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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1959)
BE ___ PREPARED FOR BACKTO'SCHOOL SHOP PEMETS! Easy-Care i * J Acrilan’n Rayon | , Flannel Slacks ! men's waist sizes 38 to 43 Boys' pleatless slacks, 10-20 $4.98 Automatic wash n wear, little or no iron time savers zip through washer, dryer. 70% Acrilan<>», 30% rayon slacks are prepared in minutes, stay-neat looking. Get the pleated style in charcoal, medium grey, brown. •Acrylic fi!>er by Chemstrand As seen in Saturday Evening Post SHOP PENNEY’S . . . you’ll live better, you’ll save! STOCK UP! BOYS' R 1 COTTON BRIEFS! 3for$l15 1 sizes 2 to 16 Made to Penney’s specifica tions! Cotton briefs. Heat re sistant elastic waists, elastic leg openings. Get a dozen. Op portunity price! BOYS' COMBED COTTON T-SHIRTS 3 for $125 sizes 2 to 16 ' Stock up, now, on combed cot ton T-shirts . . . they're a ward robe bonus at this Penney low price. Check the new, improv ed nylon reinforced collar. SAVE ON SPORT SHIRTS FOR BOYS $!°o short sleeves, sizes 4 to 16 i 1 Penney's prepares a big selec tion in woven ginghams, easy care new-look prints and solid color broadcloths. All are ma chine washable! Buy him sev eral! I BURNISHED TONES BY GALEY & LORD M | Superior combed cot tons . . . prepared in new burnished tones colorful as fall itself 1 Wash 'n wear, too .,. "ittle or no ironing! S Riverside News Mr*. Leone I Gunter The Rodney Pollock family and Dave Pollock visited Gavins Point dam one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Schlottman were Norfolk visitors Saturday. The Grant Mott family were Sun day dinner guests at the Bert Kink home. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Pollock and Phil and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock visited at the Fred Maben home one night last week. The Johnny Miller family visited Friday evening at the George Montgomery home. The Wayne Shrader family and Ina Bennett were guests last Sun day to a wiener roast at the Arch ie Johnston home. Revered ami Mr*. Wiliam Ro** culled on Mr*. George Montgom ery Thursday evening. Mrs. Archie Johnston. Barbara and Marilyn and Mr. and Mrs. Will Shrader were Tilden visitors Thursday. Mrs. Jessie Cronk went to her home at Page after spending a few days at the Howard Miller home. Mrs. Anna Smith of Inman visl ed from Wednesday until Satur day evening ai me nuwaru niiuci home. Mrs. Dale Raasch and Renee ; of Omaha spent a couple days visiting at the Dave Pollock home while Dale was in Valentine on j business. Mrs. Darrel Switzer, Jerry, Judy I and Jackie of Omaha spent the weekend at the Ora Switzer home and also attended the Switzer reunion at Wendell Switzers on Sunday. Other attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer and the Leo Miller family. The Rudy Aiders family were dinner guests last Sunday at the Fredrick Ritter home in honor of Duane’s and Ricky's birthdays. The Robert Montgomery family visited Saturday afternoon at the George Montgomery home. The Wendell Switzer family re turned home Friday from vaca tioning in the Black Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rose of Cedar Rapids, Iowa are visiting at the Web and Floyd Napiar homes. Reverend and Mrs. Woodrow Elliott and Sandra called at the Dewitt Hoke homo last Sunday evening. . . . Mrs. Marcus Pierson and girls visited Friday afternoon at the Earl Pierson home. Susan Napier visited a few days at the Dale Napier home. The Billy Lofquist family visit ed Sunday evening, Aug. 16 at the Reuben Meyer home in Neligh. Cathy stayed for a longer visit, returning home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bennett at tended the rodeo in Chambers Thursday evening. Mrs. Evelyn Meagher and the Harold Bennett family were supp or guests August 18 at the John Napier home. The Ed Walters family of Chambers were evening callers. . T . Z. 11. Fry took Dixie and Judy Rickert to Omaha August 18 to take the train for their home in California after spending two months visiting relatives. Mrs. Richard Napier, Reta and Nancy accompanied Mr. Fry to Omaha. They visited a few days at the Frank Emsick home. The John Napier family were dinner guests Sunday at the Ed Walters home in Chambers. Richard Napier and Susan took Cheryl and Joan Emsick to their home in Omaha Saturday after visiting relatives near Ewing. Mrs. Napier, Reta and Nancy planned | to return home with Mr. Napier and Susan on