Bristow News lb Rownmn Johnson A birthday party was held at the, Larry Bowers home Monday to celebrate Larry Neil Bowers first birthday Those prcra*nt were Mrs. Thomas Bowers and Karen, Mrs. Olga Johnson Mrs Evelyn Bat cher. Roby and Julie and Harold Dean Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Londberg' and Shirley. Rrad and Leslie An derson, and Bill Brandt came from Omaha to spend the 4th of July weekend at the Ed Dreher home. Mr. and Mrs Vernon Johnson and family spent the 4th of July weekend at the W. R. Bailey home at Valentine. Mr. and Mrs J. E. Lightfoot and ■ Peterson 'wen dinner guests at the Chore home the 4th. Earnest Londberg and Shirley and Bill Brandt returned to Oma ha Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lond berg and Brad and Leslie Ander son will stay here for a longer vis it. Mr and Mrs. Earnest Chore were Sunday evening visitors at the Howard Anderson home. Fourth of July dinner and sup per guests at the Ed Dreher home were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bostrom, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Londberg and Shirley, Bill Brandt, and Brad and Leslie Anderson Carolyn Dwiquist spent the even ing there. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hiatt and Donna attended a family picnic at the Fort Randall park Satur day. Many from Bristow attended the golden wedding celebration of the Dave Andersons at the Rose dale Covenant church Harold I>ean Johnson has spent this past week visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Johnson. Mrs. Olga Johnson and Mrs. ««. i. . _ ..Ai>n M.inilnr Min. ner guests at the Evelyn Boettcher home. Mrs. Stanley Kocian and family, Christine and Randy Harris, Miss Cora Lee, and Mrs. Howard De Vall enjoyed cake and ice cream at the Veldon Lee home Tuesday honoring Douglas on his birthday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stauffer were luncheon guests there in the eve ning. Mr and Mrs. Pete Ruda and family and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Peterson and Janice were Sunday dinner guests at the Gottfred Dan ielson home. Mr and Mrs. Bud Snider spent the Fourth at the Ben Nelson home. _ ... Callers on Mrs J. T. Olson this week were Mr. and Mrs. Don Ol son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lindgren and family. Mrs Eugene Martinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts, all of Fairfax; Mr nnd Mrs Ted Olson and family of Spencer; Mrs. Floyd Sanders and Mrs. Duane Sanders of O'Neill; Mr. and Mrs Vincent Olson and Shirley of Atkinson; Mrs. Warren Fusselman, Mr and Mrs. Maurice Korb. Mrs. C G. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs Harry Johnson, Mrs Melvin Johnson. Mrs. Dorothy Johnson and Lavonne, and Mrs Marvin Peterson. Mr and Mrs. Dw ight McGill and boys and Mrs. John Truman were *- 'Sunday afternoon callers at the John i.ightfoot home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hafsaas, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris and girls, and Mr. and Mrs. Undimer Schein ost and family picnicked at the Fort Randall park Saturday. Mrs Ray Beers, Mrs. Martha Pah! and Larry Milacek returned , Monday after sending three weeks on the West Coast. Mrs. John Lightfoot and Mrs. Claire Van Hove spent Wednesday, July 1, with Mrs. Bainbridge. Mr and Mrs. Joe Mach and family and Mr and Mrs Leonard Mach and family of Winnetoon; Mr and Mrs. Wesley Mach and family of Creighton; Mr. and Mrs Gay Hull and family of Lynch; Miss Christina Connot. Mrs. Rose Wilson, and MVs Josie Sedivy of Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Con Thor ell and girls, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beckner were dinner and supper guests at the Adolph Sed ivv home on the 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker visit ed at the home of Mrs. Martha Pahl. , , Mr and Mrs * red Kraft spent the weekend at the Bob Carr home in O'Neill. itf.... lr nnrnmnflniPf] Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruegman to Norfolk Friday where she visited at the Louis Novak home. Pastor Benard Nelson, Larry, Ruda. Jerry Hamilton