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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1959)
' FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle WOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscorv an bred, fresh and heavy ^ringers, first and second call Infers. Arnold Thiele ito miles southwest of Clear water. Phone 17 on 12. tf BANCH IDANS —See R- H. Park er. O’Neill. ®tf won SALE. Reg. Polled Hereford ■ails. Two 2V4 and 3 years old. Proven, herd bull quality some yearlings. -Everett Van Dover, Vrt miles east of old Opportun ist or 22 miles west of Verdigre, m 16 south of Lynch. tf POK SALE: 3 year old child’s pony. Very gentle.—Bob Prud ■sn. Phone 62, Ewing. 16-18p SALT FDR SALE: Kanapolis $16 50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c— Located 3 Wks. east, 4 blks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Pti 164, O’Neill. 51tf FOR SALE Baler Twine Guaranteed to be mtt of the best —$5.95 per bale. Gasoline, fuels, oils, greases. Lawest prices In Nebraska. NEW DEAL OIL CO. West O'Neill 7tf •OR SALE 1% ton low actual mileage Studebaker truck, duel wheels, overload springs, excell ent grain and stock rack, rub ber and motor. Harvey A. Tomp kins. Inman, Nebr. 15tfc •OR SALE: Registered Hamp Wsre boars. Big, rugged, well grown Alfred Hansen, Plain slew, Nebr. 12tfc Cm LOANS.—See R- H Parker, O'Neill. Rtf •OK SALE: Guernsey springing heifer to calf around the 31st, weighs about 950 pounds. Call SMI. G. E. Gonderinger, Atkin m. Nebr. 18c •OR SAIJ*1: Deer rifle. .303 Cal iber Enfield. $20.00. Call 577-J. O'Neill. 18-19p60 SALE OR RENT: Modem 2 bedroom home with full base ment. natural gas furnace. Close CD schools. Vacant Sept 21 Har sy E. Ressel, O’Neill 18tf 8DR SALE: Locker plant in Ew mg Selling Decause of health. Clwotact Eben Grafft, owner or Willie L. Shrader, broker. 18-20c COR SALE: Holstein and Guern sey springers. To freshen soon, these are large heifers, also ■unit1 nice yearlings. Rudie Jur acek. Ewing. 18-20c SDR SALK: 1958 C'ustom Inter national Travelall, two-tone blue 6 cylinder. 25,000 actual miles in A-l condition. $1875. Ccxitact D. E Blackman, Tilden. 18c nt SALE: Well established Re Wfl farm supply business handling well-known products. Small eap tni needed. -Write box TH, c/o the Frontier. 5tf TRACTORS-MACHINERY 057 me 300—T.A. T.H. 680 hours OaO ACWD 13, tires, wide front (3MD Oliver 70 088 WC AC 087 WC AC idl IHC combine with motor 6B IHC combine with motor Mam-Deere forage cutter with motor Fond mower Jfitir i^eere mower AC mower ■-it Hyd. hay rake Dempster grain drill AC grain drill, 3-point hitch Bom crop head AC forage cutter, demonstrator 5 AC corn pickers 1 M IHC picker WC seeder box for oneway ALUS CHALMERS - OLIVER - GEHL - DU-ALL - r NEW HOLLAND CLEVELAND FARM SUPPLY UM TW 3-2905 Orchard. Nebr l£-19c USED CARS Mi Mercury Monterey, plain TB Plymouth, 4 dr. T6 Studebaker hardtop BCD GMC % ton pickup mm Chev. 1 T. Pickup SMITH MOTOR CO. An 562 O'Neill. Nebr. COMBINES ■nosey Harris, super 27 J-D No. 56, 14-ft. ■AM No. 69 with motor MACHINERY fRACTORS— 056 J-D Model 60 ■fade) G J-D 1949 MB J-D Mi B J-D M5 B J-D wc r» _ JD Tillers moat sizes JDlfo.5 Mowers WC No. 9 Mowerr AC 15-ft. disc Farmhand Loader, complete Plows, all sizes PLYMOUTH and JDD TWINE Harry R. Smith imp. Phene SB O’Neill ■UR SALE-^Hay sled tires, 9M ■ 40-11 A# with a liberal guar antee, reasonably priced. Gerald (TCtanor, northeast corner of AtMnacn 17-20p FOR SALE—Heavy duty under 1 slungs with or without beds, also axles, tires, rims, beams and steel. Gerald O’Connor, north f east comer Atkinson. 17-20p FOR SALE—Dairy heifer calves. 1 Also beef calves, any quantity, delivered on approval. Calves on hand most all times Gerald O'Connor, northeast comer of Atkinson. 17-20p FOR SALE—House at Inman to be moved. Call 840J11, O'Neill, Nebraska. 