O'Neill Locals Dr and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn returned home this week from a three week vacation in Minnesota. Mrs. Joe Sivesind and Johnny were in Orchard last Wednesday through Sunday visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Schleusener. Johnny will remain their for a longer visit. Mrs. Donald Maw entertained dinner guests in her home July 12 in honor of her daughter's 2nd birthday. Guests w'ere her par ents, Mr. and Mrs Arthur Aim. her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aim and JoAnn, Lynch, Linda Krugman, Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dimmitt, Page, and Miss Clara Aim, O'Neill. Mr and Mrs. Ike Van Eevery and and Jim and Bill, Perry, la., are spending a week at the H. G. Kruse home. Mr. and Mrs. William Froelich, Jim, Chuek and Mary, C. E. Stout Mrs. W. J. Birmingham, and Mrs. Robert Berigan and daughters left Monday for a three week va cation in Minoaqua, Wise. Larry’ Frisch was home for the weekend from Vermillion, S. D. Miss Pat Mahony, Lincoln, and Sherry Shanahan, Wahoo, were Monday to Wednesday visitors at the H. L. Lindberg home. Guests at the Dr. E. M. Glee son home Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Maxon, Gary, III. Patrick Maxon is stay ing with the Glee sons. Mr. and Mrs. John Barr, Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Darol Switzer and family, Omaha, were guests last Wednesday and Thurs day at the R. L. and N. C. George homes. Mr. Barr is a brother of the late Mrs. R. L. George. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Manson and Mrs. Sidney Anderson W'ere Sat urday night and Sunday callers and the C. L. Holz and H. R. Piere homes at Norfolk. Lorna Marcellus, Carol John son und Lynda Haynes were home from Lincoln for the weekend. J5-foot deep freeze only SlitX.HM at Scovle’s Western Auto Store in O'Neill. 13-14e Sunday dinner guests at the Ray Hoffman home w'ere Lorna Mar cellus and Gordon Fox. Orville Sindelar attended the all-star game in Columbus Friday evening and then went on to Bel C—— Ml — ' ’ ......— grade. He returned to O'Neill Sa turday. Mrs. Oscar Spitzenbcrger. Kath leen, and Ann, attended a Mount Marty College picnic in Yankton Sunday Weekend guests at the Don Tem 1 plemeyer home were Mrs. Rose J Templemever and Bill Templomey er, Louisville. Mrs. Lurlin Collins, and Cathy, .Huntington, N. Y., Mrs. Lawrence Rothchild, Atkinson, Debbie Gutz I mer, Woonsocket. S. D., Mrs Ken I neth Collins, Bartlett, and Mrs. ! Dick Tomlinson visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Seery, Gering, last week. Jack Sullivan, son of Mrs. Helen Sullivan, arrived home last Wed nesday for a two week visit. He is being transferred from the naval base in Memphis, Tenn , to San Deigo Calif. Bonnie Krugma is a guest at the Harold Mlinar home this week while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Krugman are vacationing in Clilherall, Minn. Larry anti Bobby Krugman are staying with the Fritz Krugmnn's and Rex and Ron nie are guests at the Harvey Krug rnan home. Sunday dinner guests at the An ton Katip home in Stuart were Mr. and Mrs Harold Mlinar and fam ily. Guests at the Lowell Nesbitt home Tuesday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Steven Szotoka and fam ily, Ralston. Ja foot deep freeze only $198.88 at Seovle's Western Auto Store in O’Neill. 13-14c Mr. and Mrs. Roliert McNichols and children. Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Walt McNichols, form Cal ifornia, v isited with friends and re latives here over the weekend. Harlan Parker, Butte, was a guest last week at the home of his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Roy Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parkinson returned last weekend after a week's vacation in Edgemont S. D. While there they visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Duns more and her sister and three brothers, together for the first time in six years. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carson were Thursday evening callers at the Re ginald Pinkerman home. Guests at the Wayne Roelle home last Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ellsworth, Louise and Greg, from Kearney. Miss Lynn Franklin, daughter of Don Franklins, spent the weekend ! J"".J111 IM»U' at the Melvin Johring home as a guest of Rosemary Johrtng. Father Peter Price of Holy Ro sary Mission, S. D. is here with his father, Ernest, a patient at the hospital. Mr and Mrs. C P. Hancock, Los Angeles. Calif,, who have been visiting here for several weeks, went to Norfolk Wednesday where they will spend the night and Thurs day will depart for their home in Calif. Their son. Ed drove them to Norfolk and attended a meeting there. Mrs. Victor Halva and Mrs. Ad olph Latzel of O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs Edward Cernousek of Page attended the Mlady family reunion in Verdigre park Sunday, July 19. There were 74 present including the children. Mrs. Halva, her throe brothers, John of Verdel. Charles of Cedar Rapids and Frank of Creighton, are the only living mem bers of the Mlady family. Dr and Mrs. H. D. Gildersleeve attended the annual Northern Op temetric Association golf tourna ment and banquet held Thursday. July 15, at the Norfok country | club Dr. was master-of-ceremonies at the banquet. Mrs. Gildersleeve won the prize in the women's handicap. Carl and Connie Andersen of O'Neill, and Hud and Hilda Thomp son from Clearwater, attended the convention of Jehovah's witnesses ! at Rapid City, S. D. July 16-19. Monday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Gildersleeve and farh ily were Mrs. Ted Gildersleeve and children and her mother of Hartington. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Timmerman and family returned Sunday eve ning from a week’s vacation iat Lebanon, Mo., where they visited : their parents. Stevie Timmerman celebrated his fifth birthday with a party at the home of his grandparents,’Mi and Mrs. Harry Caufield while there. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Thompson of Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs. F T. Williams of Salt Lake City, Utah visited from July 9 to 16 with the ladies' sister, Mrs William Egger and their brothers Bill, John and l3on McClellan and families. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts of Albuquerque, N. Mex. arrived j Monday to visit her brother, L A.1 Dtt and family. The Roberts spent July 4 in Colorado Springs. Colo. ,vith their son. then visited in Al iance, Dalton, and Bismark. N. D. vhere they spent a week and at ended the Roberts family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Venteich ?r and family of Norfolk were lunday guests of her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Clarence Sauser. Rev. Max DeWitt of Lincoln vis-1 ited from Saturday until Tuesday with his brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs John DeWitt and family Also guests on Saturday were Mr and Mrs. Warren O'Mea ra of Washington. DC. Mrs O' Meara and Mr. DeWitt are broth- ' or and sister. Mr and Mrs. John DeWitt and family expected to leave Wednes day fop Columbus where they will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Langan and other relatives. They will also visit in Omaha and other places. Mr. DeWitt is on a two-week vacation. Mrs. Ruth Hoy of Hastings spent last weekend at the John 1 ieWitl home here. Mr. DeWitt and John jr. took her to Hastings on Mon day and visited there with his brother. Mark DeWitt. Inman News Mrs. John Buhl man or Bartlett visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Banks on Friday. Mi's. James Banks, Mrs. Harry MeGraw, Mrs. Josie Kopecky anil Mrs Emmett Stamp visited Mrs Jennie Grosser and Mrs. Lloyd Brittell Friday afternoon at St. Anthony 's hospital. Mrs. Henry Reimer, who teach es Kindergarten and l»t grades in the Inman school is on a conducted tour to Hawaii. Miss Elja McCul lough conducts the tours, sponsor ed by Dana College. Eighteen teachers and students will Ire in the party They will visit and tour San Francisco July 23-26. July 27 fly to Honolulu where they will stay in the Helekulani Hotel 10 days. On August 5 they will fly to l»s Angeles visiting places or interest ■ until August 9. Lea\e by tram for home via Grand Canyon Onto to Omaha August 12. li is the eighth tour of this kind conducted by Miss McCullough of Dana College in Blair. Mrs. Anna K. Ferris is visiting in the home of her son and daugh ter-in-law. Mr. and Mi s. Jim Ft i ris at Atkinson. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Annual Firemen's Ball of Creighton Volunteer Bre Department at I.VhKMI W r WIMON MONDAY. AUGUST It Featuring I *>N \ Hit \l>l I t _and Ills Orchestra_ I GLEANINGS from our —? f Heritage of Freedom r jgSSb? "AH free governments, what ever their name, are in reality governments by public opin ion; and it is on the quality of this public opinion that pros perity depends.” — James Russell Lowell. ■ Fine food deliciously prepared NEBRASKA DIVISION tastes even better when served United States with cool, golden beer. Beer Brewers belongs to our heritage of good Foundation living. Enjoy beer often. 8I* ^‘r,t Nat'l Bank Bldg., Lincoln MORE PROOF | from Isotope Tracer Tests 7S£&££ ~Taan«*t jj | I Actually Uoes Thru The Skin To Kill j J, Pain Where it Hurts jj 2 oz. Liquid or y Latest scientific testtng gives more proof i.i 11 that THRU’s pain-killing medication goes = JeIinatube " thru the skin-penetrates = IJt A directly into sore muscles = •“Tto relieve muscular = aches, stiffness. THRU == ®oz- even brings temporary == 2.98 point-Of-pain relief si i - 1 from minor rheumatic js= Land arthritic pains. == Never bums or reddens = normal skin. == DEVOY REXALL Drug FORMERLY GILLIGAN DRUG ‘ O'Neill, Nebr. ^lamily-Size rs Seven li?) SERVES 4... or more! Here’s the BIG way lu (he best! Enough sparkling, Crystal-cl^ar 7-Up in ore big bottle to make four or more people happy! Perfect for the family and parties—convenient to buy and serve. . Nothing does it like Seven-Up! i / IT'S GREAT/ JTSSTUPEmUSf TTi COLOSSAL I Manchester I I w^fips1'4 ranrar-HOffli isiesi nnn n nnnin ; pj^p5|_| COOKIES 1 .if*tit and Dark U; i • 3 BIG DAYS LEFT 3 - 7S ] T»«f«- • Fri. - Sot. J.l, 23rd - Mtk . 25t» - mslM11,D PEflNUTS.:~29< — vllUUkjU V-Ncv.BOX PEANUTS.249c “New Pad” PEAS IL 0^1 GRAPE JAM “,.4:r l|ir.riU,U.UW!l ( Our Fomi,t SALAD MRS. TUCKER'S PURE VEGETABLE MUSTARD I SHORTENING v; 59c *— w OUR FAMILY NEW PACK WHOLE UNPEELED APRICOTS 4-S* OUR TAMILY FREESTONE HALVE! PEACHES..... 3 "SSA* M®o OUR FAMILY WHOLE SWEET pickles.”iSS 39*/STRAWBERRY OUR TAMILY DILL. SANDWICH SLICED PICKLES__19* | OUR TAMILY MANZAN1LLA STUFFED OLIVES..kVr 39* OUR TAMILY MAMMOTH RIPE OLIVES_____'Hi 25' OUR TAMILY SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER..43* CHARMIN ASSORTED COLORS BATHROOM TISSUE OUR FAMILY PORK & BEANS 5 6 s 69c BEST BUYS IN THE PRODUCE DEPARTMENT Fresh California Vine Ripe DewY Freih ^ - _ CALIFORNIA CANTALOUPE sunk,st 5^^ Every Bile o Delight LEMONS STRAINED D“.- 39 BABY FOODS Fresh REG. TINS CROWN PRINCE I CAUFORNA • . DOG FOOD CELERY U HEARTS ^ *1 ’ 6 49c £ c 25 VALUES j i PUREX iuq«h.!? £ 59: ^ BEADS '0 BLEACH ,e£: 43‘ Bluet While You Wash BLU WHITE Kill'S: 27* mM LONG HORN MAZOLA OIL furrcc COOKING and V. n C L O C SALAD OIL .. AO’ 35* ql 63‘ 49 1 FRESH—PAN READS' FRYING CHICKENS_As Low As 59c ead ROBERTS ORANGE DRINK_per quart 19c MULBERRY SLICED BACON_pound package 39c . i - KXXAAJJCOOOC^y^ k EVERYBODY LOVES 4.00 .4v. / jack & Jill Tender. Lean Naturally Juicy. Treshly Made Ground Beel Armours AKMOI HS I'l AII SIIAI'IO A An nriH rRQ7FN CANNED PICNICS . - 2.09 "tc«! SKINLESS WIENERS 2r89' parts 1 ICI sll 1(11 || SMOOTH sl id AIM ZLB- OO* BRAUNSCHWEIGER.. 43‘ l” zv 1 JACK A JILL—VANILLA - CHOCOLATE • STRAWBERRY i ICE CREAM_ MINCED HAM_ RING BOLOGNA .........._ .— 1 — .. SWEETHEART TOILET SOAP 4 l£H 46* TREND POWDER 2 39g TREND LIQUID 2 n« 59* — V'2 gallon 69c . 3 lbs. $100 . 3 rings for $100 I 4 ABOVE PRICES EFFECTIVE AT FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: 1 O’NEILL SPENCER BUTTE BONESTEEL v