The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 10, 1959, Image 3

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    Lynch News
B> Veldeen Pinkerman
Mr. and Mrs, Jari* Darnell and
family moved their household
goods into the William Alford
home Saturday. The .Alfords have
operated a hardware in Lynch for
many years and ha%e closed their
business aari will make their home
in Omaha to lie near their chil
dren and families. The Darnell's
have lived in Omaha for several
years and are returning to Lynch.
Mrs Faye Pinkerman on lied on
Mrs John Hurd at the Lynch hos
pital Wednesday afternoon Other
callers were Loren and Veldeen
Pinkerman and Mrs, Albert Car
son and June,
John Krogh, jr. and family of
California arrived Tuesday to
visit his brother, Carl and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Carson,
jr. and children of Phoenix. Ariz.
are visiting in the Ronald Carson,
sr. home in Lynch and will als®
visit Mrs Carson’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Elsasser at Ains
worth and other relatives and
friends before returning home.
The Lynch Eagles will play
Fairfax, S. D. September 11, at
8:00 p.m.
Joe Birmeier went to Niobrara
Sunday after Mrs. Birmeier who
has been staying at the Joe Ophs
home since getting out of the hos
Mr and Mrs. George Calkins
called at the Veldon Pinkerman
home Sunday and they accompa
nied Calkins’ to the ball game in
Dick Ladley is visiting at the
Anna Carson home this week.
Mr. and Mrs Leo Kalkowski,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Havranek
and Mr. and Mrs. Corkey Kal
kowski went to Lincoln Saturday
to attend the state fair
Mr and Mrs. Ray Witherwax
spent the weekend with relatives.
Kevin Kalkowski is spending
the weekend at the Glen Hull
Vic and Delynn Pickering at
tended the state fair over the
_ . „ 1 1 nn HI ro
Del iiu:c ivu« ——
Phylis Mulhair Wednesday.
Lyle Stewart received a leg in
jury at the Verdel-Lynch baseball
game Sunday and he is on
crutches again.
Mrs Etta Johnson, Edna Wat
son and Dorothy Mulhair were
in Lincoln on business from Mon
day until Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Custer oi
Arapahoe were Thursday after
noon callers in the Pete Mulhair
heme They are spending a few
days in the Lynch vicinity visit
ing old friends.
Ray Havranek from Missoula,
Mont spent the weekendi with hia
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hav
Dick Ladley from Gordon visit
ed Mrs. Faye Pinkerman Satur
day afternoon. „ . _
Mr and Mrs. Albert Carsor
took their daughter, June to
Hastings Sunday where she will
enroll in college.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weeder of
Omaha spent the weekend at home
with frieads and relatives.
Mr and Mrs. Jake Boucher
of O'Neill were Saturday evening
visitors at the Guy Keller home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Courtney
of Lincoln spent the weekend with
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Elsasser
and family arrived from Wyoming
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Leman Huber and other friends
and relatives
Mrs. Ella Peterson and Mrs
John Levi are visiting this week
In the Leo Jorgensen home.
Frank Carsten and Joe Birmeiei
went to Sioux City Wednesday to
get Mrs. Birmeier who has beer
a patient in the St. Joseph hos
pital They brought her to hei
sister’s, Mrs. Joe Ophs at Nio
hrara to spend a few days.
Mrs Charlie Gifford and Raj
Allen accompanied Larry Gifforc
here from Brainard, Minn. Fri
j_ iMcitintr Hnr sistor
Mrs. Bill Mulhair and her broth
ers, Kenny and Willie Hanson anc
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mooch
are spending a few days in Min
tiesota visiting their son, Earl anc
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davy arc
visiting relatives in Lynch this
past week.
Eva Schollmeyer and her moth
or came to Wilmer Crawfords Sat
urday with her brother. Horace
Mrs. Faye Pinkerman was t
Wednesday night supper guest o'
Mr. and Mrs. Voldon Pinkerman
Thomas Hiscock and Veldor
Pinkerman were business callers
in Inman and Noligh September 1
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heiser anc
Mrs Marvin Schindler and Mary
v rv” Omaha visitors Wed
nesday. y .
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lubet
of Memphis, Tenn. are visiting
Mrs. Pete Mulhair and Mrs, Gler
Hull and their families.
