The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 13, 1959, Image 2

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    Atkinson News
Auxiliary to Conduct
Membership Drive
The American Legion auxiliary
met at the legion hall last Wed
■r«day with 22 members present
Mrs LeRoy Hoffman, president,
•inducted the meeting. It was de
cide* I that the group meet on the
first Wednesday of each month un
til further notice.
Membership chairman, Mrs.
Fred Mack, appodifd committee*
*> make a membership drive be
fore the next meeting. Miss Elsie
Karr, local Girl State representa
tive gave a report on her trip to
Girl State. She rated in the upper
•ne fourth of the group taking the
amt ton tests.
The organizaion received a
“thank you” letter from Uncoln,
pianking the ladies for the band
ages which were completed by the
total group and sent to the Vet
eran's hospital in Lincoln recent
^ Hostesses for this meeting were:
Mrs Violet Ashcroft. Miss Mabel
Bauman and Mrs. Mike Coday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Metric and
family of Lincoln and Mrs. Ed
Rutli of Lincoln spent a few days
visiting in the home of Mr. and
Mrs Fred Roth and other friends.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth
entertained at a picnic dinner at
the park in honor of their guests.
Miss Loretta Roth is expected
home from Valentine this week.
She has spent the summer visiting
ant assisting her brother and
family Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Roth.
The Presbyterian Dorcas circle
■net last Wednesday afternoon at
the church basement with Mrs.
Robert Tingle and Nellie Simmons
as hostesses. Mrs. Fred Roberts
had charge of the program. Re
ports were given by Mrs. J. E.
Ramsay and Mrs. Robert Tingle
•n the synod school which was
One Show Nightly 8 o’clock
held at Hastings college July 19
26. Mrs. Marie Thompson gave a
dedication service on White Cross.
Next meeting will he at thj
church basement on the regular
Mrs. Carl Spelts from Kearney
and four children arrived last
Wednesday to spend a few days
visiting at the home of Mrs. Spelts’
mother Mrs. Fern Warren and
friends in the Atkinson communi
Mr. ad Mrs. Ivan Roth and fam
ily came Wednesday to visit his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth.
Mrs. Fred Roth will keep the
grandchilldren while Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Roth are on vacation.
Over three hundred guests sign
ed the register and attended the
annual gladiolus show which was
sponsored by the Atkinson Civic
Improvement Garden club and
which was held Saturday, Aug. 8.
The auditorium was beautifully
decorated featuring an out-door
garden. Prizes were awarded win
ners in each class.
Mrs. Emil Colfak and daughter,
Shirley, visited Mrs. Colfack’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Arp,
in Butte Sunday. Mr. Arp has been
in poor health.
Mr. and Mrs. George Randol
and daughter, Mona Rae, return
ed home Saturday after visiting
Mr. Randol’s father at Ponca.
Emil Colfack and sons Dennis
and Denton, called on Howard
Peters in O’Neill Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Lundgren and Mrs.
James Rooney of O’Neill visited
the flower show Saturday in At
William Wefso was in Ainsworth
August 5 on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomiska of
Grand Island visited briefly at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Wetso. lney were on meir way iu
the Black Hills on vacation.
Nn. J. W. Carlson of Crofton
visited Saturday at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Wefso. She attended the
gladiolus show In Atkinson and
also the wedding of one of her
classmates, Miss Betty CoxblU,
who waa married Saturday to
Mr. Jerald Cox of Rushvtlle.
Mrs. Kenneth Haas and son of
Ainsworth are spending a few
days at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wahl while
her husband is attending camp at
Ft. Ripley, Minn. While she is here
she will also visit her sister and
I family, Mrs. Eddie Schmuecker.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Dunn of
Omaha spent the weekend with
friends and relatives. Mrs. Dunn
attended the wedding of the form
er Betty Coxbill.
Miss Carolyn Skopec is home to
spend a vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Skop
ec. Miss Skopec will teach in Dav
id City this fall.
A birthday party was given in
honor of Rose Mary and Sharon
Osborne daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Osborne jr., Satur
Those present were Betty Mul
len, Marjorie Grof, Dorthey Slay
maker, Eddie Slaymaker, Bonnie
Slaymaker. Susan Rezac, Cindy
Enbody. Diana Enbody. Nancy Re
zac. Janie Rezac, AJan Krumm,
Caroline Krumm. Sandy Krumm.
Myron Klinger, Robert McConnell,
Patty Gibson and Betty Jean Gib
Games were played. Cake and
ice cream were served.
Saturday evening guests were
Nick Schmit, Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Oslxirne sr., John Osborne of
Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. Len Tro
shynski of Guthrie Center. Ia., Jim
Steinhauser of Stuart and Cather
ine and Eleanor Schmit.
I Sunday evening supper guests at
the Nick Schmit home were Mr.
and Mrs. Ium Troshynski of Guth
rie Center, la., Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Schmit and family of Os
mond, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Schmit and Debbie of Omaha,
Francis Troshynski and Mr. and
Mrs Richard Osborne jr., and
family of Atkinson.
