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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1959)
•• FOR SALF. Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle n hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy wringers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 2 4 miles southwest of Clear water. Phone 17 on 12 tf FOR SALE: Red Clover and Cossock Alfalfa seed Both state tested.—Leon Beckwith. Emmet. __. 52p-ltfc FOR SALE: New Holland No 80 baler, wire tie, with motor: three 12 ft. hay rakes very good condition: No. 24 mower used Contact George Winkler, O'Neill. Phone 286. 12c FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire Boars. Ready for service.— Stelling and Son, Orchard. Nebr. 12eowc FOR SALE: Choice 3-year-old Registered Angus Herd bull. — F W. Loock and Son, Spencer, Nebraska._12-13c MOBILE HOMES We trade, finance, deliver any where, set them up and service them. We have one of the finest selec tions of new and used Mobile Homes in Nebraska. MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion, Nebr. Office phone EX5-2170 Residence phone EX5-2236 12tf FOR SALE: Reg. Polled Hereford Bulls. Two 2% and 3 years old. Proven, herd bull quality—some yearlings.—Everett Van Dover, 2xh miles east of old Opportun ity or 22 miles west of Verdigre, or 16 south of Lynch.__tf SAIT FOR SALE : K ana polls $16 50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c-- Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks north of traffic lijht Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164. O’Neill. 5Atl FOR SALE: F-20 tractor, very good, with new hydrolic lift; F-14 tractor, good, with two rakes at tached ; hay cage fastens to back of stacker; factory made hay cabling winch. Priced reason able 4 west and 1 South of Pe tersburg, Nebr. Sam Stretter. ll-12p FOR SALE Baler Twine Guaranteed to be one of the best.—$5.95 per bale. Gasoline, fuels, oils, greases. Lowest prices in Nebraska. NEW DEAL OIL CO. West O’Neill 7tf ARE YOU TRUCKERS paying too much for truck insurance? Check with A1 Gasklll of the R. F. Gas kill Ins. Agency, O’Neill, phone 710. _8tfc SPECIAL PRICES ! 10 2-row used go digs 1 used 4-row John Deere go dig New 4-row IHC go digs New 4-row cultivators for 460 ana 560 tractors 2 new 101 IHC combines 5 used side deUvery rakes, IHL. David Bradly and John Deere 6 used 12-ft. rakes. IHC 1 used New Holland Baler, wire tie with motor Several used trucks and pickups Also some good used tractors Storjohann Equipment Co. Lowest equipment Price* In USA! PHONE Diamond 6-7185 R UR WELL NEBR. FOR SALE: John Deere 12A Com bine with motor. A-l shape, al ways shedded. Reasonably pri ced or will trade for livestock. -John J. Thiele, Clearwater, Nebr., phone HU 5-3251. Lpd FOR SALE -Conley Lutheran Church building, open for scaled bids to August 8th. Also bids on pews, piano and stove. Lo cated 24 miles south and - west of O'Neill. Right to reject any or all bids. Contact Rev. William Roten of Chamliers. 12-13-nc FOR SALE: A 10x10x8 building, a 40x36x12 bam. three grain bins, loft joists 2x10 ’. good ship lap floor and good roof. Frank Snyder, Pege Nebr. 12pl3c SEWING MACHINE BARGAIN: Pfaff full automatic zigzag com plete. Late model, like new. With good credit you can assume 8 payments of $9.20 each or wd discount for cash. Can he seen in this locality.-Write Credit Dept., 2415 Leavenworth, Omaha RANCH LOANS —See R. H. Park er, O’Neill._“ FOR SALE: Large and_small min ers, frogs, worms, night crawlers, groceries, pop, dimly. ice.c^e^1j motor boatoil BATI sporting goods.—CORNER BAIl SHOP, Ed Ludemann, Fairtax, S.D., 11 miles north of Spencer. FOR SALE: Well established R* tall farm supply business handling well-known products. Small oay> Ital needed. -Write box TH, c/c The Frontier._" FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1955 Chev (6100) New Rubber 2 ton Dumy truck with heih 5 or 6 yd dump box in A-l cond. Ready to go George H. Courtney, Box 14.i Phone LO-9-2816 __ Phone Your New* To The Frontier— SUMMER SPECIAL 70 lh. ice ca pacity cooler. Keeps beverage and food cool for long hours Brings the fish home after the trip. Reg. 19.95, Special at only $14 95. Coyne Hanvare, O'Neill. _ 12c FOR SALE: Used 3-rake hitch H. Milton McKathnie, Atkinson, Nebr. ll-12p! FOR SALE: Three bedroom house. Basement, garage. Close to school.