Mrs. Nellie Johnson of Siou>
City and Mrs. Fred Coleman ol
Spencer visited this week wit!
their sister, Mrs. Wilmer Craw
Mrs Ella Peterson of Tacoma,
Wash, visited Mrs. Esther Davey
at Norfolk Wednesday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Den Hynes were
dinner guests at the George Cal
kins home Sunday.
Miss Sharon Courtney returned
to her home Sunday after spend
ing several days at the Dick
Courtney homo in Lincoln.
Mrs. Hannah Streit and Miss
Glenna G urtney went to Norfolk
Thursday with Mrs. Glen Rihanek
Mrs. Hannah Streit took the bus
from there to Fremont to attend
a wedding Saturday morning.
Misses Hallie Carsten and Mary
Ellen Wells are staying at the
Clarence Moody' home since school
Guy Pinkerman took his mother
Mrs Faye Pinkerman and Mrs.
Vinnie Oherle to the Everett Van
Dover home Tuesday afternoon
Mrs. Oherle will spend a few days
visiting in the Van Dover home.
Mr and Mrs. Foster Farrar,
have moved into the house owned
bv Mrs. Glen Stewart.
'Misses Veldeen Pinkerman
Cathy Hrbek and Marlene Streit
are staying at the home of Mr*.
Hannah Streit since school start
Mr and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman
and boys were Sunday evening
visitors in the Wayne Christensen
home. _ _ .. .
Mr and Mrs George Calkins
called at the Veldon Pinkentiar
home Thursday night.
Chambers News
By Mrs. E. K. Carpenter
Mrs. A. A Walter and daughter,
Mrs. Clara Kirkland of O'Neill
visited relatives at Stanton and
Norfolk over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R Carpenter
ami Mrs. Genevieve Bell of Cham
tiers and their guests. Mr and
Mrs. Donald Grimes and Bonnie
of Eaton, Colo, and Charles Gus
tafson of Galeton, Colo, were Mon
day visitors in the Dean Stevens
home at Atkinson.
Kenneth Thom»>n left Sunday
for Wayne to enroll at the college
for the fall and winter term. Ro
bert Klabenes left a week ago to
enter Wayne college Rodney El
kins and Gene Adams will also
lie going to Wayne.
Leonard Wintermote left about
two weeks ago for Ft. Riley, Kan.
for training in the U. S. Army.
Lurliri Collins of Long Island
N. Y. was calling on friends at
Chambers Monday. Mr. Collins is
a pilot for an aviation company
and formerly lived at Clambers.
Mrs, Rodney Tomlinson and son,
I^arry of O’Neill were Thursday,
Sept. 3 supper and evening guests
in the William Turner home.
Mrs. Lillian Herzog returned
home Sunday from St. Anthony's
hosDital in O’Neill.
Mrs. Gus Hoppe and daughter,
Mrs. Raleigh Shirk from South
Dakota spent from Friday until
Monday visiting friends and for
mer neighbors. The Hoppe family
lived south of Chambers a number
of years ago.
Les Huff of Sedro Wooley, Wash,
has been visiting friends and rela
tives at Chambers and O'Neill
the past week.
Riverside News
By Mrs. I.eonel Gunter
Mrs. Melvin Scheer and Faye
J left Friday noon to spend a few
j days at the state fair. Faye was
! to give a demonstration and enter
j the judging. She also entered a
dress in “School Clothes” and a
loaf ot bread in "Baking Yeast
n_i.u _
ui caua vAiiiwiio.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer visit
ed Mrs. Alonzo McConnon and
baby daughter, Kimberly Ann at
the Amos Switzer home in Clear
water Wednesday evening.
Rex Pomeroy of California, Ho
ward W. Kredbiel and Ronald
Holton, both of Kansas were over
night guests last Saturday at the
Web Napier home.
Ruth Geist and Carol Ann Yoder
of Kansas spent August 29 night
at the Richard Napier home.
Mr. and Mrs Earl Pierson were
dinner guests August 30 at the
Marvin Pribnow home near Albion.
Mrs. Lynn Fry assisted Mrs.
Lorraine Montgomery with the
lunch for the forum group Friday
evening at the church annex.
The Lorraine Montgomery family
visited Tuesday evening, Septem
ber 1 at the Lynn Fry home.
Lionel Gunter accompanied Mr.
