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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1959)
r\ • * f 1 ! *' '■ T ' O ~ L i .iy v M t . • O • XXX Twelve Paqes Dedicated THE HEATHER In This Issue to Hi l» Prerlp. Thurs July 9 ss 46 \ nu r nr "«r F»n\xirj- Community Fn., July 10 86 59 T 9 30 *° »5 A M • r Sat July 11 82 51 01 _ _ C~rv:f„ Sun July 12 88 50 M,,x "r" ierVICO Mon , July 13 90 51 Tues., July 14 16 62 Med July 15 89 63 Volume 79-Number 12 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, July 16, 1959____Seven Cents It h still tough, this working of! the railroad b isiness. The Ihirlington crew came to O’Neill to replace tracks across Highway ‘*0 when the oil road became too rough tor automobile traffic. A stab* highway crew followed the work of the railroad and re-olled the crossing alter the old rails were torn away and new ones replaced. The Frontier Photo and Engraving. Let's All Go to the— Madison Races Friday is the big day for O'Neill ites at Madison Downs. As in the past. The Frontier is arranging to have two big air conditioned buses stop in O'Neill at 12 noon and pirk up raring en thusiasts for the trip to the races. Once again the race day will be a package deal for area people. For $6.50 the earavaners will be provided roundtrip bus fare i reg ular $5.X9i. They'll enjoy grand stand seats, and will be served a prime rib or catfish dinner com plete with all the trimmings at Ed Prenger's Ye Olde Tavern in Nor folk on the way home. The regular price on the din ner is $2.35 and the 50 cents it costs to enter the grandstand at Madison brings the total value of the $6.50 tickets to $8.61. Arrangements have been made for the buses to stop nt Inman, Ewing and Clearwater on the way to the races. In Inman the bus will stop at Davis Mobil Station and in Ewing the bus will stop at West Lumber and Coal. Residents along the way may board the bus. providing there is room, even if they do not have tickets as tickets will be available on the bus. Secretary Earl Moyer of the Madison Agricultural society, spon sors of the races at Madison Downs, said that there will lie an O'Neill feature race and purse for the winner. Reservations are still being taken at The Frontier office on south 4th street. Tickets will be available right up to'departure which Is scheduled for 12 noon. The buses will reach Madison in ample time for trips to the daily double pari-mutual windows. So jump on! Spend a day at the races with your friends. Make those reservations today by call ing The Frontier. 788. MIXED TOTRNAMENT A mixed 2-ball foursome tourna ment and steak fry is on the agen da at the O'Neill country club Sun day. The tournament begins at 3 p. m. and the steak fry at 5:30 p.m. NNTA Formed To Ease Travel Springing from the unsuccessful Save-the-Trains Association, a new ly formed organization, the North Nebraska Transportation Associa tion has announced plans to help tne area in the movement of peo ple and goods. J G. Brewster, a Stuart hanker, was elected president; Fay Hill of Gordon, vice-president, and Ed Wilson of O’Neill, secretary-treas urer. Cal Stewart, former publisher of The Frontier, was honored at the new association’s first meet ing for his outstanding efforts with the Save-the-Trains group. The association indicated it may he necessary to press for action requiring the North Western rail road to place in service light weight, self-propelled trains on an accelerated schedule in compar ison with the 19.99 steam schedule adhered to until Passenger Trains 13 and 14 were removed a year ago. The association took a stand against highway post office serv ice where clerks in trucks sort mail enroute hut will “leave the door open" for improved mail service. A thousand-dollar balance of the old group was turned over to the North Nebraska Transportation Association at the meeting. ABOARD INDEPENDENCE NORFOLK, Va Navy Cdr. A. J. Koenig, son of Adam L. Koenig of Spencer, and husband of the former Miss Dorothy M. Broder sen of Spencer, returned to Nor folk. Va . July 1 aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Independence after eight weeks of training in the Caribbean Sea. Conversion Charge for Bartlett Bank Officers; Wives Also Named The Nebraska Banking Depart ment Friday charged officers of the defunct Bartlett State Bank in Wheeler County with fraudulently converting more than 170 thousand dollars in bank funds to their own use. The accused are Clifford L Bishop, president; Robert M. Mar tin, director and cashier, and Walter Plugge, director. The petition states ‘‘that for many years" %the three officers j ‘‘with the full knowledge of their respective wives, willfully, fraud-1 