and Lanny -RODEO JULY 19 at 2 P.M. 0BERM1RE RANCH (North of Stuart) Matched Saddle Bronc Riding FULL DETAILS IN NEXT ISSUE Anderson left for a week of boy's camp at Covenant Cedars Thurs day afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Lawson lightfoot and Nancy were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Lightfoot. Sunday dinner guests at the Ray Long home were Mr and Mrs. Robert Whetham. Mr. and Mrs Willard Landholm and family, Mr and Mrs Mel Jay Long and Ran dy, Mrs. Martha Roark and Mrs Glen Taylor of Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. F.dwood Martin son and boys. Mrs. Dorothy John son and Lavonne, and Mr and Mrs. Dave Landholm enjoyed a picnic at the Bristow park the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hafsaas spent Saturday at the Ladimer Sehein ost home. Mr and Mrs. Adolph Soukup and family took George to Omaha Saturday wfiere he left by train for Long Beach. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Peterson went to Covenant Cedars Friday and were accompanied home by Lois Hamilton. Phyllis Johnson. Shirley Ruda, Vemelle Ruda and Janice Peterson Mr and Mrs. Harry I .a ns worth and Joanne. Mr and Mrs. Aaron Boshart, Mrs. Dwight Hammerlun and Children, Mrs Claire Van Hove and Delores and Mrs. Goldie Berg spent Sunday at the Arden Berg home Mr. and Mrs Maurice Korb and family spent the weekend at the homes of Marion Delfs and Harry Delfs of Clearfield, S D. Miss Cora I-ee spent the first of the week at the Veldon lee home. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight McGill and boys of Center spent Sunday with Mrs. Edith Truman. Mrs. Veldon lee spent Wednes day at the Harlan Holz farm Pastor and Mrs Benard Nelson and Lowell and Pastor and Mrs Elroy Anderson and family en joyed a picnic at the O'Neill park Saturday, the Fourth. Mrs. Emily Peterson was a Sun day dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Peterson and Janice Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Lightfoot and Nancy, Mrs. Marguerite Rowe and Nancy, Elizabeth Thomson, mi , anu 1*110. u• r» vuoiv ■ and Mrs. John Lightfoot spent July 1 evening at the Frank Brueg man home honoring Mrs. Lawson Lightfoot on her birthday. Mr and Mrs. R. C. Barta of Scottsbluff spent Saturday after noon at the Willard I-andholm home. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Gehlsen and family were Sunday evening vis itors at the Ledimer Scheinost home. Mr. and Mrs. John Lightfoot called on Mr and Mrs. Walt Wells Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Russ Lindsay and son of Wayne were Wednesday evening visitors at the Bon Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scheinost and l>oys spent Monday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. I-adimer Scheinost and family. LADIES CONTRIBUTE TO HOME The Trinity Lutheran AI-CW held their regular meeting in the church parlors Thursday, July 2. Pastor Nelson led scripture and prayer. Mrs. Con Thorell. the president, conducted the business meeting. Ladies were asked to bring their old nylon hose to be sent to the Emmanuel Home. A motion was also made to send $10 for their needle work. Mrs. Evelyn Boettcher was the leader of the program. The topics used were: "The Christian Cit izen”, "Government Is Our Busi ness", and “The Obligation to Know". She was assisted by Mrs. Con Thorell, Olga Johnson, Mrs. Ed Preher, Mrs. John Bowman, Mrs. Renard Nelson, Mrs. Fred Ruda, Mrs. Carl Nygren, and Mrs. Harry Ruda. Hostesses were Mrs Lawrence Remter, Mrs. Harold Swanson and Mrs. Art r rectrtcKson. HOMEMAKERS MEET The Rristow Homemakers club was held at the home of Mrk. Frank Bruegman with 11 members and two visitors present. The Home Extension Creed was read and Mrs. E. A. Chore led the singing. Mrs. Bill Loukota, the president, conducted the business meeting. Mrs. Vernon Johnson gave a re port on the tour to Sioux Falls. Mrs Johnson also gave the lesson on "Mentally Retarded Children". It was decided that no meeting will be held in July and August. The next meeting will be held in September with Mrs. Dave Land holm as hostess. Mrs. Bruegman