I -Legal Notices-1 First Publication July 16, 19591 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Scaled proposals endorsed with the title of the work and the bid der's name will be received in the office of the City Clerk of the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, un til 7 00 P.M. on the 4th day of August. 1959, for the furnishing of all labor, materials, use of con tractor's equipment and plant and for all else necessary to properly construct ail of the improvements uthm Paving Districts No. 17 18 19 25 26. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33 I the City of O'Neill, Nebraska. At which hour, or as soon as pos sible thereafter, the Mayor and the City Council of O'Neill, Ne braska, will proceed to open in the presence of all other bidders and consider the bids received for the furnishing erf said labor, materials, md equipment necessary for the proper constuction of the afore iid improvements. The Engineer s estimate of the t of construction of the various districts is as follows: Pat. No. Estimate 17 .$59,810.00 18 . 15,550.00 19 . 43,402X10 25 . 6,630.00 26 . 13,800.00 28 .17,510.00 29 . 7,585.00 30 . 5,170.00 31 . 9,460.00 32 . 12,700.00 33 . 11,875.00 All work called for in the plans and specifications shall be fur shed in strict accordance with the plans and specifications prepared b Kirkham, Michael & Associates, ; Engineers of Omaha, Ne i tska, and now on file in the ffice of the City Clerk of O’Neill, Nebarska. Bids will be received only upon the propsal forms furnished by the Ci*\ through its Special Engineers, Kirkham, Michael & Associates, of Omaha, Nebraska. Each bid must be accompanied lit a Synopsis of Experience Re cord illustrating experience in con struction of work of this type or of a similar nature. Each bid must be accompanied li\ a certified check on a bank whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor poration in the amount of five per cent (S^e) of the total bid price, m,I mi let Kn nnvnhlo without ffin dition to the Treasurer of the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, as evidence of good faith of the bidder, and as agreed liquidated damages to the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, in rase the bidder whose proposal accepted by the Mayor and City Council fails to enter into contract within ten 110> days from the No tice of the Award and furnish ac ceptable bond to, complete the work and pay for all labor and materials used, said bond to be in the amount of one hundred per cent 1100%) of the total bid price. Each contractor bidding upon the work described in this Notice, at the same time as the filing of the bid shall file with the Mayor and City Council of the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, a statement that he is complying with and will continue to comply with fair labor standards as defined in Section 73-104 R. S., Nebraska. 1943, in the pursuit of his business and the execution of the contract on which he is bidding and there shall he written into the contract for the construction of the work re ferred to herein a provision that in the execution of such contract fair labor standards as so defined shall l^e maintained Plans and specifications and con tract documents may be examined at the office of the City Clerk in the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, and may be procured from the of fice of‘the Engineers, Kirkham, Michael & Associates of 508 South 19th Street, Omaha 2. Nebraska, upon the payment of Twenty Dol lars ($20.00) which amount will not he refunded. The City of O'Neill. Nebraska, reserves the right to waive infor malities and to reject any or all bids. . Dated this 14th day of July, 1959. THE CITY OF O’NEILL, NE BRASKA , SEAL) DALE FRENCH, City Clerk Dat First Publication: July 16, 1959. Date Second Publication: July 23 1959 Date Third Publication: July 30, 1959 1338 12-14C (First publication July 16, 1959) CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA notice of resolution of NECESSITY’ Public notice is hereby given nt a meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, held on July 14. 1959, the following Resolution of Neces sity was by the Mayor and City Council proposed for passage and adoption: Be it resolved by the Mayor and Council of the City of O' Neill in the County of Holt in the State of Nebraska: Section 1. The Mayor and Council deem it advisable and necessary to construct a storm sewer as hereinafter provided and to pass this resolution for that purpose. Section 2. There shall be con structed in the City of O Neill a storm sewer in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Kirkham, Michael & Associates, Special Engi neers of Omaha, Nebraska, for the city, which plans and specifications have been ap proved by the Mayor and Coun cil and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk and are open to public inspection and reference is hereby made thereto. Section 3. The storm sewer shall be constructed of cement and concrete pipe, vitrified clay pipe, or other matei lals deemed suitable. Section 4. Said storm sewer shall be constructed wholly within the corporate limits of the City of O’Neill. Nebraska and begins at the Northwest comer of the intersection of Douglas and Second str®^ts; thence South along the " est side erf Second Street to the North right-of-way line of the Chicago Northwestern R a i 1 road, which will include ap proximately 