The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 16, 1959, Image 12
Chamber* News Mrs J. F. Coleman of Wood burn. Ore., left Monday, July 13 for home after spending four weeks with her sister, Mrs A. B Hubbard and other relatives. Sunday guests in the Charles Fauquier home were Mrs, J. F. 1 Coleman of Woodbum, Ore , Net-1 tie Fauquier and a friend of Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Delia* Fauquier and Mrs. A. B. Hubbard of Chambers. Mrs. Hubbard was an overnight guest Mr. and Mrs John Harvey ot Orchard were Sunday, July 12 guests erf her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. If. Meticalf. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Summers and three children of Ainsworth and Mr. and Mrs. P. T Avard and Patty of Lincoln Miss Phyllis Kilz of Janes ville, Wise., came last week to spend some of her \ acation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz. Sunday, July 12 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grimes were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde KUtz, Miss Phyllis Kiltz ami Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Ken neth. Mrs. Kathleen Render, who is attending summer school at Kear- j ney was a weekend visitor with home folks. Charles Cox Jr. of Old visited 1 over the weekend with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Kugler of Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Leach and children oi Grand Is land were Sunday afternoon call ers at the Methodist parsonage in Chambers. Billy Cox w>a.s a Thursday eve ning caller at the Billy Bumgurd ner ranch north of Ericson. MRS. MLINAR RETIRES Mrs. John Mlinar of Norfolk, operator for t h e Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. for 3b1 -j years, will retire on Sunday. She was honored Monday after noon at a tea by company offi cials and fellow employees, who presented her with cards and gifts. Mrs. Mlinar started working for the company at Atkinson Jan uary, 1923. In September, that year she was transferred to Cres ton as chief operator. She worked .there until 1941. She was trans ferred on L>ec. 15 that year to Norfolk where she has since been employed. Mrs. Mlinar is the former Vera Horton of Atkinson. Report on 4 II t ump The St. John s Purple Prospects 4-H club met at the Alva Park* home July 12. Meeting was ca cd to older by our president, Coralet Schmiser. All members were i*re SPA report on 4-H camp was given j by Jeln Tagel. Jean Jagel and Janet Funk attended 4-H camp. | Report 0-10-2 was given to the , members who have been in 4-H anyone year. The other members have completed thetrs. The next meeting wm 11 1 at the Jack Schindler home Au gust 9th Lunch was served b> the mothers. annual reunion Seven of the eight sons and daughters of the late Mr and Mr* j j \v. Voorhies, pioneers Orchard community, with their i families held their annuiid reun ion picnic at Riverside Park, Nc ““VolS iS,yw R Voorhies . wife were unable to attend. s"xty six of I* descendants V file Mfowing were present: Mr. .mm™, i; *■,££*£■ Royal, Mr. and Mr • • «j|jer Mr*’ aS'Mi" RoMand Aubert and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Fred die Babutzki, all of Nehgh, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Voorhies of Nor folk, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Voorhies j and Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie John- i son of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. G. | W. Miller of O’Neill, Mr and Mrs W. J. Curtis and sons, and Miss De Anne Harvey of Hopkins, Minn Mrs. K. L. Curtis and family of j Lancaster, Calif., Mr. and Mrs Carlyle Victor and family of Lau- j rel, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin llutchin- | son and family of Elgin, Mrs Richard Dwyer and son of Ere mont, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Miller y and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Gartner and sons of Cham bers, Mr. and Mrs. William Red enbo and daughters of Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs A. J. Voorhies and daughter of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs Al Ludwick and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Frances Durand of Lor etto, Mrs. Herbert Hansen of Coun- ! cil Bluffs, Iowa, Harold Elston and Miss Pat Elliot of Orchard, and Miss Elaine Metteis of Verdi gre. I The three visitors were the Mis ses DoAnne Haney, Elaine Metteis and Pat Elliot. There was one death and one | birth among the relatives in the j past year. No marriages were re corded. R. E. Trautman was the oldest member present. Duane Hutchin son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Hutchinson was the youngest. The afternoon was spent visiting, reminiscing and taking pictures At the close of the day, ice cream and cake were served. Committes appointed for the en suing year are Mrs. C. D. Curtis and Mrs. G. W. Miller. The reunion will be held on sec ond Sunday of July next year. SECURITY MAN HERE A representative of the Norfojk social security office wall be in I the Assembly room, basement, of the court house in O’Neill from 9:30 am. to 3 pm. Wednesday. DR. H. D. GILDER8LEEVE OPTOMETRIST Northeast Comer of 4th St Douglas O’NEILL, NEBR. Ph. 167 — Office hr*. 