« Mm. JiiNjK'r la-ago — the former Shirley (’■olfaek.—O’Neill Photo, Frontier engraving Colfack-Leago Vows Spoken In Atkinson; To Live In Houston Miss Shirley Maureen Colfack and; Jasper B. lx>ago exchanged wedding vows October 24 in a can dlelight double ring ceremony in the First Presbyterian church at Atkinson. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kmil Colfack, Atkin son, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs A It Baykin, Hous ton, Tex. Rev. Herbert Young, Stuart, officiated the 8 p.m. cere mony. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride appeared in a gown of imported Chantilly lacc and tulle. Sequin and pearl trac ed scallops outlined the sweet heart neckline of the smoothly molded bodice. The bouffant lace skirt lifted to a scalloped peplum revealing a skirt of tulle. A minature queen’s crown of pearls held her veil of illusion. Her bouquet was of white carna tions and lily of the valley. Matron of honor was Mrs Gary L. Gorkin, Lincoln, and Peggy Buss, Norfolk, was bridesmaid. They wore matching street length sheath dresses of gold velvet and matching headpieces and carried coloniel bouquets of bronze and yellow mums. Jeanette Morgan, Stuart, was flower girl, and Bobby Hendricks Atkinson, was ring bearer. Denton Colfack, brother of the bride, was best man. Ushers were Dennis Colfack, Atkinson, and Harvey Colfack, O’Neill. Grooms man was Gary L. Gerkin, Lin coln. Tiie altar was decorated with candelabra and two pedestal bas kets of bronze and white mums. Mary Anderson, Atkinson, was or ganist and accompanied i : u rl Hendricks, Atkinson, singing ’Be cause." "With This Ring 1 Thee Wed,” and ‘The Lord’s Prayer.” A reception for 250 followed the ceremony in the church basement. The three tier wedding cake was baked, decorated and served by Mr. tutri Mr*. EniU klabenes of Ewing announce the engage ment of their daughter, Roberta Mae to Robert Dean Gartner, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gartner sr. of Chamber*. No. wedding date has been wl Mis. Carl CoLfack, O’Neill At the . guest book was Gwendolyn Salt- 1 ler, Gregory-. S. D. Sharon Arp, ] Atkinson, attended the gift table. ] The tlnde is a graduate of the , Atkinson high school and Lincoln . School of Commerce and has been i employed by the University ol i Houston, Houston, Tex. The bridegroom graduated from . Houston high school and is cm- j ployed as a draftsman by a manu- ] factoring company in Houston. j Following a wedding trip to ] Mexico, the couple will live at ] 6719 Moss Rose, 1 louston. , ---] i Thursday, Oct. 29 O'Neill Letter Ways Monday, Nov. 2 Hospital Auxiliary LTA Catholic Daughters, business meeting WCTU Merrimyx, Mrs. H. S. Moses Wednesday, Nov. 4 legion Auxiliary Thursday, Nov. 5 Presbyterian Woman’s Assoc. Lutheran Ladies Aid Smorgas bord. * Club Notes MNO Mrs. Melvin Marcellus was hos-1 tess to MNO Tuesday evening; with 16 members and two guests. Mrs. Willis Sanders and Mrs. Wil liam McIntosh present. | The lesson, "Know Your Car," was presented by Mrs. Gale Dier I berger and Mrs Eugene Hastrei-1 I ter. The club voted to contribute some money to the Stoffer fund. I Co-Hostesses were Mrs. Bob Hill and Mrs- Laurence Haynes. The November 24 meeting will; Ire with Mrs. Leonard Davis with (a lesson on Christmas ideas. Co hostesses will l>e Mrs. Ben Hanlon land Mrs. Matt Beha. Friendly Neighbors A "Hard Time" party was giv en Tuesday night by the mem bers of Friendly Neighbors exten sion club at the home of Mrs. Car rol McKay. The lesson, "Know Your Car," was present by Mrs Dwayne Phil brick and Mrs. Frank Eppen baugh. A new member of the club is Mrs. Kenny Moore. Lunch was served by Mrs. Durvin Kipple. > Next meeting will be with Mrs. Kipple. Altar Society St Cecelia's Guild of St. Pat i rick's Altar Society entertained 125 members Thursday evening in St. Mary's Gym with Mrs. Robert Clements as chairman. Mrs. Rynold Cimfel gave a re port on the National Council of Catholic Women deanery meeting at Clearwater and announced a check was being sent to the Ma donna Plan of the NOCW. .Mrs. James Gallagher gave the eport vm the NOCW convention it Hartingtofi. Msgr. O'Sullivan poke briefly to the group. Entertauunent was furnished by i group of first grade students rom St. Mary s Academy and rtrs. W. D. Melina's dancing stu lents. Next meeting will be November <1 with St. Margaret's Guild in barge. ti-lx'kah Members of the Rebekah Lodge] ind their families attended a hal oween card party Friday night following a recipe supper cards vere played. Card winners were Norbert Hark. Mrs. Clara Johnson. Mrs. Richard Hovey, Mrs. Ruby Way nan, Mrs. Ruth Claussen and drs. Albert Klingler. Reltekah will meet in regular session Friday evening. Mnochle Club Mrs. Roy Lowry was hostess Sunday evening to Pinchole