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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1959)
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fox Marcel Ius-Fox Vows Exchanged on Sunday At 2:30 pm. September 6 in the First Methodist Church, Miss Lor na Lea Marcellus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Marcellus, became the bride of Gordon VV. Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox. Rev. Glenn Kennicott perform ed the double ring ceremony be fore 250 guests. The altar was decorated with greenery with white bows and a bouquet of white mums. Sharon Ilartronfi sang, ‘ Oh Promise Me, and “Because" and Mardelle •Johnson, Norfolk, was at the or gan. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a white gown of silk organza which featured n floor length skirt with Chantilly lace. Site carried a bouquet of white rus, s. Sharon Marcellus was her sis ter’s maid of honor. She wore a ballerina length gown of nylon organza in aqua gre n with a cum merbund and picture hat. Brides maids were Marge Marcellus, sis ter of the bride, l>ois Curfman, Lincoln, Carole Johnson and Lin da Haynes. Their gowns were siyled identical to that of the maid of honor in pink. 1.' • ■•/-*>-> Ihu-ii nionn nf ♦ lo'wtn. groom, was flower girl. King bear er was Grege Allen Mareellus, nephew of the bride. Eldon Fox, Hastings, was best man. Ushers were Dick Marcell us and Raymond Fox. Steve Fox was candle lighter. A reception was held in the church basement for 240 guests following the ceremony. Mrs. George Bosn cut the wedding cake Judy Anderson served the punch while Mrs. Fritz Belzer poured coffee. In charge of the guest book was Mrs. Robert Tams. Attending the gilt table were the Misses Konnie Kurtz, Nancy Devall and Nancy Fetrovv. The ser vers, all cousins of the bride, were the Misses Carolyn Tams, Ewing, Karen Robertson, Long Pine, Lor raine DeLosh, Stuart and Mary Jane Rentschler. Atkinson. The bride is a graduate of O’ Neill high school and the Commer cial Extension school in Omaha. She has been employed by the Hardy Furniture company as a bookkeeper in Omaha The bridegroom is a graduate of O'Neill high school and is at tending the University of Nebras ka in Lincoln. Following a wedding trip to the Black Hills, the couple will re- , side in Lincoln where Mr. Fox | will resume his studies. \ <7/ V • / ^jocuic Thursday, Sept. 10 WSCS Lutheran Ladies Aid What Not Extension Tuesday, Sept. 15 Merrimyx, Mrs. Paul Shierk Friendly Neighbors Extension Catholic Daughters social meet Club Notes KEBEKAII— Rebekah Lodge met Friday eve ning at 8 p.m. with 18 in atten dance. Following the regular bus iness meeting, degree practice was held in preparation for initia tion October 2. Lunch hostesses were Bessie Wayman and Ruby Wayman. MM— Mrs. Esther Harris was hostess Tuesday evening to MM club. Guests were Mrs. C. E. Lundgren, Mrs. John Conard, Emmet, and Mrs. C. W. Porter. Winners were Mrs Lundgren and Mrs. Harry Clausen. Next meeting will be in two weeks with Mrs. Paul Shierk. SS CLUB MEETS AT WAYMAN HOME SS club met at the Roy Wayman horn*' on Tuesday evening. A bus iness session was held. Mrs. Way man won the guessing game. The evening was spent in social visit ing and at cards. Several mystery sister gifts were exchanged. Lunch was served by the hos tess. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ben Wayman on October 13. Fall bulbs will be ex change. ELKHORN PROJECT CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS The Elkhom Project club met at the home of Mrs. George Han sen on Tuesday with a covered dish dinner. The business meeting followed. New officers elected were: Mrs. George Hansen, pres ident; Mrs. William Claussen, vice-president; Mrs. Law rence, secretary treasurer; Mrs. Frank Grenier, music leader and Mrs. N. D. Loy, publicity. Mystery sisters were revealed and new ones chosen. It was vo ed to sell Christmas cards and others through-out the year. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Preston Jones on October 13. Mrs. Campbell Entertains Mrs. Ed Campbell was hostess at a tea Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Jack McDonald, St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. McDonald has been in O’Neill visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Free lich. Coffees for Mrs. Gydesen Members of the Friendly Neigh hors Extension club had a fare well coffee in honor of Mrs. Her bert Gydesen who will be mov ing to Sioux City. The coffee was at the Harold Mlinar home. Mrs. Francis Gilg was hostess Friday afternoon at a coffee in aonor of Mrs. Gydesen. Neigh bors and friends of Mrs. Gyde icn were there. PTA Meeting The first PTA meeting of the O’Neill public school has been set for Tuesday, Sept. 15, at 8 p m. at he public auditorium. Parents will have an opportunity to meet the faculty and superinten dent, M. J. Baack, will discuss enrollment. A lunch will be sei zed afterward. Mrs. George Morlang, program chairman, said that this year an 'ff'j-1 will be made to present ;oo<i educational films and inter sting speakers lor the parent's benefit. All parents arc urged to attend the first meeting. Convention Delegate* Chosen The American legion auxiliary Simonson unit met at the club rooms Wednesday evening, Sept. 3. Twenty-six members were pre sent. District II convention call was read. The convention will be held at Stuart on September 21. Six een delegates were chosen. Mrs. Clifford Harding was appointed to make a poppy corsage for the poppy contest at the convention. Mrs. John Davidson gave an in teresting report on the National legion and auxiliary convention in Minneapolis which she attended. A bingo permit was d scusscd and it was decided to send for in formation to obtain a lic< nse. Mrs. lister Iliege rejiorted on the progress of the gold bond ;(amp project. The unit will soon have enough stamps to secure a ■ *rcolator-urn. The magazine sales are to start in a few weeks. September 9 at 7 p.rn. was the time set to clean the auxiliary kitchen. Mrs. Vem Rcynoidson and Mrs. Robert Lowery were hostesses. YI'W Auxiliary VFW Auxiliary Post 926 will hold a cooperative picnic with the local Legion at 12:30 pm. September 20th. The date was set at the regular meeting of the au . diary. Mi’s. Verlin Peterson in charge. A report was given by the bi cycle safety committee and after the meeting a baby shower was given Mrs. Joe Schmit of O'Ne:!! Refreshents were served L.v Mrs. Otto Sprague. Mrs. Ray Tucker was »lecte . delegate to a district meeting to be held in I-ong Pine. September 27. Miss Fern Grass Weds Calvin Tanderup Before and altar decorated with autumn flowers Fern Grass, for merly of Page, but now of New Castle, and Calvin Tanderup .v i e united in marriage on Friday morning at 11 a.m. at the Page vfethodist churcn. The single ling ceremony was pci formed by Rev. L Lester Hart, of Tilden, brother-in-law of the bride. Mrs. Leland Knudsen played organ music during the ceremo ny. The bride was dressed in a saphir® blue dress with matching blue hat and a white carnation corsage. The bridegroom was dressed in a blue suit. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. John Grindvold of Harting ton, sister and brother-in-law of the bridegroom. Tht wedding dinner was served to 22 guests at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro binson of Page. Mr. anil Mr?. Tandcrup left for a wedding trip to Denver. Hospital Notes Admissions.: Sept. 1— George Mott. Mrs. Melvin Klinglor, Rich uid Mace, all of O'Neill; Bob P Summerer, Ewing; Ralph Blaii, Chambers and Mrs. Vernon Dahl Lorg of Lynch. 