The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 13, 1959, Image 10

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    .Mr*. I.conard Brown, nee Miss I Minnie l.angan. The wedding
was held August 10 at St. Patrick’* Catholic church In O'Neill.
O'Neill Photo Co. Photo, The Frontier Engraving.
X Marks the spot where savings are found
Many, Many items offered at bargain
prices during this big event! Come in and see
these specials marked with a Big, Red X!
Hair Care Savings
Hih|ue Castile Shampoo Treat your hair to the finest— a real
soap shampoo with gentle castile. Now' save over half. Full Pint
Regular S1.39 — just 09c
Brlte Set Hair Spray No dulling film.
Hair sets right, stays bright. 11-oz.
Regular $1.39 — just 98c
, Cara Nome Color Shampoo Save one-half 14 shades
Regular $1.25, now 2 for $125
C 20 Volume Peroxide
Rpaiilar nnw 17i*
-'j- J u ■ l
Hair Dryer Baked enamel, chrome trim, UL approved 1
Regular $5.95, now $499 I
Stag Toiletries for Men |
Shampoo—Cream lialr Tonic—DeLuxe Ilalr Oil—Vita Hair Tonic ■
Each 10-oz., Reg. $1.29 - now just 98c
Mi-31 Antiseptic Mouthwash Kills throat germs ns it cleans
your breath. Giant 24-oz. size
Regular S1.25, just 89c
FREE! Large Size Rexall Tooth Paste with purchase of
' New Giant Size
! Together, a $1.36 value — just 83c
Kcxall 3-grain Aspirin Bottle of 200
Regular 95c, now $7C
Save $1.07 Rex Kay Vibrator Stimulating, revitalizing. !
Complete with 3 attachments
Regular $4.95, now just $388
Buy Two and Save!
Glycerin Sup|M>sltories, 2 jars
Regular $1.78, now $'|29
Fungi-Uex Athlete’s Foot Powder, 2 4-oz. cans
Regular $1.18, now 87c
niHiacamm uuaimne; ■
Cream, 2 reg. S1.92,. $|49 I
Lotion, 2 reg. $1.56, $119
Kexall Rubbing Alcohol half-pint
Replar 45c — now 37c
Rexall Sleep Tablets—Non-narcotic—save 39c
60 reg. $1.98, now $159
There are many, many other items, too numerous to men
tion, specially priced for this big event. Come in and see them,
identified by a big X.
Ask us about the amazing New idea in
home permanents—the new Rexall "Fast" home
permanent—the permanent so new it makes all
j other permanents old-fashioned. Ask about the
new "Fast" today!
■■■i i—————
The next time your doctor gives you a prescription, take it
O'Neill, Nebr.
Miss Lonnie Langan,
Leonard Brown Wed
The wedding ceremony uniting
in marriage Miss Lonnie Langan,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Langan. 0 Neill, and Leonard
Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walt
er Brown. Chambers, took place
at 10 a m., August 10, at St. Pat
rick s Catholic church in O'Neill.
Rev. Robert Duffy officiated at
the double ring ceremony.
The bride, escorted to the altar
1 by her father, wore a floor length
gown of white French imported
lace and ns Ion tulle over hoops.
The basque bodice featured a
touch of illusion at the neckline, a
scalloped wingtipped collar and
long sleeves that tapered to bridal
points at the wrists. The bouffant
skirt was styled with flounces of
nylon tulle, trimmed with gathered
bands of handelipped lace and was
worn over a slip of fine satin. She
carried a colonial bouquet.
Mrs. Barney Poss, Omaha, mat
ron-of-honor, was gowned in a bal
lerina length dress of dior blue
crystalline over satin A scalloped
hemline was formed by tucking up
of the skirt at intervals with tiny
bows of satin. She wore a match
ing crown of blue with seed pearls
and a short veil. She carried a
colonial bouquet of pink feathered
Dale Wood, Cham Iris, was the
bestman, Mike Langan, brother of
the bride, O'Neill, and Bernard
l Grimes, Chambers, were ushers.
Miss Sharlene Shoemaker, or
ganist accompanied Miss Sharon
Murray, who sang "Mother Belov
led” and "On This Day”.
Following the ceremony a din
ner was given at 11:30 and recep
tion was held from two until four
at the Town House. A three tier
white wedding cake decorated
with white liells and blue roses
was cut and served by Bethyl
I Daniels and Charlene Boyle. Irene
Brow'n presided at the guest book,
Joanne Lanssvorth and LaDonna
McNulty had charge of the gifts,
Mary Janice Remter poured the
punch and Mrs. Jerry Cuddy
poured coffee.
