e Lynch Blacksmith's Iron Horse Running; 'I Just Bought It to Tinker Around' LYNCH- Residents here are get ting a kick out of the "iron horse ' j a 30-year old steam driven tractor - but nothing now to the nld-ti mers. Warren Prescott, a retired blacksmith, has the machine in j working condition and is the idol i of all small boys and big ones too., Prescott, hIhi has been a blacksmith for 32 years hi I .inch, had the machine shipped by rail all Ole way from Sleepy Bye, Minn, were he saw it for the first time. For the past two weeks. Pres cott has been tinkering with the coal fed, steam engine and with the exception of a tew clicks now and then, the machine is surpri singly quiet. "I bought it just to tinker .around,” he said. He said he paid SHOO for the machine and that it is for sale, “at the right price." “1 hail to find something to do with my time, alid 1 just decided to get the thing in working or dor.” He explained. He said old timers would re member the machine in this part I of the country since it was the type that pulled the threshing ma chines of 50 years ago The steam engine was built in 1909. _ Lynch News Hy Mrs. Peter Mulhuir Vice-President Presides at Meeting The Women's Society of the First Methodist Church met at the church basement Thursday after noon at 2. p.m. A pot luck lunch was served. Present were 18 mem bers and visitor, Mrs. James Ro bertson of Denver, Colo. The president, Mrs. Leslie Stew art was ill so Mrs. Leland Moody, vice-president was in charge of the nyeting. Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson left for their home in Denver Sa turday morning. Albert Lee Brady accompanied them as he plans to fly from Denver to California to see his mother. Mrs. Charlie Courtney is home after spending a few days in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Havranek and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fish and family and Mr. and Mrs Bill Havranek were supper guests at the Joe Hrbek home in Holt county. Mr and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski were callers at Lake Andes, S. D. Monday, July 13 Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman and Veldeen called at Reggie Pin kerman Wednesday evening, July 15. Evelyn Kruger from Wayne visited with Faye Pinkerman from Friday until Sunday after noon. Wesleyan Methodist Women's Society met with Mrs. William Burger Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Harlan Holz had charge of the lesson. I)r. Donald David's children from Spencer spent a few days at the Dr. Joseph David home. Mrs. Leonard Havranek and children, Mrs. Glen Hull and Mrs. Peter Mulhair were O'Neill visi tors Friday. Danny and Debbie Havranek spent Thursday afternoon at the Bill Spencer home. Dorothy Mulhair. Mrs. Ktta Johnson and Mrs. Harold Benneth went to Lincoln Sunday, July 12 and returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Peter Mulhair was an ov ernight guest Monday, July 13 at the Phyllis Mulhair home. Diana S|xncer and Beverly Gray went to the youth camp at Atkin son with Rev. and Mrs Willard 'Lloyd and family. They spent from Wednesday until Friday there. I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ressler and family from Puyallup. Wash., visited from Tuesday until Wed nesday, July 14-15 at Frank Weed cr’s. .Mrs. Frank Svoboda and girls called at Frank Weeder's Tues day afternoon, .Inly 14. Mr and Mrs. Vac Jedlicka called at Frank Weeder's Tuesday, July 14. Mrs. Leo Kalkowski and Kevin, Mrs. George Kalkowski and Do lores were O Neill shoppers July 14. They also ealled on Mrs. Roy Lowry. Margaret Stenger and Mrs. Frank Weeder were Friday after noon coffee guests of Mrs. Kal kowski. Mr. and Mrs Adolph Jedlicka from Kscondido, Calif., are visit ing his parents, the Vac Jedlickas and friends around Lynch this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson of Denver, Colo, visited at Frank Mulhair’s Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ressler from Puyallup, Wash, and Mr and Mrs. Frank U'eeder called at the E. S. Soukup home Friday evo | ning. Mr. ilid Mrs. Thomas lliscocks took his mother, Mrs. Eva llis coclw and sister, Helena lliscocks to 4irand Island Thursday so they could return home after spend ing some time visiting here. Faye Pinkerman and Evelyn Krugger were supper guests of Willa Schollmeyer Saturday. Mrs Marvin Schindler and Mary Ellen were Friday callers at Frank Heiser's. i Faye Pinkerman and Anna Car-' I son visited at the Duane Carson j I home Sunday ev ening and Monday. I , Mrs. Faye Pinkerman received word from California that Clara j Pinkerman Kimmer had died. ! The Carrol Bjornsen children of j Sioux City. la. are spending a few days with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mellor. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman and Veldeen, Mr. and Mrs. Guy i Pinkerman, Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins. Mr. and Mrs. Herman j Reiser, Mr. and Mrs. Norman An-1 derson and two of Norman's sis- i iters from California attended the I i Madison races on Friday. Evelyn Krugger iiiul Faye Pin kerman were S u n il a y dinner j guests of Anna Carson. Dougles, Emery and Marcelyn Moody stayed a few days at the 'Fred King's. | Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dahlberg j and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth | Johnson and family, Mary Dahl- ] berg and Curtis Nelson went to . Fort Randall Sunday evening for I a picnic. __ j Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dahlberg and baby were O'Neill visitors Fri day. The Dorsey Ladies Aid had a food sale in Lynch Saturday eve ning. A1 Meyers, who is in the service, visited trom Thursday until Satur day at the Herman Heisers then he went to Norfolk to spend a few days. Mis. Phyllis Mulhair and family and Mrs. Etta Johnson visited the Mario Johnsons at Spencer Fri day.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carsten and Mr. and Mrs Ray Counts went to Bonesteel, S. D. Tuesday to attend the funeral ol Emra Counts, who was an uncle of Ray. Mrs. Bill Spencer and children called at Peter Mulhair's Satur day morning. Mrs. Leo Kalkowski had a baby shower for little Sherry Courtney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Courtney. Mrs. Dwight Micanek and girls and Mrs. Robert Courtney and Sherry helped their modier, Mrs. Edward May clean chickens Thurs day, July 16. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Micanek and family were guests at Bill Bentz’ at Spencer Thursday eve-' ning, July 16. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bentz of Spen cer called on Joe Micaneks Fri day evening. Eleanor Barnes, Carol Tonner, Harlene and Joyce ltolz, who at tend school at Wayne were home for the weekend. Luella Stroh came as far as Osmond and spent the Weekend there. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Youel and at the Elmo Barnes home. Juddy were Sunday dinner guests Eddie Boelter was a guest at Andy Classen's Saturday after noon. Mrs. Reno Boelter and children were O'Neill shoppers Friday af ternoon. Jake Muller helped with work at the Wallace Moffett's last week Mrs. Don Johnson and Russel Moffett were in O'Neill Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Courtney and Sherry were callers at the Leo Kalkowski home Thursday eve ning, July 16. Mrs. Charlie Courtney and Shar on were Saturday afternoon callers at Robert Courtney's. Allen Courtney, small son of Thomas Courtney was taken to the hospital Thursday night. He is some better now but is still in the hospital. Irene Boelter called on Mrs. Pe ter Mulhair Saturday afternoon. Riverside News Mrs. Lionel Gunter Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier at tended the Legion and auxiliary convention in Chambers Monday evening, July 13. The John Miller family visited Friday evening at the Harold Jones home. Will Shraders received word that Alice Shrader was released from a hospital in Springfield, 111. She is visiting at the Verl Gunter home and had ear infection so the doc tor thought it liest for Alice to stay in the hospital for a few days. Becky Miller was an overnight guest July 15 of her aunt, Lon Mil ler. The Archie Johnston family visited at the Willie Shrader home Friday evening. The Wayne Fry family visited last Sunday evening with Mrs. Louis Vandersnick in the Neligh hospital. The Happy Hollow 4-H club met Tuesday evening, July 14 with Bonnie Welke. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Dix ie Rickert and Mrs Z. H. Fry vis ited in Norfolk Friday. The Eddy Walters family of Chambers visited Thursday eve ning. July 16 at the John Napier home. The John Graham family were dinner guests July 14 at the Bill Fry home and supper guests at the Vearl Tuttle home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and family, Mrs Richard Napier and girls, Dixie Rickert and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier called on the Grahams at the Bill Fry home Tuesday afternoon, July 14. Mrs. Darrol Switzer, Jerry. Ju dy and Jackie of Omaha came Friday to the Leo Miller home. They will visit relatives over the | weekend Jerry and Judy plan to