The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 10, 1959, Image 5

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    V«nu« Nbw»
By Mm. Ralph Brookhousrr
Dinner guests of Mr and Mrs.
Herman G roe ling at their sum
mer home Sunday, August 30 were
Mr and Mrs. Adjust Tikalsky and
Mr and Mrs. Tom Tikalsky. all of
Veidigre and Mr. and Mrs. Ram
on Bright of O'Neill.
Bryan Finch was a visitor at Or
chard on September 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser
and Ray were Sioux City visitors
Tuesday, September 1.
Dennis Y'onSeggem returned to
Ft. Lewis. Washington on Wednes
day, September 2 after spending
a three week furlough with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Auther Yron
Seggem and family.
Many from the community took
in the fall festival at Orchard
Monday, August 31.
Mr. and Mrs J. W. Finch took
their daughter as far as Columbus
from where she left for California
where she has a teaching position.
Mrs. Lloyd Butterfield is the
teacher at the Grimton distrist and
Mrs. Ora Caskey at district 54.
Both schools opened Monday, Aug
ust 31.
Long Pine, Nebraska
DATE: September 13
BAND: Bob Cores of Chicago
5-9 p.m. Daily Sundays 11:30-2 and 5-9
Season's Last Dance
As we have discontinued our business we util sell our store
building at Public Auction on—
at t p.m. at the Store In
Stuart, Nebraska
The building is 30x70 ft. and is made of solid brick. It is
located on a lot 30x74 ft. and is in excellent condition. Has a
full cement basement. Heated with a stoker furnace. Excellent
location as it is on the Main Square facing West and South.
Has shelving that goes with the building. Fixtures available.
The building is of the type and construction that it could be
used for many different purposes.
Stuart is located in a very good ranch and farm country
and this affords someone the opportunity of getting a very good
business building as the owners are willing to sacrifice to dis
pose of the property.
TERMS: 25% down payment day of sale. Balance to be
paid on completion of contract. Transfer to be made by mer
chantable abstract and warranty deed.
Arrangements can be made for early possession.
C. E. McClurg, Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker
# ,
Clip Me Out and Hang Me Up!
Sept. 11-Neligh . Here
Sept. 14-Ainsworth (Res.) .. There
Sept. 18-Plain view.There
Sept. 25-Bassett.Here
Sept. 28-Bassett (Res.).Here
Oct. 2-OPEN
Oct. 9-Creighton.There
Oct. 12-Atkinson (Res.).Here
Oct. 16-OPEN
Oct. 23-Ainsworth.There
Oct. 28-Valentine.There
Nov. 2-Neligh (Res.).Here
Nov. 6-Atkinson . Here
Reserve Games 50c & 25c — Varsity 75c & 25c
All Games Start at 7:30 p.m.
All Home Games to be played at the
New Athletic Field in North O'Neill
in Fairness to All...
Act NOW to be comfortable
the first chilling morning that
comes along. Call your heating
appliance dealer or local
KansaS'Nebraska Natural Gas
Company manager today. Ask
that your furnace be checked
and your pilot light lighted
NOW, before the big rush.
We urge you to ask for thii
ssi lire BEFORE the first cold
snap. Then your household OB
be SURE of a comfortable flow,
of heat the moment you want
it. We can service calls only in
the order in which they are
received. And we cannot serve
everyone on the first cold day.
Please... for your own comfort
... do call your heating appli
ance dealer or local Kansas-,
Nebraska office nowl
wppfrnrmi 14 jw tv\
^ w Ilk i** W 1 111 i
For Dependable GAS Service
a Kenneth Gross* of O’Neill is
- visiting »t Clarence Finch horn*
l this week
s Bernard Strop* was calling on
i-1 seed com custumers, September 2
in Western Knox county.
< Ray Brookhouser of Norfolk
i spent September 1-2 with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook
< houser Tom Sladek called at the
s Ralph Brookhouser home on the
i 2 nd.
i. Willis Boelter visited with his
s mother, Mrs. Edna Boelter Sept
j ember 2.
| Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sladek visit
1 ed the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clar
ence Finch.
Mr. and Mrs. Verlyn Gibbs re
turned to their home from a trip
| to the W7est Coast Saturday, Aug
ust 29. They visited at her sister's,
| Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey that
I evening. Their two small sons re
i turned with them after visiting
1 with the Caskeys.