—Phone 654, O'Neill. _ lltf | FOR SALE: Allis Chalmers Com bine with pickup. Good condi tion. — P. V. Hickey ll-12c USED CARS '55 Mercury Monterey, plain 55 Plymouth, 4 dr. 55 Studebaker hardtop 53 Plymouth, 4 dr. i»52 GMC % ton pickup 1948 Chev. 1 T. Pickup SMITH MOTOR CO. Phone 562 O’Neill, Nebr. MACHINERY Massey Combine with engine IHC 62 Combine with engine Allis Combine PTO 5 IHC Side rake Dump rakes Mowers John Deere PTO binder 9 H P. Briggs engine Homdraulic Loader with hay head IHC one way ■16 Farmall H WC Allis 53 Super C Farmall Regular APPLIANCES Electric refrigerator IHC 12 ft freezer Apt. Electric range New RCA Whirlpool Appliance. WE TRADE FOR FARM EQUIPMENT ON APPLIANCES SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O’NEILL, NEBR. IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool COMBINES Massey Harris, super 27 J-D No. 55, 14-ft. M&M No. 69 with motor MACHINERY TRACTORS— 1955 J-D Model 60 Model G J-D 1949 46 A J-D 48 B J-D 40 B J-D 45 B J-D IHC F20 J-D Tractor Cultivator IHC 250 Tractor Cultivator J-D No. 5 Mowers IHC-No. 9 Mowers AC 15-ft. disc Farmhand Loader, complete Plows, all sizes PLYMOUTH and JDD TWINE Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O'Neill Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE: Three bedroom house. Full basement with one finished room. All modem. Automatic oil heat. Garage, comer lot.—Gene Wolfe. Phone 671-W, O’Neill. 5tfc FOR SAI.E: Building lot. Desirable location.—Call Phone 574J, O’ Neill-__52tf FOR RENT FOR RENT—Rooms! Nnight, week or month. Air conditioned, clean, good beds. Redecorated.—Hotel O’Neill, Plume 364. New Man agement. 12-1 Spd FOR RENT: Three houses, one 2 bedroom house and 2- one bed room houses.—Contact Walter Pease or Phone Atkinson 7062 12tf FOR RENT: Very neat two bed room home, gas equipped, gas heater furnished, southeast. — Call Mrs. Jim Parker at 707-W 12tf FOR RENT: Modem two bedroom apartment, with living room, kitchen and bath. Close in.— Elmer Hagensick, phone 538-R, O’Neill._6tf FOR RENT—Four room home with bath and gas heat; full basement and garage. — Mrs Mary Halva, Phone 630. tfc FOR RENT: One bedroom, mod em house with full basement.— Keith Abart, phone 209. O’Neill. lltfc WANTED CURTISS STUD SERVICE can build you a herd for less Don't ( leave your herd's future to chance Breed to bulls from prov en families. Duane Grav. Phone 470. O'Neill. 9tf : WANTED: Serum pigs: I vo iding days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week —Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf WANTED: CUSTOM combining. Have two 14 ft. self propelled Massey combines. Vernon Gor gen. Phone 522R, after 6 p m ll-12c WANTED! DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctl WANTED: Kitchen help. Woman or girl.—Baber’s Cafe. Plain view, Nebr. 12-13pd WANTED—Refined, mature wo man to assist in care of Dr. Ira - -Call Lynch 9-2371 or write to Dr. G. B. Ira. 12c $400 MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refilling and collecting money from our high grade candy, nuts and gum machines in this area. No selling! To qualify for work you must have car, references, $600 to $1900 Cash. Secured by inventory. Devoting 7 hours a week to business your end of percentages of collections will net up to $400 monthly. With very good posiblities of taking over full time. Income increasing accordingly For interview in clude phone, write P. O. Box 1055, Boise, Idaho. 12pd FOR A KITCHEN NEAT, you just can't beat, a Glaxo coated lin oleum. So easy to clean.—Coyne Hardware, O'Neill, Nebr. 12c EXPERT REPAIR SHOP Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O'Neill SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down. 