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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1959)
•• . * r > ►. * VV\-N \\ * •• /// vV 1'A xV' »’ / FOR SALE POR SALE. Reg. Polled Hereford Bulls. Two 2Vi and 3 years old. Proven, herd bull quality some yearlings.—Everett Van Dover, JVi miles east of old Opportun ity or 22 miles west of Verdigre. or 16 south of Lynch. tl WE HAVE ON HAND a lot of Hol stein springer heifers of top quality weighing from 1100 to 1350. Also a few really choice Guernsey springers. If you like quality and good producers visit us.- Arnold Thiele, Clear water, Nebr. Phone HV 5-3200. 19-22p POR SALE Purebred Hampshire tours. Big and rugged, out of large litters. Reasonably priced. Henry Stelling and Son, 2 south V4 west of Orchard, Nebr. 20c BEEF and BEEF CROSS CALVES WISCONSIN DAIRY CALVES 2-10 Weeks old Moving 200 400 Lb. Calves. Call or Write Dennis Grosse, York, Nebr. to 48. POR SALE: Holstein and Guern sey springers. To freshen soon. These are large heifers, also aome nice yearlings. Rudie Jur acek Ewing. 18-20c MAIXORYS ANGUS DISPERSION SALE Monday, October 19 at Valentine, Nebr. Due to the death of Dewitt R. Malkin the Mallory and Mallory Angus herd will be dispersed. M hulls at Valentine, Nebr. October 19- 100 cows and calves at Iowa tails. Ia , December 19. For in , tarnation write ARTHUR E. MAIJjORY Hampton, Ia. 20-25c TOR SALE—Dairy heifer calves, delivered on approval. Calves on hand most all times. Gerald O'Connor, northeast comer of Atkinson 17-20p MAlfCH LOANS —See R. H Park er, O’Neill.6tf FOR SALE—Ten Purebred Angus heifers weighing 600 to 700 pounds Are open and will de Iver if sold together. Elmcrest Farms. Leigh, Nebr., phone 3SF2. 19-21c FOR SAUS Good 8 room one story house at Inman to be mov ed. Call 840J11, O’Neill. 20-22p * FOR SALE — Improved 80 acre farm joining Inman on the west Wsff trade. Call 840J11, O’Neill. 20-22 FOR SALE Used tires 16’s and 15’s and used wheels, radios. • One 1941 Ford, good shape. 1941 Chevrolet, 1950 Dodge, all good tot school cars. — Lawrence Jonas, O’Neill. 20p FOR SALE — Bam, nearly new, 24 foot by 30 foot, full haymow; S foot by 8 foot granary at half price M. A. Snyder, Ewing, Neb. 20-21C FOR SALE Model 99F Savage M3 cal. rifle; 12 gauge Rem. auto-loading shot gun; 12 gauge J. C Higgins pump gun; H and R .22 revolver and Rem. .22 cal. rifle. Orley Rickard, 27 mi. aouth of O’Neill. 19-20p FOR SALE — Certified Cheyenne wheat and certified Pierre rye seed Also have English shep herd pups for sale.—Henry Stelt ang and Son, Orchard, Nebr. 19-21 c rOH SALE — John Deere 12-ft grain drill. Rubber tired farm wagon with new 6xl0-ft. box.— Vernon Gorgen, east of drive-in theatre, O’Neill. $9tfc TOR SALE-Rem. Mod. 760 rifle, 271) cal. with Weaver K4 scope, guaranteed in excellent eondi fion. $40 under new price; J. C. Higgins bolt action 30-06 with 4 power scope and sling in very good condition, both these rifles have good accuracy, also have other guns for sale. -Carl Hubei, Ewing. Nebr,_19-20c TOR SALE—Good upright piano —P. ,T. Frost, Atkinson, Phone 6895 __ SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis 216.50 a ton; American $2050 a ton; white block 75c located 3 blks. east, 4 blks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O’Neill. 514* FOR SALE Baler Twine- Guaranteed to be oaw of the best—J5J5 per bale. Gaaoline, fuels, oils, greases. Lowest prices in Nebraska. NEW DEAL OIL CO. West O’Neill Ttf TOR SALE ltt ton low actual Mileage Studebaker truck, duel wheels, overload springs, exeeD mmt grain and stock rack, rub ier and motor. Harvey A. Ttvnp tins, Inman, Nebr. IStfc TOR SALE: Registered Hamp Mdre boars. Big, rugged, well grown.—Alfred Hansen, ^5?" view. Nebr. $«fc TOR SALE : Madison vetch and eossack alfalfa seed. Both state tested.- Leon Beckwith, Emmet. 16tfc TOR~SALE—Model 20C Interna tiona i ensilage cutter; also two tour ton Farmhand power boxes and running gears; 3% south, 2 west. 1 south of Clearwater Robert Ziems, Clearwater. 1940c TOR SALE IHC one row power earn binder, good condition, 1125. 