club, iiard Winners were Mrs Dave joy, Mrs Zella Cook and John (ersenbrock. .’athollc Daughters The O'Neill Catholic Daughters leld a reception of new memliers ind installation of officers at the vnight's of Columbus hall Tues lay night. New members received follow ing a 7 p.m. supper were as fol ows: Mrs. Edward Cuddy. Mrs. Jer y umu y, mis- i.yv«\/ui^ Mrs. Marvel Jean Batenhorst, Mrs. Hugh Carr, Mrs. Duane Dray. Mrs. James Havranek, Mrs. Juliana Kamphaus, Mrs. John Pe ter, Miss Carlyn Neiers, Mrs. R. J. Rohde, Mrs. Joseplpne Ste wart, Mrs. Mary' Tomlinson and Mrs. George Winkler. Court officers installed were as follows; Agnes Claire Hickey, ?rand regent; Kathleen M. Warn n lace over orchid taffeta. Maid of honor was Elinore Porter, Chambers. She wore a yellow tunic dress of dacron, Best mar. was Earl Miller, O’ Neill. The home was decorated with silver candelbra with flower ar rangements of white spider mums and dark pink carnations. Mrs. Gerald McClenahan was pianist, playing “I Love You Tru ly," and “In the Garden of To morrow." She accompanied Mrs. Letha Cooke, singing, "Because." Following the ceremony a re ception given by the bride’s par ents was given in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rowre. The ta hie was decorated with a four tierred wedding cake and two lower arrangements of dark pink carnations and white mums. The flowers and centerpieces were all made hy the mother of the bridegroom. Mrs. Beilin also baked and decorated the wedding cake. A reception in the evening was held at the Charles Beilin home from 7 to 9 pm. The cake was cut by Mrs. Melvin Miller. Mrs.' Arnold Miller poured and Judy Masterson attended the guest book Dorothy Mack was at the punch bowl. Guests from Sioux City, Page, South Sioux City, Rock Rapids, la., Norfolk, Creighton, Verdigre, Lynch and Orchard attended the evening reception The couple will reside at 803 Logan St. in O’Neill. MARRIAGE LICENSE— Jasper Bennie Leago, 20, Hous ton, Tex. and Shirley Maureen Col fack, 19, Atkinson, October 22. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! This 1960 Ford Gaiaxie Tow* Victoria shares the all-new styling characteristics of the other Ford model* v _amjasakable resemblance to the elegant Thunder bin I profile. The new Gaiaxie is one Inch lower than the 1959 model, bothae more ' The Catkhi* also la available ae a two-or ♦to^door sedan. All Fords for I960 have the sUm-Hae, for. ward sloping front road pillar that eliminates the “dog leg far easier entry. ; . ANTHONY’S SO UK Li Mr. and Mrs. Frank Soukup, O'Neill, son, Steven Wayne. 7 pounds, 10 D ounces, Oc tober 22. HAWKINS—Mr. and Mrs. Har vey J. Hawkins, Ewing, daughter, Debra Sue, 7 pounds, 15 ounces, October 23. BURIVAL -Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burival. O'Neill, son. 6 pounds. 12 ounces, October 28. SUMMERER — Mr. and Mrs. Carol Summerer. Ewing, son. 7 pounds. 1 *>4 ounces, October 26 BARTAK Mr. and Mrs Roliert Bartak. Ewing, son, Gary Lee, 8 pounds, 10k ounces. Octoiler 28. HAWK- Mr and Mrs. John Hawk. Ewing, have named their baby Randy LeRoy. SACRED HEART CRAWFORD Mr. and Mrs. Ron ald Crawford, Cody, Wyo., daugh ter, 7 pounds. 3 ounces, October 24. WILSON- Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wilson, Lynch, have named their daughter, Sonja Dee. ELSEWHERE TAYLOR Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor, Scottsbluff, son, Mark Al lan, 7 pounds, 9% ounces, Octo ber 22. The maternal grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch of Page. This is the couple's first child. GUDE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gude, O'Neill, daughter, 5 pounds. 3 ounces. _ born October 23 at - a Norfolk hospital. BAKER Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker, Schuyler, daughter, 7 pounds, 2 ounces, October 20. Mrs. Baker is the former Mary Faul haber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber. The couple now has two daughters. VOLQUARDSEN Mr. and Mrs. Donald Volquardsen, Omaha, son, Mark Eugene, 7 pounds, 13 *4 ounces, October 19. Mrs. Volquard sen is the former Shirley Butter field, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butterfield of Orchard. Mrs. Mary Vokjuardsen of Walnut is > the paternal grandmother. This is the couple's first child. BUTTERFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butterfield, Pierre. S. D., son Calvin Allen, 9 pounds. Octo ber 19. Mrs. Butterfield is the former Virginia Mitchell, daugh ter of Mrs. I^eon Mitchell of Or chard. Paternal grandparents ore Mr and Mrs Lloyd Butterfield of Orchard. This is the couple's first child. Lt M»BERO MEMORIAL RAFF—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Raff. Verdigre. son, 8 pounds, 6^ ounces. October 26. COMMUNITY MEMORIAL WAGNER Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Wagner, jr . son, October 22. S1LTZ Mr. and Mrs. Bud Siltz, Bunvell, daughter, October 22. ROWSE Mr and Mrs. Ronnie Rowse, Burvvel], son. 7 pounds. 