17-19p85 SPECIAL PRICES ! Fully equipped 560 diesel tractor special low price_$4790.00 Fully equipped 460 diesel tractor special low price_$4300.00 101 combine complete with grain and com heads _ $6300.00 1951 Propane burner John Deere B, new guarantee_$950 00 1956 300 Farmall _ $1650.00 1956 400 fuel burner Farmall_$2250.00 1949 M gas_$1450.00 1949 M gas-$1250.00 1947 H gas_$850.00 1946 H fuel__$750.00 1954 WD 45 Allis Chalmers $1700 00 1958 160 me truck new tires_$2100.00 1958 V4 ton Chev. pickup V-8, like new ... $1600.00 1954 Super 88 diesel Oliver, very good $2250.00 1954 Minneapolis 45 HP power unit, fuel_ $400.00 MANY OTHER TRACTORS AND PICKUPS AT THE LOWEST PRICES ! Special on sickles while 5000 last. Heavys__ $8 40 Lights-$7.90 45 lbs. United M.P. Grease at only $5 90 per bucket, only 1000 pails left. SPECIAL—1 year old, like new, 1450 ft. 4-in. sprinkler pipe, 45 risers, portable trailer and 800 gal. per min. pump. A&M sprink ler pipe, 651 gauge. Bargain of the week at only $1600.00. Com plete with all couplers and stands. Oliver baler, wire tie, with motor_$150.00 New Holland baler, wire tie, with motor __$400.00 1958 John Deere 44 baler, wire tie a bargain. Many used rakes of all kinds, also mowers. WE TRADE Storjohann Equipment Co. Lowest equipment prices in USA! PHONE Diamond 6-7185 BURWELL NEBR. MACHINERY New 2 Mil Pickers New Idea 1 row pull picker IHC 2 ME picker IHC 2 M picker IHC 24 picker 2 row M and M picker 2 row Oliver picker 2 row GI picker 1 row GI picker Howard Rotovator F20 Tractor with winch New Holland Auto Baler Used winch for Farmall M One row Rye drills 15 ft. Disc Don't forget the plowing de monstration September 8 at the Northwest corner of O'Neill. APPLIANCES Trade farm equipment on ap Used IHC 12 ft. freezer Apt. Size Electric range Used electric refrigerator Used automatic washer New RCA whirlpool. Apt. size electric range Used automatic washers and dryers 12-ft. IHC freezer 2 used refrigerators SEE US FOR NEW WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O’NEILL. NEBR. IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool FOR SALE: 50 head good black face ewes.—Kenneth Van Every, Page. 16-17p MACHINERY FOR SALE^ New IH No 31 Mower Morrill 12-ft. Side Delivery Rake Du-al Loader Westendorf Wagons Steel Stock Tanks Used No. 52 Combine 32-ft. Elevator No. 24 Mower JD 10A Hammermill Caldwell Stalk and Rrush Cutter 1948 IH Pickup, % ton ■52 Dodge Comet 4 door Good 1954 Philco Refrigerator Nearly new TV Antenna and Rotor Ernest Sixta Service Lynch, Nebraska _ 17-18c MOBILE HOMES August Bargains NEW IN STOCK M69-» ft 10W-Loaded .. $4295 1959—46 ft WW. Ix>ts or extras 1959 33 ft*8W. Tandem, 1 and 2 BR . $2995 Lots ef other new and used at comparable low prices. We trade, finance, deliver and set them up. Open Sundays and Evenings. MILLER TRAILER SAI.ES Albion, Neb. Phone offlco EX5-Z170 Night EX5-2S34 and EX1HU21 IStfcl FOR SALE: New 20 ft. steel bale elevator, complete. Orley Rick ard. 27 mi. south of O'Neill. 17-18p FOR SALE: Two corn stalk drills, reasonable.—Charles Mahony, £ mi. east of O’Neill. 17-18p Real Estate for Sale FOR QUICK SALE! Immediate Possession Ace Wick's property, consisting of 3 houses and lots. Near new 3 bedroom home in O'Neill. Good location! —ALSO— SSO A ranch south of Atkinson. 320 A. east of Inman. 320 A. east of Atkinson. Dairy Queen at Atkinson, near swimming pool and park. OTHER GOOD LISTINGS COME AND SEE US ED THORIN PHONE 207 O’NEILL _ 13tf FOR SALE: Three bedroom house. Full basement with one finished room. All modem. Automatic oil heat Garage, comer lot.—Gene Wolfe, Phone 671-W, O’Neill. 