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf Wick's BODY SHOP Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W - O'NEILL — for Any lob 25tf L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kind* of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Alao repair parts for Lawson — Ree -Clinton. WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O'Neill 50 tf WANTED: Waitress for night shift and a part time waitress —Candy BUl’s Cafe, O'NeiU. 6tfc NOTICES I AM BACK in my office again and I have Eastern Money and Priv ate Money to loan on Farm land, Ranch land, and City Homes. If you need money see or write.— R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 6tf DO YOU NEED a ranch loan, low interest rate, 20 years to repay. See Al Gaskill of the R. F. Gaskill Ins. Agency. O'Neill. Ph. T10. lltf FARM LOANS —See R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 6tf I ID AN Money on farms and ranches and city property.— Write to R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 6tf IT’S TIME to check your Farm & Ranch personal property Insur ance —Our rates are $10,000.00 Insurance for only $29.00 per year.—See Al Gaskill at R. F. Gaskill Ins. Agency, O’Neill, Nebr., Ph 710,lltf CITY LOANS —See R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 6tf - NEED A BOND (any type)?—See | Al Gaskill, R. F. Gaskill Ins. Agency, O’Neill. Ph. 710. lltf ARE YOU over age and unable to buy auto insurance?—See Al Gaskill. R. F Gaskill Ins. Ag ency, O’Neill, Ph. 710. lltf MISCELLANEOUS WEIL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Bax 562, phone 553-J SPRAGUE WELL OO.. 071601 13 blks W 8c 3% blks N stoplight auctioneering H<-il Estate Broker Private Listings and Phone 207 — O'Neill Auctions ED THORLN IS YOUR insurance costing ti« much? Are you properly m sured. — See Ed Thortn, agt O Neill. Nebr. S*1 ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O NEILL. NEBR. — PH. 209 CASH LOANS SIGNATURE — AUTO - O'Neill Loan Company VIRGIL L. LAURSEN Phone 434 O’Neill. Nebr FURNITURE 49c EXCELLENT RANCH and HAY LAND 480 to 1840 acre spreads in the J60 price range. RUT'S REALTY R. S. Rutledge Box 563 Phone PArk 1-1421 Fremont Dr ED THORIN for appointment tf " See E. J. Shane ATKINSON for dragline work, sewer and water ditches and clam work. 50-22p CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH TO THANK the O’Neill Chamber of Commerce for the check we received for 1st prize won in the Lions Club Rodeo Parade.—The Skillet Sisters, O’ Neill. OUR SINCERE thanks to all for their kindness during the recent illness and death of our father, George Shoemaker, sr. M. George and Leonard Shoe ~ maker._ 12p50 I WISH to thank Doctor Carstens. the Sisters and nurses for the wonderful care they gave me while I was in St. Anthony's Hospital. A special "thank you" to Rev. Kennicott, Rev. Hart and Father Kucera for their visits. Also my sincere appre ciation to my friends and re latives for the cards, flowers, gtfts and visits. May God Bless you all.—Mrs. Hugo Holz 12pd CHURCH NOTES ASSEMBLY OF (iOD CHURCH 704 E. Clay St. Robert A. Paul, pastor Sunday—Sunday School, 10 a.m. Classes for all ages. “A child brought in Sunday School is sel dom brought up in Court.” There will be an all school picnic this Sunday July 19 at the C. E. Worth residence. A basket dinner will be served, after the morning service; Morning Worship-lla.m. The morning sermon subject “Buried With Christ” will be delivered by the pastor; C. A. election, 3 p.m.; Youth Services for all ages, 7:15 p.m. Wednesday— Mid-week P r a y er hour, 8 p.m. Center Union Church C. P. Turner, Minister Sunday—Sunday School, 10 a.m.; preaching service, 11; Young peo ples meeting, 8 p.m. Preaching service following y. p. meeting. Wednesday—Prayer meeting and Bible study will lie in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ernst, 8 p.m. Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Borders left Sunday for their home in Springfield. Oregon after visiting Mrs. Borders father, R. B. South and Mrs. South for a few days. They were accompanied to Eugene, Oregon by Mrs. Lee Conger, who will continue on to Grants Pass, Oregon where she will visit her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arden Kausen. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Luben and family of West Point, spent the weekend visiting Mr. Luben's mother, Mrs. Charles Luben. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Halstead spent Tuesday at the Spencer dam fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young, who have been employed at Ara pahoe returned home Thursday. On Sunday Mr. Young lei for Palisade where he will be em ployed. Mrs. Vem Wrede and daugh ters, Holly and Becky of O’Neill were callers Tuesday morning in the home of Mrs. Anna Smith. Fay Brittell of Atkinson was an Inman visitor on Tuesday. Miss Nancy Tompkins left Tues day for Potter to visit before re turning to her home in Tucson, Arizona after spending a week here visiting in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Leon Tompkins and her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat of Page spent Tuesday in the Al bert Anthony home here. ' MORE INMAN NEWS PAGE 10 The streets of O’Neill were filled last week with row u|x*n row of combine*. This particular car avan was bound for wheat fields In the extreme pastern section.of the state. The Frontier l’hoto and F.iigravinK Por!t Falls Reporter Has Many Visitors By .Mrs. Floyd Johnson Its a longtime since you’ve heard from this column. Literally speaking, a lot of water has passed under the bridge during the interval. Besides being a very busy spring a number of nice peo ple have paid us a visit here at the ranch. In case some of you might be interested as to whom they were, I will make a mention of those who came from a dis tance. The week of June 7, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes and son Floyd of Guernsey, Wyo., and the week end of June 12, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Jewel and son. Fred of An dover, Mass. The following 2*2 weeks our son and family, Mr and Mrs. O. Russ Johnson and children of Andover. Mass., also on Sunday, June 28 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seahorough and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weber of St. Paul. Besides many local friends and relatives who called to see the folks from the east. It's been quiet around here and a bit lonely the last while, but the best remedy for that is keep ing busy. Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Brown. Mel ody and Ricky Dell, and Mrs. Eth el Brown of Atkinson visited at the Louis Brown home on Sunday afternoon. The children and Ethel will remain for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vequist and daughters, Diane and Sheryl. Lafayette, Ind., were recent vis itors at the Henry Vequist home. The little girls also visited at the Lyle Vequist and Orville Morrow homes. The family wont on to I>os Angeles, Calif., for a few days vis it. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist vis ited at the home of their son, Lyle, and family on Sunday evening. Mrs. Floyd Sanders and Mrs. Louis Brown helped Mrs. Henry Vequist dress chickens for the freezer Tuesday, July 7. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and children visited at the Jim Mc Nulty home on Sunday afternoon. Janice and Tommy Vequist spent Monday afternoon with i their frlcind, Lynda Hynes. Lynda and Shelley Hynes went home from town with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cal kins on Saturday afternoon and returned with them on Sunday to have dinner with their parents at home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sterns en tertained members of Mrs. Sterns family at a reunion at their home on Sunday, July 5. Fifty-eight fam ily members were present for the occasion. Coming from out of state were Mrs. Stern’s brother and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes and two daughters of Racine, Wis., and Mr. and Jim Moss and chil dren of Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. Moss is the former Doris Sterns. Another daughter, Mildred from Omaha, Mrs. Floyd Pride and hus band and two sons, Don and Ron were also present. Don stayed • with his grandparents for the week returning home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Curran and children of Minneapolis, Minn., visited a week at the James Cur ran home. The two boys had come a week earlier for a little extra time with grandparents and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran and children and George Curran and Anita Fllston were Thursday eve ning, July 9 visitors at the James Curran home. Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda stayed with Phillip and Leslie Breiner from Thursday night till Sunday while their dad, Alden Breiner, was away on a business trip. July 5 supper ana evKimi* guests of the Floyd and Otho Johnson families were Dan Rahes and Mrs. Norma Steele, Evan and Rita. Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda called at the Albert Widtfeldt home on the evening of July 8. Gwenda and Trudy Schultz came by bicycle to call on their grand parents Monday afternoon They and their sister. Debbie, miss their little cousins from the east. The saddle ponies had a real work-out during that time also. Wonder if they, too, don't miss the company. The Eagle Creek 4-H club met at the O. J. Drueke home on the evening of July 8 with all mem bers present. Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt was ad mitted to St. Anthony’s hospital <11 Sunday evening and under went minor surgery on Monday morning. The family report they are getting along fine at home. Mr anil Mrs. John Kersenhrock brought their grandchildren, Nan. Hob and M. J. Kersenhrock out to the John Schultz home on the afternoon of July 6 where they young folks enjoyed some lively horseback riding. The John Schultz family were Sunday afternoon callers at the William Steskal home. Bristow News By Rosemary Johnson The Hisorote-Edwards annual 'amily reunion was hold at the Fort Randall Park July 12 with 111 present. Relatives from Iowa, South Dakota and Nebraska at tended. Frank Edwards was hon ored for having the largest family present and Will Hiserote for be ing the oldest man present. A num ber of other guests also received nice gifts. The children all re ceived balloons. The afternoon was enjoyed by all. The next fam ily gathering will !>e held next year on the second Sunday in July at the Fort Randall Park. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fuhrer of Madison, S.D., are the parents of a 8 pound 3 ounce son, William Jay, born Monday, July 6. This is the couple’s first child. Mrs. Fuhrer is the farmer Marjorie Remter. Mrs. Louis Scheinost and Mrs. Evelyn Boettcher and Robyn spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Olga Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Capron and family and Mr. and Mrs. Art Cap ron were Wednesday dinner guests at the Ben Nelson home. Pastor and Mrs. Donald Johnson, Marsha, Beth, and Paula were Thursday supper guests with Mrs. Olga Johnson and Algot Sandberg. Mrs. Dave Landholm called at the Harry Malendorf home Friday afternoon. Warren Fusselman's brother, Perry Fusselman of San Diego, Calif., is visiting at the Fusselman home. Mrs. Veldon Lee and Itoys called at the W. H. Stauffer home Tues day morning. They were dinner guests at the Harlan Holtz home. They attended a birthday celebra tion at the Don Simson home near Verdel that afternoon. Mrs. Dave 1-a.ndholm called at the John W. Johnson home Wed nesday afternoon. Pastor Donald Johnson and fam ily of Montivideo, Minn., came Wednesday to spend a few days visiting friends. Mrs. Willard Landholm, Sue Ann, and Donnie were Friday dinner guests at the Roy Karr home. Pastor and Mrs. Donald John son and family were visitors at the Melvin Johnson home Thursday Mrs. Veldon Lee attended the Sunshine Extension club meeting at the W. H. Stauffer home Thurs aay. Mrs. Evelyn Boettcher and Rob yn were Thursday evening sup per guests at the Thomas Bowers home. Rev. and Mrs. Leo Miller and family of Spencer. Ia., were Mon day overnight guests at the Ben Nelson home. Mrs. Fred Scheinost and Mrs. Jim McAllister were coffee guests at the Ladd Scheinost home Thurs day . Mrs. Melvin Johnson and Mrs. Olga Johnson were Monday din ner guests with Mrs. Evelyn Boet tcher and spent the afternoon there. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Lee and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Orvil Holtz home. They were supper guests at the W. H. Stauffer home. Pastor Donald Johnson and fam ily, Mrs. Evelyn Boettcher and Robvn, Mrs. Olga Johnson and Al fot Sandberg spent Thursday eve ning at Thomas Bowers’. Mr and Mrs. Darlles Sandberg were Friday evening visitors and luncheon guests at the Melvin Johnson home. Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nelson and Todd attended a pic nic at the park in Butte honoring 1 Mrs. Dave Capron and family ami 1 Mr. and Mrs. Art Capron of Se attle, Wash. Mrs, •lint Selecta anil Dick were Sunday dinner guests at tile l.aild Scheinost home. Mrs. Evelyn Boettcher, Julie and Robyn, were Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. Olga Johnson and Algot Sandberg. Mrs. Larry Bowers, Pam and Larry Neil and Harold Dean Johnson called in the after noon. Wednesday evening dinner guests at the home of Mrs. J. I. Olson and Florence were Pastor and Mrs. Donald Johnson and family of Montevideo, Minn , Mrs. Bernard Nelson and Lowell, and Mrs. Edythe Hewitt of Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beckner called at the Ed Dreker home Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Chore. Mr and Mrs. Frank Ixtock, Mr and Mrs Richard Loock and fam ily and M. R. Marlott brought cake and ice cream to the Ivan Hiatt home Thursday evening to help Mrs. Hiatt celebrate her birthday. Carol Prokop spent the weekend here visiting with her parents. Karen Rowers returned to Omaha with her Sunday and will visit there this ween Mrs. Hill Muffley of Lynch visited at the Howard De Vail home Tuesday. Callers on Mrs. J. T. Olson and Florence this past week were Mr. and Mrs Paul llodell of Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Olson of At kinson, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson and Lavonne, Mrs. Tillie Novak, Mrs. Dave Johnson, Mrs. Warren Fus selman, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hagberg. Mrs. Reuben Hypse and Mrs. Leo Johnson visited at the Con Thouel home Friday afternoon Several from this community visited with Mrs. Leonard Ander son in the Sacred Heart hospital Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. John Lynch of Denver came Wednesday and vis ited until Monday at the Harry Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hiatt and Donna shopped in Norfolk Satur day and were overnight guests at the Delhert Marlott home. Sunday morning they went to Pilger where Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt were sponsors at the baptizism of Danny James Klimer. They were then Sunday dinner guests at the Lige Klimer, Jr., home. Mrs. Swan Pearson, Mrs. Itcnard Nelson and I>»well and Mrs. Dorothy Johnson and la vonne attended AIXAV meeting of the Messiah Lutheran church at the Eugene Martinson home Thursday. Mr and Mrs. John Lynch and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson spent Thursday evening at the Reuben, Cornelia and Delia Johnson home. Mrs. Myrtle McQuistean and Henry Olson spent Sunday evening visiting with Mrs. Vemie Bayne and Charlie Headley. Mr and Mrs. Albert Zeich were Sunday dinner guests at the Edgar Danielson home. Mrs. Dorothy Johnson and La vonne were luncheon guests at the Bernard Nelson home Friday eve ning. O'Neill locals Mrs Victor Halva returned home July 5 from a five week’s visit with her children in Denver, Colo., and Arlington, Va. At Denver she visited her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Halva and daughters, Kathleen and Karen and her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Paul S. Elam and daughter, Pa tricia and son, Paul jr. In Arling ton she visited Major and Mrs. Lloyd F. Haug and sons, David and Daniel. She also visited Washington, D C. Mrs. Christine Williams return ed Friday from a week’s visit in