The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 01, 1959, Image 3

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    .Many features of the balanced design of Oldsmob (e for J9<i0 may be seen at A. Marcellus Chevrolet
In O’Neill, faltering the picture at the left Is a 196* Oldsmoblle I)>namlc "88” Celebrity Sedan. The
chrome-plated bars In groups of three across the front give the grille a wide stable look. The outboard
pair of headlight* art* set slightly to the rear of the Inboard |>air with a block numeral "88” for iden
tification. In the “98” and Super "88” series the Oldsmoblle crest Is used for Identification. At the
right is the unique rear end treatment of the 19 H> Oldsmoblle as seen on the "98” Holiday Sport
Sedan. In the center background Is a 1990 Oldsmoblle "98” Holiday ScenlCoupe showing the clean
lines which feature Oldsmoblle’* balanced design f »r 1990. See the New Olds at A. Marcellus Chevrolet
Company this weekend. ,
Newport News
By Mr*. Oliver (illg
Newport War mothers held
their first meeting of the season
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs Reno Gordon with 12 moth
ers present. Mrs. W. H. Allen
president conducted the meeting
It was voted to hold the meetings
the 4th Wednesday of the month
instead of the 4th Friday. Plans
were paade for Christmas boxes
for boys overseas. Next meeting
is to be with Mrs. Harry Stahl, co
hostess will be Mrs. Jim Jacox.
Newport Nightingal's canvassed
district 18 for Halsey 4-H camp
$53.25 was collected.
A joint meeting of the officials
of the Newport and Bassett
churches met Sunday evening at
the Newport Methodist church to
transact business of the quarterly
conference. Rev. R. L. Embree of
O’Neill was guest preacher Sun
i day morning and also attended
j the meeting in the evening. The
' board members of the Newport
j church served coffee and cookies.
Miss Shirley Fox was honor
guest at a bridal shower Saturday
; evening at the Newport gym. Miss
' Fox and Bob Lemmer of Atkin
I son will be married Saturday, Oc
tober 3 at the Newport Methodist
Mesdames Oliver and Bob Gilg
were Ainsworth visitors Saturday
I and called on Mrs. R. D. Fox and
at the O. W. Wolcott home near
Mrs. Herman Boerger of Rose
was a supper guest of her parents,
Mr .and Mrs. A B. Everingham
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Clifford Stahl and Mabel
Fox attended a bridal shower in
honor of Miss Shirley Fox Wed
nesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Fern Coxbill in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Udell Brown of
Mills and Mr .ami Mrs. John
('o|>eland and family of Bassett
were Friday evening callers at
the Osterman home.
A birthday party was held Sun
day at the Lewis Strelow home
near Bassett in honor of the Stre
low children and the McMillan
girls. Those attending were Mr.
and Mrs. Harold McMillan and
girls, Mr. and Mrs John Strelow,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lane, Mr
and Mrs. Clarence Jones, Mr and
Mrs. Duaine Bouy and baby
Minnie and Fred Strelow and
Frank Linderman. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bremer
man of Pender were dinner guests
Sunday at the Frank Ammon
home. Mr and Mrs. William \on
Seggem of West Point were after
noon callers. _ .
Mrs. Clifford Stahl and Ten,
Mabel and Shirley Fox, Mrs IX>n
Kaup and Mrs. Oliver Gilg were |
O'Neill shoppers Tuesday after-.
noon. , „ I
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben William
son and Mrs. Lois Hairing of.
Ainsworth were visitors at the A. |
B. Everingham home Wednesday
afternoon. .
Monna Stolcpart, Sophia Lash
mett and Mrs. Oliver Gilg called
on Anna Koebaugh Thursday af
ternoon in the L>ng Pine Rest
Home. ,
Mrs. Albert McKenny under
went throat surgery September
22 at an Omaha hospital and re
turned home Friday evening. She
also spent a couple days in Lin
coln at the Gene Sidak home.
Mr .and Mrs. Owen Lane and
i Ernest spent Saturday and Sun
i day visiting June Lane at Hast
ings Mrs. Max Utter accompanied
them and visited her sister at
Fairfield. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Davis of
Bassett were Friday evening
callers at the Walt Johnson
Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Fair and family were callers
in Atkinson at the Robert Gaylor
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colfack
and family spent Sunday in At
kinson at the Oscar Keithly home.
They met their new sister-in-law.
Mrs. Laverne Keithly who just
arrived Saturday from Germany.
Mrs. Linda Griffith spent the
weekend at her home in Newport.