Sunday afternoon. Alice Shrader visited relatives in Norfolk Wednesday and Thurs day, August 19-20. Jackie and Bruce Morrow were : weekend guests at the Wilbur Bennett home. The Willie Shrader family while at Absarokee, Montana felt the earthquake. They visited Wednes day evening with relatives at Gei ing returning home on r l ictay. Alice Shrader wan an overnight guest at the Archie Johnston home August 18. , Mrs. Alfred Napier called on ! Mrs. George Keller Friday after n°Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and Mrs. Kenneth Hill visited Kenneth Hill in an Omaha hospital Thurs day Kenneth returned home with them Thursday afternoon Dennis Napier has infection in his knee. , ,, ,. Mrs. ltudy Aiders and Rosella were Tilden visitors on Tuesday, August 18. One of the rigs that are digg ing test holes drilled on the Dewitt Hoke place Thursday. The Alfred Napier family and Mr. and Mrs. R- A. Hood visited Duane llord at Syracuse Sunday. Lucille Rotherham visited lhurs dav at the Billy Lofquist home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery and Mrs. Rol Hold were in Sioux City. Iowa August 19- Mr. Montgomery went by train to Roc hester, Minnesota where he enter ed the Mayo Clinic for physical, check-up. Venus News By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Ardcll Bright of Orchard drove the new school bus out over the route north of Orchard on August 18. He comes as far north as the Ora Caskey place. Larry and Gary Caskey will attend the Orchard high school this term. This is the first time Orchard | has had a school bus service this far. A large crowd attended the farm sale of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fritz (which was advertised in the Frontier) on August 19. The pur | chaser of the farm was Melvin Roach of Page for $6600. I The Help-U-dub served lunch at the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Porter of Orchard visited at the Ora Cas key home Wednesday. Mrs. Porter stayed there with Randy and Ter ~ry ' Gibbs, her grandsons, while Mrs. Caskey helped at the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pospeshil of Sioux City returned from a business trip Friday to their par ' ents home, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pospeshil's. The next day they returned to their home. Janet and Jerry accompanied their parents home after a visit with their grand parents. August 18 was not only a very hot day here in Nebraska but also in Virginia. Mrs. James Bonier called her mother. Mrs. Brookhou ser from her home at Quantieo. Va.. which is about 20 miles south of Washington D. C. and the temp erature there at 2 p. m. was 95 the same as here. Mrs. May Cooke is stay ing with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woodworth. Dennis Von Seggren arrived August 12 from Ft. Lewis, wash., where he is stationed with the armed forces, to spend a 2 week furlough with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Von Seggren, Bette Jane and Dale Lee. Dennis came as far as Omana by plane. He visited with his sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr. ana Mrs. Dwane Falter and son, at Fremont and with relatives at Scribner and Hooper. His uncle Orville Von Seggren and family ot Hooper brought him to his home. Nolan and David Von Seggren. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Orville \ on Seggren remained for a longer vis it. Mr. and Mrs. Von Seggren re turned to their home the same Clinton Zastrow. son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zastrow of O'Neill is spending the week with his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber. Otto Ruzieka of Dorsey did vet erinary work at the Ralph Brook houser place August 17. Dwane Boelter and Willis war ing did the chores at the Fran cis Boelter farm while they were aVLeland Caskey of Omaha came August 15 in the evening and spent till Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey and twins. Mrs. Verlyn Gibbs of Clearwa ter brought her small sons to the Ora Caskey home August 15 while they are visiting in California with Mr. Gibb’s brother and sis Mr. and Mrs. Marlin E. Tusha and family left for New York Au gust 17 where they will make their future home. Mr. Tusha was transferred from California last May. He is a pilot for the Pan American airlines. Mrs. Tusha and children have been visiting his and her parents. Enroute they plan to visit with warrant officer and Mrs. James A- Bo«,en family at Quantieo, Va. Mrs. Bol der is a sister of Mrs. Tusha. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey of Bellevue and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brookhouser of Cotesfield were Sunday. August 16 dinner gucMs at the Ralph Brookhouser home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jundt of Creighton and Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge Jeffrey motored to Omaha Aug ust 16 where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey and daughters and Harry Caskey were August 19 evening visitors at the ura Mrs. Harry Caskey and Ella Men ser returned Thursday afternoon from Omaha with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacot of Verdigre. In the city they visited with the ladies sister and brother-in law Mr. and Mrs. John Kotrous and’ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hinz and with a niece and husband, Mi. •ind Mrs Lvle Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Moser went to Creighton August 13 where they attended the funeral services ol MMr. 'and^Mrs. Leonard Davey of Bellevue called at the Hoscoe Grinding and Russell Ickler homes AUMrSt ami Mrs. Arvid Newhaus were Friday evening visitors at l AMrK and Mrs. Lumir Sokol, Su san Judy, Margaret, Sally and Steven, of Royal Oak, Michigan, and Mrs. Joseph Sokol of Verdigre were dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Brookhouser on Wednesday, August 19. Miss Vlanta. Viola and Hita Pus peshil visited with Mrs. Fred Uhlir and Anette Wednesday af teM?“ind Mrs. Francis Boelter and Loren and Mr. and Mrs. El mer Koeina and Marlin of Wmne Son returned last Tuesday from a trip to the Ozarks. They visited at the Fredrick Rice home at Sa *''mV. and Mrs. Russell Ickler and family were O'Neill shoppers Aug U HilVand George Jeffrey and Paul Lee Mitchell went to Osmond Tues tey and helped Lyle Rasmussen Steven anti Gary Waring of Tu cumseh are visiting with their un cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring, Willis and Arlee. The Grimton homecoming was held August 16. There were 101 guest registered; 65 were visitors. 33 pupils and 4 teachers. Ciau dice Evans, Mrs. Margaret Wal ton Risinger, Mrs. Sharon Vona sek Miller and Mrs. Lloyd Butter field who taught the school last term and will teach there again this year were the teachers. A pic nic dinner was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Kenneth Tyler returned to her home at Fremont after spend ing two weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch. She also visited her husband is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Tyler and son of Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boelter of Creighton spent August lb with his mother, Mrs. Edna.Boeder. On Monday evening a bridal shower was held for Mary Ann Gerdes of Osmond at the home of Mrs. Lou ise Heese and given by the Neigh borhood club. The hride-tmlx re ceived many gifts. Miss Gerdes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hen > Gerdes and Duane Finch, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch were married August 22. Freddie and Eddie Boelter, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Reno Boelter ot near Lynch, spent a tew days with their aunt and uncle, Mr. anu Mrs. James Podany and sons. Their parents and sister also visited there August 16. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim ar rived at their Ewing home Tues day after a two week vaetion to the state of Washington. While at Port Angels they visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Grim and family. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Atkinson Hay Days Kick - Off Today ATKINSON Atkinson's widely known celebration, the 19;h annual Hay Days, will be staged here to day (Thursday) and Friday under auspices of the Atkinson Chamber of Commerce. In connection with it will be the second annual invitational Appa loosa horse show and parade. Both halter classes and perfor mances classes will be in compet ition both days A highlight of the event will be the coronation pageant, sche duled for 8 p.m. Friday at the ball park, when the Hay Hays queen will be crowned. The pro gram will include professional entertainment. Other top events will be the free beef barbecue from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday and the kids parade at 10 a.m. Thursday which will be held on main street. Ringmaster for the Appaloosa