2— Mrs. Thomas C. Goodai't of Page. 3— Mrs. Li e ;t G. Price of O'Neill. 4— Mrs. Alien Mitchell of Butte; Mrs. Dal las Behrens of O'Neill; Karen Ann Loock of Spencer; Mrs. Dean Pofahl of Ewing. & Mrs- Ros. Harding and Orville C. Miller, both of O'Neill and Richard Goettscn 1i Grand Island. 7— Mrs. D nak Younie, Thelma Young, and M, . Arnie Mace, all of O Neill; .vlrs. Edgar Boyle of Page; Mrs. Mar jorie Dix of Lynch and L. G. Bern ji.nit/ of Pa«r 8 Mrs. Gail Mul ler, Herman Janzing, Patricia Lorenz and Andrew Goeden all of O'Neill. Dismissed: Sept. 1— E. M. Jar man and Ralph Blair, both ot Chambers; Mrs. Harold Goldfuss and baby girl of Atkinson; Gary Campbell of Miller S. D. 2 — Mrs. Melvin Klingler. Mrs. Ed Sehmidt and baby boy. Mrs. Henry Win Kler and George J. Mott, all of O’Neill; Karry Kramer of Stu art; Mrs. Duane Summerer and baby girl of Ewing and Mrs. John Hornbaek of Spencer. 3- Mrs. Dal las Behrens and Ardell Curran, both of O’Neill; Melvin Blum of Butte; Mrs. Vernon Dahlberg of Lynch. 4 - Mrs. Jennie Bppeo bach and Ambrose Biglin, both of O’Neill. & Mrs. Dallas Behrens and L. A. Ott, both of O'Neill; Mrs. Thomas C. Goodart and ba by toy of Page; Kenneth Jons of Bonesteel, S. D.; Boh P. Summer er of Ewing; Mrs. George Herzog cf Chambers. 7— Mrs. R. R. Mor rison and Dick Mace, both of O' Neill. 8 Mrs. Ernest Price of O’ Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Atkinson Admitted: August 31—Adrian Rerucha of Atkinson; Mrs. Leland Anderson of Atkinson. Sept. 1 Eddie Disterhaupt of Atkinson; Mrs. Frank Svoboda of Atkinson; Mrs. Harlan Reber of Stuart; Mrs. James White of Atkinson 2—Pat rick Young of Atkinson. 3—Mrs. James Higgins of Jamison. 4— Chester Spelts of Rapid City, S. D.; Mrs. Lawrence Skrdla of Stuart; Mrs. Rudy Dvorak of At kinson. 5 Mrs. Lawrence Kaup of Stuart; Henry Ilamik of Stuart; Mrs. Charles Boettcher of Atkin son. 6—Mrs. Ralph Mlinar of Stuart; Mrs. Newell Schroeder of Butte. Dismissed: August 31—Glanda Seger of Iowa; Mrs. Andy Hytrel; and son of Stuart; Mrs. Erwin Hilligas of O'Neill; Mrs Feme Livingston of Atkinson; Mrs. Bill Boettcher of Atkinson. Sept. 1 Adrian Rerucha of Atkinson; Mrs. Charles Hundley and son of At kinson; Mrs. Eli McConnell of Atkinson; Mrs. Leland Anderson of Atkinson. 2 Mrs. Donald Cleve land of O’Neill 3 Patrick Young of Atkinson; Mrs. Albert Freouf and son of Atkinson; Mrs. Keith Swim and son of Atkinson. 4 Mrs. J mos Higgins of Jamison. 5—Evelyn Sterns of Stuart. 6 Mrs. Frank Svoboda and daughter of Atkinson; Mrs. Arthur Boiler of Omaha; Eddie Disterhaupt of Atkinson. Hospitalized: Mrs. Charles Boett cher of Atkinson; Mrs. Harlan Reber of Stuart; Mrs. Lawrence Skrdla and son of Stuart; Henry Hamik of Stuart; Mrs. Jim White and son of Atkinson; Ms. Rudy Dvorak and son of Atkinson; Chester Spelts of Rapid City, S. D.; Mrs. Lawrence Kaup and daughter of Stuart; Mrs. Newell Schroeder and daughter of Butte; Mrs. Ralph Mlinar of Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beha an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marilyn, to Mr. Anthony P. Rinzel, St. Paul, Minn., son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Rinzel, Poy ette, YVis. Marilyn is a graduate of St. Mary's Academy, O'Neill, and Providence Hospital school of x i ay technology, Kansas City, Kan. i'he has been employed in the x rav department of St. Agnes hos pital, Fond du Lac, Wis., for the past 3 years. Mr. Rinzel attended Stevens Point State Teachers college ar>d St Norbert's College. DePerc, V, before serving