The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 23, 1959, Image 8

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    Dorsey News
Arrive in Time
■ TBl !»■—' Il l .^ —1
for Church Service
By Mr*. Harold tMxirn
Miss Kuth Osl»orn celebrated her
birthday by hav ing a group of girls
come to her home after the dance
in Lynch Saturday evening.
The young ladies were escorted
to the Osborn liome by boy iriends.
At a very early hour of the morn
ing the group gathered around
a camp lire where they roasted
wieners and had jello and birthday
cake. Being Saturday was the
birthday ol Miss Kathleen McDon
ald, a birthday cak<- held her name
also At the sunrise hour the girls
were still trying to slumber.
The parly arose at 8:30 making
hasty preparation to attend their
various churches in Lynch. Ruth s
father was persuaded to take them.
The afternoon was spent at var
ious places either swimming or at
tending the baseball game and in
the evening most of tne group at
tended the show. The girls were
very tired vviien they re turned to
their homes but glad that there are
birthdays to celebrate.
Mrs. Albert Carson, Mrs. Anna
Carson and Rev. Redshaw attended
a Presbyterian meeting in Hast
ings last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pickering
spent Sunday evening at the John
llurd home in Lynch Mi's. Hurd
is not feeling too well and has been
to Norfolk to consult doctors the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sedivy, Mari
lyn and Bruce of Ewing were vis
itors at the Joe Cihlar home Sun
Sgt. and Mrs. Vernon Oleson and
Neil left Friday morning for Yank
ton, S. D. to visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Oleson and family.
Rodrick Hughes was a caller at
the Osborn home Thursday after
noon, July 16.
Miss Helena Hiscoeks accom
Eained Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pin
erman home Saturday evening to
spend the night with them.
Mr. ami Mrs. Albert Carson,
Mrs. Anna Carson and .Mr. mid
Mrs. Kexford Carson were sup
per guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Kay Witherwax. of
Creighton. .Miss June < arson ac
companied them home, as she
hud been visiting her sister the
the first part of the week.
The WYF meeting was held at
the Harold Halstead home Sunday
evening, July 12. Plans arc made
for the next meeting to be held at
the A W. Aim home.
Mrs. Tom Alder and Jay B called
at the Gordon Bai'ta home Tues
day, July 14.
Miss Beverly Cars in spent the
weekend with her parents and ac
I companied Mr. and Mrs Stanley
! Greene to Norfolk Sunday so she
j could return to her work in Lin
Mrs Lloyd Brady is attending
! school at Dana college.
/ >|r. and Mrs. A. J. McWhorters
of Fort Laramie, Wyo., arrived
at the Carson sisters Saturday
even jig spending the night ami
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiscocks
and Mrs. Eva Hiscocks and Helena
of Oregon were Tuesday dinner
guests at the Howard Wells home
and supper guests at the Edward
Carsons and Carson sisters.
Mrs. Gordon Barta is convalsc
uig at her home after having ma
jor surgery at Sacred Heart Hos
pital in Lynch, July 7.
Barbara and Diana Snyder and
Conda Couch called at the Harold
Osborn home Tuesday evening, Ju
ly 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady sr. at
tended the open house for Mrs.
A. E. Derickson on July 5.
Sgt. and Mrs. Vernon Oleson
and Neil railed on Mrs. (Meson’s
grandparents, the T. J. Grahams
on Wednesday evening, July 9.
Charles Oleson and son, Duane
of Geddes, S. D., who are digging
an artesian well on the Neilsen
Recover your submerged equipment, boats or
motors FAST by our aqua lung equipped divers.
CHEAPER—We're miles closer and Experienced
We Sell and Manufacture Fiber Glass Boats—For Hunting,
Fishing and the Entire Family
Skin Diving equipment, Sporting Goods, Home of Trophy House
farm northeast of Lynch, called
at the Harold Osborn home Wed
nesday evening July 15 to visit
with them and their son. Vernon
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihlar were
Creighton shoppers Tuesday, July
Mr. and Mrs. William Podany
and daughter of Butte were Sun
day dinner guests at the Rudy Cih
lar home.