She is teaching school in Brown
county, where she and the late
Aimer Griffith ranched for over
20 years.
Mr and Mrs. Ilo Fuller, Charles
and Evelvn were Friday evening
callers at the Frank Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Osterman
called at the Ernest Mauch home
in Bassett Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. R. A. Williamson of Ains
worth came Friday to stay at the
Everingham home while Mr. Wil
iamson is in tlie Atkinson hos
Mr. and Mrs. Iasi Schneider
of Atkinson spent Sunday at the
Roy Nelson home.
Mr and Mrs. Earl Sparks and
r'arol of Grand Island were Sun
lav guests of his parents, Mr. and
ili-s. Eli Sparks.
Sunday guests of tlieir parents,
dr. and Mrs. Harry Stahl, were
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stahl and
Marcia, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Stahl and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Fax and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Bemio Dyer of
Gregory. S. D., and Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Brown of Long Pine were
callers Sundav at the John Hosch
Callers at the Barnes and Allen
home were Mr. and Mrs. Lori
Cheney of Riverside, Calif, and
Mrs Kill Wewel of Stuart.
Alice’s Beauty Shop
Res. S doors west of Texaco
125 East Douglas
Phone 283 — O’Neill
Electric Motors
Rewinding — Rebuilding
Call tti-W — 24 hr. Service
Northwest Electric
That’s Why I
Recommend THE
It's North-Central Nebraska’s big newspaper
with complete coverage of everything happen
ing In and around Holt county. Big wedding
pictures, wonderful club news, bargains galore
In the advertising, and The Frontier’s far
reaching correspondents keep me posted on
what’s going on all over.
That’s why I recommend that everyone sub
scribe to The Frontier. Just $2.50 in Holt
county. Why, I save more than that every
week Just by being able to compare prices of
the O’Neill merchants. Mall your money today
and see why satisfied readers have made The
Frontier the largest circulating newspaper In
North-Central Nebraska.
North-Central Nebraska's B I G Newspaper
O'Neill, Nebraska -Phone 8
if full bolts, 79< yard
Terrific buy! Paisleys, florals,
medallion prints, scatter
prints, stripes and painter
plaids included. 36" wide.
Rayon Acetate
Bold leafy print on white or
champagne background.
Chromspun fabric is soil re
sistant, washable. 45x84".
Jumbo Rayon &
Compare to $5.95! Strong
warm Orion combined with
lustrous rayon in a thick,
fluffy blend. 72x90" size. '
sold in major city
. stores for 5.95!
plaids j^k 99
Slim Capri style slacks in blacks,
greys and perfectly matched
Scotch plaids. Concealed side
zip. Beautiful fabric, expert tai
loring, amazingly low price!
2 «* *1 -rs199<
Stripes and solids — gripper Gripper-crotch crawlers,6-24
shoulder for little tots, sizes mos.; boxer longies, sizes
1-4; crew neck for sizes 3-8. 4-6-8. Washable, colorfast.
114-40*4,44,47,4* 114-4114,4144
Comfort, fit, and low, low Newest styles for daytime or
pricel Boys' and girls' styles, datel Ties, skimmer flats, cute
black or brown leather. 8 Vi-3. novelty trims. Sizes 4V4-9.
104-11*0 RANSK 104-4110 RANSK
wmmm «r> mmmm _ . mm m
compare at 9.95
Wind-resistant, water repel
lent combed sateen with extra
strong zipper, heavy quilted
lining. Hood zips off. 6-18.
•I 7100
f Regularly 1.98
NOW! 1
Sale special) Stock up at low
price on good looking cotton
flannel shirts! Bold plaids,
patterns; men's S-M-L.
Wash’n Wear
Men'* all-over patterns In § ;
deeptone autumn colors. Drip- E
dry cotton broadcloth needs 1
little or no ironing. S-M-L. I
toe-7414 I
>U.V\ I* -MV
terrific buy!
girls’ dresses
Prints, plains, woven plaids
of crisp Sanforized cotton.
Elastic in waist and wide hem
for room to grow. Made well.
2-way zipper
ONLY 1 77
Chill-chaser jacket of solid
color chino reverses to woven
gingham plaid. Elasticized
waist. Beige, red, navy. 4-14.
Italian fabric -
fashion skirts
Several smart new styles In
rich, nubby blend of wool,
nylon and rayon. Marvelous
tweeds, plaids. Sizes 22-30.
Bedford cord
boys’ pants
Sturdy, washable slacks of
Bedford cotton cord.Tapered
styling, back flap pockets.
Taupe, grey; sizes 6-16.
M-7O0<, »•- 0001