Page News After 63 Years, Correspondent Writes Again For The Frontier rALit — remaps newspapering is most f a s c i n a t ing for the old and the young. It was a long time ago when Mrs Evelyn Gray. 75, first wrote for The Frontier, and now she's at it again. Mrs. Gray is The Frontier's new correspondent in the community of Page. "I remember when D. H. Cronin talked to me when I was just 13 years old,” she said. "He said he would give me a sub scription to the paper if I would write for the community of Mid dle Branch." "That was hack in 1897 when Middle Branch could boast of a school, store, post office and a grist mill,” she said fondly. Now after 63 years she’s at it again, calling people, getting pic tures and reflecting the spirit of her people in the columns. And if you think her writing is her only talent, all you have to do is take a quick glance at her gar den. It is, without question, one of the finest in Page. "My children are always trying to get me to give my garden up, but they don't understand how much pleasure it gives me,” she said By Mrs. Evelyn Gray The Page ball team played Or chard at Orchard last week win ning 12 to 1. Ronnie Asher came home with a broken arm but it will be taken care of due to the American Le gion, who carry insurance for the boys The team met the Ewing team Sunday on the Page diamond with the score being 7 to 2 in favor of Page team. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray and Mr. anil Mr*. A Hold Stewart left early July 4 to spend some time in the Black Hills. Reverend Green was in Page the past week calling on folks and getting better acquainted in the parish. Mrs. Carrie Townsend and Mrs. Dora Townsend called on Mrs. N. D. Ickes last Friday. The Mothers of the '56 gradua tion class of Page school sponsored a bridal shower in honor of Mrs. Dean Taylor in the Fellowship hall of the Methodist church June 31. J Mrs. Donna Beelaert and Mrs Florence French were in charge of entertainment. A get-acquainted game was enjoyed by all Miss Faye Rutherford was in charge of a skit, which told the love story of Dean and Elaine. Mrs. Taylor received many beauitfu) and useful gifts after which a de licious lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Cordes Walker and Mrs Evelyn Gray enjoyed a -1th of July picnic at the lktane Gray home near O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weyer and Mr. and Mr*. Evelyn Gray of Page remember* writing for The Frontier when she was IS year* old in the community known a* Middle Branch. After 62 year* she i* a newspaper woman again a* she began as a correspondent for The Frontier a short time ago. Mrs. Gene Baber and family, all of Plainview joined them for the day. Guests in the Soren Sorensen home for the 4th July were then son, Robert Sorensen of Omaha, Miss Nina Burival, Clayton Mess ner and daughter, Eleta, all of O'Neill. The Page Improvement club, met Monday evening in their club rooms with the new president, Mrs. Harry Harper, presiding Thirteen members answered roll call. During the business meeting, some new projects were discussed and tabled for later decision. Lunch was served by Mrs. Leila Snell and Mrs. Evelyn Gray. Next meeting will be August 3rd with Mrs. Frieda Asher and Mrs. Beulah Park as hostesses. Mr and Mrs. R. D. Copes went by bus to Ainsworth to spend the weekend with their son and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Copes. They returned home Sunday. Mr. und Mrs. Stan Silvers of Kearney come Thursday* to spend a few days in the I.. <<■ Itemholti home. __ Mr. and Mrs J. W Finch and their daughters, Marjorie and Mrs. Larry Taylor of Scotts Bluff spent Tuesday in Niobrara visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pease. The tractor division of the Hust lers 4-H club met at the home of Harold Melcher with Tom and Jim as hosts. All members were pre sent. Roll call was answered by nam ing an ajustment on a plow. The lesson was named "Hitch Your Tractor to a Plow." Mrs. Melcher served a delicious lunch. Next meeting to l>e with Bruce Bowen July 16 Miss Viola Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes and Mr. and Mrs. William Neubauer drove to Pil ger Sunday to spend the day with friends and enjoy a picnic dinner. Those whom they met were Lena Kirschmr, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Neisius and family and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wolerton and family. A picnic was held Friday eve ning in honor of little Stauffer's fifth birthday. Those attending were her family Mr and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer and brothers, Mr. ind Mrs. Harry Tegeler, Mr. and Mis. Allen Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Tipton, Mr. and Mds. Edgar Stauf fer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill, Miss Viola Haynes and Grandmother Stauffer. Marcia received many nice gifts. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes went to E. L. Miners near O’Neill Sat urday to spend the day and enjoy a 4th of July picnic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartigan and children of Nevada, Iowa, who have been visiting relatives in Page and Inman, the past week, left for home Sundny. Lloyd Cork and his mother, Mrs. Elsie Cork drove to Spencer re cently and were over-night guests in the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cork. Mr. and Mrs. John Sorensen and twin sons, Lloyd and Floyd. wcic ounua^ evening. