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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1959)
Holt County Supervisors OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS O’Neill Net*. May 18. 1959 10:00 A. M Holt County Board of Equaliza tion met on this date as required by Statute. All members present. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Motion by Dierking, seconded by Ernst, that the actual value of the South Half of Section 13, Town ship 26, Range 14, be lowered from $12.460 00 to $9,500.00. Motion car ried. Motion by Landreth. seconded by Dierking. that the Cattle of Andy Goebel be moved from School Dis trict 136, Stuart Precinct, to School District 44. in Stuart Village. The following persons filed com plaints with the Board concerning valuation on Real Estate and Per sonal Property: George Fullerton, Alice and Mrs. Jennie French, A1 Fritton. Harding Creamery, Sidles Company and George Meals. NAME: George Fullerton; LE GAL DESCRIPTION: Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 26. Range 14, Holt County. Nebr; ACTION OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION: Motion by Dierk ing, seconded by Ernst, to lower the actual value of land from $8, 365.00 to $7,475.00. Motion carried. NAME: Alice L. French and Mrs Jennie French; LEGAL DE SCRIPTION; Lot 6, Block 26. Or iginal Town of O’Neill, Nebr.; AC TION OF THE BOARD OF EQ UALIZATION : Motion by Flood, seconded by Ernst, that 15'A more depreciation be given on Lot 6, Block 26, Original Town, O’Neill, Nebr Motion carried. NAME: A1 Fritton; LEGAL DE SCRIPTION : Lots 1 and 2 in Block ”0" Fahys Park Addition to O’ Neill. Nebr.; ACTION OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION: Mo tion by Dierking, seconded by Mc Connell, that the Valuation .lie left as is. Motion carried. NAME: Harding Creamery by l^ee Jackson; LEGAL DESCRIP TION; Personal property; ACTION OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZA TION : Motion by Smith, seconded by Landreth that the Inventory be changed from $7,000.00 to $5,460 00. $8,000 00 valuation be left on equipment. Motion carried NAME: George Meals; LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Northeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 29, Range 14. Holt County, Nebr.; ACTION OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZA TION: Motion by McConnell, se conded by Smith, that $10.00 per acre be taken off. of South Half of Northeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 29, Range 14, Holt, County, Nebr. Motion carried. 5 00 P M On Motion the Board recessed until May 19, 1959 at 10:00 A.M. FRANK CRONK Chairman KENNETH WARING County Clerk O’Neill Nebr. May 19, 1959 10:00 A. M Holt County Board of Equaliza tion met as per adjournment. All members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Motion by Landreth, seconded by McConnell, that notice to be given Glen Campbell to appear before the Board on May 29, 1959, at 9:00 o’clock, to show cause why tractor, baler and cattle were not Included in Assessment Schedule. Motion carried. Motion by Smith, seconded by Pierking, that notice be given to Vernon Beckwith to appear before the Board May 29. 1959. at 9:00 o’clock, to show cause why cattle were not included in Assessment Schedule Motion carried. The following persons filed com plaints before the Board concern ing valuation on Real Estate and Personal Property: Stanley Holly, John D. Conard, Gail W. Dierber ger and William O'Connor. NAME: Stanley Holly; LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Personal Proper ty; ACTION OF THE BOARD OF EQUAI JZATION: Motion by Smith, seconded by Ernst, that the valua tion be left unchanged Motion car ried. NAME: John D Conard; LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 28, Range 12. and Northeast Quarter of Sec tion 18, Township 28, Range 12, all in Holt County. Nebr.; ACTION OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZA TION : Motion by Dierking, second ed by McConnell that the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 28, Range 12; be lowered from asses sed valuation of $3,210.00 to $2,680. 