I Sgt. Vernon Oieson and Harold
Osborn motored to Fort Randall
and had a day of fishuig on July
: 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Lemon Huber were
callers at the Osbuin home Tues
day evening.
>lr. and Mrs. Lee Brady sr.
left earl> Thursday and called on
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Black near
Page and they then culled on
Mrs. Ueorge Binkerd at Ncllgh
Rev. and Mrs. John Graham of;
Pennsylvania called at the Lee
Brady sr. home Monday. They for
merly lived at Ewing. They also
called at the Carson Sister's home, i
I Callers at the Lee Brady sr. :
home Tuesday, July 14 were Mr. :
and Mrs. A. J McWhorier of Fort
Laramie Wyo., and Lloyd Brady, 1
who were dinner guests and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Osborn, who ;
called later.
The Dorsey Aid society was en- J
tertained in the home of Mrs. John j
Babl on Wednesday, July 8.
Sgt. and Mrs. Vernon Oieson left !
Friday noon, July 10 for Oaks j
! rvu i rt WnvnpsvilWv Mo., return
ing Tuesday afternoon. Their son j
1 Neil stayed with his grandparents j
Mr. and' Mrs. Harold Osborn dur
ing their stay.
Family Growing
The Tuch Family reunion was
held July 5 at the Niobrara Park.
A very nice crowd attended the
gathering with many new faces
among the relatives who had nev
er attended before.
Everyone brought well filled
lunch baskets and it was spread
on the large covered picnic table.
Miss Pauline Mulhair, who has
attended this reunion every year
did not make it back from her
Florida home in time. Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Knapp were also
missed. They have been regular
attendants. Mr. Knapp wasn't well
enough to make the trip. He has
been in a hospital at Norfolk in
termittently for some time. Lloyd
Tuch was also, in a hospital at
Omaha recovering from an oper
The oldest member at the event
was Frank Tuch. The youngest
member was the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Pavlik.
The afternoon was spent in vis
iting, swimming, taking pictures
and showing movies of some of the
pictures that were taken at some
of the other reunions.
The family is growing and the
records brought up to date again
by Mrs. Cleo Schultz of Norfolk.
Mrs. T. J. Graham, Frank Tuch
and Mrs. Mary Dobrichovsky were
meml>ers of the older generation
who attended, they have one sis
ter, Mrs. Bessie Kneycik, living
in Canada, t h e others are de
I ceased.
From the farthest distance was
Mrs. Emillia (Kreycikt Diener of
Billings, Montana.
There were two groups of four
generations present Mrs. Mary Do
brichovsky, Mrs. Eddie Pavlik
Donald Pavlik and daughter, rx>n
na and Mrs. T. J. Graham, Mrs.
Harold Osborn. Mrs. Vernon Ole
son and son, Neil.
rAn ELECTRIC Refrigerator-Freezer combination will
give you BETTER LIVING. Aids you in cutting down
food bills, helps you serve better, more varied meals.
The large refrigerator compartment has features you
would expect in a separate unit—automatic defrosting,
swing-out shelves, vegetable crispers, butter keeper plus
door shelves.
The freezer compartment
permits you to take advan
tage of “Sales and Spe
cials”—buy in season when
prices are lowest, buy in
large quantities and pay
ih your refrigerator- M
freezer dealer nov/ ^B
Chambers News
To Attend Meet
at Toronto, Canada
By Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
J. W. Walter returned last week
from Maple tori. Ia., where he and
Mrs. Walter had been Visiting their
son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Irven
Walter and family. Mrs. Walter
went from Mapleton to Detroit,
Mich , to visit their son and daugh
ter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Floyd
Walter and family and then will at
tend a Woman s Missionary Con
vention at Toronto. Canada Julv
Miss Alvra Ramm of Stuart was
an afternoon caller at the home
ot Mrs. Wayne Smith Friday, Ju
ly 10.
Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
took their grandchildren, Bobby
and Kathy Medea If, who had spent
the past two weeks with them and
other relatives to Plainview Sun
day, July 19 to meet their parents,
the lien Medcalfs and return to
Sioux City fur a week before the
family moves to Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Baughn of
Brookings, Ore. come Friday
July 17 to visit her mother, Mrs
John Wintermote and brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Guais I
Mrs. Kathleen Render, who is
attending summer session at the
t ■ i i T'nn mvlloip.
visited over the weekend with home I
folks. She returned to Kearney
Sunday evening. Her daughter!
Cheryl Ann accompanied her to
spend the night returning Monday.
Mr and Mrs. Dan Custard and .
family of Manley spent the week-!
end with her parents, Mr. and :
Mrs Kay Hoffman and other rela
tives. Saturday evening guests in
the Hoffman home included the
Custards, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Hoffman and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Hoffman and family
and Miss Diane Hoffman of
Mrs. Lilly Herzog was taken
by ambulance to St. Anthony’s
hospital in O'Neill Saturday, Ju
ly 18.
Reverend Cox was making pro
fessional calls in the Amelia and
Atkinson neighborhood one day
last week.
Carolyn Wintermote, student
nurse a* Emanuel Lutheran hos- |
pital in Omaha spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Guais Wintermote. Mrs. Ida An
derson of Norfolk accompanied
her and visited her sister, Mrs.
Lela Grubb over the weekend.
Both returned home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gartner
and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gartner
and children attended a family
gathering in the park at Plainview
Sunday, July 19.
Rev. Cox was a business caller
in O'Neill one day last week and
on Friday, July 17 he and Mrs.
Cox were business callers in Spald
Rev. and Mrs. Cox and grand
daughter, Cherly Ann Render,
were business callers in Ord Iasi
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burge and
family drove to O’Neill Sunday
July 19 where they visited in the
Arch Pensberger home. Other I
guests were Mr. and Mrs, Bob .
Pensberger .uid family of Ains-:
worth and Mr. and Mrs. George I
pensberger and children of Kala- !
ma^oo, Mich. The latter being sons 1
of the Arch Densbergers and,
friends of the Burge s.
Raymond Gale Shoemaker of
Lincoln was a weekend guest of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray.
mood shoemaker. On Sunday
the Shoemakers were dinner
guests of Mr. attd Mrs. Mike
The follow ing guests were pre
sent Sunday evening July 19 at !
the N. W. Hubbard home in honor |
of Mr. Hubbard's birthday anni- j
versary. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Ad
ams, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medealf,
Mr. and Mrs Steve Shavlik and
Pam' Mrs. .Anna Albers, Mrs. A.
P». Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. John
Honeywell, and Mrs. Edwin Hub
nai'd and Ricky.
Rev. and Mrs. Earl Schwenk
and l>oys returned Friday. July
17 from a ten day vacation at
Peoria and Grant City, 111.
Mrs. Paul Roth took her daugh
ter Mrs. Jack Beierle and two
children back to their home in
Columbus Saturday July 18 after
spending about two weeks her.
Jacque Leo returned with her
grandmother o n Sunday for a
weeks visit.
Church Notes
Seventh and Clay Streets
Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, Pastor
Sunday Divine worship, 9 a.m.;
Sunday school, 10:15 a.m. W. Fri
cke, supt.; Registration begins ul
die church for the Zone N-6 Wal
ther League Field Day, 2 pm. Ac
tivities begin at 3 p.m.; "The Lu
theran Hour" on VVJAG 4 p.m.
with guest speaker llte Rev. C.
Thomas Spitz, jr.