10 miles south and 4 east af Lynch —Eddie Hrbek. tomb UnwC TOR SALE—One row GX aern picker with huAtag bed. A-l Sape.-P. J. Frost, Atkinson, Phone 6895. rrnCTcra MACHINERY COMBINES Massey Harris, super 27 J-D No 55. 14-ft. M4M No. 69 with motor ~R ACTORS— J-D 620, like new .955 J-D Model 60 Model G J-D 1949 18 B J-D 40 B J-D 45 B J-D :HC F20 USED CORN PICKERS— J-D 227 J-D 226 J-D 200 J-D 101 Woods Bros. New Idea AC 15-ft disc Farmhand Loajer, complete Plows, all sizes PLYMOUTH and JDD TWINE Harry R. Smith Imp Phone 562 O’Neill ] MACHINERY New Gehl 2-row Field Cutter New 2 Mil Pickers and we are really trading No. 24 IHC Pickers 5100 and up 2-row Oliver pull 1-mw Case snapper, pull 1-row Woods HM 20 IHC mounted 1-row Oliver pull 1- row GI pull 2- row GI pull IHC 2 M picker Com Binder 46 Farmall H 53 Farmall Super C 40 Farmall H Several other tractors Wide front 300 or H 2 man Hydraulic Saw Winch for Farmall M Farm Tractor Loader APPLIANCES We trade farm equipment on ap pliances Used — Range, Freezer, Refrig erator, Automatic Washer New — RCA Whirlpool SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O’NEILL, NEBR. IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool CITY LOANS.—See R. H. Parker, j O’Neill. 6tf FOR SALE—Heavy duty under slungs with or without beds, also axles, tires, rims, beams and steel. Gerald O’Connor, north east comer Atkinson. 17-20p Also beef calves, any quantity, FOR SALE: Well established Re tail farm supply business handling well-known products. Small cap ital needed.—Write box TH, c Jo The Frontier. 5tf | SPECIAL PRICES ! Long Deals on New and Used Farm Equipment 1948 Farmall M. Just raring to go 1946 Farmall M. nice 1949 Farmall MD, good 1947 Farmall M, very good 1949 Farmall II tractor, new tires, overhauled 1961 Farmall H, new tires, over hauled 1953 Super H, new tires and over hauled 1940 H Farmall, new tires, over hauled 1961 John Deere B propane burn er, completely overhauled 1946 John Deere B, fuel tractor 1966 John Deere 60 tractor 1956 Farmall 300 fuel burner Used 1-row pickers, all makes Used 2-row pickers, mounted and pull [Used trucks, pickups, school cars 'You name it and we have it New Grain Bins at bargains Elevators, all lengths, new and used Used Hay Balers, all kinds, wire or twine We make longest trades in this area and we appreciate your Business. WE TRADE Storjohann Equipment Co. Lowest equipment prices in USA1 PHONE Diamond 6-7185 BUR WELL NEBR. NEW and USED MOBILE HOMES Large discount on 1959 display models, the 1960 models are here New-40' 10' Wide ...-$3595.00 New-45’ 10’ Wide _$3795.00 Used trailers as low as — $295.00 We trade, finance, deliver and set them up. Open Sundays and Evenings. Miller Trailer Sales Albion, Neb. Phone office EX5-3170 Night EX.V2236 ami EX5 6321 19tf USED CARS 56 Mercury Monterey, plain 56 Plymouth, 4 dr. 55 Studebaker hardtop 1952 GMC % ton pickup ’bone 563 O'Neill, Nebr. | .948 Chev. 1 T. Pickup SMITH MOTOR CO. FOR SALE - ZIGZAG SEWING MACHINE. Responsible party wanted in this area to take over account or W'e will discount for cash. New machine warranty. Write to: Account 112D, 819 So. 25 St., Omaha 5, Nebr. 20p FOR SALE -Hay sled tires, 9:00 10:00-11:00 with a liberal guar antee, reasonably priced, Gerald O'Connor, northeast comer of Atkinson 17-20p Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE: Small mxlern home on 2 and one half lots, reason ably priced. See Ponton Agency, O’Neill. Nebr. 19-21c : FOR SALE: Locker plan* in Esv-; ing. Selling because of health ! Contact Ebon Graff!, owner or | Willie L. Shrader, broker. 18-20c FOR QUICK SALE ! Immediate Possession Near new 3 bedroom home in O’Neill. Good location! -ALSO 960 A ranch south of Atkinson. 320 A. east of Atkinson. Dairy Queen at Atkinson, near swimming pool and park. OTHER GOOD LISTINGS COME AND SEE US EDTHORIN PHONE 207 O’NETLL 13tf FOR SALE HOUSE Located at 702 E Adams 3 BEDROOM MODERN HOME WITH GARAGE Quick Possession! GENE WOLFE PHONE 671-W, O’NEILL 16tf EXCELLENT RANCH and HAY LAND 480 to 1840 acre spreads in the $60 price range. RUT'S REALTY R. S. Rutledge Box 563 Phone PArk 1-1421 Fremont Dr ED THORIN for appointment _tf_ Horse Barn FOR SALE —AT AUCTION— 15 miles north and 4 east of O’Neill, Thursday, Sept. 17, 8 o.m. 14' by 26’ — easy to move School District 16 Henry W Walters, president 20c FOR RKN1 FOR RENT -Rooms! Night, week or month. Air conditioned, clean, good beds. Redecorated.