The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 10, 1959, Image 4

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    O'Neil! Locals
h " i
Or and Mrs. Edward Honke
end family and Mrs. P. J- Dono
snr enroute from Sieux City to
aom-stert, S D., visited Saturday
at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Eri
The Jack Everitt family, Mr
md Mrs Ralph McElvain, Marge
and John McElvain and Jerome
Gallagher were fishing Sunday and j
Mandat at Soalp Lake, S. D.
Mr and Mrs. Jank Gate and
tbmity were weekend guests of
As parents, Mr. and Mrs. C- J. j
Guests Sunday at the Billie Mar
jettus home were her mother, bro
ther and sister, Mrs. Harold Wil
famson Bob and Bonnie, from
ffnrr They attended the Mar
sellus-Fox wedding.
Mrs Hairy Graham returned
friday from a visit at Alma with
vr son and his family, Mr. and
Ant Dick Graham, and McCook
where she visited Mr. and Mrs.
‘Inane Lindenberg.
Mr and Mrs Ted McElhaney
jxa their dough ter, Jearmie, to
Aaym Wednesday to begin the
*l» semester- at Wayne State
{teachers College.
The Raph Walkers and George
MoCarthys were in Lincoln for
lie week of the Nebraska state
Mr and Mrs. Jerry Petsche and
—by daughter. Catherine, of O*
su»n were in Lincoln over the
weekend for the- marriage of Jer
ry's brother, Bob, and Miss San
dra Hudleston of Lincoln.
Mr and Mrs. Robert Jonas who
lerr beon visiting their parents,
Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Janas and
Mr. and Mrs. Van Huron for the
past two weeks returned Tues
day to their home in California
Mr. and Mi*. J. D. Fraber and
children and >Iiss Marlene Har
rington returned Monday to Om
aha after spending their vacation
with the ladies' mother, Mrs. John
Harrington, sr.
Miss Patricia Cunnnigham left
Monday for Omaha where she will
attend St. Mary's college. She is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Allen Martin went to Conception
Mo , on Wednesday where he will
attend school. He was acompanied
by his mother, Mrs. Henry Martin.
Mr and Mrs. Richard Nelson
plan to take Sharon to St. Peter.
Minn., when* she is attending
Gustavus College. The Nelsons
then plan to spend a week in Min
nesota and to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Elgin Ray at Wadena, Minn.
Mr and Mrs. George Peterson,
jr. and boys, and Mr. and Mrs.
Carrol McKay and family, were
at the Vernon Wrede farm Sun
day for a picnic dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh
returned Monday from a 10-day
vacation in Colorado.
Charles Dunsmore, Sidney, was
a weekend visitor at the Owen
Parkinson home. Mrs. Parkinsor
us a sister of Mr. Dunsmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Pascoe went
1 to Grand Island over the weekend
to visit his mother, Mrs. Adeline
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shoemakei
and family were in Omaha for the
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Forcade and
hoys. North Platte, were weekend
guests at the Orville Sindelar
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Nesbitl
spent the weekend at FullerU)r
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs
M. E. Nesbitt.
Mrs. George Peterson, sr. wat
An we have decided tc qcK farming, will sell the following
described proper^ at the term, located 12 miles East of O’Neill
aa tee old Page Highway, teeaee « North and 5 Vi East or Vi
Bast of Ash Grove Oaaaaawatty Hall or 18 West of Creighton,
teener 6 North a^ *V4 West, aa
Sale Time 1KB p.m. Lunch on Grounds
72 Head of Cattle .
Q Milk Cows—1 Black cow, just fresh; 1 Shorthorn, just
ft.’sh; 1 Jersey. Jost Mi: 1 Jersey-Guernsey, fresh; 1 Guem
•e> fSborthom. just Mi; 1 to calve in next month;
1 j-rey to calve in neat month; 5 Holstein and Holstein-Hereford
heifers, had calve, tast of April and first of May.
