The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 29, 1959, Image 2

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    Inman News
By Mrs. ■IsiDm McMahan
Mr. and Mrs. William Morsbach
of Clearwater spent Thursday after
noon in Inman on business. <
Nineteen members attended the
Inman workers Project Club on
Wednesday aftem<x>n October 21
at the home of Mrs. F. E. Keyes
when the lesson on "Know your
Car" was presented by Mrs Albert
Anthony and Mrs James McMah
an. Mrs. Albert Reynolds, pres
ident presided at the Itusiness ses
sion. Christmas Ideas were dis
cussed. The Novemlx'r meeting
will be at the home of Mrs. Ken
neth Conventry. Mrs. Keyes served
a dainty lunch at the close of the
Fay Brittell of Atkinson was a
Wednesday visitor in Inman.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson left
Saturay for Omaha where they
will spend a few days visiting in
the home of their son William and
Elwin Smith spent Friday in
Norfolk on business.
Mrs. W. E. Kelley spent Friday
afternoon in Norfolk on business.
Mr. and Mrs Tom Clark and
family of O'Neill were Sunday
evening guests in the home of
Tom's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Mr. and Mrs. William McElvain
and son Greg of Omaha spent the
weekend visiting in the home of
Mis McKIvain's parents Mr. and
Mrs James Com entry and w ith
iriau* » ' ui V' m hi,
Mr ami Mrs, Donald Keyes and
fanulv left Saturday (or Omaha to
spend a few days visiting in tlte
litw of Mr Keyes brother-in-law
and sister, Mr and Mrs. James
Yidlak ami family.
Mrs John Mattson tixvk her moth
er Mrs James McMahan to Nor
folk Friday where she continued
on to Tipton, Missouri to spend two
weeks v isiting in the home of her
brother-in-law and sister Mr. and
Mrs Sherman Grazier and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Hrittell and
daughter of Atkinson were Sun
day visitors in Inman.
Harold Sobotka and Clark Gau
ghenbaugh who attend college at
Norfolk spent the weekend visit
ing their parents here.
Robert Ruther jr. who attends
college at Wayne spent the weekend
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Ruther sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vitt ami Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Sullivan of O’
Neill were Wednesday evening
guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Coventry.
Mrs. Kenneth Kestenholtz return
ed Friday from St. Anthony’s hos
pital where she had been a patient
for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvih Youngs
and family of Independence, Mis
souri spent the weekend visiting
In the home of Mr. Youngs parents
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Youngs.
E E. Clark, Lyle Abney, Tom
Clark and LeRoy Moore spent
Saturday pheasant hunting around
The Y. M. club met Sunday eve
ning in the home of Mrs. Leo Mos
srnan. Cards furnished the enter
tainment for the evening and the
hostess served a lovely lunch at
the close of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull of Red
bird spent Sunday afternoon visit
ing in the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Reynolds and family.
Mrs. Earl Watson, Mrs. L. R.
Tompkins and Mrs. Leo Mossman
spent Wednesday in Norfolk on
Dr. and Mrs. Guy Brillhart of
Hastings spent the weekend in the
home of Mrs. James McMahan
and with other relatives. They
were accompanied to Hastings on
Monday by James Conventry who
returned to Inman that evening.
Mr and Mrs. Pearl Cary return
ed from Iowa where they have
been visiting on Wednesday.
Mrs. Ted Schissler of Sioux City
Iowa and Mrs. Faye Pinkerman
of Red bird were Sunday dinner
guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Reynolds and family. In
the afternoon Mrs. Schissler and
Mrs. Pinkerman visited in the home
of Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Coven
try and sons.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sholes of
Fullerton spent the weekend visit
ing in the home of Mrs. Sholes par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore.
Ned Kelly, Dick Coventry, Clark
Gaughenbaugh and Harold Sobotka,
who attend college at Norfolk,
spent the weekend with their par
Miss Mary Morsbach spent the
weekend in Lincoln with friends.