stay a couple weeks. ! The James V. Gunter family, Mr. and Mrs. William Gunter, i Linda and Jimmy Pangoda were supper guests July 14 at the Alfred Napier home. Diane Gunter stay ed with Glenda Napier overnight Linda Larson, Jody and Julie Fry. Carol. Nancy and" Rita Napier and Glen. Ellen, Bobby Jean and Cathy McDaniel take swimming lessons in Neligh each week. Their mothers take turns taking the youngsters to Neligh each day. Mrs. Grant Mott entertained the Free Methodist missionary society last Wednesday after noon. The Art Busshardt family of Ne ligh visited Wednesday evening, ; July 15 at the Dave Pollock home The Riverside 4-11 club met Ju ly 14 evening at the Leo Miller home. Mrs. Jack Strode of Stuart vis ited last Saturday at the Grant Mott home and on Sunday Mrs . Viola Johnson and daughter of Cody and the Richard Taylor fam , ily of Valentine were guests. Mrs. Dave Pollock visited Wed nesday afternoon, July 15 with 'Mrs. Howard Miller. Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paul met 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alton Gunter and j Mark at Concordia, Kans., early Friday morning. Altons were com ing from Dallas, Tex. and their car broke down. They left the ear at Concordia to be repaired. The James V. Gunter family and Mr. and Mrs. I-afayette Gun ter were dinner guests t rtua> hi ihr Lionel (iiliter home. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt I.miter anil the Dave Barton family anil the Al fred Napier family were evening i callers. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rotherham and son of Sioux Falls, S'. D. \ is litcd Saturday afternoon at the Bil i ly Lofquist home. On Sunday l>oth families were guests of Frances Rotherham. Mrs. Norma Napier entertained the Women's Missionary Society Thursday afternoon at the church annex Mrs. Ruth Ann Shrader was co-hostess. Mrs. Shirley Miller gave the lesson. Mrs. Rudy Ahlers factured a bone in her hand last Thursday. Her sister, Edna Schrieber is help ing with the housework at the Ah lers home. The Alton Gunter and Lionel Gunter families ate supper Satur day at the RoLHord home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo mery called Friday evening at the Rol Hord home. Mrs. George Montgomery and Mrs. John Miller and girls were O'Neill visitors Wednesday after noon, July 15. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Switzer vis ited Sunday evening at the Ora Switzer home. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton called on Mr. and Mrs. Al ton Gunter and Mark Sunday eve ning. The Happy Hollow 4-H club had a picnic Sunday in honor of Mrs. Lionel Gunter who plans to retire this year as leader. The picnic was surprise. It was held a Ew ing park. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelley and family of Wisner, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney of In l man, Mr. and Mrs George Rur oede and Gerold, Mr. and Mrs Martin Helmricks and Lynette, Mr and Mrs. Leo Cleveland, Lana and Rodie, Mrs Leland Welke and Bonnie, Mrs. Raymond Schmidt, Sharon, Owen. Tommy and Jea nette, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Taylor. Bennie, Douglas, and Jerry and the Willie Shrader. Melvin Scheer, John Miller, Lester Bergstrom families and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paul. The group presented the honored guest a gift of appreciation for her work as 4-H leader. ------- i P o _ Entering The Second ^ BIG WEEK!! McIntosh Jewelry GIFT SALE SILVERWARE AUCTION SRPINGVIEW FLOUR and GRAIN COMPANY Springview, Nebraska JAMES A. MOCK, Owner REAL ESTATE, PERSONAL PROPERTY, INVOICE, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1959 1:00 P.M. Sharp C.S.T. Sale To Be Held On Premises Absolutely Sells to Highest Bidder Without Limit or Reservation. LOTS 1 AND 2 IN BLOCK 23 Large corner lot having 190 ft. frontage on J St. facing South and 230 ft. frontage on 13th St. facing East, plus an additional lot to the west, 40 ft. x 100 ft. 3 STORY 32x24 MILL BASEMENT Eureka wheat scourer; conveyor from granary; 2 Daisy feeders; 2 pits for large elevators; elevator boots; hoppered bins for 650 bushel of grain. MAIN FLOOR—flour packer; bran packer; 4 double stands roller mills; milling separator; wheat heater; feed governor; 2-pair high roller mill; Blue Streak hammer mill with magnet protector; system of roll exhaust; 2 wheat bins, about 180 bu cap.; 2 platform scales; 1-man lift for all four floors; 2 9>4"x7” elevator legs; 12 6' x6" elevator legs. SECOND FLOOR—2 B&L round reels; 2 Buck ley grinders; 2 chemical feeders; B&L mid