00 No change in Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 28, Range 12. Motion carried. NAME: Gale W. Dierberger; LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 and North Half of Lot 6. Gilg Swenson Addition, O'Neill, Nebr.; ACTION OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZA TION : Motion by Ernst, seconded by Landreth, to give the Garage 35r'r more depreciation. Motion carried. NAME: William O’Connor: LE GAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 5 and 6. Block 2, Ballons Addition to At kinson Villiage, Atkinson. Nebr : ACTION OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION: Motion by Mc Connell, seconded by Ernst, that the request for reduction be denied. Motion carried. Ernie Weller appeared before the Board on Personal Property Sche dule It was decided by the Board and County Attorney to get an opin ion from the Attorney General. 5:00 P.M On Motion the Board recessed until May 20, 1959 at 10:00 AM. FRANK CRONK Chairman KENNETH WARING County Clerk O’Neill Nebr. May 20. 1959 10:00 A M. Holt County Board of Equaliza tion met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Ernest Howard appeared before the Board, regarding back Taxes on Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10. Block 8, Villiage of Page, and Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Village of Page. Upon advice of Cbunty Attorney the Board has no power to act and re course would have to be through court As C L Sisson was unable to attend the first three days of I Equalization the Board instructed the County Assessor to notify Mr. Sisson to appear before the Board with his records May 29. 1959 at 10:00 A M The following Action was taken on the following Complaint NAME: Sidles Company; LE GAL, DESCRIPTION: Personal In ventory Assessement; ACTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Motion by Dierking, seconded by Smith, that the request for 15% obsolescence be denied Motion car ried 5:00 P. M. On motion the Board recessed until May 29, 1959 at 9:00 AM FRANK CRONK Ci'airman KENNETH WARING County Clerk O’Neill Nebr May 29. 1959 10:00 A M. Holt County Board of Equaliza tion met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order hy Chairman. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Vernon Beckwith appeared before the Board in regard to Personal Assessment Schedule Motion by I>andreth. seconded by Errist that the original schedule he accepted. Motion carried. C. L. Sisson appeared before the Board regarding personal schedule. After examining records, motion by McConnell, seconded by Ernst, to take off assessment made by the County Assessor Motion car ried. Motion by McConnell, seconded by Flood, to make an assessment schedule for Glen Campbell to in clude 14 cattle, one M. Tractor, and one Baler. Tractor delivered Feb. 23, 1959. Motion carried. 11:00 A M. On motion the Board recessed to the call of the clerk. FRANK CRONK Chairman KENNETH WARING County Clerk O'Neill, Nebr. May 29, 1959 11:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Supervi sors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the Chairman Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The Finance Committee reported that the fees of the various County Offices have been remitted to the County Treasurer, as required by law. Motion by Dierking, seconded by Smith, that the Sheriff be instuc ted to serve Distress Warrant on Pete and Louise Head and if ne cessary to replevy personal pro perty to collect amount of tax due the County of Holt. Motion carried. Motion by Landreth, seconded by Ernst, that the following Bonds be approved. Motion carried Paul L. Shald, Treasurer, Town ship of Stuart: Lysle Johnson, Jus tice of Peace, Township of Willow dale; Ira Lierman, Clerk, Town ship of Swan. Motion by Smith, seconded by McConnell, that the following War rants be cancelled. Motion carried. Jonie A. Palmer, Disabled Fund $ 53 60 Katherine Spes, Disabled Fund __ 5 20.00 James J. McDermott, Blind Fund . 5 83.80 Marie A. Lybolt, Old Age As sistance Fund _ 5 12.00 William G. Malenke, Old Age Assistance Fund _$ 50 80 Hoffmeister Nursing Home Old Age Assistance Fund 5 67.00 12:00 Noon. On motion the Board adjourned until 1:00 P.M. O'Neill, Nebr. May 29, 1959 1:00 P.M. Holt County Board of Supervi sors met as per adjournment. All members present. Motion by Ernst, seconded by Smith to adopt the following Re solution. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, It has come to the attention of the Board of Super visors that existing appropriations in the County Budget for the year ending June 30, 1959, are insuffi cient to continue the operation of the office of the County Judge, and that additional appropriations are required, and that an emergency exists in regard to such unantici pated requirements, and that ad ditional appropriations are required to be made for the balance of the fiscal year 1959 to such funds, and that the same are essential to the preservation and maintenance with in the county of the administration of justice. NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE HOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF HOLT COUNTY, that an emer gency does exist as set forth above, and that there is hereby appropriated to the office of the County Judge, the sume of $200.00 from the General Fund of said County, for the balance of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1959. A roll call vote on said resolution and the motion for adoption result ed as follows: AYE: Eli McConnell, M V. Landreth, Clarence Ernst, Wal ter A. Smith, Edward N. Flood, and Harlan A. Dierking. Nay None. Whereupon the Chairman de clared said resolution passed and adopted. Motion by McConnell, seconded by Ernst, that the County Clerk be instructed to contact Mrs. Maude Hansen, concerning expense for opening a road. Motion carried. On motion the Board adjourned until June 16, 1959 at 10:00 A.M. FRANK CRONK Chairman KENNETH WARING County Clerk O’Neill, Nebr. I June 16, 1959 9:00 AM. Holt County Board of Equaliza tion met at the call of the clerk. All members present except Dierk ing. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read • The following persons filed com plaints before the board concern ing valuation on Real Estate: Ver non Lowery and Vernon Smith. NAME: Vernon Lowery: LEGAL )ESCRIPTTON: North Half of the Northeast Quarter, Southeast Quar ter of the Northeast Quarter, and tl»e East Half of the the Southeast Quarter of Section 23; All of Sec tion 24; Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter. South Half of the Northeast Quarter. East Half of the West Half, Southeast Quar ter of Section 26; all of Section 2>; Southeast Quarter of Section 27; East Half of the East Half of Sec tion 34; North Half, the North Half of the Southwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section 35; all in Township 25, Range 14, Holt County, Nebraska. Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the South Half of the South west Quarter, of Section 34, the South Half of the Southwest Quar ter of Section 35; all in Township 25. Range 14, Holt County, Nebras ka; ACTION OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION: Motion by Mc Connell, seconded by Landreth, that; Section 24, Township 25, Range 14, be lowered from asses sed valuation $4,745 00 to $4,375 00 Section 23, North Half of North east Quarter, Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter. Northeast Quar ter of Southeast Quarter, South east Quarter of South east Quar ter of Township 25, Range 14, be lowered from assessed valuation $1,750.00 to $1,470.00. Section 25. Township 25, Range 14. be lowered from assessed valuation $5,150.00 to $4,750 00. South Half of South west Quarter, of Section 35, Town ship 25, Range 14, be lowered from assessed valuation $1,485 00 to $960.00, (Due to error). Section 26, Township 25, Range 14, North east Quarter of the Northeast Quar ter. South Half of Northeast Quar ter, East Half of West Half, South east Quarter, be lowered from as sessed valuation $3,570.00 to $3, 310.00. Motion carried. NAME: Vernon L Smith; LE GAL DESCRIPTION: Chambers Village. West Part 6; ACTION OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION: Motion by Smith, seconded by Er nst. that the assessed valuation be lowered from $2,280.00 to $1,995.00. Motion carried 10:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Equalization recessed to the call of the clerk. FRANK CRONK Chairman KENNETH WARING County Clerk O'Neill, Nebr. June 16, 1959 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Supervi sors met as per adjournment. All members present except Dierking. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as, read. Motion by McConnell, seconded by Smith, that the following Claims !>e allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the General Fund in pay ment of same Motion carried. Bernard Allen, work on courthouse yard __$ 86.50 Atkinson Graphic, publish ing fees, Office supplies 133.67 Augustine Co., office supplies 38.72 Dolores Boyle, salary _ 200.00 Coyne Hardware, supplies for courthouse _ 62.57 Coyne Hardware, supplies for annex _ 71.71 Frank Cronk, mileage .. 