served lunch. Atkinson News By Special correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and Dennis were July 4th dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth and Doretta went to Valentine Satur day to spend the 4th of July week end with their son and family. Mr. anil Mrs. Ivan Roth and to attend the celebration. Scott Carlson came last Tues day to spend a few days at the home of his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. William VVefso. Mrs. George Frohardt enter tained the Atkinson Iris Society members at her home on July 1 with an 8:45 breakfast. Fifteen members answered roll call. Mrs. Fred Jungman had charge of the lesson on. "Do's and Dont's in Planting Iris.” Next meeting j will be on July 13 at the home of ! Mrs. Charles Radke. Roll call will tie answered with a flower verse. Laura Stahlecker. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Henry Stahlecker l of Naper was a guest in the Elmer MeCturg home from Wednesday SEE THE PONTON AGENCY And Ask About the New Lower Rates in Traveler's Insurance 3 WAY SAVINGS ON AUTO INSURANCE ! until Sunday, visiting her friend Donna McClurg. Mrs. Earl Coxbiil and daughter. Betty entertained at a 9:30 coffee on Thursday morning in honor of Carol Schultz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Schultz. Miss Schultz will be married on August 16 to Richard Cross of Sioux City. Misses Shirley Halstead. Beth Kuehn. Shirley Olson and Connie Hitchcock were hostesses to a mis cellaneous shower Wednesday eve ning at the Park House in Atkin son for Mrs Robert Collins. Mrs. Collins was Carolyn Frickel before her marriage and attended Atkin son high school last year. Games were played and prizes won by Miss Mickey Gilbert anil Charlotte Halstead. About twenty young ladies attended. Mrs. Collins is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Connie Frickel. Dennis Colfack was an over night guest in the home of his friend. Rodney Dobias Saturday night lie returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kazda are modernizing their home in east At kinson. New cabinets were in stalled last week and water sy stem installed. The Atkinson City Park was the scene of a near capacity crowd Sunday when many groups gath ered at the park with picnic bas kets. rounding out their fourth of July weekend of activities and en joying the accomodations of the swimming pool. Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Johnson and Karen and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Puckett and Susan were among those picnieing at the city park the fourth of July. The Atkinson Civic Improvement Garden club will meet Wednes day at 1:30 p m. at the steak house with Mrs. Mabel Griffin as hos tess. A Chinese auction will be held. Roll call will be, “Interesting Facts About Birds." Mr. and Mrs. George Zaruba of Cario were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson. Sunday they drove to Ga vins Point dam sight-seeing re turning by way of Ft. Randall dam. The Zarubas lived in Atkinson for about two years lie fore moving to Cario about a year ago. The Johsons and the Zaruba families originally came from Ogallala. The Johnsons own and operate the Wheel Inn Motel in Atkinson. Mrs. Joe Hoppes of Burwell came Thursday and spent a couple of davs visiting in the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mills. Max and Susan Mills spent Sun day \isiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken sr. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Anson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ellsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ellsbury, Mr and Mrs. Don Mills, all ot Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Meininger of Omaha spent Sunday at Ft. Ran dall dam. sight seeing, picnicing and water skiing. Fourth of July dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mc Connell were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zahradnicek of Scotts Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer McConnell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Richard McConnell and