Rev. A. S. Gedwillo. Pastor
Sunday Sunday school. 9:45 a
m. S. H. Brauer, Supt.; Divine
worship. 11 p. m.. Registration be
gins at Christ Lutheran Church
at O'Neill for the Zone N-6 Wal
ther League Field Day, 2 pm. Ac
tivities begin at 3 p. m.; "The
Lutheran Hour" on WJAG 4 p.m.
guest speaker the Rev. C. Thomas
Spitz, Jr.
Assembly of God Church
704 E. Olay St.
Robert A. Paul, pastor
Sunday -Sunday school, 10 a m.
Reuben Redlinger, supt. classes
for all ages;morning worship, 11
a.m. Sermon subject, "Will God
approve of Modern Day Divorces
and Remariages?”; C. A. servi
ces; 7:15 p.m.; Junior C. A. ser
vices; 7:15 p.m.
Wednesday—Mid-week prayer
hour, 8 p.m.
Electric Motors
Rewinding — Rebuilding
Call 243-W — 24-hr. Service
Northwest Electric
Emmet tiroup Vi«*it Kum h
The Emmet Elkhom Valley 4-H
club went to the White Horse
Ranch north of Stuart. After eat- j
ing our picnic dinner the helpers |
at the ranch showed us around
and through the buildings. We en
joyed going through the museum
rhey also had some of their white,
horses do tricks for us after which
some of the children rode on the
Those who went on the tour1
were: Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox
and family, Mr and Mrs.. Elmer
Schaaf and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Newton and family. Jean
Foreman, Bruce and Tom Kra
mer, David, Kent and Jack Cole
The next meeting will be July
19 at the 'Elmer Schaaf home.
Long Pine, Nebraska
BAND: Preston Lane
DATE: July 26
5-9 p.m. Daily Sundays 11:30-2 and 5-9
Closed Mondays
Your money ^ j^ur ^
goes further
during our Ford Summer Swapping I Bee!
L STOP throwing money down
r tho drain repining youl
fi present car and burning extra
gas and oil as older cars da
STOP watching your car go
down in resale value before
your eyes ... missing the
comfort, tun and safety of a
U new Ford on your vacation trip.
I1 SWAP while our tremendous
sales let us give the most
\ | ■ tremendous trade ins in our
| history SWAP before your
s-i j vacation ... when you can get
;; the most pleasure out of a new
car. SWAP on a car that will
H stay in style ... stay worth
j more ... the world's most
’ beautifully proportioned car.
SAVE en first equipped cost
\ .,. up to JS5 a year on gas
| and oil... with an aluimm/ed
! muffler that lasts longet BAVI
with no wax Diamond Lustre
i Finish ... with a long lastmi,
standard 66 plate battery.
SAVE on a honey of a deal
jj duringFord's Summei Swapping
i' Bee.
.—...-■ • ■ - .
Fvsry Ford Ms
Come in and get a honey of a deal on the 59 F RDS
If You’re Interested In an A-l USED CAR — Be Sure to See Your Ford Dealer
I ® Buy o doM on our convenient loy-owoy plan. A down
I E-Ai 9 payment of 50< will hold the item of your (election.
I ^ ^ Pay the balance a( you like up to November 15, 1959.
4 bow hood with sun visor, 30" high, foot
broke—white rubber tires. July Doll Loy
owoy price $7.99.
Chubby Cubby BEAR
Big 18 Inch All Vinyl
in window display box. Print dr«st
and Bonnet Rooted Hair July Duil f
Layaway sale price IMS, I
" " i
12" oil Vinyl Coo Doll
flannel striped pajama
heated sealed poly bag.
1 Vinyl Drink ‘N’ Wet Doll In Cor Bed
16 " Doll Dressed In Bunting
Molded Hoir. Toke her along on Auto Trip*.
20" All Vinyl BABY DOLL
Sleep eyes. Drink & wet.
! i-1 • IHEHHBHnHn