870 linear feet of 27*inch storm sewer pipe* and 750 linear feet of 30-inch storm sewer pipe, along with various drainage structures and other appurtenances necessary t o complete the work. Section 5. There shall be and hereby is created in the City of O’Neill a sewer district known as Sewer District Num ber 1. The outer boundaries of said District shall be the same as the outer boundaries of the City and all property within the City a part of the District. Section 6. The engineer's es timate of cost of the proposed construction and all other in cidental expenses is $24,510.00 Section 7. To pay the cost of the improvements herein pro vided for, the Mayor and Coun cil will, after such improve ments have been completed and accepted, cause to be is sued negotiable bonds of the City of O'Neill to be known as “Sewer Bonds’’. The Coun cil finds and determines that the proposed improvement con stitutes general benefit to the entire City and the cost there of shall be paid by the City and no part of the improve ments are local improvements and no property in the District is especially benefited there by. There shall be levied an nually on all taxable property in the City a tax which shall be sufficient to meet payments of interest and principal of the bonds as the same become due; said tax shall be known as the “Sewer Tax’’ and shall be payable annually in money. Said Resolution of Necessity will be considered by the Mayor and Council on the 4th day of August, 1959, at 7:00 o’clock P. M. in City Council Chambers of said City, at which time objections to the pass age of said Resolution will be heard. Thereupon the Resolution may be amended and passed, or passed as proposed. By order of the Mayor and Council of" the City of O'Neill, j Nebraska. O. D. FRENCH City Clerk 12-13c NOTICE OF LEVY FOR TAXATION Ordinance No. 328-A An ordinance providing for a levy to raise funds by taxation on ] property situated within the cor porate limits of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, for the fiscal year be ginning the first Tuesday in May, 1959, and ending the first Tuesday in May. 1960. HE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O’NEILL. NE BRASKA : Section 1. That the City of O’ Neill, Nebraska, make the follow ing levy for taxation for the fiscal year l>eginning the first Tuesday | in May, 1959, and ending the first Tuesday in May, 1960, on the tax- j able property within the corporate limits of the City of O’Neill, Ne braska. For General Purposes 30 Mills on the dollar. For Maintenance of Streets 3.0 Mills on the dollar. For Maintenance and im provement of parks 0.5 mills on the dollar For maintenance of the Fire Department 0.5 mills on the dollar. For Municipal Advertising 0.2 mills on the dollar. For Maintenance and Im provement of airport 1.0 mills on the dollar. For Street Lighting 1.1 Mills on the dollar. For Sewer Bond sinking fund and interest 1.0 Mills on the dollar. For Water bond sinking fund and interest 0.5 Mills on the dollar. For Park Improvement bond sinking fund and interest 0 5 Mills on the dollar For Street Widening bond sinking fund and interest 0.7 Mills on the dollar. For intersection paving bond sinking fund and interest 3.0 Mills on the dollar. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after passage and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 7th day of July, 1959 D. C. SCHAFFER. Mayor. ATTEST: O D. FRENCH. City Clerk. 11-12-13 Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris The Ewing Midgets went to Mad ison Sunday evening where they participated in the tournament playing the Elgin team. The score was 4-6 in favor of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal spent Sunday at Atkinson visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stes kal. Guests Monday at the home of j Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal sr were Mrs. John Steskal jr and | children. , Mr and Mrs. Lionel Gunter of j Ewing and Mr and Mrs. Alton Gunter and family of Dallas, Tex., were entertained at a six o clock dinner Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord Thursday evening dinner guests at the Roland Hord home were Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. David Barton of New Windsor, 111. The Happy Hollow 4-H club held a picnic at the Ewing Park Sunday honoring Mrs. Lionel Gunter who has been active in 4-H work and a club leader for ten years She is retiring this year. At present she is the leader in the gardening proj ects. Mrs Gunter was presented j a lovely gift in appreciation of her i faithful service in club work Included in the 50 members and families present were Mr and Mrs. Lyle Abney of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly and fam ily of Wisner. Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Helmricks and Lynette Helm ricks. Mr and Mrs. Willie Shrader and family of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sawyer of Norfolk. The Happy Hollow 4-H club held their regular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke : Tuesday evening. There was a good ' attendance . w , 1 In sewing. Mrs. W timer Mosel, leader presented seams of various types and their uses; Mrs. Lester Bergstrom and her group had "Ironing ; and Mrs. Lionel Gun ter and her group discussed gard ening Lunch and a social hour was en joyed on adjournment of sessions Mrs. Ralph Eacker received word Tuesday of the death of her eldest brother. H C. King at Port land, Ore. Mr. King had heen ill and hospitalized for the past year. The funeral with military honors was held Friday at Portland Dr Victor Marquardt. a former resident of Ewing, better known here as "Skip" is a doctor at the Providence hospital where Mr. King was a patient The Roy Rotherham family held a gathering at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs L. J. Rotherham in east Ew ing Sunday, the occasion honoring the birthday of the host A no-host dinner was served followed by an informal afternoon. Present were Mr and Mrs. Roy Rotherham and "Butch”, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wright and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rotherham and family, all of Ewing. Miss Rernadine Rother ham. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Woods and family, all of Lincoln Cathy. Cindy and Mary Jo Woods accompanied their parents home after spending two weeks with relatives here. Lt. Col. and Mrs. E D. McDon ald and Douglas and Suzanne are guests this week at the home of Iter parents. Mr and Mrs. Ray Butler. Lt. Col. McDonald and ms family are stationed in Georgia Sunday guests at the home of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack were her parents, Mr and Mrs. Everett Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Murray and children, all of Oak l dale. Mrs. Elvin Hamilton entertained at a coffte hour Thursday after noon at her home, honoring Mrs Richard Edwards who with her family has moved to Bassett to make their home. A farewell gift was presented her Present were Mesdames Allen Pollock. R H. Shain. Thomas Eacker, Clifford Hahlbeck. Archie Tuttle, Floyd Black and Florine Black. R. S. Brion. Ralph Munn, and Jerry Tomjack. Mr. and Mrs William Hobbs and family were shopping in Norfolk Friday. Mrs. Earl Billings was pleasant ly surprised Friday evening when friends arrived to join in celebrat ing her birthday Card games pro vided amusement. A delicious lunch was served by the self-in vited guests. Mr and Mrs. Ray Funk and family accompanied by her moth er, Mrs. Laura Spittler returned home Friday from a two weeks trip. They visited his brother and sister-in-law. Mr and Mrs A1 Funk at San Diego. Calif., and on their return trip visited relati\es in Texas and at Denver, Colo. Miss Janet Noffke, who accompanied the Funks on the trip, remained at I Denver. Mrs. Myrtle Himes of Clearwat ei came Friday to visit a few days wi h tier son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings. Mi and Mrs. Thomas Eacker and family went to Grand Island Saturday where they were over night guests at the home of his sister and husband, Mr and Mrs. Jerome Fuller and family. Mrs. Floyd Lee entertained a group of ladies at an afternoon party at her home Friday Miss Bernadtne Rotherham of Lincoln spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. ami Mrs Roy Rotherham Art Ruroede, who is a patient at St. Vincent's hospital in Sioux City, underwent surgery Monday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bart os re turned home Saturday from their wedding trip through the Black Hills and places of interest throughout the western sta'es Sun day they left for their future home at Kimball, whore Stanley is em ployed by the Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas company. Terry Wanser, his sister. Miss Judy Wanser of Ewing and Miss Marlene Neibur of Norfolk sailed on the SS America from New York Friday for a month's tour of Eur ope. They plan to v isit several of the places where Terry was sta tioned while serving in the armed forces. Kitty Wanser and her cousin, Bridget O'Brien of Chicago, who is spending the summer at the Wan ser home, are guests this week at I the home of Mr. and Mrs John Walker and family at Norfolk Mr and Mrs. Robert Tams jr of Omaha are spending a week’s I vacation at the home of his par | ents. Mr. and Mrs Roliert Tams ] sr and family. Sunday evening all ■ were guests at the home of Mr j and Mrs. Fred Tams at Clear ! water. Mr and Mrs. James Furley ofi i Madison were callers Sunday at the home of her sister anil hus band. Mr and Mrs. Marcus Snyder ami the H. R. Harris liomo Sun day. Guests Tuesday at the home of 1 Mr. and Mrs L. A. Hobbs were her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs lairin Havens and family of Rockford. 111., and Mrs Rose : Harding and Mrs. Edna Hubert, both of O'Neill. Mrs L. A. Hobbs visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. Rose Harding at O'Neill Thursday while Mr. Hobbs attended the weekly sale at the pavilion. Levi Hull of O'Neill spent Sun day with his nephew and wife. Mr. and Mrs Alfred IXhhI. Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds MOKKM K PONTON, Prop. Phone 106 Ooldcn Bldg. Alice’s Beauty Shop Res. S door* west of Texaco 122 East I tout las Phone 262 — O’Neill Dr. Donald E. David OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101 Spencer NOW'S THE TIME!! p 1960 ADMIRAL SEE WHY ADMIRAL IS THE GREATEST NAME IN TV SEE ALL MODELS - ALL MAKES - ALL COLORS Ask About the 5-Year Warranty SAVE BIG MONEY DURING PREVIEW DAYS TOO!! FREE ANTENNA WITH EVERY NEW SET SOLD DURING 1960 ADMIRAL PREVIEW DAYS! - —— — i r "i* ■ |flf f See These and Many More at PINKERMAN'S TV This Weekend !! PINKERMAN’S TV and RADIO O'NEILL'S LEADING TV CENTER-DEALING EXCLUSIVELY IN TV AND RADIO MAINTENANCE & REPAIR Our Well-Trained Repairmen Are Equipped To Service All Makes Phone 302