Fifty six new freshmen at the O’Neill high sell «d were initiated by upperclassmen last week. The •rvr freshmen were required to wear silly dress a .J they outdid themselves this year. The Frontier photo and engraving. V Stuart residents now have emergency ambulance service. The eitj purchased a list'd ambulance from lies Moines recently and it will In- used by the volunteer fire depnrtcmnt. Chuck Ankney, as aistant fire chief, is shown above with the new vehicle. Ankney said quite a hit of work on the new umbulance was needed but that it aould be ready for service calls soon. The Frontier photo-eng raving. Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welko and daughter spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Scott at Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Pierson a rut family moved the past week to the farm of Mrs. Stott, south of Ewing. The Pierson family re cently moved to Ewing from Seattle, Wash. Friends from Ewing attending the wedding of Robert R. Pruden of Ewing and Miss Helen Mae Hanks at Christ Lutheran church at O'Neill Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk, Mr. ami Mrs. Waldo Davis and Marie, Mrs. H. R Harris and Bertha, Donald Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Bennett and Miss Ina Ben aett. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cronin and sons, Gene and Gail of Pierrr, S. D were weekend guests of her mother, Mrs. Pauline Noff fte and her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs Frank Noffke and fam ily. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke were Mr and Mrs. Oscar Wenig and Duane, of Sheboygan, Wise., Mr. and Mrs. T. Milliken of Califor nia. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cronin and family of Pierre, S. D-, Mr. ami Mrs. Gene Koenig, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Heummesser ami Mrs. Pauline Noffke of Ewing. Mrs. Pauline Noffke, her daugh ter, Mrs. Vernon Cronin ami sons of Pierre, S. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Milliken from California were din ner guests Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lange. Mr. Hnhlbeck, who returned to Ewing and resumed his duties as nil age marshal, plans to go to Parma for Mrs. Hahlbeck and daughters and bring them back to Ewing in the near future. Mrs. Winnifred Bahm acoom gr&rned by Mrs. Doris Sanders and children visited the Jerome Bahm family Sunday at their tome at 808 South 4th street in Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings re turned home Saturday from Hast ap where they visited at the tome of their daughter ami son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dun away and family. The Dunaway family have purchased a new home and are making plans to move into it in the near future. Mr. iuid Mrs. Coe Butler of Lincoln spent the weekend with her sister. Miss Vina Wood and his sister, Mrs. Vera Anson. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wood left Sunday for Newcastle, Wyo. where they will spend a few days at the home of her sister and husband. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latzel and family of Ewing and Mrs. Lillie Meyers of Clearwater. Mrs. Bernice Harlan of Tilden was a guest Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Caroline Sanders. Mrs. William Rhodes and her daughter from California were calling on friends in Ewing Sat urday. A family gathering was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shain, honoring her aunt, Mrs. E. J. Snyder of Glas gow, Mont, and Mr. and Mrs. A. j. Ruby of Buffalo, Wyo. Forty j seven were in attendance. A picnic dinner was served at one o'clock and the afternoon hours were spent visiting while the youngsters enjoyed outdoor, games. This was the first time for j many years that members of the family had been together. Rela tives attended from Ewing, Page, Neligh and O'Neill. Alfred Doud attended a deal ers meeting of the Watkins Com pany held at Norfolk Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp transacted business in Norfolk Wednesday. Rev. Mrs. Bessie Kline and Mrs. Eilna Ixfquest attended a prayer conference at Lynch Sat urday. Mrs. Edna Lofquest and grand daughter, Mary Jo Lofquest ac companied by Mrs. Merlin Mey ers and Mark transacted busi ness in Neligh Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne William son of Naper were Saturday eve ning guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wil liamson. Mrs. Anna Friend of Butte and Mrs. Lyle Eppenbach of Oppor tunity were recent guests at the home of Mrs. Edna Lofquest. Mr. and Mrs. Richard William s >n an ddaughter of Omaha spent the weekend visiting at the par ental homes, Mr. and Mrs Elmer Williamson and Delbert Carl. Richard is a student at the