The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 23, 1959, Image 3

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    Atkinson News
'Disneyland' Is
Hay Day Theme
_The Atkinson Hay Days August
27-28 Parade committee are com
pleting plans for the kiddies
parade and ask the cooperation of
all who plan to participate. The
theme is, Disneyland.
The categories arc :Main Street
—Policeman, fireman, nurse, doc
tor etc.; To-morrow land Zorro,
Space men etc.; Fantasy land
iStory ijook Characters) Peter
Pan, red riding-hood, bo peep etc.;
Adventureiand J unglc Charac
ters, animals, hippo, etc.; Fron
tierland - Stage coach days, cow
boys, Indians, pioneers etc.; Car
toonland—Mickey Mouse, Donald
Duck, Popeye etc.; Miscellaneous
Any thing that does not fit into
above categories or those register
ing late.
Any one interested or any want
ing more information, may get in
touch with Mrs. Sewell Johnson
not later than August 22 as this is
the deadline for registering.
Prizes will he awarded.
Mr. and Mrs Harvey Steinhau
ser of Stuart were Sunday dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Johnson. When they
returned home, they were accom
panied by their son Jimmy, who
had been visiting his grandpar
ents. Mrs. Steinhauser was the
'■'‘••mer Edith Johnson.
Jim Johnson is working in the
hay fields for Clint Dailey.
6:70x15 nylon tire, lifetime guar
antee. only $16.85 exchange. —
Scovie’s Western Auto, O'Neill.
Mr. and Mis. Orland Anson,
Ray Elsbury, Bob Tingle and Roy
Gilg spent Sunday afternoon at Ft.
Randall water skiing. Others from
Atkinson who spent Sunday after
noon at the dam sight were Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Davis and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones and
Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Schultz and daughter. Carol and
Mrs. Violet Schultz, Mrs. Phil
Johnson and Marjorie and Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kramer spent
Sunday at CiearwaTer visiting
Father Frank Kubart and his
mother, Mrs. Effie Kubart, who
has been visiting her son, Father
Frank for some time. The Kram
ers returned home Sunday eve
ning. _ ,
Mr. and Mrs Floyd Butterfield
! jr. and family of Ewing, were
! Sunday dinner guests at the home
jof Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield
jsr., home north of Atkinson. They
^spent Sunday evening visiting with
Mrs. Butterfield's parents, Mr and
Mrs. Fred Roberts m Atkinson.
The Atkinson Civic Improve
! ment Qarden club memliers met
I at the Park House Wednesday at
110 am. for a work shop. The la
Idies enjoyed a covered dish lunch
at noon and the regular meeting
of business followed.
Final arrangements are being
j made, preparatory to the annual
11lower show which will be held on
August 8 at the High School audi
torium The theme of the show
this year will be, "On a Glad Holi
Mrs. Bill Wefso drove to Crofton
Wednesday. July 15 evening to
spend a couple of days with. Dr.
and Mbs. J. W. Carlson and son.
Mrs. Carlson is Mrs. Wefso's
Mrs. Kenneth Haas and son of
Ainsworth spent Monday evening
in the home of her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Wahl, while her
husband attended National Guard
meeting in O'Neill.
The Merry Mixers Extention
club met Monday evening at the
park house for a family picnic. It
was a no-host, covered dish.
Mrs. Violet Ashcroft and Mrs.
Vera Planck returned Monday
from Auburn, after spending the
past ten days visiting at the home
of Mrs. Ashcroft's daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Clark and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Arlan Brown and
children left Sunday for a weeks
vacation. They will visit relatives
at Kimball, Rawlins. Wyo., and at
Craig, Colo. They will return by
way of Yellowstone park and the
Black Hills.
Mrs Louis Brown and children
spent Sunday night with Mrs. Eth
el Brown in Atkinson. Mrs. Brown
returned to her home on Monday
and the children remained to spend
a few days with their grandmoth
er, while the Arlan Browns ate
on vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. William Larmier
and three children o f Omaha,
spent the weekend at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jung man. They
were enroute to the Black Hills.
The Lermiers are relatives of
Mrs. Claude Humphrey returned
Sunday from Wichita, K a ns., where
she had spent two weeks in the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Pete
Denchfield, and family.