42.49 Harlan A Dierking, mileage 60.48 Clarence Ernst, mileage __ 16.75 Edward N. Flood, salary 137.50 Alice L. French, salary _ 383.33 The Frontier, publishing fees _,_ 218.19 William W. Griffin, salary 283.33 William W. Griffin, Co. At torney, postage _ 20.00 Esther Harris, salary _ 250.00 Alvin H. Heese, salary_ 300.00 Lorraine Hewett, salary _145.59 Holt County Extension Ser vice _ 550.67 Holt County Independent, pu blishing fees and office supplies _ 94.80 Holt County Independent, publishing fees and office supplies_ 287.35 Holt County Independent, of fice supplies_34.35 Holt County Independent, pu blishing fees and office supplies . _. 103.20 Helen Ann Johnson, salary 200.00 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co., gas service for courthouse _100.35 M V. Landreth, mileage _ 27.51 Latsch Bros., Inc., office sup plies _,_ 11.42 Howard D. Manson, for office floor _ 253.91 Moore Noble Lumber and Coal Co., coal for annex 197.01 James Mullen, mileage_ 34.65 Eli McConnell, salary _ 137.50 Ted McElhaney, court re porting services . 7.00 Norfolk Office Eqpt. Co., of fice equipment __ 130 03 Norfolk Office Eqpt. Co., of fice supplies __ 127.00 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., telephone services 282.43 Ready Printing Co., publish ing fees _ 8 75 Redfield and Co., office sup plies 106.23 Louis W. Reimer, Co. Judge, postage 8.00 School Dist. 7. rent for off campus courses ... 20 00 Ophelia Sessions, salary 225.00 Walter A. Smith, mileage 53.44 Stephenson School Supply, office supplies _ 3.32 Leo S. Tomjack, salary 308 33 Leo S. Tomjack, office sup plies - 14.24 Leo S. Tomjack, jailor board 152.25 Kenneth Waring, salary 383.33 Kenneth Waring, County Clerk, postage _ 12.00 Western Auto Store, supplies for courthouse _ 43 30 Ailene Wilkinson, salary 225.00 Claresse Ankney, salary _ 200.00 Atkinson Graphic, publish ing fees, and 8th Grade Di plomas 97.00 John Blair, salary _ 191.54 County Court of Holt County, Nebr., county court costs 18.60 Frank Cronk, salary _ 137.50 Harlan A. Dierking, salary 137.50 Clarence Ernst, salary_137.50 W. F. Finley, M D., medical care for prisioner_30.50 Alice L. French, postage _ 18.47 The Frontier, publishing fees and office supplies_53.71 J Ed Hancock, salary_ 383.33 Esther Harris, postage_ 4.70 Alvin H. Heese, Service Offi cer. Mileage_2.80 Holt County Independent, of fice supplies_16.85 Holt County Independent, pu blishing fees and office supplies .. 51.75 Holt County Independent, pu blishing fees_ 235.12 Holt County’ Independent, pu blishing fees and office sup plies -85.50 '* ,1 Edward Humpal, cement, floor and footing for bldg. at courthouse __- 71 50 Clara Kirkland, salary 1® 00 M. Vr. Landreth, salary 137.50 Joanne Lansworth, salary 200 00 Howard D. Manson. salary 366 60 Moore Noble Lumber and Coal Co., supplies for courthouse and annex 12 58 Virginia Morrow, salary 225 00 James Mullen, salary 250 00 Nora Mullen, salary 225 00 Eli McConnell, mileage 44.52 News Printing Service, office supplies 169 38 Norfolk Office Eqpt. Co., of Bee supplies 228.62 Connie Park, salary ....__ 40 00 Redfield and Co., office sup plies 403.18 Louis W. Reimer, salary 416 66 Charles Richter, salary 275 00 Servall Towel and Linen Sup ply Co., towel service for courthouse____— 37 25 Walter A. Smith, salary 137.50 Stephenson School supply, of fice supplies _ 174.90 Leo S. Tomjack, mileage 108 09 Leo S. Tomjack. jailor fees 46 50 Underwood Corporation, offi ce machine 171.96 William F. Wefso, salary 383.33 Western Typewriter and Of fice Supply Co., rent on of fice machine _1000 mouon oy nanarem, seimwcu by Flood, that the iollowing Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Road Fund in pay ment of same. Motion carried. Gene Adams, labor $ 95 59 Karl Bernt, labor 121.25 Karl Bernt, labor 67.50 Boies Service, supplies 165 21 John Bonenberger, hauling clay __ 140 00 Elden Butterfield, hauling clay 206.50 Chambers Fire Department, fire extinguisher 3195 Construction Service and Eqpt. Co., parts 136.53 Construction Service and Eqpt. Co., parts _ 5.14 Construction Service and Eqpt Co., repairs and re pairing equipment _ 581.64 Construction Service and Eqpt. Co., parts — 32.49 Consumers Public Power District, electric service 2.00 Coyne Hardware, supplies 1.08 D. A. Lubricant Co., supplies 111.65 D. A. Lubricant Co. supplies 38.53 Dankert Service, supplies ... 