South Sioux City with her sister, Mrs. Grace Knox. Zita Donohoe returned Friday evening from Gordon where she visited her daughters, Miss Cath erine Cuddy and Mrs. Ed Burke and family. She spent the fourth of July in Valentine and also vis ited in Chadron while there. Visitors at the Bob Larson home over the past week were Mrs Jack Harvey and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Tip Kurtz and family, all of Kansas City, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper and two boys and Nick Kurtz, all of West Covina, Calif., also Mr and Mrs. Carl Ohde and two children of Austin, Minn. They all had a picnic at Ford’s park here Sunday afternoon. Charlene I .arson plans to return to California with the Cooper fam ily for i few weeks visit. Mr. ami Mrs. Homer Krebs and family left for their home at lVn vor Colo , Sunday morning Mrs. Krebs and the children have been visiting here over a month at the home of her mother, Mrs. Road Rowers and sister. Mrs. Marion Woidnoek and family. Mrs Frank Hants ami four chil dren of Kansas City. left for their home Friday after a two week \ isd with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valla Mr. and Mrs Paul Hcdell of Fremont were supper guests July S of Mrs. Rosa Rowers. Mr. and Mrs Frank Ktazna of Silencer visited Mrs. Rosa Rower* Saturday afternoon Mrs. William McIntosh and Rillie Dean were in Meadow Grove Fri day evening to attend a piano re cital given by pupils of Rillie'* grandmother. Mrs. Maude McIn tosh. Rillie participated in the pro gram with a piano solo. Guests this week at the F. N. Cronin home are Sister M Calixta and Sister M Owen of Dubuque, la., and Genevieve BigUn of Sioux City. Mr and Mrs Dale French were in Sioux City Saturday and returned with the Cronin's guest*. Church Notes METHODIST CHl'ROH Rev. Glenn Kennlcott, mlnlatcr O'Neill Thursday < today 1 Prayer cir cle, 10 a m.; l>>roas, 2 p.m Sunday Morning worship, 8:30 a m.. Speaker, Roger Rosenkrans (Gideon representative); church school. 9:45 a m , speaker, Austin Searles (Gideon representative). Emmet Sunday Children’s Sunday school and morning worship, 9:30 a m , (Gideon representative will speak i. __ Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Number — 788 |--Legal Notices-1 NOTICE OF LEVY FOR TAXATION Ordinance No. SSR-A An ordinance providing for a levy to raise funds by taxation on property situated within the cor porate limits of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, for the fiscal year be ginning the first Tuesday in May, 1959, and ending the first Tuesday in May, 1960. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NE BRASKA : Section 1. That the City of O’ Neill, Nebraska, make the follow ing levy for taxation for the fiscal year beginning the first Tuesday in May, 1959, and ending the first Tuesday in May, 1960, on the tax able property within the corporate limits of the City of O’Neill, Ne braska. For General Purposes 3.0 Mills on the dollar. For Maintenance of Streets 3 0 Mills on the dollar. For Maintenance and im provement of parks 0.5 mills on the dollar For maintenance of the Fire Department 0.5 mills on the dollar. For Municipal Advertising 0.2 mills on the dollar. For Maintenance and Im provement of airport 1.0 mills on the dollar. For Street Lighting 1.1 Mills on the dollar. For Sewer Bond sinking fund and interest 1.0 Mills on the dollar. For Water bond sinking fund and interest 0.5 Mills on the dollar. For Park Improvement bond sinking fund and interest 0.5 Mills on the dollar For Street Widening bond sinking fund and interest 0.7 Mills on the dollar. For intersection paving bond sinking fund and interest 3.0 Mills on the dollar. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and lie in force from and after passage and publication as provided by law. Passed and approved this 7th day of July, 1959 __ D. C. SCHAFFER, Mayor. ATTEST: O. D. FRENCH, City Clerk. 11-12-13 MILLER THEATRE ATKINSON ONE SHOW NIGHTLY AT 8 P.M. Friday-Saturday July 17-18 Wed. Thur». July 22-28 ALL ITS STORY BOOK WOECER BECOE/CS SCREEN ----,