ulently and unlawfully schemed ; and conspired together ... to use | the funds, property, credits and assets of the said bank for their own purposes and benefit ...” Their wives named are Mrs, Bertha C. Bishop, Mrs. Ilene J. Martin and Mrs. Adelia Plugge The petition also listed charges of keeping false entries* publishing false statements of the amounts of assets and liabilities, and others. The petition stated that the loss and damage sustained "will exceed 170 thousand dollars.” TO in Y STAMPS Several local business firms are planning to buy a month’s supply of the special commemorative conservation stamps to be issued August 26. Co-operators of the Holt Soil and Water Conservation district are among those honored by the issuance of the world’s first con servation stamp according to Har vey Krugman, chairman of the local district. Bt Y U MBER YARD The Chambers Farmers and Ranchers Co-op recently purch ased the Smith Lumber Yard in Chambers The buildings have been given a coat of paint. New officers of O’Neill’s American Legion Post were elected at :i meeting Tuesday. The new officers are, from left. Vein Reynoldson. Sgt. at Arms; A1 Carroll, Vice Commander; Jim Earley, Commander, and BUI Jansen. Chaplain. Members of th» new executive committee are Archie Bright, Emil Adamson, Donald Borg, and Marlin Wichnia i. In other Legion business, the |>ost voted to apply for a bingo license. The Front,er and Engraving. if . of Final Rabies Test Results Still Pending in Lincoln Two O'Neill families received a scare last week when a housewife ind a 3-year old girl were bitten by a cat, believed at the time, to | l>e rabid. Preliminary tests of the cat s brain in Lincoln was negative, hui the results of the final test win not be known for at least two weeks according to Dr. E. A. Hog ors, director of the State Depart ment of Health, Mrs. Paul Bourne anil Kim. the 3-vear old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rinkerd. of » - Neill, were attacked by the white cat in a garden. Roth were bit ten ill the legs. Volunteers met near the home last Saturday and were unable to take the cat alive for fear that it might escape. The cat’s head was then sent to Lincoln where slides were taken of the brain in an attempt to dis cover negri hodios. or rabies virus. I)r Rogers said the case was ••unfortunate” since the cat could not be taken alive. We have to inject fluid prepared from the cat’s brain into the brains of white mice for the final check, he said. This process takes two weeks since virus incubation, if the cat had rabies, would show up. it 1 were asked for advice now 1 would recommend that the tv’o start taking anti-rabies shots now,” he said, •'Each physician, of course knows the facts in his i cases, and must make the de cision for himself.” he said. ••If, after two weeks we find that llie mice do not die, the shots ran be discontinued. And if the mice do die, they would have to begin taking shots any way.’ ’he explained. Dr. Rogers explained ihat it is important to keep those animals suspected of rabies and feared to have exposed humans, alive “It is much easier to watch the an imal suspected, safely penned, than it is to discover the negri luxlies after the animal is killed.” he said. DR. COOK Rabies Vaccine Cost To City—Reasonable Dr. G. R. Cook, an O'Neill vet erinarian, has proposed that all dogs and cats in O'Neill be vac cinated for rabies. Dr. Cook said he intended to dis cuss this with the city council at their next regular meeting. ‘ The council could obtain rabies vaccine for as little as 50 cents per shot in bulk quantities for cities, and if I could get the co operation of several men and the council, we could get most of the animals taken care of in one day,” he said. “I would be willing to make my own fee so low that the council couldn't afford not to take advant age of it if we could do it in this way,” he explained. Dr. Cook was the veterinarian that prepared the cat’s head for shipment to Lincoln after it was killed. The Civil Air Patrol in O'Neill performed a public service by fly ing the head to Lincoln. Dump To Be Baited The O'Neill city dump will be baited with poison as a rodent control measure Thursday (to day). O'Neill residents are urged not to allow children or pets to enter the dump for a period of one week. The effect of the poison will last that long. Atkinson Man Elected County Legion Head CHAMBERS-Mike Cody, form er American Legion Commander in Atkinson, was elected Holt coun ty commander at the annual con vention here Monday He was elected for a 2-year term. All other offices were car ried over. The Stuart firing squad under leadership of Ray Estes, took first place honors in