Riverside News
By Mrs. Iionel Gunter
The Leo Miller and Wendell
! Switzer families entertained the
I forum group at the church annex
Friday evening. August 7.
Mrs. Archie Johnston and daugh
I ters and Mr. and Mrs. Will Shrad
jer visited at the Dan Brummer
I home in Norfolk Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Dewey of
! Tilden were guests Sunday at the
George Montgomery home
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Switzer and
the Wayne Switzer family visited
Thursday evening at the Ora Swit
zer home.
Mrs. Dewitt Hoke visited Thurs
day afternoon at the Harry Van
Horn home.
Clayton Hoke was an overnight
guest Saturday of Douglas Shrad
er. Other guests on Sunday were
Leon Luzio of Emerson and Gor
don Shrader.
The Itarrol Switzer family of
Omaha arrived Sunday morning
tur a twit «•* ---
Mr and Mrs. Ora Switzer, the
Wendell Switzer and Dan Robbins
families were supper guests Sat
urday at the Leo Miller home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mont
gomery and girls were guests last
Sunday at the Grant Mott home.
Mrs. Grant Mott, Sharon and
Tammy were Norfolk visitors last
Mr and Mrs. Rudy Ahlers were
Tilden visitors on Wednesday,
August 5. , . _
The Gerald Hadduck, Lynn Fry
and Richard Napier families were
supper guests August 3 at the
Dale Napier home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mont
gomery were Norfolk visitors
Wednesday afternoon, August 5.
Mrs. Chester Taylor, Susan and
Jerry visited Friday afternoon at
the John Miller home.
Mrs. John Napier visited Mrs
Robert Bennett and daughter in
the O’Neill hospital Wednesday
I afternoon, August 5.
Z. H. Fry and Reed and Billy
Emsick were fishing at Fort Ran
dall dam Thursday.
Mrs. Richard Napier entertain
ed Mrs. Z. H Fry, Mrs. Wilbert
Napier, Mrs. Dale Napier, Judy
Rickert, Joan, Peggy and Deana
Emsick, Julie and Jody Fry, Mrs.
Alfred Napier, Glenda and Dennis
and Mary Sharon, Monica, Pat
ricia and Michael Mumm Satur
day afternoon in honor of her
daughter, Nancy’s ninth birthday.
Mrs. Gene Streeter and family
of Lincoln visited Saturday at the
Billy Lofquist home. The Streeter
family were overnight guests
Sunday at the Lofquist home.
Judy and Dixie Rickert attend
ed the Rickert reunion Sunday in
The Riverside 4-H club met
Thursday afternoon at the Leo
Miller home.
Mrs. Howard Miller came home
Friday from the Antelope Mem
orial hospital.
Mrs. Ora Switzer came home
August 5 after a few days visit
in Omaha.
The Gerald Hadduck family and
Miss Iz>u Miller left Tuesday for
Aurora, Colo. Miss Miller will
teach school near there this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cuddy of
Burwell, Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Wal
ters and family of Chambers, Mr.
and Mrs. Eddy Cuddy and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cuddy
Have Them — Stinkers That Is!!
Both Street Tables and Racks
Womens and Girls
As low as 98c I
% Price $498 at Greatly Reduced Prices I
SPORT SHIRTS Caps, Socks, Belts, Sportcoats,
1 # Hats and many other
items too numerous to mention
_ - -—■———^^
"Shoes lor the Whole Family"
of O’Neill were dinner guests Sun
day at the John Napier home.
IMxie Rickert is visiting her
grandparents in Neligh
The Billy Lofquist family visited
at the Frances Rotherham home
Irene Ahiers Is visiting friends
for a couple weeks in Illinois.
The Archie Johnston family
were guests last Sunday at the Will
Shrader home.
Mrs. Gerald Wetlauffer and
Gary visited one day last week at
the Will Shrader home.
The Robert Ahiers family of,
Wisner visited Sunday. August 2
at the Rudy Ahiers home.
Mrs. Vern Reynoldson and Mrs
John Davidson returned to O’
Neill Sunday July 26. from Lin
coln where they had attended the
Nebraska Department American
Legion auxiliary convention Both
were delegates to the convention
from Simonson Unit 93 of O’Neill.
Mrs. Reynoldson also served as
convention page representing Dis
trict Two of the auxiliary.
Mrs. Reynoldson and Mrs. Dav
idson also attended the pre-con
vention session of the Eight and
Forty Marche as delegates of Mad
ison County Salon 110 of Norfolk,
where Mrs. Davidson represented
Area E of Nebraska as Demi-Cha
peau She was elected one of Ne
braska's delegates to the Marche
Nationale to lie held in Minneap
olis August 22 and named Consti
tution and By-Laws chairman for'
the coming year by the newly elec
ted Chapeau Josephine Jenny of
Malmo. Mrs. Almira Boblitz of
Oconto, a partner of Valley Coun
ty Salon, succeeds Mrs. Davidson
as Area E Demi-Chapeau.
