The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 27, 1959, Image 2

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    Chambers' First
Quarter Horse
Show Results
Here is your cnmpleie list of
Weal entries and a list at the class
■ian-rs at the first quarter horse
(*>>., in chambers held during the
Heft county fair See mam story
*■ page 1.
fillies (im-named colts)—
Howard Fitter of Encson 1st, L.
O Rhodes, Stuart, 2nd 1968 Ri
fes Howard Pitzer, Encson. 1st,
Jack McGrew. Stuart. 2nd 1967 Ri
tes, Howard Pitzer, Encson, 1st,
tontor. Mellor, Atkinsan. 2nd.
Aged mares Frances Johnston
tee Heights, S. D , 1st, Howard
ftoer Encson, 2nd
869 stallions I unnamed colts) —
John Vande Vegt, Oedar Rapids,
Hebr, 1st, l- 0. Rhodes, Stuart
Hal 1958 stallions Weld in Char
tor. Mason Qty. Net*-., 1st, Ber
wmrd Miles, Valentine. 2nd 1957
■Mans Stan Huffman. Ewing,
to. Bernard Miles, Valentine, 2nd
Aged stallions Neil Fry. Bur
mtfl 1st. Wills Peterson. Stuart,
QpkLng class Randy Johnston,
tor Heights, S. D. 1st. Glen Nut
ter Thedford. 2nd
torformance Class Willis Pete
wtr Saurt, 1st Zoe Ann Huff
man Ewing, 2nd
Junor Reining Class Phil Gro
ctkm La Mars. Ia.. 1st Willis Pe
tersen Stuart 2nd (ridden by Lo
mrl! O. Ferrell.)
Serrur reining, iTui uroeocen
La Mars. la., 1st, Willis Petersor
Shuart 2nd (ridden by Ferrell*
Western Pleasure Frances John
ston Ree Heights. S. D , 1st, Doc
Komcek Lyons, 2nd
Registered roping Willis Peter
son. Stuart, 1st, Glen Nutter, Thed
ted. 2nd.
Cutting horse, jimior class Wil
ts Peterson, Stuart, 1st, S. B. Hall
Kebgh 2nd; senior class, Don Kon
lock Lyons, 1st, Bud Wilson, Env
•son 2nd.
See grand and reserve champ
te classes on page L
The following is a list of loca
C E McVay, E L» Miner Car
■of McKay, aB at O'Neil]; W. R
Oabl>. Willis Peterson. L. O Rho
des. Jack McGrew, all of Stuart:
Ed Trennephlo, Burtwistk* broth
m, Stan Huffman. Zoe Ann Huff
nan. all at Ewing; Howard Pitzet
M Ericson, Sharon Mignery ot
Dr. Donald E. David
Eyes Examined
Glasses Fitted
Phase tl*l Bpeaceir
Bar Jett Charles Cox. Billy Cox
Lx* Nukkelsen. Ralph Garwood
all of Chambers and Benton Mel
lor of Atkinson.
Judging Results
At County Fair
Chambers—Results of +-H cJub
judging contests at the Holt county
fair here have been announced as
Foods senior group: Alice Hal
stead, Lynch. 1st; Rita Vequis’
O'Neill, 2nd; Ruth Ann Hansen,
Inman. 3rd
Foods junior group: Paty Mc
Kay O'Neill, 1st; Debbie Peterson
O'Neill. 2nd; Jo Ann Seripter. At
kinson 3rd
Clothing judging, senior group.
Faye Scheer, Ewing. 1st; Ruth
Ann Walker. O'Neill, 2nd Janet
Krugman, O'Neill, 3rd.
Clothing judging, junior group
Margaret Conway, 1st; Patty Hand
2nd; Celia Peterson, 3rd. all of
Livestock judging, senior divis
ion: Richard Ernst. O'Neill. 1st:
Tommy Melcher. Page. 2nd, Don
ald Swanson, Chambers, 3rd.