the county firing squad contest at the convention Page placed second, Chambers. ! third and Atkinson fourth. O’Neill and Ewing did not participate. Council Plans Storm Sewer After Proposing Resolution of Necessity <>lunt steel bits lay waiting the touch of work leu who will drill 35(1 feet uni1 mile south of O'Neill ^ provide O’Neill with adequate water. A coinpan *i>oi.csmun said the drilling should begin early next week. Photo and Engraving hy The Frontier Here's What to Do— If You Fear Rabies Through a request by The Frontier, the State De partment of Health has prepared, for The people of Holt and surrounding counties, a list of things to do when it is suspected that you or your child have been exposed to a rabid animal. It is suggested that you clip this out and save il for future reference. 1 When any warm blooded animal bites hard enough to break the skin, call your physician im mediately. This is of utmost importance, since he understands the nature of the disease and should you be uncertain, he can advise immediate pro . edures. 2. Wash the wound with soap and water under a faucet for at least five minutes. 3. Do not kill the animal unless It is wild and you fear that it cannot be captured alive.’ Call your local veterinarian and he will help. If you must kill it, do not shoot or strike it In the head. Because there is still considerable pain attached to the treat ments, as well as some risk, physicians are natural ly reluctant to give the series of 14 shots when a possibility exists that the offending animal might not have rabies. If the animal can be penned alive, this is the safest course. The animal will then be observed and if found not to have the disease after a specified time, the' physician will not usually pre scribe the series of shots. 4. Get your household pets vaccinated. The State Department of Health recommends that at the time that a dog or cat license is applied for, it should he made mandatory that rabies shots lie given. 5. Remember that rabid animals do not always act "mad.” In the “dumb” type of rabies, the in fecting dose is usually greater and drowsiness in the animal might be observed. I 6 Remember that we live in a section of the state where the incidence of rabies is very high and is getting higher. The vaccination of animals is the only sure method of control. Legion and Midgets Prepare for Tourneys at Plainview, Madison Schedules have been made for the Junior Legion and Midget teams for District 2, Class B. Both O’Neill teams will face first competition Sunday, the Midgets at Madison and the Junior Legion at Plainview. The Midgets will face Madison at 8 p.m. and the Junior Legion will go against Wausa at 1 p.m. Both tournaments are single loss and elimination with all games scheduled for seven innings. The 10-run lead at the end of the 5th or 6th inning will apply to all Midget games. Junior Legion teams competing include O'Neill, Wausa, Pierce, Atkinson, Crofton, Page, Pilger and Elgin. The winning team will play at Hooper in the Area B, Class B tourney July 26. Midget teams competing include O’Neill, Madison. Ewing, Elgin, Wausa. Pierce, Stuart and Bloom field. The winning team will play their Area B, Class B tournament at Hooper, July 26. ■ 29 Years Together for Pinochle Club Among members of the "Old Pinochle Club" in O’Neill are five members who have played to gether for 29 years. They include Mrs. Bob Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Loy and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grenier. The club met at Ford Park re cently and then were guests at the Loy home for more pinochle. The first meeting of the club, in 1930. was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva in O’Neill. William Art its of O’Neill has been awarded a certificate of merit by the Winona School of Photography for the completion of an intensive course on direct color in portraiture. He Is as sociated with the O’Neill Photo C». Honor New Pastor PAGE A large crowd gathered at the Methodist church here over the weekend to honor the Rev. Cecil Green, newly appointed pas tor of the Methodist church. The Rev. and Mrs. Green attend ed a dinner in their honor Sunday. Darrell Heiss gave the welcom ing address and a skit was pre sented in the afternoon SCHOLARSHIP Larry Frisch, a former employ ee of The Frontier and a student at the University of South Dakota has won a $100 scholarship. Larry is the son of Mrs. Ethel Frisch of O’Neill. Large Turnout Expected for Legion Air Show; Sky Kings to Perform O’Neill’s American I-egion Post will be hosts Sunday. July 26, to one of the nation’s greatest air shows, the Sky Kings. Archie Bright, commander of the local post, said