daughter. Mrs. Za hradnicek is a sister of Mrs. Eli McConnell. Richard McConnell flew to At kinson last Thursday to spend a long weekend with his wife and other relatives. He is employed by a construction company at Newcastle, Wyo., and his wife is spending an extended vacation with friends and relatives. Dick returned to Newcastle Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krysl and Ronnie and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Krysl and Jim and Ron, went to Gregory, So. Dakota Saturday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krysl Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stude of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Krysl and Vernie Krysl were also there to spend the 4th of Ju Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anson and Mr. and Mrs. Orland Anson and family spent the 4th of July in O'Neill with Mr. and Mrs. Leland Anson. The group enjoyed a picnic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson and family joined the group in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Walnofer and family were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anson. Mrs Pauline Davis. Mrs. Kath erine Freed and Mrs. Jennie Mli nar accompanied Mrs. Beatrice Everetts to Stuart Saturday eve ning to watch the fireworks dis * Mrs. Lyle Fix and children and Mrs. Doris Baker of Amelia spent Monday afternoon visiting at the home of Mrs. Ethel Brown in At kinson. „ Robert Porter of t remont spent the weekend in Atkinson, visiting with his brother Charlie Porter. He also visited in the Homes oi Mr. and Mrs. Arlan Brown and Albert Lemmer. Terry and Cindy Brown, children of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown went with their grandmother. Mrs^ Austin Hynes to Ravenna, to spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Young and family Mrs. Young is Mrs. Hynes’ daughter. On Monday Mrs. Hynes brought the children to Atkinson and they visited their other grandmother. Mrs. Ehel Brown while she atten ded the funeral of John Damero. After the funeral Mrs. Hynes took the children to their home. Their parents, had spent the 4th of Julv weekend at Fairfax, S. D. Sharon Osborne, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Richard Osborne jr., is spending a week with her un cle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs Leo nard Troshynski. Mrs. Trashynski and Mrs. Osborne are sisters. Nick Schmit. Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Troshynski. Francis Troshy nski. Jim Steinhouser. Catherine Schmit and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Osborne jr.. attended the Amelia dance on June 26. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! o o I Venus News Venus Correspondent Visits Canada on Tour Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhou ser returned June 1 to Sioux City from Detroit, Mich., where they were met by their son, Ray. The previous week they had ac companied thetr son-in-law and daughter, Warrant Officer and Mrs. James Border and children of Quantico, Va., to Detroit where they were guests at the home of Mrs Brookhouser s sister, Mrs. Lou Small and Mr. Small. The weekenv was spent at the sum mer lodg' of the Small's at Port Huron, a distance ot about 60 miles from Detroit. Also weekend guests were Mr. Small's mother, Mrs. Bess Bartick of New' York, Mr. and Mrs Lumir Sokol and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hayes and children of Detroit. Water skiiing and boat riding was enjoyed. The Brookhousers and the Bor ders were taken to Canada by Mr and Mrs. Small where they visited the city of Sarnia which is locat ed on tiie St Clair river. Many gas and oil refineries are located here. 1 Preparations were being made for the visit of Queen Elizabeth on July 3 and flags were being displayed on many buildings. Ships were also plying the river harbor and one large ship from Sweden had already come up the St. Lawrence seaway. It was here that we crossed the Blue Water bridge into Canada and to meet the friendly Canadian people. I Another day we were taken on a tour of th Pontiac plant at Pon