Sunday dinner guests in the home
of Mrs. James McMahan were
Dr. and Mrs. Guy Brillhart of
Hastings Mr. and Mrs. James Cov
entry ami Mr. and Mrs. John Mat
tson of Inman.
Mrs. Elizabeth Morsbach re
turned Sunday from Omaha where
she spent a few weeks in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Johnson
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach
and son of Neligh spent Sunday
afternoon visiting Mrs. Elizabeth
Morsbach and Mr. and Mrs. David
1 Mr. and Mrs. Alva Scholz and
family of Neligh visited Sunday
afternoon in the home of Mrs.
Elizabeth Morsbach.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sobotka
and family and Harold Sobotka
of Norfolk visited Thursday even
ing in the John' Sobotka home.
A miscellaneous shower was
fiinHoroH Mrs Ramon Sorague,
nee Naomi Ross, at the Methodist
church annex on Friday evening.
The bride received many gifts,
launch was served at the close ol
the evening.
Elmer Crosser and son, Ricky
of Sheldon, Iowa visited Thursday
and Saturday in the homes of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry McGraw. They
spent the remainder of the week
end near Lusk, Wyoming deei
Mrs. Kenneth Kestenholtz re
turned Saturday from the Univ
ersity hospital in Omaha where
she has been a patient for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Gorgen of
Plattsmouth spent the weekend
visiting Mrs. Gorgen’s parents, Mr
and Mrs. Dana Lines.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jcssen of
Ainsworth visited in the home of
Mrs. James McMahan on Thursday
morning. They were enroute tc
Lincoln to visit Mr. Jessen’s mothei
Mrs. J. M. Jessen.
Robert Jackson of Sioux City
Iowa called on friends in Liman
on Sunday. The Jacksons are for
mer Inman residents.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins
and sons spent Saturday in Lin
Icoln attending Rand Day.
Miss Jackie Tomlinson of O NeiL
s spent the weekend visiting hei
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ear
Watson, while her parents and sis
ter wore in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes anc
family, Marvin Rouse, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry McGraw', Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Pruss and Verna, Mrs. Lew
is Kopecky, sr. and Mrs. Sadie
Conger attended church services
| at Atkinson Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Vitt of O'Neill to Omaha on Wed
nesday. The Coventrys visited
in the home of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Wil
liam McElvain and Greg.
Mrs. James McMahan attended
a 6:30 dinner and program of the
OES at the Prebyterian church in
Stuart Wednesday evening honor
ing the Worthy Grand Matron,
Grand Secretary and Grand Adah.
Mrs. James McMahan attended
Circle 2 of the Presbyterian church
at the home of Mrs. D. C. Shaffer
at O'Neill on Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Snyder
spent Saturday evening in the
homes of Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Stevens at Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Snyder
[spent Tuesday afternoon in the
John Gray home at Page visiting
| Mrs. Zella Soukup of Lafayette,
Mrs. Charles Luben returned
Friday from North Platte where
she attended the Rebekah assem
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Gray and
Mrs. Mary Hartigan spent the
j weekend in Lexington visiting Mr.
|and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan and fam
! ily.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean DeLong and
! family of Omaha spent the week
;end v isiting in the home of Mr. De
! Long’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd DeLong.
Mrs, Leo Sobotka and family
of Columbus called in the John
Soliotka home Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Kenneth Kestenholtz was
admitted to St. Anthony's hospital
in O'Neill on Monday as a med
ical patient.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony
and family attended a birthday
party for Douglas Matschullat at
tl#e home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Matschullat at Page on Tuesday
evening, October 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shobe and
family left Oct. 13 for Sand Point,
Idaho where they will make their
Riverside News
By Mrs. Lionel Gunter
Mrs. Alfred Napier called on
Mrs. Tom Hutton and Tammy Sue
in the Antelope Memorial hospital
in Neligh on October 20 afternoon
and Saturday evening.
