Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1959)
Lynch News Philippine Islands Destination of Kayls By >lr». Phyllis Mulhalr Mrs. Don Kayl and children, Cherie and Tim led from Sioux, City, Iowa on Sunday for Travis air force base In California. From there she will go by plane to the . Philippine islands where her hus band is stationed with the air force. They will IK e there for a period of two years. Mrs. Don Johnson, Mrs. Wallace Moffett and Mrs. Emily Itcnire of Montana called at Peter Mulhair's Thursday afternoon, July 8 Mrs. Willard Lloyd was elected delegate and Mrs. Gladys Spen cer, alternate to go to the con fraternity meet in Atkinson some time in August. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiser were to Norfolk and Madison Sa turday. Mrs. Ronald Stewart was hostess to a jewelry party held in the park Thursday evening, Jufy 9. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carsten Monday and Tuesday. July 6-7. i Mr and Mrs. Ted Sehisslcr from Sioux City took Faye Pinkerman ; to Denver where they spent two I weeks. Faye visited in the Demp sey and Col man homes and the I Schisslers visited their son and j family. Helena Hiseocks of Oregon and 1 Mr and Mrs Reggie Pinkerman ! and sons were supper guests at the Veldon Pinkerman home. Oth er callers July 8 evening were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiseocks, Eva Hiseocks, Fay Pinkerman. Randy, Delmer and Danny Pinkerman. A birthday party for Ruth Os-1 born and Katie McDonald was held Saturday night after the dance at Harold Osborn's. Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman and Vel deen were O'Neill shoppers Thurs day July 9 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiseocks and Helena Hiseocks from Oregon | were supper guests at Thomas Graham's Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MeDnn- | aid are enjoying a visit with two of their grandchildren from Cali fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman and Mr and Mrs. George Calkins went to Madison Wednesday, July 8 and took in the races Mr. and Mrs. George Sieler of Butte were down for the 4th of July. Emil Sedivy from Sioux City | was a caller at the Albert Kalkow ski home. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Micanek , and children w'ent to Stuart the 4th Joe Randy. Mrs. Gladys Steskal | and children went to Stuart the 4th I of July for the car races. , Mr. and Mrs Charles Courtnev ; called at the Robert Courtney home Thursday evening, July 8. Mrs. Roliert Courtney and Sher ry went to see her mother and father, Monday evening, July 6. Mr. and Mrs. Edward May at Mo- I nowi. Mr. ami Mrs. Vowton of Pick town, S. I). were Wednesday, July 8 guests at Tom Muller's. | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jetor of Baltimore. Md., arc spending two weeks with the Art Norwoods. Mrs. Norwood is Mrs. Jetor's moth er. The rural progressive club meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs.El mo Baines with 19 members and one visitor. Mrs. Emily Denire of Billings. Montana. Games, were played. The lesson on growing old was given by Mrs. Bill lfavranek. A lunch was served by Mrs. Barnes and co-hostess, Mrs. Vernon Dahl berg. Mrs. Don Kayl and children, Mrs. Glen Hull and Mrs. Peter Mulhair were in O'Neill Wednesday July 8 to do some work for Mrs. Roy Lowry. She isn’t able to do much since she broke her arm some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Eldan Nolan and children were callers at Fairfax, S. D. Thursday evening, July 9. Reno Bolter was a super guest Wednesday, July 8 at Peter Mul hair’s. Mrs. Glen Hull, Mrs. Bill Spen cer and children were in O'Neill Friday. Mrs. Spencer had to see the dentist and they were dinner guests of Mrs. Roy Lowry. Frank Wceder and Frank Mul hair helped Reno Bolter put up hay Wednesday and Thursday, July 8-9. Mrs. Frank Mulhair. Mrs. Tom my Courtney and children called on Phyllis Mulhair Thursday after noon, July 9 and brought home made ice cream and cake as it was Phyllis’ birthday. Mrs. Peter Mulhair called in the evening to wish her a happy birthday. Mrs. Don Kayl and children were overnight guests at Leonard Havranek's Thursday, July 9. Mrs. Don Kavl and Mrs. Glen Hull were coffee guests Saturday morning at Bill Spencer's. Mrs. Leonard Havranek and children called at the Bill Spencer home Friday evening Two girls from Minden stopped to see Dorothy Mulhair enroute home from the Black Hills. The girls were former classmates. Ed Wiley has returned to his home in Missouri after visiting friends and relatives here. Emily Denire of Montana has gone to Norfolk to visit friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barnes went to Burke. S.D., Thursday. July 9 to see Eddie McWright, who is in the rest home there. Riverside News Birthday Celebrated Ky Mrs. Lionel Gunter Friday evening guests at the Alfred Napier home were Mr. and Mrs. Max Graver, and sons, Da- j vid and Dennis of New Windsor. 