Livestock judging, junior divis
ion: Jean Tagel. Ewing. 1st; Bill
Halstead. Lynch, 2nd. Dennis
Funk. Ewing. 3rd
Dairy judging, senior division:
Jerilyn Luebcke, Page 1st; Faye
Scheer, Ewing, 2nd: Donna Crum
ly. Page, 3rd
Dairy judging, junior division:
John Crumly, Page. 1st; Thomas
Scheinost, Page, 2nd; Vincent
Streeter. O'Neill, 3rd.
BUTTE—Butte will be host to
this area Saturday. Sept 5. at the
11th annual Pancake Day. Plans
for the event are completed
There will be horseshoe pitch
ing. band concerts and a carnival
company in addition to the pan
cake dinner.
A representative of the Norfolk
social security office will be in:
The Court Room of the Court
House in Butte, Nebr. from 9:00
a m. to 1:00 pm. on Tbursdav,
Sept. 10.
Anyone planning to apply for
benefits is advised to come in at
least a month before he is eligible
big — yIt looks built-in I
wHh cabi
kiiifa on
i and door
■ rlmtnti for
r fnrur
aero bad
_ i oi your toe!
TVada kw for tkfc RCA WHIRLPOOL
Itpiaa FS-ltB aafricarator freezer.
We Trade for
Farm Equipment
on Appliances
IN MN| tftirt H jTM tr*H
■p ti 3 yun hr IN ititttt t
mn no o'Veili
In open class judging at the Holt county fair. E. I.. Miner showed the grand champion Angus
ball, above, lover all breeds). He also showed the :..ind champion heiler. an Angus (over all breeds.*
The grand champion atocker-feeder, an Angjs, -I the fair, above, was shown by Gayle* Warden
of the Swan Lakers Club. The reserve champion, a Hereford, was shown by Jack Doolittie. Both calves
were champions among their breeds. The Frontier Photo and Engraving.
Dorsey News
No Damage Reported Here
From Recent Rain and Wind
Bv Mrs, Harold CKborn
This community received a very
hard rain, from 21? to 3 inches
Friday evening, a few hail stones
fell, but no damage was reported,
a hart! wind accompanied the rain
and limbs were broken but so
far no great damage was report
Mr and Mrs. Don Bare and
family of Morrill were dinner
guests at the Osborn home Thurs
day. They had spent the night
with Grandma Bare in Lynch and
had been supper guests at their
aunt and uncles home, the Junior
Bradys in O’Neill Wednesday eve
ning. They left the Osborn home
intending to tour Pickstown and
visit friends in Volin. S. D and
various places returning home by
Mr and Mrs Gordon Barta and
Evelyn were O’Neill shoppers
Wednesday, August 19.
Mrs Wilbur Mitchell and Mrs.
Frank Gehlsen helped Mrs. Gor
don Barta dress chickens Thurs
Mrs Mclntosch of Norfolk and
children visited Wednesday eve
ning and Thursday morning at the
T. J. and Howard Graham homes
Mr and Mrs J B. Millard and
girls are spending a few days at
the Harold Osborn home.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Svatos and
Arlin were Thursday evening visi
tors at the Harold Osborn home
Rodrick Hughes helped with
digging at the Gordon Barta farm
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Alder and
Mrs. Grace Alder were O'Neill
shoppers Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs Lorelle Pickering
of Omaha spent the weekend with
relatives, also visiting Lorelle’s
grandmother, Mrs. John Hurd in
the Sacred Heart Hospital in
Lynch who isn't too well at this
writing She submitted to surgery'
Mrs. Joe Biermeier of Lynch
submitted to surgery in Sioux Qty
one day last week. She is very
For information concerning
your being eligible for the New
Auto Policy (intended to reduce
the Insurance Premium); the
protection it affords and the
premium cost, without any ob
ligation on your part, see. write
or phone
L. G. Gillespie
Insurance Agency
Phone 114 or 218 — O'Neill
well known as she was a nurse
in the Lynch hospital some years
ago and later was the nurse in the
Doctor s office in Lynch. The last
report w as she was getting along
nicely. She was the former Rosie
Gan. Wilson helped Albert Car
son shell com and they attended a
sale in the afternoon near Page.