two years in the U. S. army He is employed in the postal department at St. Paul, Minn. A November 7th wedding is planned in Fond du Lac. LUNDBERG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Creighton Admitted: Mrs Millie Kimble of Creighton; Gary Croxen of Creigh ton; Roy Woods of Creighton; George Wright of Niobrara; Har old Effle of Verdigre; Mrs. Max Ausborn of Verdigre; Susan Ul rich of Creighton; Mrs. Bernard Smith of Niobrara; Mrs. Otto Jed licka of Verdigre; Mrs. Fannie Scheinost of Creighton. Dismissed: Mrs Kenneth Col son and daughter of Royal; Mrs. Theodore Branstiter and son of Niobrara; Mrs. Kenneth Hart and son of Creighton; Mrs. Mel Shoe maker of Creighton; Harold Effle of Verdigre, who was transferred to Norfolk; Mrs. Arthur Coover of Verdigre; Gary Croxen of Creighton; Roy Woods of Creigh ton, who was transferred to a Sioux City hospital; Mrs. Max Ausborn of Verdigre; George Wright of Niobrara; John Ken nedy of Creighton; Mrs. Bernard Smith and daughter of Niobrara. Died: Mrs. Fred Schaefer of Creighton: Joseph Chocholousek of Verdigre ST. ANTHONY’S GOOD ART- Mi*, and Mrs. Tho mas C. Goddart of Page, son, Thomas Conard, 6 pounds 14 ^ ounces, bom September 2. POFAHL Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pofahl of Ewing, son, 5 pounds, 13 ounces, born September 4. MITCHELL Mr. and Mrs. Al lan Mitchell of Butte, son Allan LeBoy, 8 pounds 2^ ounces, born September 7. YOUNIE— Mr. and Mrs. Donald Younie, son, David Clifford, 8 pounds 6 ounces, tom September 7. LINDBERG memokial Creighton SMITH—Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Smith, Niobrara, daughter. Carla Marie, weighing 8 pounds, 10 oun ces. tom Wednesday, Sept. 5. JEDUCKA—Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jedlicka of Verdigre, son, Wil liam Lee. weighing 7 pounds, born Friday, Sept. 4 COMMUNITY MEMORIAL Burwell GOODSELL—Mr. and Mrs. Dick Goodst'll of Burwell, a daughter, Christy, bom Thursday, Sept. 3. ATKINSON MEMORIAL SEGER—Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Seger of Atkinson, son weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, horn Tuesday, September 8. SVOBODA -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Svoboda of Atkinson, daughter, Ai gene Ruth, 8 pounds 2 ounce, September 1. v.iUTE Mr. and Mrs. James White of Atkinson, son, Terry Lee 8 pounds, September 2. SKRDLA—Mr. and Mrs. Lau rence Skrdla of Stuart, son, Jo seph Edward, 7 pounds 2 ounces. September 4. DVORAK Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Dvorak of Atkinson, son, Rodney Dean, 8 pounds 10 ounces, Sep tembcr 4. RAUP Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kaup of Stuart, daughter, Ani ta Clare, 6 pounds 10 ounces. Sept. SCHROEDER Mr. and Mrs. Newell Schroeder of Butte, daugh ter, Cynthia Jo. 8 pounds 4 ounces, September 6. AT THE COURTHOUSE State vs Calvin J. Allvn, Stuart, night speeding, fined $15 and $4 costs; officer Donald J. Fidla, Sept. 3 State vs Clarence E. Gokie, O' Neill, night speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer R. L. Gude, September 3. State vs Donald F. Haas, night speeding, fined $15 and S4 cost; officer E. N. Hastreiter, Sept. 5. State vs Margaret J. Woolman, Council Bluffs, improper LI turn, fined $5 and $4 costs; officer Chris McGinn, Sept. 5, State vs James Green, Fremont operating motor vehicle without driver's license; fined $10 and $1 costs; officer R. L. Gude, Sept. 6. State vs Mrs. Margaret M Sas se, Minneapolis, Minn., day speed ing, fined $15 and $4 costs; officer R. L. Gude, Sept. 8. State vs James P. Murray, Ra pid City, S. D., night speeding; fined $10 and $1 costs; officer R. L. Gude, Sept, 8. State vs Paul Wesley Barger, Pierre, S. D., day speeding, fin