Stock Cattle-4 Hereford cows with calves at side; ! Here
to heifer, coming 1st calf » spring; 4 First calf Shorthorn
heifers. Angus cross reives at side; 2 Shorthorn heifers to calve
this fall; 4 First calf Shorthorn heifers to calve in the spring,
l First calf Shorthorn heifer with Hereford cross calf at side,
1 Reg. Shortliorn Bull from the Thiede herd of Burton 2 years
eU- 10 ’58 Fall Calves. Hereford and crossbred; 10 59 sPrinK
Calves. Hereford crossbred; 7 ’59 Summer calves Hereford
crossbred, Angus and Sborthoro; 6 Hereford Yearling Steers and
Heifers on feed 68 daym.
Farm Machinery
WC Allis-Chalmers Tractor; C Alli^Chalmers Tractor; both
m* in good condition, overhauled in the last year; C Allis-Chal
mers Mower; 12-ft. MC Rake; Hay Stacker Cage; American
Model 29 Stacker-Loader, stacker head, manure head with hay
loading teeth, dirt plate; Hay Rack, heavy duty running gears;
t Leu burr grinders; Diamante! hay stacker, pulleys, cable etc.;
I 2-row C Allis-Chalmers Cultivator; Cream Separator, DeLavri
hand, Pump Jack; 1 Wt Butler stock tank, nearly new; 1 300
gal fuel tank; Tank Heater; Feed Bunks; 10 Bottles Pfizer Com
toatic, 190 cc, Penicillin and Pihydrosteptomycin.
Hay and Grain
13 5 Acres of Oara in field, gov’t measure; 55 Tons of Al
falfa. 1959 ; 7 Tons of year old alfalfa, 1958; 14 Tons of Prame
^ TERMS OF SALE-CASH No property to be removed until
Kttied for.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prill
CM. wall, O'Omnall. Ed Murphy. Perl.
«M Acres, Jtuoitanf T»P- ». Itj‘nR‘‘ #• Wheeler
_ . ... ^IM.nwfH will be sold at Auction on—
VMMy. W1UI wmipiew T i t
Property includes Statetm home with full basement and
water In the house. Ate a garage, chicken house, brooder house,
tag house, granary ate » x » tain.
Ite pfnr- has gf~* water with two windmills, there is about
m acres wider cultivation with the rest in shelter belts and yards
sf the NE quarter. Item is ate a new orchard started in this
RE quarter. The SE quarter will cut good hay when not pas
tured. It will run 100 hand of cattle and has not been over pas
taraxL The whole thing lsjm an the edge of Beaver Valley.
The place is REA wtete. it’s an the highway and has daily
nwfl service and is only 1 nfle (ram school.
LOCATED: 14 Mile* Wert of Elgin ... OR
... 10 Mile* East of Junction 281 and 70 . . .
OR ... 19 Mile* South end One Wert of Ewing.
rvj Ed TTiorin, auctioneer and Licensed Real Estate Broker,
conducting the sale
. ~ mm irm * 1
\lthough "Grandma Hull’’ has a number of decendents to the fifth generation, the Frontier
photographer could only get a fourth generation shot. Pictured arc "Grandma Hull", her .laughter,
Mrs. (Veil Haynes of Parmelee, 8. D., her grand laughter, Mrs. Richard Gunnare of Belmont, 8, D.
and two great-grandchildren, Phyllis and Patricia Gunnare.
in Sioux Citv for the weekend
visiting her daughter and family,
Mr and Mrs. Don Huscr.
Weekend guests at the home of
Mrs. J. F. O'Connor were her
I daughter and husband, Mr. and
| Mrs. Ronald McClellan, Omaha.
| On Monday they went to Ainsworth
to visit Dick Heerten.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Otto and
children, Norfolk, were Sunday af
ternoon visitors at the Esty Nel
son home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Philbrick, Stu
art, were Friday dinner guests at
| the home of the Dwayne Phil
! Lois Nelson visited in Wisner
at the Harold Williamson home
| over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe OUendick vis
itod In Osmond Monday at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dwight Demster.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Reynold
son took Ellen to Wayne Tuesday
where she will attend Wayne State
Teachers college. Ronnie Smith
and Ronnie Clark also traveled
with them.
