Prairieland Talk A Shed of Your Own By ROMAINE SAUNDERS, 4110 South 51st St . Lincoln 6, Nebr. Last year, as they have it figured out back there in Washington, 1,200.000 new dwelling houses went up across the nation. I know him quite well-knew him when he was next to a beggar. He has contrib uted a few score new houses to the list of fine homes and is still at it, one of his recently built, fine houses setting where a year ago it was open prairie He asks $60,000 dollars for a deed and title to that “modem mansion.” Sixty thousand for a shed you can call your own! Many fine new homes now stand in attractive surround ings in O’Neill where some years ago it was open prairie. Komaine It was in the '90 s, a period Raun era of hard times, that a white painted dwelUng of some six or seven rooms stood two blocks west of First street and a block south of what now is known as Everett street, that the owner offered for sale for $50-and no taker for a time as I recall, but he finally came down a few dollars, got the best he could and sought his elderado in other parts. But times, conditions and human notions change. A sixty thousand dollar mansion of today may be a six hundred dollar cottage in a year or two. m 9 w A star in the flag of our country now glows for those Hawaiian Islands out in the blue waters of the Pacific ocean. Citizens of that little floral adorned. island kingdom had looked into the past history of the mainland of which they were to be come a part as another territory taking on state hood and had discovered that the great achieve ments of our country were the fruits of Republican state and national administrative heads; so the first election in Hawaii a near 100 percent vote was cast, the Republican candidates in the majority when election returns were in. And doubtless it was noted by our island neighbors that the Democratic ' land slide” of a year or so ago at the "home base” has uprightly with no bank scandals . . . Railroads of • • • A name that begins with a K ending with v. A notable from across the widespread Atlantic and then deep in eastern and northern Europe, one who floats the banner of Russian Reds. As an outgrowth of our Vice President Nixon going abroad, the not able from communists’ lands is to visit our own notables in the nation’s Capital which we know as Washington early next month. Coming here to see for himself a bit of life as we Americans live it, to talk of it and devise ways of peace or this troubl ed world. The milk of human kindness throbs in the breasts of mankind everywhere and eventually trouble mukers become fed up on it. Peace—is the cold war about to melt? Again highways and prairie trails lead to Cham bers and here they come to see the fun that only the county fair can dish up. What we ancients knew as the Holt county fair, got going in 1884 or '85 at the then "fair grounds” about a mile east of O'Neill's present Fourth street, the chief exhibits then the big watermelons raised out in the Michi gan settlement and the Longhorn Texas cattle from the McClure and the El wood ranches. Down at Chambers it was once the South Fork fair, now encompastng all of Holt county. Fair time was once autumn time, now under the glare of midsummer sun, and there friend meets friend to enjoy the fun. • • * By grace and skill he built a temple, walls of enduring gold inlaid stone and roofed above with true and perfect skill. That temple stands today a clean and unstained human soul! » • * After 63 years with the Richardson county banK down at Falls City Frank Schaible now lies in his grave, after 82 years on life's highway walking uprightly w'ith no bank scandals . . . Railroads of Nebraska are in the courts seeking tax relief. Rail roading could be on the way out; during my last three-day visit in O'Neill I heard one train pass through ... A Capital City police officer took 56 "underprivileged” children on a trip to Oklahoma, the kids having a grand time, the officer reports . . . Maybe friend Senator Frank would like to know that all is quiet at the State House since he left for home. Senator Fern tells me she will soon file for renomination, maybejias by now. * • * A block north of Douglas street on 6th street stands the attractive temple devoted to Christian services where the Methodists of the O Neill com munity gather from week to week. Where that ediface now stands stood the first church building devoted to Methodism of pioneer days. It was in use those days before becoming dedicated as a sacred place of worship, the school room of the pioneer kids, the late Kate Mann being the teacher. The only one of those pioneer primary school kids attending Miss Mann's school in that Methodist church still here is the venerable John Sullivan of just south of the river. And it may be that L. G. Gillespie is the oldest surviving member of that church But I do not believe that Lloyd was in Kate Mann's primary class conducted