The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 09, 1959, Image 2

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    Mr. and Mrs. Frank LeMunyun last week celebrated their Both
•raiding anniversary. A large family dinner was served at the
Methodist church parlors In Atkinson. Brady Photo. The Frontier
Le Munyans Feted
on 50th Anniversary
Mi and Mrs Frank LeMunyan,
«An Cved on a farm in the Green
Valley community most of their
Sum. were honored by 145 guests
■t an open house on their 50th
•eddu*; anniversary. The open
Onusi' was held in the Methodist
Charch Parlors in Atkinson.
A dkrge family dinner was
«rrv*'it at nvon for relatives and
ft guests. Present were their
ffaw children, Robert and Ray of
/tlkinson. Mrs. Klmer (Lucille)
Mbertling. Stuart, and Mrs. Glen
(Aufahi Douglas of l,enna*. la.
Ughteen of their twenty grand
rfnMiiw were also present.
Mr LeMunyan was born in
At an ton, la., the son of Mr. and
«rs M P I^eMunyan. The fam
4k moved to Kansas, and later
m»ved to a farm southwest of At
kinson where his son Robert now
lives. Mr. LeMunyan served as
treasurer of the school l>oard in
Green Valley for 35 years. He was
Green Valley township assessor
for 12 years.
His wife, the former Victoria
Kuhart, was horn in Chicago. She
moved to Atkinson with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Kuhart, when she was a child.
After working for a year in Chi
cago, she returned to Atkinson
where she was employed in a dry
goods store.
Mr. and Mrs. LeMunyan were
married at the home of her par
ents June 29. 1909. The Kubart
home was where Charles Kubart
now farms southwest of Atkinson.
James Kubart and Lillian Wads
worth were the attendents, and
were present at the celebration
Monday. Th minister who of
ficiated at the wedding ceremony
was the Rev. J. M. Folden. I
Amelia Newt
By Florence I Iwtowy
Vicki Doolittle, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Tommie Doolittle, re
eseved a painful injury an her side
when an arrow which was shot up
to the air struck her as it came to
toe ground. Five stitches were ta
ken to close the wound.
Bruce Waldo cut his Coot quite
taffy when he stepped on some
taken glass while playing in
tonetia July 1. His parents, Mr.
and Mrs Lloyd Waldo, took him
to the doctor and six stitches
were taken.
Lee Gilman was able to leave
(be hospital the last part of the
week. He suffered broken ribs, a
punctured lung and a broken bone
to his ankle when his pickup upset
with him
Women's Society of Christian
fcrvice met Wednesday. July 1
at the home of Mrs. Edith Ander
sen Eight members were present
Mrs. LJoyd Waldo led the devo
tfonais and Mrs. Edith Andersen
gave the lesson on “Travels in the
Far East ’.
Roll call was answered by opin
ions on causes of juvenile del in
Mrs. Bertha Sammons, Mrs Lew
Sackhaus and Mrs. Lindsey serv
ed lunch.
Miss Uniola Adams, a mission
ary from Liberia, Africa, showed
slides and gave a talk at the Meth
sdist church Thursday evening.
Refreshments of cookies and cof
fee were served after the meet
Miss Dorothy Fisher returned
home Thursday morning from Se
attle. Wash., where she visited her
cuter and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs Lynn Myers, the past three
weeks. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Fisher, met her in Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fullerton left
Wednesday morning, July 1, to
return to their home at Lancaster,
Chtif En route they visited over
Wednesday night with the Law
rence Barnetts at Greeley, Cblo.
Sgt. Clyde Primus flew op from
Junction City, Kans., and spent
fee weekend with the Defeert Ed
wards family.
Rev. Frauds Prim was a ga
anr guest at Aatea grates* flaw
V, and Mrs. Jack MRtun at
Denver, Cblo., arrived Monday at
fee H. S. and Glenn White homes.
Jack is helping in the hay Odd.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson
spent the 4th of July weekend with
feeir daughter and min law, Mr.
and Mrs Wilfred Hatch, at Fort
Collins, Goto.
Clayton Burge and Miss Lew
eflyn Freeland at
were married Jo
They will
feeir home in s pro
perty, formerly the Ed. White*
home. Mr. Burge owns a ranch
near Swan Lake and Mrs .Burge
is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Freeland, former residents
in the Swan Lake community.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett and
Wayne were dinner guests Sunday
with their daughter and son-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cuddy
in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman
and Marcia spent the July 4th |
weekend at Ainsworth with the |
Fancher family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bimbo Molley of
Omaha spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo. They
all visited at the Frank Pierce
home Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brau of
Omaha came July 4 and visited
until Monday with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs Emsley Barrett of
Brunswick and Mrs. Lybolt of
Chambers visited Mr. and Mrs.
S. C. Barnett Sunday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge
spent July 4 at the Ernest Youngs
near Chambers.