arrangements to hold the largest crowd ever as sembled in this section of Nebras ka had been made. Gates at the municipal airport will open at 10 a.m. and the show will begin at 2:30 p.m., regardless of weather, he said. The Sky Kings air show is made up of stunt pilots and stunt men, including Major Arthur J. Davis of East Lansing, Mich ; Harold Krier, and many others. The air show also has Hollywood’s stunt man, Howard Libersky, who will come down the ladder of an air-1 plane and pick up a handkerchief one foot above the ground. Spectators will see parachute jumping, man-on-the-wing, trio aerobatics, solo aerobatics, novelty acts and an explorer satellite will be on display all day. The Air ' Force has been asked to send in military equipment. Very recently Hollywood sent a camerman to take pictures of the i show, which were used this past winter in a special TV picture en titled, “Danger is Our Business.” Bob Kramer Improved Robert Kramer, the son of Sgt. and Mrs '‘Bill” Kramer of O’Neill has returned from St. Joseph’s Mercy hospital in Sioux City. He suffered compound fractures of the leg and a broken arm in a bicycle-car accident June 30. He is reported in much improv ed condition. $24,000 Cost of Improvement The city council has declared t stale of emergency and ha» posed a resolution of necessity ti provide for a storm sewer m the city. The action came after discus-sw* with engineers in anticipation td laying pavement in the not tee weeks. A resolution of necessity can h* drawn, according to City Atiort*^ John (tallagher, when the ctunrJ believes a problem is smew enough to by-pass the usual 3k day delay necessary for ihe pane ing of an ordinance. The proposed sewer wiji consisl of cement and concrete pipes nod ds estimated cost is approximate ly $24,000. The resolution of necessity will tie considered by the mayor and council on August 4 at 7 p rtv adt City Hall. Objections to the age of the resolution will be tieard at that time. Engineers arrived in OMeffl Wednesday to liegin drilling the 280 foot well for the city. They arc expected to begin sometime ne*l week. Free European Trip For Former O'Neillite Mrs. Larry Parrott, formerly cl O’Neill, will accompany tier m» band, Larry Parrott, on an mire pense paid trip to Europe a n**j» will include a visit to the folk countries: Scotland, France, Switzerland, flat. Ger many and Denmark Mr. and Mrs. Parrott will ’< *v* Saturday, July 25, and will itrun Saturday, August 15. Parrott is a columnist jru ’in* Council Bluffs Non-Pareif u t a»as been given the trip to write a series of articles of his travels for publication. Mrs. Parrott is an X-ra> vrrfb nician at St. Joseph’s how/lal m Omaha for Dr. Kelley sr. She is the daughter of Mrs. Jess Scofiel# of 919 South first. The couple plan to visit ns th* east coast before returning Omaha. Soil Bank Farmers Get Reminder From Conservation Committee An eight-point reminder was as sued today by the Holt Soil Hank Conservation Committee to tarns ers who have entered into soil bank reserve contracts: A summary of the farmer -ar rancher’s responsibility at f-. prev ent time is as follows: 1. No crop of any kind may be harvested from conservation re serve land. 2. No grazing is permitted on aw* conservation reserve land 3. Vegetative cover must he es tablished and/or maintained tm conservation reserve land 4. If a conservation practice ha* been authorized for reserve kmi and the practice has not been es tablished by the designated date., notify the county office at oner 5. If all eligible land is m the conservation reserve, do ncr grow any soil bank base crops 6 If only part of the cugibiv land is in the conservation rwrw. do not exceed your acreage of soil bank base crops 7. Comply with any acreage alhft ment in effect on the farm. How ever, if you have a aflitt ment of less than 15 acres. j*w may raise as much as 15 »<•!»**; <4 wheat (or 30 acres under the J**4 wheat program) without rwnaUf provided you do not exceed yaw permitted acreage of soil twtrifc base crops. 8. Control noxious weeds on youi conservation reserve land. C.Lrppm* should be done when and where necessary but in the p»T>eeiw *t clipping be careful to pnrwa* avoidable destruction of wildlitas DEATHS For complete obituaries turn to the Inside pages. MRS. THOMAS ERWIN MIA RAY, 22, O'Neill, at M M» lliony’s hospital, July t. I nwr al held Saturday, July 11, ah St. Patrick’s Catholic churrV O’Neill. MRS. EMMA OOOVEB., Tfc, of Orchard, at homr^ **Hy T Funeral held Friday, July £•, at United Presbyterian chare* in Ewing. MISS ANNA VAN ZANI1T, A of Ewing, at Antelope- Merniwrat Hospital, July 12. Funeral hr It Wednesday at First MethodM church in Ewing.