The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 05, 1959, Image 12
hman New* >r “ ' Hy Mr*, lumps McMahan sih id Sum toy in the home ot Mr. knd Mr* M M Oobmt and sons at Neiigh- The oocasmn was the 9th nirthday of the Grosser old son, Jerry. ..-hr* at Robert Ruther, Ji*-. *ho a tends college at Wayne, spent to weekend visiting his parents, MT and Mrs. Robert Ruther, sr. Mrs. Mira Fairbanks Ml Wednesday lor Syracuse, Kan. where she will visit in the home of her son and daughter-in-law Mr and Mrs. John Boham and ‘“Mr' and Mrs. Omrles Your* came Friday from Qiadron. Mrs Yung remained here and Mr Young returned to Chadron or Sunday where he is employe^ joe Peters, who is emp oyed a Norfolk, spent a ew^ days las week with his family here. Mr and Mrs. Pearl Cary an Mrs Mary Hartigan spent t couple of days last week in low* VtrandlaMrseS Frank DeLash mutt and family of Burnell wen Sunday guests in 'he home of Mr ^Miss^ Helen Sobotka spent th« we“k«d vSing in the home o; Mr and Mrs. John Buhlman a BjSTntt‘ Reimers has returns home from St. Anthony’s Hospita where he was a patient foi “‘‘miss1 Brenda Colman c 'sr rsr s ,aMry and Mrs. Albert Reynold' ssrtK^ssras £ bo.< Sunday at Lynch. _ Snded the football " ‘•S"l"iiS,”5- spent lasl Thursday at Utica visiting Mrs Sra Caldwell and Friday and Saturday in Lincoln visiting, ta th* V™,,,rSnih oSt* '"»• t*? £r“ tSr attended the youth “S5TSS Allen Tompkins spent the weekend in Utica v,bras their grandmother, Mrs. ^‘and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins snent the weekend m Lincoln where Mrs. Tompkins attended teachers convention on Thursday and Friday. Harvey attended a board meeting Thu ' s d a > ‘ Methodist historical society an attended to other business. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tomp kins and family and Mrs. L. 1L Tompkins attended a W i»arc Sorority dinner at Nebraska W<. leyan University on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ubben and Christie spent the weekend in Omaha visiting relatives and Mr Ubben attended the, teachers eon Wedding Dance Saturday, Nov. 7 at the Crystal Ballroom Atkinson, Nebr. Everyone Welcome | MARILYN RAYMER and JOHNNIE WENNER DEER HUNTERS Save your trophies and have them mounted by an experienc ed Taxidermist. Mothproofed and guaranteed for lifetime. Joe F. Farnik Phone 48M Verdlgre, Nebr. f _ tvrfKtast tfn*t# fKT t*v1 T Friday. The following teachers from the 1 Inman school attended tfachefs convention Thursday and Friday in Norfolk: Mrs. Rose Kivett Mrs. I Alao iJeLong, Miss Mildred Kejois, Mrs Eleouor Iieimer, l^eonerd | Sawyer and William Miller, who attended both at Norfolk and Omaha. Mrs. Agnes Spann at tended the convention at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Von Wrede of 1 O'Neill spent Monday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs John | Mattson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Luben and girls of Wisner spent Sunday in i the homes of Mrs. Charles Luben and Mrs. May Fraka. I Arbutus Rebakah Lodge met i Wednesday evening at the IOOF ! Hall for their regular meeting. A report was given by Mrs. Grace Luben on the assembly session held recently at North Platte. After Lodge the group motored to the country home of Mrs. Mary Ellen Coventry where lunch was served Mrs. Mildred Coventry ■ was co-hostess. 