After a short wedding trip, the
couple will be at home in O'Neill,
where Mr. brown is employed as
a meat cutter at Safeway Stores.
Mrs. Brown is employed by North
western Bell Telephone Company
as an operator.
For traveling the bride chose a
black sheath dress with white ac
The bride attended St. Mary's
Academy in O'Neill and the bride
groom attended Chambers high
O'Neill Locals
Don Hopkins and his family of
Anaheim, Calif., are here this
week with his mother, Mrs. Iva
Hopkins. The Hopkins children.
Donna Lee, Linda and Susan vis
ited Monday at the Dale Perry
Eighty members of the Worth
family attended a family reunion
at the C. E. Worth home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Petsche and
children were in Randolph the
first of the week with his parents.
The Roy Worth family of Omaha
spent last week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg, and
are staying this week with his
parents, the C. E. Worths.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Phllbriek
of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Morris of Rapid City, S.I)., and
the Dwayne and Dwight Phil
brick families were at Fort
Randall Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Wichman
were dinner guests Sunday in Nor
folk at the R. O. Bernhardt home.
Meeting them there were their two
children, Mike and Joan, who have
I been in Wakefield with Mr. and
Mrs. Cornelius Leonard and in
Winside with Mr. and Mrs. John
Lettmann for two weeks.
John Shoemaker of Omaha came
Sunday to spend a week with his
parents. His family will join him
later in the week.
6:70x15 nylon tire, lifetime guar
an tee, only $16.93 exchange _
Scovle's Western Auto, O'Neill.
Here for a few day s visit at
the L. A. Burgess home are her
sisters Mrs. R. W. Johnson and
daughter Diane of Hyannis and
Mrs. W. H. Fowler A Enid, Okla..
and Mrs. Fowler's daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J, H.
Thomas of Houston, Tex.
.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sundull of
■ Wakefield were guests Sunday at
the George Robertson and Sam
Robertson homes.
.Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Phil
brick visited last week at the
D. J. Tielke home in Atkinson.
Marine Pfc. Lyndle Collins on
have trom Camp Lejeune N.C.,
Roger Troiano and Carl Collins of
i.Lnmngton, N.Y.. came Saturday
for a family reunion and returned
to their home in Huntington with
Mrs. Lois Collins and two younger
children who have been visiting
here several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rohde of
Los Angeles, Calif., were here last
week at the homes of his parents,
the R. J. Rohdes, and his brothers
Bernard and Francis.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Reynoldson
returned Saturday from a week s
vacation in the Black Hills.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Stahleeker
and family of Wood. S.D., visited
Sunday evening at the Paul Shierk
Tlw. fwmrirn 111 111 lllulllls |«>tt
Wednesday lor a two week va
cation in Park Rapids, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broderson of
Anoka, Minn., the Vigo Christen
sens and the Veldon Pinker mans
were Sunday evening supper
guests at the Reg Pikerman home.
Mrs. Ben Oetter of Omaha was
at the Roy Parkers several days
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hamilton
and son, Terry, of Jacksonville,
Tex., were Wednesday to Monday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bink
erd. The men are service buddies.
Their wives are from England.
Mrs. Fred Farrer of Albion, who
has been visiting at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Fred Robertson,
the past several weeks returned to
her home August 6. Mrs. Robert
son accompanied her and visited
several days returning home Mon
Nonnie Zastrow, son of Mr. and
Mi's. Louis Zastrow visited from
Thursday until Sunday at the
country home of Miss Vi Graham.
A picnic supper was held in the
yard of Mr. and Mrs. William
Claussen honoring the birthdays
of Mrs. Henry Benze and daughter
Mary Helen. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Yusten, Mr. and
Mrs. William Claussen, Mary
Lewis, Emily Pusatko and Mrs.
Henry Benze and family.
Amelia News
By Florence Lindsey
Mrs. John Luben, Carolyn and
Billie of Crawford, were supper
guests Monday evening, August 3,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Fullerton.
Don Adams and Lonnie Sparks
returned Friday evening from a
few days sightseeing in the Black
Hills. . .