—Hotel O’Neill, Phone 364. New Man agement. 19th FOR RENT—Four room modem house. Gas heat. Garage.—Joe Jareske, phone 15F3, O’Neill. 20tf FOR RENT: Nice furnished apart ment for married couple. Mrs. Marie Crook, 129, E. Clay St., O’Neill. 19-21 c FOR RENT OR SALE -Two bed room house.—Phone 491-W O' Neill, Nebr. 19-20c FOR RENT — Two 2-bedroom houses, mostly furnished.—Anna Bell Asimus, Phone 210, O’Neill. 19tf FOR RENT: Three houses, one 2 bedroom house and 2- one bed r o o m houses.—Contact Walter Pease or Phone Atkinson 7062. See Roy Parker, Ph. O’Neill 652-W. 12 tf FARM LOANS—See R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 6tf WAIN 1 W EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY— Reliable man or woman from this area to distribute complete line of cigarettes, candy, nuts, or gum through new automatic vendors. No selling or solicit ing as accounts are established for you. To qualify party must have car, references, and cash capital of $800 which is secured by inventory. Earnings up to $300 a month part time- -Full time more. For personal inter view give phone etc.—Write P. O. Box 156, Rochester, Minn. 20p WANTED—Alfalfa seed and milo combining. — Contact Vernon Gorgen, O'Neill. 19tfc HELP WANTED— Married couple as caretakers of the O’Neill Country Club. Year round job Living quarters available on grounds. — Write S, Box 360 O’Neill. 20-23c vVElP DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 362, phone OoJ-J. ''PRAGUE WELL CO , O’Neill oiks W & 3 Vi hlks N stoplight WANTED: Experienced middle aged woman to care for child ren night and day while mother is away. Write P. O. Box 563 or phone 348-VV, O'Neill, Nebr. 18tfc WISCONSIN'S FINEST Daily Cat tle. Shores Certified- Fresh and Springer 1300 lb. Holsteins, Guernseys, Swiss, Ayrshires, Shorthorns, Jerseys. $2,000.00 in Shores Wisconsin Dairy Cattle brings $400 00 cream monthly for Sandhill rancher. Calves $45 00 up. Yearlings $100.00 up. Lepto Bang’s-shipping vaccinated. De livered. No sale barn or Nebras ka cattle. Travel expenses re funded. Harold P Shores, Ne ligh, Nebraska. Phone Til 7 4060 or Tu 7-4850. 17tf WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each weekDwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf EE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write oi phone. Contois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf WANTED I DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctl Wkk’s BODY SHOP Complete Body aaC! fender Repaira and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W - O’NMLL - for Any lot 25tf EXPERT REPAIR SHOP Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill WANTED: Experienced waitress, day and night.—Candy Bill’s Cafe, O’Neill. 16tfc PIANO AND ORGAN LESSONS Mrs. Lloyd Liedtke, phone 790, 530 Clay St., across from the Methodist church. l$-23c L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station 3PKCTALIZTNG in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Rec —Clinton I LOAN Money on farms and ranches and city property.— Write to R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 6tf WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50 tf MISCELLANEOUS CURTISS STUD SERVICE can build you a herd for less. Don't leave your herd’s future to chance. Breed to bulls from prov en families.—Duane Gray, Phone 470 O’Neill. 9tf TS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf. DIRT CANT HURT asphalt tile coated with Glaxo. Ends waxing, lasts months.—Coyne Hardware, O’Neill. 20c1 ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O’NEILL, NEBR. — PH. 289 _ See E. J. Shane ATKINSON for dragline work, sewer and water ditches find clam work. 50-22p CASH LOANS SIGNATURE — AUTO FURNITURE O'NEILL LOAN CO. We have a plan to fit every need and budget! VIRGIL L. LAURSEN Phone 434 O’Neill tfc I ‘ AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207 O'NEILL NOTICES I AM BACK in my office again and I have Eastern Money and Priv ate Money to loan on Farm land, Ranch land, and Gty Homes. If you need money see or write.