Miss Sadie Derickson and Mrs
Georg:e Butterfield visited at the
John Derickson home August IS
Mrs H H. Miles and Linda are
spending a few days at the farm
Mrs Edward Carson arrived
home Friday evening after spend
ing a week in Lincoln visiting her
daughter and relatives and
Family Gathering
The 22nd annua! Gnmton reun
ion was held Sunday. Aug. 16. with
four teachers. 33 pupils and 65
visitors present The teachers were
Mrs. Donald Miller of Verdigre.
Mrs. Loyd Butterfield. Mrs Leon
ard Rismger and C. O. Evans of
Orchard. Oldest pupils present
were Mrs Lizzie Grim of Ewing
and her younger sister. Mrs. Jo
sephine Butterfield of Creighton.
Nebraska towns represented
were Orchard. Osmond, Ewing.
O’Neill. Creighton. Verdigre, Roy
al. Lynch Niobrara. Inman. Bas
sett. Waterloo. Neligh. Waterbury.
Norfolk and Lincoln. Also Mission.
S.D Coming the greatest distance
were Mr and Mrs. Clarence Grim
of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs Wil
liam Grimm. Mr. and Mrs John
Femeu and daughter of Mission.
5. L>.
The dinner table was decorated
with five bouquets of beautiful
flowers furnished by Mrs. Lizzie
Grim. Mrs. Max LeMasters. Mrs.
Edwin Zetterman and Rita Pos
peshil. also the anniversary cake
baked by Viola Pospeshil. Mrs.
Lester Raff had charge of re
freshments assisted by Mrs. Elvin
A business meeting was called
by vice president Mast a Pospeshil
in the absence of the president,
Mrs. Roy Hansen.
New officers were elected for
the next three years as follows:
Elden Butterfield, president; Mrs.
Dale Dorr, vice-president; Mrs
Loyd Butterfield, secretary; Mrs.
Fred LTilir. treasurer; Mrs. Harry
Butterfield and Mrs. Leonard Pus
inger. refreshment chairmen; Vi
ola Pospeshil. registrar, and Mrs.
Albert Pospeshil. publicity chair
man. Each retained their position.
After the business meeting cof
fee, tea and lunch were served
The 23rd annual reunion will be
held the third Sunday in August.
1980—Mrs Albert Pospeshil. pub
licity chairman.
PAGE—Dean A, Taylor, aviation
machinist s mate third class. USN,
son erf Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C
Taylor of Page is serving with
Heavy Photographic Squadron 62
at the Naval Air Station, Jackson
ville. Fla
The squadron flies the AJ-2P
“Savage", and during the month
of June set a new record for fly
ing hours logged in.
PAGE—The annual Wood family
reunion was held Sunday, August
16 at Ta-Ha-Zouka park in Nor
folk. 96 persons were present.
Attending from Page were Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Rutherford,
Aktha. James and Trudy; Duran
Rutherford: Mr and Mrs Calvin
Harvey Gene and Lyle; Mr. and
Mrs. William Neubauer; Paul
Neubauer; Mr. and Mrs Leo Neu
bauer; Emma Canady and Grace
and Nelle Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Held of
Orchard were also in attendance.
Visitors in the William Neubauer
home and present at the gather
ing were Mr and Mrs. Deland
Flora. Terrv Dee and Merry Jill
of Webster! N. Y who visited
from August 9 to 17 and Mr and
Mrs. James Moffat. Jimmie. Wade
and Eloise of Okarche. Okia. and
Alice Moffat erf Enid. Okla . who
arrived Saturday, August 15- They
returned to Oklahoma Tuesday.