Mrs. Leo Miller, Ellen Melanie
Ann, Janie Fry, Mary and Susan
Napier, France and David Shrader,
Betty Napier, Gloria Montgomery
and children and Mrs. Floyd Nap
ier attended a party for Sheila
Fry at her home on her fifth birth
day Thursday afternoon.
The Willie Shrader family were
guests Sunday at the Richard Ed
wards home in Bassett.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott and
Tammy and Web Napier were
Norfolk visitors Wednesday after
Mrs. John Miller. Dale and Mar>
were dinner guests at the George
Montgomery home Tuesday, Oct
20 .
On October 20 evening the Al
fred Napier family, George Kellei
family and Mr. and Mrs. R. A
Hord suprised Gary Tessemer al
| his home.
Bruce and Mark Hutton visited
at the Alfred Napier home Wednes
Joe Hage of Madison called Sat
urday evening at the Keith Biddle
come home. Valonda returned tc
Columbus with him.
The Darrol Switzer family and
Don Stang of Omaha were supper
guests Saturday at the I^eo Miller
home. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer
family called in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo
mery called Thursday evening at
1 the Grant Mott home.
Buy and Save While They Last
See us for truck load prices
on all LINCOLN and ANCHOR numbers of pasture and meadow fertilizers for fall and winter ap
nliixi Hi m
r «
Now is the time to re-seed and Fertilize your lawn and garden. We can control crab grass,
insects, and moles with LINCOLN TRIPLE TURF TONIC.
15 gal. oil $20.00 — Steel Stand $30.00 — Aprons $8.90 — Wire mesh 6.10
Mill Feed — Chemicals — Mineral — Mineral Blocks
Rolled oats_$4.20
Calf Manna 50 lbs._$4.00
Suckle 25 lbs.___ $4.10
I Scotch-O-Lass 50 lbs.-$2.35
Dog Pellets 25 lbs _$1.95
Shellmaker 50 lbs. -.— 75c
Calcium 50 lbs._70c
Trace Min salt-$2.60
4-1 American fine salt — $1.60
jj NOX moat 50 lbs. -$6.35
Toxophine per gal. _ $3.45
Baby pig feeders_$1.60
Aero Bucket Sprayer_$7.10
Sulphur Blox___ 95c
Iodized Blox _ $1.02
Trace Blox_$1.35
Hi. Phos Blox _ $1.55
Gold Brick Blox _ $2.45
Sheep Wormer Blox _ $3.85
Paunch-Eez Blox _ $4.80
KD-Reg. Blox _ $1.85
K ration Blox_$2 30
KD Ranger Blox_52.40
PEX Poultry Blox_53.60
24 D Butyl Ester per gal._ 52.95
Rabbit salt per box__51 05
DDT per gal._51-80
Baby pig waterers_51-90
Meat Scraps 50 lbs._52-25
Linseed Meal_ _54.45
Two Ton Creep Feeders On Hand
Get those calves used to the feeder this winter
Double Cash Discount on Hi Phos and Worm Control Minerals.
Special low booking prices on NORCO CATTLE FEEDS, cotton cake, soy
bean meal.
25-50% cash discount on all alfalfa, clover, grass and sorghum
seeds on hand.
FOR SALE—1^2 Ton STUDEBAKER TRUCK, dual wheels, overload springs,
motor recently overhauled, tires in good to excellent condition. Badger
f grain box and cattle rack in excellent shape.
Tompkins Livestock Headquarters
bmao, N <-braaka
•*** *»■'«« »trtn >* .1 ■ ■* >* i* >'* •“■h "’>
TINFOIL—The O’Neill High School i>ami is snown as u parades ;
through downtown Lincoln during the 21st annual I'niversity of N'e- 1
hraska Rand I>ay parade in which 63 hands participated this |*ast
Saturday. The bands performed during halftime of the Indiana
N'ebraska football game in the most intricately designed Rand Day t
program since its origin in 1939. Some 3,500 high school musicians 1
formed the five-letter won! “Peace”. Frontier engraving l
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Switzer <
and family, Don Stang of Omaha,
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer, Mr.
and Mrs. Loo Miller and family
and Jay Butler were dinner guests
Sunday at the Wendell Switzer
home of Shirley Miller's and Ruth
Switzer’s birthdays.