events will ho Earl Hammond of Aurora, while Dick Grubaugh of David Ci v will be announcer. All Appaloosa breeders are in vited to enter the show, and en tries will he accepted up to one hour prior to the starting time for each event. Judging in the halter classes will start at 9 a.m. both Thurs day and Friday. Stallions will he in competition Thursday and mares Friday. The performance classes will en tertain before the grandstand at 1 p.m. both afternoons and at 8 p.m. Thursday evening There are a large number of classes and there will be four rib bons and four money prizes a vvarded in each class. Prize money for the show totals $2,860. All Appaloosa breeders have been invited to a pre-show barbe cue by Charley W. and Charles Peterson at their home ranch, 16 miles south of Atkinson, Wednes day evening. Deloit News By Mrs. Henry Reimer Miss Mona Mosel spent several I days last week at the Keith Bartak home. Mr and Mrs. Saltonstal and family of Norfolk were recent visitors at the Bill Gibbs home. Mr. and Mrs. George Adrian and family of Wichita, Kans., Mrs. Echo Fisher and Mrs. Lula Smith of St. Edward. Mrs. Mary Graham of Albion and Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Rexin were visitors at the Sisson home August 17. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster were Sunday dinner guests at the Anita Lee home in Ewing. Gene Ray and two daughters of Omaha are spending the week at the R. Tomjack home. Shelia Hertel, who spent the summer at the Ray home, returned to her home in Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maben ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones, jr. on a trip to Estes I ark. Colorado Springs and other places of interest in Colorado recently. Mrs. Glenn Harpster visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier Thursday. Rela tives from Iowa were also guests at the Napier home. Mrs Beulah Napier was mar ried Saturday, August 15, at a church near her home in Wash ington. She will live in Canada. She is an aunt of Mrs. Glenn Harp ster and is known here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer visited August 17 at the Mike Born home in Plainview and Wednesday at the Howard Temple home in Hastings. For Ihe benefit of our northern readers it was 95 degrees here several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson arrived home Sunday after a two week vacation at Cass Lake, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban and Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Bollwitt were also enjoying a vacation at that lake. ^ . . Mr. and Mrs. R M. TomjacK, Vicky and Jodie Ray of Omaha spent Sunday at the Myrtle Jewell home in Dallas, S. D. It was Mrs Jewell’s 82nd birthday. Mr. and Mrs Henry Reimer were Sunday guests at the J. A Larson home in Ewing. Mr. Lai son was celebrating his birthday. Mrs. G. A. Bauer called at the Fred Harpster home Thursday. Most of the schools will start Monday, August 31. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stearns and Madine and Mrs. Mary Stearns were Sunday dinner guests at the Martha Kinney home in Elgin. Cora Lee Schmiser, 17, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmiser brought home the grand champion beef award from the Holt county fair. Her sister, Mar cenc won the best of class in Here ford breed at the show. A number from here attended the Wheeler county fair at Bart lett over the weekend Zoe Ann Huffman won a number of prizes on her horses and Mrs. Earl Rossow won a number of prizes on her hand work. Don Larson spent the first of the week in O’Neill preparing for his school work. Mrs. Henry Reimer will attend pre-school meeting at Inman Fri day. She will teach kindergarten. Chambers News By Mrs. E. R. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barnett of Greeley, Colo., came Saturday bringing their daughter, Connie and Miss Mary Ellen Gillette for a week’s visit. Connie will visit her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Alderson at Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Barnett at Amelia. Mary will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Gillette. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hoffman and family drove to York Satur day and visited until Sunday eve ning with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fangman. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Olson of Columbus came Sunday morning to visit in the Elwyn Robertson home and to get their daughter, I Carol Ann, who had spent two weeks here. Other guests in the Robertson home were Mrs. Jack Bieriele of Columbus and Mrs. Paul Roth of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor and son, Eldon, were supper guests Sunday in the Harry Hollenbeck home in O'Neill. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Grimes were Mrs. Milton Grimes and son of Kansas City, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ellis of St. Edward. Mrs. Grimes : and sun. who had visited here i since Tuesday, accompanied the Ellis' back to St. Edward. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burge and family were Sunday evening call ers in the Russell Barelman home. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Holcomb of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ed wards of St. Paul and Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper of Chambers met at the park in St. Paul Sun day for a picnic dinner together. The three families had not been together for 25 years They form erly were neighbors north of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. William Ritter bush and Mr. Arnie Mace were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Peltzer. Mi. ana Mrs. John Gassin of Lincoln were weekend and fair vis itors in the Clarence Fry and Ed Coday homes. On Sunday the group was joined by Mr. anti Mrs. Ralph Morgan of Ainsworth for a picnic and family gathering at the Ed Co day home. Mr. Gossin is a nephew of the Fry’s. Neil Fry of Burnell and Mr. and Mrs. Randy Johnston of Ree Heights, S. D., attended the Holt County fair where they had entries in the quarter horse show. They were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fry the former be ing a son of the Frys. High school students of the Chambers school registered Tues day, August 25, for classes. Mrs. Mary Harvey was surpris ed Sunday evening when the fol lowing friends gathered to help her celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Hoerle and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lambert and children, Mrs. Ola Ermer, Mrs. Anna Albers, Mrs. A. B. Hub bard, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Covey and Mr. and Mrs. Dellie Fauquier were present. Mrs. A. B. Hubbard returned last Monday from a few days vis it with relatives in Columbus. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell were Mr. and Mrs. Verle Tuttle ami Sherry' and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tuttle, all of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Uoland Tuttle of Brunswick and Katheryn Ru bock and Karen Ermer of Cham bers. Mrs. Ola Ermer and Mrs. John Wintermote were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Will la'hmann. H W. Hubbard returned home Saturday fom St. Anthony’s hospi tal where he had been a patient for several days. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ballagh of Amelia called at the Kenneth Wel ler and George Bowse homes Saturday. Sunday dinner guests of Mi’s Charlotte Honeywell were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Honeywell of Wahoo, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Honeywell and family of Weston and Mr. and Mrs. Seymore Harkins of Ewing. The Gene Honeywells were over night guests. Star Community New* By Mrs. Ewalt Miller Miss Kay Hibbs, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Kill Hibbs was honored at a bridal shower, with Mrs. Nols Linquist and Miss Bev erly Linquist as hostesses at the home of Mrs. Ben Miller Satur day evening. Miss Hibbs will bo married to Merle Schleusencr of Orchard on September 26. Mrs. Ewalt Miller visited with Mrs. Mike Piklapp and daughter, Mrs. Jack Rowles in O'Neill Thursday and was informed that Mike Piklapp would undergo ma jor surgery at a Norfolk hospital on Wednesday of this week. He has has !