63.96 Davis Oil Co., supplies-22.74 Earley Oil Co , supplies- 10144 First National Bank, Machin ery payment_361.25 Foree Tire and Supply, sup plies _ 59.48 Galyen Motor Co., 1959 Ford Pickup _ 1688.09 Gamble Store, Atkinson, sup plies _ 78.63 Delbert Anson, labor _. 310.00 Karl Bernt, labor 115.00 L. E. Bergstrom, labor . .. 339.65 John Bonenbarger, hauling clay _ 222.25 Ed Brandt, labor _ 160.00 Elden Butterfield, hauling Cjjjy . 140.00 Chambers Independent Tele phone Co., telephone servi ces — 5.70 Construction Service and Eqpt. Co , parts 33.60 Construction Service and Eqpt. Co., parts --- 83.13 Consumers Public Power District, electric service 2.00 Coyne Hardware, supplies 57.62 D A. Lubricant Co., supplies 61.13 D. A. Lubricant Co., supplies 58 85 Davis Oil Co., supplies 48.88 Frank Determan. labor 37 00 Earley Oil Co., supplies ... 158.65 First National Bank, mashin ery payment 430.52 Galyen Motor Co., repairs and repairing equipment 375.69 Floyd Gettert, labor _ 83.00 Gillette and Son, supplies 63.18 Hiway Station, supplies 84.90 A1 Holbrook, labor.. 32.50 Homer Lumber Co., supplies 7.69 Island Supply Welding Co., parts —. 8.70 Island Supply Welding Co., parts . 4.06 Island Supply Co., parts —— 37.89 Frank Johnson, labor 249.70 Keating Implement Co., parts 53.09 William E. Kelley, labor-310.00 Tom King, hauling clay 222.25 Leo Kramer, repairs and re pairing services . 168.40 William Krotter Co., supplies 4.45 S. A. Marcellus, supplies 17.28 Mentzer Service, supplies 48.75 Missouri Valley Machinery Co., parts - Lyle McKim, labor_ 70.50 Lyle McKim. labor_ 32.00 Nebr. tractor and Eqpt. Co., parts _ 27.36 Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt. Co., parts _.—-- 13.09 Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt. Co., parts _184.47 Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt. Co., parts . 152.57 Nebr. Tratcor and Eqpt. Co., parts and repairing eqpt. 93.27 Noffkes, repairs and repair ing eqpt - 59.54 Asa Norton, hauling clay — 145.20 Asa Norton, hauling clay — 96.00 Herman Orsbom, hauling clay _140.00 Pollack Sand and Gravel, gravel and hauling gravel 750.00 Frank J. Schaaf, hauling clay _ 222.25 Frank J. Schaaf, hauling clay _ 140.00 Sen-all Towel and Linen Sup ply Co., towel service for County Sheds _ 16.39 Sidles Company, supplies — 20.46 South Side “66” Sendee Sta tion. supplies _ 76 30 Erven VanCleave. hauling clay _ 222.25 Ivan L. Wayman, labor- 222.50 Whitehead Hereford Ranch, gravel . .—.. 295 40 John Wilcox, driving truck 44.00 Floyd Gettert, labor -155.40 Ronald Haake, labor_ 155 08 A1 Holbrook, labor_153.75 A1 Holbrook, labor_102.50 How ards Blacksmith Shop, repairing equipment-104.50 Island Supply Co., parts- 12.63 Jerrys Mobil Service, sup plies _93.92 Kansas Nebr Natual Gas Co., gas service for County Sheds .. 9.93 D. A. Kersebrock, supplies 77.72 Tom King, hauling clay__ 259.00 William Krotter and son, gra vel _179C.20 S. A. Marcellus, supplies __ 82.92 Mattson Repair, repairs and pairing sendees_37.95 Tony Mudloff, labor - 363.75 Lyle McKim, labor___ 15 50 Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt. Co., repairs and repairing eqpt. 720.28 Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt Co., machinery rental_ 293.11 Nebr. Tractor and Eqpt, Co , parts_4.28 Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Corp. electric service for County Shed 2.20 Northwestern Bell Telephone Service, telephone serv ices 30 70 Herman Orsborn, hauling day mw Page Oil Co., supplies 227.58 Fred Roberts, labor 117.50 Geo. C. Robertson Agency, insurance premium 40 00 Calvin Seger, labor 185.00 Shelhamer Eqpt Co., sup plies and parts 305 66 Shelhamer Oil Co., supplies 41 58 R. D. Stevens, labor 96.90 Frank Tracy, labor 154 97 C. W Trobaugh, labor 36.30 Erven VanCleave. hauling cla> 140.00 West Lumber and Coal Co., wood lath 2.00 John Wilcox, driving truck 66.55 C. E. Wintermote, welding services 32.10 Motion by Ernst, seconded by Landreth, that the following Claim tie allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Fair Fund in pay ment of same. Motion carried. Holt County Agricultural Society L’4-4.45 12.00 Noon: On motion the Board | adjourned until 1:00 P M. O'Neill, Nebr. June 16, 1959 1:00 P.M Holt County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment. All mem bers present, except Dierking. Motion by Landreth, seconded by Flood, that the following Claims lx* allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Mail Route Fund in payment of same. Motion carried. Atkinson Sand and Gravel, gravel 663.00 Gene Adams, labor 31.87 John Bonenberger, hauling clay 350.00 Elden Butterfield, hauling clay 350.00 Floyd P Get'ert, labor 207.50 Ronald Haake, labor _ 141.32 Blake Ott, supplies . 