in the old church building. * * * The son, the daughter, each concerned for the welfare and comfort of their aged and invalid mother, for a wrinkled and toil worn dad, not only comply with one of the precepts of the Ten Com mandments that brings joy to their aged parents but touches the tender heartstrings of son and daughter. Editorial A Wicked Pebble Now would be a good time for all of us to read the Communist Manifesto or to re-read it. When it was written many years ago and when the political principal of the “dictatorship of the Proletariat” was first voiced and first written down, it scarcely made more impact on the world than a pebble thrown casually in a pond. The principal anticipates that the “prole” (the working man) must be guided until some future date when there will be no distinction drawn be tween the worker and the employer, between the citizen and the political leader, between the gov erned and governor, and is being carried out just as was planned. In the writings of Stalin anti Lenin it was antici pated that many different approaches would be necessary to bring the world in line with their political and economic beliefs. The history of the relationship between Com munism and the free world's economic and political systems, has been controlled, unfortunately, by the Russians. When they want to l>e nice, they are nice. When they want to be tough, they get tough. When they want to be passive, they are passive. But don’t ever forget this-they are in position to call the cards and they have »x?en and are doing so now. And we must never forget this: Just as they have decided to foster what they call good inter national relations in considering a trip by Khrush chev to the United States, they can decide tomor row or after his visit that they want to play tough again. They will choose whatever method they wish at the moment and that little pebble thrown into the pond during the revolutionary movement in Russia has produced waves of the highest proportions This does not mean that we should quit trying, that we should not welcome Khrushchev, that we should not attempt to stop the cold war or prevent or delay a hot war. But it does mean this: We must not get the im pression that there has been a change in the atti tudes of the Communists. The waves of alternating good will, passiveness and tough-mindedness is simply a tactic-formulated years ago by a little band of revolutionaries striking at the Czar of Russia. Their principal is plastic-their attempts at bringing the world under this "dictatorship of the proletariat" is even more plastic. A hundred visits to the United States by men like Khrushchev, a hundred visits to Russia by men like Nixon will not change the flexible and insidious ideology which strikes at the heart of our awn political, social, philosophical, economic and religious frame of mind. And it is this frame of mind of ours that they wish to change and after everything is reduced to fundamentals they know it cannot be done with threats alone, it cannot be done with friendly visits alone and it cannot be done with passiveness alone. Ah. but take a combination of the three and other attitudes toward peoples abroad. Tliis is their hope, their master plan, because they know that the human mind, if it is to be brought under control at all, must be changed with subtleness and deft ness and that their principal must bend with the winds of ever changing circumstances. Do not be lulled with visits and talks, smiles and counter smiles, or toasts or refusals of toasts. What we observe as change is not change at all. It is the same repetitiveness of the principals worked upon alxrnt 100 years ago by the revolu tionary group much like that of Castro's at this time. Children and Divorce What can l>e going wrong here in Holt county? Why is it that the number of births, one of the most healthy signs in the social importance and economy of an area is on the decrease and one of the poorest signs, divorce, is on the increase? In the years 1956 and again last year. Holt county rcorded more divorces (161 than the 10 year average (approximately 12) and during the same years recorded much less than the average (380) births. Now it would be a foolish conclusion, as a rule, to draw from a 10-year average of births and di vorces—especially in an area with only 15,000 people, that there is a relationship between the number of children born and the number of di vorces in this area. But we have a sneaking suspicion that if any one, with enough energy to get the totals for the United States, would find that such a relationship would exist. ll may uc quite uuc hi uua iuuuviu v ours to say that children hold the home together, but the local figures back it up 100 percent. Pride of Atkinson The 400 people that were in Atkinson to see the annual gladiolus and flower show received a treat. They were quite enthused with the displays and the originality