Paul Johnston of Fremont is in
the hospital there suffering with
sinus trouble. He is the son-in-law
of Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Darlington
and son, Allan, and Mrs. Darling
ton’s daughters, Alice. Wanda and
Elinore Fullerton of Upton, Wyo.,
visited the George and Harold
Fullerton families last week. The
girls are daughters of Ihe late
Homer Fullerton, a brother to
George and Harold Fullerton.
Floyd Adams went to Creighton
Thursday and stayed a few days
for medical treatment.
Mr. ami Mrs. Clyde Widman and
Marcia were weekend visitors at
Rapid City, S.D.
The Woman’s Society of Christ
ian Service met Wednesday, Aug.
Bargains on our Street Table
"■ . ———— |
8. at the home of Mrs Bertha
Sammons. Fourteen members an
swered roll call by telling "Some
thing we have accomplished dur
ing the past years". Mrs. Dick
Doolittle led the worship service.
Mrs. Blake Ott presented the final
lesson on "The Far East".
Mrs. Alice Prewitt and Mrs.
Vern Sageser served the lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson
and son. Don, went to Fremont
Friday to visit their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Johnston and family. lx>n went
from Fremont to Ft. Knox. Ky.,
for two weeks in active army re
serve training.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Nissen of
Lincoln visited from Monday un
til Friday with his sister and bro
ther-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Frank I
Pierce. They went to Cheyenne. ]
Wyo., Friday to visit Mrs. Nis-!
sen's brother and family.
Pete Frahm spent a few days |
the early part of last week visit- i
ing at Pilger and Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Slaymak ’r 1
and boys left the first part of the
week on a vacation trip to Calif
ornia. They will visit Mrs. Slay
maker's brother, Larry Kennedy
and family, and also with Mr.
Slaymaker's sister and brother-in
law. Mrs. Margie Cabbage, and
other relatives.
Mrs. Gloria Landrum of Atkin
son is on vacation from Dr. Ram
say's office, and with her daugh
ter, Sally, is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott.
Mrs. Eva Backhaus and Caroline
of Atkinson were down to their
house in Amelia Thursday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winings
and children called there that eve
Mr. and Mrs. ienus Madsen |
have been entertaining their little
granddaughter, Sharon Collier,
and also their nieces. Roxanne
and Carol Brown of Norfolk, the
past week. Mrs. Brown and a
friend came Thursday to get the
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus vis
ited her brother, William Vrooman
and family, near Orchard Sunday.
Mrs. Gene Thompson and son,
Ronnie, Mrs. George Fullerton and
Phillis went to Omaha the latter
part of the week. Ronnie received
a medical checkup.
Rev. Edward Skudler and two
daughters visited at Glenn Whites
August 5. Edward, a former Amel
ia boy, and his wife and family,
are missionaries in Japan. The
Skudlers have six daughters, in
cluding a set of triplets, Margaret,
Margie and Muriel, the others Na
omi, Jean and Pauline.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen White, Myr
tle and Venita, H. S. White, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Fisher and Dorothy.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge, R b
ert, Joyce and Bruce went to An
sley Sunday to attend a Sunday
school convention.
Mrs. Glen White, Myrtle and
Venita, and Robert Burge went
to Omaha Monday of last week
and visited over night at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielsen and
Rodney Paul.
Miss Edith Pokorny of Lincoln
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Helen
Pokorny and brother, Don.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce
were Burnell callers Friday.
Misses Barbara Waldo of Den
wammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk———h*«.i m « ii—b^t mmmmmmm ■»■■■■——bbb3b—*timw—
Opens Tuesday, Sept. 2nd
High School and Grade Registration 9 a.m.
W‘ ' L
ver, Cok), Connie Werner of
Chambers, and Darla Waldo visit
ed their grandparents. Mr, ami
Mrs. B. \V. Waldo, from Thursday
until Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. Vem Sageser, Mr.
and Mrs. Link Sageser, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Wchland wore din- ■
ner guests Sunday at Mrs. Edith
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P.eree took
Mrs. Lindsey and Florence to Nor
folk Sunday where they met Mrs.
P. L. Strenger and Mr. and Mrs.
Marian Strenger of Qmatyt. Mrs.
Lindsey accompanied the Strong- ,
ers back to Omaha for a few
weeks visit,
Mr. and Mrs. Vem Sageser at- I
tended a 4-11 club meeting at Vern
on Thompson's on Friday evening.
The club members showed their i
calves. Dean Garwood judged the !
calces and gave them some point 1
ers on showmanship.