Com mercial School in Omaha. Saturday callers at the Albert Larson home were their son-in law, Donald Starr and Ralph Hales of West Point, who were ac companied by Mrs. Mary De Brion of Los Angeles, Calif., sis ter of Mr. Starr, who was cnroute to visit her mother at Chambers. Mrs. Edna Lofquest accompa nied by Mr. and Mrs Walter Mil ler and son, Danny, Mr, and Mrs Howard Miller and Mrs. Bert Fink went to Colome, S. I). Sun day where Ihey attended a dist rict meeting of the Free Metho dist church. Andrew Olson, who spent the past two weeks in Seattle, Wash, visiting relatives eame home by plane on Tuesday and was met in Omaha by his son, Merwin Olson of Clearwater and his son-in law, Oscar Wilson of El gin. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson were dinner guests Sunday at the home of their daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wil son at Elgin. Emmet Wright, Richard W'right, Charlotte Wright and Lorraine Bartos spent the weekend at Fort Le mard Wood, Mo. visiting with Private Ronald Wright, who is stationed there. They returned home Sunday. Mrs. Vera Anson was a dinner guest simony ai me nome oi miss Vina Wood. Jack Steer of Elmwood, 111. and Mrs. Elizabeth Zang of Kankakee. 111. nephew and niece of the late Mrs A. A. Alden attended her funeral service in Ewing Monday, Sept. 28. The Thursday Night pitch club was entertained October 1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shain. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards of Bassett, Coach and Mrs. Gary Tessmer, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hamilton of Ewing and AJvin Gibson of Neligh. Score winners were Coach Tess mer and Mr. Gibson for the men and Mrs. Ralph Munn and Mrs. Hamilton for the ladies. Lunch was served by the hosts. Mr. and Mrs Jerry Tomjack were six o’clock dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Werner at Battle Creek Monday evening and later attended the football game between Ewing and Battle Creek at Battle Creek. Star Community News By Mrs. Ewalt Miller Donald Linquist was on the sick list the past week and unable to attend school. He is a freshman at the O’Neill public school. Max Le Masters called on Ewalt Miller Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 29. Mr and Mrs. Bob Tomlinson and Veldon spent the past 10 days on a hunting trip. Elmer Juracek, Bill Hansen, Al bert Derickson and Clayton Nelson attended the sale at Burwell on Friday. Mrs. Bill Hibbs spent Thursday PONTIAC’S NEW APPROACH to styling is pronounced by the Bonneville converti ble and the Ventura sport ooupe, only two in a parade of 16 beautiful models intro duced by Pontiac for I960. Priced just above the Catalina series, the Ventura feature* special interior appointments, including seats trimmed entirely in Jewel-tana Mono klde The Ventura is abo available in a four-door hardtop Vista Bfldw. afternoon in O'Neill at a leaders' training lesson on "Know Your Carl" She will demonstrate this lesson at the club meeting October 14 at the home of Mrs. Lysle Johnson. Mrs. Ben Miller and Mrs. Ewalt Miller spent Tuesday forenoon at the Nels Linquist home, in the afternoon Mrs. Ewalt Miller ac companied Mrs. Linquist and Vic ki to O’Neill. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linquist and Vicki had supper Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boel ter and Jim. Jim Van Every purchased the school house in district 96 which was sold at a public auction on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and sons were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hale near Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Miller will be honored with a post-nuptial J shower Sunday. October 11. at 2, p.m, at the Ash Grove community hall. Mrs. William Derickson and Mrs. Claude Colo will bo the hos tess, Mr. and Mrs. ^Miller were married September 27 Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert. Boelter and family were Mrs. Hattie Boelter, Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Miller and family, Mr and Mrs. Gerald Waring and Arlee, Mr. and Mrs Ernest Bel ter and family, Mrs. Walter Fick and children, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Boelter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sucha and family, Dennis Mott and Miss Carolyn Beaudette. I The occasion honored Mr. Boel- j ter -on his birthday and Mr. and I Mrs. Merle Boelter, newly weds. Tt also commemorated Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boelter’s wedding an niversary which was October 1. Stuart News — By Mrs. Herb Skala Mr and Mrs. Dick Kazda and family of Winner, S. D. were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr and Mrs. Harrison Hovey. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kaup en tertained 12 little children at a birthday party Sunday afternoon. I Oct. 4 honoring LaJean's second birthday. Home made ice cream and cake were served. Other guests were Mrs. Edward Schnei der. Mrs. Sylvester Kramer, Mrs. Dennis Kaup, Mrs Paul Kaup and Mrs. Victor Kaup. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Christensen of Omaha were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott and family of Lincoln were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Obermire. Mrs. L. H. Steinhauser and Mrs. J G. Brewster were hostesses at a pink and blue shower Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Brewster in honor of Mrs. Gary Lockmon A gift was presented to Mrs. Lockmon. A dessert lunch was served. , _, , Mr and Mrs. Clifford Nelson spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Walker and fam ily at Winner, S. D. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Steinhauser were Mr and Mrs. Edwin Engler, Mr and Mrs. Harry Stokley and Tommy of Valentine and Mr. and Mrs Harold Dobrovolny anti sons. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Marshall and family of Midland, S. D spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Z. X. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hewitt and Edna Johnston of Rushville were Saturday overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil son The fourth annual Elkhorn Val ley quarter horse sale was held Saturday, Oct. 3 at 4:30 p.m. at the Ramm Bros, yards in Stuart. Gene Watson was the auctioneer. 45 horses were sold. The highest priced one brought $2500 and be longed to Willis C. Peterson. Pete Schmaderer and a friend of Oakland, who were hunting, visited at the W. N Hoffman home Sunday. He also visited his father. Joe Schmaderer at the Alois Schmaderer home. Lynch News By Veldeen Pinkerman The building in which V. F. Jedlicka had his Shoe Repair shop for many years has been torn down the past week by Sid Baker. Sid is planning to build a new brick building in its place. The foundation for the new building was completed Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. R. D. Reisdorph of Marion, Ind. will conduct evan gelistic services at the Lynch Wesleyan Methodist church be ginning Friday. Mrs. Marvin Schindler came Sunday from Missoula, Mont, af ter spending a few days at her home there. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Haun met her at Aberdeen, S. D. and brought her to the Her man Heiser home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes, Lyn da and Shelly and Mrs. Rodney Tomlinson of O’Neill were din ner guests Sunday in the George Calkins home. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinker man were Thursday evening guests in the George Calkins home. Mr. and Mrs. Merlan Harrison of Lawton, la were Friday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vel don Pinkerman. The Ladies Aid met at the Dor sey church Wednesday and clean ed the church. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Christen sen, Melvin and Linda were sight seeing at Gavins Point dam Sun day. Mrs. Faye Pinkerman and Mrs. Anna Carson called on Mrs. John Hurd Sunday. Mrs. Irene Carsten and son. Bob called at the Frank Car sten home Sunday. The Lynch teachers were guests at a teachers reception Tuesday J evening. Local extension clubs I furnished entertainment for the ! evening and the Legion Auxiliary | served lunch. Mrs. Bill Spencer and children I and Mrs. Glen Rehanik spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. j Richard Christensen. Mrs. Leonard Havranek spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Leo Kalkowski. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tarr and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Nolan went :o Sioux Qt}’ Tuesday and return id home Wednesday evening Mrs. Robert Wilson of Verdel is spending a few days at the Ray A'tlson home. A long time Lynch teacher. Ma leline Pcklo was admitted to the Lynch hospital this week Mr. and Mrs. Vigo Oiristensen ind Kay were dinner guests at he Reggie PinKerman home in D'Neill Saturday. Kay is attend ing study center there. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jorgensen were Friday evening callers at the Herman Helser home. The "Lynch Band was in the parade that was held in Verdigre Monday. ' Mrs. Bud Rutledge. Mrs. Rich ard Ducker and Mrs Tommy Courtney were Wednesday morn ing coffee guests at the Leslie Stewart home. The Lutheran Ladies Aid met Thursday at the church. Mrs. Harold Micanek presided over the meeting in the absence of Pastor Hath. Mrs. Leslie Stewart Ux>k a load of band students to Verdigre Mon dav. (continued on page 7) . t WANTED Men To Train For Real Estate Appraisors Ago 25 to