S. S. Schlotman to Omaha Satur
The Alfred Napier family were
guests Thursday evening at the
1 Kenneth Hill home on Kenneth’s
I birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner visited
Saturday at the S. S. Scholtman
Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo
mery attended the golden wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
! Wehenkel in Orchard Sunday
The Wayne Fry family, A1 Gib
son and the Louis Vandersnick
family were guests Sunday at the
Keith Gibson horn*' in Stanton in
■ honor of Keith’s birthday.
Mrs. Alfred Napier and Mrs.
George Keller were Neligh visi
tors Friday.
Rita and Susan Napier were ov
• ernight guests Friday at the Dale
Nnnior homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr
and Mrs. Floyd Napier and the
Lynn Fry family were dinner
guests Sunday at the Lorraine
Montgomery home in honor of Lar
ry Montgomery’s and Mrs. Lynr
Fry’s birthday.
The Charles Rotherham family
; were dinner guests Sunday at the
Billy Lofquist home.
Mrs. Merlyn Meyers visited
September 1 at the Billy Lofquist
1, home.
Mrs. Tom Hutton and Mrs. Gene
; I Ihmnierman visaed Mis. Alfred
j Napier Wednesday afternoon, Scp
11ember 2.
i Mr. and Mrs George Montgo
mery vished September 2 after
noon at the Robert Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Biddleeom .'
came homo early Saturday morn
ing for die weekend. Keith will re
turn to his work ih Chicago the
fore part of the w ek.
M a d s. IXvvitt Hoke were
Neligh visitors Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston
and Mrs. Emily Johnston visited
Ralph Johns to 1’m tl Nciigh hos
pital Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs George Montgo
mery vi ate : hi Robert Mc
Ginn home in O’Neill.
Sharon Kropp was an overnight
„.u«M Friday of Sharon Johnston.
The Lvle McNahh family of Om
aha were weekend guests at ihe
* “quist home.
Rock Falls News
By Mrs. Floyd Johnson
It seems our signs of autumn
went askew just about the same
as did indications and signs of
rain during the past hot. dry spell.
This one is inclined to think
that a vacation in the vicinity of
Frazier, Colo, would be a good
solution to it all. at any rate, a
cooling-off spell, free from the
whirr of electric fans.
In the meantime, folks are still
relying on picnics as a means
of ’get-to-gethers Enjoying an af
ternoon in the open and an early
outdoor meet at Ft. Randall were
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist, Janice
and Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
McNultv. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy
Lansworth, Mr. and Mrs. James
Curran. Mrs. Celia Grutsch, Henry
Vequist. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Pongratz and children. Mrs. Mary
Peterson and Emmett Slaight.
Rita Vequist, LaDonna McNutty
and Joanne Lansworth attended a
day or two of the state fair at Lin
Nowna Widtfeidt, accompanied
I by her mother and Jimmy, made
an early morning busine* call
I at the Floyd Johnson home Sat
Mr. ami Mrs Sam Derickson
and Mr and Mrs. Frit? Yantn
were picnicking at Ft. Randall
Sunday. Sam tried his luok at
a little water skiing. He didn't
mind getting wet, but the next
day he was painfuHy reminded of
muscles he didn't know he had.
Mr and Mrs. Melvin Jdhnng
and children and nephew, Freddy
Johring. were Sunday afternoon
visitors at the Albert WtdtfcUh j
Mr. nid Mrs John SahuJtz ml
family entertained Sanday eve
ning with an outdoor cook-out.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Johnson and Linda, Dan Rakes
and Lester Waterman. They were I
served lots of barbecued chicken,
potatoes cooked on the coals and
garden fresh tomatoes with plenty
of hot coffee and kool-aid and
butter scotch pise for dessert.
Mrs. Mary Tomlinson and son.
Larry were afternoon and supper
guests of the Don Hynes family]
September 4 Larry was to leave I
Sunday for Lincoln where he is j
going to attend the university.
Mr. ami Mrs. Sam Derickson
and boys weje Monday e\ emng
callers at the Floyd Johnson
Mrs. Floyd Johnson received a
letter from her nephew. Russell
Breiner, who is stationed at Fulda.
Germany, near Ihe East German
border. He states it isn’t too bad
there, at least he hadn't run into
much of anything so far. but that
he would have plenty of time to
find out, since he was scheduled
to bo there two years. He enlisted
last spring
Ehvin Grutsch was a Friday af
ternoon caller at the Jarne* Cur
ran home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty were
Friday evening visitors of the
James Curran family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Grutsch, sr.
l of O'Neill have been at the tann
home since Friday while l’twin
is attending the fair in Lincoln.