dlings purifier; B&L wheat smutter and scour er; GW wheat washer, motor driven; roll suc tion fan; cyclone dust collector; temperature tank; 6 grain bins, about 900 bu.; flour bin. THIRD FLOOR B&L grain separator; vibrat mg screen to grade C chop; round reel; Per fection dust collector; 8 sec. B&L plain sifter, size 0*2; wheat conveyor to temperature bin; Alsof flour agitator; 3 grain bins, about 300 bu. 1 STORY 14x20 GRAIN DUMP iy2 STORY 24x18 FLOUR STORAGE 1 STORY 32x29 OFFICE, STOCK RM. Underground Concrete Fuel Tank 1 STORY 29x42 GARAGE, STORAGE 1 STORY 18x20 FEED, SEED HOUSE 1 STORY 20x40 GRANARY METAL GRAIN BIN 1350 BU. CAP. METAL GRAIN BIN 1000 BU. CAP. METAL GRAIN BIN 1350 BU. CAP. 1 STORY 40x24 GARAGE OPFN SCALES RESIDENCE All modern 3-bedroom home, nice lot, oil furn ace, hot water heater, outside fireplace, gar age, large kitchen with lots of builtins. TOOLS: BUSINESS: Includes the entire operation of the Springview Flour and Grain Company. The Mill has a capacity of 600 pounds of flour per hour and is fully equipped with Plain Sifters, Roller Mill, with all cleaning and wheat washing equip. About 2000 bu. grain cap., plus storage for fin ished product. Brand name "Square Deal." PLUMBING: Complete line of plumbing tools, equipment & invoice of stock of about 56,000.00. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT: Invoice at about 52500 00, full line of new tools and equipment. TERMS: 15% down day of sale, balance on closing. If other terms are needed, contact Rogers Agency or Raitt Real Estate by sale day. Sale Conducted By: ! ROGERS AGENCY 505 N. Jeffers, North Platte, Nobr., Ph. LE 2-5770 RAITT REAL ESTATE Ainsworth, Nebr. Warren Prescott has his 90-year old “iron horse” running, much to the pleasure of small boys in the I.ynch community. It arrived here from Sleepy Eye, Minn., where Prescott bought it. The Frontier Photo and Engraving. (Advertisement) 1 Rhubarb Crumble Has A 'Different' Flavor With lots of crisp, straight stalks of rhubarb still growing in many home gardens, perhaps you’ll ap preciate having this simple but un usually tasty recipe for rhubarb crumble we received from Rill Perry, local sales supervisor of the Meadow Gold Dairy. | Orange juice, cinnamon and l rolled oats give it a "different" flavor, he says. ; Beatrice Cooke, director of the company’s test kitchens in Chi cago developed the recipe. It's vir- j, tually failureproof, she says. Just j remember to cut the butter into the flour mixture until crumbly. Rhubarb Crumble (Six Servings) 3 cups diced rhubarb 2 tablespoons orange juice % cup granulated sugar Vi teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons butter 2/3 cup sifted all-purpose flour 1/8 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon soda 1/3 cup brown sugar, firmly packed 2/3 cup quick cooking oats, uncooked Vi cup butter Arrange rhubarb in bottom of but tered 8-inch square pan. Sprinkle with orange juice, granulated sugar and cinnamon; dot with 2 table spoons butter. Sift together flour, salt and soda. Add brown sugar and oats. Blend in butter until mix ture is crumbly. Spoon over rhu barb. Bake at 375 degrees for 4(5 minutes. Serve warm with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY I O'NEILL. NEBR Insurance of All Kinds DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Northeast Comer of 4th & Douglas O’NEILL, NEBR. Ph. 167 — Office hrs. 9 to 5 Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Monday Thru Saturday Closed Wednesday i _I_l! Holmes & Edwards 52-PIECE MAY QUEEN Service for 8 - 9950 PLUS Gravy Ladle . 4.50 Berry Spoon . 4.50 ^ Cold Meat Fork.4.50 r Jelly Server . 3.00 Pickle Fork . 3.00 TOTAL VALUE .... $119.00 Special Sale Price - $5950 MEN S AND LADIES' Elgin & Bulova WATCHES 8 Men's Elgin & Bulova From 39.75 to 79.50 & Ladies' Elgin & Bulova From 33.75 to 79.50 All Others Vi to 20% Off! OTHER SILVERWARE BARGAINS Bridal Wreath 1881 Rogers TUDOR PLATE ENCHANTMENT 52-pc. Set—Service for 8 — 49.95 52-pc. — Service for 8 — $49.95 Special Sale - $35 Special Sale - $3995 STAINLESS STEEL by INTERNATIONAL Service For Six - only $395 Many Others to Choose From | WEDDING RING SPECIALS Plain Gold or Engraved — Reg. $10-$15 Now Only - $500 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED DIAMOND RINGS 10% Off Other Diamonds — 20% Off — Schaeffer Ball Points Sun Glasses Reg. 2.95 Reg. 3.98 to $7.98 j Special-$149 25* Off 2 TV Lamps Libby Glassware Reg. $6.00 CAVALCADE HOSTESS SET Only -$400 Set of 8 - $295 _ GIGANTIC JEWELRY SAVINGS ... As Much As l/2 Off ! McIntosh JEWELR Y O'Neill, Nebr.