I -a 2-WEEK SALE..;for you! Qet your share of these values this week! There'll be a new list of “Smashing Values” next iveek! Plan your needs for many weeks to come. Stock-up! Enjoy Safeway’s Smashing Values to give you top savings. BUY ... and BUY ...and BUY! SAVE t„and SAVE ... and SAVE! LMPRIg£»& PURE I PRESERVED j and JELLIES § M!X 'EM or 12-OZ. MATCH ’EM jars Apricot, Apricot-Pineapple, Grape, Plum, Peach, and Blackberry preserves plus Apple and Grape Jellie* - » - 1 — Busy Baker, save 8c a box, 1-lb. Tl .m Nabisco; 1-lb. Box 25c.Box m JS Peaches ?fnm*«MOk ORANGE, EJ. 6-oz. 12-oz. *9^+ fctffc.-ailllS-i? Bel-air; frzn.. m& Cans H ...Cau V#* Corn Niblets—golden, whole kernel Cans 49c Tomato Soup bell’s .. Cans 5!?c Facial Tissued’2 *££ 45c Skylark Bread Wheat .Loaf i9o Fresh Rolls Cinnamon ....... Pkg. lio Plain Donuts delicious^.Pkg. ISo Vegetables Gardenslde.. ID Can* $1 Peas, Com, Green Beans, Tomatoes — Standard Quality ****** Margarine baking nails ... 2 otns. 45s Gelatins 3 ££ 25c 4 £^"190 j Ice Cream asst, flavors 2 Ctns. SIX'S j fl.fi.. Maxwell House Instant, 6-oz. C I IE Ij0“83 10-oz. Jar ?1.G9.Jar VlsIO * ★ * * ★ fcg FREE COFFEE AND COOKIES FOR ADULTS — CANDY FOR THE KIDS DURING OUR TWO WEEK SALE!! Croivn Colony, 4*oz i Black Peipsi* ss AND 26-oz. - Sno-White Sait Regular Combined Price — 45c BOTH FOR WHH!IWH!HWIiniH!IHI!IW!ll!!inilfllllllHIII!l!IIHIIIHIIIIIHI!IIHHIin»M"^H”'fiH.iiilli regular $ * 42-oz. Pkg. s : FRYING CHICKENS | T 33* WHOLE... Lb. Make room in your refrigerator . .. reserve space in your 1 freezer . . . for the finest frying chickens that can be bought. All U.S.D.A. Grade-A, an impartial government top grade, and U.S. | Inspected for wholesomeness. Buy plenty and stock-up. rFRESH CHICKEN PARTS] ] FRESH WINGS.Lb. 29c l LEGS or THIGHS.Lb. 59c < PLUMP BREASTS.Lb. 69c g ( ^---? For your Freezer now i —Smashing Values 1 on Safeway9s Beef! ) — not just Choice / — not just U.S.D.A. 1 — not just U.S. Inspected, BUT 1 U.S. Inspected, U.S.D.A. Choice Graded |l BEEP the highest Gov’t grade available In quantity k Hindquarters • • Lb. S9« ( I Forequarters... Lb. 39c ( ) Full Sides • • • • Lb.4£5c | Free Cutting and Wrapping Services ^ Basket, $3.49 ■ (40 lbs. or more) “ Jonathan D variety, all-purpose, $ mid-west grown Red Potatoes 98®bN&g*2?85.10 a*. 29« MeW CabbageSzfheadsffor cole slaw.Lb. 5« On ions s™'7'^ibprlfaT$di ~.4n». 19« Squash Table Queen variety — acorn-snape.Lb. 5 c SAFEWAY GIVES GOLD EOND STAMPS ■ ft _ £ Safeway’s famous quality, /J E! _ G round p60? ground fresh daily, extra good .. .Lb. jK I* C.a.i U.S.D.A. Bone-in, •y ft Boneless, ft ft KlD SlGOkS Choice Beef .... Lb. / VC.Lb. TT< ■ ■% _ ■ Freeh shoulder “Boston” Butt Whole or ^ ft _ Pork ROOST (Sliced, Lb. 49c) .Piece, Lb. jyc • ■ f%_^ Armour Star Brand, first 1-lb- AOs 311000 DO con quality, always a delight to MTV* Pkg.*vyc RIOHT RESERVED TO LIMIT QUANTITUC* ■■■■.— ... '^i