of the winners, even though, many growers felt that it was not the best year for the plants. Quite a bit of favorable comment was given the Alaska theme and the individual species on display We are not sure of just how far people came to see the display, several persons from Norfolk stopped on their way through and at least one woman and her daughter were there from Illinois. JAMES CHAMPION. Publisher JERRY PETSCHE, Editor Term* of Subscription: In Nebraska. $2.50 per year; elsewhere in the United States, $3 per year rates abroad provided upon request All subscriptiom payable in advance. Entered at the postoffice in O'Neill, Holt coun ty, Nebraska, as second-class mad matter under the of Congress of March 3, 1879 This newspaper is „ member ot the Nebraska Press Association, Nation al Editorial Association and the Audit Bureau o' Circulations. NATIONAL EDITORIAL > , v ■ [ Frontiers Ago 50 Years Ago During the lightning storms at Inman, G. A. Gannon lost four heat! j of cattle and A1 Riley lost a cow. | Dave Babcock's house was struck, I, damaging it considerably. Sher- , old s barn was struck with a loss of about $50. A number of hay :! stacks were destroyed. . . . Miss; Dora Alberts departed for a short , visit with relatives and friends in Omaha. ... A number of people , gathered at the home of Jay But- ! ler at Inman where they had been ] invited to attend a musical. . . . | Dr. Z. W. Wood, a veterinary liv- i ing in Swan precinct, was acci dentally killed when he was out on the prairie gathering sand cher ries and had a shot gun with him which was accidentally diseharg- , ed, striking the unfortunate man and inflicting a wound from which , I he died in a few7 minutes. . . . Col. , Barney Stewart was up from Page : attending the races and carnival. 30 Years Ago | The O'Neill high school band, un- J der the direction of Ira George, I and accompanied by a large del- s legation of O'Neill citizens, went ; io Burwcll wh:re the band played 1 for the rodeo. . . . Miss Angela G. 1 Pribil, who has been attending I the University of Nebraska at Lin- i coin, returned home. . . . The Old 1 Settlers Picnic was planned for 1 August 15, 1939, at the Liddy > Grove, 19 miles north of O'Neill, just off highway 281. . . . Mon- ( tana Jack Sullivan and brother, 1 Phillip, arrived in O'Neill to spend 1 a couple of weeks visiting with I friends in the old home town. . . . The legislature passed a new Ne- ( braska speed law effective Sep- • tember 8, 1939, controlling the j1 rate of speed on Nebraska high- :I ways. . . . Ralph Oppen and Fred 1 E. Alder of O'Neill and Gerald Brown of Emmet were among the 11 247 students who received degrees < from the U. of Nebr. at the close c of the summer session. . . . Rev. C. J. Ryan, S.P, of Omaha, ar- t rived here to take over the parish j of Father J. O’Brien, who is J away on his vacation. . . . The ' Schulz Grocery store had a 6th 5 I anniversary sale. . . . Death : 1 I James Holland, age 60, of Chi Icago, formerly of O'Neill. 10 Years Ago t This week’s issue of The Fron- f tier was the Holt County Fair ed ition containing 40 pages in three f sections. ... A 15 member dele- ( gation of the highway 281 associ- j ation met with Gov. Val Peterson in Lincoln to discuss future plans for improvements of that North South arterial highway. . . . The Jack and Jill corner this week featured Miss Patsy Kay David son, 11 Mt month old daughter of : Mr. and Mi's. Owe.i Da« .d.,on ana ; Miss Betty Jean Brittell, 2hx year'f old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , t Ralph Brittell, Inman. . . . Thous-1 ands of people were on hand for 11 the grand Hay Days parade, in- 1 augurating the annual two-day j j color spectacle at Atkinson. . ■ . 11 Married: Jeannine Waring and Kenneth Hetss ol Page; Miss Mar- v garet Jean Froelich. O’Neill, and John Edward McDonald, Atkin- r son; Mary Ellen Lcnnomann, v Omaha, and John Shoemaker, O - c Neill. . . ■ Approximately 240 Holt h county 4-H’ers attended achieve ment day activities at the O'Neill 1; public high school. . . • Mrs. E. H. Harris was severely burned when a double boiler she was using, ex ploded. . . . Death: W. W. Watson, S4. of Inman, pioneer business m m died at Lincoln. Five Years Ago Henry E. Rohrer, 60-year-old O’ Neill man, badly crippled by polio in 1919, made plans to open a shoe repair shop in West O'Neill in the new Asimus building, between the Hotel O’Neill and the Nu Way Cafe. . . ■ Rev. Ernest Smith is the new pastoi' of Chi'ist Lutheran church in O’Neill and St. Paul’s Lutheran church at Atkinson. . . . Married: Miss Maxine Peterson, Amelia and Paul R. Johnston, At kinson; Leona Rae Kazda, Atkin son and Bryson L. Brazill, Lin coln. . . • Oscar It. Kischke, 75, retired architectural engineer re siding in San Diego, Calif., revis ited scenes of his childhood, hav ing been away from Holt county for 65 years. . . . Walter Kruse, 18, of Redbird community, was injured when the car he was re pairing slipped off the jack and fell on him. . . . Miss Marcella i’omjack was honored at a pre nuptial shower at the parlors of the Bethany Presbyterian church at Chambers. . . . Death: Henry Eickhoff, 74, village marshal and water superintendent in Page for four years; William H. Hartland, 71, Redbird resident; Charles N. Gonderinger, 67, veteran Atkinson automobile dealer and a lifetime resident of Holt county. _ ROYAL THEATER Fri.