The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 27, 1959, Image 7

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    Ladies' Bowling Leagues
Register 120 for Season
Forty-five members of the Wo
men's Bowling Association met
Friday night at the Legion club to
make plans for this season's bowl
Mrs. Don McKamy, president,
reported that 120 women are sign
ed up to lx>wl on Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday nights. So far,
no definite plans have been made
for the afternoon league, said
Mrs. McKamy.
The season will begin August
31 and will continue for 35 weeks.
Following the general meeting,
the leagues met to set up commit
tees for rules and prizes.
Club Notes
MM Club
Mrs. D. C. Schaffer was hostess
Tuesday evening to MM Club. A
guest was Mrs C. E. Lundgren.
Next meting will be in two weeks
with Mrs Esther Harris.
Presbyterian Circle II
Mrs. D. A. Baker entertained
members of the Presbyterian Cir
cle 11 in her home last Thursday
with a 9 a.m. breakfast. Guests
were Mrs. George Robertson and
Mrs. John Hart. Thirteen mem
bers were at the breakfast.
O’Neill Better Ways
Twelve members of the O'Neill
Better Ways club met Tuesday
evening with Mrs. Richard Stru
be. Mrs. Strube presented the i
lesson, "Watch Dogs for your ,
Kitchen," a discussion of the!
functions of the National Food and
Drug Act.
The Septemlwr meeting will be
at the Bud Tibbets home and will I
he election of officers.
Rebekah Lodge met Friday night
with Eileen Seeger hostess. Mar
garet Anderson was named a del
egate to the forthcoming assem
bly at North Platte, with Elma
Evans named alternate delegate.
Initiation for new members was j
set for Oct. 2.
W'CTU County Convention was
held Tuesday in the home of Mrs.
Dave Ixiy. The county officers el
ected are as follows:
Mrs. Dora Townsend, Page,
president; Mrs. Ben Wayman, O
Neill. vice president; Mrs. Dave
Ixiy O’Neill, corresponding secre
tary; Mrs. Goldie Stauffer, Page,
recording secretary, and Mrs. Ha- I
zel Boatman, O’Neill, treasurer.
The state WCTU convention will
be Sept. 7.
Waistline Whittlers meet
The “Waistline Whittlers" met
at the home of Mrs Darrell Ander
son last Friday Four new mem
bers were present. Next meeting
is tomorrow at 2 p m. at the home
of Mrs. Anderson.
Women's Workshop
A District 4, federated garden
workshop, will be held at the
Methodist church in Chambers
September 3 at noon. The meeting
will l>egin with a covered dish
Mrs. J. Arthur Nelson, of Omaha,
will give a demonstration on flow
er arrangement. Members are ui
ged to attend and visitors are
Mrs. Birmingham Entertains
Mrs H. J- Birmingham enter
tained several O’Neill women Tues
day at a luncheon in honor of hei
daughter Mrs. H. W. Riley, Om
aha, who is visiting here tins
"Those at the luncheon wen: Mrs.
H i Lohaus, Mrs. C J Gatz, .vu».
Ed Campbell, Mrs. Ed Gallagher,
Mrs Robert Bemgan Mrs_VY\J.
Froelich. Mrs. *rank Froelich,
Mary Froelich and Mrs. J. J- «er
St. Anthony’s
TIENKEN—Mr. and Mrs. John
TIENKEN. jr-. Naper. son. Brent
David, 5 pounds, 24 ounces, Aug
list 20.
HUBEL—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hu
bei. Ewing, daughter, Sandra
Faye, 7 pounds, 1 3-4 ounces, Aug
USBAZELMAN Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Bazelman, O'Neill, son 7 pounds
7 3-4 ounces, August 25. rhis .
the couple’s first child. Mrs. Baz
elman .s the former Rosemary
Babl. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl of
Emmet and Mr. and Mrs. ranc
Bazelman are the g^and^rent •
(TOLDKUSS— Mr- and Mrs- “ar
old Goldfuss, Atkinson daughter.
6 pounds 104 ounces, August: -s
Dale Matsehullat. Page'A^^' .‘»V
8 pounds, 5V4 ounces, August <-b.
Atkinson Memorial
nOOIJTTLE Mr. and Mrs. Tho
mas Doolittle, Amelia, daughter,
SU^Dee/B lHm»df 12 ounces.
August 19. The Doolittl
'cONNELL-Mr. and Mrsc^‘g
gift pSSfS otTes. August
"KAUP Mr. and Mrs. JUiton
Kaup. Stuart, son. Jack L*e,
pounds, 5 ounces, August 23.
Sacred Heart
KNUTZEN—Mr. and Mrs. Tho
mas Knutzen. Niobrara, daughter.
9 pounds. August -'2
TRUAX—Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Truax, Lynch, son, 7 pounds,
ounces, August 22.
SIMPSON—Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Simpson, Monowi, daughter, Aug
ust 25.
Lundberg Memorial
RUZICKA—Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ruzicka, Verdigre, son, Lyle Ja
mes. 7 pounds. 2 ounces. August
19. The mother is the former Eva
Meyer. The couple now have 3
sons and 1 daughter. Grandpar
ents are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Meyer of Winnetoon and Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Ruzicka of Verdigre.