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen Mrs. Ix?ila Snell and Mrs. Evelyn Gray, who spent last week visiting their cousin, Miss Effie Lewton and Mrs. Betty Luther in Des Moines. Iowa returned home Fri day, July 3rd. The American Legion auxiliary will hold its regular meeting Fri day evening, July 10th instead of the usual date July 13 as the Le gion and auxiliary district con vention will be held in Chambers July 10. Elmer Saltz has accepted the po sition of teaching tn Osceola when school starts this fall, lie will have the eighth grade and also coach. Mr. and Mrs. it. I). Stevens drove to Valentine July 4 for a visit and oiitinp with tlieir son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartigan, and children and Dick Cork from Iowa arrived in P*.ge July 4 and will spend some time with Mrs. Hartigan's mother, Mrs. Vivian Sternberg and other relatives. They will also visit his Mother, Mrs Mary Hardigan of Inman Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Irl Todd, Lynn, Nancy and Bonnie Heiss spent the Fourth of July in Neligh visiting Mr. and Mrs Todd’s parents and attending the celebration at River side park. The Royal Neighbors of America, held camp Wednesday evening in the I.O.O F. hall with 12 members answering roll call. After the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed. Mrs. Emma Doit of Milwaukee, Wis , and Mrs. Laura Asher of Minnesa ta were guesi». A delicious lunch was served by Frieda Asher and Pauline Nissen. Next meeting to be July 15. Miss Kathleen Walker returned last Friday from a weeks visit with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wey er and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baber and family at Plainview. Rev. and Mrs. Green and daugh ter. Pamela, were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. El mer Trowbridge June 28. The Get-to-getlrftr club met at the home of Mrs. Walter Sojka Friday afternoon, June 26. It GRAIN STORAGE ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1000-Bu. Sioux Steel Bin 1000-Bu. Builtup Wc:i Granary - | FOR REPAIR Dimension, Shiplap, Drop Siding, / Rough Boards, Shingles HAYING NEEDS Sweep Teeth—Oak and Fir | Select 4x6’s & 4x4’s | JUST ARRIVED SIOUX HOG FEEDERS See the NEW Feed Around! West Lumber & Coal Company PAGE, NEBR. PHONE 2651 was planted to tour O'NelU In the near future. Next meeting to be in the Page park July 10 with Mrs. (.other as hostess. Raymond Heiss helped move Reverend Green and family from Norfolk to the Methodist parson age in Page the past week Mrs. Emma Dorr, who spent some time visiting friends in and a round Page, left Friday for her home in Milwaukee, Wise. Mr. Hailord Albright and son. Sterling, who have employment in Moville, la. came Friday to spend a few nays with Mrs. Al • bright and other relatives and ' friends. The Bid-or-bye bridge club met Tuesday, June tuh at the home of Mrs. Jerome Allen. High prize was won by Mrs. Ralph Larson Mrs. Melvin Carson was a guest. Next meeting was to be with j Mrs. Harold Kelly yesterday. Word has been received that I Ruth Evelyn Mew maw , daughter jot Rev. and Mrs. Mewmaw of Ne ligh has entered the Methodist hos pital for major surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Frahm of O’Neill spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Frahm and Mrs. Frahm s father, Mr Carl Rabbass, who is making an extended visit in the Frahm home. The group drove to Neligh (or the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyler of Fremont visited Thursday amt Friday in the homes of Mr. and airs. C larence Much and Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Waring and family, who have been visiting re latives in and around Page, left Sunday, for their home in Fair bury. Mrs. Hester Edmisten, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and Lyle, and Miss Thelma Summers drove to Spring field, S. D. Sunday for a visit with Drmolil U'mdH fnrnilv Harold Heiss took his daughter, Mrs. Ross Kink and children to North Platte Sunday, to meet her husband. From there they will re turn to their home in La Fay ette, Wise. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Kilpatrick of Neligh were Thursday evening visitors at the W. Irl Todd home. Mrs Kilpatrick and Mrs. Todd are sisters. Those attending youth camp at Atkinson are Pat Suzanne and Peggy O'Brion and Jim Ruther ford Rev. and Mrs. Baty are the counselors at the camp. Mrs. Ba ty is the adult sponsor for the camp paper. A 4th of July picnic was held in the Page park Saturday. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss, Mr. and Mrs Raymond Heiss and Mrs. Ross Fink and children. A family picnic was held Sat urday in the Page park. Those attending were Mrs. Ethel Waring, Mrs. Alta Finch, Glen Waring and son, Keven, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pease and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Waring and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch, Miss Marjorie Finch, Mrs. Larry Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring, Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Godel, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Waring, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Heiss and family. Reception Planned The WSCS held their meeting n the Methodist church parlors Thursday July 2 with 27 members present. Mrs. Emma Dorr of Mil waukee, was a guest. Mrs. Goldie Stauffer