Mr. and Mrs Herman Medlin of
Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. Cody
Medlin attended the 4th of July
picnic of the Doolittle families held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Fullerton. Among the families
present were Tom Doolittle, sr.,
Marvin Doolittle, Dick Doolittle,
Art Doolittle, Bernie Kennedy, Art
Waldman and Lonnie Sparks.
The Free Methodist Sunday
school held their annual 4th of
July picnic at Swan Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thompson
planned to take their son, Ronnie,
to an Omaha hospital Sunday
where he would undergo surgery
for a growth which affected his
nose and ears.
Mr. and Mrs Hienie Frahm and
family and Mrs. Maude Forbes
spent the 4th with relatives near
Several families gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Fryrear for a 4th of July picnic.
Present were Mr and Mrs.
Frank Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Lew
Backhaus, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fry
rear, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Johns
ton and nephew, Richard Wehland,
Mrs. Lindsey and Florence and
Mrs. Edith Andersen.
Mr. and Mrs Dick Brau came
later in the afternoon.
Mnt. Stella Sparks, Mrs. Ger
tie Adair, Mr. and Mrs. Bus
Enbody and family of Atkinson,
..Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bllstien and
Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Tommie
Doolittle were 4th of July guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ballagh.
Pine Grove Hustlers 4-H club
met at the Lloyd Waldo home at
9 a.m., June 26 and from there
Miss Myrtle White and Mrs. Mil
ton Clemens took them to O'Neill
to demonstration day.
At noon a picnic dinner was en
joyed at the park. As there were
no demonstrations in the after
noon, some went swimming and
others shopped before leaving for
Next meeting will be the latter
part of August
June 28 a family picnic was held
at the park in O’Neill honoring
Mr. and Mrs Levi Clemens on
their 48th wedding anniversary
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Travers
of Long Beach, Calif., who were
observing their 19th wedding an
Others present were Mr. ant
Mrs Milton .Clemmens, Janettt
ind I >onaId; Mrs. Leonard Pribil
Patty. Bill, Ann Marie anti
uren; Mr. and Mrs. Harolc
Hum rich, Becky and Jan;
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clem
sns. Jim, Dickie, Sherry and Tam
ra; and Harold Travers of Lon*
Beach (The Travers are here or
Marlin Below of Stanton; Mary
Negate of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs
Fred Anson of Brunswick; Mr
and Mrs Charles Sodersten o
Clearwater, came in the aftemoor
for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clemen:
visited relatives at Wagner, S.D.
Mr and Mrs. Frank Jungmai
of Atkinson spent the July 4tl
with the Bud Clemens family.
Mr. and Mr*. Frank Searle**
and Douglas Friedrich of Den
ver, Colo., visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo
and family a few days last week.
Mr*. Searels is Mrs. Waldo’s
Mr. and Mrs Glenn White wen'
to Omaha Wednesday, July 1, tt
bring Mrs. White's parents, Mr
and Mrs. S C. Barnett, to theit
home Mr. Barnett had been f
patient in the Methodist hospita
there for surgery for an ulcer.
Mrs. Gertie Adair returned homt
Tuesday, June 30, from a visi'
with her daughter, Mrs. Georgt
(Modene) Fogle and family, anc
.;a sister, Mrs Elmer Enbody, and
a brother, George Gilman, and
I their families in Washington state
Mrs. Stella Sparks and Mrs.
Ralph Adair, Alan and Dickie met
her in Grand Island
Mr and Mrs. Ralph Rees went
1 to Denver July 1 to visit their son.
Bob Rees and family. Mrs Rees
, has not been feeling well lately
and will go through the clinic
i while there.
Rev. and Mrs. Bob Kalb and
family, and Mr. and Mrs. B. W.
Waldo were supper guests Tues
day evening. June 30, at the home
[ of Mr and Mrs Ken Werner. The
| Kalb family left Wednesday morn
ing for their home at Willspoint,
; Tex., after a ten day visit here
with Mrs. Kalb's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. W Waldo and other rel
, atives.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson
spent July 4th at the home of Mr.
anil Mrs. Bill Maxwell near Al
bion. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johns
ton. Mark and Kay of Fremont
I were also guests
Mr. and airs. Arthur Hiatt,
Paul and Gene entertained at
4th of July dinner. Present were
Mr*. Viola Travers, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Travers and Harold
of Ix>ng Beach, ('allf., Mrs.
Nellie Baker of Casper, Wyo.,
Mr. and Mr*. Dorol Baker of
O’Neill, Mr. and Mr*. Levi
Clemens and Mrs. Joe Stoecker.
The Travers family left Sunday
morning for their home at Long
While Mr. rfnd Mrs. diaries
Spath were in Lancaster, Calif., tc
attend the wedding of their grand
son, Don Fullerton, they also at
tended a reunion of the Swengel
families. The reunion was held al
the home of Mi. and Mrs. Frank
Spath. a son of Mr. and Mrs
Charles Spath.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Miles Mahan of Montebello. Calif.;
Mrs. Don Pearson of Sebastopal,
Calif ; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton
Swengel of Yuma. Ariz.; Mr. and
Mrs Mark Swengel of San Jose.
Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Elmei
Swengel of Kansas City. Kans
This was the first time the fam
ily had been together in 16 years.
■\ir and Mrs. Spath of Omaha
were former Amelia residents.
Sam Gilman went to Fort Ran
dall, S. D.. Thursday for a few
days vacation
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Smith of At
kinson were supper guests on Ju
ly 4th of Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Sperling and
family of Cotesfield were July 4th
and Sunday guests at the Lloyd
Waldo home Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Searles and Douglas Fredrick of
Denver, Colo., were also guests
there on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge
and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus
were among those who called on
Mr and Mrs. S. C. Barnett Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Duncan of
Norfolk spent 4th of July at El
mer Oetter’s.
Mr and Mrs. Lee Leder and
son, Byron of Omaha and Mrs.
Robert Led -r of Atkinson were cal
ling on friends at Amelia Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Klentz of
Grand Island and Mrs. Lawrence
Buntrock of Areata, Calif., were
overnight visitors Monday at El
mer Getters The ladies are cou
sins Mr. Oetter.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos vis
ited at Edgar Jungman's Sunday
Mr. and Mrs Leonard Sv atos and
David and Mrs. Emma Lindsey
and Florence called at Anton Sv a
tos Saturday evening.
Bride Honored
Mrs. Don Fullerton was the re
ciever of many nice gifts at a
post-nuptial shower Monday eve
ning, June 29 at the church annex, j
The evenings entertainment con
sisted of songs by the audience,
■'Let Me Call You Sweetheart'
and "Let the Rest of tie World Go
By". Mrs Blossom Butler and
Mrs. Let' Gilman led the singing.
Games and a style revue were led
by Mrs. Dick Doolittle. She was
assisted by Cathy and Joyce lkx>
little, Beth Fullerton and Joan Ful
lerton in the style revue.
Mrs. Harlan Dierking served
as master of ceremonies in the
"Queen For a Day” program. Mrs.
Blake Ott, Mrs. Margie Sammons
and Mrs Harold Fullerton com
peted against Mrs. Don Fullerton
(the bride) for the prizes. The
bride won all the prizes. Mrs.
George Fullerton and Miss Fhilli
Fullerton assisted her with th
A colorful luncheon of salad
cake, coffee and ice ten was sci
ved. Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mrs Die
lXvolittle and Mrs Dunk Petei
son sponsored the shower.
O'Neill Locals
M. and Mrs Charles Cooper o
West Covina. California, are vis
iting relatives and friends here
Washington, last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berner o
York were dinner guests Sunda;
at the IX»n Kellner home.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jacques o
Hartington were weekend guest:
at the Ray Dendinger home
Linda Haynes was home for th<
weekend with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs, Leo Laible wen
in Atkinson Saturday at the homt
of his parents, the John Laibles
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Laible of I>en
ver are visiting at the home 01
his parents in Atkinson.
Mrs. Guy Cole returned homt
Monday from a week’s visit wit!
her sister in Mobile, Iowa.
Fourth of July guests at the D
N. Loy home were Mr and Mrs
Richard Loy of Wish! River, Iilli
nois, Mr. and Mrs. IX»nald Lqy ol
Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Holliday of Grand Island ttnd Mr
and Mrs. Ray Lewrence.
Mrs. Russell Borg called at the
s M. 15. Marccllus homo Saturdnv
!> Mrs Anna Polkvk of k» •
was a guest at the Don Kellne
. home Saturday and Sunday
Guests at the 1 Height Harde
< home several days last week wer
- her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mi
Jack Haapnla of Oakland. Calil.a
Carole Johnson of Lincoln sper
the weekend with her parents, th
Marvin Johnsons.
Weekend guests at the L A
f Becker home were their daughtc
- and family. Mr and Mrs. John Cut
■ ry, and their son, Jim, and
friend of his, Frank Wolfe all c
f Kansas City.
Mr. ami Mrs. Herman Janznij
returned Monday from Severn
• day's visit with their son, Ber
! | nard, and his family in Wichita
11 Lorna Marcellus was home fo
the weekend from Lincoln
' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gydoset
' spent the weekend in Scotia wit!
Mr. and Mm. Bill Gydeseti
Janice Brittell of Palmdale, Cal
ifornia. is here for a two wee!
vacation with Mrs. Etta Brittel
and the Arnie Mace jr. family .
Mr, and Mrs. Homer Kreh an
children of Denver art* v isiting thi
vveek at the Marion Woidne.
Bob Beckenbauer of Omaha vv :e
home for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lnhaus am
Jean were in Humphrey Sunday
visiting with his parents.
Assorted flavors of
Jell-well Assorted Gelatins... 3 Pkgs. 19c
Skylark Bread SfiK£i..S519c
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Ritz Crackers fresh,* 29c
Hydrox Cookies SSS?!.. %£ 3 9c
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Crackers deficiously crisp.BoxJ/C
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Swift's Essex, or Cudahy’s Puritan Thuringer Lb. JF C
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FREE Franks Served with Pepsi-Cola Sat.
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