Mrs. Bryan Finch entertained
! the HELP U club at her home on
i the afternoon of September 2 with
110 mfembers present. Needle work
| was done for the hostess during
I the afternoon. Mrs. Clarence Finch
j received the door prize. Lunch was
I served.
Mrs. Ethel Waring will enter
1 tain the club at her daughter’s
I home. Mrs. J. W. Finch on Sept
ember 16 for a all day meeting.
The Orchard School bus had
! mechanical trouble September 2
I while on the route.
Constance Zastrow returned to
| her home Saturday, August 29 after
I spending a few days at the Sidney
Faulhaber home.
Mrs. Soren Sornenson, jr. is the
teacher at the Mott school district.
Crowded Out I-ast Week’s News
Harold Anderson, blacksmith of
Winnetoon, is very ill at the Clark
son hospital of Omaha. Mr. Arr
derson does much of the Black
smith for a large territory around
' Winnetoon.
Tuesday, Aug. 25. a test hole was
drilled on the Knox and Holt coun
ty line a mile south of the Mid
dlebranch site on the Barney Huig
ens land. Drilling was to test the
ground water system which is be
ing studied.
Sunday visitors at the Archie
Clevelands home southwest of Ew
ing were Mr. and Mrs. Lavain
Hines and family.
Bernell Von Seggem returned to
his home Sunday, Aug. 23., from
Camp Ripley where he spent the
past two weeks with the National
Guard. _ ,,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser
were Thursday evening visitors at
the Mr. and Mi's. Bryan Finch
Melvin Miller was a visitor at
the Ralph Brookhouser home Wed
nesday. That evening Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Bartos and family vis
Little Constance Zastrow, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zastrow
is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr.
■ and Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber.
Clifford Graves and son of Lin
coin arrived at the home of his
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Bryan Finch. They returned
i to their home Tuesday..
Mrs. Joseph Asher ana cn u.u.
left for their home at Portland,
Ore., Wednesday after visiting
with her parents for two months.
Mr. and Mrs. Finch took them to
Grand Island that morning where
they visited with another daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Val Pitchier and
faMrs. George Jeffrey helped Mrs.
Francis Boelter Thursday. Mrs.
Boelter has been quite ill all week.
Francis and Bernard Montgo
mery and Harold Tyler we help
ing Cecil Moser with building a
garage this week. Paul Lee MU
chell visited at the Bernard Mont
gomery home Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. William Neuhaus
and son of Winnetoon were Sum
dav evening visitors at the home
of Mr. Newhaus’s brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Newhaus.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kinmson and
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kinnison and
family motored to Mitchell, s>. u-,
where they visited with Mrs.
Floyd Kinnison’s father, August
Dennis Von Seggem moved the
Carl Groose family from Creighton
to O’Neill Sunday, Aug. 23.
Mrs. George Jeffrey was a hos
tess to a party at her home Tues
day Aug. 25. Eight ladies attend
ed. The special prizes were awar
ded to Mrs. Irvin Held and Mrs.
Cecil Moser.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey and
twins and Randy and Jerry Gibbs
spent Saturday evening at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
; Edwin Porter.
Mrs. Arthur Sufficool and Craig
of Winnetoon visited her parents |
August 25.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Block mot
ored to Anoka Wednesday where
they visited at his sister's home,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Boettscher.
Their s n. Dale, returned home
with them after a weeks stay at the
Boettserher home. They visited
Mr. Block’s father, William Block
at the Lynch hospital that even
ing enroute home.
August 28 evening guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Boel
ter and sons were Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Block and George Kubik.
Ewinifl Nbw»
By Mrs. Harold Harris
Students attending college from
Ewing vicinity are, Carolyn Tams.
Ronald Thoendel, Don Hawk and
Lyle Larson at the Norfolk Junior
College at Norfolk; Sharon Kropp
and Roberta McDaniels have en
rolled at Wayne State Teachers
; College for the first year and
Sandra Shrader for the second
: year; Larry Rotheram enrolled at
Creighton where his sister, Miss
i Rowena Rotherham will be a
1 senior; Miss Patsy Pollock is a
] junior and Ronald Rotherham a
1 senior, at the University of Nebr
aska and Miss Beverly Rotherham
is a junior at the St. Elizabeth's
school of Nursing in Lincoln.