6.75 Fred Roberts, labor 82.50 Fred Roberts, labor _ 135.00 Calvin Seger, labor 134.37 Frank Tracy, labor 119 35 Erven VanCleave, hauling clay 350.00 John Wilcox, driving truck 99.00 Atkinson Sand and Gravel, gravel .. 3.75 Gene Adams, labor_ 104.36 Ed Brandt, labor . 140 00 Frank Determan, labor 103 00 Asa Norton, hauling clay 216.00 Herman Orsborn, hauling clay 350.00 Pollack Sand and Gravel, gravel and hauling gravel 1643.35 Frank P. Schaaf, hauling clay 350.00 Frank Tracy, labor 44.99 C. W. Trobaugh. labor 177.18 Ivan L. Wayman, labor 72.50 Motion by McConnell, seconded by Ernst, that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Road Bridge Fund in payment of same. Motion car ried. Construction Service and Eqpt. Co., parts . 165 56 Galyen Motor Co., 59 Ford Truck ... ...2097.67 Howards Blacksmith Shop, labor and welding eqpt. — 36.25 Lyle McKim, labor - 25 50 Sidles Co., parts .. 11.98 C. E. Wintermote, welding services_ 3.00 Coyne Hardware, supplies 21.30 Earley Oil Co., supplies_ 55.20 Floyd P. Gettert, labor _ 14.00 Keating Implement Co., parts 80 32 Leo framer, labor and re pairing services .— 12.50 Shelhamer Eqpt. Co., parts 8.63 Ronald Watson, road ma chinery _ 2500.00 Motion by Smith, seconded by Flood, that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Bridge Fund in pay ment of same. Motion carried Ed Brandt, labor ... 25.00 Campbell Lumber Co., sup plies _ 94.10 D. A. Lubricant Co., supplies 51.15 Galyen Motor Co., supplies 133.71 Dan Hurley, labor.. 254.10 William Krotter Co., supplies 9 37 Moore Noble Lumber and Coal Co., supplies _ 52.95 Anton Weichman, labor 301.60 Joe Burda, labor 276.10 Central Supply and Eqpt. Co., bridge pipes and bands 332.86 Homer Lumber Co., supplies 14.00 Island Supply Co., parts 4.94 Mentzer Service, supplies_ 1.00 John Osborne, labor__ 276.10 William Siebert, labor _276.10 Add More Sup. Gal. _ _. Motion by Flood, seconded by McConnell, that the following claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Medical Fund in payment of same. Motion car ried. Dr. L. E. Alkire . 2.00 Aid to the Disabled Fund ... 31.09 Dr. George Carstens . 36.00 Dr. D. L. Fletcher _ 27 50 Hoffmeister Nursing Home 75.00 Link Drug __ 5.10 Maude Martin_ 34.35 Old Age Assistance Fund 606 71 Dr. J. E. Ramsay .. 39.67 Dr. Robert Waters 44.00 Dr. C. D. Williams 23.50 Wilson Drug..... 151.05 Aid to Dependent Children Fund _:_ 20.12 Blind Asistance Fund_..... 40.00 Dr. W. F. Finley__ 26.00 Gilligan Drug _ 5.50 Drs. Jacobs and Monnig _ 25.00 Nora Maroney_ 9.00 Mrs. Charles McMillan 22.50 O’Neill Drug _ 10.89 Schultz Drug . 20 75' Mrs. Mary Wetzler_ 8.50 Rex W. Wilson, M.D. _ 15.00 Motion by Ernst, seconded by Landreth, that the following Claims be allowed and Warrants ordered drawn on the Unemployment Re lief Fund in Payment of same. Mo tion carried. Miller Grocery_ 28.00 Mrs.Roy Thurlow_25.00 Motion by Flood, seconded by Landreth that the County of Holt, State of Nebraska, accept the bid of $2,500.00, of Fred DeSive of Stuart, Nebraska, to satisfy the Old Age Assistance Lien in the amount of $11,397.20, against the following property: All of Out Lot “C” in the Vill age of Stuart, except the North 135 feet thereof in Holt County, Nebraska. Motion carried. 5:00 P.M. On motion the Board adjourned until June 30, 1959 at 9:00 AM. FRANK CRONK Chairman KENNETH WARING County Clerk ' A u o Chambers News Polio Victim Returns Home B> Mr*. E. R. Carpenter Linda Walter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walter, Holt County 's only polio victim returned home from Children's Memorial hospital in Omaha Sunday, She is reported greatly improved. _ *» Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Avard of Lincoln were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf. The Avards' daughter. Patty, who had tieon v isiting her grandparents and relaives in At kinson accompanied them home. Jeannie Miller of Atkinson and Kathy Medcalf of Sioux City were also weekend guests of their grand parents. Rev. and Mrs. Earl Schwenk and family left Tuesday, July 7 for a two weeks vacation with relatives at East St. Louis, 111. Gerald McClenahan and Lyle Scholz. both student pastors in Chambers for the summer, were in charge of the services at the Memorial Baptist Church Sunday. July 11 in the absence of Reverend Schwenk. Hattie