Mrs. Jerry Stronsky of Los An
geles. Calif., arrived Friday with
— ' ————
We will have about 250 head of cattle on sale at the O’Neill
Livestock market today. Included in those consignments will be
100 cows and yearling calves, 50 lightface calves and another
group of 100 head of heifers and steers. The hog sale will begin
at 12:50 p.m. at
V’ern & Leigh Reynoldson
her two children. Jerry and San
dra for a weeks visit with her
mother. Mrs Claude Humphrey
and other relatives. On Sunday
they drove to Wichita, Kans., ac
companied by her sister. Mrs. Roy
Mack to visit their sister and fam
ily. They expect to return Wednes
Mrs. Opal Keating returned last
week from Denver. Colo, where
she had spent a few days visiting
in the homes of her son. Keith and
daughter, Mrs. Phyllis Duvall and
children. When she returned home
| she was accompanied by her
: grandchildren. Steven. Cindy and
Tim, who will spend several days
| visiting relatives and friends. Mrs,
Keating took the grandchildren to
Valentine to attend the Shrine Cir
I cus.
Sunday Mrs. Opal Keating and
Steven, Cindy and Tim Duvall
drove to Ft. Randall and spent the
Mrs. Opal Keating entertained a
group of little girls at a swimming
party on Monday in honor of Cin
| dy Duvall. Following the swimming
the group enjoyed a picnic in the
Keating yard.
Mrs. Leonard Jungman, Miss
Barbara Mlinar. Mrs. Sewell John
son and Mrs. Bill Wefso went to
O'Neill Monday morning on bus
i iness.
Mrs. Richard Braun will enter
tain at a miscellaneous shower on
Thursday night in honor of Miss
Carol Schultz, who will be married
on August 16 to Richard Cross of
Sioux City, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Lem Mills of Bur
well were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Don Mills and
• family. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim White and fam
ily were Friday evening dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Mills
and family. „ „ .
VI,- nH Ml’S H. L. McMullen of
Dunning, spent from Tuesday un
til Saturday visiting in the home
of his daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Johnson.
Tommy Steinhauser of Stuart
spent the weekend visiting with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
; Claude Johnson.
A 30 month battery—$10.88 ex
change.—Scovte’s Western Auto,
The Modem Farmerettes club
met last Thursday at the country
home of Mrs. Edward Mlinar.
Members answered roll call with,
"Something I like about Birds.
Mrs. Darel Bright and Lois Le
Munyan were guests. Contest win
ners were Mrs. Lawrence Pacha
and Mrs. Perry Barns.
Cards were played for the after
noons entertainment and high
score went to Mrs. Ed Jensen jr.,
she also won the Moon prize. Mrs.
Ray Cearns won low prize.
Next meeting will be on July
30 at the home of Mrs. Jennie
Mlinar. „ . ..
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Small of At
kinson. and their daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Kenneth Small and family of
Kearney drove to Halsey Sunday
to attend the brand inspector s pic
nic. Mrs. Small and children met
her husband there and returned
to their home at Kearney. She
had spent several days visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Humphrey and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClurg
and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
McClurg and family and Mr. and
Mrs. William Wefso attended a
family picnic at the Burwell park
The E.V.R.N. Extention club met
Sunday evening at the park in
north Atkinson for a family pic
nic. Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Siebert, Gayle and
•k ^X ^X 4X 4X JBX 4X «k 4BX 4
Mary Ann, Mr. and Mrs Lcwmc
. bert, Mr. and Mrs Louis Kliment
land children, Mr. and Mrs. I ete
Farewell and Judy. Mr. and Mrs
L. V. Gant and Miss Helen Den
nison. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Schmidt and family . Mr. Jess Mel
lor. Mr and Mrs. Carl Gettert.
Mr. Frank Detterman and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Steskal.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wahl
drove to Ainsworth Sunday ana
spent the afternoon visiting at the
home of their daughter and fami
ly, Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Haas.
* Dr. and Mrs J. P Brown of
O’Neill spent Sunday evening in
the home of Mr. and Mi's. William
Wefso. Mrs. Brown and Mr Wefso
are brother and sister.