Mr and Mrs. Charles Rotherham
were Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Lofquest and family.
Callers at the home of Mrs. Kit
tie Fry on Sunday were her sister,
Mrs. Otto Retke of Inman and her
daughter, Mrs. Elaine Jones from
California and Mrs. Anna Smith,
also of Inman.
Mrs. J. H. Wunner of Stanton
was a guest on September 1 at the
home of Mrs Earl Billings. She also
visited other friends in Ewing and
was an overnight guest of Mrs.
Bertha Wagner at Orchard.
Mrs. Myrtle Kimes, who had
spent several days with her
daughter and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Billings, returned to
Clearwater on Saturday.
All. and Mrs. Arthur Lucas and
so.i. Larry Lucas and daughter,
L sa of Denver were Saturday
callers at the Earl Billings home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sedivy and
I children are back at their farm
, home after a two week’s vacation
i with relatives on the west coast.
Mrs. Hernian Schroeder and
Gloria went to Neligh on Sunday
to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs.
! Bernard Schroeder and family, the ;
ocassion was in honor of their fifth
wedding anniversary and his birth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams, jr. j
left Monday to return to tneir nome
in Lincoln. Miss Carolyn Tams
accompanied them as far as Nor
folk where she is attending college.
Mrs. William, Hobbs and Patty
and Mrs. Harold Parks and Ardis
were Norfolk shoppers Friday
Holiday weekend guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sch
rad were their sons and wives,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Schrad and
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Schrad, all of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and
family of Omaha were holiday
weekend guests at the home of
his mother, Mrs. Anna Miller and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kaczor and
family of Omaha visited his mother,
Mrs. Eva Kaczor during the holi
day weekend.
A family reunion of Andrew Ol
son family was held Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Greer Clark
at Stanton in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Allen York of Seattle, Washington.
Other present were Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Olson of Ewing, Mr. and
Mrs. Merwin Olson and family of
Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Wilson of Elgin, and their daught
er and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Blair and family of Neligh and
other relatives from Lincoln and
Sioux City, Iowa.
Mrs. Ruth Waples and daughter,
Judy of Lincoln are guests at the
home of her daughter and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrad
er and family. While visiting here
Mrs. Waples accompanied the
Shrader family on a trip through
the Black Hills. They also visited
at Fort Robinson.
Monday guests at the Alfred
Doud home were Mr. and Mrs.
Tony Rothleutner and daughter
Expected guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud this
week are their son and daughter
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doud
and family of Seattle, Wash.
Miss Ina Bennett was hostess
at a one o’clock dinner at her
homte on Sunday. Present were
Mrs. Ruth Waples and daughter,
Judy of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Shrader and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Bennett and family,
all of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Bennett of O’Neill.
Rev. and Mrs. Woodrow Elliot
and daughter, Sandra were guests
on Sunday evening at the home of
Rev. and Mrs. Merlin Loftis and '
family of Crawford.
Recent guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Rotherham were
their daughter, Beverly, a student
nurse and their son, Ronald Roth
erham of Lincoln.
Larry Rotherham, who spent a
few days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Rotherham returned
to Omaha on Tuesday where he
has spent the summer months
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotherham
and family were supper and
evening guests Thursday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Willie
Frl.-Sat. Sept. J112
Big Double Bill
Warner Bros, presents
Randolph Scott
Starring Virginia Mayo. Also
starring Karen Steele and Michael
Dante, with Andrew Duggan,
Starring Steve Brodie, Lyn
Thomas, Mark Dana and John
Doucette. Co-starring Jean Carson.
Adm.: Adults 65c; children 15c.
All children unless in arms must
have tickets. Matinee Sat. 2:30.
Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Sept. 13-14-15
Danny Kaye as “Red” Nichols in
Also starring Bel Geddes, Louis
Armstrong, Harry Gaudino, Bob
Crosby and Bobby Troup.
Adm.: Adults 65c: children 15c.
, All children unless in arms must
have tickets. Matinee Sun., 2:30.