1 The junior class of Inman high school will present "Lights Out , a mystery-comedy in 3 acts by ‘ Paul S. McCoy at 8 o'clock the evening of November 12 at the school auditorium. The cast of 11 ' promises an evening of chills and laughter and what begins as a pleasant house party at old Still well Manor becomes a terrorizing 1 situation as one of the guests I disappear under frightening cir cumstances. Thrills and action mount as an amazing secret which has been shrouded is final | ly revealed. I Newport News Mr. and Mrs. Boh Lemmer of , Atkinson were Sunday afternoon i visitors in the Mabel lox and Clifford Stahl homes. Miss Diane | Stahl accompanied her aunt and unde home. Pack 183 of the cub scouts re cently toured the Maude Preble j home in Bassett to view and study I her many hobbies in connection I with the theme, "Hobbies and I Pets.” The Newport War mothers met Wednesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Harry Stahl with Mrs. Jim Jacox as co-hostess. Plans were completed for ser vice boy’s Christmas boxes. ' Names were drawn for a gift cx I change at the December meeting. Deloit News By Mrs. Harry Reimer Don Larson attended teachers convention in Norfolk on Thurs day and Friday. Merle Sehi at tended on Friday. Mrs. II Reimer -pent Wednesday night in Plain view and attended the convention with Elayne on Thursday and Friday in Norfolk. Mrs Johnnv Bauer and son son visited the Rudy Morrow home in O'Neill Saturday even ing. Mrs. Ralph Tomjack and Mrs Ewald Spahn attended a club meeting in O'Neill on Thursday. , Philamac Hupp is helping at the Art Ku ter home. Danny Gibbs, who underwent a ton..ilectomy on Oct. 27 in Nor folk is home and feeling fine. Mrs. Bill Gibbs and children spent I Oct. 27-28 in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster and ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer at tended a church dinner in Orch Iard on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak at | tended a wedding of a relative at ! Howells on Wednesday. Mrs. Sidney Anderson has been visiting at the Manson home in O'Neill for a few days. She plans to move to her new home in O' Neill in alxmt two weeks. Gene Ray, Vickie, Jody and Ralph Zahm, all of Omaha spent the weekend at the Ralph Tom jack home. Sunday evening guests at Ralph Tomjack home were Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Spahn and Mr, and Mrs. H. Reimer. Mrs. Tomjack called on Flor ence Butler in Ewing on Monday The H.E.O. club is to meet at the Tomjack home Thursday Nov. 12. The lesson will be on "Gift Wrapping.” The party at the John's school on Friday evening was well attended even though roads and weather were unfavorable. Mr. and Mrs^ Scott Clow of Denver, Colo., are expected to arrive this week to spend their vacation with relatives here. Chambers News By Mrs. E. R. Carpenter i Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beed returned Sunday from a two week's visit with relatives in Wyoming and Seattle, Wash En 1 route home they reported snow fros Idaho to Nebraska. Rev and Mrs. Charles Cox j were Sunday, Nov. 1 dinner | I guests in the G. H. Grimes home. I Mrs. A. B. Hubbard and Mrs. J Anna Albers returned recently from a visit of several weeks. with relatives in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Styles of Lincoln were guests of Mrs Char lotte Honeywell and Mr. and Mis. j John Honeywell from Thursday ! Oct. 29 until Sunday. On Saturday j they called on Mrs. Esther Wood and the Elvin Rubeck family. They visited other friends and relatives on Sunday before re turning home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jutte of Omaha were Sunday, Nov. 1 guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Jutte. Mr and Mrs. Milton Grimes and son of Kansas City, Mo., spent Sunday and Monday with his mother. Mrs. James Grimes and other relatives. Dinner guests Sunday in the El win Rubeck home were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ott of Columbus and Mr. sind Mrs. John Honeywell of Chambers. O'Neill