5tfc FOR SALE—Green Lantern Cafe, Ewing, Nebraska For further details call or write Eugene W. Zimmerman, Real Estate Brok er, Phone 82 W, Ewing, Ne braska. _17-18c FOR SALE HOUSE Located at 702 E. Adams 3 BEDROOM MODERN HOME WITH GARAGE Quick Possession! GENE WOLFE PHONE 671-W, O’NEILL 16tf EXCELLENT RANCH and HAY LAND 480 to 1840 acre spreads in the $60 price range. RUT'S REALTY R. S. Rutledge Box 563 Phone PArk 1-1421 Fremont jr ED THORIN for appointment _tf_ FOR RENT FOR RENT—Rooms! Night, week or month. Air conditioned, clean, good beds. Redecorated.—Hotel O’Neill, Phone 364. New Man agement. 12-18pd FOR RENT: Three houses, one 2 bedroom house and 2- one bed room houses.—Contact Walter Pease or Phone Atkinson 7062. 12tf FOR RENT: Very neat two bed room home, gas equipped, gas heater furnished, southeast. — Call Mrs. Jim Parker at 707-W 12tf FARM LOANS —See R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 6tf FOR RENT: Modem two bedroom apartment, with living room, kitchen and bath. Close In.— Elmer Hagensick, phone 538-R, O’Neill. 6tf FOR RENT: 3 room modem apart ments. Very reasonable rent.— Tony Asimus, Phone 510, O’Neill 16tf WANTED WANTED—Semi-trailer driver to go to work immediately. Shel hamer Foods, O’Neill. 18c WANTED TO RENT -Small acre age near O’Neill for milk cow and 4-H calves. A. Neil Dawes, O’Neill 18c WANTED—Teacher for first and second grades at Naper, Nebr. Contact Reo Ludemann or John Schonebaum, Naper. 17-18c WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO . O’Neill •' blks W A 3Vi blks N stoplight WANTED: Experienced middle aged woman to care for child ren night and day while mother is away. Write P. O. Box 563 or phone 548-W, O’Neill, Nebr. 18tfc WISCONSIN’S-FINEST~Dairy Cat tle. Shores Certified—Fresh and Springer 1300 lb. Holsteins, Guernseys, Swiss, Ayrshires, Shorthorns, Jerseys. $2,000.00 in Shores Wisconsin Dairy Cattle brings $400.00 cream monthly for Sandhill rancher. Calves $45 001 up. Yearlings $100.00 up. Lepto Bang’s-shipping vaccinated. De livered. No sale bam or Nebras ka cattle. Travel expenses re funded. Harold P Shores, Ne ligh, Nebraska. Phone Tu 7 4060 or Tu 7-1850. 17tf WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, pk. 3741. tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone: Contois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf WANTED ! DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf Wick's BODY SHOP Complete Body ana Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W - O'NEILL - for Any Job 25tf EXPERT REPAIR SHOP Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O'Neill WANTED: Experienced waitress, day and night.—Candy Bill’s Cafe, O'Neill. 16tfc PIANO AND ORGAN LESSONS— Mrs. Lloyd Liedtke, phone 790, 530 Clay St., across from the Methodist church. 18-23c L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Rec —Clinton. |-_ I LOAN Money on farms and ranches and city property.— Write to R. H. Parker. O’Neill, j Nebr. 6tf! WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50tf NOTICES TRIP INSURANCE—When you go on vacation, hunting, fishing or travel on business protect your self and family — See Frieda Winkler, Phone 763-J, O’Neill, i 16-18p I I AM BACK in my office again and I have Eastern Money and Priv ate Money to loan on Farm land, Ranch land, and City Homes. If you need money see or write.—I R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 6tf 1 . MISCELLANEOUS A DREAM COME TRUE, no wax-I ing to do. Use Glaxo plastic type linoleum coating. Covne Hardware, O’Neill. IStfc CURTISS STUD SERVICE can build you a herd for less. Don’t: leave your herd’s future to chance Breed to bulls from prov en families.—Duane Gray, Phone i 470 O’Neill. 9tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly In sured. — See Ed Thorln, agt. O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf. ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O’NEILL, NEBR. — PH. 269 See E. J. Shane ATKINSON for dragline work, sewer and water ditches and clam work. I BfrOp CASH LOANS SIGNATURE — AUTO FURNITURE O'NEILL LOAN CO. We have a plan to fit every need and budget! VIRGIL L. LAURSEN Phone 434 O’Neill tfc - ■■ ■■ —-.... AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207 O'NEILL _____ j ' Add Those Extra Dollars CREEP FEED WITH DYNAFAC TO YOUR CALF CROP ! A new CREEP FEEDER and 2 Tons bulk NORCO 14% Protein Delivered anywhere within 20 miles of Inman i $359.00 Finkbine Lumber Co. Tompkins Livestock Headquarters INMAN. NEAR. LOST & FOUND | ——— I ( STRAYED from my paatuar north f of Middlebranch, two yearling steers. Brand LJ bar on left hip 1 or reverse K and an L on right hip.—Lysle Johnson, O'Neill, Ph 843-R12 collect. 13pl4-18c UNDER WATER SALVAGE Ro cover your submerged equip ment. boats or motors fast b> our aqua lung equipped divers Fiber glass boat repair—looks like new. Cheaper because we re miles closer and experienced Aqua lung refill facilities—Hoops Boat and Supply, Plainview Phone 267_ 15-18c — SAVE MONEY on your INSURANCE Time and Trouble with a new PACKAGE POLICY VIRGIL LAURSEN AGENCY tfc CARDS OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS—I WISH to take this means to say “Thank You" to all my friends and rela tives for the many thoughful kindnesses extended me while 1 was in the hospital. Nelle Sny der. 18p CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors who came to our home and put up our hay, those who furnished food and refreshments and the la dies who helped to prepare the meals and all those who helped us in any way. We appreciate your thoughtful ness and may God reward you for your kindness. Stanley and Jen nie Chraiel. 18p CARD OF THANKS I WISH to express my deep gratitude to all of my friends throughout Holt county and elsewhere who helped make the days more cheerful by their many kindnesses during my illness. May God bless all of you. Ruth Evelyn Mewmaw, Neligh. CARD OF THANKS. WE WISH to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone for the many acts of kindness extended to us during our recent bereavement. Mrs. Ho mer Mullen, Mrs. P. D. Mullen, Judge and Mrs. J. M. Dierks, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mullen. 18c I ..Legal Notices— | In accordance with the School Laws of the State of Nebraska, I am required to make the follow ing change in boundary: To dissolve Dist. No. 113. Sec tions 5, 6, 7, 8, Township 27, Ran ge 11 and Sections 32, N^ 20, WVi and SEV4 29, SEV4 30, NEV4 31, Township 28, Range 11 to be at tached to Dist. No. 165; Sections 4, 9, Township 27, Range 11 and Sections 33, 34 . 27, 28, SM- & NWV4 21, NE¥4 29, Township 28, Range 11 to be attached to Dist. No. 111. A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Room of the Court House on Sept. 1, 1959 at 10:00 a.m. when all interested may appear and be heard. Alice L. French County Superintendent 18c (First publication August 27, 1959) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETI TION FOR FINAL, SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 4321 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF CHARLES C. AP PLEBY, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge which will be for hearing in this court on Sep tember 16, 1959, at 10 o’clock, A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 18-20c (First publication August 27, 1959) No. 15302 Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District i Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein County Board of Super visors of Holt County, Nebraska, Ex Officio County Board of Public Welfare is plaintiff and Elizabeth Haake; The Heirs, Devisees, Le gatees. personal representatives and All other persons interested in the Estate of Elizabeth Haake Deceased, real names unknown; John Haake, first and real true name unknown, Husband of Eliza beth Haake; Walter Haake; Mary Haake, first and real true name unknown, wife of Walter Haake; Henry Haake; Mary Haake, Wife of Henrv Haake: Carl Haake, Mary Haake, first and real true name un known, wife of Carl Haake; Mary Hilliard, first and real true name unknown. Wife of Frank Hilliard; Frank Hilliard; Mary Pohl, first and real true name unknown, Wife of Gus Pohl; Gus Pohl, and All persons having or claiming any interest in the real estate are de fendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 28 day of Sep tember. 