>cen in failing health for some time. The Piklapps are former re sidents of the Star Community and now live at Monowi in Boyd county. Unofficial reports of four, five and a half, six and a half and se ven and a half inches of rain fell in this area and in western Knox county on Friday evening. Consid erable damage was done to the fen ces along the creeks anil gullies. Several stacks of hay were des troyed by lightning. High winds also struck in some places. The South Star telephone com pany held an auction sale Satur day afternoon to dispose of any surplus material on hand. Melvin Miller is home after spending two weeks with the nat ional guard in Minnesota. Mrs. Thomas Zakrzewski and Mrs. Ewalt Miller attended the bowler’s meeting in O’Neill Fri day evening. Miss Barbara Wayman spent Sunday night with Barbara Mil ler. Miss Kay Hibbs of Norfolk s[H'nt the weekend with her Nate* Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hibbs, Kodacyi Mike ami Craig. The Frank Kopejtka family * moving from the Guy Juhnante farm to Inman. Mrs. Thomas Zakrzewski .nter tainiHi a group of ladies at a F* ty in her home Tuesday cvctaayk August 1H. Miss Irma Juracek called a« Barbara Miller and Barbara Way man Sunday afternoon. l-ast Week News Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert V> uthataa and family spent Sunday e\e«*a* at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and family in honor ft Wyn's birthday anniversary. ! iome made ice cream and the birthday cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Block and family visited at the Robert ler home Sunday evening, Augadf 9. Mrs. Ethel Siders visited hat daughter, Mrs. Bill Hibhs last Thursday. Ewalt Miller had dinner teat Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold Miller and family Koddy, Mike and Craig IIAfca visited with I,yle Juracek teat Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Keilhoto «d family are spending a three *«ate vacation with Mr. ami Mrs. Baa Miller. Other visitors last weak were the Miller’s granddaughter Georgene ami Sheila Oetter id Omalta. The Willow-dale 4-H club held their picnic at the Roland Mdte» home on August 9. . Wyn and Uirry Johnson spe* Tuesday night, August It m Creighton with their grandpa rtte^ Mr and Mrs Dave Johnson The Willow dale extension elite enjoyed a tour of several of tea O’Neill Imsiness places Wednesday beginning at 11 o'clock to 5 in tea afternoon. The September meeting will ha at the home of Mrs. Lysle J«h* son. There will be an electa* ft officers. Roll call will lie, Td ferent Ways of Serving ChickeaT. Mrs. Sofie Nekuda of OnaaA* visited with relatives over tea weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Art acek and family of Norfolk ww* also visitors at the Elmer Ae acek home on Sunday. The Wfca were here to attend the French* Juracek wedding Saturday paw ning in O'Neill. Mrs. Ewalt Miner accutap* tiled Mr. and Mrs. Gerald War lug to Brunswick Sunday i» vtatt with their mother, Mrs. HaNte Boelter. Phone Your New* T* The Frontier— MAYTAG brings you a combination Washer-Dryer that is easy to operate, fully flexible, with all the features for perfect washday performance ■ if i | A A V • ■ Simple, easy to set and completely automatic. Flexible controls permit homemaker to wash and dry in ono continuous operation or perform each operation sep arately. Controls can be changed at any time to repeat or omit any phase of operation. And the Maytag re quires only 34” of space, 40% less than required for an ordinary washer and dryer. Maytag’s Water Temperature Controls permit you to select hot, warm, or cold water wash \ at the touch of a button. Warm water -1 VSiMi cold water rinse. Cold water rinse also provided automatically when Wash n Wear cycle is used. Automatic Water Heater can be turned on or off at your discretion. When on, automatically maintains temperature of wash water, increases temperature of limited hot water supply. Shuts off automatically at end of wash cycle. Exclusive Maytag Fabric Controls eliminate all guesswork. At the touch of a button Maytag automaticaly provides the precise combination of washing procedures including rinse temperatures, preconditioning during spin period, and drying temperatures to launder every garment and fabric in complete safety, leaves wash and wear garments with ready-to-wear freshness. Striking Timer Control regulates both washing and drying operations from a single diaL Provide* Wash periods of from 1 to 14 minutes. After wash cycle, timer advances automatically into selected drying cycle. Complete range of drying time up to 100 minutes available. Five minute conditioning period at end of drying cycle may be used to freshen articles by tumbling without heat Complete flexibility lets you repeat, omit, lengthen or shorten any phase Of either the washing or drying operations. MAYTAG COMBINATION WASHER-DRYER washes and dries automatically in one epace^aving unitI Wm. KROTTER CO. Maytag Sales and Service OMAC Financing Available O'Neill — Stuart — Spencer