Weekend guests at the Lester
Riege home were Mrs. Riege's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Horracks,
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pmker
man were Monday evening dinner
guests at the Veldon Pinkerman
honle They were also Sunday sup
per and evening guests at the
Lloyd Uilligas home, Chambers.
L. D. Putnam and son, Dan,
left Tuesday for their ranch at
Martin, S. D.. and will also go
on to Wyoming. They will return
this weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ressel en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Jones, Park Rapids, Minn., in
their home Thursday for supper
and overnight. The Joneses have
been visiting in and around Cham
bers for the past week.
I’ll;. Rita Schmidt. Omaha, visi
ted over the weekend a} the home
of her mother, Mrs. John Sohmidt.
Weekend guests at the home of
Mr and Mrs. William Schmohr
were their daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindholm,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shelnamer
were in the Black Hills tor the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkins
were called to Omaha Thursday
because of illness in the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk went
to Wisncr, S. D., Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson
took their daughter, Jane, to Has
tings to return to school and spent
the weekend there visiting rela
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schmitz
" spent the weekend in the Black
. Hills.
Weekend visitors at the Louis
Reimer, sr. home were their dau
ghter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. Nelson, Omaha.
Seniors of the class of 1959 had
a party Saturday evening at the
Verne Reynoldson home
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Paul, and
Rev. and Mrs. Trewern, Silver
City. N. Mex., visited at the Ro
ger Rosencrans and Allan Wal
ters homes Saturday.
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Paul at
tended the George Kiplinger fun
eral in Bartlett Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Paulsen
went to Tilden Sunday and Mon
day to visit his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Paulson and to cele
brate his mother’s 75th birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Christenson, jr
and family, Albion, and Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Christensen, sr., Ong,
were Saturday guests at the Ed
win Paulson home.
George Shoemaker spent the
weekend at Wood River with five
of his classmates.
Mrs. Anna Westcott of Plain
ville, Kans., is visiting her daiugh
ter, Mrs. John Harrington, sr. Mrs.
Harrington met her in Grand Is
land on August 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goree ol
800 to 900 Head of Cattle
We will have between 800 and 900 head of cattle for the sale
today (Thursday) at the O’Neill livestock market. These will
include 500 head of yearling steers and heifers: 150 to 200 head
fall and spring calves from light weight to about 550 pounds, the
balance will be cows, bulls, milk cows and butcher cattle. Some
consignments now listed are 75 head 800 lb. from Bud and Bob
Cole ranch at Emmet; 17 head yearling heifers from O’Neill;
30 head plain steers weighing about 560 lbs. from O’Neill; 35
whlteface yearling heifers and 20 top Shorthorn yearlings; 30
fancy yearling steers from Galyen and Scott and 25 yearling
steers from Chambers weighing about 850 lbs and a number of
other good consignments.
The hog sale will begin at 12 o’clock so get your hogs in early.
Vera & Leigh Reynoldson
Longpine, enroute to Lincoln to
visit their two daughters, visited
Tuesday at the Ralph McElvain
Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson
left August 30 for a month’s va
cation in the eastern states ane
Mr. and Mrs. Billie Marcellus
were Labor Day guests at the D.
B. Marcellus home in Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Beha took
their son, Matthew, to Lincoln
Saturday where he will resume
studies at the University of Ne
braska. They attended the state
fair Sunday. While in Lincoln
they visited Mr. Beha’s cousin,
Miss Mary Murphy and her fa
ther, J#e Murphy.
Guests Sunday and Monday 4t
the home of Dr. and Mrs. George
Carstens were her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Carl Waugh of -Sioux
I Ed Walsh of Brockton, Mass.,
is a guest at the Ralph McElvain
Marilyn Fetrow was home, for
the Labor Day weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yost of Clay
Center, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hop
pens and Mrs; Ray Hop pens of
,Taivard, cousins of Mrs. Charles
Fox, were heie Sunday for the
I wedding of the Charles Fox’s son,
Gordon, to Loma Marcellus.