Reverend and Mrs. Ivan Turner
attended a birthday party for Ven
ita White at Amelia Friday eve
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier ate i
Sunday dinner at the Z. H. Fry
The Archie Johnston family were ;
guests last Sunday at the Will
Shrader home.
Mrs. Dave Anson worked at the i
locker plant October 191
Mrs. Keith Biddlecome and Mil- i
ton visited Tuesday evening,
October 20 with Mrs. Althea Peter
son and family in Neligh.
Mrs. Wilmer Mosel in helping at
Hill variety store on busy days.
Wilmer Mosel, Raymond Sch
midt and Lester Bergstrom called
on Lionel Gunter Monday even
! ing, October 19.
Mrs. Walter Woepple and Mrs.
Earl Pierson called on their moth
er, Mrs. Edith McClanahan in the
Brunswick Rest home Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry and Mrs. j
Dale Napier were in Norfolk on
Wednesday. Z. H. Fry went for a
check-up with his doctor.
Mrs. Marcus Pierson and girls,
Mrs. Earl Pierson and Mrs. Robert
Tams, jr. were O'Neill visitors on
October 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ahlers were
Tilden visitors on Thursday.
Mrs. Harold Rodgers, teacher in
the Riverside school plans to give
a halloween party for his pupils
and the pre-kindergarten children
on Wednesday afternoon. The
t. .! ...Ml 1_ .. 1_^ .1
av.iiuvji v> in ut viwov-vt -» **»-•*
, Friday for the teachers’ meeting
[ in Norfolk.
Rosella Ahlers is home over the
weekend coming from Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Schlottman';
visited Sunday at the Ray Dover j
home in Valentine.
Mr. and Mis. Alfred Napier
1 took a carload of boys to the foot
ball game at Tilden Friday even- j
ing. • u
Keven Fry was an overnight j
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke
j in Inman Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hadduck of
Colorado Springs, Colo, were over
night guests Wednesday at the
Howard Miller home. Mr. and Mrs.
(Willie House of Colorado Springs
I spent Wednesday night at the
i Walter Miller home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock and
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Pollock and
Phil visited Saturday evening a
the Ernie Norwood home.
Milton Biddlecome went to Col
umbus Friday morning and Volon
da returned home with him. In
the afternoon Mrs. Keith Biddle
come, Valonda and Milton and Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Schmidt and
1 Tommy attended funeral services
for Hans Peterson at the congre
I gational church in Neligh.
Monday evening, Oct. 19 Mr. and
Mrs. John Kallhoff of Guthrie Cen
ter, la., Rosemary Kallhoff of
Des Moines, Iowa and Mrs. Anna
Miller were supper guests at the
John Miller home.
The Mesdames Archie Johnston nnnnnlt Wpnflpll SwitZer.
Ralph Shrader, Keith Biddlecome
and Willie Shrader attended an
executive meeting of the United
Presbyterian women at the church
I annex on October 19 evening.
The Rodney Pollock family of
Omaha were weekend guests at
the Dave Pollock home. On Sat
| urday they went pheasant hunting
on the Beaver.
The Robert and Lorraine Mont
gomery families were dinner guests
Sunday at the George Montgom
ery home in honor of George’s
birthday anniversary.
The Alvin Nelson family of
Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. Byle
Switzer of Clearwater, Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Shavlik and Pamela of
Chambers and the Alfred Napier
| family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord, Mr. and
Mrs. Dewitt Gunter and Mr. and
Mrs. Beonel Gunter and Paul plan
to eat dinner Sunday at the Dewitt
Hoke home in honor of Mr. and
1 Mrs. Dewitt Gunter’s fifty-third
wedding anniversary and Dewitt
Hoke’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo
mery, Mr. and Mrs. John Kallhoff
and daughter, Rose Mary visited
Sunday afternoon at the John Mil
ler home.