Group Picnic at Park
A picnic was held at the Ford
park in O'Neill, July 26. honoring
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Luber and
son, Gregg from El Monte. Calif.,
and Jerry Femau, who just re
turned home from the air force.
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Luber and family. Mr
and Mrs. Warren Fernau. Mr. and
Mrs. William Fernau of Butte.
Mrs. Inez Nollcamper, Mrs. Myr
tle Jaynes. Mrs. Irene Cahoy of
Gregory. S.D., Mr. and Mrs. Ver
nie Johnson and son Gary of El
gin, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Osborn
of Madison, Mr. and Mrs. Dicky
Fernau and girls of Valentine,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fernau, Mr.
and Mrs. Jake Classen and fam
ily of Spencer, Mrs. Loretta and
Mary, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fernau
and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
Luber and son Gregg of El Monte,
Calif., Mr. and Mrs Marlen lath
er and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Eby and daughter, and friends
from Fremont, Mrs. Memon
Chase, Mrs. Mary Tomlinson, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank McDonald of O'
Neill, Randy, Jeffery and Lennia
Devall of Bristow. An enjoyable
time was had by all.
SS Man Coming
A representative of the Norfolk
social security office will be in
the court room of the courthouse
in Butte from 9 a m. to 1 p.m. on
Thursday. Auk- 13. Anyone plan
ning to apply for benefits is ad
vised to come in at least a month
before he is eligible.
As we have purchased a business in Ainsworth we will offer at Public Auction the following described Real Estate
and Personal Property at the place located 10 miles north, 1 mile west, 4 miles north and 1 j/2 miles west of Orchard . . . OR
... 17 miles east and 4 north of O'Neill . . . 1 J/2 miles west of Oakview Park on . . .
Wednesday, Aug. 19
Sale Starts at 1 p.m. Lunch on Grounds
Legally described as the NW54 of Section 6, Twp. 29, Range 8, Knox County, Nebraska.
This Is an improved place with a 6 room REA wired dwelling with hot and cold water. It has a good bam, cattle shed, granary, hog house, hog lot and corral.
Water is piped underground to the hog lot and corral and there Is a well and mill at buildings. Running water Is also in the pasture. There are 15 acres of alfalfa
and 30 acres under cultivation with the balance of the land in pasture. Shelter best and building site too. And only IV2 miles to school.
Terms of Real Estate: 25% advance on date of sale. Balance upon delivery of abstract of title and warranty deed. Purchaser will have full benefit of fall feed on
the place and the pasture by completing settlement of purchase price as soon as possible. The pasture was Idle the past summer and purchaser will have full
use of all feed and grass In the pasture. Possession given immediately when full settlement of purchase price has been compiled with.
I 13 Head of Livestock j
5 Guernsey short horn cross bred milk
cows. Milking now and fresh again
in April. Bred to Angus bull.
1 Brown Swiss milk cow. Milking now
and fresh again in April.
4 Spring Calves.
3 Small pigs
Machinery and Equipment
1944 John Deere A fuel burner tractor.
New rings and pistons last spring
1936 John Deere B. New block and
1958 Dual loader and stacker with
sweep head and bucket
1953 Ford % T. pickup with combina
tion rack
John Deere 12A combine. Near new
canvas and good pickup attachments
Kelly Ryan 15-ft. disc
4 section harrow
Heat Houser
7-ft. John Deere Power mower
7-ft. IHC power mower
2 IHC 12-ft. hay rakes
IHC 14-ft. hay rake
3 rake hitch for tractor
Car hay sweep
Heavy duty cable rack with 14-ft. bed
Tractor winch
100 Bu. wagon box
Heavy duty wagon gear on rubber
Trail mower hitch
2 bottom Moline tractor plow
14-inch endgate seeder
11-ft. grain auger
2 Truck axels
Truck vans with steel floors usable for
2 Electric motors
Tractor chains
Almon electric welder
3 300-gal. fuel tanks one on stand
16-ft. Feed bunk
Near new electric pressure pump and
IHC milking machine with 2 units, pipe
fittings and pump
IHC automatic wash cream separator
Set stanchions for seven cows
Some used lumber and posts
Automatic stock waterer with electric
heat unit
Some old iron
Shop tools and miscellaneous items *
Hay and Feed
About 450 bu. yellow ear com
100 bu. shelled com
10 stacks of last years hay
Chickens, ducks and geese
Household Furniture
35-gal. gas water heater
Electric range
White enamel trash burner
Oil heating stove
Small propane heater
9x12 felt rug
500-gal. propane tank with tubing.
Large heater for propane, automatic i
control, furnishes heat for large
Kitchen cabinet
Davenport and chair
Other articles too numerous to list
Terms of Personal Property: Cash. No property to be removed until settled for
Mr. and Mrs. Don Fritz, owners
Sale conducted by the Ed Thorin auction service, O'Neill, Nebraska
j Col. Ed Thorin, O'Neill, Nebraska, Real estate broker and Auctioneer