O'Neill Locals
Mrs. John D. Binkerd and son
John jr. are in Sioux City. Iowa
were John is receiving medical
attention. They are visiting at the
home of Mr and Mrs. James Sm
{Advertise merit)
Fruit, Cottage Cheese
Molded In Salad
Is Good To Eat
Fruit and cottage cheese molded
in a salad are an attractive com
bination that's light in calories yet
filled with nourishment. Even cal
orie-counting men. as well as
women will like the following re
cipe giv en to us by Owen Parkin
son. local salesman of the Meadow
Gold Dairy, for a summer lunch,
he says.
It was developed by Beatrice
Cooke, director of the company's
test kitchens in Chicago. Put it
together nght after breakfast, she
suggests, and it will be ready by
Apricot Polka-Dot Salad
(Eight servings'
1 package lemon-flavored gelatin
*4 cup hot apricot syrup
1H cups ginger ale
1 No. 3 can pitted Bing cherries,
Pecan pieces
Cottage Cheese
16 Apricot halves
Dissolve gelatin in apricot
syrup Add ginger ale and chill
until slightly thickened Stuff Bing
cherries with pecan pieces. In
each individual ring mold arrange
6 stuffed cherries. Spoon gelatin
mixture into molds. Chill until
Unmold each on a bed of cot
tage cheese. Put a spoonful of
cottage cheese between 2 apricot
halves. Fill center of each ring
with stuffed halves. Garnish with
Miss Kim Marie and Thomas D.
Bmkerd are visiting with their
grandparents and great-grand
■nother, Mr and Mrs Melvin
Spangler and Mrs Nettie Widtfeldt
.vhile their mother is in Sioux Cit>
Mr and Mrs Robert McNichols
and children of Omaha were week
end visitors in O'Neill.
The Owen Parkinson lamilv
were weekend guests of Mr and
Mrs Harold Williamson in Wisner
Mr, and Mrs. Howard Peters and
William Anderson were guests
Sunday there
Dinner guests Sunday at the
home of -Mrs. Edith Young and
Miss Maude Rouse were the Car
roll Sum merer family of Cham
bers, Alice Young and Buck Comp
ton of Norfolk Afternoon guests
were the Walter Young family,
Ralph Young and Thelma.
Mr. and Mrs Joe Ollendick
were in Kearney over the week
end for the wedding Saturday of
his brother Robert OUenditk 10
Beverly Cash
Guests this week at the Gran*
Peacock home are her parents
Mr and Mrs Homer Lewery of
Oak cl ilc
Mr ami Mrs I^eigh He> n tldson
were m Album Sunda) with his
parents, the J B Reytttkison*
Mr and Mrs H J Cm and
children of Mullen were weekend
guests here with her parents the
J, D, Osenbaughs
NOT a discontinued freezer, NOT a
stripped economy model, but an all
CORONADO "royal oauxE"
freezers cost you
„r i. 319”
^"Here’s why You can \
I buy the CORONADO J
I ROYAL DELUXE at such 1
I a low, low price! S
I it's the bigget* freezer purchase I
In- •—*we °rderi v,ro,n* \
I 1_1 loads of a single model. |
| — Manufactured by world's I
I Cl freezer producer, who mad. I
I U hu8. mass-quantity sav.ngs. I
| W. eliminate warehousing costs I
| n because freezers are sh.ppeddt- |
| LJ „£, from factory to your town. I
| —. You take delivery of the freight
I H car-no store handling, uncrat- ]
I “ ing or daliveryexpense^^^^^J
2.50 Per We^-Peyeble Monthly
TRADE — Pay Ev<*n loss
Than Advpi’^w Price!
It s the g-eoMst frtew o' a h-el
Compere ethet notMnelb oo»e ‘tised
brands—-you coriio or\ or to J* «* ",o<e,
end still not get al ao Pev*o »VMxe tea*
turev To moire possible this volue, v •
ordered 35 TfiAlNiOADS *»o< cooed*,
but trainloods} Of Obit MOOR—end
we' re e m me ting obo. .v of ou normal
expense in shipping »* e,J from fodory to
your town m corieod Mb bee *be Royal
Deluxe at Gonhes ’.v.n Start to en/oy
the free:er way of 'ivi*>g r*o>»—save
time and work, eat be**e tor ess!