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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1959)
Rock Falls News By Mrs. Floyd Johnson Did you escape the eerie ghosts and witches on Saturday night? rhey may have been prowling, but we re inclined to think the going was slowed up by the heavy, we? snow. Your reporter even missed seeing the little goblins ot district 33, w'ho ordinarily come around demanding “tricks or treats.” Of course they may have decided it was scarcely worth the effort, since they had such a lively party at school on Friday afternoon and generous treats from their teacher. Mr ;uid Mrs. Bill Ynnt/.i and en.ldron, Peggy and Ste\e of Chadron spent the past week in the vicinity visiting relatives. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Bill Yantai, Peggy and Steve, Mrs. Sam Derickson and boys and Mrs. Floyd Johnson enjoyed oven fresh cookies and coffee with Mrs. John Schultz. .Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson were supper and evening guests ot the John Schultz family. John Schultz, Floyd Johnson and Gale Taylor attended the cattle sale at Bassett and Bur well on Wednesday and Friday. Mrs. Lou Brown was a dinner gue t of Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda on Wednesday of last week. Baby Scott Schultz spent his first day away from his parents last Thursday by visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda while his mother and father were in town. Russell Derickson was a Thurs day after school guest of the Schultz girls until his parents called for him in the evening. Mrs Lou Brown called on Mrs. John Schultz last Thursday morn ing. John Cleary and son, Larry, were callers at the John Schultz home last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt, daughter. Norma and Gail Johring went to Norfolk on Saturday to attend the Halloween festival. They reported it was more than worth the trip down. The parade? in afternoon and evening were a beautiful sight. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and boys were Sunday dinner guests of the Bill Derickson, jr. family. Mr. and Mrs. I*in Hynes and daughters, Lynda find Shelley were Sunday evening visitors at the Sam Derickson home. Supper and evening guests at the Sam Derickson home on Oct. 23 were Mr and Mrs. Bill Yantai and children and Mrs. Kathryn Yantai. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Henry Vequist were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sanders and son, Melvin of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sanders and Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist, Janice and Tommy. The Sanders families were also supper guests. Janice Vequist the mister tune of breaking her glasses oi Sunday evening and was absen from school on Monday while shi made a trip to Dr. David ir Spencer to have them repaired, j The original Pinochle Pirates were honored with a supper a I the home of Mr. and Mrs. James | McNulty on the evening of Oct J 27. Afterward they decided ti j practice up a bit by indulging ir several games of pinochle. Those present were Mr. anc i Mrs. Lyle Vequist, Janice anc ' Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and Mary Jo, Mr. anc Mrs Art O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs Orville Miller and son. Mickey i and a pal and Mr. and Mrs. A1 bert Stems. High scores were won by Lyle Vequist and Mrs. Sterns and lows by Mr. and Mrs. O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grutsch were Sunday callers at the Lyle Ve .prist home. Janice and Tommy Vequis were Friday after school guests of the Derjckson t>oys until theii parents called for them on theh way from town. Handy Curran of O'Neill was t Saturday overnight visitor of the Ly.e Vequist children. Dale Curran took his father James Curran, to Sioux City tc St Joseph's hospital on Sunday Mr. Curran, who had spent the most of the past two weeks in St Anthony's hospital, is to under go surgery. His son, Joe flew ir | from Minneapolis to be with him ' Mrs. Curran is also in Sioux City | to be with her husband. Last Wednesday supper guests of Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi were Mr and Mrs. Bill Yantzi, Peggy and Steve and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and sons. Sam and Bill had spent the day pheasant hunt ing. Linda Johnson and John Schultz were Saturday afternoon callers at the John Cleary home. Sunday dinner guests at the John Schultz home were Mr. and ! Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daugh I tors, Judy and Nancy of O'Neill. I They also' spent the evening there. I Mr. Mlinar and girls and John j and his three daughters went on i a coon hunt ufter supper. It was j a new experience for the Mlinar girls but the Schultz trio go fre quently with their daddy and Grandad Johnson. Rita Vequist wais a Saturday overnight guest of Betty Turner in O’Neill. Francis Sterns was a Monday evening visitor at the John Schultz home. Atkinson News St, Joseph school students and instructors staged their annual school carnival Thursday after noon and evening at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Atkinson. The high light of the afternoon and evening affair was the crowning of the new Queen and King. Con testants for this honor were mem bers of the first grade, with a TOYLAND NOW OPEN Use our Lay-away plan now while selections are good. $1.00 down holds any toy. plastic upholstery assures hours of fun for youngsters. Steel construction, baked-on enamel. r VAKICTT UfcPAKJWIICNI >IUKC> I Known for SAVINGS > _ i WBBWWWWWiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii Him11 mmmmmi GUARANTEED for 2 YEARS • Break Resistant • Safe In Your Dishwasher • BoilaUe Forget About Breakage With Windsor Melmae ® 16 PIECE SET 4—10” DINNER PLATES 4 SAUCE DISHES 4 CUPS 4 SAUCERS i j new King and Queen chosen each i year. New' Queen is Joan Bonen ■ berger. daughter of Mr and Mrs I Mike ^onenberger and Gregory Pospichal, son of Mrs. Bonnie ; | Pospichal is the new King. Other exciting events of the i afternoon and evening were the scary house, fish pond, surprise i packages, fortune teller, jail, i turtle race, cake walk and a number of games. I Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Puckett w'ere Mr. and Mrs. Jim Puck tt ana Susan, Miss Lois Puckett of Chadron and Douglas Wilson of Albion Alex McConnell was released Sunday from the Atkinson Mem orial hospital where he had been hosp.talized for the past ten days He is at the home of his daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Puckett where he makes his home. Miss Lois Puckett left Sunday afternoon for Chadron. She spent the weekend with her parents after attending teachers conven tion in Lincoln on Thursday and Friday. The W.S.C.S met at the church on Wednesday afternoon for thc.i general meeting. Mrs. Max Your.g and Mrs. Claude Humphrey wei^ m charge of the lesson, the topic was "SAcial Creeds and Moving Population." Mrs. Albert Lcmmer's division were in charge of the lunch. Sunday evening supper guest:, of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Cole man were Mr. and Mrs. Brice ; Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne ; Shaw and family of Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. Don Mills and fami ly. . . Mrs. Elmer McClurg visited i Monday in Spencer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry’ Reinhei mer. Mr. and Mrs Don Mills went to Burw'ell Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lem Mills and Mrs. Joe Hoppes. Max and Susan Mills returned to At kinson with them Sunady after noon. They had spent a few day. visiting their grandparents during the teachers convention. Mrs. Kenneth Haas and son of Ainsworth spent Monday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wahl while Kenneth at tended the National Guard meet ing in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs wunam spent Sunday at Crofton with then daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carlson and Scott. Oth. r guests in the Carlson home were Mr. end Mrs. Harold Calson of Garden City, Kan., who are spend ing a few days with their son and family. Amelia News By Miss Florence Lindsey Zane Edwards and his aunt, Mrs. Ira Goodwin of Long Pine were in Omaha Tuesday and Wed nesday where Mrs. Goodwin re ceived a medical check-up. They stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Edwards while they were in Oma ha. Sally Landrum of Atkinson spent the weekend with her grandpar I ents, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott. There wasn't any school in At kinson Thursday and Friday due to teachers institute. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett and Wayne, Paul Fisher and Glen White attended a bull sale at Bas sett Saturday. Miss Dorothy Fisher and pupils of the Barthel school put on a pro gram and box social Friday eve ning. The weather and roads were bad so the crowd was small. The program was enjoyed by all pres ent. Mrs. Stella Sparks took Mrs. Delia Ernst to O'Neill Saturday. Mrs. Ernst’s brother, James Cur ran, was taken to the Sioux City hospital where he expected to undergo major surgery. Mrs. Ernst accompanied them to Sioux City to be with Mrs. Curran. Art Waldman returned home Wednesday from Lincoln where he had been visiting his brother and sister the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sageser, Sally and Susie of Kansas City, Kan. came Sunday afternoon for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sageser. Mrs. B. W. Waldo returned home Monday from a visit with her sis ter, Mrs. Everett Smith, of Max well and Mrs. Edna Davis, who is visiting in the Smith home. The Smiths and Mrs. Davis had just returned home from a visit with relatives at Morrill. On their way home they were involved in a car accident in which Mrs. Smith re ceived an injury to her knee. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Davis were badly ««LnL/>n i in Louis Humphrey left Thursday for his home at Mountain View, Mo. after visiting his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. El mer Coolidge and other relatives the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fullerton, Bruce, Craig and Tammy were guests of honor Sunday at a din ner at the Methodist church annex. After dinner the group gathered in the church parlor for a short program. The Fullertons were presented a Bible as a going away gift. They will move to Neligh where Roy will be employed on a mink farm. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Os car Fullerton of Neligh, and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Small of Atkinson were present at the dinner. There was a duck raffle at Lee Gilman’s Wednesday night. Twenty-eight youngsters gather ed at the Church ^nnex Thursday evening for their annual UNICEF party. Mrs. Blake Ott and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo sponsored the group. They called on homes in the near by vicinity to gather pennies for UNICEF. They collected about seventeen dollars. Mr and Mrs. Lewie Nissen of Lincoln came Friday and visited until Sunday with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mrs. Eva Backhaus sold her residence in Amelia to Mrs. Maude Forbes of Bassett. Mrs. Forbes is Mrs. Heinie Frahm's mother. We are glad to welcome Mrs. Forbes to Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Porter and Bob w’ere here from Thermopolis, Wyo. Sunday to get their personal | effects from the Backhaus place. Mr and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle. Rodney and Ricky, and Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton went to I i Howells Sunday to attend the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary celebration in honor of Mrs. Doo little's parents, Mr. and Mrs- Leon Skala. Paul Fishers, Mrs. Glen White and Venita, Dean Prewitts, Art Etoolittles and Ralph Rees were among the Amelia folks in O'Neill Thursday. The Women's Society of Chris tian Service observed Quiet Hour Sunday evening with a service at the church at 7:30. The Society' will meet with Mrs. Blossom Butler Thursday (today! at the Mrs. Effie Withers home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees were O'Neill and Atkinson shoppers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman and Marcia were in Sioux City, la. Saturday. Don Adams and another teacher at Palmer spent the weekend in St. Louis, Mo. Ltr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hanna recently announced the birth of a daughter. Lawrence, a former teacher in the Amelia school is Doctor of Psyeology at a federal correctional institution at Lompoc. Calif. This is an institution for younger prisoners who are kept for tw'o or three months while they are studied. Dennie and Jim Doolittle, Stuart, spent the weekend with their bro ther, Marvin Doolittle and family while their mother, Mrs. Elsie Doo little was attending teachers in stitute. Mrs. Delbert Edwards stayed with her sister, Mrs Charlie Mc Millan in Atkinson Saturday night and Sunday to help care for their mother, Mrs. Rosa Snelson, who was not so well again. Mrs. Joe Stoecker returned home Sunday, Oct. 24 from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Larry Brown and Mr. Brown in Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Elmer Fix, Mrs. Leone Slay maker, Donnie and Ricky call ed on Mrs. Joe Stoecker Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear received word that the little daugh ter born to Mr. and Mrs. IX>n Cearns of Cheyenne, Wyo. Wednes day, Oct. 27. died a few hours after birth. She was born about IX..>U 111 H JI I UIIU IINt-u umn u Don is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Frvrear. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sybrant of Casper, Wyo. visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson the first part of the week. Troxell Green conducted a Bible study for the young »eople at the Methodist Sunday school Sunday morning. There will be a similar study the first Sunday of each month. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Doolittle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ballagh and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Enbody and family were Sunday visitors at Jim Bil stein’s. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruenberg, Linda and Carol, and Or]and Fry rear were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear. Lynch News Hi' Veldeen Pinkerman Mrs. Fay Pinkerman returned home from Sioux City Thursday after spending several days in the Ted Schiessler home. Mrs. Man-in Schindler spent Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 27 28 at the Herman Heiscr home Mrs. Levi spent a few days in the Leo Jorgenson home this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Newton from Saco, Mont., arrived Satur day night, Oct. 24 and visited in the Glen Hull home this past week and came to Guy Hulls Fri day night to visit a few days. Mrs. Marvin Schindler and Mary Ellen went to Omaha Fri day and