14 ounces, Jerry Eldon. October 26“ O'Neill Locals Carolyn and Marian Moseman, Omaha, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moseman. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McElvain and Greg, Omaha, were weekend guests erf Mr. and Mi’s. Jim Coventry. Inman, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain. Jim McGinn, son of #Mr and Mrs. R. E. McGinn, will lie home from Norfolk junior college this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hollmbeck called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Krugman and family were weekend guests at Mrs. Krugman's sister, Mr and Mr. Walt Timmerman, Creig ton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham spent the weekend in Omaha and Mr. Graham received medical at tention. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox \ is ited their son, Mr. and Mrs Gol den Fox in Lincoln over the week end. They spent Saturday with Mrs. Fox’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyers, Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Krugman at 1 tended the funeral of Mrs. Lena Doerr in Creighton Wednesday. *• y f _ U Mrs. Emil Adamson and child- h ren were in Ewing Sunday visa ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs A. ii J. Koenig. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baker were in Amelia Sunday for an anniver- r sary party and were dinner guests Sunday evening at the Arthur Hi att home. t John Hollenbeck has been dis- , charged from the army and he i and Mrs. Hollenbeck will now re side in O'Neill. Mrs. Guy Beckwith called at the Leon Beckwith home in Em met Sunday. Mr, Beckwith has recently returned home from the Atkinson hospital. Weekend guests ut the Donald Bunkers home were Dr. and Mrs.. R. B. Bunkers and family. Can j ton, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker are in I Arizona this week visiting their j daughter. Minnie Higgins was a dinner I guest Sunday of Mrs Josie An-1 derson, Spencer. Visiting at the Ivan Hurley home over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gydeson and Terry, Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing visited Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Shald, Stuart. Mrs A D. Jilg was a guest in her sister's home last week. Mrs Frank Burger, Dedham, la. I Sunday dinner guests at the Bert Henning home were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and Mr. anti i Mrs. Fred Roth. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones. Minnie Higgins and Hannah Seaman attended the funeral of Mrs. Martha Pahl at Bristow Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones have received word that their son Milo, has been taken home from a hospital in San Diego, Calif. Dtnne r guests Thursday at the William G. Kraft home were Mrs. Mable Shobe and daughter. Page ; nd Mr. and Mrs. Art Duncan, lapid City. S. D. Mrs. Shobe is a sister of Mr. Duncan. A Monday caller at the Edwin Krugman home was Mrs. William Hilkemier, Plainview. Everett Siders, who has been here visiting his mother, Mrs Maggie Skiers, returned to his * ?. on*® ib Wyrwmg Sunday mow i «• John Klatt, Ainsworth, was a inner guest Sunday at the home f Mr. and Mrs. Permot Krring in. ■ .»*.< *m h -, __ ■ Alice’s Beauty Shop Ron, 3 door* wi'ht of Texaco 12o Ktinl I'oii^l.is Phone 203 — O’Neill FOR SALE Strong's Repair Shop Consists of two lots with four room mod ern house. Three car garage, complete line of shop equipment. Stack of new and used parts. To be sold as complete unit Located at 426 North 7th St. Priced to sell Vernon and Ann Strong, owners SPECIAL CATTLE SALE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2-12 noon ' • At the present time we an use n lot more rattle for the special sale. Tlie corn should he getting pretty well picked and prices should be some better. At the sale last Monday we sold over 000 cattle with the good to choice kinds sidling the best. Sold a load of 885 lb. yearlings at $25-70. The plaiuer kinds looked a little lower. Top on butcher Hogs at $13.10. Could have sold a lot more hogs and rattle. Let us try your next consignment We appreciate your business * Join our list of Satisfied Customers Ewing Livestock Market Phone 49 or 70 Ewing, Nehr. 110V4-OZ. ^ VEGETABLE BEEF - CHICKEN I CHILI S -MUSHROO! PREMIUM CRACKERS.'£27* \ SUPREME Cookies . Baq J O 1 i 45 < PKGS. LETTUCE SSta.BiBj JONATHANS SSC,**' 5 “‘,39 JELL-O j%i Strawberry - Raspberry - Cherry A .. 2 S' 33cjfjj v‘ ^ JmbA&***** 9 Price* Good Thur*., Fri., Sat., Or 1. 29 30. 31. yoltWt, ValWf. APRICOTS-PEACHES SALAD FRUIT or PLUMS ’• & Mit'em ■ Match 'Cm 11 :~ EVERYBODY LOVES ^JW)!W0«