Their daughter, Mrs. I •cslsy Stev
I ens and husband of Oakdale were
Sunday overnight guests.
Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs,
John Grutseh visited at the James
Curran home.
Nebra ska — Phone
terrific value!
picture cottons
riuin pum ana wwrtn pnnoi—n«w«n
fad styled Bostic bi wolst ond generous
hem for room-tog row. Sanforised.
Msec 7-14, compare at 2.99.. • 1,97
sturdy corduroy
crawlers, boxers
Compare ■■■■/
dU9 77
Warm, washable, colorfasH Gripper*
crotch crawler* with adjustable suspenders,
sizes 6*24 mos.j boxer longies, sizes
4-6-8 with all-around elastic waist.
--nwtiiv. , . . -.rrvzi'b.
black suedines—
top teen styles
Big new group! Skimmer fiats with novelty
trims, pumps, ties, wedgie slip-ons—all
at one low price! Composition or foam
rubber so^Slxes 4 Vi-9.
f 9 ? »
all wool slacks
plaids and solids
p#rt toilorfaial Mhut'
style I" blades, solid greys, and
Scotch plaids. Concealed side zip. I>li
/) * ***^*"^yj^|
Misses’ Parity Briefs - 2
Reg. 59^1 Fine cotton-rayon blend; elastic rs%n
waist, (eg. White, sizes 6-7-8. rvl\
1st Quality Nylons
Reg. 59£ pr. Full-fashioned beigetone
dress sheers with accent seam. Sizes 9-11.
White Cotton Bras
Special! Fine quality broadcloth;circle-,
stitched cups. 32-36A, 32-38B, 34-40C.
Misses’ Fall Skirts pj J
Compare at 3.98! New flannels, tweedy . & "
fabrics, miracle blends. 22-30. ^ j
yv i’.'’nmtuvw > I
Terry Kitchen Towels j
Sale speciall Bright, colorfast prints on super- 1
absorbent terry; 18x30' size. I
1tO-(7N ' |
40x81" Dura Ion Panels
Compare at 1.491 Permanent finish—no CA£IJ
stretching, no ironing. White, toast. tnvil
f 19-5929
Work Sox—Irregulars 4
39i if perfect! Extra heavy cotton, nylon- mq
reinforced. White, grey, random; 10Vi-12. ■ K»
Men’s Sweat Shirts
Heavy knit cotton shirts with fleecy, heat
retaining inside nap. Grey, S-M-L.
sno princess
girls’ coats
7 fo 14.15.98
Cute os can be! "Black Magic"
melton fleck coat has cuddly
blue mouton* collar, matching
Orion pile lining. Also in black
with beige collar and lining.
100-4017,800* *DVED LAMB
western jc~ns
Red. or blue heather stripes;
authentic western styling. San
forized. Boys' sizes 4-16.
We’ve got 'em!
• Pla dls. • Flannels
• Prints •Ginghams
Long-sleeved styles in bright fall
ploids and patterns. Full cut, very
well made—terrific buy!
black oxfords
Built for long service! Durahyde
uppers, foam cushion soles.
Men's 6'/a-10; boys' 3Vi-6.
suit dresses
- _)
Foui versfl’i e styles in exciting
new fabric! Prints and plains,
deep rich fall colors. Beauti
fully detailed throughout. Kick
pleat skirts. Hand washable.
Misses' and half sizes.
100-732.34.35 M2
children’s polos
2 FOR *]
Compare at 69jf! Gripper
shoulder for sizes 1-4/ crew
neck for 3-8. Stripes and solids.
lift-mi e.7.t
girls’ blouses
at 1.29 QQ
Short-sleeved nov.»lty »tyle$
of crisp, Sanforized cotton.
White, pastel*. Size* 7-14.
poodle cuffs
2 «• 66c
Reg. 2 for 88—save! White
*pun cotton with elasticized
poodle cuffs. Sizes 9 to 11.
apron value!
2 for *|
Bright, gay prints on fine qual
ity percale. Half aprons and
bib styles at same low price!
cotton yardage
Values to 79$ Beautiful new
wash 'n wear prints; short
lengths for dresses, blouses.
scatter rugs
30x50" $
24x70" Runner.2.33
Sculptured hi-low loop pattern.
Decorator colors and neutrals.