tiac, Mich. Guests are loaded into small trains equipped with loud speakers and taken for a half mile tour which takes about one hour Thirty-six were in our group. ttMf'1 truclo; and Pontiac blocks i were being made at the speed of 100 each hour. The cars are as sembled from start to finish and we were told that 12,000 people are employed at this plant. On June 29 we attended the In ternational Freedom festival. WO Border returned to Virginia on June 30. Mrs. Borden and chil dren will visit another iwo weeks with the Smalls Mrs. Small and Mrs. Border had planned to at tend the celebration for the Queen of England on July 3. Mrs. Joseph Asher and children of Portland, Ore., arrived at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Bryan Finch on June 25. Mr. and Mrs. Finch met the family at Grand Island. They visited at the Val Pitchier home while there. Mrs. Ora Caskey and Larry helped at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Porter on Thursday. Mr. Porter suffered a slight heart attack the previous Satur day He is under the doctor's care. Larry remained with his grand parents. Mrs. William Buxton entertain ed the Help-U club at her home on July 1. Eleven members were present. Mrs. Buxton served din ner at noon. The afternoon was spent in doing needle-work. Mrs. Ethel Waring was award ed the door prize. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Ralph Brook houser. Arthur Von Seggren underwent major surgery at a Norfolk hospi tal June 29. Mr. and Mrs. Von Seggren operate the Venus store The Work and Fun club held their annual club picnic June 28 at the Archie Cleveland farm south west of Ewing. Mrs. Cleveland is a former member of the club. A nice group attended and a good time was reported. 30 Ranchers See Deferred Pasture At Inman Ranch The tour of the Nebraska Sec tion of the American Society of Range Management on June 24, 1959 was attended by 30 ranchers, farmers and 4-H Club members i7i nun The first stop was at the Ira Watson ranch west of Inman where a 1958 seeding of native grass was inspected. Mr. Winnental from Germany was introduced by Mr. Ronald Gus tafson, the Boyd Couty Extension Agent. Mr. Winnental is visiting the farms and ranches in Boyd county for two weeks. He gave a short talk contrasting the German and American procedures in the farming and dairying operations. The next stop was at the Wal- j ter Pick ranch south of Inman. Hr. Fick discussed a native pas ture that lias been deferred for 3 years. The better producing na tive grasses were breaking up the Blue grama sod and crowd ing out the keeds that were tak ing over the pasture. The group drove to the Sylves ter Bahm ranch north of Ewing to inspect an experimental seeding of native grasses in 40 inch rows planted this spring. The shallow furrows planted on the contour not J only reduced the competition of undesirable plants but also held Ihe moisture from rains on the hill sides. This method of planting na tive grasses appears to be proving out successful as the row's of na tive grasses are growing rapidly. The pasture had been, over grazed in the past and after" three years of deferment, it showed prac tically no improvement. So to bring the pasture back into pro duction sooner, Mr. Bahm decided to re-seed it to native grasses. The final stop of the tour was at the Harry Van Horn ranch north of Ewing. The proper man- j agement and deferment of na tive pastures and meadows was discussed by Mr. Van Horn and other members of the group. Refreshments were furnished by the Holt Soil & Water Conservation District and Mr. and Mrs. Van Horn. After the refreshments, Gary Fick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fick, gave a short speech entitled. "As the Green Grass Grew all Around.” Church Notes METHODIST t HI Kt IIES O'Neill and Emmet Rev* »denn Keiuilcott, minister O’NEILL Thursday Prayer Circle, 10:00 ant., Claude Bates home; WSCS, 2:00 pm. Fridav Dorcas, 2 00 p.m Sunday Morning worship servi ces at 8 30 a m and 11:00 a.m. with Mr. Floyd Root, district lav leader, as guest speaker; Church school. 