Reverend and Mrs. Ivan Turner
attended meetings at the Free
i Methodist church at Colome, S. D
| on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 19
20. Mr. Melton was guest specker
on Monday evening he represented
Central College at McPherson,
| Kansas.
Venus News
By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser
The Wilbert Widhaim sold their
farm to the Adolph Ianak family
from west of Verdigre Friday, Oct.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitckell
of Omaha spent the weekend with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geroge Jeffery. Robert Jundt and
■ Robert Mischell visited at the Ora
Caskey home Sunday afternoon 1
Marion Cedarherg is doing plum- '
>ing work at the farm home of 1
Mrs. Flossie Held this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffery
•isited with their daughter and 1
;on-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
iasmussen and family of Os- !
nond on Sunday. '
Burdett Hicks is employed at
he Donald Kinnison farm.
Mrs. Floyd Kinnison motored to :
Dsmond Tuesday, Oct. 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter i
isited at the Donald Knori home 1
it Niobrara Tuesday. Oct. 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey
,’isited at the Howard Tyler home
October 19 evening. ,
Mrs. Authur Suffieool and son
Jraig of Veidigre were Wednesday
. isitors at the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch, sr. i
Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffery
vere October 20 evening visitors
it the Clarence Finch home.
Mr. ana Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber
notored to Scuyler Tuesday, Oct.
10 to visit at their daughter’s
lome, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker.
Mrs. Faulhaber remained there to j
ake care of the Baker’s daughter, i
sucan, while Mrs. Baker is at the j
lospital with a new baby daugh
vere Saturday, Oct. 17 supper j
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser
vere Satudday, Oct. 17 supper
guests at the home of Mr. and
Irs Emiel Barto* Other guest* i
ere Mr and Mrs Joe Bartos and 1
lr and Mrs Louis Bartos. Linda 11
nd Marvin, all of O'Neill.
The Midway school house was t
urchased by Donuald Kinmson 11
his week. i
Thursday Oct. 15 during the 3
fternoon recess Mrs. Ora Caskey
eceived an injury to her ring fin- '
er on the right hand while play- i
rig ball with her pupils. She was <
iven medical attention at O'Neill 1
.here the finger was placed in
splint. ‘
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey vis- '
rd at the Ora Caskey home Thur- I
day evening.
Miss Carol Metties of Omaha '
pent the weekend with her par- 1
nts Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mettles.
Twenty-four ladies attended a
tarty at the home of Mrs Vincent
aekson. Games were played. Mrs.
trden Lausen, Mrs. Ottie Metties
ind Mrs. Kenneth Caskey received
irizes. The door prize was award
'd to Mrs. Donald Caskey, Mrs.
aekson served lunch at close.
Mi's. Sidney Faulhaber called at
he Ora Caskey homo Sunday even
ng, Octolier 18.
Mrs. Clarence Finch, sr. onter
ained the Help U club at her home
>n Wednesday, Oct. 21. thirteen
nembers and two visitors, Mrs.
Uithur Sufficool and Mrs. Junior
•'inch were present. Mrs. Finch
;erved dinner at noon. Needle
vork was done for the hostess. The
■lub sisters were revealed. Each
•eceived a gift, only two were
tuessed. Mrs. George Jeffery ree
•ived the dood prize.
Mrs. Ora Caskey will have the j
irst meeting in November for a f
seven o’oclock dinner.
Leland Caskey and his boy frier#!
>f Omaha were visitors at the Dra |
?askey home over the weekend.
Star Community News
By Mrs. Ewalt Miller
The Willowdale extension eluh
nembers attended the achieve- i
nent day program in O’Neill [
Tuesday, Oct. 20. Mrs. Merle
Schleusener of Orchard was a
mest of one of the members, Mrs.
Bill Hibbs.