O'Neill locals
Ted Lindberg. Minneapolis.
Minn., was here for a few days
this week.
Mrs. Diek Tomlinson visited in
Burwell at the home of her son.
I^awrence Dexter, from Thursday
to Saturday last week.
W’eekend guests at the K
Van Voorhis home were Mr. ana
Mrs. Robert Van Voorhis and Kip.
Albion, and Mrs. E. W. Thaekhon.
Chadron. . ...
Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Waring
and Mrs. Alta Finch were Omaha
Saturday visiting the Morris Wai
ing family. . .
Tom Ehlers, Blair, was at the
H. L. Lindberg home for the vveek
Sunday guests at the Lindberg
home were their daughter and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Wllmuth.
Lincoln At the end of this month.
. t_ umII mnVP trt CIU’
ton, Colo., where he will be in
charge of the Methodist Church
Mrs. Don A Berg and childien
returned to Denver, Colo., Mondaj.
after a visit here with her moth
er Mrs. William J. Biglin.
Kathy Sue. Patty Jo and Jerrj.
children of Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Burgess, Omaha, are visiting at
the home of their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cronin and
family were Sunday evening din
ner guests at the Bill Schuchardt
home in Neligh.
Harold Morgan, Atkinson, is vis
iting in the Leonard Davis home
for a few days. Later this week
Bob and Larry Davis will return
with him to the William J. Mot
gan home in Atkinson. _
Jo Ann Cronk, Page, is spend
ing the week at the Dale Fetrow
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith were
in Norfolk Sunday to visit h*s fa‘£'
er, Fred Smith, who is in the Lutn
eran Community Hospital there
after suffering a heart attack last
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz were
in Omaha last Thursday through
SaMi'ddand Mrs. Edwin Paulsen
attended the July 12 wedding of
their niece, Judv Dittrick to Je rj
Grubb, at Tilden.
S/Sgt. and Mrs. Alvin Lofquest
and family were at the Dwayne
Philbrick home last Thursday en
route to Fort Walton, Fla.
Sunday dinner guests at the
Dwayne Philbrick home were Mr.
and ‘Mrs. Ora Philbrick, Stuart
Afternoon callers there were Mi
and Ms. Dwight Philbrick.
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pinker
man were dinner guests at the
Veldon Pinkerman home in Red
hird Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McElvain, Og
den, Utah, were dinner guests Sat
~ jot A *
urday night at the Ralph McElvain
Miss Judy Johnson. Omaha, is
a guest of Sharon Nelson this week
at the Richard Nelson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nesbitt,
and daughter, Fullerton, and Deb
bie Drenda, arrived Thursday at
the Lowell Nesbitt home. The Don
Nesbitts were also in Hastings for
a few days at a golf tournament
Margo McElvain, Lincoln, ar
rived home Monday for a week’s
Mr. and Mrs. Vigo Christensen
and Kay, Monowi, were Sunday
dinner guests at the Guy Pinker
man home. Afternoon callers were
JKk 4flk 4 4fBk
Mrs Vekton Pink or man. Mrs. Re
ginald Pinkerman and Wesley and
Eddie Krugman.
Jerome Gallagher and John Me
Elvain returned last week from
a week in the Plack Hills.
Mr. ami Mrs. D. N. I-ny
Hurley Jones were in Norfolk
day visiting relatives.
Dinner guests last Monday M
the Joe Sivesind home wen* Mr
amt Mrs. Arlie Ickler, Sidney
] Reg. 149.95 - Now 14P
J Reg. 319.95 - Now 27995
* Reg. 84.95 - Now 0888
! Reg. 44.95 - Now 3995
j Reg. 69.95 - Now 6150
! P-24 MOWER
J Reg. 68.88 - Now 6150
We still have a good supply of Lawn Food )
Priced at $2.80 per bag! . P
Also have a new supply of Lawn Grass Seed
for the August Plantings. I
Our Garden Hose Supply is real good. We P
have enough to take care of the Hot Season P
just ahead! * ^
- P
THE 15ft. ROYAL DE- [
_ »
4 I > 1
4 >
i~Z __J
f ^ ^ ^
j SAJI! j
< Shop GAMBLES in O’Neill - North Central Nebraska’s »
J Fastest Growing Store - You’ll Save Plenty!! )
[lankwt j
| SALE! j
Il^est luiy in O'Neill! Popular Orlon-Ray~ |
on Blankets in smart new Pastel colors |
Big 90 inch long Washable. Reg. 4.3» »
value. ft
NOW! ;
_ »
i Sleeveless Blouses
4 You'll want several at such a
* special price! Imagine pretty
4 blouses of fine sanforized broad
* cloth for just 68c! White, Pas
4 tels and Prints. Sizes 32-38.