I A weekend house guest of Miss
Karen Bridge was Gary Wheeler
Peterson, la.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell en
tertained at a breakfast Sunday
morning at the Town House for
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froelich
of Wichita, Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spriiv
er of Oakdale, Mr. and Mrs. Stan
ley Eymann and family and Mrs.
Hattie Eymann of Tilden were
Sunday afternoon guests at the A.
L. Eymann home.
__ *' _ « • . •_r •_i . f
rvustrueiiu, an viv.1 y*
Ivan Kaiser, flew here Sunday in
a private plane from Minneapolis.
Ken and Ivan returned to Minnea
polis by plane for the Minnesota
State fair and a fishing trip in
Mr. and Mrs. Don McKamy wc.e
in Norfolk for the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Frank The
Franks left Monday for a two
week vacation in California
P. C. Donohoe, Frank Clements,
Leo Carney and Ira Moss are in
Ottertail, Minn., this week.
Gene Streeter and his family of
j Lincoln were weekend guests of
j his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
J Streeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Neuhalfen
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Pat
Jacques of Hartington were La
i bor Day guests at the Roy Dendin
ger home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker were
here from Omaha for the week
end. They left Tuesday to spend
the remainder of the week at Lake
Mrs. Genevieve Harty was a
guest at the Kevin Kocina home
in Creighton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll were
here from Denver for the week
end with her mother, Mrs. W. J.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F Contois, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Manson and
Mrs. Sidney Anderson of Elgin at
tended the annual Founders Day
program at Christain College in
Norfolk on Labor Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan
and Peggy were in Lincoln for the
weekend where they attended the
state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker were
in Wymore during the Labor Day
Veronica Coyne returned Tues
day to her home in Chicago. She
was here for a week at the H. E.
Coyne home.
John D. Palm of El Paso, Tex.,
flew here Thursday in his private
plane to visit during the weekend
at the Cal Stewart home.
Mrs. John Curry and baby
daughter were here last week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Becker. Mr. Curry and the Bec
ker's son, Jim, came Friday for
die L her i ay weekend after
which they all returned to Kan
sas City, Mo.
Mr. and Mre. Leonard Davis
spent the weekend in Atkinson
visiting relatives.
C uoiyn Lindherg was home for
the weekend fiom Stromsburg and
had as h. r houseguest Tom Ehlers
of Blair.
Mrs. II m r Mullen visited dur
ing the weekend at Nebraska City.
Mabel McKenna returned
recently from a three months trip
during Which she visited her sister,
Mrs. W. P. Hildabrand in Boston,
.Mass., her son. Gene and his fam
. ily in Toledo, Ohio, and her son,
1 Hugh, and his family in Omaha.
| ivir. anu Mrs1. H. G. Kruse re
turned Monday Lom Perry, la.,
where they visited their daugh
ter and her family’ Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Van Every.
"Miss Mary Lou Uhl left Monday
for Omaha where' she will t -ach
j-ht Jetterson school ;
| Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MCCarville
| were in Bonestcel, S. D., last ayeek
: end.
I1..-. arid .1 Ted McElhamjy
Wore dinner-gu: sts Sunday at the
home of. her brother and family,
! Mr an 1 Mrs. Carroll Clifton in
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kaiser of
Atk.nson weje guests Sumiay at
the Herbert Kaiser home. Mrs.
Sadie Kaiser, who visited a few
_iay~ .’Kiiison, returned with
them Sundry.
Mr. and 1 Its. Herbert Gydesen
ar. 1 Perry attended a family pic
n.i . E tt Sunday. Others at
ieuiing were: Mr. and Mr-:. Ted
Bl omquist and daughter and Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Crosby and sons of
Spalding; Miss Rita Lang of Los
Angeles; Mr. Dick Crosby and his
fiance of Omaha; Mrs. May Cros
by a id Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Men
uey and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cros
by and Todd of Norfolk
M""-. Robert DeVoy, Jean and
Janet were in Sioux City Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Morey and
Nancy were here from Sioux City
for the weekend with her mother,
1 Mrs. Iva Hopkins.
Weekend guests at the Harry
1 Graham home were Mr. and Mrs.
Duane Lindenberg of M::£ook,
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Maugiian of Til
den and Mr. and Mrs. Do i Gra
ham of Omaha. Guests Sur.Jay at
the Graham home were R. . and
Mrs. Francis Dempsey of Denver,
and Mr. and Mrs. Burton Kimbell
of Osmond.