-Sat. Aug. 14-15 “LONE TEXAN” Starring Willard Parker, Grant jWilliams, Audrey Dalton, Douglas Kennedy, June Blair, with Dabbs Greer. i — also— I.ouis Prima, Keely Smith "IIEY BOY! HEY GIRL!” Adm.: Adults 50c, Children 15c. All children unless In arms must have tickets. Matinee Sat., 2:30. Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 16-17-18 “HERCULES” Starring Steve Reeves, Sylva Koscina, Featuring Gianna Maria Canale, with Fabrizio Mioni. Adm.: Adults 50c, Children 15c. All children unless in arms must have tickets. Matinee Sun., 2:30. Wed.-Thurs. Aug. 19-20 Family Night “KING CREOLE” Elvis Presley, Co-starring Caro lyn Jones, Walter Matthau, Dolores Hart, Dean Jagger, Vic Morrow, with Liliane Montevecchi, Paul Stewart. Adm.—Adults 50c; Children 15c; Family SJ.00. , State Capital News Entire Nebraska To Be Effected If Road Building Slowdown Comes By Melvin Paul State-house Correspondent Ihe Nebraska Press Association LINCOLN — Slowdown of the, lighway building program could ■each economically into all cor-, lers of Nebraska. This was the reason for im-; nediate concern in the state’s | ■apitol when the House Ways and deans Committee in Washington ;aid there ought to be a cutback i n federal spending from the trust und. This is the fund from which the ederal government allocates noney to the states for construct ng highways. State Engineer Boy Cochran temporarily halted all obligation of lederal money until the Con gress hail made up its ndnd on the rate of sptitding. An ironic twist to the matter is > hat the trust fund is short $400 nillion- exactly the amount of unds allocated by Congress last j 'ear for a "crash" road program, i Phe crash program was designed is an anti-recession measure. Contractors who do Nebraska ■ •oad work are vitally concerned, i "hey had over estimated the 1 peed of highway work anyway! ind many are loaded with equip nent and men. This accounts for he keen competition for state irojects. The longer the problem eontin tes without a solution the closer [ nany contractors come to financ .. l . 1.1 Also affected are the hundreds j if workers in related cement and letroleum industries who furnish I naterial for road building. Railroads Protest Three Nebraska railroads serv d notice they will let the State lupreme Court decide whether hey are valued too high for tax lurposes. The lines are the Burlington, Jnion Pacific and Northwestern t is the first time since 1923 rail oads have gone to the courts to etermine their assessed worth. Union Pacific attorneys claim he line is assessed $19.3 million oo high. Burlington representa ives say their over assessment is 14.1 million and the Northwestern aid it is valued $3.3 million too nuch. Road Wages There is every indication Ne iraskans will be reading much in he future about - wage rates for lighway projects. This is the bugaboo that plagued ormer Republican Gov. Victor An lerson in his last term. Basically, the Associated Gen eral Contractors of Nebraska— who build most of the roads in the state—claim Gov. Ralph G. Brooks is setting wage levels “demand by national labor un ions" on highway projects. The governor denied this and Iso denied that he is violating jderal regulations as charged by ie AGC. Brooks said he has set a policy lat the minimum wage on regu ir road projects should be that aid by a majority of the con ractors in the immediate area. That is the policy in effect for j ork on the Interstate highway. Previously the highway depart lent has used as a minimum age the average paid by 95 per ent of the contractors on state ighway projects. The AGC charged that nations’ ibor unions are “arrogantly us mg’’ the governor's office as a business agent for the unions to establish eastern union wage on Nebraska highway jobs. "Why should highway users in our state pay millions of dollars in additional taxes, and receive fewer improved roads because of increased construction costs, in order to satisfy the illegal de mands of a few union leaders?" the AGC asked. Brooks said that there has been "no surrender to any special in terests." {education Meeting A committee of state senators has invited heads of all 'nsti tutions of higher learning to ap pear before a hearing in Sep tember. The committee is study ing needs of higher education in Nebraska. Sen. Richard Marvel of Hastings is committee chairman. The com mittee wants each head to submit a written report of his school s problems and needs and how prob lems in the past have l>een solved. An hour-long sumary will be asked from one spokesman rep resenting each of the schools. The Legislature appropriated $30,000 to the committee to make the study. Herrington Out State Tax Commissioner Fred Herrington looked upon by some Republicans as good material for governor, can't run for the job even if he wanted to do so. The State Constitution prohib- j ifv. f li.