Wed. Thurs. Sept. 1617
Family Night
Paramount Pictures presents a
Dino DeLaurentiis production
Starring Van Heflin, Silvana
Mangano, Viveca Lindfors and
Geoffrey Home.
Adm.: Adults 65c; children 15c.
Family $1.00
Shrader and family.
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Kropp and
family visited Sunday at the home
of his brother and wife. Mr. and
Mrs. William Kropp and family at
Mrs. Floyd Lee returned home
Wednesday, September 2, from
spending a few days at Cblumbus
and Omaha visiting relatives.
The Facts and Fun home Exten
sion club re-elected all the 1959
officers for another year at the
regular meeting Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. J. L.
Pruden. They are: Mrs. Pruden,
president; Mrs. Ella Ziems, vice
president; Mrs. H. R. Harris,
se#eatr> -treasurer and publicity;
Mrs. Harry Van Horn, reading
chairman; Mrs. James Boies,
health chairman.
At the m eting. Mrs. Pruden an
nounced that achievement day for
home extension clubs would be
held in O’Neill October 20th. Each
member to bring a loaf of home
made bread, any variety, to be
sold, the proceeds to go to the 4-H
fund. A covered dish dinner will
be served at noon.
Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck and Mrs.
Carl Aiders w’ill participate with
other members of the clubs in Ew
ing center, in presenting a skit
for the program.
A report on the council meeting,
July 14 was given by Mrs. Pruden.
Recipe books on cakes, pies, can
dies, cookies and frozen desserts
were given each member by Mrs.
Lunch was served by the host
ess. Mrs. Ben Larsen was cele
brating a birthday anniversary
Thursday and was honored with
gifts and cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tarns, sr.
and family of Ewing and their
weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Tams, jr. of Lincoln at
tended the wedding of Mrs. Tams'
niece, Miss Loma Marcellus and
Gordon Fox held at the Methdos
it Church in O’Neill Sunday after
noon at 2:30. Mrs. Tams had
charge of the guest book and Miss
Carolyn Tams assisted with the
serving at the reception.
Mr. and Mrs JCpith
and family from South Dakota
were overnight guests Saturday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Tams, sr. Mrs. Schwigert is a
sister of Mrs. Tamfc.
Life time memberships in the
Women's Society of Christian Ser
vice were presented to Mrs. J. L.
Pruden and Mrs. Ben Larson at the
meeting of the Society on Wednes
day afternoon September 2nd, a
gift from Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle,
daughter of Mrs. Pruden. Mrs.
Willis Rockey made the present
ation in recognition of the years of
service of both members.
Mrs. Pruden has been active in
affairs of the church for over
thirty years. At present, she is
vice-president of the society and
for ten years was recording sec
retary. She is also the Sunday
School secretary now, an office
which she has held for several
years. Mrs. Ben Larsen since
moving to Ewing several years ago
has been a helpful member of the,
society. She is now the secretary
of the status of women. Both ladies
were commended for their years
of service in the society as well
as other church activities.
At the business meeting, the Sun
set Banquet, an annual event hon
oring the citizens of Ewing seven
ty years an over, was discussed
and final plans m£de. Chairman
are: Mrs. James Tinsley, menu;
Mrs. Woodrow Elliot, program;
Mrs. H. R. Harris, tables and
Mrs. Pruden, invitations. Mrs.
Elliot gave a very good report on
the school of Missions which she
attended in Lincoln, August 17-21.
Mrs. Earl Billings secretary of
missionary education, gave a re
sort on the work of Dr. Roberta
Rice, commissioned for sevice in
The Society will began the study
>f Missions in Africa, beginning
November 6 through December
I. Mrs. Elliot, assisted by Mrs.
Ray Sedivy and Mrs. Rockey will
se in charge of the afternoon les
sons, to be held at the church par
The fall seminar to be held at
Jrawford Valley September 30 was
liscussed and members urged to
Mrs. Pruden opened the meeting
vith a thought for the day. The
levotions were conducted by Mrs.
Hnsley, the theme "Light Upon
he Mountains”. Mrs. L. A. Hobbs
presented the lesson on "Does The
Church Care?". Nineteen members
were present and one guest, Mrs
Burtwistle Refreshment hostess
es were Mrs. Rhoda Connor and
Mrs. L. A. Hobbs Mrs. Ben Larsen
was presented gifts and a cake in
honor of her birthday anniversary
The Christian Mothers of St.