^ Don’t miss these buys! Reg.
4 1.29 value.
] Now! 68c
| Reduced for this sale! Fine
quality knit tricot. Perfect fit
" ting elastic waist briefs. Stock
( up! Sizes 6-9. Reg. 49c.
< Now! 4 prs. $1
A ■ ■■■■ ■ « ■■ ■■ ■■ ”.—
Pretty as can be! Better qual
ity perfect washing crisp cot
tons in popular full skirt styles.
Smart colorful prints. Sizes 22
30. You’ll want several at Gam
bles special price! Reg. 2.98.
Now! 177
Men’s Denim Slacks
Most popular summer pants for
men! Sanforized for easy wash
ing. Comfortable elastic waist
inserts. Reg. 2.98 value.
Canvas Play Shoes
Here’s the biggest buy you'll
ever see anywhere! Kids love
’em cause they’re so comfort
able. Light as a feather. Strong
firm woven canvas uppers on
these red or blue oxfords. Sturdy
thick rubber soles for “lots of
mileage”. Come in now and get
your share of these wonderful
play shoe bargains! Sizes 7-3.
Now! $1
Boys’ Play Shorts
Just the thing for all summer
long! Cool, easy to wash sanfor
ized cottons. Denims, seersuck
ers, twills, poplins. Plains, nov
elties, stripes. Sizes 4-12. Stock
up! Reg. 69c.
—- w
Men’s Nylon i
Here’s real value! Brand new _
colors and patterns in these p
popular long wearing nylon ^
dress socks. Perfect fittiiiB- P
comfortable. Reg. 59c values _
Now! 38c l
- I
Best value in O’Neill! Beautr ^
ful 15 denier perfect fitting W
stockings every pair perfect, k
New shades. Sizes 9-11. Reg. *
69c. £
Now! 2 prs. $'| »
_ l
Tough sturdy coarse weave Blue
denim. Sanforized. StocK up now.
Sizes 4-12. Reg. 1.29.
Now! $1
Bandana Kerchiefs
Here’s real value! Popular Red or
Blue ’kerchiefs at a real bargain
price! Slightly irregular.
Now! 9c ea.
Fine soft cotton anklets or full
length socks. White, Random or
Grey. Slight mill imperfections
that won’t affect the long wear. If
perfect 39c.
Now! 4prs.
Sturdy woven blue chambray. Full
cut for good fit. Sanforized. Reg.
Now! 88c
Boys’ Sport Shirts
What a wonder selection of brand
new colorful shirts! Perfect wash
ing, no-iron sanforized cottons.
Comfortable short sleeves. Stock
up now! Reg. to 1.49.
Now! 88c
Men’s sizes S.M-L., reg to 1.98 90c
Big thick thirsty Cannon towels at
a real sale price! Soft absorbent
terry — America’s best known
brand. Popular Pastels. Stock up
now! Reg 79c values.
Now! 44c i
Men’s Briefs SALE!
and “T” Shirts BETTER
Fine soft combed cotton un- || R F S S F S
derwear that wears and fits. 1/ II u U w u U
Sturdy rib knit elastic waist
briefs. Nylon reinforced Only 40 at this give away price! Hurry for
necks on the "T” shirts. Stock
up for summer and School best selection. Broken sizes. Values to 8.95.
wear! Reg. 69c.
Now! 2 for $1 ^ow 2*0^)
i KdliiLliUldUiLUliXliiUl
I »
r w w w 'w w w w w w w w w w w v v