> huail <\f an la-u/miit’a ivf flee from running for any state |IOSt. This also takes out several per ennial vote-getting candidates for the Democrats who already have lieen appointed to executive posts. The statehouse attorneys say a Supreme Court ruling has held that an executive officer cannot even resign and file for an office during the period for which his appoint ment ran. Inman News By Mrs. Janies McMahan Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Watson spent Sunday in Norfolk visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stu art Hartigan. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McElvain of Omaha spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. McElvain’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and with relatives in O’Neill. Miss Lorraine Butterfield re turned Friday from Norfolk where she spent a week visiting in the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stevens and family. Mrs. Ray Siders spent Sunday visiting in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hibbs and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder and family near O’Neill. Mrs. Jim Reis of Omaha spent i few days last week visiting in lie home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. David M irabach. Mrs. Edwin Langley returned Wednesday from Valentine where »he spent a few days visiting in he home of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Slusher and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rogers and wo granddaughters of Granite J'alls. Wash., came Friday to vis t in the home of Mrs. Rogers' mother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark. Mrs. James Banks and son, , Roger, spent a few days last week visiting in the home of Mrs. O V. Moore at Petersburg. Ralph Taylor anti Mrs. Jimmie Taylor and sons of Hay Springs spent Thursday and Friday visit ing in the home of Mrs. Ray Sid ers and Marilyn. Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Siders are brother and sister. Sgt. and Mrs. Howard Clark and family returned to Omaha Thurs day where Sgt. Clark is stationed at the air base after spending a few days visiting in the homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Merle DeLong ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer to Omaha Wednesday where Mr. Meyer entered an Oma ha hospital. Mrs. Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. DeLong visited in the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Donald Mey er before returning home Thurs day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Vein Wrode and family of O'Neill and Mrs. James McMahan were August 5 evening guests in the home of Mr. and Kirs. John Mattson. Miss LineUe Tompkins, who is employed in Lincoln for the sum mer, came Thursday evening to spend a few days visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mi's. Harvey A. j Tompkins «and sons. Mrs. Duane Sukup and family i of Page were August 5 visitors in the home of Mrs. Sukup's grand mother Mrs. Ray Siders and Mar ilyn. (Continued from Page 1) First of Series on County Roads: #Our Problems' Two ranchers living within three miles of each other raise alxnit the same kind and quality of cattle but one ships to a mar ket outside of the county and an other patronizes the Atkinson and O'Neill sale barns. The rancher that "hardly ever” ships to At kinson and O'Neill told a Frontier reporter that he did so "because I'm not about to suffer the shrink age and I’m convinced it's be cause of the bad roads rather than the distance traveled.” The rancher who does unload his cat tle in this immediate area does so. he says, because he disagrees with the other man. He believes it is the distance rather than the poor roads that cause the shrinkage. But regardless of what causes it, O'Neill and Atkinson in Holt coun ty suffer because one man “in his own mind” is convinced. The coun ty does not receive his business. Several young children in a family near Amelia are driven over 30 miles to a school and be cause of the condition of the roads CLARITY-The Third Of The 4 C’s Of Diamond Values Degree of Perfection (Clarity)—Literally speaking, there is no such thing as an absolutely perfect diamond. A so-called "per fect’’ diamond, as far as the market requirements go, is one whose imperfections, (bubbles, carbon spots, feathers, clouds) cannot be seen by a 10-power glass. Let Bill McIntosh, Jeweler, explain this difference to you before you buy. Quality for Quality we find our