The girls modeled the dresses I
which they had made.
Everyone enjoyed a wiener |
roast af*er the meeting.
Mr. * Mrs. Dan Lewis of i
Glenu, riz.. visited last week- ,
end c 'r grandparents. Mr. 1
and J iiliam Fryrear. Mrs.
Lecvis l. • former Gletha Bon
neherger. i hey have purchased
a modern home in Glendale, a
suburb of Phoenix, Ariz.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ceams spent
Sunday with his brother. Ray
Ceams and family, at Atkinson.
Miss Edith Grimes visited Ph!l
lis Fullerton Sunday.
Pfc. Dale Doolittle left Monday
evening, Aug. 10, for Ft. Sill.
Okla., after three weeks with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Doo
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Doolittle and
Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adair.
Jerry and Diane, and Mr. and
FRI.-SAT. AUG. 14-15
Double Bill
'Guns, Girls & Gangsters'
With Mamie Van Doren,
Gerald Moore
"Riot In Juvenile Prison"
With Jerome Thor,
Marcia Henderson
SUN.-MON.-TU ES. AUG. 16 17-1S
Gregory Peck and Harry Guardino
"Pork Chop Hill"
In Color
Plus Donald Duck Cartoon
"The Ten
In Color
With Charlton Heston, Yul
Brynner, Ann Baxter and
Edward G. Robinson
One Show Each Night
Starting at 8:15 p.m.
Adm. 90c -Children under 12 Free
Mr.'. Ed::ar Peterson were Sunday supper guests of the Art
Mr. and Mrs Guy Blake, Res
ume and Lorn, called at Dunk
Petersons Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fr.thm
us l family visited with the Paul
Uiiggs family near Rose Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Law Backhaus,
Sir. and Mrs. Howard Berry, Mr.
tnd Mrs. Earnie Johnston anti
, hard Wehland wen Sunday
\ening callers at Vcraon Berry's.
Asa Watsons visited at Blake
Jtfs Sunday.
WL> Victoria Abdu Salem to
Jim Salem ami wife 7-27-59. $1750
part of SE^SEU Sec. 19-26-12.
WI> James Matthews, et. al, to
State of Nebraska 9-12 57, $tAd 50
part of E'sNK^ 1-30-12 ami
part of NWk,N\Vi« 7-30-11.
WD John Nn wobner to Eugene
A. Hoerle amt wife 5-29-56. $5230
Lots 1, 2 and 3 and NEK.NWd
Sec. 19-25-12.
\V1> George K. McGinnts to
Arthur L. Hiatt 6-23-39, $13,400
\\ 4NEG N\Vl4 NGS\V>4 23 and
SliSWl4 14-26-14.
\vn Ray V. Carlisle to Claude
A. Hamilton and vv.fe 5-8-59. $6000
Part Ixits 1, 2 and 3. Hlk West
orn Town Lot Co 1st Add Stuart.
\V1> LuVern Van Conet. et al to
Keith V and Jo\ Ellen Kenned>
7-24-59, $ 12.1*00 K‘*jE4 24-29-10
i \V1> la'slie O. Johnson ami
l^ura H. Wyant 8-5-59, $17)00 to
J. p Slunner Pt, NW'i 19-2S-10.
No Returns!!
We've had them
Long Enough!!
One Rack
A few childrens
at Reduced Prices
and STINKERS $100 - $200
at Bargain Prices others grea,|y reduced
l.eonn Hynes Mrs. M. A. Schelkopf
For those students who expect to attend college or a university, we offer a full
curriculum which is accepted in any college or university in the United States
French will be included in the curriculum and advanced math, courses are
also offered.
Full commercial course including two years of typing, two years of shorthand,
bookkeeping and office practice. •;
Three-year program in one of the best equipped home economics departments
in the state.
Featuring a complete driver education course with expert instruction and
taught every other year.
Suited to students who are not enrolled in the above mentioned courses. 1
We have a modem shop and all the finest facilities for training. Our Future
farmers traditionally are among the best competitors in this section.
Two well-trained, experienced coaches handle intra-mural and inter-school
athletic program, including football, basketball and track. Also volleyball for
girls and a junior high athletic program. A physical education course is offer
ed both boys and girls.
We offer a full course in dramatics. Remedial speech training is available in
both the high school and the lower grades. Both instrumental and vocal music
is offered throughout the school.
Our library facilities will accommodate 60 students at a time.