9 to 6 Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted Monday Thru Saturday Closed Wednesday ■ It’s The Extra Service Offered You By Your Friendly Home Owned Jack & Jill Food Markets That Helps Bring You “BETTER LIVING” And A TOTAL LOWER FOOD BILL SHOP YOUR FRIENDLY JACK & JILL STORES AT O'NEILL, SPENCER, BUTTE & BONESTEEL j Tune in Radio Station KVRV For Up to the Minute News on World Happenings and Greater Food Values! I $ ! it's great/ ITS STUPENDOUS f ITS COLOSSAL / 'TinK flVVIKwirv S,^T;>." » BHi DAYS H: PEANUTS.-::.. u29cya= %C CIRCUS PEANUTS ST ” NEWPACK" PEASSr CHARMIN Our Family New Pack California APRICOTS Inptcltd . 4 2',i Tias PORK & BEANS Our Family R PEACHES 3 a?£. »l PORK & BEANS GRAPE JAM ~r:., FLOURS 5.«$198 MRS. TUCKERS E 59c Our Family Our Family PICKLES ..“Z 39* OLIVES SMU‘ Our FamVy Oar FamDy PICKLES DU SaaRwtch Site#* ........ w 19c OLIVES Wobfsc® BEST BUVS IN THE PRODUCE DEPARTMENT ORLO For Canning CREME SANDWICH EXTRA LARGE U S. NO. 1 cookies APRICOTS Supreme „NG ^ SALAD ^ WAFERS y* ' • 'Vii nir.u*fc Imly lltfc Oar Family Smooth i V \ PEANUT BUTTER .13 £ I usda cho.ce graded ieef bn M 'mjtui jc / ROUND STEAK mm=lX\ jvpnpvffvi| I jy PORK SAUSAGE ..33') PEN JEL / ry C SLICED BACON . 2 lbs. 98c 2 ^29* / tl Jf ^7 SUMMER SAUSAGE.-69c f Mat flirt* (M Through JuRjr U4h - CUP THIS V tic Milt: HHPO\- && CARAMEL CORN Free Package of Caramel for Each Child in a Family WITH THIS COUPON ONLY Coupon Mutt Be Pretented By Parent ! I— — — — — — Coupon Capiret July 2S. 1SSJ — — — — — j [ C D I I I T X FOX 0ILUXl ^-WjT<flB\ / I l\ U I I X \ FRESH FROZEN ■Wg\ / COCKTAIL \] CHICKEN \ » \ M Fl»* Sparkling Frultt . Trim, * I Cni-ltp \ I T,rfT *,oriT to Serve 1 / ■•edylei-lhe-Peo j I °"<F Loot of Tfcli Lew Jock and Jill Frlc* I I IV. m< l Mi' l i —79 i/ 1 B f / CHICKEN BREASTS V . JM, T / \ ift 79* /J7 V^lin. / \ /m^Y X. fl ) CHICKEN LIVERS >'4Br m v/ / HZ'-_98* /$0lckn LhdhtU 'X^^. .CHICKEN THIOMS f j / X \ i ,,ir"-75* K£* I X ’ NEW PACK" WHOLE UNPEELED X \ / Ipy/APRICOTsVrCX \4-8Qv e>™\ \ \ B^B / Jtil Sulf» Modern Tatfet j ~,30v 6 ™ 49c I $500 EXTRA BONUS $500 IN S&H GREEN STAMPS ' WITH THE PCRCHASE OF KIM TOILET TISSUE_8 rolls 69c "MIX EM" or "MATCH EM" SOM ERI)ALE FROZEN PEAS or CORN_5 10-oz. pkgs. 89c OCR FAMILY PEAS or CORN_5 303 cans 89c MANCHESTER—Lemon, Light or Dark Revela COOKIES...3 full 1-H>- pkgs. 79c GOLDEN VALLEY 8 Cans For $J00 VEG. or TOM. SOUP, SPAGHETTI, APPLE SAUCE FOREMOST’S “BIG DIP”_1/2 gallon 59c BLACK RASPBERRY REVEL ICE CREAM__y2 gallon 89c ; « $500 EXTRA BONUS $500- 1 r IN S&H GREEN STAMPS ' ... ' 1 ' W ITH THE PI RCHASE OF 400 COI NT FAIREST FACIAL TISSUE. 4 pkgs. 98c 100? Pure GROUND BEEF_3 lbs. $100 Swift’s Oriole MINCED HAM_3 lbs. $100 SWIFT’S RING BOLOGNA, 10 to 12 ounce_3 rings $100 Swift’s Skinless WIENERS_2 lbs. for 89c Fresh Pan Ready Frying CHICKENS.. . lb. 35c $300 EXTRA BONUS $300 IN S&H GREEN STAMPS WITH THE PURCHASE OF SLICED BACON_1 lb. for 49c FEATURING ROBERT'S FINER GRADE "A" DAIRY PRODUCTS Robert's Cottage Cheese. 12-oz. pkg. 23c Robert's Chocolate Milk . per quart 23c Roberts Orange Drink... per quart lj?c Robert's Instant Dry Milk ..4% lb. tin $1.59 Creamery Butter . lb. 67c Ofeo . 3 lbs. 59c COMPLETE LINE OF NUTRENA POULTRY - HOG & CATTLE FEEDS At O'Neill — Butte — Bonesteel $500 EXTRA BONUS $500 IN S&H GREEN STAMPS WHEN PURCHASING CHARLESTON ICE COLD 23 TO SO LI*. AVG. WATERMELONS_each only 98c Golden Valley TOMATO CATSUP - $ btls. $100 NEAR GALLON FRUITS j VALLEY HOME j CHERRIES, light or dark_No. 10 99c Our Family Crushed PINEAPPLE, No. 10 tin $159 Our Family FRUIT COCKTAIL _ _ No. 10 tin $149 Our Family TOMATO JUICE ~ 3 46-oz. cans 89c OUR OWN JACK & JILL ICE CREAM, Van., Choc., Stbery.. Vi gal. 09c FOREMOST’S—Flavor Full TANGAR1NE TANGO..Vi gallon 89c ''$500 EXTRA BONUS $500 IN SamSREEN STAMPS WITH PURCHASE OF DEL MONTE TOMATO JUICE.. 6 Big No. 2 cans $100