Diamonds less than "So called Wholesale." McIntosh jewelry Mi7 E. Doiigrla* PtaoiH’ 1W A Tru**t«*d .J«>wpW l» Vour B«*st Advisor rather than the distance, the chil dren oome home only on week ends. These stories will deal with the way our state road program is financed and how this effects our cRommunity in relationship with the very dense populated districts in Lincoln and Omaha. The ar ticles will deal with population, the federal gas tax, and the suf ficiency system The articles will also deal with the method the county board of supervisors uses to determine which roads arc re paired and when they are repair ed. These then, are isolated cases, which if multiplied to include all the hardships and near-hardships, will Ivegin to make you think of our problem. Some of the coming articles in this series will deal with the coun ty and state maintained roads in Holt county, what has been done by the Department of Roads, what is planned, how we stand in re lation to other counties, what we can do as individuals to better our roads, as well as facts that should l>e known in general about transportation in the county. (Advertisement) Tuna Tomato Bisque Beats the August Heat When it's too hot to turn on the oven and the family is too weath er-weary to eat an elaborate meal anyway, serve them this tuna tomato bisque, suggests Joe Sive sind, local salesman for the Mea dow Gold Dairy. It's a nourishing milk soup filled with pieces of tuna and minced onion, he points out. Unlike most soups, this one doesn't require hours of long, slow cooking You can prepare it in half an hour in your double lioiler, says Beatrice Cooke, di rector of the test kitchens in Chicago where the recipe was de veloped. Serve it with bread sticks and a crisp tossed salad. Tuna Tomato Bisque (Four Servings) 2 tablespoons butter 1 small onion, finely chopped 2 tablespoons flour 1 quart whole or skim milk Vt teaspoon crushed tarragon Vt teaspoon seasoning salt 1 Vk tcasjmons salt V4 teaspoon pepper 1 7 oz. can tuna, drained and flaked 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley Cook onion in butter in top of double boiler until tender. Blend in flour. Gradually stir in skim milk. Add tarragon and seasonings. Cook over hot water until slight ly thickened. Slowly stir in to mato paste and tuna. Heat until hot. Serve immediately. Garnish each serving with parsley. Bel Air 1,-Door Sedan with sleik Body by Fisher One of the 7 big bests Chevrolet gives you over any other car in its field Anyone who’s ever taken a Chevy over a choppy country road can tell you how lightly Chevrolet’s Full Coil suspension handles rough going — and coil springs never squeak, never need grease! Try this velvet way of going for your self. Once you do, you’ll find your own way of saying what MOTOR TREND magazine puts this way: 14. . . the smoothest, most quiet, softest riding car in its price class.” But the happiest part of it all is that this Full Coil ride is just one of seven big bests—all documented by published opinions of experts and on-the-record facts and figures. BEST ROOM-Official dimen sions reported to A.M.A.* show that Chevrolet sedans offer more front seat head room than all but one of the high-priced cars—more front seat hip room (by up to 5.9 inches) than the “other two” of the leading low-priced three. BEST ENGINE—Chevrolet en gines have long won expert praise from virtually every automobile magazine, and, just recently, Chev rolet received the NASCARt Out standing Achievement award for “the creation and continuing de velopment of America’s most effi cient V-type engines.” BEST ECONOMY-A pair of Chevrolet sixes with Powerglide won their class in this year’s Mobil gas Economy Run, topping every other full-sized car. And the win ning mileage was a whopping 22.38 m.p.g. BEST BRAKES -Chevy’s bonded lining brakes are the biggest in their field, built for up to 66% longer life. In a direct competition conducted by NASCAR, Chevy out stopped both of the other leading low-priced cars in a test of re peated stops from highway speeds. BEST STYLE—It’s the only car of the leading low-priced 3 that’s unmistakably modern in <>very line. ‘‘In its price class,” says POPU LAR SCIENCE magazine, ‘‘a new high in daring styling.” BEST TRADE-IN — Any N.A.D.A.t Guide Book can give you the figures on Chevy’s extra value. You’ll find that Chevrolet used car prices last year averaged up to $128 higher than comparable models of the “other two.” Your Chevrolet dealer will be happy to tell you about a whole host of other advantages besides these seven. Why not drop by his showroom ? • Automobile Manufacturers Association. fNational Association for Stock Car Advancement and Research. XNatumal A utomobile Dealers Association. Visit your local authorized Chevrolet dealer and see how much more Chevy has to offer! A. MARCELUIS CHEVROLET CO. 27 No. Fourth St. O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 100