Wilson of Whittier, Calif., came Sunday July 12 to visit her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bogart. The Bogarts drove to Stromsburg to get her and where they also visited a nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Petsche of Wichita. They will take Mrs. Wilson to South Dakota i nursuay. Dennis Werner came up from Omaha recently to spend a two weeks vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Werner. Connie Werner, who had been vis iting in Denver and later in Oma ha accompanied him. Mr. and Mrs. William Turner returned Friday from a weeks’ visit with their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and family at Los Ala mos, New Mexico. Their grand son, Roger returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Osbon of Stanton and Dorothy Peltzer of Nampa, Idaho visited July 4th in the Ruben Peltzer and A. A. Wal ter homes. Sunday, July 12th dinner guests of Mrs. Genevieve Bell were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, Cherilyn and Terry of Atkinson, Bobby Med calf of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter and Mrs. C. E. Tib bets of Chambers. Mrs. John Wintermote returned home Saturday, July 11 from Oma ha where she had been a patient at Clarkson hospital following face surgery. Mrs. Genevieve Bell was hos tess to 21 members of the Beauti ful Valley Garden club at a 9 o'clock breakfast Tuesday, July 7. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoppe of Palmdale, Calif., visited her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Holcomb and sister and brother-in-law’, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Miller Friday and Saturday, July 10-11. Mr. and Mrs. Pearley Black, their daughter and three grand children of Sedro Wooley, Wash., also her two brothers, Mr. Riuting of New York City, N. Y. and Mr. Riuting of Grand Island were guests of E. V. Sageser Tuesday, July 7 where they enjoyed a pic nic dinner. The former were neigh bors of Mr. Sageser when he lived in Sedro Wooley. Mr. Black was reared near Sw'an Lake. The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service met Thursday after noon, July 9 at the Methodist Church with 26 members and one visitor present. Mrs. Joe Daas and Mrs. Genevieve Bell w'ere hostes ses. Mrs. Darell Gillette was in charge of a pretty and effective service for the two tvaby mem bers, Larry Adams and Rita Read. Mrs. C. C. Robertson conducted the worship and Mrs. Roy Miller the lesson on "Building Christian Character" She was assisted bv Mrs. Clarence l'amme, Mrs. T E. Alderson, Mrs. Raymond Shoema ker, Mrs. Dick Read and Mrs. Ed H a r v e y. after the lesson. Mrs. Miller called on a teen-ager, Karen Farrier, to tell the group what she felt the young people of the community would like to have in the way of recreation Sugges tions were teen-age dances spon sored by the parents, roller skat ing and teenage club. Mrs. G. H. Grimes gave a mu sical reading and the meeting closed with the theme song "Christ for the World We Sing." The president Mrs. T. E. New house presided at the business session. She read a letter regard ing the School of Missions on Au gust 19-21. Cards of thanks from Mrs. Burch and from the Theodore Moss family were read. The meeting closed with a pray er for Methodist missionaries whose birthdays were July 9. Lunch was served by the hostes ses. The Chambers American Legion auviliary of post 320 met Friday evening, July 3rd at the Legion Hall. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. Ed Coday with 10 members present also four guests. Prayer was offered by Mrs. E. H. Medcaif. Miss Jeri Coday, the girl’s state representative from Chambers gave an interesting re port on her week in Lincoln It was voted to send $10. to the Poppy Fund, also to disjvense with the regular August meeting. New officers will be installed in Sep tember. A short joint meeting with the legion was held to complete plans for the County meeting at Cham bers July 13. Lunch was served by the hostes ses Mrs. Ernest Thorin, Mrs. E. H. Medcaif and Mrs Anna Albers. Mrs. John Honeywell and grand daughter, Katheryn Rubeck drove to Lincoln to attend the wedding on Saturday, July 11 of a friend, Miss Janet Euwer of Lincoln to Robert Goodrich of Illinois. Miss Euwer is well known in Chambers wher she taught in the high school three years staying in the John Honeywell home. Last year she taught in Ketchikan. Alaska. The young couple will make their