Locals Miss snirtey swan, inncoin, is a guest at the Neil Dawes home and plans to spend a week or two here. Mrs. Dawes and Miss Swan are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Grooms and family, Ainsworth, were guests at the Dermot Errington home Sun day. Laveme Jurgensmeier returned Thursday from St. Mary's hospi j tal in Pierre, S. D,, where he had undergone major surgery. La ! verne is recuperating at the home ! of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jot Jurgensmeier. Mr. and Mrs Noble Inglctt o( Lucas. S. D., called on (heir aunt, Mrs. E. J. Smith and cousins, Harry and Ward Smith. * ST. ANTHONY’S BRITCHETT -Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pritchett, O’Neill, daughter, 7 pounds, 7 ounces, Novemlier 3. EDWARDS- Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam L. Edwards, O'Neill, son, 9 pounds, 10% ounces, November 4. SHELHAMER — Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shelhamer, son, Douglas Scott, 7 pounds, 7 ounces, Octo ber 30. BURIVAL—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burival, O'Neill, son, 6 pounds, 12 ounces, born Wednesday, Oct. 28. BARTAK—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak, Ewing, son, 8 pounds, 10% ounces, born Wednesday, Oct. 28. LCNDBERG MEMORIAL RAFF—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Raff. Verdigre, son, Darrel Ray, 8 pounds, 6% ounces, October 26. OHLUND- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ohlund, Bloomfield, daughter, Ta mara Sue, 7 pounds, 6% ounces, November 2. ANDERSON—Mr. and Mrs. Del mer Anderson, Winnetoon, son, Derek Harald, 7 pounds, 7% ounces, November 1. ATKINSON MEMORIAL WALNOFER Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Walnofer, Stuart, daughter, 6 pounds, 15 ounces, November 1. WILSON—Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Wilson, Bassett. daughter. 7 pounds, 13 ounces born Saturday., SACRED HEART STUART- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stuart, Lynch, daughter, 5 pounds, 12 ounces, November 2. ROWSE—Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rowse, O’Neill, son, 8 pounds, Ill ounces, born Wednesday, Oct. 28. ELSEWHERE RUZICKA -Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Ruzicka, Verdigre, daughter, Denise, 7 pounds, 11 ounces, Oc tober 28, at Plainview hospital. The couple now have 2 daughters and 2 sons. Mrs. Ruzicka is the former Velma Zerbe of Creigh ton. Mr. Ruzicka is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka of Dorsey. TAYLOR Mr. and Mrs. Larry j Taylor, Scottsbluff, son. Mark Al 1 len, 7 pounds, 10 ounces, October 22. Mrs Taylor is the former Hel en Finch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. W. Finch, Page. SHIELDS—Mr. and Mrs. Char les Shields, Minden. Ia., son. Thornes James, 6 pounds. Ills ounces, at St. Catherines hospital in Omaha October 28. Mr. and Mrs. James Donohoe are the ma ternal grandparents. KUSTr.i.1—Mr. and Mrs, Kuster, Deloit community, twin daughters. 5 pounds each. October 29. at Am telope Memorial hospital in Ne ligh. The coupk- now has ,4 daugh ters and 6 sons. BONGE Mr. and Mrs, Rdl>ert K. Bonge, Williamsburg. Va., daughter. Sandra Sue, October 11. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bonge of Creigh ton. WAHLr SWC and Mrs. Arthur H. Wahl, Great Lakes. III., daugh ter, Debra Kay, 6 pounds. 6 ounces October 30. The paternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wahl of Atkinson. She was born on Hie birthday of her coflsin. Sheryl Schmuecker. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schmuecker of Atkinson. COGGINS- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Coggins, Sedro Woolsey, Wash., twins, a boy and girl, October 13. The couple also has an older daughter. Mrs. Coggins is the for mer Ruth Ann Butler. The ma ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Butler of* Sedro Woolsey, formerly of Ewing. MEEKS Mr. and Mrs. Ferrol Meeks, Taylor, son, 8 pounds, 10 ounces, born Thursday, Oct. 29, at the Community Memorial hos pital in Burwell. Hospital Notes ST ANTHONY’S HOSPITAL O’Neill Admissions: Oct. 27—Mrs. Jen nie French. Debra Lynn Nekolite, Mrs. Frank Frit ton, Mrs. Ed Bun sal. Ronald Holly, all of O'Neill. 28- Robert Gonderinger. Mary Louise Hickey, Jeannette Lee Woid neck. Cherlyn Van Vleck, Mrs. William Perry, all of O'Neill; Mrs. Robert Baxtak. Ewing. 29— Mrs. A. G. Pritchett. O'Neill; Mrs. iGeorge Herzog. Chambers; Mrs Gina Cronk. Page; Walter R. I Houseman, Like Andes, S. D.; ! Mrs George Andre Stapleton: El : mer Kinzie, Anoka. 30— Mrs. Paul Shelhamer. O'Neill; Mrs. C. F. \\. 'Lehmann, Chambers; Kenneth Cas key. Orchard. 31— Thomas Wise man. O'Neill. Nov. 1— Mrs. Joe Nemec. Spencer. 2— Mrs. Earl Cleveland, Larry Doniin, Miss Betty Curran, Mrs. Joe Pritchett, all of O'Neill; Mrs. Charles Young, Inman. 3— Mrs. William L Ed wards, Mary Louise Eppenbach. William Ross, all of O Neill; Mrs Kenneth Kestenlioltz, Inman. 4— Jim Mullin, Valentine; Mrs. Io nian Huber, Lynch. Dismissals; Oct. 27— Mrs. Ed ward M. Glee son, Dennis Wells i both of O'Neill; Elmer Tavenner Page; Norman Harley, Chambers 28 Mrs. Jane Judge. Mrs. Eldor Butterfield, both of O'Neill; Johr H, Reimers, Inman. 29— Mrs Kieth Abart, Mrs. Ella Thompson both of O’Neill. 30— Cherlyn Var Vleck, Mrs. William Perry. Roberl E. Moore, Jeanette Lee Woidneck Ronald Holly, Debra Lynn Neko lite. all of O'Neill: Elmer Kinzie, , Anoka; Mrs. George Andre, Staple ; ton; Mrs. Owen Parks. Pag*, Mrs., Caroi -Summerer and bitby boy,' 1 Ewing. 31— Thomas Wiseman, O' Neill; Mrs. John Harkms, Cham bers; Mrs Robert Bariak and baby boy, Ewing. Nov. 1 — Robert Gonderinger. James Curian. lioth of O'Neill; Mrs. Haroid Potter, Lynch. 2 Joseph Shanner. Mrs. Jennie French. Mrs. Ed Burival and baby boy. all of. O'Neill; Mrs. C. F. W. Lehmann. Chambers. 3 Mrs. Paul Shelhamer and baby boy, O'Neill; Walter Houseman, Lake Andes. S. D. 4 Larry Don lin, Mrs. Earl Cleveland, Mrs. Frank Frit ton. all of O'Neill; Jim Mullin. Valentine; Mrs Edwin Sedlacek, Spencer. Expired: Mrs. George Herzog. : Chambers. SACRED HEART HOSPITAL - Lynch Present Nov. 2 Baby Karol Jan Bowman of Spencer; Mrs. Bertha Bright of Butte; Mrs. George Clas ; sen of Spencer; John Dickey of Spencer: Mrs. John Hurd of Lynch: Dr. G. B. Ira of Lynch; Baby Mary Michelene Kolar of . Monowi; Carl Nygren of Bristow; Erick Ohman of Anoka; Mrs. Wil liam Schulz of Naper; Mrs. Mar tha Tingle of Butte; Joseph Koe nig of Fairfax. Dismissed: Oct .27— Lucy Hrhek of Niobrara: Mrs. Roy Stockwell of Anoka. 28— Mrs. Clay Mashino of Lynch; Mrs. Ronald Crawford of Cody; Alvin Davis of Spencer. 31 Mrs. Delbert Rouse of O'Neill; Donald Ebsen of Verdel; Oral Sin clair of Bristow; Miss Linda Mar tin of Spencer; Master David Mul hair of Lynch; Master l'»anny Mul hax of LyWcfc Master I^Wms S.iioonefelri of-Naper; Miss hot line Wirhen^hx of Spencer; Virgil Pinkemian of Lynch. Nov. 1 Joe Rihanek of Monowi; Master Dar ofd .McNair of Spencer. 