Hman News
By Mrs. James MeMalu»a
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark return
1 Saturday from P ne River,
M in., where they spent ten days
va ationing.
Mrs. Albert Reynolds was hos
tess at a Sarah Coventry .jewelrv
party Thursday evening at her
home. Following the demonstra
tion the hostess served a lovelv
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry
returned Thursday from Wyoming
where they sp. nt a week vacation
Miss Yvonne Smith of Denver
came Friday to spend a two week
vacation in the Kenneth Smith
home and with other relatives
and friends.
Mrs. James McMahan and Mrs.
John Mattson spent Wednesday in
Sioux City on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs.
D rt Kopojtka and Bill Butterfield
l ft Friday for Denver being cal
led by the death of their broth r
in-law, Lewis Hamlin.
The following started college last
Wednesday at Norfolk Junior eol
i ge: Ned and Neil Kelley, Har
old Sobotka, Richard Coventry and
Clark Gaugenbaugh. The entire
group spent the weekend with
their families here.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cadwalla
dor of Newport spent the week
end in the Charles CadwaUader
and Kenneth Smith homes.
Mrs. Mary Tomlinson and s'm,
Larry, of O'Neill, called in the
James Coventry home Sunday on
route to Lincoln where Larry will
enroll at the University of Nebras
ka for the coming year.
Miss Verna Pruss attended the
wedding of Judy Cloyd and Rus
sell Napier at Ewing Sunday, Aug
ust 30.
Frank Crandall of Dunlap, la.,
v'sited in the home of his sister,
Henry Pruss Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perry of
Borger, Tex., spent the holiday
weekend v isiting in the home of
Mrs. Perry’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Watson.
Air. and Mrs. Albeit Reynold..
-pent Tuesday and Wednesday in
the Guy Hull home at Redbird.
Mr. and Mrs/Edwin Langley
of Lincoln spent a few days last
week visiting ’n mo non* "i mis.
Langley’s parents. Mr. and Mrs.
I. L- Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hart.gan
of Norfolk spent the weekend vis
iting in the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Watson and with relatives
in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson and
I Mrs. James McMahan spent Fri
day evening in the home of Mr.
| and Mrs. Vern Wrede and family
! at O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley of Ohio
spent the weekend visiting in the
home of Mr. Kelley's parents, Mr.
1 and Mrs. W. E. Keley and family.
Joe Peters of Norfolk spent a
few days last week visiting his
family here.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutton
and daughter of Tabic Rock, spent
| a few days last week visiting in
! the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Banks and
family of Lincoln spent the week
end in the home of Mr. Bank’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Banks and with relatives at Cham
foers •
Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach
attended the annual reunion of the
Brittell family at the park Neligh
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dempsey
and famlily of Denver spent the
weekend visiting in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry
and with relatives in O'Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Coakley of Arca
dia are spending a few days in
the home of Mr and Mrs. Clifford
Sawyer and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe of
Neligh were Inman visitors Sun
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. M'!o Gorgen of
Plattsmouth spent the weekend in
the home of Mrs. Gorgon’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrr. L'nna Lines.
Mr. Gorgen returned to Platts
mouth and Mrs. Gorgen went to
Hernias a, S. D., to spend a few
Dianne Gillespie, O’Neill (left) was the gold medal winner in
the 4-H music identification contest at the 1958 Nebraska State
Fair. Bronze medal winner was Carolyn Fuhrer (right), also of
O’Neill. Both girls are members of the Willing Workers 4-H Club
of Holt county.
Gary Flek of Inman (third from left) discusses the 4-II weed
and grass identification contest at the 1959 Nebraska State Fair
with other members of the Holt County Identification team. From
left to right, they are Keith Krugman, O'Neill; Jerry Homolka,
Chambers; and Kiehard Hill, O’Neill. Gary was first place indl
\ winner in the contest, and the Holt County team won second
j place In team competition.