Janie returned home with them to spend the weekend. Alice and Billy Halstead and Anna Carson accompanied Rex and Albert Carson to the program at Scottville school. The Lynch Eagles will play Spalding, their last game of the season, Friday Nov. 6th at Spald ing. _ Mrs. Richard Christensen and Mrs. Glen Rihanek were O'Neill callers Thursday. Mrs. Gordon DeKay and baby spent the past week at the Gary Wilson home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hull were O'Neill callers Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinker man and Veldeen were O’Neill callers Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins were Tuesday evening visitors at the Veldon Pinkerman home. Mrs. Guy Hull was a Wednes day evening carer at the Mrs. Hannah Streit home. Mrs. Reggie Pinkerman and sons were Wednesday dinner guests at the Veldon Pinkerman home. Mr. and Mi's. Art Bessert an* Mrs. Billy Weils returned home Tuesday. Oct. 27 after spending a Jew days in Kilgore with rela tives. r---; Mrs. Levi spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the Herman Heiser home. Dr Gordon Ira of Jacksonville. Fla., is spending a few days in Lynch visiting his father. Dr. Ira. Mr. ar,.1 Mrs. Veldon Pinker man were business callers in Creighton Monday aftemon. Mrs. H e r m an Heiser accom panied Mr and Mrs. Eddie Hei ser to Norfolk Frida'-. Mm. J""* R * b ■* n ->k beeam? seriously ill Tuesday. Oct. 27 and was taken to the hospital She was dismissed on Sunday. Vic Pickering took a load of hoys to Spencer Oct. 27 to see Spencer and Verdigre plav foot ball. Veldeen Pinkerman called at Scottville school Thursday alter noon. '! Mrs lav Brady kept Cathy Babl Friday evening whilr Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bahl and Curtis attended the program id the Seottville school Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! ■-- -- ■! MILLER THEATRE ATKINSON One Show Nightly 8 o’clock Fri.-Sat. Nov. 6-7 Double Feature They blasted tho i TARAWA BEACHH n. Mims-»i mm Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Nov. 8-9-10 iVed.-Thurs. Nov. 11-12 / ■ 2 Jacket Buys MISSES’ BEDFORD CORD V 12” k | For girls on the go! Quilt-lined cotton / I cord jacket has convertible collar hood, smart knit trim. In beige, blue or I green; misses’ sizes 10-18. • ^ f 108-5888 Ty* Misses’ Zibeline (not shown) with striped scarf and lining.17.98 105-7804 3© GIRLS’ PLAID JACKETS 898 \ Water-repellent tarpoon in zingy red or blue plaid. Zip-apart hood, warm quilted lining, red Orion trim. 3-6X. Sizes 7-14 Plaid Jacket.9.98 Tjl 105-5810. 05 W 7100% WOOL SLACKS Plaids! Plains! J99 I Slim, tapered Capri slacks in black, grey and perfectly matched plaids. Concealed side zip. Expert tailoring, amazingly low price! 10-18. 111-1080 \ SOLD IN MAJOR CITY DEPT. STORES FOR *6.95 If I I I * ' ' ' ' ’ pile cuff boots REG. 7.95 Smart black leather boots have cushion crepe soles, wedge heels. Warm nylon pile lining keeps feet c.pzv on coldest winter days. Sizes 5-9. ! _ —rffl&Sl m 7 flannel shirts I Compare at $1.79! Choice ■ of bright plaids and pat * terns on warm cotton flannel “ suede. Sanforized; 6-18. M-80C2 Men's S-M-L, compare at 2.49. Wash 'n wear flannel plaids. 100-7111 Work Shirts, regularly 2.49. Heather plaids, sizes 1414-17. nnn 1 a SKIRT BUY! smart italian tweeds 398 Beautiful group of fashion skirts In rich, nubby blend of wool-nylon rayon. Expensive detailing, marvel ous tweedy plaids! Sizes 22-30. II1-IM4 Textured Yarn Sweaters 098 098 pullover cardigan Marvelous new knit is kitten-soft, quick-drying. Black, white, Paris pink, twilight blue, brown; 36-40. ltt-2003. 220t f girls’ parity briefs QQ> Compare at 49£! Soft, fine cotton-rayon blend; white, pastels; sizes 4-14. nwou sizes 1-4 sleepers QA> Compare at 1.39! Gripper waist and back; plastic bottom feet; pastel colors. tis-isn sizes 2-6 sleepers 4 69 Pastel colors; full elastic waist pants; double I toes, plastic dot soles. tis-mo ® girls’flannel p. j.’s 166 Compare at 2.491 Several novelty styles, colorfast prints, pastels; sizes 8-14. vt-itn “ misses’ 2-pc. p. j.’s 199 Compare at 2.491 Warm cotton flannel in I choice of styles and printsr 32-40. iimoo. ® part orlon blankets Q66 Compare at 4.981 Thick, fluffy blend of Orlon-rayon; 72x90' size; 6 colors. ih-imo I girls’ tights Girls’ sport tights of nylon stretch yorns in red, block or royal. Full-fashioned for perfect fit.1.79 Misses' tights, as above, fted, black; S-M-L....1.98 114-0*00. 01 'girls’slacks Sizes 7-14. Sanforized chino slacks, warmly lined in cotton flannel plaid. Elas tic back. Red, black. . 2.49 Sizes 3-6X with fud elastic jwaist. Red, blue.1.79 iimots. iis-siw ■ MIVil ALL-STAR parka buy for boys COMPARE AT 10.95 : Styled for rough winter wear! Quilt lined combed sateen parka is wind resistant, water-repellent, full-cut for action. Dynel-trimmed hood zips off. Service weight zipper. 6-18. M-7800 MEN’S PARKAS Quilt-lined sateen jacket, similar to above. Heavy duty zipper, zip-off hood. Sizes S-M-Ml-L-XL • m-rm