home in Oregon where he is employed. While in Lincoln Mrs. Honeywell and granddaughter visited in the home of the former s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stiles. Crowded Out I-ivst Week’s News Mrs. John Wintermote entered Clarkson hospital in Omaha last week. She expected to have minor surgehy last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Richards and daughter, Esther, of Sunny side, Wash., arrived Monday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson. The Leroy Holcomb family re turned last week from a trip to Duray and Mes Verda, Colo. They were gone 6 days. Mr and Mrs. Dwane Miller and family left on the July fourth weekend to visit Mrs. Miller's par ents, R. E. Richards of Chadron. They then travelled to Keystone where they had a Sunday picnic with the Harry Meyers. Phone Your News To The Frontier— CHURCH NOTES I Mini rKKsItmKUN Kvv lug William II Koss. 1'n.itur Sunda.v Bible school, 10 a m.; sermon-" Prayer in The Home", 11 a m ; youth fellowship, 7 pm.; junior fellowship. 7 pm.; singspi ration. S pm Sermon"The Source of Happiness", Monday Choir practice, 8 p ni. Wednesday Prayer ami study of Hie Catechism, 8 p m. CHKIST l.l THEBAN Seventh amt tiny Street* Kev. A. S. (•cilvvilln, Pastor Sunday Div ine worship, 9 a.m. Special offering for Dio Lutheran children's Services will lie re ceived; Sunday school. 10:15 a m. \V. Fricke, Superintenent, "The Lutheran Hour" on WJAG, 4 p. m.. 10:15 a.m. l.MMAM El. l.l'THEKAN Atkinson Kev. .A. S. tiedvvillo. Pastor Sunday Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. S. H Rrauer, superintendent. Divine worship, 11 a.m.; Sunday school picnic for the congregation at the park, sponsored by the LWML, 12:15 a.m ; "The lAither an Hour" on WJAG, 4 p.m. sio Tuesday Lutheran Women's Missionary League meeting at the [church, 8 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN O’Neill John L. Ilaii. Pastor Thursday Circle I at Mrs. Har ry Ressels, 2:30 p.m ; circle II at Mrs. J. P. Brown, 2:30 p.m.; cir cle III will meet at the church, 7:45 p m Sunday Church School. 9:45 a. m.; morning worship, 11 am. Guest speaker, Mrs. Kenneth La Rue. Monday Bilile study, 3 p.m. Wednesday Choir, 7 p.m. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN Ewing Rev Join I,. Hart, Pastor Sunday Morning worship, 9:30 a m. Church school, 10:30 a.m. WARRANTY DEEDS WD- Tugust Kramer to Midred A McCartney 7-1-59 $3800- No 52 ft lots 5-6 & 7 Blk 7-Hallock's Add Stuart. WD Walter W-Brovvn to John Schipman & wf 2-24-59 $1500-Lots 5 & 6 Blk B Chamlvers. WD-Anna Ruther to Lester R. Spragg & wf 6-25-59 $6000-SEV4 SEV4- Sec 31- SWV4SWV4 32-28-10 WD Theresa Krysl, et. al to Pa trick Corrigan 6-1-59 $8000-1.ots 6 6 7 Blk 1- Collins 2nd Add-Atkln son. WD Joseph P. Shanner to J. P. Riley & wf 7-3-59 $4500- I>ots 11 & 12-Blk I^Fahy s Park Add-O’Nelll. WD Rose Thiele to Ixvjis Thiele & wf 5-27-58 $1-NMsNWV4 27-25-9 Grantors reserve Life Estate. WD—Helen Riley, et. al., to Charles L. Havranek & wf 6-27-59 $1000- Lots 1 -2-3-4 Blk 18-Hazelets Add-O’Neill • - — |-Legal Notices— | (First pub. July 2, 1959) NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF SUIHXIL DISTRICT NO. 248 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, I am required to dissolve School District No. 248 of Holt County and attach the ter ritory thereof to other school dis tricts for the reason that School District No 218 has contracted for instruction for a period of five years or more. A hearing on said matter will be held in the Assem bly Room at the Court House in O’Neill, Nebraska on July 17, 10 a m. when all interested may ap pear and be heard. AIJCE L. FRENCH, County Superintendent _ 10-12c IF MONEY IS AN OBJECT LOOK AT _ ”mMRKr”mmm Look what happens when you buy a Lark Play Wagon! Kbu start bf saving on price—it’s America's lowest priced station wagon with a fall sized interior. And then you keep right on saving! For example economy. Just recently in the South African Mobilgas Run. The Lark “6" led off American cars with an amazing 24.69 miles-per-gallon. Classic Lark styling is designed to minimize year-to-year depreciation. Interiors are upholstered in handsome, easy-to-care-for vinyls and fabrics. Fun drive The Lark at your Studebaker dealer's today— and look at all models. You’ll see why it’s winning friends everywhere! Discover what you’ll save at YOUR STUDEBAKER DEALER’S—TODAYl SMITH MOTOR CO. 228 E. Douglas St O’Neill, Nebr. Mi«nu»«.nuc»...T!SrWrUWM