Sunday guests at the Gerald
Waring home were Wyn and Larry
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Mil
ler, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Miller
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Boelter, Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Boelter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Boelter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Boh Van Ostrand, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Boelter and family. The
dinner was in honor of the War
Tg'a non, Arlea, who is leaving
Jovembar 2 for the armed serv- j
Mr. and Mrs Ewgit Miller at
tended the wedding reception at
he ChaflgA Beilin home in O'Neill
lunday evAing for Mr. and Mrs
>ale Beilin.
Albert Stoffer of O’Neill, who
vas injured in a hunting accident
lunday morning, is a son-in-law
if Ray Noble of this community.
Iis wife is the former Myra Noble.
The bazaar and supper at the
ish Grove community hall was
veil attended Sunday evening. The
•roceeds will be used to pay on
he loan on the building. The event
vas sponsored by the Ash Grove
Phone Your News To
The Frontier
Electric Motors
Rewinding — Rebuilding
Call 243 W — 24 hr. Sendee
Northwest Electric
Stuart New*
• at Mr*. Herb Kksl*
Mrs. Chris Westrom came home
from Omaha where she visited tier
daughter, Delores and family. She
also saw the show "The South Pa
cific” while there.
The Brownie Scout meeting was
brought to order by the president,
Mary Sue Kunz Colors were ad
vanced by Mary Kay Schneider
and Denise Glberding All mem
bers were present with two visi
A halloween party was planned
We sponge painted trees, which
we drew in the autumn colors.
Mary Kay served us cup cakes
for lunch.
Bill Hewitt of Rushville was a
^Saturday overnight guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Wilson.
The Couples Pinochle club was
entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Wilson Sunday
Mrs. Dana Bigelow left Sunday
to spend some time in Omaha
visiting Barbara and Tom Bigelow
continued on page 8
49 - REGISTERED - 49
Saturday, November 7
SHOW 10 a.m. SALE 1:30 p m.
28 BULLS |
4 with bull calves at side — 3 with heifer calves at side
ALL popular linos of Hereford Breeding are represented )
Bulls are big, rugged individuals, ready for service. Heifers k
suitable foundation stock. All officially calfbood vaccinated. "
For Catalog address: k
Holt County Hereford Breeders’ Assn. >
P. O. Box 042 — O’Neill I
| KIETH A. ABART, Sale Mgr. |
w w w w w w w ww
I ■ — III'—— ■HI! IMilll BBT inUBK IlMIMMIIIII —I f IIW—■
Being unable to rent a place to keep the livestock, will hold a farm sale at the place, 1 §
I® mile south and 1 mile east of Amelia; 7 miles west and 1 north of Chambers; 5 east of the junc- |
tfon of u,'ahways No. 11 and No. 95 south of Atkinson and 1 north, on— |
I Wednesday, November 4th
Commencing at Noon Lunch by Amelia WSCS
I 90 - HEAD OF CATTLE - 9 0
11 head of very good producing, can be considered an excellent herd of Holstein milk cows; all
good age, some fresh, others to freshen in February; 3 to 5-year-olds
6 First calf Holstein heifers to calf in spring 2 2-year-old Holstein heifers to calf in spring
35 head of Hereford stock cows. 4 of these have calves at side. Others to calf in February
* 14 head of black whiteface last spring calves, steers and heifers
10 head Hereford calves, steers and heifers 5 young calves
8 last spring Holstein heifer calves 1 registered Hereford bull
All of these cattle were state tested the past September
A Farmall tractor Surge double unit milking ma- 4-bulb heat hover
2-row tractor lister chine, pipe & fittings for 12 Electric motor
1943 Farmall H cows, 1 year old 2 12-ft. hay rakes
1943 John Deere B with Power 2-wheel trailer Chicken feeders and waterers
1943 Ford tractor 1 Hay sled Line of shop tools, etc. |
1939 IHC l/z ton pickup Hay rack and running gear Old iron and horse machinery
Small Skelgas heater and regulator Kitchen heater with jacket
Double rinse tubs Single rinse tub Oil heater
Terms: Cash. No property to be removed until settled for
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Fullerton, Owners
Ed Thorin, licensed real estate broker and auctioneer, O'Neill Chambers State Bank, clerk