— R. H. Parker, O'Neill. Nebr. 6tf Page News By Mrs. Ben Asher A large crowd attended com munity day The parade was en joyed and first prize in the float division was won by the Neighbor hood club, 2nd by East Side Country club and the Auxiliary placed third. In the walking division. Chinese prls, Nancy Nissen and Susan Ereemeycr, 1st; Kornock children on bicycles, 2nd; DeLila Hansen, 3d. Orchard beat Page, 11-2 in the afternoon ball game. In the evening the Page and Stuart legion drill teams performed to the en joyment of the crowd. The smorgasbord was a huge ■uccess and the dance afterwards was attended by a large crowd. Tno Rhythm Ramblers played the music. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin lleese plan ned to move to O’Neill on Tues day morning, but the rain pre vented them from doing so until ihe afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge Wettlaufer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed wai’d Sukup, Matt McCabe, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spath, Louise Heese and Wayne, Jerry Asher, Edgar Stauffer, Jerry Wanser and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher helped them move. Mr. and Mrs. Lamb moved into the late Anna Sorensen house on Tuesday, which they recently pur chased. Mr anH Mrs Herald Wettlaufer and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wettlaufer were Sunday afternoon guests at the Kenneth Wettlaufer home. The Improvement club met on Monday night, August 31. Mrs. Harry Harper presided over the meeting. There were eleven mem bers present. Plans were made for community day. Mrs. Harry Harper and Mrs. Melvin Smith served lunch. The Neighborhood club surprised Mrs. Alvin Heese September 2 with a picnic supper at the Page park. The occasion was that the Heeses are moving to O'Neill. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer and family, Mrs. Louise Heese, Wayne and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Har ris and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Finch, Mr. and Mrs Edward Su kup and Stanley, Mr and Mrs. Ed Eggan and Alvin Heese and chil dren. The club presented Mrs. Heese with a wool throw rug. Mrs. Neven Ickes and Mrs. Dick Copes had a breakfast on Tuesday morning at Mrs. Copes’. Those at tending were Mesdames Frieda Asher, Icie Snyder, Faye Heiss, John Gray, Stella Russell, Emma Kemper, Hester Edmisten, Ber tha Farnswoth and Margaret Tros hynski. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heese and family ate supper Monday night with Mrs. Heose's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spath of Inman. Mrs. Alvin Heese and children ate dinner Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer. The King’s Daughters and WSCS will hold a teacher’s reception the 10th of September at the church basement. Each family is reques ted to bring a basket supper. It will begin at 6:30 p m. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max, jr, and family took a picnic dinner and drove to Norfolk where they met Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max, sr. Mr. Max returned with them and Mrs. Max returned to Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansen took their daughter, Sharon, to Om aha to see if something can De done to help Sharon’s asthma. While there they stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hansen. On Thursday morning, a group of American Legion auxiliary la dies helped get Jerry Lamason’s building cleaned and ready for a smorgasbord on community day. The King’s Daughters met on Tuesday night at the church with Mrs. Carl Max presiding. Mrs. Kenneth Heiss gave the devotion and Mrs. Roy Hansen gave the les son. It was voted to give 525 to wards a mimeagraph for the church. It was voted to buy a punch bowl. Mrs. Merwyn French, jr. and Mrs. Frank Cronk served. The meeting in October will be guest night. Each members is asked to bring a guest. Mr. and Mrs Louis Sukup of Aredale. Ia., spent