ed $10 ami $4 costs, officer R. L. I Gude, Sept. 8 | State vs Joseph Webster Mas sing, night speeding, fined $15 and $4 costs; officer E M. Uastreiter, Sept. 8. State vs Alfred Ernest Lueflce man. Menlo Park, Calif., night speeding, fined $15 and $4 costs; j b. M. Hastreiter, Sept. 8. State vs John J. Meuret, Bruns wick, speeding in /one limits, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer Chris McGinn, Sept. 8. State vs Erwin Oltjenbrum. Os mond. disturbing the peace, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer Chris Mc Ginn, Sept. 8. State vs Howard W. Anderson, l Lincoln, sppeding in zone limits, : fined $10 and $4 costs, officer Chris McGinn, Sept. 8. State vs Leo G. Nelson, Bassett, | night speeding, fined $15 and $4 | costs; officer Sgt. R. R. Shomey, I Sept. 9. State vs Raymond V. Hurting, Orchard, night speeding, fined $10 j DANCE ASH CROVE Saturday, Sept. 12 with the RHYTHM AIRES ADMISSION: 50c — i ■' ■ ■■ 11 ———■—■». ! and $4 costs; officer E M. Hast rieter. Sept. 9. State vs. Gayle Boyle, O'Neill, wilfull reckless driving, operator's license suspended for 60 days, fined $50 and $4 eosts, complaint filed by Gdivert Toese. Phone Your News To The Frontier Phone 788 Tlll'KS. SEPT. 10 "Bell, Book and Candle" In Color Cartoon FRI. SAT.-SFN. SEPT. MON.-TFES. 11-12-48 14-15 Five BIr Days John Wayne, William Holden in "Horse Soldiers" In Color Cartoon WED. Till KS. SEPT. 18 17 Double Bill Scott Brady. Elaine Edwards in "Battle Flame" "Cosmic Man" With Bruce Bennett, John Carridine Disney Cartoon r-e Kitchen Charm ^ ^ ^ Ltl-wa,xedpaper 2 ta ■ 9c ourT'wrJifcGSf FLY-TOX plus'.. AEROSOL M ^ INSECT Something Special $139 I Enjoy a Jack 6 Jill | Swiss Sfeok This Weekend -. ,m --— y STEAK K' THERE SHORE EATING ON A IACK 4 IILL SWISS STEAK AND MORE TO ENIOT TOOI Choice flf A i ll i 1/ T LB. 1 M ~ H PORK SAUSAGE Expertly Seaiwed .... Lb. ^ ^ 4 BEEF LIVER £%LI*-.—.'_1__ u. nc jf RING BOLOGNA Sr^E"4 2 lbs. -9c ■ SUMMER SAUSAGE S3£>.. u. 59' Booth Fresh Frozen PERCH FILLETS . ^ “ 37c , i UUK rAMILI PANCAKE MIX 3 LB. 0^< PfcG-Ow OUR FAMILY CANE and MAPLE k SYRUP 7, J«07. OQc 1 bottle-07 COUNTRY GIRL NEW PACK CREAM STYLE 60LDEN CORN PHcni (iood Thur. Frl. ■ M»t.. Soft. 10 11 • It HEiNZ KETCHUP. 2 'SiK* 49c CORNED BEEF SET..”£49‘ LvanAciLi v' AT PIES PINEAPPLE SrSST?.4T""”.^ 89c a LIOCI rnnn Swansdown Cakemi*—White, Req. 1 Qc APiutL rUUU Strawberry. Lemon Chip.Pkq.H-J yiaAhA. COFFEE ilb T,N y V - * PDICpn Pure Vegetable 3-Lb. UnlOUU Shortening .....Tin 0 0 FLUFFO ortening .. Tin I il dining TOMATO SOUP 5 I NU SOFT SSI... 49c CHARMIN 5SS..%".'25c '■sr get entry ankshere for SAVE CASH! |fepP»/Holritt.Je**1 redeem your PROCTER & GAMBLE tt//A/ ££%/% COUPONS HERE UP *> i>OU$WU jlVORY 4=29' 2=35' LAVA 2=29' 2=37' u>no. DREF7.“85' EXTRA CLEANING POWER Tine ^83° NEW ALEPCRTOSE cleanser . MR. CLEAN.=73' WITH BLEACH OXYDOL .“85' SPIC- SPAN “31' 5ii~.—is* JOY LIQUID.“□ INSTANT STARCH :OFF-£“ NIAGARA....^39‘ CAMAY tAl'NDBV STABC:H '&**M&* MWIT ;.cT49c I (AtH (III ONLY Ulllli y Q (• IJQU1D STARCH _ oLu« . v«u-ow • wHrr* [JNIT .•••.. 43^ SioanAcbwrL CAKE MIXES I Your Choice White Yellow Sugar Maple Devii'i Food REG. Bultertcotch H PKGS. I PtfJ-in '^WoMnq 92«C' 97C I til jtL Jams • Jellies. fc Pkqs. — I BRUCE'S £':r’..9.1” j I BING F/CED MEDIUM SIZE. 1AIUXTT D rtLLO* PEARS ONIONS KSS.S 449 3^.19* ,f Snow Crop IXESH FROZEK ORANGE JUICE REACH FOR ROBERTS Finer Grade 'A' Dairy Products Chocolate Milk Per Quart _ BANNER Minced Ham C fm lbs for # J/1 Bacon Squares 1 ($p Per lb. H O'* Madfoon County WATERMELONS I'ine (Quality — Guaranteed ! OEEMOST — ICE CREAM Flavor of the Month Lemon Chiffon WEIGHT WATCHER TREATS with IraS LO CALORIE Hi PROTEIN I! •p ICE MILK