceeding calendar quarter The report shall include a detailed fi nancial statement of each sepa rate session of Bingo conducted by such association, prepared on a form prescribed by the Direc tor of the I>cpartment of Agricul ture and Inspection of the State of Nebraska. Section 8. All the provisions of the said Legislative Hill 719. and all other applicable provisions of other state statutes, as the same now exist or may hereafter be amended shall bo and constitute a part of this ordinance the same as if repeated verbatim herein, and violation of the same shall be a distinct and separate offense against the City, as well as against the State, and any viola tors thereof shall be separately prosecuted by the City for each offense and if convicted shall bo punished as here inafter provided for the violation of other provi sions of this ordinance. Section 9 Any association viola ting the provisions of this Ordi nance shall be guilty of a mis demeanor and if convicted shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars ($10.00 > nor more than One-Hundred l>>llars ($100 00) for each offense and shall auto matiallv stand committed to the City Jail, until such fine and costs of prosecution are paid in full Each day that a violation of this ordinance continues shall |>e considered a separate and dis tinct offense. Section 10 That all ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Section 11 Whereas, an emer gency exists, this ordinance shall he in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication according to the law. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 3rd DAY OE November, 1959. „ , „ D. C- Schaffer MAYOR ATTEST: O. I). French CITY CLERK (SEAL) Phone Your News To The Frontier— FALL SPECIALS!! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AND SAVE! DINETTE SETS 5-Piece Formica Top Chrome or Bronze — Guaranteed by Brady 36” x 60” — 4 Deluxe Chairs — Reg. 129.95 This Week Only S0§95 2 EXTRA CHAIRS FOR ONLY $15.00 Chrome Craft 5-Pc. Deluxe Set Extra Heavy Quality 36” x 60” Table with Inlay Formica Top 4 Deluxe Foam Padded Chairs Regular 139.95 This Week Only $0095 7-Pc. Sets - 36"x72" Chrome Formica Table Top — 6 Sturdy Chairs Regular 119.95 This Week Only $££95 7-Pc. Set - Extra Large 42"x72" Formica Top Table — 6 Chairs Regular 139.95 This Week Only $££95 Lamps - All Kinds Table Lamps were 6.95 Each THIS WEEK ONLY 2 for only $J95 3-Pc. Set of Lamps 2 Table Lamps and A Beautiful Floor Lamp All J only $2'|95 „ THIS WEEK ONLY Beautiful Modern Cylinder Floor Lamps Reg. 16.95 This Week $|Q95 Six Year Old Oak Baby Cribs mam Reg. 26.95 JUST A FEW LEFT AT $1795 CRIB MATTRESS ONLY $6.95 Large Selection of Occasional Chairs and Rockers STARTING AT $1395 and $22^5 Reclining Chairs STARTING AT $3995 DELUXE 3-PIECE Bedroom Suite Dresser, Chest and Book Case Bed j Reg. 189.95 Now! Serta Mattress Reg. 39.95 Now! $2795 0 Smooth Top Mattress Reg. 59.95 Now! $4488 CARPET BUYS Of The Year! Heavy Hard Twist 70% Wool, 30% Nylon — A Bear for wear — Just the carpet for your country home. 1 Roll in Stock! Reg. 8.95 sq. yd. 'HUS WEEK ONLY $095 Sq. Yd. ALL WOOL BEAUTIFUL CARPET Just arrived the carpet with that Warm Feeling! Don’t overlook this Special at only $C95 Sq. Yd. Many, Many More to choose from Come in and view our large selection starting as low as $295 Sq. Yd. (FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE Meyer’s Midwest Furnituie & Appliance! Phone 526 West O'Neill Fr®« Delivery