a few days with Mr and Mrs. Edward Sukup and family. Charlene Fusselman was an ov ernight guest at the Ralph Larsen home on September 2. Mr and Mrs. Robert Nissen and family were Tuesday night supper guests at the William Ragland home. Mr and Mrs. John Lamason, farmerly of Page but now living in California, arrived in Sheri dan Mo., the 26th to visit Mrs. Lamason’s mother, Mrs. R.. F. Scott Then they went to Albion to the home of Mr and Mrs. Ray mond Maricle. Mr. Lamason ar rived in Page on Thursday but Mrs. Lamason didn't arrive un til the weekend. Mrs. Lamason and Mrs. Maricle are sisters. Miss Delores Melior, 3 and 4th grade teacher, is boarding with Mrs. Frieda Asher. The Royal Neighbors met in re gular session on September 2 at 7-30 with Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman and Mrs Hester Ebensten. as co-hostesses. The H.A.O met on Tuesday with Mrs. Homer Rutherford. All mem bers were present except Mrs. Duane Allen and Mrs. Harry Van Hom. The September 15 hostess will be Vivian Steinberg. The Eagle Hustlers 4-H club i*et on Thursday night at the Page park. After the meeting the mem bers and their parents had a wiener roast. Harold Melcher treated the group with watermel on and muskmekm. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jr'ink were aero visituig .*lr. and Airs. Harold of Page. Page high school class officers 1 were elected as tollows: Freshmen: Bruce Bowen, presi dent; Diane Kemper, viee-presi 1 deni; Botinie Heiss, treasurer and ! Juanita Ragland, secretary. Sophomores: Lvle Frerichs, pres ident; Linda Smith, vice-president; Alvin Crumly, treasurer; and La vonne Kopejtka, secretary. Juniors; Fred Crank, president: Gene Harvey, vice-president, Jeri lynn Luebcke, treasurer and Bon ! me Crumly, secretary. Seniors; Ronnie Parks. presi- j I dent; Jim Miller, vice-president; Iktftnis Kemper, treasurer and Ve rona Frerichs, secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr entertained Bob Nissens at supper ;on Friday night. Gus and Willis Robinson hate been doing chores for Norman iDwbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nissen, Rob and Dixie, ate dinner on Tues day with the Lawrence Haynes' of O'Neill. Lynn Larsen left on Thursday to return to his naval base at Villa. France. Lynn has been here for the past 30 days. He was call ed home because of the death of his mother, Mrs. Ralph Larson. The 4 G’s met with Mrs. O'. > Matschullat with 12 members pre sent. Pitch was played with Mrs. Anton Nissen winning high. Mrs. I. O. Wood the low, and travel ing was won by Mrs. Ethel Park. Lunch was served by the hostess Mi s. Anton Nissen will be Septem ber 18 hostess. The Chatter Sew club met on Friday with Mrs. Harold Free myer." There were 8 members pre sent. The club is collecting eye glasses for the needy. The after noon was spent with the members embroidering or patching. Mrs. Art Grass will be the October 3 hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher were Friday evening visitors at the Jer ry' Asher home Lloyd Fusse'man anrt Charlene < I mimed in for a few minutes. Helen Braddoek. Beulah Parks, j Lillie Clasey, Hazel Park and Liz zie Matschullat took their break fast and surprised Mrs, Jessie Cronk on her birthday Saturday morning. Mrs. Goldie Clark, Mike and Mrs. Cora West of Council Bluffs 1 were weekend guests of Mr. and j Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mrs. Ethel j Park. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods of Lincoln were Saturday night sleep er guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher. Also guests were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and boys and Mrs. Hester Edmisten. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stewart of Columbus were here for the weekend visiting their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. John Sorensen. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey wore Mr. and [ Mrs. Edgar Woods of Lincoln. Mr.1 and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and fam- j ily and Mrs Hester Ebmisten. Miss Janice Crumly of Omaha flew to Norfolk where her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crumly met her and drove her here where she spent the weekend. Mrs. Dobbins surprised her hus band, Clarence on his 79th birth day by inviting a few of his friends over to play cards. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. An ton Nissen and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat. Sunday evening visitors at the Ben Asher home were Mrs. Goldie Clark and Mike of Council Bluffs ana ivir. ana mm. r.uu » and Mickey. Atkinson News The Golden Key 4-H club met Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thorpy. A good attendance was reported and the group discussed the Hay Days celebration and considered what the proceeds from their lunch stand and prize money received from their float entry in the parade would be used for. The club’s float received a first in the Hav Days parade. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Roth child in Atkinson on October 4. I At this time there will be the re organization and election of offic ers. Mr. and Mrs. Dean McConnell 1 spent the Labor Day weekend in Atkinson visiting with relatives and friends. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli McConnell. They were accompanied by Rill Richardson, Denver, who visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richardson. Mrs. Fred Saunto of O’Neill was a Monday visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Puckett and her father, Mr. Alex McConnell. Capt. and Mrs. Robert Mack left Thursday after spending a weeks vacation here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mack, and other relatives and friends. He returned to his duties at Bunker Air Force Base in Peru, Ind. Roy Mack left for his home in Casper last Thursday after spend ing some time here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mack. Accompaning him was his brother John Mack who will enter Casper Junior College this fall. Capt. and Mrs. Robert Purek were overnight guests of Mrs. Nor ris Johnson who is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mack; in | Atkinson. Capt. and Mrs. P ir'l: i were enroute to their home in 5* i I cramento, where Capt. Purek is stationed at the Mather air force Base. The Pureks had been visiting his parents in Montgomery Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClurg attended the Stock Car races at Stiiart Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Brice Braziel and son, Kent, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kazda. They returned to Lincoln on Monday.' Mr. Braziel is em ployed by Goodyear in Lincoln. I^ast Thursday evening dinner guets in the Elmer McClurg home were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mc Clurg of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Cal THE FRONTIER. O'Neill, Nebra vin MeClurg and Murcia isi Ir, and Mrs. Vcrlyn Seth ami daugh ter of Omaha. Mr. ami Mrs. Brice Braz 1 w;r. Mu uiay morning cabers in t a William Wcfso inane. They leit lei their homo in Lincoln Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dayle Hewctt cl O'Neill went n> Lincoln Monday. They took them daughter Mu Lorrraine Hewett for the school term. She will attend the Univer sity again this fall. Miss Hew. i has been employed byf Attorney William Griffin this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and son, Jim uf O'Neill visited Sun day in the Fred Both home in Atkinson. Mrs. George Randol resumed h» > teaching duties in the Kaplan dist rict. On Monday she furnished rt freshments and entertained the youngsters with a party and also celebrated birthdays which n cun ed during the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Art Swift of Chic ago left Sunday after visiting • the h me of Mr. and Mrs. t. laude Johnanson Mrs. Swift is a o sin of Claude. Word has been received Irani Mr. and Mi's. Leland Anson i' -t they are now living at Canoga Park. Calif. Leland has employ ment with the Safeway stores there. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anson spent Sunday afternoon at the home of o r daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walnofer and family. They were also Sunday evening dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin MeClurg and Marcia left Tuesday for Lin coln where Calvin will attend as ncultuic school again this fall. They were accompanied (iy Mr*-. Etner MClurg who will spend tin week in Lincoln visiting and re turn later in the week. William Wcfso was a Sunday nf ternoan caller at the Emil C l fack home. Celia 4-11 ciub met last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack. There were aliout 47 pie cnt. Lunch was ser ved at a late Lair. f Inilfi n mimli f u, A tl/irtenH took advantage of ihe high temper attires Sunday and tried their luck at some late fishing. There were a few courts of good catches but many i n ted no luck. This has, on the whole, been a poor summer for fishing locally. Fred Schaffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Schaffer of Stuart, who is a pre-ministeria! student at Has tings, will have charge of the ser vices at the Presbyterian church in Atkinson for the next few weeks. Fred is well-known is the com munity and is welcomed back l y all of his friends. Larry Gene McConnell, ron of Mrs. Howard McConnell, visited his grandfather, Mr. AJex McCon nell, on Monday. He plans to leave Wednesday for the coast. 'Flic Atkinson Iris Society met Monday at 8 a.m. for breakfast at the country home of Mrs. C. E. Spence. Fifteen members answer ed roll call with “My Favorite Tree Silouette.” Mrs. C. W. Pet erson had the program, on wild flowers. The next meeting will be September 21 with Mrs. Gene Liv ingston. Chambers News By Mrs. E. It. Carpenter The Beautiful Valley Garden club was hostess to a work shop and district meeting of the dist ricts Garden clubs. Seventy-five members and visitors were pres ent. Registration began at 10:30 a.m. and was followed by a pot luck dinner at 12:30. Following lunch the meeting was called to order by Mrs. James Platt, president of the hostess club. She introduced the district pri sident -Mrs. Minnie Martens of Atkinson who conducted a short business meeting and then intro duced Mrs. J. Arthur Nelson of Omaha who gave several demon stration'; of flower arrangements. Arrangements made by members were examined and criticized. Mrs. Nelson complimented mem bers for their many contributions Names for door prizes of plants were drawn. The flowers not used in demon strations were offered or sale and the money placed in the district j teasury. Refreshments of cake and j coffee were served by the hostess | club. - | The American Legion Auxiliary, Post 320, met Friday evening at the Legion Hall with President Mrs. Ed Coday presiding. New officers were installed. Letters from the district president, Mrs. Clara Andrews, and the Stuart president, Mrs. Patterson, regard ing the District 2 convention to be held at Stuart, September 21 ' were read. The group voted toj order 600 poppies. Mrs. Ernest i Thorin and Mrs. C. F. Gillette, were elected delegates to the Dist rict convention. Mrs. Anna Albers and Mrs. Ed Coday alternates Lunch was served by the host esses, Mrs. Ed Coday and Jeri Coday. Rev. L. R. Hansberry of Tren- I ton was honored at the Methodist church there Sunday for his 50 i years in the ministry. Rev. Hans berry was pastor of the Chambers and Amelia Methodist churches for a number of years. He is re tired. Relatives and friends are plan ning an Open House in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grimes on their 25th wedding anniversary Saturday evening from 7 to 10 p.m. at their home north of Cham bers. Mrs. James Grimes and grand son, Steve Conley, left Tuesday i for the iatter's home at Mount ] Rose, Colo. Steve had been visit ing his grandmother and other relatives for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grey and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart of j Page were dinner guests Satur day in the home of the ladies brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Art Miller and Glen. The oc casion was Mr. Miller’s birthday The guests and the dinner came as a surprise to him. Katheryn Newhouse, teacher in Detroit, Mich, and her aunt, Mrs Paul Geiser ond Lincoln, came