1959, at 10 o’clock A. M„ the following described premises in Holt County, Nebraska; .South 75 feet of Lots 1 and 2. in Block 8 of Cooks Addition to the Village of Chambers, Holt Countv Nebras ka, to satisfy the sum of $2,602.60 found due plaintiff and interest thereon and $80.54 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 26 day of August, j 1959. Leo S. Tomjack Sheriff of Holt County, Nebraska j 18-22c I First publication August 27. 195SH No. 15301 Notice is hereby given that by • irtuc of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein County Board of Super visors of Holt County. Nebraska. Ex Officio County Board of Public ' Welfare is plaintiff and Elizabeth " Angus; The Heirs. Devisees, Lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the Estate of Elizabeth Angus Decea sed: real names unknown; John Angus, first and real true name ' unknown, Husband of Elizabeth ’ Angus; Lester Angus; Mary Angus • first and real true name unknown, ' j Wife of I .ester Angus; Lloyd An . gus; Mary Angus, first and real true name unknown, Wife of LJoyd Angus; Ray Angus; Mary Angus, first and real true name unknown. Wife of Ray Angus; John Angus; Mary Angus, first and real true name unknown. Wife of John An gus; Mary Snyder, first and real true name unknown, Wife of Mar cus Snyder; Marcus Snyder; Mary Furly, first and real true name un known, Wife of Jim Furly; Jim Furly; all persons having or clai ’ j ming any interest in the real es 1 tate are defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in “ O'Neill. Nebraska on the 28 day of September, 1959 at 10 o’clock i A. M., the following described premises in Holt County, Nebras ka; Lot 10 in Block 32 of sub division of Outlots A and B of Pioneer Townsite Company's Ad dition to the Town of Ewing, Holt 1 > County, Nebraska to satisfy the • sum of $5,731.74 found duo plain ' tiff and interest thereon and $73.94 1 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 26 day of August, 1959. Leo S. Tomjack Sheriff of Holt County, Nebraska 18-22c First publication August 27, 1959) No. 15307 | Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein County Board of Super visors of Holt County, Nebraska, Ex Officio County Board of Public Welfare is plaintiff and Frank L. Watson; also known as F. L. Wat son; The Heirs, Devisees, Lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Frank L. Watson, De ceased, Mary Watson, first and real true name unknown, wife of Frank L. Watson; Mary Anson, | first and real true name unknown, j Wife of G. M. Anson; G. M. An son; Mary Roork, first and real true name unknown, wife of W. A. Roork; W. A. Roork; E. L. Watson; Mary Watson, first and real true name unknown, Wife of E L. Watson; Blanche Brown; John Brown, first and real true name unknown. Husband of Blanche Brown; all persons who have or claim to have any interest in the real estate are defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O'Neill, Nebraska, on the 28 day of September, 1959, at 10 o’cock A. M., the following descri bed premises in Holt County, Nel> raska. Lots 17 and 18 in Block 12 of the Original Village of Inman, Holt County, Nebraska, to satisfy the sum of $4,753.04 found due plaintiff and interest thereon and $82.08 costs of suit