led the de motions and gave the lesson on ouilding Christian character youth. She was assisted by several mem oers, who explained different de .clopments or a Youth Center. Mrs. Nellie Finch had charge of the meeting and called for a re port from the treasurer. Selec tions reported by the nominating committee were Mrs Vivian Stein >erg president for 1960, Mrs. Gol die Stauffer for 1961 and Mrs. Mil lie Kelly for 1962. Millie Kelly was designated secretary of spiri tual life department which was made vacant by the resignation of Mrs. Mewmaw. Geata Trowbridge accepted sta tus of Women School of mission to be in Lincoln August 17 to 21 at the Wesleyan University. Goldie Stauffer reported that a credit card had been received, on the study of Isaiah. It was decided to have a memorial tea and guest day about July 16. Florence French, Millie Kelly I>ella Heiss and Dona Trowbridge were appointed to plan a recep tion for the new minister, Rever end Green and family. A basket dinner will be served. Cards were sent to Ruth Evelyn Mewmaw, Mrs. Roy Wilson, and James Park ier. Mrs. Mae Copes and Mrs. H. |G. Kennedy served a tasty lunch. Girl Stater Gives Report The American Legion auxiliary Simonson Unit 93 met Wednesday, July 1, in the legion hall. Betty Jane Schneider, who was the girl stater from O'Neill pre sented a very interesting report of her activities in Lincoln during the week of June 14. Mrs. Dean Streeter, junior ac tivities chairman announced that the Junior auxiliary would meet July 11, because of the July 4th holiday falling on their regular meeting date. Mrs Robert Lowery, past pre sident acted as Installation officer for the installation of the newly elected officers. Following the in stallation the meeting was turned over to the new president, Mary Jurgensmeier. Mrs. Verne Reynoldsen, presi dent for the past year gave a re port of activities and business of the year. Hostesses were Mrs. A1 Hamik, Mrs. Dick Minton, Mrs. Gladys Cunnigham. Mrs. Clyde McKen zie and Mrs. Clyde Streeter. Hospital Notes A Atkinson Memorial Admitted—June 28- Mrs. Lyle Scholz of Chambers 30—Lyle Ad dison of Atkinson. July 1 — Mrs. Curtis Hook of Long Pine. 2- Mrs. Altheria Wicks of Atkinson; Mrs. Clara Clark of Atkinson; Mrs. Vi na Munson - Stuart. Dismissed: June 30—Mr. William Ulrich of Atkinson. July 2—Lyle Addison of Atkinson. 5—Mrs. Lyle Scholz and son of Chambers. Ewing News Outdoor Cookery Lesson Topic By Mr*. Harold Harris "Outdoor Cookery” was the ! theme of the lesson and demon stration for the Thursday meeting of the Facts and Fun Home Exten sion club when they met at the home of Mrs. Ray Tucker west of Ewing. t Tlie study pamphlets included topic on firebuilding, kinds of fire, fire safety, tricks of the trade and outdoor food. Members were divided into groups. "A coffee can meal" was prepared using foil instead of can. Other foods were baked beans with a barbecue sauce, another style of beans with wieners, "angel on horseback" ( a one inch cube of cheese wraped with a slice of bacon toasted and served on a bun, hollowed buns filled with a ground meat and cheese mixture, then toasted and s'mores (toasted marshmallows and hersey choco lates served on graham crackers I All the food prepared was served on a picnic table on the lawn of the Tucker home. A relish plate, tossed salad, coffee and iced tea made the meal complete. The homemakers found this les son of particular interest with the picnic season at its height and with more and more families taking ad vantage of outdoor cookery as a group project. Eleven members and five guests, Mrs. Bob Jones and son, Mrs. Lyle Tucker and Ricky and Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle were present. Arthur Fleming left Sunday to itriuill iu XHiuiiLajA/uo, avanun, auci spending the holiday weekend with his daughters Gail and Kay Flem ing and their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woepple. Kathy and Jo Ann Edwards were overnight guests Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tom jack and family. Miss Bernadine Rotherham of Lincoln was a weekend guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham. A picnic dinner followed by an informal afternoon and a fireworks display in the evening was the fourth of July celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munn and family at their home with the following : guests, Mr. and Mrs. Frank David son and children of Culver City, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and children, all of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and family brought his mother, Mrs. Anna Miller, who had l>een their guests for about three weeks, to | her home in Ew ing on Thursday I and remained for the holiday w'eek lend. The Millers returned to Oma ha on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban returned home Sunday from a western vaca tion trip. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph j Shrader and family. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muff, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cuddy and chil dren, all of O'Neill. Mrs. Lorraine Wright, the Misses Bethyl, Vera Del and Sherry Daniels, all of Ew ing. Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies visited Miss Minnie Neiderheide at Clearwater on Thursday. Mrs. Anna Miller ln»e in Ewing to visit them. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Gra ver. Dennis is in the navy. Mr. and Mrs. James Gunter and children from Illinois were Wed nesday guests at the Dewitt Gun ter home. , _ . , Mr and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Mr and Mrs. Alfred Napier and children were Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Dewitt Gunter where they had a display of fireworks. Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard returned from Omaha on Friday where they had spent the week. While there they also attended the •wedding of a relative. Mrs William Schindler of Oma ha spent a few days at the home Mr and Mrs. Martin Van Conet and her father, George Burke. Mrs. Schindler is visiting at the home of her son, Earl Schindler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies were six o’clock dinner guests at the home of his brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boies of Plainview. Mrs. Rose Bauer and family ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies of Hastings on Sunday where they visited The House of Yester day. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schrad during the weekend were his cousin and wife, I Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bigge and fam i ily of Petersburg and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yokum of Elgin. Mrs. Yok j um is a sister of Mr. Schrad. Mrs. Wibla t'arr, Pat and Son ■ nie, IlnUlredge, and Duane Bur ton o! kearnt ), s|»ent the holitlax ; weekend xxith her father, M. H. Dierks and other relatives in Ewing, Paul Water of Omaha spent the weekend with his wife and her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sanders and family of Laurel spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fioyd Lee and his mother, Mrs. Caroline Sanders and other relatives in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. M. Conley, opera I tors of the L and M Cafe have dis posed of their place of business, due to the ill health of Mr. Conley. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd, their daughter Judy and Russell Napiei went to Meadow Grove on Sunday where they attended the golden wedding anniversary of his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buffington of Mesa, Arizona, held at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Halsey. Mr. Cloyd remained oxer night. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matts of Norfolk were guests on Saturday I at the home of her narents Mr and Mrs. John Angus. Merle Angus of Lincoln came to spend (he weekend with his wife and family at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ixiyd Angus and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. \Vats
  • ent the weekend visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby. Kenneth Kestenholtz, who is em ployed at Valentine, spent the weekend with his family. Miss Gayle Noe, Waterbury, is visiting her uncle and aunt. Dr. and Sirs C. W. Alexander, for a few day s Raymond Heck. Ewing, spent a few days this week with his sis ter. Mrs. Kenneth Kestenholtz. O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. A. L Eymann were in Tilden Saturday evening for a family picnic at the Adolph Rittschers home Mrs. Charles Green and children, who have lieen visiting at the home of her parents, the D. N. Loys, re turned to their home In Seattle, Mr. and Mrs W. H. Kubichek and Dav id are here from Casper, Wyoming, with his mother, Mrs. Susan Kubichek. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eppenbaeh returned Monday from a four dav trip to the Black Hills. They vis ited relatives in Buffalo Gap en route. Mr and M-s. Richard Loy and family of Wood River, Illinois, vis ited the weekend of the Fourth with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Loy. Randy and .leff Eymann spent several days last week at the Ray mond Springer home in Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Humrich were weekend guests at the home of her sister and family. Mi and Mrs William Lyders in Minneapo lis. Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs I>on Maw were Saturday guests of his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oelt jen of Creston. Announcement We proudly announce we now hold the ADMIR AL Appliance Franchise along with our Maytag Appliance Franchise, to give you a complete line of Quality Appliances—all available at Krotter's. Admiral's name in refrigeration, freezers and ranges is well known in this area. We promise to give you top service in this new line. Stop in and see the all new Admiral Appliance Line at SPECIAL GET-ACQUAINTED PRICES ! pHB IN ONE ■■■■■ fKcu» 4^41 :--i>rf=r—^iiM \ 1959 A clmiraf dual temp Admiral 2-Door Dual Temp 12 Cubic Ft. gross capacity FREEZER ON TOP Admiral quality Dual-Temp at a money saving price! True Sub-Zero Freezer at top safely stores and freezes 70 lbs. frozen food. "Moist Cold" refrigerator keeps foods fresher longer. "Built in” design. Two separate, cold saving outside doors. Admiral 2 -Door Dual-Temp 12 Cubic Ft. gross capacity FREEZER AT THE BOTTOM Famous Admiral "upside down” model. "Moist Cold” refrigerator on top for extra convenience. True Sub-Zero Freezer stores 94 lbs. frozen food for months. Two sepa rate outside doors with handy, recessed shelves. Two quality appliances in one! Only 329.95 with trade Only 359.95 with trade laay Budget Term*. Pay only M.M ■ week. Admiral mark of quality throughout thb world ' Wm. KROTTER, CO. West O’Neill Phone 531 MAYTAG & ADMIRAL SALES & SERVICE