Thursday morning and visited un til Friday afternoon with the ka, Thursday, September 10, former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. K Newhouse Miss Nevvhouso catno to Omaha Wednesday by plane vviiere too Geisers met her anil cook her to Lincoln and on Thursday the two drove to Coam bers. A Hoffman family dinner was held Sunday at the Ralph Hoff man home in honor of his sister, Mrs. A. F. Thompson of Oakland, Calif., who is visiting at Cham bers. Mr and Mrs, Raymond Shoe maker, accompanied by their son, Gayle, drove to Lincoln Sun day. Ronald Whitaker of Indianapolis, Ind., is a guest tins week of his parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Floyd Whitaker and other relatives kellar club met September 2 at the home of Mrs. Raymond Heed with Mrs, Howard Heed co-host css. Fourteen members and 3 vis itors were present. Roll call was answered by tell ing what each liked most about the fair. The president, Mrs. T. K. Aiderson, presided. A program of readings, music and a spell ing contest was in charge of Mrs. Ed Eisenhower and Mrs Lela Grubb. Mrs. Grubb received the door prize. Lunch was served by the hostesses. August JO dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoffman were Mrs. A F. Thompson oi Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Dan Custard and children of Manley. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd An derson and Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and baby of Lincoln, Mr and Mrs. Darrell Baker and Mr. and Mrs A. A. Hiatt of O' Neill, Oliver and Homer Maring of Emmet, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman and family, Mr and Mrs. Bernard 1 loll man and children and Mr. and Mrs, Donald Hoffman and children and J, S Hoifman, ail of Chambers. Defense Motion In Murder Trial Heard Today BUTTE — Judge Lyle Jackson told a Frontier reporter that he would announce his decision on a defense motion in the Vander line murder trial today (Thurs day) at 11 am. William Brennan, defense at torney for Mrs. Sadie Dickerson and her son. Nyal Franch, Ixith accused of the murder of Frank Vanderlinde, asked for a change of venue in the first degree mur der charge against Mrs Dicker son. Earlier. Brennan told The Fron tier, that he believed a change in location of trial was necessary be cause of “undue publicity" in the case. Several other defense motions will also be taken up at the time of the trial, at ll am. today (Thursday) in the district court in Butte. O'Neill Girls Win Fair Music Contest Two O’Neill girls, Dianne Gilles pie and Carolyn Fuhrer, captured two of the three top platings in 4-H Club music identification Sat urday at the state fair. Miss Gillespie, daughte r of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bennett Gillespie, won the gold medal and a purple ribbon. The bronze medal and a blue ribbon went to Miss Fuhrer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fuhrer. Both girls are members of the Willing Workers <1-11 Club in O’Neill. (See picture on inside page). i ur r li rjiv3 jn/* i O’Neill high school class officers for 19h9-6i) are: Seniors Janet Krugman, pres; Marge Marco Hus, vice-pres; Joan Wilson, sec; Bill Eby, tre'i.;: and P "! i Reed and Emerson S’ el, 'Indent council. Juniors Join Kurtz, pres; Sonita Wilson, \iee-pi ■■■s; Peggy Rakes, sec; Bill Frickc, treas; and Maur-' i ScKnnf, sludt: t council. Sophoi. e> Merrn Butterfield pres; Borneo Riege, vice-pros; Sharon Soger, treas; and Mike Hand, student council. Fees men Keith Reynolds!in. pres; rB~*ry Kurtz, vice-pres; Kenneth Reynoldson, s *c; Gary Brewster, ire-is; and Karen El mer, student count I Paula Reed, Maureen Schaaf. Marge Marcellus and Joan Wil son, cheerleaders for1 the first team and Bonnie Riege, Betty Morrow and Hone Nelson, for the second team. Try The Frontier Want Ad? — It Pays ! MILLER THEATRE ATKINSON One Show Nightly 8 o’clock Fri. Sat. IMS udGORCEY mmrHALI — th -, - Bowery Soys J4|4 m war**s Sun. Mon. Tues. Sept. 1S-14-1A Debbie remolds RAhomj. fWILDOBOAS..^ “The Mating Gamer >ttwM5coM^KIICC0U« Wed. Thurs. Sept. 16-17 Also Patterson-Johannsson Fight pictures