A check lor $.*>» was presented to Mother Francis, adminis
trator ol St. Anthony’s hospital last week by Stewart I’a-eoe, man
ager ol the O'Neill Lee store. It will be used to buy needed im
provements in the hospital. The presentation is part ol a community
service program carried on ny all Lee stores in the I nlted States,
I’ascoe said.
days in the home of her brouter
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lines.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sobotka and
family of Columbus spent the holi
day weekend in the John Sobotka
home here and with relatives at
Mis*, Murl Keyes of Phoenix.
Anz., came Monday to visit in
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Keyes and with other
relatives and friends.
Miss Ihenda Colman of Omaha
sj>ent the weekend with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Col
man and family.
Mrs. Helen Colman and Mr. and
Mrs. James Cblmao of Denver,
spent the weekend in the home of I
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Colman
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coven
Rebel t Msyci, who is in the
Veterans Hospital in Omnha spent
the wceki nd with ins family. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Meyer accom
panied him here for the weekend
and also visited relatives in O’
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Webster
of Omaha spent ihe weekend here
visiting Mrs. Webster’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser and
sons of Tekemah spent Sunday
evening and Monday in the homes
of Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw at
tended church Sunday in ‘Clear
water and continued on to Neligh
where they spent the day in the
horr»e of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Wolfe and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perry of
Borgor, Tex.. Mr. and Mrs. Stu
art Hartigan of Norfolk. Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson and daugh
ters of O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Watson of Inman enjoyed
a picnic dinner Sunday at the
park in O’Neil.
Clayton Krueger, Omaha, spent,
the weekend visiting in the home
of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Keyes and with other
Mrs. Helen Colman and Mr. and
Mrs. James Colman of Denver,
Colo., were dinner guests Saturday
in the home of M.\ and Mrs.
George P. Colman.
Miss Mary Morsbaeh spent the
weekend in Lincoln attending the
state fair.
Miss Helen Sobotka spent the
weekend in Lincoln attending the
state fair._ __
Just come in and ask us about Super Plenamins, America's
largest selling vitamin-mineral product.
First three winners receive a 2-week vacation in Tokyo,
Paris, or Rome—plus a bank account opened in their names
in that city.
Other prizes include 30 Tappan “Fabulous 400" Ranges, and
1000 1-year supply of Rexall SUPER PLENAMINS.
Just come in and ask about SUPER PLENAMINS, and re
ceive your official entry blank. Enter the contest today.
Cara Nome Specials for September
V2 Price Sale on Cara Nome GOLDEN LINE
Rich Formulas actually carry moisture deep into skin
Golden Muff Cleanser or Golden Rich Night Cream
Each reg. $4.50, now each $225
Golden Dew Moisture Cream or Golden Oil Cleanser
Each reg. S3.50, now each $175
Save up to 60% on large sizes!
Cara Nome Cold Cream — save 50%
Reg. $2.50, now $|25
Cara Nome Skin Cream — save 40%
Reg. $2.50, now $149
I)ry Skin Cleansing Cream — save 50%
Reg. $2.50, now $125
Cara Nome Hand Cream — save 44%
Reg. $1.75, now 98c
Cara Nome Astringent — save 58%
Reg. $3.00. now $125
Cara Nome Skin Freshner — save 60%
Reg. $2,50, now 98c
Stops the Tickle that starts the Cough
Amazing D-Methorphan quiets the cougli nerve center. Vita
min C and Citrus Bioflavonoid help build up your general resist
ance. Other ingredients relieve cold discomforts—bottle $1.49.
Stop Headaches! Untie Acid-Stomach Knots!
Faster, longer relief for acid-indigestion, headache, and heart
burn. Exclusive formula has Bismuth Aluminate. 4%-oz. . . 98c.
Remember Rexall for Extra Quality—Extra Value
Now Available once again at Devoy Rexall Drug
A Complete Sell-out when first introduced
The Famous Gillette Adjustable Razor only $1.95
The next time your doctor gives you a prescription, take it
every evening at DEVOY’S for your convenience.
O'Neill, Nebr.