COIdSON Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Colson. Royal, daughter, 7 pounds
3 ounces, August 25.
MACKEY Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Mackey, Niobrara, daghter, 7 lbs.
3 ounces, August 21.
BRANSTETrER Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Bransteter, Niobrara,
son, Ray Lee. 6 pounds, 12 ounces
August 25.
IX3VE Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
| Love. Madison, son, 7 pounds, 11
ounces, August 16. Mrs. Love is the
former Ellen Butterfield. Mater
; nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
; Lloyd Butterfield of Venus. Pater
nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs
Arthur I^ove of Madison. This is
the Love's third child.
KAI Li 'OFF Mr. and Mrs. Tod
I dy Kallhoff, Omaha, daughter,
Tammy Sue, 7 pounds, August 8.
Mrs. Kallhoff is the farmer Wan
da Thelander. This is the couple's
first child. Paternal grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thelan
der of Orchard.
ICKLER M . end Mrs. Dale
Ickler, Wayne, son. Randy Gene,
i 6 pounds, 9 ounces, August 12.
Mrs. Ickler is the former Rayma
Ruzicka. This is the couple’s sev
enth child. Grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Ruzicka of Verdi
j gre and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ickler,'
MYERS Mr. and Mrs. Lynn
Myers, Seattle, Wash., son, Aug
ust 17. Mrs. Myers is the former
Elaine Fisher, daughter of Mr. I
and Mrs. Paul Fisher of Amelia
HAGEMEIR Mr. and Mrs. Car
roll Hagemoir, Nakomi, 111., daugh
ter, Michelle Lee, 7 pounds. 14
ounces, August 18. Mrs. Hagemeir
is the former Dorothy Haake, I
TIBBETS—Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Tibbets, daughter, Pamela Kay.
August 19 at Emmanuel hospital
in Omaha. Mrs. Tibbets was Char- j
lene Hasenpflug. Mrs. Bob White |
is the maternal grandmother. Pa
ternal grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Tibbets.
TODD Mr. and Mrs. Gary Todd
San Diego, Calif, daughter, Ther
esa Rene, 9 pounds, lVs ounces,
August 22. This is the couple’s
first child. Paternal grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. W. Irl Todd of
Sutherland, formerly of Page.
.1 ACKSON Mr and Mrs Douglas
Jackson, Caldwell, Ida., daughter,
Lori Jo. Mr. Jackson is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson,
former Inman residents
Marriage License*
Troy Leslie Westover, 24, Bur
well, and Peggy Jean Swartz, 17
Burwell, August 20.
Edward Oxner, 68, O’Neill and
Mrs. Maxine Vanderbeek, 35, O’
Neill, August 22.
Del Ray James Stracke, 20, Stu
art and Marily Jean Irish, 19,
Stuart, August 24.
Russell A. Napier, 19, Ewing
and Judith L. Cloyd, 20, Ewing.
August 26.
Try the Frontier Want Ads. For
quick results phone 788
Reg. 1.35, Now 1.09
3 pairs — $3.19
Reg. 1.50, Now 1.19
3 pairs — $3.46
►j Reg. 1.65, Now 1.29
3 pairs — $3.79
Ends August 29!
The Apparel
Winnie Barger, owner Phone 8.9
School Days
p'° m.r* Sr-!& !.!'«*?..«
7 i r-ooea ?hoes... she**
bruit to take the rough
b^atment of ycimg fp'-t,
y.* f,:rr.ieh tiso oomf'-t
and good looks demanded
by boys and girls.
All sizes and widths
Get your Red Goose
Golden Eggr
as advertised on TV
Meat and Fruit Prices effective to Saturday, August 29 — Grocery Prices to Wednesday, September 21
Smokori M
Ham Shanks, 4 lbs. S| 00 J I
ifOKMKI. m ■
- 2 12 oz. pkgs. 79c 11
Braunsweiger lb. 39(1
Roll Sausage, 3 lbs. $100) I
Macaroni, 6 oz. pkg. ~|Qc
Texize_Qt. 59c
Mustard, 6 oz. bottle JO0
I Dm IP R 14 0Z’ HONEY .Lb. j,r 37c
m H| I JU ■ Hfl Bottles | Dependable Brand
I M _PEAS .4 300 cans 39c
ESARAN WRAP 25-ft. roll 27c
Tender Leaf Black
TEA .48-ct. box 59c
DOG FOOD .. .12 lb. cans 98c
50 lb. bag $298
.JERSEY CREAM — 50 lbs. $3.39
2 12 oz. pkgs. 25c
Ml* ’em or Match ’em — STOKLEY’S
3 32 oz. cans 39c
-————— HI
Lb. can 89c S
ftesh'n'juicy e *
Waters 1
ft * "l1^ Red'ri ripe _ I
I We give
Top Value Gifts
U. S. No. 1 Colorado Elberta
U. S. No. 1
PRUNES Log $169