2 Ktnt Lueken of Lynch; Bernard Tun ink of Butte. Expired: Oct. 30— Oscar Stein hausen of Omaha. Lt'NDHKKG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Creighton Admitted; Oct. 24-31 Mary Ann Rehm of Creighton; Mrs Rifhanl Raff of Verdigre; Mary Ann Horstman of Creighton; Raymond Horstman of Creighton: Dixie Lar son of Verdigre; Karen Key of Creighii -n; Carl Frisch of Verdi gre; Timothy Becker of Center; Mrs. John Reynolds of Vordel; Mrs Henry Frank of Verdigre, Dismissed: Mary Ann Rehm of Creighton; Mary Ann Horstman of Creighton; Raymond Horstman of Creighton; Carl Frisch of Verdi gre; Karen Key of Creighton. Timothy Becker of Center; Dixie Lars in of Verdigre; Mrs. Richard Raff and son of Vetdigre. DEATH; Oscar Otteson of Ver digre. SERVICEMEN’S NEWS INMAN—Army M-Sgt Cecil F Keyes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Keyes recently participated with the 619th Ordance Company in “Exercise Side Step," a NATO | command post exercise in Ger many. , He entered the Army in 1941 and arrived overseas on this tour of duty in December 1957. The Sergeant' Is a 19J5 graduate of Inhinn ifijfh school Too Late to Classify HAY FOR SALE 300 tons prairie hay in stack 14 miles southwest of Chambers. Contact J. Q Ilassack, Chambers, Phone Fire side 8-2145 at Burwell. Nohr, 28c Try' the Frontier Want Ads quick results phone 788 LAND BANK loans -o. J f ARM I NEEDS low COST . . LONG TFKM borrow with confidant e • rwmMu d.m, • Buy ■ form m londl • Mod»n»U« Building* • Buy Bgulpn»md • Buy Unwd • Aeg C—BWht “—| in ■atlaaal Farm Laaa Ars*a LYLE P. DIERKS, SECRETARY TREAS1RFR Phone 91, O’Neill POSTPONED PUBLIC AUCTION Fullerton Sale will now be held MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Place is located 1 mile east of Amelia; 7 miles west and 1 north of Chambers or 5 east of the junctions of Highway 11 and No. 95 south of Atkinson and 1 mile north. 90 Head of Cattle Good Line of Machinery and Equipment Some Household Furniture . * ' V - See Big Bill for Complete Details MR. & MRS. ROY FULLERTON Col. Ed Thorin, auctioneer Chambers State Bank, clerk ** ^ _ ... - • " T nttW1 iPOkvfh*** jK ouiucn v dney Toil , / PORKBtANS . "- V” ! m r.Mi'<rn Valley Ton 1 - I KIDNEY BEANS ?* M CreomStyle [GOLDEN CORN I Golden Valley Sliced I PINEAPPLE. \ IRAPEfRUIT JUICE .... Your Choice Only $ f Price* Good » Fri., Sat., ^ ^ 5-6-7 TlaAhJu Dewy-Fresh U.S. No. 1 Potatoes Fresh From California . COFFEE iM IDAHO RUSSET69C PASCAL CELERY s,.,:c j ’tin 69C I • pin Hood 5 £ 49c - —' grjg FLOls^i « PIZZA Cheese and Sausage. 2 Pkgs. T ! 11 COOKIES Value Pack Sandwich.. Pkg. 49^ • _ THIS IS THE BE5I HUH BUI Ul me >1LL«. __, MAGNIFICENT. WITH CORN rED riAVOR IIA V LA/ CI I U fl 11CC 6-0, Q7, tKV AUT3 A- 39 AND GLISTENING PINK FRESHNESS. MAAV!ftLL HUllOt Coffee . Jar 3 IC p "RESH PORK PICNICS IfiOftwhaiy0* ®inU*' ^ LOQl(whaty°vr®'umi-'"'lly[‘> f M*. v-Bt-y \ »-«-■ /SPAGHETTI «•» i „ CHICKEN BROTH l™Z ■ A PORK CHOPS -55' j«Sim I PEAS.a\ SUMMER SAUSAGE - 55' sirloin SARDINES I—— I SKINLESS WIENERS. -39' 5 nnp tnnn I TOMATO SOOP TjS I "u«. - OOG FOOD I JZIf . RUMP ROAST™™™ -89'_£_ --» | VEGETABLE SOOP .T,7. I fcggP MUSTARD. VSnT.!s/ GREEN BEANS ' 1 teOWOk I I TovrChoic* 0*1, ■ " aa aaafl tm CLOWN DOLL ™M ladm tall ©ET THIS aXIS CtOWN DOU. FREE Q, NIAGARA Sk22 M%S 391 WHfc*. Pi«H« of 10 DH#*r*»t DolO I GERM Kr.Hlwr ’.MS _ ww EHIc Coiitd Food Product* UNIT »."SSiJt •“O-Dtata**.—. FROZEN JUICES KRAFT iSr*1. 2 37* _lt__1J cub **. fc!"35F Mush SZ fcSll* fmmmi4«ann UMT Ssa..*3249* CM* “ _ ^ SKINNER’S ST..'I£26* CU*0Xas --.~=»* uZZ-^sn* T'JiTn CARNATION MILK . 472.59* MrwuAinl imu. _2 MT25* Noodles £* ^£31 * j tins JgC riilfrn mm 3-u> qf^ REYNOLDS REAP ,.vm33* u* st** Lw FLUFFO *~mih."-85* ■■lllllllllll. .. S2T.2SLi.S* _ S2* $5.00 EXTRA BONUS | CH,CKENSLb* 25C in S&H GREEN STAMPS with Young Tender Grown „„„„„ ■ FRYERS.2-lb. Avg. CQc IIORMEL THIC K SLICED j 3 V %? m BACON O Ihe AOr B Go,dpn Va,,ey 2Va tin* J P°RK*BEANS.5/^100 MADISON COUNTY EVERYDAY MELONS E“h 29“ CRACKERS 2lk-"»«45' CHARMIN GOLDEN VAJLLEY TOILET TISSUE 8 ">"• 68' PEACHES 2 N»- 69* ( A * /