111., Mr. and Mrs. James V. Gun- , ter and family of Genesco, 111., Mr.1 and Mrs. William Gunter and two j grandchildren of San Francisco, I Calif, Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter. Late lunch of home made ice cream, cake, coffee and kool aid was served in honor of Algenia Herd's birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock were guests Sunday at the Kenneth Pol-j lock home in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. William Hoke and j Mrs. Albert Prunty of Cleghorn, la., were supper and overnight guests Saturday at the Dewitt Hoke home. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Iloke and family of Cedar Falls, la., came in the evening and pitched their tents in the Hoke's yard and spent the night. The Iowa folks plan to attend the Hoke reunion in the country club at Plainview. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry called on Carl Christons at the Albert Lar son home and Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Fry at the Kitty Fry home Mon day morning, July 6. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brion visited at the Billv Lofquist Friday eve ning. The Seek and Share project club had their picnic Sunday at the Page park. >lr. and Mrs. Ernest Scholl meyer and family of Crofton vis ited Monday and Tuesday, July 6-7 at the John Miller home. The Ralph Pollock family went to Geneva last Thursday to spend a few days before returning to their home at Seattle, Wash. David and Lynne Rotherham vis ited a few days last week at the Billy Lofquist home. Mi s. Lionel Gunter and members of the 4-H garden club inspected gardens of Francis and Mary Berg strom, Vicki Miller, Jerry and Douglas Taylor and Tommy Schmidt Wednesday afternon, July 8. Mrs Melvin Scheer and Faye visite,. ... . „eill Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Schlottman vis ited in Omaha Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chris ton of Denver, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larscil of Ewing t ailed on the Dave Pollocks July 5 evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Gunter and Jimmy and Linda Partgoda of San Francisco, Calif., arrived Wed nesday evening, July 8 at the De vvitt Hoke home for a few days vis it. Louis Miller and Mrs. Leo Mil ler and Joan met Mrs. Walter Mil ler in O'Neill July 9. She had been visiting her mother for a few days. Mrs Lynn Fry took Jackie Fry, Leroy Napier and Cathy and Billy Lofquist to the 4-H club camp at Niobrara Thursday, July 9. Mrs. Alfred Napier brought them home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Montgomery and Carol and Monte Lueppe visited part of Friday at the George, l,or raine and Robert Montgomery homes. Mrs. Melvin Napier. Mrs. Daisey Miller, Mrs. Bert Fink. Mrs. Wal ter Miller, Mrs. Grant Mott, Mrs. Fern Bollock, and Mrs. Edna Lof quist surprised Mrs. Blanche Hem inway on her birthday Friday af ternoon. The uninvited guests fur nished the lunch. Mrs. Bert Fink called on Mrs. Daisy Miller Wednesday after noon, July 8. Grant Schlottman of Valparaiso and Mrs. Frank Montgomery and grandchildren. Monte and Carol Lueppe of Burbank, Calif., visited Thursday and Friday at the S. S. Schlottman home, returning to Val paraiso Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo mery visited last Sunday after noon at the Robert Montgomery home. Mrs. John Wunner called on Mrs. Bert Fink one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo mery visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Iekler at the Roy Sivesfnd home. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paul joined other re latives from Iowa, California, Clearwater, Chambers. Aurora, Plainview and Ewing at the coun try club near Plainview for the Hoke Reunion. called at Peter Mulhair's Friday evening. Shlene Johnson spent a few days with Hallie Carsten Mr. and Mrs. Bub Carsten and Hallie and Shlene Johnson were O Neill shoppers Friday morning. Rev. and Mrs. Willard IJoyd and children and Virgil hiig spent from Monday to Friday at the youth camp at Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Under wood from Oregon, Mrs. Hannah Streit. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blitzkie, and Arnold Kayl were supper guests at Frank Weeder’s Sunday, In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Underwood, Mrs. Hannah Striet and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder called at the E. S. Soukup home at Spencer. Russel Moffett was to Spencer and Butte Saturday on business. Farm board meeting was held at the Glen Davy home Friday evening. Wallace Moffett and Mrs. Don Johnson went to Pierce Friday to get a movie film that had been missent Emily Denire from Montana and Mrs Wallace Moffett called on Dr. Ira Friday morning as he isn't feeling too good. Mrs. Wallace Moffett, Mrs. Phyl les Mulhair and Danny were to O'Neill Friday. The two ladies were to see the dentist. Mr*. Harold Micunck. Mrs. Frank Mol hair, Mrs. Homer Tonner, Mrs. IJoyd Spencer, Mrs. Ed Knhde and Mrs. Frank Kalal were up to Butte to a meeting Wednesday afternoon, July 8. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dahlberg and children, Mr. and Mrs Elmer Dahlberg went to Fort Randall the 4th of July to a reunion picnic. Mary Dahlberg of Spencer spent a few days with Vernon Dahlberg. Mrs. Art Tomlinson from Bas sett was an over night guest Sa turday at the Frank Weeder home. Mrs. Emil Micanek was a Mon day. July 6 caller at the Frank Mulhair home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski were I^ake Andes visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Pinker man left for Kansas City Friday. They attended the ball game Fri day night then Saturday and Mon day they attended a T V. meeting. Faye Pinkerman stayed with the children. Mr. end Mrs. Frank Weeder and Margene were hi Norfolk JULY I6TI1 BUCK NIGHT Yul Brynner, Deborah Kerr in "The Journey" In Technicolor PLUS CARTOON JULY 17 & 18 BIG DOUBLE BILL Joan Bently - Brett Halsey in "Submarine Sea Hawk" PLUS Richarl Bakalyn - Jack Hogan in "Paratroop Command" PLUS CARTOON .JULY 19. 20 & U Stripped of all Fiction Allied Artists presents "Al Capone" Starring Rod Steiger and Fay Spain CARTOON ADDED JULY 22 & 23 BUCK NIGHTS "Miracle of St. Therese" Francis Descaut, Susan Flon PLUS CARTOON NEBRASKA’S HIDDEN PARADISE Long Pine, Nebraska Band: Don Shaw Date: July 19 STEAKS, SEA FOOD AND CHICKEN 5-9 p.m. Daily Sundays 11:30-2 and 5-9 Closed Mondays AUCTION SRPINGVIEW FLOUR and GRAIN COMPANY Springview, Nebraska JAMES A. MOCK, Owner REAL ESTATE, PERSONAL PROPERTY, INVOICE, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1959 1:00 P.M. Sharp C.S.T. Sale To Be Held On Premises Absolutely Sells to Highest Bidder Without Limit or Reservation. LOTS 1 AND 2 IN BLOCK 23 Large corner lot having 190 ft. frontage on .1 St. facing South and 230 ft. frontage on 13th St. facing East, plus an additional lot to the west, 40 ft. x 100 ft. 3 STORY 32x24 MILL BASEMENT Eureka wheat scourer; conveyor from granary; 2 Daisy feeders; 2 pits for large elevators; elevator boots; hoppered bins for 650 bushel of grain. MAIN FLOOR flour packer; bran packer; 4 double stands roller mills; milling separator; wheat heater; feed governor; 2-pair high roller mill; Blue Streak hammer mill with magnet protector; system of roll exhaust; 2 wheat bins, about 180 bu. cap.; 2 platform scales; 1-man lift for all four floors; 2 9%’’x7” elevator legs; 12 6”x6” elevator legs. SECOND FLOOR—2 B&L round reels; 2 Buck ley grinders; 2 chemical feeders; B&L mid dlings purifier; B&L wheat smutter and scour er; C»W wheat washer, motor driven; roll suc tion fan; cyclone dust collector; temperature tank; 6 grain bins, about 900 bu.; flour bin. THIRD FLOOR- B&L grain separator; vibrat ing screen to grade C chop; round reel, Per fection dust collector; 8 sec. B&L plain sifter, size 014; wheat conveyor to temperature bin; Alsof flour agitator; 3 grain bins, about 300 bu. 1 STORY 14x20 GRAIN DUMP 11/2 STORY 24x18 FLOUR STORAGE 1 STORY 32x29 OFFICE, STOCK RM. Underground Concrete Fuel Tank 1 STORY 29x42 GARAGE, STORAGE 1 STORY 18x20 FEED, SEED HOUSE 1 STORY 20x40 GRANARY METAL GRAIN BIN 1350 BU. CAP. METAL GRAIN BIN 1000 BU. CAP. METAL GRAIN BIN 1350 BU. CAP. 1 STORY 40x24 GARAGE OPEN SCALES RESIDENCE All modern 3-bedroom home, nice lot, oil furn ace, hot water heater, outside fireplace, gar age, large kitchen with lots of builtins. TOOLS: BUSINESS: Includes the entire operation of the Springview Flour and Grain Company. The Mill has a capacity of 600 pounds of flour per hour and is fully equipped with Plain Sifters, Roller Mill, with all cleaning and wheat washing equip. About 2000 bu. grain cap., plus storage for fin ished product. Brand name “Square Deal.” PLUMBING: Complete line of plumbing tools, equipment & invoice of stock of about $6,000.00. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT: Invoice at about $2500.00, full line of new tools and equipment. TERMS: 15% down day of sale, balance on closing. If other terms are needed, contact Rogers Agency or Raitt Real Estate by sale day. Sale Conducted By: ROGERS AGENCY 505 N. Jeffers, North Platte, Nebr., Ph. LE 2-5770 RAITT REAL ESTATE Ainsworth, Nebr. Deioit News By Mrs. Henry Reimer To Modernize Deioit School A large crowd attended the spe cial meeting at the Deioit school on Monday evening, July 6. It was decided by vote to cover the floor, put on screens and put in rest rooms. E. L. Sisson is hospitalized in Neligh, his condition was given as "eood” on Friday, July 10. Mrs. James Squire' called on Mrs. Henry Reimer Monday after noon. July 6. Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDon ald and Virginia took Mrs. Merle I Angus and Myra Lee to her home in Lincoln on Wednesday, July 8. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller and Timmy left for their home in Ri vera, Calif., on Thursday July 9. Richard McDonald and family vis ited the Watson McDonald home on Thursday, July 9. Mrs- Otto Reimer of Lincoln, Mrs. Echo Fisher of St. Edward, Mrs. Helen Graham of Albion, Mrs. E. L. Sisson. Fern and Fred, visited relatives in Miller on Sun day. Mrs. Otto Reimer, Echo Fisher and Mrs. Graham spent the week end at the Sisson home Otto Reimer made a trip to Scotts Bluffs the first of the week. Mrs. Mary Steams. Martha Kin ney and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stearns -returned home from Lake Traverse on Tuesday where they had beyn on a fishing trip. GueKts^at the Watson McDon ald home last week were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller and Timmy of Rivera, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Merle Angus and Myra Lee of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mc Donald and family of Oakdale. Vir ginia McDonald, who is employed in Neligh is spending her vaca tion at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald. Little Twila Temple. 6 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple of Hastings was taken ill early Sunday morning. She spent some time at the Mary Lanning Hospital in Hastings but is now being cared for in her home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Angus called at the Watson McDonald home on Tuesday, July 7. Jewell Tomjack was injured in a water skiing accident at Superior on Sunday, July 5. The bones in his left elbow were injured, hi was hospitalized first at Superior and later at Hastings. His arm will be in a cast for three weeks. He is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer called on the Jewell Tomjacks and Howard Temples in Hastings on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack called on Miss Anna Van Zandt at the Neligh hospital several eve nings last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arby Pfaff of La Cross, Wise , were killed in a 3 car crash on Sunday, June 28. Mr. Arby was 61 and his wife, 60. They are cousins of Mrs. Mary Stearns. Little Mike and Ray Tomjack, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Tom jack of Hastings are spending the week at R. Tomjack s. Crowded Out I.ast Week's News Paul, 5 yr. old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Milliken, was cut se verely on the face when he ran into the street on Friday at Nor folk and was hit by a car. He was in surgery two hours following the accident. His father is Harold Mil liken, president of the Christian college in Norfolk and is known here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon called Monday morning at the Henry Reimer home enroute to their home in Denver. Colo. Venus News 'Grandma' Evans 96 in November By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Mrs. H. J. Le Masters and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser called on Grandma Evans the past week. Mrs. Evans will be 96 years old in November. She has been bed fast for almost two years, having suffered a slight heart attack at that time. Site is being eared for by her daughter, Mrs. Lavada Ernest of Creighton. Donald Caskey called at the Her man and I>ale Dorr home Tues day. July 7. Mrs Frank Pierce atended the surprise babv shower held at the 1 Paul Cihlar home cm the evening of June 26 in honor of their daugh ter. Mrs. Joe Zapatoeky. Mrs Donald Caskey was hos- 1 tess to a neighborhood party Wed nesday afternoon, July 8. Games ! were played and winner awarded j prizes. Mrs. Caskey served lunch. Sev enteen ladies attended. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Risinger enjoyed the 4th of July at their farm home with their children and families. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Rex Risinger and family of Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Risinger and family of Center. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Risinger and family of Brunswick, the Clifford and Arther Erb families of Or chard, and the Leonard Risinger family. Mrs. James Podany entertained the Work and Fun club at her home on the afternoon of Wednes day, July 8. Twelve members were present. Embroidery work and crocheting were done for the hos tess. Mrs. Heggemeyer will have the I next meeting. The hostess served lunch. Donald Fritz moved his family to a farm home near O'Neill last week from the former Archie Cleveland farm. Visitors at the Fred Uhlir home over the 4th of July weekend were the latter's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jelinek and family of Fre- , mont and Mrs. Mary Forman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butterfeild ! were Monday evening, July 6 vis itors at the Albert Pospeshil home. Mr. and Mrs. George Heggeme yer are visiting this week with their daughter and son-in-law , Mr and Mrs. Gross of Rapids City, S. D. Merle Metties was helping with the farm work at the Von Seggren farm Wednesday, July 8. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Le Masters visited Sunday. July 5 with Mi-, and and Mrs Alfred Cleveland of Or chard. Mrs. Cleveland is able to get around her home in a wheel chair. Albert Pospeshil was a business visitor at Niobrara Monday. July 6. The Max Le Master's motored to O'Neill Wednesday evening, July 8 where they visited with Mrs. Bernard Montgomery and baby son. The ladies are sisters. June 28 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uhlir and family and her mother, Mrs Mary Forman visited at the James Frank home in the Sparta neigh borhood. Mrs. Forman remained with the Frank family for a long er visit. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pospeshil left on a business trip in south eastern Nebraska on Thursday, July 9. The David Dorrs of Lincoln spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. l>e Mast ers. Wendell Strope shelled corn at the Harry Caskey farm Tuesday afternoon. July 7. Mrs. Ora Caskey and twins spent Monday, July 6 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Port er. Miss Marion Moser attended the funeral of Mrs. Gay James of Creighton on Monday, July 6. Mr. and Mi's, Harry Caskey and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs La Vein Caskey of O' Neill left Saturday. July 11 for a week's vacation at Idaho Falls. Idaho. They will he guests of Mrs. Harry Caskev's brother, Mr. and Mrs Ernie Hildreth, Idaho Falls. The Lavem Caskey's infant son is staying at the home of his grandparent?.. Mr. and Mrs. La vem Held. Mrs. Ralph Brookhousor visited at the Cecil Moser home Monday, July t» Glen Valquardsen arrived from Ft. Leonard Wood. Kans., at Nor folk by plane the weekend of July 11 to soend a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Mary Valquardsen and Johnnie and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Kotrous of Omaha and Mrs. Joe Jaeot sr. and son of Verdigre were July 4th guests at the home of the ladies sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey. The four children of Mr. and j Mrs. Roland Cook spent Tuesday. July 7 with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mrs. Harry Caskey assisted Mrs, Donald Caskey on Tuesday. July 7. Arthur Von Seggren was able to come home from a Norfolk hos pital on July 4th. He is recovering after undergoing surgery on Mon day. June 29. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhou ser and Mrs. Marlin Tusha and children spent July 4th evening at the Kmil Hartos home. Other \ isitors were Mr. and Mrs Frank Bartos sr. and Mr, and Mrs Frank Bartos jr. and family. All enjoyed the fire works a treat from the senior Bartos'. Icc cream and cake was served. Mrs. Tusha and children re mained at her sisters home. Electric Motors Rewinding — ReOtudi- . (fell 245 W — 24 hs. Service Northwest Electric O'Neill CARLOAD I SPECIAL • REGULAR $499.95 PHILCO-DUOMATIC GAS WASHER-DRYER COMBINATION 9 I' w While They Last ONLY *395°° and your old laundry equipment Fits anywhere a washer will! Don’t settle for less than the best. . . One unit that washes, rinses, and dries . . « saves time, space, and money. See them at our tttores toby! 1HSO) For Dependable GAS Service MOW! SAVE A HATFUL OF MONEY DURING BUICK DEALERS' GALA CELEBRATION SALE! BET THE TEAR'S BEST DEAL OK THE BEST LOVED EPICS EVER! When you see a man in an auto showroom wearing a straw hat with rad and white stripes—go right in! You’ll be at your Quality Buick Dealer’s.' And, you’re about to save a hatful of money. The man is wearing his straw hat to let you know that there’s never been as good a time to get such a great car at such a bargain price. Biggest Selection! Immediate Delivery! See Your Buick Dealer Today And have!.. YOUR QUALITY BUICK DEALER IN O’NEILL IS: OSCAR’S BUICK SALES - 125 W. Douglas O