Peter’s Church met September 1
evening at St. Dominic’s hall.
Thirty-seven members were pres
ent. Mrs. Lyle Mitties, president
presided at the business meeting
which included the completion of
plans for their annual turkey din
ner to be held September 13. Mrs.
Gail Bois is chairman of the kit
chen committee, Mrs. Mitties, the
dining room and Mrs. Charles
Rotherham, the fancy work, which
will be on sale.
During the recreation hour pitch
was played. Prize winners were
Mrs. Joe Thoendel, Mrs. Grover
Shaw and Mrs. John Archer. Re
freshments were served by Mrs.
Rose Bauer, Mrs. Lester Berg
strom, Mrs. A. M Beelaert. Mrs.
Anna Bollwitt and Mrs. Gail Boies.
The Frontier
Phone Your News To
Cottage Cheese Adds
Flavor to Many Dishes
Cottage cheese can make a fine
flavor contribution to lots of
dishes other than salads, we are
learning. Here, for example, is a,
budget-wise Italian spaghetti cas
serole recipe given us by Joe
Sivesind, local salesman of the
Meadow Gold Dairy in which the j
cheese is every bit as important
as the ground beef.
Cottage cheese not only adds
flavor but actually stretches a
pound of ground beef so that this
dish will serve eight persons gen
erously, according to Beatrice
Cooke, test kitchen director at the
company's Chicago plant.
Italian Spaghetti Casserole
(Eight servings)
1 pound ground beef
3 tablespoons butter
1 small onion, chopped
1 frounce can tomato paste
1 No. 303 can whole tomatoes
16 ounces (2 cups) cottage cheese
1 teaspoon soy sauce
V« teaspoon oregano
1% teaspoons salt
y« teaspoon pepper
8 ounces thin spaghetti, broken
and cooked
M cup buttered coarse bread
Brown meat In butter in fry pan
Add onion, tomato paste, tomatoes,
cottage cheese, soy sauce, oregano
and seasonings; mix well. Cover
and simmer for 15 minutes. In a
buttered two-quart casserole, al
ternate layers of spaghetti and
meat mixture. Sprinkle bread
crumbs over top. Bake at 350 de
grees for 30 minutes.
- I
Alice’s Beauty Shop
Rea. S doom went ot Texaco
ISS Knot DoukUm
Phone MS — O’Neill
Ponton Insurance
Insurance of AO Ktadi
and Bonds
Phono 1M floM— Mfe.
Rogers Feed Stor
Show more profit for your Fed Deliar
16% Complete Hi-Energy Egg Ration
No other grain required . 100 lb. $ 3.75
80% Corn wafers . Ton $58.00
Hi lass Cattle Fattener . Ton $58.00
40% Hog Supplement . 100 lb. $ 4.75
16% Dairy Ration . 100 lb. $ 3.10 !
Tankage . 100 lb. $ 5.25
Meat Scraps . 100 lb. $ 5.25
41% Old process Soy Bean Meal .100 lb. $ 4.25
Bulky Lass. Ton $70.00
13% Calf Creep with Antibiotic.Ton $68.00
13% Special Range Mineral —
No Salt . 100 lb. $ 6l75
K-D Ranger Blocks .Each $ 2.90
. .T** *% *
Rogers Feed Store now gives
Free Gold Bond Stamps with Every Purchase
Buy and Save at
Rogers !■. roducts !
Ntrtk of BvHnftoo Depot VIm TB
Jack Bailey, Mgr.
ANNOUNCING . . . Pinkerman's Big M
Lucky Winner
of the 1960 Motorola Stereo
Number of M's — 48
Slogan — Motorola Is Tops - "Family Rated" for Performance
For TV Service on ANY Make or Model call
Phone 302 O'Neill
"Always Better Service for Less Money"
At your Mercury dealer’s today! This is our fina1
windup sale of the year. It’s your chance to get
America’s best-built car for what you ordinarily
might pay for a car with a low-price name. We
must make way for ’60 models. Don’t miss out!
For the best choice of models, see us today. stop in/ Check the once-a-yenrenvtngeL
Fourth & Fremont, O'Neill, Nebr.