and accruing ' costs. Dated this 26 day of August, 1959. Leo S. Tomjack Sheriff of Holt County, Nebraska 18-22c (First publication August 27, 1959 > No. 15304 Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein County Board of Super visors of Holt County, Nebraska, Ex Officio County Board of Public Welfare is plaintiff and George Laney: The Heirs, Devisees, Lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the Estate of George Laney Deceased, real names unknown, Mary Laney; the heirs, devisees, legates, per sonal representatives, and all other persons interested in the Estate of Mary Laney Deceased, real names unknown; Joe Laney; Mary Laney, first and real true name unknown, wife of Joe Laney; Eli zabeth Ticknor, John Ticknor, first and real true name unknown, husband of Elizabeth Ticknor; and All Persons having or claiming any interest in the real estate are defendants, I will sell to the high est bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill Nebraska, on the 28 day of Sep tember, 1959 at 10 o’clock A. M., the following described premises in Holt County, Nebraska: All that Part of Outlot B in the Vill age of Inman, Holt County, Ne braska, bounded as follows; On the North by the extended South line of Second Street; on the East by a line Parallel with and dis tant 277.3 feet from the West line of said Outlot; on the South by a line parallel and distant South 157 : feet from said South line of Sec ond street; and on the West by the West line of said Outlot as laid down and described on the plat of said Outlot, to said town as recorded in the office of the County Clerk of said County to satisfy the sum of $7,670.64 found due plaintiff and interest thereon and $65.44 costs of suit and ac cruing costs. Dated this 26 day of August, j 1959. Leo S. Tomjack Sheriff of Holt County, Nebraska 18-22c (First publication August 27,1959) No. 15306 Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein County Board of Super visors of Holt County, Nebraska, Ex Officio County Board of Public Welfare is plaintiff and W. A. Ren ner, also known as Arthur Ren ner; The Heirs, devisees, legat ees, personal representatives, and all other persons interested in the Estate of W. A. Renner, also known as Arthur Renner, Deceased, real names unknown; Ercle Renner, Mary Renner, first and real name - unknown, wife of Ercle Renner; Floyd Keener; Mary Renner, first and real true name unknown, wife of Floyd Renner; Harvey Renner; Mary Renner, first and real true name unknown, wife of Harvey Renner; and all persons having or claiming any interest in itie real estate are defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O'Neill, Nebraska, on the 28 day of September, 1959. at 10 o'clock A. M„ the following described premises in Holt County, Nebras ka: Lots 5. 6, 7. and 8 in Block 2 of Knapp's Addition to the Town 'of Inman Holt County, Nebraska, to satisfy the sum of $5,143.22 found due plaintiff and interest thereon and $70.72 costs of suit and accruing costs. Dated this 26 day of August, 1959. l,oo S, Tomjack Sheriff of Holt County, Nebraska 18-22c (First publication August 27, 1959> No. 15305 Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein County Board of Super visors of Holt County, Nebraska, Ex Officio County Board of Public Welfare is plaintiff and Mina L. Myers, the Heirs, Devisees, Lega tees. Personal representatives and All other persons interested in the Estate of Mina L„ Myers Deceased real names unknown, John Myers, first and real true name unknown, , Husband of Mina L. Myers; Mar ion Myers, Mary Myers, first and real true name unknown, wife of Marion Myers; Joseph Myers, Mary Myers, first and real true name unknown, wife of Joseph Myers, and all persons having or j claiming any interest in the real I estate are defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at i the front door of the court house | in O'Neill, Nebraska, on the 28 day j of September, 1959, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described pre mises in Holt County, Nebraska; part of Southeast Quarter of Sec tion 19, in Township 26, North, Range 12, West of the 6th PM in Holt County, Nebraska beginning at a point 300 feet West and 12 feet South of the Southeast cor ner of Block 1, in Bakers second Addition to the Village of Cham hers, Holt County, Nebraska run ning thence North 131’ foot, thence \Vi*st 93 feet, them e South 131 foot thence East 93 feet to the place ot beginning to satisfy the sunt of $3.08-1.00 found ihje plaintiff and interest thereon and $71,98 costs of suit and accruing costs Dated this 26 day of August 1959. Leo S. Tomjaek Sheriff of Holt Countv, Nebraska _ IS-llV I III;I E NEW i l \« III its BUTTE Throe new teachers will appear here as Butte public school oik-ns August 31. Regular classes will t>egin September 1 The new teachers are David Morgan, music; Mrs Ethel Oolt jon, home economics and Mrs. Galen Cheuvront, kindergarten ONE TEACHER SHORT PAGE The public school hetv still has one vacancy according to Superintendent Vernon Linnaus The faculty will meet at 9 a m. and all students will register front 11 a m. to noon Monday. MILLER THEATRE ATKINSON One Show Nightly 8 o’clock Frl.-Sat. Aug. 'JS .’ii CART.MARIA. KARL fcZZ COOPK SCHfli MALDEN/«« coLow/lbee Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 30 31-Sept. 1 _RfQ Bravo DEMMIUmj) RICKY NEiSQM t . >t Wed.-Tliurs. Sept. 2-3 TheNIGHTofthe QUARTER MOON laii* LONDON liki Dm IAII1MH in CINEMASCOPE SCHOOL SUPPLIES BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIALS Everything For The Student ZIPPER BINDERS Many beautiful covers to choose from NEBRASKA HISTORY PAPER buy it by the ream Also 10c and 25c packages TYPING PAPER Reams or Tablets BALL P0IINT PENS Scripto, Paper-mate, and others INK PENS - $100 and up INK CARTRIDGE PENS EXTRA CARTRIDGES MECHANICAL PENCILS PENCIL BOXES PENCIL SHARPENERS SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS SHORTHAND NOTEBOOKS THEME COVERS DICTIONARIES FREE BACK-TO-SCHOOL OFFER While the supply lasts, we are giving, absolutely FREE, a 50c Value Rand McNally World Map with every school supply purchase. These maps are ideal for framing or mounting on the wall. Remember, the supply Is strictly limited, so be sure to purchase your school supplies and get your free map while they are still available. FOR ONE-STOP S<!HOOL SUPPLY SHOPPING, COME TO DEVOY REXALL DRUG TODAY! ATTENTION MOTHERS! At the top of your school-shopping list put Rexall SUPER PLENAMINS. Keep your child at top efficiency for the coming school year. One SUPER PLENAMINS Tablet daily (or SUPER PLENAMINS, JR. for the younger children) supplies more than the minimum daily requirement of all vitamins for which such minimums have been established, and will do much toward keeping your child in top condition throughout the school year. SUPER PLENAMINS are available in O’Neill only at DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG—get some today! VETERINARY NEEDS You’ve read about CO-RAL, the remarkable effective Spray Control for Cattle Grubs. CO-RAL kills grubs inside the cattle, hut before they can damage meat or hides. CO-RAL is econ omical, too, compared to treating for grubs with medication by mouth. You can get CO-RAL in O’Neill at DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG PRESCRIPTIONS Have your next prescription filled at DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG by a PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST. Remember, there is a REGISTERED PHARMACIST on duty at DEVOY’S until 9:00 p.m. for your convenience. DEVOY REXALL Drug FORMERLY GILLIGAN DRUG O'Neill, Nebr.