9:45 a.m EMMET Sunday Childrens Sunday school and morning worship 9:40 a.m. Floyd Root, district lay lead er, will he the guest speaker. Jehovah's Witnesses O’Neill Carl F. Andersen Carl F Andersen, presiding min ister of Jehovah's Witnesses, a fl ounced July 6 that the O'Neill con gregation of Jehovah s Witnesses has been invited to attend a four day convention to be held July 16 to 19 at the Pennington county fairgrounds in Rapid City. S P. Mr. Andersen will head the local delegation of about seven persons } Mr. Andersen said all local meetings will be canceled Julv 14 ,19. First Prcsbx terian church O’Neill lie\. Juhn I.. Hart Pastor Sunday Church School, 9:45 a. jin.; morning worship. 11 00 a.m. Monday Bible study. 3 pm Wednesday Choir, 7 p.m. Bethany Presbyterian Church Near Chambers Rev. John 1- Hart, Pastor Sunday—Morning Worship. 0:30 a.m.; Church School, 10:30 a.m. IMTEli PHF.SKVTKRI W 1 xx illg William II. Kims Pastor Sunday Bible school 10 a.m.; Sermon- "Living with Faith, Hope, Charity", 11 a.m., by Floyd But terfield; youth felloxvship, 7 p.m. [Junior felloxvship, 7 p.m.; singspira [ rion, 8 p.m. Rejiort of Hastings ! Meetings by Mr. and Mrs. Gunter. Monday Choir practice. 8 p.m. Wednesday Prayer and study f Catechism, 8 p.m., Wilbur Ben nett. leader. THE FRONTIER. O'Neill, Nrl Thursday. July 16 Women’s Missionary Society. 2 p.m CHRIST IJTHKRAN CHI RCH Sc\ enth and (lay Streets Rev. A. S. (inlwiilii. Pastor Thursday Ladies' Aid meeting. S p.m. Sunday Divine worship. 9 am; Sunday school, 10:15 am W Frieke, supt.; Second quarterly meeting of the voting assembly. 2 p.m.; "The Lutheran Hour" on WJAG, 4 p.m. IMMANIKI. LFTtlKRW Atkinson K v. V S. (■iHlnillti, Pastor Sunday Sunday school. 9 45 m. s. il Hrauer, supt.; Divine worship, 11 a m ; "The Lutheran Hour" on WJAG, 4 p.m. Monday Second quarterly meet ing of tlie congregation, 8 p.m. lienionstriite Tossed Salad Swan leakers club met Fridav night, June 26 at the home of Mershon Lierman. All but one member was present. We an swered roll call with the name or breed of our calf We decided _ to have our next meeting very~“cventful: A styk show for the girls in their 4-11 outfit and bring our calves and show them. The junior leaders will help to show Iho calves. After Wi finish with the meeting we will irtuka, Thursday. July 9, 1959 have a wiener roast, Pemonstrat tions were gi\en by Janet Ganmod anti Joy Thompson on measuring anti by Mershon t.iermann an# Sharon Watson on making a toss*# salad. After the meeting was adjourned we were lead in games by our re ct'eation leaders, Janet Garwoo# and Virginia Bilstien. Shirley Given and Kaye Garwood are re creation leaders for the next mee% ing. ,4ext meeting is scheduled !u» August 7. A lunch of cake an# sandwiches was served. Shirley Green, repot ter WAKRAMA IlH ItS Wit Louis C. Harley to ltiati K Miller X \xt 6-24-59 $4200- lob 3-4 X 5- Blk G- Attains Honie.xifcr Chambers. Wl> Emma Lidgett to Emma 1 Paul Lidgett 6-8-59 $1 tails 1-2-5 7-6-9-11M1 X 12 Blk 6- Cooke* Ad* Chambers. Wit Emma I.idgett to Ernst* A Paul Lidgett 6-8-59 $1-SWV« 1*25-11 Wl' Emma ladgett to Krntva 4 Paul Lidgett 6-8-59 $1 South kt> 24 acres of the S\Y11 See 4-25-12 WD The ran C Bogue to Gee trade J. West 6-22-59 Si-Lot t IU» 17- Bitneys Add-Atkinson. Wl> Tillie Cearns to Harry W Mlinar X wf 6-22-59 $16,(X)0-NKts 31-29-15. LAYAWAY OF Favorite Fashions for the 7 to 14 Size Set! Ready For Back to School! ( GLOWING AUTUMN PRINT ( Easy-care polished cotton has a novel iridescent effect print. Solid color cummerbund. Red or blue Free-and-Easy Shirtwaist Solid color cotton in red or blue. Three-quarler sleeves ruching trim, ““ Plaid 'n Solid Teammat* 1-piece dress with full plaid cotton skirt and Ac rilan<*> jersey top. Ited/ navy or turquoise. Style Plus Wear Equals These 3 to 6X Frocks! With Easy-on-Mom Washabilityl % _ J "Rub 'n Tub" Shirtwaist Easy-care cotton has solid col ored bodice front with noveily tucks, bold plaid skirt and sleeves. B— 2-piece Sweater £>resj Gotten knit sweater has lace < and plaid trim to match the colorful cotton plaid dress. Colors: Turquoise or orange. * _ 1 | SEE THESE FASHIONS IN OUR WINDOWSJ o ° o o O . ° o r o o